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G.T.M. 《测量评论》2013,45(32):96-105

Introductory.—From time to time the question of the relation between the metre and the foot is raised, most frequently perhaps from Africa. Had there been no more than a single metre to consider the question would no doubt arise but seldom: the most recent authoritative comparsion would be generally accepted. But actually it is the existence of two metres—the “ legal” and the “international”—which complicates the question, so much indeed that there is no metrological factor which has influenced survey, British and foreign, more than the relation between these two metres. The question was discussed in this Review (I, 6, 277, 1932), but memories grow shorter, attention is more diffused, and besides there is required a more explicit statement of the situation as it affects British surveyors, especially in Africa, whence the question has been raised anew. To illuminate it, unfortunately the need recurs to repeat some well-known facts.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(27):275-281

I. Introduction.—Map projection is a branch of applied mathematics which owes much to J. H. Lambert (v. this Review, i, 2, 91). In his “Beyträge zum Gebrauche der Mathematik und deren Anwendung” (Berlin, 1772) he arrived at a form of projection whereof the Transverse Mercator is a special case, and pointed out that this special case is adapted to a country of great extent in latitude but of small longitudinal width. Germain (“Traité des Projections”, Paris, 1865) described it as the Projection cylindrique orthomorphe de Lambert, but he also introduced the name Projection de Mercator transverse or renversée; he shows that Lambert's treatment of the projection was remarkably simple.  相似文献   


As Mr H. F. Rainsford (E.S.R., no. 37, vol. v, July 1940) says, the ordinary accurate survey traverse, through its “ordinariness,” has been neglected in the printed word. The technique—perfected by much practice—has been handed down by word of mouth only from father to son, from surveyor to pupil.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(13):410-419

A Fully equipped theodolite is provided with plate levels, an alidade level, and a striding level. An instrument not so equipped has no title to be considered a “Universal Instrument”, that is to say, an instrument designed for every kind of both terrestrial and celestial measurement. Without a striding level, for example, nothing beyond relatively rough astronomical measures can be expected in general. Modern instruments, capable of giving considerable refinement in terrestrial measures, are frequently not furnished with a striding level; and it is sometimes assumed, with the tacit approval of the makers, that such instruments are equally capable of giving refined astronomical results. On the older type of instrument a striding level—rarely not supplied—could have been, and sometimes was, extemporized; it seems as if ignorance of astronomy of position has led, at least in part, to the construction of theodolites in such a manner as actually to render such extemporization difficult.  相似文献   


I may say at once that this article has nothing to do with either the Gaiety chorus or the “Old Firm”: it is merely a statement of what seem to me the fancies in Dr. de Graaff Hunter's paper “Figures of Reference for the Earth”, E.S.R., No. 8,pp. 73–8. Many readers of the Review will share my gratitude to Dr. Hunter for his lucid presentation of the theory underlying the usual geodetic processes. I disagree with only one of his points, and its implications, but unfortunately that point is fundamental.  相似文献   


In an article in the Review of October 1938, iv, 30,450-457, under the heading “Geographical Positions in Malaya and Siam”, Mr. A. G. Bazley gives a comparison of the Indian and Siamese, and Siamese and Malaya, triangulations at common points and discusses the possibility of an error in the longitude of the datum of the Malayan system. In the Review of April, 1939, v, 32, 112-113, he has elaborated certain points, and remarks in connection with the doubt in the longitude of the Malayan datum that connection of the F.M.S. network with that of Siam and India, and some more latitude and longitude observations by the F.M.S. Survey, are essential to a satisfactory solution of this rather involved problem. Since the above article was written, a lot more infornlation has become available about the Indo-Siamese triangulation connections and a firm connection between the triangulations of Sianl and Malaya has been established in 1946. It is hoped that a review of the present position would be of interest, especially as the various links effected open up a definite possibility of a continuous chain of triangulation from India to Australia.  相似文献   


So much has been written in the Empire Survey Review and other publications on the somewhat controversial subject of “Luminous or Opaque Signals in Geodetic and Primary Triangulation” that it may be of interest to give an outline of the types of signals used on such work in Southern Rhodesia, with particular reference to the completion of the Eastern Geodetic Circuit in 1935 and the type of signal that it has been decided to adopt for future work.  相似文献   


Few, most certainly, will dispute the value of Mr Black's paper describing a method of “Systematic Relaxation”, which appeared in a previous number of this Review. At the same time, however, it seems to the writer to be only fair to readers to point out that the application of the method to triangulation adjustment is really a treatment, from a slightly different aspect, of methods that have long been established.  相似文献   


