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DR. DE GRAAFF-HUNTER proposed two new astronomical methods in a paper which he read at the Conference of Commonwealth Survey Officers, and the writer recently had an opportunity of trying out one' of these, with some interesting results. The method used, which requires timed intersections on a pair of stars in azimuths differingby about 90° and depends upon the alg'ebraic solution of the pair of position lines so formed*, will yield latitude, longitude and azimuth. The observations are brief and uncomplicated, prior identification unnecessary",and ~4e subsequent. computation is light: and requires no more than about thirty minutes for a pair of stars, inclusive of star identification.  相似文献   

Summary The discrepancy between precision and accuracy in astronomical determinations is usually explained in two ways: on the one hand by ostensible large refraction anomalies and on the other hand by variable instrumental errors which are systematic over a certain interval of time and which are mainly influenced by temperature.In view of the research of several other persons and the author’s own investigations, the authors are of the opinion that the large night-errors of astronomical determinations are caused by variable, systematic instrumental errors dependent on temperature. The influence of refraction anomalies is estimated to be smaller than 0″.1 for most of the field stations. The possibility of determining the anomalous refraction from the observations by the programme given by Prof. Pavlov and Anderson has also been investigated. The precision of the determination of the anomalous refraction is good as long as no other systematic error working in a similar way is present.The results, which are interpreted as an effect of the anomalous refraction by Pavlov and Sergijenko, could also be interpreted as a systematic instrumental error. It is furthermore maintained thatthe latitude and longitude of a field station can be determined in a few hours of one night if the premisses given in [3, p.68]are kept. It has been deplored that the determination of the azimuth has not been given the necessary attention. It is therefore proposed to intensify the research on this problem. The profession has been called upon to acquaint itself better with the valuable possibilities of astronomical determinations and to apply them in a useful and appropriate manner. At the same time, attention has been called to the possibility of improving astronomical determinations with regard to accuracy as well as effectiveness.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(13):410-419

A Fully equipped theodolite is provided with plate levels, an alidade level, and a striding level. An instrument not so equipped has no title to be considered a “Universal Instrument”, that is to say, an instrument designed for every kind of both terrestrial and celestial measurement. Without a striding level, for example, nothing beyond relatively rough astronomical measures can be expected in general. Modern instruments, capable of giving considerable refinement in terrestrial measures, are frequently not furnished with a striding level; and it is sometimes assumed, with the tacit approval of the makers, that such instruments are equally capable of giving refined astronomical results. On the older type of instrument a striding level—rarely not supplied—could have been, and sometimes was, extemporized; it seems as if ignorance of astronomy of position has led, at least in part, to the construction of theodolites in such a manner as actually to render such extemporization difficult.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to describe a new and easy method of determining the (astronomical) latitude and azimuth at any place and to explain the line of approach and the formulae. It will be seen that the method should be useful to a wide circle of land surveyors. One of its principal advantages is that identification of the star is not necesssary and it can be used when no star chart or star catalogue is available.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(11):294-297

Observations of the altitude of stars is a common method for the determination of local time. When the time is required with no great accuracy and when, therefore, simple instruments are employed, the method is particularly suitable. In the conduct of the observation with a theodolite there arise certain questions to which some reference may be made here with a view to lending some assistance to the student.  相似文献   


In the October 1953 issue of this Review (E.S.R. xii, 90, 174), Mr. J. G. Freislich has written of the difficulties of a southern hemisphere computer attempting to use astronomical formulae from a textbook prepared for use in the northern hemisphere. He proposes a solution in which different conventions are adopted in the two hemispheres, leading to different formulae for the two cases, a solution which the present writer does not favour.  相似文献   

