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The International Population Union.—In 1927, as President of the Geographical Association, it was my duty to deliver an address to the Association. I chose as my subject “Population and Migration” with special reference to the English-speaking peoples. One result of the publication of this in Geography, the journal of the Association, was that I was invited to attend the World Population Conference, which was held at Geneva in August-September 1927. The Conference was a very interesting affair. It was organized, and largely paid for, by Mrs. Margaret Sanger. About twenty-four countries were represented. The late Sir Bernard Mallet presided, and in one of his speeches, winding up the Conference, he truly said that we might “congratulate ourselves on having shown the world that population questions, which bristle with controversy, political, moral, and religious, can be discussed by sensible people without animosity or unseemly wrangling”.  相似文献   


The useful paper on “Map Printing in Ceylon” which was written by Mr. W. S. Maddams of the Ceylon Survey Department for the 1935 Conference of Empire Survey Officers has been read with interest in the Gold Coast. The writer of the present note was not present at the Conference but has read the report of the discussion on that paper. It appears to him that Mr. Maddams makes certain generalizations, based on his own, experience in Ceylon, regarding map reproduction in the Tropics and, however true these statements may be as regards Ceylon, they certainly do not apply to the Gold Coast and probably not to some other tropical countries. As it is possible that another Colony, when starting a map-printing establishment of its own, might be led, on the strength of the paper read at the Conference, to believe that less expensive (though less elaborate) methods than those used in Ceylon are not possible in a tropical country, the following notes on the methods used and found successful in the Gold Coast may be of some value. They are not intended to be a criticism of Mr. Maddams' paper but only to supplement it with a record of experience obtained in another part of the world.  相似文献   


The paper which follows wag prepared by Messrs. T. N. N. Brushfield and A. J. Relton for consideration at the Conference of Commonwealth Survey Officers that was held at Cambridge from Monday, 15th August, to Friday, 26th August, 1955, and it was introduced to the Conference by Mr. A.P. Mitchell, C.M.G., Director of Surveys, Land Officer and Commissioner of Mines, Uganda. When introducing the paper, Mr. Mitchell had some rather important and interesting remarks to make which we have been asked to publish with the paper. Accordingly, the latter has been arranged in two parts, Part I consisting of Mr. Mitchell's remarks and Part II the paper itself as prepared by Messrs. Brushfield and Relton.  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(99):202-208

The sixth Conference of Commonwealth Survey Officers, which was held between Monday, 15th August, and Friday, 26th August, 1955, differed from all previous conferences of the same kind in that it was held at Cambridge instead of London. The advantage of meeting in Cambridge was that delegates could be accommodated in some of the Colleges so that those who were interested in the same subject were able to foregather in the evenings for private and informal discussions after the officialmeetings had concluded.  相似文献   


I Was on special short leave in England in June and personally represented Ceylon at the Empire Surveyors' Conference and the Empire Meteorologists' Conference in London, returning to. Ceylon in October. During my absence Mr. R. W. E. Ruddock, Deputy Surveyor-General, acted for me.  相似文献   


It was suggested some time ago in the Review (E.S.R., vol. ii, no. 9, p. 182) that observing procedure in a ruling triangulation should be made the subject of a discussion at the forthcoming Empire Survey Conference. I hope it will be. We shall perhaps learn why India finds thirty measures necessary, as no doubt they are necessary in India, whereas South Africa and Southern Rhodesia are able to secure much the same degree of accuracy from the same instrument with only eight; why Canada, again with the same instrument, prefers the golden mean of sixteen; why some of us still prefer the measurement of angles to directions vvhile others would insist entirely on the measurement of directions from a “close” R.O. It is only by pooling the experiences gained in diverse circumstances that we can avoid being overborne by our own successes or failures, encountered possibly in very exceptional circumstances which may not recur.  相似文献   


For the first time in the Western Hemisphere the Union met in conference in Washington between the dates 4th and 15th September 1939. Though rumours of indefinite postponement were current in the Press, there was never any intention that the Conference should not be held according to plan, which action was supported throughout by the State Department, without whose effective co-operation the event could not have succeeded. The fears of world-wide cataclysm, too soon turned into grim reality, no doubt influenced the attendance of European delegates; but the influx of representatives of the United States and Canada was correspondingly greater, and contributed to the success of the assemblies. In a sense the Conference gained by the reduction of members, for more time was available for the cultivation of former acquaintanceships; moreover, in the fraternizing of the European delegates with American scientists an opportunity was given to reveal the individuality behind well-known names, which helps so much towards mutual understanding.  相似文献   


