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An undeformed glomeroporphyritic andesite from the Sunda Arc of Java, Indonesia, contains zoned plagioclase and amphibole glomerocrysts in a fine-grained groundmass and records a complex history of adcumulate formation and subsequent magmatic disaggregation. A suite of xenocrystic zircon records Proterozoic and Archaean dates whilst a discrete population of zoned, euhedral, igneous zircon yields a SHRIMP U-Pb crystallisation age of 9.3 ± 0.2 Ma. Quantitative microstructural analysis of zircon by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) shows no deformation in the inherited xenocrysts, but intragrain orientation variations of up to 30° in 80% of the young zircon population. These variations are typically accommodated by both progressive crystallographic bending and discrete low angle boundaries that overprint compositional growth zoning. Dispersion of crystallographic orientations are dominantly by rotation about an axis parallel to the zircon c-axis [001], which is coincident with the dominant orientation of misorientation axes of adjacent analysis points in EBSD maps. Less common <100> misorientation axes account for minor components of crystallographic dispersion. These observations are consistent with zircon deformation by dislocation creep and the formation of tilt and twist boundaries associated with the operation of <001>{100} and <100>{010} slip systems. The restriction of deformation microstructures to large glomerocrysts and the young magmatic zircon population, and the absence of deformation within the host igneous rock and inherited zircon grains, indicate that zircon deformation took place within a low-melt fraction (<5% melt), mid-lower crustal cumulate prior to fragmentation during magmatic disaggregation and entrainment of xenocrystic zircons during magmatic decompression. Tectonic stresses within the compressional Sunda Arc at the time of magmatism are considered to be the probable driver for low-strain deformation of the cumulate in the late stages of initial crystallisation. These results provide the first evidence of crystal plastic dislocation creep in zircon associated with magmatic crystallisation and indicate that the development of crystal-plastic microstructures in zircon is not restricted to high-strain rocks. Such microstructures have previously been shown to enhance bulk diffusion of trace elements (U, Th and REE) in zircon. The development of deformation microstructures, and therefore multiple diffusion pathways in zircon in the magmatic environment, has significant implications for the interpretation of geochemical data from igneous zircon and the trace element budgets of melts due to the potential enhancement of bulk diffusion and dissolution rates.  相似文献   

Application of new scanning electron microscope techniques to the study of deformed metamorphic pyrite reveals evidence for plastic deformation not readily recognised by more traditional methods. Specifically, use of forescatter solid-state detectors in conjunction with tilted polished specimens of pyritic ore produces high quality crystallographic orientation contrast images, which map the distribution of deformation domains within grains. Use of electron-backscatter diffraction allows quantification of the crystallographic misorientations shown by the orientation contrast images. Combination of these techniques shows that the pyrite studied deforms by slip on {100} and more rarely {110} systems. Slip is often associated with distributed rotation of up to 20° about <100> and more rarely <110> axes. Pyrites may have simple histories involving rotation about a single <100> axis, or more complex histories involving rotation about different <100> axes, and more rarely <110>, in different domains of the same pyrite grain, or sequential rotations about quite different systems, typically distributed rotation about <100> followed by discrete rotation about a non-crystallographic axis. Received: 25 June 1997 / Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   

Microstructural analysis of pyrite from a single sample of Witwatersrand conglomerate indicates a complex deformation history involving components of both plastic and brittle deformation. Internal deformation associated with dislocation creep is heterogeneously developed within grains, shows no systematic relationship to bulk rock strain or the location of grain boundaries and is interpreted to represent an episode of pyrite deformation that predates the incorporation of detrital pyrite grains into the Central Rand conglomerates. In contrast, brittle deformation, manifest by grain fragmentation that transects dislocation-related microstructures, is spatially related to grain contacts and is interpreted to represent post-depositional deformation of the Central Rand conglomerates. Analysis of the low-angle boundaries associated with the early dislocation creep phase of deformation indicates the operation of <010>{100} slip systems. However, some orientation boundaries have geometrical characteristics that are not consistent with simple <010>{100} deformation. These boundaries may represent the combination of multiple slip systems or the operation of the previously unrecognized <001>{120} slip system. These boundaries are associated with order of magnitude enrichments in As, Ni and Co that indicate a deformation control on the remobilization of trace elements within pyrite and a potential slip system control on the effectiveness of fast-diffusion pathways. The results confirm the importance of grain-scale elemental remobilization within pyrite prior to their incorporation into the Witwatersrand gold-bearing conglomerates. Since the relationship between gold and pyrite is intimately related to the trace element geochemistry of pyrite, the results have implications for the application of minor element geochemistry to ore deposit formation, suggest a reason for heterogeneous conductivity and localized gold precipitation in natural pyrite and provide a framework for improving mineral processing.  相似文献   

