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Systematic analysis of a grid of 3450 km of multichannel seismic reflection lines from the Solomon Islands constrains the late Tertiary sedimentary and tectonic history of the Solomon Island arc and its convergent interaction with the Cretaceous Ontong Java oceanic plateau (OJP). The OJP, the largest oceanic plateau on Earth, subducted beneath the northern edge of the Solomon arc in the late Neogene, but the timing and consequences of this obliquely convergent event and its role in the subduction polarity reversal process remain poorly constrained. The Central Solomon intra-arc basin (CSB), which developed in Oligocene to Recent time above the Solomon arc, provides a valuable record of the tectonic environment prior to and accompanying the OJP convergent event and the subsequent arc polarity reversal. Recognition of regionally extensive stratigraphic sequences—whose ages can be inferred from marine sedimentary sections exposed onland in the Solomon Islands—indicate four distinct tectonic phases affecting the Solomon Island arc. Phase 1: Late Oligocene–Late Miocene rifting of the northeast-facing Solomon Island arc produced basal, normal-fault-controlled, asymmetrical sequences of the CSB; the proto-North Solomon trench was probably much closer to the CSB and is inferred to coincide with the trace of the present-day Kia-Kaipito-Korigole (KKK) fault zone; this protracted period of intra-arc extension shows no evidence for interruption by an early Miocene period of convergent “soft docking” of the Ontong Java Plateau as proposed by previous workers. Phase 2: Late Miocene–Pliocene oblique convergence of the Ontong Java Plateau at the proto-North Solomon trench (KKK fault zone) and folding of the CSB and formation of the Malaita accretionary prism (MAP); the highly oblique and diachronous convergence between the Ontong Java plateau and the Solomon arc terminates intra-arc extension first in the southeast (Russell subbasin of the CSB) during the Late Miocene and later during the Pliocene in the northwest (Shortland subbasin of the CSB); folds in the CSB form by inversion of normal faults formed during Phase 1; Phinney et al. [Sequence stratigraphy, structural style, and age of deformation of the Malaita accretionary prism (Solomon arc-Ontong Java Plateau convergent zone)] show a coeval pattern of southeast to northwest younging in folding and faulting of the MAP. Phase 3: Late Pliocene–early Pleistocene arc polarity reversal and subduction initiation at the San Cristobal trench. Effects of this event in the CSB include the formation of a chain of volcanoes above the subducting Australia plate at the San Cristobal trench, the formation of the broad synclinal structure of the CSB with evidence for truncation at the uplifted flanks, and widespread occurrence of slides and “seismites” (deposits formed by seismic shaking). Phase 4: Pleistocene to Recent continued shortening and synclinal subsidence of the CSB. Continued Australia-Pacific oblique plate convergence has led to deepening of the submarine, elongate basin axis of the synclinal CSB and uplift of the dual chain of the islands on its flanks.  相似文献   

Possibilities for the fate of oceanic plateaus at subduction zones range from complete subduction of the plateau beneath the arc to complete plateau–arc accretion and resulting collisional orogenesis. Deep penetration, multi-channel seismic reflection (MCS) data from the northern flank of the Solomon Islands reveal the sequence stratigraphy, structural style, and age of deformation of an accretionary prism formed during late Neogene (5–0 Ma) convergence between the 33-km-thick crust of the Ontong Java oceanic plateau and the 15-km-thick Solomon island arc. Correlation of MCS data with the satellite-derived, free-air gravity field defines the tectonic boundaries and internal structure of the 800-km-long, 140-km-wide accretionary prism. We name this prism the “Malaita accretionary prism” or “MAP” after Malaita, the largest and best-studied island exposure of the accretionary prism in the Solomon Islands. MCS data, gravity data, and stratigraphic correlations to islands and ODP sites on the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) reveal that the offshore MAP is composed of folded and thrust faulted sedimentary rocks and upper crystalline crust offscraped from the Solomon the subducting Ontong Java Plateau (Pacific plate) and transferred to the Solomon arc. With the exception of an upper, sequence of Quaternary? island-derived terrigenous sediments, the deformed stratigraphy of the MAP is identical to that of the incoming Ontong Java Plateau in the North Solomon trench.We divide the MAP into four distinct, folded and thrust fault-bounded structural domains interpreted to have formed by diachronous, southeast-to-northwest, and highly oblique entry of the Ontong Java Plateau into a former trench now marked by the Kia–Kaipito–Korigole (KKK) left-lateral strike-slip fault zone along the suture between the Solomon arc and the MAP. The structural style within each of the four structural domains consists of a parallel series of three to four fault propagation folds formed by the seaward propagation of thrust faults roughly parallel to sub-horizontal layering in the upper crystalline part of the OJP. Thrust fault offsets, spacing between thrusts, and the amplitude of related fault propagation folds progressively decrease to the west in the youngest zone of active MAP accretion (Choiseul structural domain). Surficial faulting and folding in the most recently deformed, northwestern domain show active accretion of greater than 1 km of sedimentary rock and 6 km, or about 20%, of the upper crystalline part of the OJP. The eastern MAP (Malaita and Ulawa domains) underwent an earlier, similar style of partial plateau accretion. A pre-late Pliocene age of accretion (3.4 Ma) is constrained by an onshore and offshore major angular unconformity separating Pliocene reefal limestone and conglomerate from folded and faulted pelagic limestone of Cretaceous to Miocene age. The lower 80% of the Ontong Java Plateau crust beneath the MAP thrust decollement appears unfaulted and unfolded and is continuous with a southwestward-dipping subducted slab of presumably denser plateau material beneath most of the MAP, and is traceable to depths >200 km in the mantle beneath the Solomon Islands.  相似文献   

