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实行卓越工程师计划是为了改革工程教育人才培养模式,以提高学生的工程实践能力和创新能力。根据中南大学卓越测绘工程师培养计划的要求,结合我校测绘工程卓越工程师班的教学实践,从学校培养和企业培养两个环节,对实践教学的师资培养、教学内容和任务等方面进行了探讨,为造就高素质卓越测绘工程师人才进行了有益探索。  相似文献   

土木工程专业测量实习的教学思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首先提出了测量学课程在土木工程专业中的地位,同时强调了测量实习在理论课程学习中的重要性。其次对土木专业的测量实习现状做了详细的分析,最后根据笔者的经验和对一些院校的考察提出了对土木专业测量实习的改进意见。  相似文献   


THE article on Road-Surveying in the East by Mr. J. N. List in the Empire Survey Review, No.6, 263–74, is well worthy of perusal. From the beginning, with his apt quotation from Kipling, to the end where he compares the text-book ideal of road location with the indifferent compromise amidst difficulties that the British engineer in the East is lucky to be able to achieve, I felt in accord with his observations. Having spent four years on a similar kind of work, I consider that this article well deserves the appreciation of its author's profession.  相似文献   

首先陈述了全国职业院校技能大赛测绘赛项的举办情况,指出技能大赛与高职院校测绘实践教学衔接不足,对全体学生测绘实践技能提高有限,应该将大赛与常规实践教学融为一体,然后从工程测量技术专业人才培养方案、两轮顶岗与"五化教学"模式、学分制教学计划、实训室开放、测量协会活动等方面阐述了工程测量实践教学的实施,将全国职业院校技能大赛机制与常规教学有机融合,做到以赛促学,以赛促教,班级、院系、学校有比赛,人人参与,共同提高,全面发展,构建了高职工程测量技术专业实践教学体系。  相似文献   

基于高职学生职业核心能力培养进行的项目化课程设计是高职院校、用人单位、毕业生三方的迫切需求。本文对高职建筑工程技术专业建筑工程施工测量课程进行教学方法改革,旨在提高高职学生核心能力。课程设计理念:以学生为主、教师为辅,以项目为载体,以任务为驱动,提高全体学生积极主动参与学习的兴趣,注重高职学生核心能力与职业素养培养,为高职建筑工程技术专业教育提供有益的探索和尝试。  相似文献   

新工科倡议对我国工科类高校的复合型应用人才培养提出了新要求,实践基地建设与实习实践教学能够切实培养工科学生适应未来社会发展的能力。本文紧扣新工科背景并结合笔者学校矿业特色,首先深入分析了测绘工程专业新工科建设过程中存在的主要问题和面临的发展机遇;然后通过持续深化校企、校校合作,多措并举,建立了校企、校校优势互补、资源共享的协同育人模式和实践基地合作平台;最后分析了笔者学校测绘工程实践基地共建措施与运行成效,为提升学生培养质量、培养适应未来社会发展的应用型工程人才奠定了基础。  相似文献   

地籍测量学是工程测量技术专业的专业基础课,对于高职院校的学生来说,如何更快更熟练地掌握地籍测量的方法与技巧是非常重要的。本文通过理论与实践相结合的教学手段,针对高职院校的学生现状,应用项目化教学方法,把理论教学具体化、实践化,使学生更好地理解与吸收,提高教学效果。  相似文献   


When Colonel Lambton of Indian fame wanted funds for his Survey a leading melnber of the Finance Committee of Madras observed that “if any traveller wished to proceed to Seringapatam he need only say so to his palankeen bearer and he vouched he would find his way to that place without having recourse to Colonel Lambton's map”. Those who have had the privilege of dealing with finance branches will recognise in this quotation a powerful tradition and it is a measure both of the great march of events since Lambton's time and of the deterlnination of military surveyors not to lag behind them, in spite of finance committees, that good military maps are nowadays taken for granted and that the large survey organisations, required to produce them are accepted as a necessity. The struggle to maintain this position however goes on.  相似文献   

Conclusion This article is only a very general and theoretical introduction to the modified normal distributions. The author is presently engaged in further development of the theory in the analysis of various examples, the most remarkable of which are of astronomical origin. The lineo-normal distributions seem to be strikingly well confirmed by many types of observations and measurements. It is only through the analysis of a great number of large samples that the concept of zero error and its impact on the general theory of errors will be definitely clarified. The author thanks Dr. Preston-Thomas for the interest he has constantly shown in the research of statistical nature and Mr. T. Blachut and his group of photogrammetrists who constantly helped the author with their discussions and encouragements. The Division of Positional Astronomy of the Dominion Observatory played a prominent role in this activity and the author hopes to be able to say more, in a not too distant future, about his cooperation with the astronomers of the Observatory. Finally, the author expresses his gratitude to Mr. Eric Green for his continuous assistance in the building of the theory and the numerical computations. This part of the statistical research, which involves complicated programming, is bound to grow with the development of the theory.  相似文献   