The development of lasers, new electro-optic light modulation methods, and improved electronic techniques have made possible significant improvements in the range and accuracy of optical distance measurements, thus providing not only improved geodetic tools but also useful techniques for the study of other geophysical, meteorological, and astronomical problems. One of the main limitations, at present, to the accuracy of geodetic measurements is the uncertainty in the average propagation velocity of the radiation due to inhomogeneity of the atmosphere. Accuracies of a few parts in ten million or even better now appear feasible, however, through the use of the dispersion method, in which simultaneous measurements of optical path length at two widely separated wavelengths are used to determine the average refractive index over the path and hence the true geodetic distance. The design of a new instrument based on this method, which utilizes wavelengths of6328 ? and3681 ? and3 GHz polarization modulation of the light, is summarized. Preliminary measurements over a5.3 km path with this instrument have demonstrated a sensitivity of3×10 −9 in detecting changes in optical path length for either wavelength using1-second averaging, and a standard deviation of3×10 −7 in corrected length. The principal remaining sources of error are summarized, as is progress in other laboratories using the dispersion method or other approaches to the problem of refractivity correction.  相似文献   


1. In geodetic work a ‘Laplace Point’ connotes a place where both longitude and azimuth have been observed astronomically. Geodetic surveys emanate from an “origin” O, whose coordinates are derived from astronomical observations: and positions of any other points embraced by the survey can be calculated on the basis of an assumed figure of reference which in practice is a spheroid formed by the revolution of an ellipse about its minor axis. The coordinates (latitude = ?, longitude = λ and azimuth = A) so computed are designated “geodetic”.  相似文献   

A relativistic delay model for Earth-based very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observation of sources at finite distances is derived. The model directly provides the VLBI delay in the scale of terrestrial time. The effect of the curved wave front is represented by using a pseudo source vector K = (R 1 + R 2)/(R 1 + R 2), and the variation of the baseline vector due to the difference of arrival time is taken into account up to the second-order by using Halley’s method. The precision of the new VLBI delay model is 1 ps for all radio sources above 100 km altitude from the Earth’s surface in Earth-based VLBI observation. Simple correction terms (parallax effect) are obtained, which can also adopt the consensus model (e.g. International Earth Rotation and Reference Frames Service conventions) to finite-distance radio source at R > 10 pc with the same precision. The new model may enable estimation of distance to the radio source directly with VLBI delay data.  相似文献   

Resume Après de nombreuses années d’hésitation, on a finalement reconnu, au Congrès de Florence, en 1955, que dans le repérage des altitudes, seule la notion depotentiel était claire et sans ambigu?té, l’altitude au sens courant du terme étant conventionnelle. De la même fa?on, pour le repérage géométrique des points à la surface de la Terre, les coordonnées (X Y Z) des points, dans letrièdre cartésien terrestre général, sont les inconnues fondamentales; les coordonnées géodésiques couramment utilisées (longitude, latitude altitude H au-dessus de l’ellipso?de) sont conventionnelles. Mais pratiquement, afin d’écrire commodément les relations d’observation, il para?t intéressant de passer par l’intermédiaire detrièdres locaux (trièdres laplaciens), liés de fa?on invariable au système cartésien général, et de repérer toutes les grandeurs dans ces trièdres locaux. Toutes les observations utilisées en Géodésie s’expriment de fa?on simple et sans singularités dans ces trièdres locaux. La jonction des triangulations classiques, l’Astrogéodésie, la synthèse des Géodésies classique et spatiale sont facilitées. En astronomie de position, les grandeurs longitude, latitude, azimut, sont avantageusement remplacées par: déviation Est-Ouest, déviation Nord-Sud, azimut de Laplace. Les relations d’observation s’écrivent sans difficulté, même dans les régions polaires. L’application pratique des nouvelles formules obtenues a été réalisée avec succès par L.F. Gregerson (Service Géodésique du Canada).
Summary At Florence, in 1955, it was accepted that, in the problems of levelling, the notion ofpotential was scientifically clear, and that the altitude could derive from it only through a conventional process. In the same manner, when we want to have a geometric reference of the points at the earth surface, we use the coordinates (X Y Z) in thegeneral cartesian trihedron as fundamental unknowns, the geodetic coordinates (λϕH) deriving from (X Y Z) through a conventional process. Practically, in order to set up the observation equations, it is necessary to define local trihedrons (laplacian trihedrons), deriving from the cartesian general system through a fixed transformation, and to refer all the unknowns in these local trihedrons. All the observations used in Geodesy can be expressed simply and without any singularity in these local trihedrons. The links between classical geodetic nets, the astrogeodesy, the combination between classical and spatial geodesy, become easier. In astronomical controls, “longitude, latitude, azimut” must be replaced by: W-E deflection, N-S deflection and Laplace azimuth. Thus all the observation equations can be set, even in polar regions. A practical application of the new formulae was done successfully by L.F. Gregerson (Geodetic Survey of Canada).