The only essential difference between geodetic triangulation and any other of the fifteen “orders” of triangulation—which were once proposed, and happily rejected, at an International Conference—is that steps are taken to secure the high degree of accuracy necessary over the large areas to be covered. Some of the steps taken to secure increased accuracy may well be used to insure economy in secondary work, as for instance the use of fewer readings of a large instrument, or the use of luminous signals in conditions of poor visibility; while any surveyor may at any time have to connect his work to a geodetic triangulation, using much the same methods.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(4):301-312

Cinema data is characteristically complex, heterogeneous and interlinked. Rather than relying on simple information retrieval techniques, researchers are increasingly turning to the creative exploration and reapplication of data in order to more fully explore the meaning of newly available and diverse data sets. In this context, the cinema historian becomes the creator of visual texts which can be assessed for both their interpretive insight and their aesthetic qualities. This paper presents four research projects that use different spatio-temporal visualization techniques to understand the industrial dynamics of post-war film exhibition and distribution in Australia. The research integrates work by a group of inter-disciplinary investigators into the effectiveness of techniques such as dendritic mapping, Circos circular visualizations, animation, cartogram mapping, and multivariate visualization for the study of cinema circuits and operations at a number of scales.  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(83):231-234

The Conference of Commonwealth Survey Officers which was held in London between Monday, 9th July, and Friday, 20th July, 1951, was the fifth of its kind, the last one having been held in 1947. Meetings took place in the Lecture Hall of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, which body also put a comfortable lounge at the disposal of delegates and provided other amenities which added considerably to their comfort and were much appreciated.  相似文献   


The gear used for the measurement of the Kate Base of the East African Arc was specially designed by McCaw in conjunction with Messrs. Cooke, Troughton, & Simms, as a result of considerable experience in the measurement of geodetic bases in Fiji, Sweden, and in various parts of Africa; it is now known by the trade name of the “Macca” Base Measurement Gear. It has since been used in Southern Rhodesia, Tanganyika, Mauritius, and South Africa, and if the central pool of instruments recommended at the recent Empire Surveyors Conference is approved, it seems likely that its beat will soon be still more extended. It must be about the only first model of a surveying instrument which has not occasioned widespread controversy and complaint, and for this desirable state of affairs it is not unreasonable to suppose that the rare co-operation between the practical surveyor and the instrument-maker in its design is responsible.  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(19):299-303

The third Empire Surveyors' Conference has come and gone. It fully bore out the promise of its predecessors and was most interesting and instructive for all those who attended, as it will certainly prove to be for readers of the forthcoming Report. This year's gathering was noteworthy particularly for the better representation of the self-governing Dominions; Messrs. Peters, Percival, and Whittingdale, representing respectively Canada, Australia, and South Africa, formed a worthy trio to hold the Dominion bridge, while there were present also, besides the colonial delegates, Brigadier Couchman, the Surveyor-General of India, and a strong contingent from the Mother Country.  相似文献   


At the Conference of Empire Survey Officers held in London in 1931, an historical sketch was given of the progress of triangulation in Nigeria from its commencement to the end of the 1930 season, together with a brief summary of the proposed future programme. Since that date substantial progress has been made, and the recent completion of several important chains of triangulation and of the main precise traverse framework through the thickly forested regions of the Southern Provinces seems a convenient opportunity to place on record the present position.  相似文献   


On the occasion of the Empire Survey Conference in 1931 we had the privilege of arranging at the Science Museum an Exhibition of Cadastral Maps and Land Records which had been somewhat hurriedly collected from the United Kingdom, the Dominions, India, eleven Colonies and Protectorates, three Mandated Territories and six foreign countries. As there is some vagueness in the application in English of the French word cadastre, it may be advisable before proceeding to say that while in Europe this word, with its German and Italian equivalents, originally applied to a record of landed property (biens fonds) compiled for fiscal purposes and is commonly still so defined in standard dictionaries, we have throughout used it in the wider sense it has gradually been assuming generally of any analogous record concerned with subdivisions of land occasioned by human use, whether the purpose to be primarily served is fiscal, juridical, economic or otherwise. Cadastral survey is the process by which the parcels of land dealt with are defined, and can be located again at need. The noun, which is rarely mentioned in English, was from the earliest days applied to the whole conspectus of the record: registers, maps, supporting documents, etc. We use the term land record loosely, and somewhat unsatisfactorily, in this comprehensive sense because the more convenient and exact one-cadastral record-has not so far found a place in British practice with its associates: cadastral maps and cadastral survey.  相似文献   