The deformation-related microstructure of an Indian Ocean zircon hosted in a gabbro deformed at amphibolite grade has been quantified by electron backscatter diffraction. Orientation mapping reveals progressive variations in intragrain crystallographic orientations that accommodate 20° of misorientation in the zircon crystal. These variations are manifested by discrete low-angle (<4°) boundaries that separate domains recording no resolvable orientation variation. The progressive nature of orientation change is documented by crystallographic pole figures which show systematic small circle distributions, and disorientation axes associated with 0.5–4° disorientation angles, which lie parallel to rational low index crystallographic axes. In the most distorted part of the grain (area A), this is the [100] crystal direction. A quaternion analysis of orientation correlations confirms the [100] rotation axis inferred by stereographic inspection, and reveals subtle orientation variations related to the local boundary structure. Microstructural characteristics and orientation data are consistent with the low-angle boundaries having a tilt boundary geometry with dislocation line [100]. This tilt boundary is most likely to have formed by accumulation of edge dislocations associated with a 〈001〉{100} slip system. Analysis of the energy associated with these dislocations suggest they are energetically more favorable than TEM verified 〈010〉{100} slip. Analysis of minor boundaries in area A indicates deformation by either (001) edge, or [100](100) and [001](100) screw dislocations. In other parts of the grain, cross slip on (111), and (112) planes seems likely. These data provide the first detailed microstructural analysis of naturally deformed zircon and indicate ductile crystal-plastic deformation of zircon by the formation and migration of dislocations into low-angle boundaries. Minimum estimates of dislocation density in the low-angle boundaries are of the order of ∼3.1010 cm−2. This value is sufficiently high to have a marked effect on the geochemical behavior of zircon, via enhanced bulk diffusion and increased dissolution rates. Therefore, crystal plasticity in zircon may have significant implications for the interpretation of radiometric ages, isotopic discordance and trace element mobility during high-grade metamorphism and melting of the crust.  相似文献   

The NE to ENE trending Mesozoic Xingcheng-Taili ductile shear zone of the northeastern North China Craton was shaped by three phases of deformation. Deformation phase D1 is characterized by a steep, generally E–W striking gneissosity. It was then overprinted by deformation phase D2 with NE-sinistral shear with K-feldspar porphyroclasts forming a subhorizontal low-angle stretching lineation on a steep foliation. During deformation phase D3, lateral motion accommodated by ENE sinistral strike-slip shear zones dominated. Associated fabrics developed at upper greenschist metamorphic facies conditions and show the deformation characteristics of middle- to shallow crustal levels. In some parts, the older structures have been in turn overprinted by late-stage sinistral D3 shearing. Finite strain and kinematic vorticity in all deformed granitic rocks indicate a prolate ellipsoid (L-S tectonites) near plane strain. Simple shear-dominated general shear during D3 deformation is probably of general significance. The quartz c-axis textures indicate prism-gliding with a dominant rhomb <a> slip and basal <a> slip system formed mainly at low-middle temperatures. Mineral deformation behavior, quartz c-axis textures, quartz grain size and the Kruhl thermometer demonstrate that the ductile shear zone developed under greenschist facies metamorphic conditions at deformation temperatures ranging from 400 to 500 °C. Dislocation creep is the main deformation mechanism at a shallow crustal level. Fractal analysis showed that the boundaries of recrystallized quartz grains had statistically self-similarities. Differential stresses deduced from dynamically recrystallized quartz grain size are at around 20–39 MPa, and strain rates in the order of 10−12 to 10−14 s−1. This indicates deformation of granitic rocks in the Xingcheng-Taili ductile shear zone at low strain rates, which is consistent with most other ductile shear zones. Hornblende-plagioclase thermometer and white mica barometer indicate metamorphic conditions of medium pressures at around ca. 3–5 kbar and temperatures of 400–500 °C within greenschist facies conditions. The main D3 deformation of the ENE-trending sinistral strike-slip ductile shearing is related to the roll-back of the subducting Pacific plate beneath the North China Craton.  相似文献   