Paul Mann  Asahiko Taira   《Tectonophysics》2004,389(3-4):137
Oceanic plateaus, areas of anomalously thick oceanic crust, cover about 3% of the Earth's seafloor and are thought to mark the surface location of mantle plume “heads”. Hotspot tracks represent continuing magmatism associated with the remaining plume conduit or “tail”. It is presently controversial whether voluminous and mafic oceanic plateau lithosphere is eventually accreted at subduction zones, and, therefore: (1) influences the eventual composition of continental crust and; (2) is responsible for significantly higher rates of continental growth than growth only by accretion of island arcs. The Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) of the southwestern Pacific Ocean is the largest and thickest oceanic plateau on Earth and the largest plateau currently converging on an island arc (Solomon Islands). For this reason, this convergent zone is a key area for understanding the fate of large and thick plateaus on reaching subduction zones.This volume consists of a series of four papers that summarize the results of joint US–Japan marine geophysical studies in 1995 and 1998 of the Solomon Islands–Ontong Java Plateau convergent zone. Marine geophysical data include single and multi-channel seismic reflection, ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) refraction, gravity, magnetic, sidescan sonar, and earthquake studies. Objectives of this introductory paper include: (1) review of the significance of oceanic plateaus as potential contributors to continental crust; (2) review of the current theories on the fate of oceanic plateaus at subduction zones; (3) establish the present-day and Neogene tectonic setting of the Solomon Islands–Ontong Java Plateau convergent zone; (4) discuss the controversial sequence and timing of tectonic events surrounding Ontong Java Plateau–Solomon arc convergence; (5) present a series of tectonic reconstructions for the period 20 Ma (early Miocene) to the present-day in support of our proposed timing of major tectonic events affecting the Ontong Java Plateau–Solomon Islands convergent zone; and (6) compare the structural and deformational pattern observed in the Solomon Islands to ancient oceanic plateaus preserved in Precambrian and Phanerozoic orogenic belts. Our main conclusion of this study is that 80% of the crustal thickness of the Ontong Java Plateau is subducted beneath the Solomon island arc; only the uppermost basaltic and sedimentary part of the crust (7 km) is preserved on the overriding plate by subduction–accretion processes. This observation is consistent with the observed imbricate structural style of plateaus and seamount chains preserved in both Precambrian and Phanerozoic orogenic belts.  相似文献   

