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《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):237-248

Since 1906, South Africa boasted an excellent geodetic framework, and in 1920 an official Trigonometrical Survey Office (TSO) was established. In spite of these achievements, the country, by the 1930s, still lacked reliable topographical maps. One reason for this was that the secondary and tertiary triangulations of the country were still incomplete; another was that the decision-making process as regards surveys and mapping rested with a variety of statutory bodies instead of just one. In 1934, A. D. Lewis, Director of the Department of Irrigation, committed his department to execute a general topographical survey of the country and produce a topographical map on a scale of 1∶500?000. Lewis’ decision met with much resistance from within the country and abroad, but the project was completed in a record period of 4 years. Published just before the Second World War, the map was of inestimable value to the South African Defense Force. It not only became the standard topographical map of large parts of South Africa for many years, but its contents also figured in the first map series of the TSO.  相似文献   


Mr. Surveyor A walked into the Club, his first visit after a four-months' field season. He entered the lounge, sank into one of the deep luxurious leather arm-chairs and called for his“sundowner“. In a little while he was joined by several other Government officers, glad to see him after his long absence and eager to hear of his bush experiences and to cap them with stories of their own.  相似文献   


In January 1940, in a paper entitled “The Transverse Mercator Projection: A Critical Examination” (E.S.R., v, 35, 285), the late Captain G. T. McCaw obtained expressions for the co-ordinates of a point on the Transverse Mercator projection of the spheroid which appeared to cast suspicion on the results originally derived by Gauss. McCaw considered, in fact, that his expressions gave the true measures of the co-ordinates, and that the Gauss method contained some invalidity. He requested readers to report any flaw that might be discovered in his work, but apparently no such flaw had been detected at the time of his death. It can be shown, however, that the invalidities are in McCaw's methods, and there seems no reason for doubting the results derived by the Gauss method.  相似文献   


The usual procedure in breaking down a primary network of triangulation is to go through a secondary scheme to a system of tertiary points. These are usually of the order of 1½ imiles apart, and are the co-ordinated points to which the detail survey, of whatever kind it may be, is fastened.  相似文献   


Legend has it that when Don Christopher Columbus was describing Jamaica to his patrons Ferdinand and Isabella, he crumpled a piece of parchment in his hand and placed it upon the table before their Spanish Majesties, saying “That is Jamaica”.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):274-286

John Wood, the 19th-century urban cartographer, surveyed almost 150 towns spread widely across Great Britain. His detailed large-scale plans are an astounding achievement. In light of this, two questions are posed: did he have a strategy that guided the places which he surveyed; and how did he pay for his work, given that so few copies of his plans appear to have been produced for sale – or at least to have survived.  相似文献   


Prior to the year 1931 there was no systematic training of Africans for land survey work in Northern Rhodesia, and those natives then in the employ of the Survey Department as assistants to the European surveyors in the field were no more than “capitaos”. Asurveyor, after his arrival in the colony, usually had to find his own native assistant, or chainman, and any native who appeared to have a commanding manner with his fellows, and who was clean and respectful, was eligible for the position. Preference in some cases was usually given to natives who had completed service in the native regiment or police, for their early training had taught them to obey orders, to conduct themselves well, and to control other natives.  相似文献   

J. C. T. W. 《测量评论》2013,45(18):254-255

An officer ordered his native headman to go with his party to a distant mountain, arranged a rendezvous there with him on a certain date, and concluded his instructions by saying, ‘I shall expect to find a good-sized cairn on the top when I get there.’ Subsequently the encounter on the mountain-top took place. No cairn was visible, but the headman produced in its place a seedy-looking pi-dog with the remark, His mother was a cairn, but his father was too quick.  相似文献   


Nearly 50 years after the publication of the first French edition of Sémiologie Graphique, Jacques Bertin’s thought is more than ever alive, in cartography as well as in various other disciplines, such as graphic design or visual data analysis. This article recalls the main elements of Bertin’s career and puts forward the salient points of his reflection on graphics. Beyond many conceptual or technical innovations, Bertin’s essential originality appears to be his attempt to propose a general framework for graphical representations.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(4):330-350