Commonly, basal glide is the predominant deformation mechanism of quartz in tectonites. Therefore, local deformation is probably mostly progressive simple shear rotating the sheared domains as well as deforming them. If a tectonite body is constrained to be deformed irrotationally and approximately homogeneously throughout, it is necessarily traversed by closely spaced material surfaces that are approximately plane and orthogonal originally, and stay so through time. These surfaces act as internal boundaries and enforce cancellation of the rigid-body rotations of, in the general case, four distinct families of domains, with slip planes and directions mutually mirror-symmetric. The overall symmetry of the fabric is orthorhombic, with the mirror planes coinciding with the principal planes of strain. Certain grains with basal planes in favorable orientation for one of the four ideal simple shears could initiate the deformation, and because of the need for compatibility, entrain neighboring grains into a similar strain, making the surroundings of an initiating grain a shear zone. Compatibility also requires thec-axes of grains in a domain to be rotated progressively toward the direction of maximum shortening. If the original orientation of crystallographic axes was random, domains of one family thus acquire a fabric with a single maximum, and the four resulting fabrics with single maxima combine to form crossed-girdle patterns. Depending on the orientation of the average shear planes and slip directions in the four families, the crossed girdles can be of different types; most fabric types that have been observed in quartz tectonites can be obtained by superposition. Crossed-girdle fabrics with low symmetry result from non-coaxial strain histories.  相似文献   

Elongate and deformed garnets from Glenelg, NW Scotland, occurwithin a thin shear zone transecting an eclogite body that hasundergone partial retrogression to amphibolite facies at circa700°C. Optical microscopy, back-scattered electron imaging,electron probe microanalysis and electron back-scatter diffractionreveal garnet sub-structures that are developed as a functionof strain. Subgrains with low-angle misorientation boundariesoccur at low strain and garnet orientations are dispersed, aroundrational crystallographic axes, across these boundaries. Towardshigh-strain areas, boundary misorientations increase and thereis a loss of crystallographic control on misorientations, whichtend towards random. In high-strain areas, a polygonal garnetmicrostructure is developed. The garnet orientations are randomlydispersed around the original single-crystal orientation. Somegarnet grains are elongate and Ca-rich garnet occurs on thefaces of elongate grains oriented normal to the foliation. Commonly,the garnet grains are admixed with matrix minerals, and, wherein contact with other phases, garnet is well faceted. We suggestthat individual garnet porphyroclasts record an evolution fromlow-strain conditions, where dislocation creep and recoveryaccommodated deformation, through increasing strain, where dynamicrecrystallization occurred by subgrain rotation, to higheststrains, where recrystallized grains were able to deform bydiffusion creep assisted grain boundary sliding with associatedrotations. KEY WORDS: diffusion creep; EBSD; garnet; plastic deformation; recrystallization  相似文献   

Garnet (10 vol.%; pyrope contents 34–44 mol.%) hosted in quartzofeldspathic rocks within a large vertical shear zone of south Madagascar shows a strong grain‐size reduction (from a few cm to ~300 μm). Electron back‐scattered diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscope imaging coupled with quantitative analysis of digitized images (PolyLX software) have been used in order to understand the deformation mechanisms associated with this grain‐size evolution. The garnet grain‐size reduction trend has been summarized in a typological evolution (from Type I to Type IV). Type I, the original porphyroblasts, form cm‐sized elongated grains that crystallized upon multiple nucleation and coalescence following biotite breakdown: biotite + sillimanite + quartz = garnet + alkali feldspar + rutile + melt. These large garnet grains contain quartz ribbons and sillimanite inclusions. Type I garnet is sheared along preferential planes (sillimanite layers, quartz ribbons and/or suitably oriented garnet crystallographic planes) producing highly elongated Type II garnet grains marked by a single crystallographic orientation. Further deformation leads to the development of a crystallographic misorientation, subgrains and new grains resulting in Type III garnet. Associated grain‐size reduction occurs via subgrain rotation recrystallization accompanied by fast diffusion‐assisted dislocation glide. This plastic deformation of garnet is associated with efficient recovery as shown by the very low dislocation densities (1010 m?3 or lower). The rounded Type III garnet experiences rigid body rotation in fine‐grained matrix. In the highly deformed samples, the deformation mechanisms in garnet are grain‐size‐ and shape‐dependent: dislocation creep is dominant for the few large grains left (>1 mm; Type II garnet), rigid body rotation is typical for the smaller rounded grains (300 μm or less; Type III garnet) whereas diffusion creep may affect more elliptic garnet (Type IV garnet). The P–T conditions of garnet plasticity in the continental crust (≥950 °C; 11 kbar) have been identified using two‐feldspar thermometry and GASP conventional barometry. The garnet microstructural and deformation mechanisms evolution, coupled with grain‐size decrease in a fine‐grained steady‐state microstructure of quartz, alkali feldspar and plagioclase, suggests a separate mechanical evolution of garnet with respect to felsic minerals within the shear zone.  相似文献   