The Woodlark Basin, located south of the Solomon Islands arc region, is a young (5 Ma) oceanic basin that subducts beneath the New Britain Trench. This region is one of only a few subduction zones in the world where it is possible to study a young plate subduction of several Ma. To obtain the image of the subducting slab at the western side of the Woodlark Basin, a 40-day Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) survey was conducted in 1998 to detect the micro-seismic activity. It was the first time such a survey had been performed in this location and over 600 hypocenters were located. The seismic activity is concentrated at the 10–60 km depth range along the plate boundary. The upper limit just about coincides with the leading edge of the accretionary wedge. The upper limit boundary was identified as the up-dip limit of the seismogenic zone, whereas the down-dip limit of the seismogenic zone was difficult to define. The dip angle of the plate at the high seismicity zone was found to average about 30°. Using the Cascadia subduction zone for comparison, which is a typical example of a young plate subduction, suggests that the subduction of the Woodlark Basin was differentiated by a high dip angle and rather landward location of the seismic front from the trench axis (30 km landward from the trench axis). Furthermore, as pointed out by previous researchers, the convergent margin of the Solomon Islands region is imposed with a high stress state, probably due to the collision of the Ontong Java Plateau and a rather rapid convergence rate (10 cm/year). The results of the high angle plate subduction and inner crust earthquakes beneath the Shortland Basin strongly support the high stress state. The collision of the Ontong Java Plateau, the relatively rapid convergence rate, and moderately cold slab as evidenced by low heat flow, rather than the plate age, may be dominantly responsible for the geometry of the seismogenic zone in the western part of the Woodlark Basin subduction zone.  相似文献   

The Solomon Islands are a complex collage of crustal units or terrains (herein termed the `Solomon block') which have formed and accreted within an intra-oceanic environment since Cretaceous times. Predominantly Cretaceous basaltic basement sequences are divided into: (1) a plume-related Ontong Java Plateau terrain (OJPT) which includes Malaita, Ulawa, and northern Santa Isabel; (2) a `normal' ocean ridge related South Solomon MORB terrain (SSMT) which includes Choiseul and Guadalcanal; and (3) a hybrid `Makira terrain' which has both MORB and plume/plateau affinities. The OJPT formed as an integral part of the massive Ontong Java Plateau (OJP), at c. 122 Ma and 90 Ma, respectively, was subsequently affected by Eocene–Oligocene alkaline and alnoitic magmatism, and was unaffected by subsequent arc development. The SSMT initially formed within a `normal' ocean ridge environment which produced a MORB-like basaltic basement through which two stages of arc crustal growth subsequently developed from the Eocene onwards. The Makira terrain records the intermingling of basalts with plume/plateau and MORB affinities from c. 90 Ma to c. 30 Ma, and a contribution from Late Miocene–present-day arc growth. Two distinct stages of arc growth occurred within the Solomon block from the Eocene to the Early Miocene (stage 1) and from the Late Miocene to the present day (stage 2). Stage 1 arc growth created the basement of the central part of the Solomon block (the Central Solomon terrain, CST), which includes the Shortland, Florida and south Isabel islands. Stage 2 arc growth led to crustal growth in the west and south (the New Georgia terrain or NGT) which includes Savo, and the New Georgia and Russell islands. Both stages of arc growth also added new material to pre-existing crustal units within other terrains. The Solomon block terrane collage records the collision between the Alaska sized OJP and the Solomon arc. Initial contact possibly first occurred some 25–20 Ma but it is only since around 4 Ma that the OJP has more forcefully collided with the Solomon arc, and has been actively accreting since that time, continuing to the present day. We present a number of tectonic models in an attempt to understand the mechanism of plateau accretion. One model depicts the OJP as splitting in two with the upper 4–10 km forming an imbricate stack verging to the northeast, over which the Solomon arc is overthrust, whilst deeper portions of the OJP (beneath a critical detachment surface) are subducted. The subduction of young (<5 Ma), hot, oceanic lithosphere belonging to the Woodlark basin at the SSTS has resulted in a sequence of tectonic phenomena including: the production of unusual magma compositions (e.g. Na–Ti-rich basalts, and an abundance of picrites); an anomalously small arc–trench gap between the SSTS and the Quaternary–Recent arc front; calc-alkaline arc growth within the downgoing Woodlark basin lithospheric plate as a consequence of calc-alkaline magma transfer along leaky NE–SW-trending faults; rapid fore-arc uplift; and rapid infilling of intra-arc basins. The present-day highly oblique collision between the Pacific and Australian plates has resulted in the formation of rhombohedral intra- and back-arc basins.  相似文献   

The Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) in the western central Pacific is the largest and thickest oceanic plateau and one of a few oceanic plateaus converging on an island arc (Solomon island arc—SIA). To better understand the evolution of the North Solomon trench (NST), active oblique convergence between the OJP and SIA, and late Neogene development of Malaita accretionary prism (MAP), we present 850 km of multichannel seismic reflection data integrated with 7832 km2 of IZANAGI side-scan sonar coverage. We have focussed the study at the transition area between the well-defined northwestern end of the North Solomon trench and a diffusely deformed area where the trench is actively propagating in a northwestward direction. The deeper structure beneath the survey area is discussed by Phinney et al. [Oceanic plateau accretion in the Malaita accretionary prism inferred from multi-channel seismic reflection data, this issue] using deeper penetration, multichannel seismic reflection lines. The serial cross sections provided by multichannel seismic profiling combined with the IZANAGI backscattering imagery provides a time series evolution for the development of the North Solomon trench. The main evolutionary stages include (1) the incipient trench in the northern area marked by a diffuse zone of deformation above a broad arch in the crust. Deeper penetration profiles by Phinney et al. show the bulge is related to a deeper decollement fault that is propagating upward and seaward through the crust. (2) The formation of a continuous thrust front in the central area. Deeper penetration profiles by Phinney et al. show this thrust front is surface expression of the same decollement present at depth to the north. The boundary between the surface trace of the thrust and the diffuse area of deformation in the northern area is inferred as a vertical, high-angle tear fault with left-lateral offset. (3) The formation of a deep, elongate trench which controls gravitationally related slumping and sedimentation around the steep edges of the trench fill basin. The areas to the southeast are those that have undergone convergence for the longest period of time and therefore show better developed trench structures and a reduced width of the MAP. Areas to the northwest have undergone convergence for a shorter period of time and show less developed trench structures and a wide area of the MAP.  相似文献   

M.G. Audley-Charles   《Tectonophysics》2004,389(1-2):65-79
The bathymetry and abrupt changes in earthquake seismicity around the eastern end of the Java Trench suggest it is now blocked south–east of Sumba by the Australian, Jurassic-rifted, continental margin forming the largely submarine Roti–Savu Ridge. Plate reconstructions have demonstrated that from at least 45 Ma the Java Trench continued far to the east of Sumba. From about 12 Ma the eastern part of the Java Trench (called Banda Trench) continued as the active plate boundary, located between what was to become Timor Island, then part of the Australian proximal continental slope, and the Banda Volcanic Arc. This Banda Trench began to be obliterated by continental margin-arc collision between about 3.5 and 2 Ma.The present position of the defunct Banda Trench can be located by use of plate reconstructions, earthquake seismology, deep reflection seismology, DSDP 262 results and geological mapping as being buried under the para-autochthon below the foothills of southern Timor. Locating the former trench guides the location of the apparently missing large southern part of the Banda forearc that was carried over the Australian continental margin during the final stage of the period of subduction of that continental margin that lasted from about 12 Ma to about 3.5 Ma.Tectonic collision is defined and distinguished from subduction and rollback. Collision in the southern part of the Banda Arc was initiated when the overriding forearc basement of the upper plate reached the proximal part of the Australian continental slope of the lower plate, and subduction stopped. Collision is characterised by fold and thrust deformation associated with the development of structurally high decollements. This collision deformed the basement and cover of the forearc accretionary prism of the upper plate with part of the unsubducted Australian cover rock sequences from the lower plate. Together with parts of the forearc basement they now form the exposed Banda orogen. The conversion of the northern flank of the Timor Trough from being the distal part of the Banda forearc accretionary prism, carried over the Australian continental margin, into a foreland basin was initiated by the cessation of subduction and simultaneous onset of collisional tectonics.This reinterpretation of the locked eastern end of the Java Trench proposes that, from its termination south of Sumba to at least as far east as Timor, and probably far beyond, the Java-Banda Trench and forearc overrode the subducting Australian proximal continental slope, locally to within 60 km of the shelf break. Part of the proximal forearc's accretionary prism together with part of the proximal continental slope cover sequence were detached and thrust northwards over the Java-Banda Trench and forearc by up to 80 km along the southwards dipping Savu Thrust and Wetar Suture. These reinterpretations explain the present absence of any discernible subduction ocean trench in the southern Banda Arc and the narrowness of the forearc, reduced to 30 km at Atauro, north of East Timor.  相似文献   