Chorematic diagrams are prospective candidates for communicating highly generalised geographic information about a given region of interest. Chorematic diagrams were popularized in France as the graphical artefacts of a specific school of geographic thought established by Roger Brunet, with GIP-RECLUS as his institutional backing. Although many maps were created and a lively debate ensued, only few consolidated cartographic findings were generated and even less were made known to the international scientific community. This article presents a contextualizing review and proposes a cartographic taxonomy aimed at being a first step towards efforts for the automated generation of chorematic diagrams.  相似文献   


Probably the most important matter connected with computing is checking. Far more time is wasted by an incorrect result which has been passed as correct by the checker than by any other fault in computing. It is not necessary that a computer should always be perfectly accurate, but it is necessary that the method of checking used should always detect his errors. If the computer is sure that his accidental errors will be picked up he is relieved of anxiety and his work will be quicker and eventually more accurate for that reason.  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(47):36-41

As a consequence of the death of the late editor, the responsibility for conducting this REVIEW now rests on other shoulders, and, in view of the high standard which Captain McCaw set at the beginning of the journal's existence and maintained, in spite of many difficulties, until the time of his death, his successor feels that a few words concerning the future of the REVIEW, and an appeal for continued co-operation on the part of readers, may not be out of place in this, the first number of a new volume.  相似文献   


I may say at once that this article has nothing to do with either the Gaiety chorus or the “Old Firm”: it is merely a statement of what seem to me the fancies in Dr. de Graaff Hunter's paper “Figures of Reference for the Earth”, E.S.R., No. 8,pp. 73–8. Many readers of the Review will share my gratitude to Dr. Hunter for his lucid presentation of the theory underlying the usual geodetic processes. I disagree with only one of his points, and its implications, but unfortunately that point is fundamental.  相似文献   


John Keates is very well known for his numerous scholarly contributions to cartography as an academic discipline and science. However, throughout his career, he was also very actively involved in the design and production of maps. Mostly these were specialized thematic maps produced as the result of scientific research in the field sciences, especially in geology, glaciology and vegetation studies. However, during the 1970s he was much involved in the design and production of a considerable number of maps for recreation purposes, including maps for orienteering. Many of these maps were regarded at that time as being extremely innovative in terms of their cartographic design and layout. The article outlines the development of what became known as the 'Glasgow' style of map design John Keates' involvement with recreation maps in the 1970s.  相似文献   


Jacques Bertin’s legacy extends beyond the domain of cartography, and in particular to the field of information visualization where he continues to inspire researchers and practitioners. Although in the late twentieth century his books were out of print, their reedition around 2010 has steered a renewed interest and inspired new generations of researchers to reinterpret the principles of Semiology of Graphics and La Graphique in a time of interactive computers. In particular, the work of Jacques Bertin on the reorderable matrix has been very challenging in his time, and the quest to its automation has not been satisfactory to him. This article summarizes Bertin’s approach to the reorderable matrix, underlines the limitations of fully automated reordering methods, and introduces Bertifier, a hybrid system to reorder matrices using a combination of machine assistance and human control.  相似文献   


DURING the course of his work a surveyor often has to solve a right-angled triangle in which one side is very small in comparison with the two others. As the orders of magnitude of the sides in such a triangle differ so widely, a simplified formula can be substituted for that of Pythagoras.  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(55):28-29

The volume of this Review which has just been completed commenced with a memoir of the first Editor, the late Captain G. T. McCaw, C.M.G., O.B.E., M.A., who died in October 1942, and, in view of his great services to the Review and to the survey world in general, it is thought to be not in-appropriate that this, the first number of a new volume, should contain a list of his contributions to the Review. The power and versatility that they display are remarkable.  相似文献   


When Colonel Lambton of Indian fame wanted funds for his Survey a leading melnber of the Finance Committee of Madras observed that “if any traveller wished to proceed to Seringapatam he need only say so to his palankeen bearer and he vouched he would find his way to that place without having recourse to Colonel Lambton's map”. Those who have had the privilege of dealing with finance branches will recognise in this quotation a powerful tradition and it is a measure both of the great march of events since Lambton's time and of the deterlnination of military surveyors not to lag behind them, in spite of finance committees, that good military maps are nowadays taken for granted and that the large survey organisations, required to produce them are accepted as a necessity. The struggle to maintain this position however goes on.  相似文献   

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