The Sisters Shear Zone (SSZ) on Stewart Island, New Zealand, is a greenschist-facies extensional shear zone active prior to and possibly during the development of the Pacific–Antarctica spreading ridge at ∼76 Ma. We report quantitative kinematic and rotation data as well as apatite fission-track (AFT) ages from the SSZ. Early kinematic indicators associated with the NNE-trending stretching lineation formed under upper greenschist-facies metamorphism and show alternating top-to-the-NNW and top-to-the-SSE senses of shear. During progressive exhumation lowermost greenschist-facies and brittle-ductile kinematic indicators depict a more uniform top-to-the-SSE sense of shear in the topmost SSZ just below the detachment plane. Deformed metagranites in the SSZ allow the reconstruction of deformation and flow parameters. The mean kinematic vorticity number (Wm) ranges from 0.10 to 0.89; smaller numbers prevail in the deeper parts of the shear zone with a higher degree of simple shear deformation in the upper parts of the shear zone (deeper and upper parts relate to present geometry). High finite strain intensity correlates with low Wm and high Wm numbers near the detachment correlate with relatively weak strain intensity. Finite strain shows oblate geometries. Overall, our data indicate vertical and possibly temporal variations in deformation of the SSZ. Most AFT ages cluster around 85–75 Ma. We interpret the AFT ages to reflect the final stages of continental break-up just before and possibly during the initiation of sea-floor spreading between New Zealand and Antarctica.  相似文献   

Crystallographic orientation data from pure albite domains in a low-grade sheared metagabbro from the Combin Zone of the western Italian Alps were measured by electron backscatter diffraction. Crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) in four high-strain domains are non-random and have a triclinic symmetry. The clusters of [100], [010] and [001] show an angular relationship that corresponds to that of the albite crystal lattice. However, the orientations of axis clusters to the kinematic axes vary from domain to domain. CPOs from a low-strain domain also show clustered axes with triclinic symmetry, but with more intense clustering than those in the high-strain domains. Grain misorientation distributions are presented both for the low-strain domain and one of the high-strain domains. In the high-strain domain, the distribution of misorientation angles between neighbouring grains displays a peak at about 70°. The equivalent distribution in the low-strain domain has a peak at 30°. For both domains, the misorientation axis distributions, between neighbouring and non-neighbouring grains, are random, except for some of axes with 160–180° misorientation that exhibit a slight concentration around [010]. The diversity of CPOs among the domains suggests that these CPOs could not be produced by dislocation creep. They are likely to have been inherited from plagioclase parents, as a result of host control on the nucleation of the new albite grains. These CPOs do not contain any direct information about the deformation kinematics. We interpret that deformation of these domains occurred by granular flow. Crystallographic axis dispersion due to grain boundary sliding (GBS) caused weakening of CPOs, modification of misorientation angle distributions and randomisation of misorientation axis distributions. The fact that a CPO can survive GBS even after a high strain indicates that CPO is not always a sensitive indicator of deformation mechanisms. Misorientation distribution may provide a complementary, and possibly a more sensitive indicator of deformation mechanisms.  相似文献   