Sections of Ontong Java Plateau basalt basement in central Malaita(Solomon Islands) are 0·5–3·5 km thick andresemble a much-expanded version of that recovered at OceanDrilling Program Site 807. 40Ar–39Ar ages (121–125Ma) are identical to those for Site 807, southern Malaita, RamosIsland, parts of the island of Santa Isabel, and Deep Sea DrillingProject Site 289; the  相似文献   

A varied suite of mantle xenoliths from Malaita, Solomon Islands,was investigated to constrain the evolution of the mantle beneaththe Ontong Java Plateau. Comprehensive petrological and thermobarometricstudies make it possible to identify the dominant processesthat produced the compositional diversity and to reconstructthe lithospheric stratigraphy in the context of a paleogeotherm.PT estimates show that both peridotites and pyroxenitescan be assigned to a shallower or deeper origin, separated bya garnet-poor zone of 10 km between 90 and 100 km. This zoneis dominated by refractory spinel harzburgites (Fo91–92),indicating the occurrence of an intra-lithospheric depletedzone. Shallower mantle (  相似文献   

Volcanoes were created, grew, uplifted, became dormant or extinct, and were accreted as part of continents during continuous arc–continent collision. Volcanic rocks in Eastern Taiwan’s Coastal Range (CR) are part of the northern Luzon Arc, an oceanic island arc produced by the subduction of the South China Sea Plate beneath the Philippine Sea Plate. Igneous rocks are characterized by intrusive bodies, lava and pyroclastic flows, and volcaniclastic rocks with minor tephra deposits. Based on volcanic facies associations, Sr–Nd isotopic geochemistry, and the geography of the region, four volcanoes were identified in the CR: Yuemei, Chimei, Chengkuangao, and Tuluanshan. Near-vent facies associations show different degrees of erosion in the volcanic edifices for Chimei, Chengkuangao, and Tuluanshan. Yuemei lacks near-vent rocks, implying that Yuemei’s main volcanic body may have been subducted at the Ryukyu Trench with the northward motion of the Philippine Sea Plate. These data suggest a hypothesis for the evolution of volcanism and geomorphology during arc growth and ensuing arc–continent collision in the northern Luzon Arc, which suggests that these volcanoes were formed from the seafloor, emerging as islands during arc volcanism. They then became dormant or extinct during collision, and finally, were uplifted and accreted by additional collision. The oldest volcano, Yuemei, may have already been subducted into the Ryukyu Trench.  相似文献   

The accretion of oceanic plateaus has played a significant role in continental growth during Earth's history, which is evidenced by the presence of oceanic island basalts (OIB) and plume-type ophiolites in many modern orogens. However, oceanic plateaus can also be subducted into the deeper mantle, as revealed by seismic tomography. The controlling factors of accretion versus subduction of oceanic plateaus remain unclear. Here, we investigate the dynamics of oceanic plateau accretion at active continental margins using a thermo-mechanical numerical model. Three major factors for the accretion of oceanic plateaus are studied: (1) a thinned continental margin of the overriding plate, (2) “weak” layers in the oceanic lithosphere, and (3) a young oceanic plateau. For a large oceanic plateau, the modes of oceanic plateau accretion can be classified into one-sided and two-sided subduction–collisional regimes, which mainly depend on the geometry of the continental margin (normal or thinned). For smaller-sized seamounts, accretion occurs only if all three factors are satisfied, of which a thinned continental margin is the most critical. Possible geological analogues for the two-sided subduction–collisional mode include the Taiwan orogenic belt and subduction of the Ontong Java Plateau. The accretion model for small oceanic plateaus applies to the Nadanhada Terrane in Northeast China.  相似文献   

The eastern Coral Sea is a poorly explored area at the north-eastern corner of the Australian Tectonic Plate, where interaction between the Pacific and Australian plate boundaries, and accretion of the world's largest submarine plateau – the Ontong Java Plateau – has resulted in a complex assemblage of back-arc basins, island arcs, continental plateaus and volcanic products. This study combines new and existing magnetic anomaly profiles, seafloor fabric from swath bathymetry data, Ar–Ar dating of E-MORB basalts, palaeontological dating of carbonate sediments, and plate modelling from the eastern Coral Sea. Our results constrain commencement of the opening of the Santa Cruz Basin and South Rennell Trough to c. 48 Ma and termination at 25–28 Ma. Simultaneous opening of the Melanesian Basin/Solomon Sea further north suggests that a single > 2000 km long back-arc basin, with at least one triple junction existed landward of the Melanesian subduction zone from Eocene–Oligocene times. The cessation of spreading corresponds with a reorganisation of the plate boundaries in the area and the proposed initial soft collision of the Ontong Java Plateau. The correlation between back-arc basin cessation and a widespread plate reorganisation event suggests that back-arc basins may be used as markers for both local and global plate boundary changes.  相似文献   