The following investigation originated in some experiments that were made to discover the best way of using the Wild Universal Theodolite for astronomical observations. The special features of this instrument can be best realized if they are classified as advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   


A Few notes will now be given on the subject of triangulation on which practically all the methods already outlined depend. If we have a triangulation ready for us on which to base our work, so much the better; but, if not, we must make every effort to carry one through either from our own measured base or from any existing points on the edge of our work. For reconnaissance survey, such a triangulation must be carried out with the greatest expedition; even if all refinements are sacrificed to speed, it is extraordinary how small the errors will be found to be when a more rigid triangulation is made. Any unorthodox method such as carrying through with a resected point or with an astronomical azimuth may be adopted. A bush will often make a good point to observe to, also piles of bushes with a flag on a reed or stick.  相似文献   


I. These notes are the results of following up in some detail the well-known fact that the horizontal distance between two points at altitude h is greater, by an amount proportional to h, than the distance between the corresponding points at sea-level. Traverses based on rectangular coordinates are considered, with special reference to the residual errors left after adjusting the misclosures of such traverses without first eliminating errors due to altitude.  相似文献   


The localization of persons or objects usually refers to a position determined in a spatial reference system. Outdoors, this is usually accomplished with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). However, the automatic positioning of people in GNSS-free environments, especially inside of buildings (indoors) poses a huge challenge. Indoors, satellite signals are attenuated, shielded or reflected by building components (e.g. walls or ceilings). For selected applications, the automatic indoor positioning is possible based on different technologies (e.g. WiFi, RFID, or UWB). However, a standard solution is still not available. Many indoor positioning systems are only suitable for specific applications or are deployed under certain conditions, e.g. additional infrastructures or sensor technologies. Smartphones, as popular cost-effective multi-sensor systems, is a promising indoor localization platform for the mass-market and is increasingly coming into focus. Today’s devices are equipped with a variety of sensors that can be used for indoor positioning. In this contribution, an approach to smartphone-based pedestrian indoor localization is presented. The novelty of this approach refers to a holistic, real-time pedestrian localization inside of buildings based on multi-sensor smartphones and easy-to-install local positioning systems. For this purpose, the barometric altitude is estimated in order to derive the floor on which the user is located. The 2D position is determined subsequently using the principle of pedestrian dead reckoning based on user's movements extracted from the smartphone sensors. In order to minimize the strong error accumulation in the localization caused by various sensor errors, additional information is integrated into the position estimation. The building model is used to identify permissible (e.g. rooms, passageways) and impermissible (e.g. walls) building areas for the pedestrian. Several technologies contributing to higher precision and robustness are also included. For the fusion of different linear and non-linear data, an advanced algorithm based on the Sequential Monte Carlo method is presented.  相似文献   


For azimuth and latitude it is a great advantage to observe Polaris in daylight as it eliminates torches and lamps. The following describes a rule of thumb method of finding the hour angle and a diagram to find the, altitude from the R.A. The altitude is then set on the vertical circle and, by moving the telescope a few degrees about the meridian (by compass), Polaris can easily be spotted near the centre of the field. The telescope must be focussed at infinity. After finding the star, the rigorous observations must be carriéd out.  相似文献   


This article discusses the observation equations which may be solved graphically by plotting position lines using the method of zenith distance intercepts, or solved analytically by the method of least squares.