舒兰北东向韧性剪切带位于佳木斯-伊通断裂带(佳-伊断裂带)中南段, 剪切带内糜棱岩具有明显左行走滑特征, 片麻理产状近NNE向.糜棱岩中长石有限应变Flinn图解判别岩石类型为L-S型构造岩, 属拉长型应变.石英C轴EBSD组构分析表明, 石英组构以中低温菱面为主, 滑移系为{0001} < 110>.剪切带内糜棱岩的剪应变为0.44, 不同方法计算所得运动学涡度值均大于0.95, 指示剪切变形以简单剪切为主.综合矿物变形温度计、石英C轴EBSD组构、石英的粒度-频数图及Kruhl温度计综合估计该韧性剪切带变形机制以位错蠕变机制为主, 变质相为低绿片岩相, 发生韧性变形和糜棱岩化温度范围在400~500 ℃之间.糜棱岩内石英动态重结晶新晶粒边界普遍具有锯齿状或港湾状结构, 利用分形方法对其重结晶新晶边界研究表明, 这些晶粒边界具有自相似性, 表现出分形特征, 分形维数值为1.195~1.220.根据石英重结晶粒径估算差应力值为24.35~27.59 MPa, 代表了舒兰韧性剪切带糜棱岩化作用过程的差异应力下限.使用不同实验方法估算、比较和分析了该剪切带古应变速率, 认为该速率应为10-12.00~10-13.18 s-1, 与区域性应变速率10-13.00~10-15.00 s-1对比, 说明舒兰韧性剪切带的应变速率与世界上大多数韧性剪切带中的糜棱岩应变速率一致, 是缓慢变形的结果, 其形成可能与早白垩世伊泽纳崎板块向欧亚大陆俯冲发生转向有关.   相似文献   

This study explores the state of finite strain and changes in the mean kinematic vorticity number, grain size, whole-rock chemistry and mineralogy across an upper amphibolite-facies shear zone in a metadiorite, northern Malawi, east-central Africa. P–T conditions during shear-zone formation and deformation were approximately 700–750C and 5–7?kbar and are slightly less than P–T conditions for the regional peak of metamorphism. The major rock-forming minerals, plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, and quartz, were deformed by crystal-plastic processes accompanied by, except for hornblende, dynamic recrystallization. The modal abundance of all four major rock-forming minerals shows no systematic change from the country rock into and across the shear zone, indicating that shear-zone development was not associated with retrograde mineral reactions. The grain size of the major rock-forming minerals decreases within the shear zone. Plagioclase and hornblende, which occur as porphyroblasts outside the shear zone, exhibit a bimodal grain-size distribution within the shear zone. Quartz has a unimodal grain-size distribution in the shear zone. Major and trace element chemistry does not change systematically across the shear zone, implying no volume change in the mylonite. Matrix strain data for plagioclase and hornblende by the Fry method and fabric strain as deduced from Rf/φ analysis of plagioclase and quartz grains demonstrate a slightly constrictional strain type (K≈1.5) across the shear zone. The quantitative finite-strain data for the different residual minerals as obtained by unlike methods show no systematic variation, but recrystallized plagioclase grains record higher strain than the residual grains. The mean kinematic vorticity number changes from approximately 0.3 outside to approximately 0.8 within the shear zone, indicating that the bulk deformation path deviated from progressive simple shear. The estimates for finite strain and the degree of noncoaxiality account for approximately 50% of thinning normal to the shear zone.  相似文献   

秦亚  冯佐海  黄靖哲  白玉明  吴杰  张桂林  万磊 《地球科学》2021,46(11):4017-4032
通过野外地质调查、室内显微组构分析和磁组构测量,在桂北三门地区厘定出一条大型韧性剪切带;并利用热液锆石U-Pb定年约束其变形时代.三门韧性剪切带发育密集的透入性片理、旋转碎斑系、拉伸线理、眼球构造、书斜构造、A型褶皱、波状消光、机械双晶、核幔构造和S-C组构等宏观和微观韧性变形特征.磁各向异性度(P值)显示其走向呈NNE向,倾向呈NWW向.运动学指向显示早期具有左旋逆冲剪切,晚期具有右旋正滑剪切的运动学性质.磁化率椭球体扁率(E值)显示岩石变形以压扁型应变为主,暗示运动学方向以左旋逆冲剪切为主.镁铁质糜棱岩的热液锆石U-Pb定年结果为441±2 Ma,代表三门韧性剪切带的变形时代.在磁组构、运动学和年代学研究的基础上,结合区域地质资料,认为该韧性剪切带是华南加里东期华夏陆块由SE向NW逆冲到扬子陆块受阻后反冲作用的产物.这一认识揭示了扬子陆块和华夏陆块碰撞拼合的方式和时代,为深化华南加里东构造运动的认识提供了新的资料.   相似文献   