The determination of accurate and precise ages for the timing of collision between oceanic plateaus and continental crust requires an understanding of how the indenting and buttressing plates respond to the collision. We present geochronological, thermochronological, geochemical and isotopic analyses of magmatic rocks from the Ecuadorian Andes, which relate to the collision of the Late Cretaceous Caribbean Plateau and Great Arc sequence with NW South America. The cessation of subduction magmatism during 65–64 Ma beneath the eastern edge of Caribbean Plateau was synchronous with accelerated surface uplift and exhumation within the buttressing continental margin during 75–65 Ma. We interpret this as the collision of the leading edge of the Caribbean Plateau and arc sequence with the South American Plate at 75–65 Ma. A U/Pb (zircon) SHRIMP age of 87.10 ± 1.66 (2σ) Ma, yielded by an accreted fragment of the plateau, precludes previous estimates of collision at 85–80 Ma if the plateau erupted above the Galápagos hotspot. Terra Nova, 18, 264–269, 2006  相似文献   

The Solomon Sea region is an area of intense tectonic activity characterized by structural complexity, a high level of seismicity and volcanism, and rapid evolution of plate boundaries. There is little accretion in the eastern New Britain Trench. Accretion gradually increases westward with thick accretion in the western New Britain Trench and in the Trobriand Subduction System. The thick accretion in the western part of the New Britain Trench may be a result of collision from the north of Finisterre-Huon block with New Guinea mainland. The present boundary of the collision is along the Ram-Markham fault. Deformation structures and present day seismicity suggest that the northern block is under compression.

Accretion has occurred in the sediment filled trenches in the Solomon Sea. The scale of the accretionary wedge depends on the amount of trench-fill sediment available. It is unlikely that there is no sediment supply to the eastern part of the New Britain Trench where no accretion is observed and subduction erosion may be occurring. There are two possible mechanisms for subduction erosion of sediment; either a rapid rate of subduction relative to the supply of sediment inhibiting sediment accumulation in the trench; or horizontal tensional force superimposed on both the forearc and backarc regions of the arc. Seafloor spreading in both the Manus and Woodlark basins is fan-like with nearby poles in the western margins of the basins. This may be a reflection of a horizontally compressional field in the western part and a tensional field in the eastern part of the Solomon Sea. Therefore it is possible to conclude that the consumption of sediment in the eastern New Britain Trench is related to the horizontal tensional field superimposed on both the forearc and backarc regions of the subduction system.

Imbricated thrust and overthrust faults in the western New Britain Trench and Trobriand Trough are not linear over long distance, but form wavy patterns in blocks with unit distance of approximately 10 km.  相似文献   

西太平洋边缘构造特征及其演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
李学杰  王哲  姚永坚  高红芳  李波 《中国地质》2017,44(6):1102-1114
西太平洋边缘构造带是地球上规模最大最复杂的板块边界,以台湾和马鲁古海为界,自北往南大致可以分为3段。北段是典型的沟-弧-盆体系,千岛海盆、日本海盆及冲绳海槽均为典型的弧后扩张盆地。中段菲律宾岛弧构造带为双向俯冲带,构造复杂,新生代经历大的位移和重组,使得欧亚大陆边缘的南海、苏禄海和苏拉威西海成因存在很大的争议。南段新几内亚—所罗门构造带是太平洋板块、印度—澳大利亚及欧亚板块共同作用的结果,既有不同阶段的俯冲、碰撞,也有大规模的走滑与弧后的扩张,其间既有新扩张的海盆,又有正在俯冲消亡的海盆。台湾岛处于枢纽部位,欧亚板块在此被撕裂,南部欧亚大陆边缘南海洋壳沿马尼拉海沟俯冲于菲律宾岛弧之下,而北部菲律宾海洋壳沿琉球海沟俯冲欧亚大陆之下。马鲁古海是西太平洋板块边界又一转折点,马鲁古海板块往东下插于哈马黑拉之下,往西下插于桑义赫弧,形成反U形双向俯冲汇聚带,其洋壳板块已基本全部消失,致使哈马黑拉弧与桑义赫弧形成弧-弧碰撞。  相似文献   