The general observation equation is modified for the particular case in which zenith distance is made equal to assumed co-latitude, thus simplifying the reduction of the observations.

Adaptation of the theory to use with a theodolite is discussed together with the effects of sources of error and the methods which are proposed for their elimination.

A routine of reduction is proposed and an example is given.  相似文献   


The idea elaborated is that of making an oxtra-meridian altitude observation at a specific pre-chosen altitude, viz. an altitude equal to the known latitude of the place of observation; the reduction of the observation, to obtain the azimuth angle, is thereby simplified quite considerably.  相似文献   

The main environmental problem in tracking a satellite through the atmosphere is in finding the most probable value of the mean refractive index. In this paper, the mean refractive index is computed as a four-part model. The troposphere is treated as one altitude range from sea level to 9 kilometers, and the stratosphere is divided into three altitude ranges, 9 to 18, 18 to 27, and 27 to 36 kilometers. At 36 kilometers, the N-value is approximately equal to two and reduces rapidly to zero. By the use of theEssen formula in radio wave application and the modifiedKohlrausch formula in light wave application, point-to-point values of the refractive index are computed through these altitude ranges. The polynomial expansion of second order from the basic exponential function is selected as the model, and the curve-fitting adjustments of the computed values are established separately to each altitude range to obtain coefficients A, B, and C. A model based on the U. S. Standard Atmosphere, 1962, is used as the reference to which four sets of actual soundings made in Lihue, Hawaii and Fairbanks, Alaska on February 3 and July 2, 1966, are compared. The results show that the parabolic adjustment has a very high reliability. In the use of standard atmosphere, the standard error of the refractive index through the total altitude range of 0 to 36 kilometers, and at the 70° zenith distance, equal only ±7 millimeters when radio waves are utilized, and ±3 millimeters when light waves are utilized. Paper presented at Conference on Refraction Effects in Geodesy and Electronic Distance Measurement, University of New South Wales, 5–8 November 1968. Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contribution No. 239.  相似文献   


Spatial variation of Urban Land Surface Temperature (ULST) is a complex function of environmental, climatic, and anthropogenic factors. It thus requires specific techniques to quantify this phenomenon and its influencing factors. In this study, four models, Random Forest (RF), Generalized Additive Model (GAM), Boosted Regression Tree (BRT), and Support Vector Machine (SVM), are calibrated to simulate the ULST based on independent factors, i.e., land use/land cover (LULC), solar radiation, altitude, aspect, distance to major roads, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Additionally, the spatial influence and the main interactions among the influential factors of the ULST are explored. Landsat-8 is the main source for data extraction and Tehran metropolitan area in Iran is selected as the study area. Results show that NDVI, LULC, and altitude explained 86% of the ULST °C variation. Unexpectedly, lower LST is observed near the major roads, which was due to the presence of vegetation along the streets and highways in Tehran. The results also revealed that variation in the ULST was influenced by the interaction between altitude – NDVI, altitude – road, and LULC – altitude. This indicates that the individual examination of the underlying factors of the ULST variation might be unilluminating. Performance evaluation of the four models reveals a close performance in which their R2 and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) fall between 60.6–62.1% and 2.56–2.60 °C, respectively. However, the difference between the models is not statistically significant. This study evaluated the predictive performance of several models for ULST simulation and enhanced our understanding of the spatial influence and interactions among the underlying driving forces of the ULST variations.  相似文献   


While there is no standard method in stadia surveying of taking a set of readings for distance and altitude, the following may be regarded as the conventional, text-book method. The telescope is directed at the staff and the apparent lower hair brought to bear exactly on some convenient foot-mark. The readings of all three hairs are then taken and recorded (4.00, 5.41, and 6·83). Finally the vertical circle is read—to the nearest minute or to a fraction of a minute according to circumstances—and the result entered in the field-book (6° 31′ or 6° 31′ 20″). This method has its merits. It is straightforward and flexible and there is a simple (numerical) check on the accuracy of the staff-readings. Nevertheless it is by no means a perfect method.  相似文献   

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