Intragranular microshear zones within a greenschist facies calcite marble were studied to try to constrain better the processes of dynamic recrystallization as well as the deformation processes that occur within newly recrystallized grains. Intragranular recrystallized grains within large, twinned calcite porphyroclasts can be related to the host from which they have recrystallized and are the focus of an electron backscatter diffraction study. Lattice distortions, low angle boundaries and some high angle boundaries (>15°) in the microshears within a porphyroclast have the same misorientation axes suggesting that deformation occurred by climb-accommodated dislocation creep involving subgrain rotation recrystallization. Changes in the ratio of host and twin domain, as the deformation zone is entered, show that twin boundary migration also occurred. Recrystallized grains have similar sizes (10–60 μm) to subgrains, suggesting that they formed by subgrain rotation. However, within the intragranular microshear zones the misorientations between recrystallized grains and porphyroclasts are considerably larger than 15° and misorientation axes are randomly oriented. Moreover recrystallized grain orientations average around the porphyroclast orientation. We suggest that the recrystallized grains, once formed, are able to deform partly by diffusion accommodated grain boundary sliding, which is consistent with predictions made from lab flow laws.  相似文献   

The Helvetic nappes in Switzerland consist of sediments, which have been sheared off and thrust over the crystalline basement of the European passive continental margin during Alpine orogeny. Their basal shear zones usually root above the external crystalline massifs. However, the mechanisms that initiated the shear zones and the associated nappe formation are still debated. We perform two-dimensional numerical simulations of the shearing of linear viscous fluids above a linear viscous fluid with considerably higher viscosity (quasi-undeformable). The boundary between the fluid, mimicking the sediments, and the quasi-undeformable fluid, mimicking the basement, exhibits geometrical perturbations, mimicking half-grabens. These geometrical perturbations can trigger significant strain localization and the formation of shear zones within the linear viscous fluid although no rheological softening mechanism is active. This kinematic, ductile strain localization is caused by the half-grabens and the viscosity ratio between basement and sediments. The viscosity ratio has a strong control on the kinematics of strain localization, whereas the depth of the half-grabens has a weak control. For sediment viscosities in the order of 1021 Pas and typical half-graben geometries of 5 km depth and 25 km width the localization generates (a) low-angle shear zones at the basement-sediment interface, but also entirely within the sediments, (b) horizontal transport >10 km associated with the shear zones, (c) shear zones with thickness in the order of 100 m, (d) an ordered stacking of model nappes and (e) shear zones that root above the basement. The results suggest that tectonic inheritance in the form of half-grabens and associated kinematic strain localization could have been the triggering mechanism for Helvetic nappe formation, and not rheological softening mechanisms, which might, however, have subsequently further intensified shear localization significantly.  相似文献   

A methodology has been developed to extend the incremental (Eulerian) Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique to enable a Lagrangian‐based large‐strain analysis framework to examine the nature of strain and kinematic nonuniformity within shear bands in sands. Plane strain compression tests are performed on dense sands in an apparatus that promotes unconstrained persistent shear band formation. DIC is used to capture incremental, grain‐scale displacements in and around shear bands. The performance of the developed accumulation algorithm is validated by comparing accumulated displacements with two sources of reference measurements. A comparison between large and infinitesimal rotation is performed, demonstrating the nature of straining within shear bands in sands and the necessity of using a finite strain formulation to characterize ensuing behavior. Volumetric strain variation along the shear band is analyzed throughout macroscopic postpeak deformation. During softening, volumetric activity within the shear band is purely dilative. During the global critical state, the shear band material is seen on the average to deform at zero volumetric strain; however, locally, the sand is seen to exhibit significant nonzero volumetric strain, putting into question the current definition of critical state. At the softening‐critical state transition, a spatially periodic pattern of alternating contraction and dilation along the shear band is evidenced, and a preliminary evaluation indicates that the periodicity appears to be a physical phenomenon dictated only in part by median grain size. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Diancang Shan metamorphic massif, the northwestern extension of the Ailao Shan Massif, is a typical metamorphic complex situated along the NW–SE-trending Ailao Shan–Red River shear zone. Diancang Shan granitic and amphibolitic mylonites collected from sheared high-grade metamorphic rocks were studied using petrographic and electron-backscatter diffraction techniques. Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe U–Pb dating of zircon grains from the granitic mylonites constrains the timing of shearing. Macro- and microstructural and textural analysis reveals intense plastic deformation of feldspar, quartz, and amphibole under amphibolite-facies conditions, all consistently document left-lateral shearing. Porphyritic monzogranitic mylonite within the shear zone possesses evidence supporting a sequential, progressive process from crystallization during magma emplacement, through submagmatic flow to solid-state plastic deformation. We suggest that the early-kinematic pluton subsequently underwent strong left-lateral strike–slip shearing. The development of complex textures of quartz, feldspar, and amphibole from the granitic and amphibolitic mylonites apparently records successive variation of conditions attending coherent, solid-state high-temperature ductile deformation during regional left-lateral shearing. All magmatic zircons from the mylonitized porphyritic monzogranite give U–Pb ages of 30.95 ± 0.61 million years for the crystallization of the granite. This age provides the timing of onset of left-lateral shearing along the Ailao Shan–Red River shear zone in the Diancang Shan high-grade metamorphic massif.  相似文献   