The extent and geometry of the obliquely subduced oceanic Pacific Plate beneath North Island, New Zealand, for five million year intervals through the mid-Miocene to Quaternary, are presented in a series of maps and cross-sections. These show that the subducted plate progressively increased its extent from NE to SW beneath the North Island, and in the more northern regions where it was first emplaced, concomitantly increased its dip from 10° to 50°.The changing extent and geometry of the subducted slab has been established from the age pattern of orogenic andesites and from the geochemical K2O-h parameter of depth of magma generation. The radiometric dates show a migration of the volcanic front back towards the trench at an average rate of 20 km/My. The trenchward migration is explained by a model of increasing slab dip which is corroborated by the K2O data calibrated against the presently active arc (Taupo Volcanic Zone). With the exception of northern Coromandel Peninsula, the andesitic magmas were generated at 85–100 km depth. The interpretation of the dates adopted here indicates that the subducted slab originated at the NE-SW trending Kermadec-Hikurangi Trench, and implies a different and much simpler evolution of the Australia-Pacific plate boundary in the vicinity of North Island than other recent models.Subduction geometry has been found elsewhere to be a principal influence upon the state of stress and deformational style in an over-riding plate. The possibility is explored that the timing, nature and pattern of the Neogene to Quaternary Kaikoura Orogeny in North Island is due to this influence. Apart from the effect of oblique subduction in eastern North Island, there is an accord between the onset of deformation and the emplacement sequence of the shallow slab beneath North Island, and between the change in subduction geometry and a progressive north to south change in northern North Island from compression to extension.  相似文献   

洋岛类型的海山和洋底高原类型的海山主要由玄武岩组成, 中酸性岩出露很少, 因此很少引起学术界的关注。 我们认为即便中酸性岩很少, 研究他们也是很有意义的, 因为这些中酸性岩不仅可能与洋岛和洋底高原玄武岩的构造背景有关, 也可能与洋岛和洋底高原在形成中酸性岩时的温度和压力变化有关, 这对正确认识洋岛和洋底高原形成的地球动力学背景是很有意义的。 本次研究收集了 GEOROC 数据库中的数据总量为 44 404 个, 经过清洗留下有效数据 3 908 个, 分为洋岛中酸性岩(OIG)、洋底高原中酸性岩(OPG)和洋底高原中酸性岩中的岛弧部分(OPAG)3 类。 学术界通常认为, 洋岛代表热点, 洋底高原温度相对较低, 属于大火成岩省。 然而, 本文对全球洋岛和洋底高原的中酸性岩浆岩的研究表明, 分布在洋岛和洋底高原的中酸性岩主要是板内环境的富碱性的粗面岩和碱性流纹岩, 洋底高原边缘可能受俯冲带的影响, 部分中酸性岩具有岛弧的地球化学特征。 按照中酸性岩的 Sr-Yb 分类, 可知洋岛中酸性岩大多属于南岭型和广西型, 洋底高原海山中酸性岩主要属于南岭型, 广西型很少, 指示洋底高原中酸性岩形成的深度比洋岛浅, 温度也比洋岛低, 同时表明中酸性岩大多形成的压力较低而温度很高, 指示伴有高热中酸性岩的洋岛和洋底高原是地球上的热点。 本文认为, 洋岛和洋底高原中酸性岩并非学术界普遍认为的是玄武岩和碧玄岩分离结晶形成的, 因为洋岛和洋底高原岩浆岩如果是双峰式分布的话, 则不大可能是分离结晶的, 其中的酸性岩部分可能是玄武岩部分熔融形成的。 同时有些岩浆演化的关系表明, 中酸性岩在哈克图解中与玄武岩受不同因素制约, 说明并非演化的关系。  相似文献   