We review recent developments in cartographic research in North America, in the context of informing the 29th International Cartographic Conference, and 18th General Assembly in 2019. The titles of papers published since 2015 in four leading cartographic journals yielded a corpus of 245 documents containing 1109 unique terms. These terms were analyzed using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and by visual analytics to produce 14 topic groups that mapped onto five classes. These classes were named as information visualization, cartographic data, spatial analysis and applications, methods and models, and GIScience. The classes were then used as themes to discuss the recent cartographic literature more broadly, first, to review recent trends in the research and to identify research gaps, and second, to examine prospects for new research over the next 20 years. A conclusion draws some broad findings from the review, suggesting that cartographic research in the future will be aimed less at dealing with data, and more at generating insight and knowledge to better inform society about global challenges.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(3):115-121

The majority of readers are doubtless aware of the masterly summary of the “History of the Calendar,” written for the Nautical Almanac for 193I (pp. 734–747) by Dr. J. K. Fotheringham. Most are probably also aware that the question of Calendar Reform has been considered by the League of Nations. At the Conference on Communications and Transit of 1931, October 19, the League adopted a resolution recommending a fixed Easter, but declared that “the present time is not favourable … for considering … a reform of the Gregorian calendar.” For information on the various measures of reform proposed at Geneva the works noted below may be consulted. In the meantime, pending the coming of reform—for come it will—readers may desire to.have a summary history of the question, with a statement of a solution which is of somewhat the same nature as others which have been proposed.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):179-213

To what extent do European state topographic maps exhibit unique styles of cartography? This paper describes an investigation to classify and analyse stylistic diversity in the official 1 : 50 000 topographical mapping of 20 European countries. The method involves the construction of a typology of cartographic style, based upon the classification of distinct graphical legend symbols into mutually exclusive thematic categories. In order to identify stylistic similarities between national symbologies, hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to compare the relative proportions of symbols within each category. This was complemented by a qualitative analysis of various aspects of cartographic design: colour, 'white' space, visual hierarchy, and lettering. The results indicate a high degree of stylistic diversity throughout Europe, with the symbologies of Great Britain and Ireland demonstrating the strongest example of a supranational style. The typology of cartographic symbologies is shown to be an effective method for determining stylistic association among maps of differing geographical (and potentially historical) origins and it is suggested that the cartographic language paradigm should be revisited as a means for understanding why national differences persist in state cartography. A version of this paper was presented at the Twenty-third International Cartographic Conference in Moscow.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the definition of a European perspective on Digital Earth (DE), identify some actions that can contribute to raise the awareness of DE in the European context and thus strengthen the European contribution to the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE). The paper identifies opportunities and synergies with the current policy priorities in Europe (Europe 2020, Innovation Union and Digital Agenda) and highlights a number of key areas to advance the development of DE from a European perspective: (1) integrating scientific research into DE; (2) exploiting the Observation Web with human-centred sensing; and (3) governance, including the establishment of stronger linkages across the European landscape of funding streams and initiatives. The paper is offered also as a contribution to the development of this new vision of DE to be presented at the next International DE Conference in Perth, Australia, in August 2011. The global recognition of this new vision will then reinforce the European component and build a positive feedback loop for the further implementation of DE across the globe.  相似文献   


Using Artl@s as an example of a project that relies on volunteered geographic information (VGI), this article examines the specific challenges that exist, beyond those frequently discussed in general VGI systems (e.g., participants’ motivation and data quality control) in regard to sharing research data in humanities: (1) most data from the humanities is qualitative and collected from multiple data sources which are often inconsistent and unmappable; (2) data is usually interconnected with multiple relationships among different tables which creates challenges for both mapping and query functionality; (3) data is both geographical and historical. Consequently addresses that no longer exist have to be geolocated and visualized on historical basemaps and spaces must be represented diachronically; (4) the design of web map application needs to balance both sophisticated research requirements and a user-friendly interface; (5) finally contributors expect their data to be cited or acknowledged when used in other studies and users need metadata and citation information in order to reuse and repurpose datasets.

In this article, we discuss how Artl@s, a project which developed a georeferenced historical database of exhibition catalogues, addresses these challenges. Artl@s provides a case study for VGI adoption by digital humanities scholars for research data sharing, as it offers features, such as flexible batch data contribution, interrelated spatial query, automatic geolocalization of historical addresses, and data citation mechanisms.  相似文献   


DR. DE GRAAFF-HUNTER proposed two new astronomical methods in a paper which he read at the Conference of Commonwealth Survey Officers, and the writer recently had an opportunity of trying out one' of these, with some interesting results. The method used, which requires timed intersections on a pair of stars in azimuths differingby about 90° and depends upon the alg'ebraic solution of the pair of position lines so formed*, will yield latitude, longitude and azimuth. The observations are brief and uncomplicated, prior identification unnecessary",and ~4e subsequent. computation is light: and requires no more than about thirty minutes for a pair of stars, inclusive of star identification.  相似文献   

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