I. The present writer has been trying for the past two years to get reasonably easy expressions for the (tt) correction and the scale factor in the Lambert NO.2 Projection. He succeeded in obtaining a formula for (tt) in terms of eastings and northings, but, like the author of the articles on “Grid Bearings and Distances on the Conical Orthomorphic Projection” which were published recently in this Review, he came to the conclusion that any such formula is too unwieldy for ordinary use. He then tried to get an expression for (tt) in terms of latitude and longitude, and has now obtained one by purely empirical methods which seems to work in practice. No proof of this formula is offered, or is available at present, as this is a matter which the writer is content to leave to others with greater mathematical interests and attainments than he possesses.  相似文献   


The survey of “mailos” or native estates in the Kingdom of Buganda has taken a prominent place in the annual programme of the Survey Department of Uganda for over 30 years past. The survey, which has covered some 17,000 square miles and is now practically complete, has some unusual features, and although it has no claims to refinement or to great precision, a short account of its history and workings may be of general interest. The system of land settlement introduced by Sir Harry Johnston has already been described in the Empire Survey Review (“The Surveyor and the Politician”, by H. B. Thomas, vol. ii, p. 28).  相似文献   


On page 480 of the last number of this Review Capt. E. H. Thompson, R.E., in his paper on “The Condition for the Construction of a Conformal Projection”, deals with a subject which, in the opinion of the present writer, is rather insufficiently explained or dealt with in any text-book on Geodesy or on Map. Projections that he has seen. The explanations or proofs usually given are probably adequate if it can be assumed that the reader has a fairly good knowledge of the properties of functions of the complex variable.  相似文献   


The late war has been responsible for many unusual situations—not the least of which was that of certain British Colonial Surv1ey Offices passing under the control of an Asiatic Invader, and it is thought that the story of one of them—the Survey Department of Malaya—will not be without interest to readers of this Review.  相似文献   


Artillery Survey.—Included in the term “Artillery Survey are two distinct problems, the first that of determining the “line” and “range” at which fire should be opened, and the second that of laying the gun in the required line. To appreciate these problems it. is necessary to know a little about the technique of gunnery, and for the benefit of those who have no acquaintance with the subject the following brief résumé may be given.  相似文献   


In his article “Standards of Length in Question” published in the last number of this Review (Vol. i, pp. 277–-84) Captain G. T. McCawgave us most interesting and valuable history concerning the questionable past of the international metre. He has, it may be assumed, exhausted published evidence; but he states that he can find no reference to invitations from this country to France and Holland to send their fundamental standards for comparison with others at the Ordnance Survey in the eighteen sixties.  相似文献   


THE very interesting article on “Road-surveying in the East” by J. N. List appearing in NO. 6 of the Review suggests that the following notes on the methods of road location used in the Gold Coast may be of interest. These methods enter into considerably more detail than those described by Mr. List and are of proved economic value.  相似文献   


In the July 1940 issue of the Empire Survey Review Mr A. V. Lawes contributes a valuable article, “The Application of the Gauss Method of Collimation to the Adjustment of Survey Instruments”. One section of the article describes four methods of adjusting collimators at solar focus, in other words of assuring that the emitted rays are parallel or that the target appears at an infinite distance. Mr Lawes rightly claims that auto-collimation is the most accurate of the four methods, and he warns readers that “the reflector used in this method must be as perfect optically as the objective”. However, he fails to give any method of testing the result obtained by following his directions, and experience suggests that auto-collimation may give a result considerably in error even though the reflector may with some justification be presumed to be good.  相似文献   


The excuse for yet another paper on the Transverse Mercator projection, which has already received what should be more than its fair share of space in this Review, can only be that there is a fresh viewpoint to offer. It is the purpose of this paper to show that there are, in fact, two “Transverse Mercator” projections of the spheroid, of which one has hitherto almost escaped notice.  相似文献   


The last issue (No. 26) of the Review contained an article on “Observing with the Zeiss and Wild Theodolites”, making reference among other matters to the errors of the parallel-plate micrometer. The statement was made that the error was due to the difference in travel between the two plates. This is not strictly correct but could not be better expressed without additional explanation, out of place in an already overlong article.  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(80):69-74

The following is a report of the discussion on the paper by Mr. A. R. Robbins on “Deviation of the Vertical” which was read at a meeting of the Land Surveying Division of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors held on Tuesday, 12th December, 1950, and which was published in the January issue of this Review (xi, 79, 28–36).  相似文献   

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