Quartz c axis fabrics and microstructures have been investigated within a suite of quartzites collected from the Loch Eriboll area of the Moine Thrust zone and are used to interpret the detailed processes involved in fabric evolution. The intensity of quartz c axis fabrics is directly proportional to the calculated strain magnitude. A correlation is also established between the pattern of c axis fabrics and the calculated strain symmetry.Two kinematic domains are recognized within one of the studied thrust sheets which outcrops immediately beneath the Moine Thrust. Within the upper and central levels of the thrust sheet coaxial deformation is indicated by conjugate, mutually interfering shear bands, globular low strain detrital quartz grains whose c axes are aligned sub-parallel to the principal finite shortening direction (Z) and quartz c axis fabrics which are symmetric (both in terms of skeletal outline and intensity distribution) with respect to mylonitic foliation and lineation. Non-coaxial deformation is indicated within the more intensely deformed and recrystallized quartzites located near the base of the thrust sheet by single sets of shear bands and c axis fabrics which are asymmetric with respect to foliation and lineation.Tectonic models offering possible explanations for the presence of kinematic (strain path) domains within thrust sheets are considered.  相似文献   

A polycrystalline aggregate of anhydrite was deformed in torsion to a maximum shear strain of 8.1 at 700°C and a maximum shear strain rate of 5᎒-3 s-1. The crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO or texture) was investigated as a function of shear strain/shear strain rate in a radial profile from the centre to the edge of the sample. A deformation texture developed at shear strains of 1.5-2 (corresponding to shear strain rates of 1 to 1.3᎒-3 s-1) and reached a stable position relative to the kinematic frame at a shear strain of 3.7 (2.3᎒-3 s-1). Further shear strain only led to a small increase in texture strength but no change in the orientation relative to the kinematic frame. The CPO is very similar to naturally observed textures and can be explained by the activity of the {001}<010> and {012}<121> slip systems. Although independent mechanical data indicate that a change of mechanism from dislocation- to diffusion-controlled creep occurred at a shear strain of approximately 1.5, the texture does not weaken, but rather increases, in strength with higher shear strains.  相似文献   

<正>The Ailao Shan-Red River fault zone is the boundary between the Yangtze block to the northeast and the Indochina block to the southwest.It is an important tectonic zone due to its role in the southeastward extrusion of the Indochina block during and subsequent to the Indian-Eurasian collision.Diancang Shan(DCS) high-grade metamorphic complex,located at the northwest extension along the Ailao Shan-Red River(ASRR) shear zone,is a representative metamorphic complex of the ASRR tectonic belt.Structural and microstructural analysis of sheared rocks in the high-grade metamorphic rocks reveals that they are coherent with solid-state high-temperature ductile deformation,which is attributed to left-lateral shearing along the ASRR shear zone.New LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronological and microstructural studies of the post-kinematic granitic plutons provide a straightforward time constraint on the termination ductile left-lateral shearing and exhumation of the metamorphic massif in the ASRR shear zone.It is suggested that the left-lateral shearing along the ASRR shear zone ended at ca.21 Ma at relative lower-temperature or decreasing temperature conditions.During or after the emplacement of the young dikes at ca.21 Ma,rapid brittle deformation event occurred,which makes the DCS massif start fast uplift/exhumation and cooling to a shallow crustal level.  相似文献   

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