Basaltic lavas of Turonian to Coniacian age belonging to the Bath–Dunrobin Formation occur with intercalated island arc tuffs in the south of the Blue Mountain inlier, have been interpreted as being derived from the Caribbean oceanic plateau. This study presents new major and trace element and Sr–Pb–Nd–Hf isotopic data for these igneous rocks. The Jamaican rocks are altered by tropical weathering, hydrothermal and metamorphic processes, which have mobilised many of their elements (e.g. K and Ba). Consequently, the basalts and dacitic tuffs have been classified by using immobile trace elements. The trace element and Hf(i)–Nd(i) geochemistry suggests that the basaltic lavas are derived from a chemically similar source region by variable degrees of partial melting. The Caribbean plateau basalts lie on a mixing line between a depleted plume component and HIMU in Nd–Hf isotopic space. The Pb isotope data also demonstrate that the Jamaican plateau lavas are composed of a larger HIMU component than the other plateau lavas within the Caribbean region. The intercalated island arc tuffs are the first to be found in any oceanic plateau succession in the Caribbean and imply that the Caribbean oceanic plateau at  90 Ma was relatively close to the subduction zone along South America and the Great Arc of the Antilles.  相似文献   

Here we present the first radiometric age data and a comprehensive geochemical data set (including major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope ratios) for samples from the Hikurangi Plateau basement and seamounts on and adjacent to the plateau obtained during the R/V Sonne 168 cruise, in addition to age and geochemical data from DSDP Site 317 on the Manihiki Plateau. The 40Ar/39Ar age and geochemical data show that the Hikurangi basement lavas (118-96 Ma) have surprisingly similar major and trace element and isotopic characteristics to the Ontong Java Plateau lavas (ca. 120 and 90 Ma), primarily the Kwaimbaita-type composition, whereas the Manihiki DSDP Site 317 lavas (117 Ma) have similar compositions to the Singgalo lavas on the Ontong Java Plateau. Alkalic, incompatible-element-enriched seamount lavas (99-87 Ma and 67 Ma) on the Hikurangi Plateau and adjacent to it (Kiore Seamount), however, were derived from a distinct high time-integrated U/Pb (HIMU)-type mantle source. The seamount lavas are similar in composition to similar-aged alkalic volcanism on New Zealand, indicating a second wide-spread event from a distinct source beginning ca. 20 Ma after the plateau-forming event. Tholeiitic lavas from two Osbourn seamounts on the abyssal plain adjacent to the northeast Hikurangi Plateau margin have extremely depleted incompatible element compositions, but incompatible element characteristics similar to the Hikurangi and Ontong Java Plateau lavas and enriched isotopic compositions intermediate between normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt (N-MORB) and the plateau basement. These younger (∼52 Ma) seamounts may have formed through remelting of mafic cumulate rocks associated with the plateau formation. The similarity in age and geochemistry of the Hikurangi, Ontong Java and Manihiki Plateaus suggest derivation from a common mantle source. We propose that the Greater Ontong Java Event, during which ∼1% of the Earth’s surface was covered with volcanism, resulted from a thermo-chemical superplume/dome that stalled at the transition zone, similar to but larger than the structure imaged presently beneath the South Pacific superswell. The later alkalic volcanism on the Hikurangi Plateau and the Zealandia micro-continent may have been part of a second large-scale volcanic event that may have also triggered the final breakup stage of Gondwana, which resulted in the separation of Zealandia fragments from West Antarctica.  相似文献   

Volcanic arcs of the Southwest Pacific, collectively referred to as the Outer Melanesian Arc, are generally thought to result from subduction of the Pacific Plate since the Late Cretaceous. Meanwhile, it is largely accepted that eastward roll-back of the old and dense oceanic plate allowed opening of marginal basins, which isolated large blocks of the former Gondwana margin. Incidentally, some ‘intra-oceanic’ volcanic arcs may have been nucleated on small continental fragments. Detrital zircons collected from sand banks in the mid-reaches of rivers from Viti Levu Island have been analysed for U–Pb geochronology and geochemistry, in order to search for a possible ancient continental arc basement, remnants of a Late Cretaceous arc, and determine the timing and evolution of Fiji arc magmatism. In contrast with some other places of the Outer Melanesian Arc (Solomon, Vanuatu), no pre-upper Eocene zircons have been found. Thus, Gondwana-derived fragments or Late Cretaceous–Paleocene arc remnants are unlikely to form the basement of Viti Levu. Zircon geochemistry confirms the purely intra-oceanic character of volcanic-arc magmatism as well. Variations in some trace-element ratios closely reflect the evolution of Viti Levu Arc from upper Eocene inception to upper Miocene climax and finally Pliocene intra-arc rifting and abandonment.  相似文献   

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