赵健赟 《东北测绘》2013,(4):223-226
在介绍GIS在土木工程应用的基础上,结合现代土木工程特点,分析了在土木工程人才培养中开设GIS课程的必要性,探讨了其教学内容。针对土木工程专业学生知识面的特点研究了GIS理论教学的方法,提出综合应用各种教学方法和现代教育技术,以改善教学效果。阐述了GIS实验教学的重要性,结合应用型GIS教学方法,提出了不同层次的实验项目和提高学生应用能力的途径。论述了以突出应用能力培养和平时学习效果为目的的考核方法,研究了针对土木专业GIS教学质量保障的有效途径。  相似文献   

测绘学从早期专注于测量和制图,到当前已发展为广泛服务于国民经济各行各业。在我国工程教育转向新工科建设阶段,传统教学模式已无法满足测绘新工科人才的培养要求。本文设计了面向测绘新工科人才培养,以传授客观知识为核心,重塑教师、学生、知识的活动内容和形式,形成贯穿教师设计、学生体验、师生互动的5阶段体验式教学模式。将该教学模式应用于笔者所在院校测绘工程专业课程教学中,并以概念型、规律型、关系型、综合应用型4类知识点开展教学实践。实践表明,该教学模式有助于学生深刻理解知识与提升能力,是一种具有推广价值的教学模式。  相似文献   


At the end of the 1980s, the computer experts who had been in the vanguard of cartographic development lost their position due to the fact that computers became democratised. This may be ascribed to the 'Macintosh' effect. This in turn led cartographic companies back to the core of their professional know-how: it is cartographers themselves who now develop the scope of their profession, utilising all the resources provided by the new computer technology. But, if cartographers want to keep playing a major role in the geographic information arena, they have to determine and develop the specific elements of their discipline: if technology mobilizes all forces to the detriment of theory, then the discipline progressively weakens and ends in being swallowed by another discipline.

It is the cartographers' task to transform the spatial information from its verbal, social and numerical form into visual form for visual thinking; this visualisation provides for cognitive functions, communication functions, decision support functions and social functions. In order for maps to perform these functions cartographers should continue, now with digital tools, to safeguard data quality by monitoring the compilation stage during which they have to see to it that the heterogeneous datasets in databases will be made comparable, both from a geometrical, semantical, updatedness and completeness point of view. This main aspect of the cartographer's job can be called its engineering part. The other main aspect will remain the map design part, that leads to proper communication of the spatial information. Both aspects will remain the cartographer's domain if he/she succeeds in providing a theoretical basis for his/her work.  相似文献   

风景园林专业"工程测量"课程中运用翻转课堂是我国高校传统教学模式的重要变革。翻转课堂的本质是教师与学生角色的转变,教师转变为专业知识的领学者和答疑者,而学生则是专业知识的学习主体。结合风景园林专业中"工程测量"课程,应用翻转课堂的基本理论与内在实施逻辑,对风景园林专业中的"工程测量"课程进行翻转教学设计,并构建了以学生为中心的互动式教学评价体系,以提高学生学习的主观能动性和创新性,从而带动高校传统教学模式的变革。  相似文献   

吴欢  王炎  黄海虹 《北京测绘》2020,(1):135-139
随着工程测量技术专业的发展,校企基于现代学徒制的特点开始开展深度合作,重点在于培养更多无缝对接岗位需求的高素质技术技能人才。根据近些年的《工程变形测量》课程教学经验,从设计思路与原则、提炼教学目标、凝练教学内容、改进教学方法与手段、精准考核与评价等方面进行课程教学与探索,通过江西环境工程职业学院1个班级的教学探索,取得了预期的良好成效,为后期工程变形测量课程教学继续深入改革与探索做好铺垫。  相似文献   

通过近年来测绘职业技能大赛的举办,测绘职业技能竞赛对课程改革的导向功能逐渐显现。本文以工程测量技术专业课程改革为例,重点探讨了测绘职业技能竞赛在课程改革方面发挥的导向作用,展示了我院工程测量专业在课程改革中初步取得的成效。  相似文献   


That man is to be envied who can devote many of the best years of his life to the study of a special branch of science and make some advances in it. Such a man will usually receive recognition of the value of his labours from his fellows in the world of science, and this was certainly the case with Colonel Clarke. The excellence of his many years' work on geodetical subjects, such as thereduction of observations, formulre for the spheroid, figures of the earth, standards of length, and similar matters, was fully appreciated by scientific men during his lifetime, in this country as well as abroad. Curiously enough, his name does not appear in the “Dictionary of National Biography”, though he is, perhaps, the best known of British geodesists. A paragraph is devoted to him in recent issues of the “Encyclopredia Britannica”, but this paragraph is, in one respect, inaccurate. One may say that geodesy makes little appeal to the ordinary citizen, who usually would not know what it is all about.  相似文献   

介绍了地理信息系统在土木工程专业的广泛应用,论证了土木工程专业开设地理信息系统课程的必要性,并提出了兰州理工大学土木工程专业GIS人才培养途径和地理信息系统课程在土木工程专业开设的初步设想。  相似文献   

冯大福  李天和  邓军 《测绘科学》2012,37(5):227-228
本文结合工程测量技术专业的教学实践,从课程设置、集中实训环节安排、仪器操作训练、计算能力培养、技能竞赛、组织学术讲座、开放实训基地、对外技术服务等7个方面,对高职测绘类专业学生实践动手能力培养方法进行了探索。  相似文献   

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