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A strict hydromechanical solution is given to the problem of free seepage from watercourses (rivers, canals, water bodies, industrial and agricultural ponds) for a family of smooth and complex curvilinear profiles with the use of conformal mappings and with the representation of the flow domain as the basis of the water-course profile in the Zhukovski complex domain. All necessary parameters of the flow are determined, including the outline of the curvilinear profile of the watercourse, depression curves and constant pressure lines (isobars), seepage flow, etc. For the particular case of a circular base of the watercourse profile, the results of obtained solution coincide with the known exact solutions derived by V.V. Vedernikov and N.N. Pavlovskii. Specific numerical examples of calculations for watercourses with different relative widths are given.  相似文献   

Summary Mean values of the angle of inclination between the mean vector surface wind and the mean isobars have been calculated as a function of latitude for a number of independent Marsden squares over the ocean. Mean values of the ratio between the mean vector surface wind velocity and the calculated geostrophic wind velocity have been computed in the same way. Some general inferences about the general circulation have been drawn from the results.  相似文献   

Orographic effects on the southwest monsoon: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An overview of the problem of orographic effects on the southwest monsoon using the contributions of all the available analytical and numerical models is attempted. A quasi-geostrophic model is applied to deduce the effect of the topographic complex on the Indian peninsula. This model suggests that the southward bending of the low-level isobars on the peninsula can be ascribed to the topographically-induced southward velocity. This southward velocity triggers a Rossby wave to the east of the peninsula which is manifested as a trough on the southern Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

The study of the poroelastic behavior of sedimentary materials containing two immiscible fluids in response to either applied stress or pore pressure change in a quasistatic limit, i.e., negligible second time-derivatives, is of great importance to many hydrogelogical problems, e.g., land subsidence caused by withdrawal of subsurface fluids. The poroelasticity models developed for analyzing these problems feature partial differential equations that are coupled in the terms describing viscous damping and strain field. To determine closed-form analytical solutions for induced volumetric strain (dilatation) of the solid framework and its interaction with fluid flows, the choice of normal coordinates whose transformation can be performed to decouple these poroelastic equations is highly desirable. In this paper, we show that normal coordinates for decoupling these equations are real-valued and equal to three different linear combinations of the dilatations of the solid and the fluids (or equivalently, three different linear combinations of two individual fluid pressures and solid dilatation). In contrast to fully saturated porous media, it is found that the viscous damping effect must be represented in normal coordinates in the presence of the second fluid. The resulting decoupled equations representing independent motional modes are a Laplace equation and two diffusion equations, which can be solved analytically under a variety of initial and boundary conditions. Thus, after inverse transformation of normal coordinates is performed, the closed-form analytical solutions for induced solid volumetric strain and excess pore fluid pressures can be obtained simultaneously from our decoupled partial differential equations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to determine the gradient of curvature of the normal plumblines at a point P above the ellipsoid and introduces a new geometrical object which is the isocurvature line. The assumed facts are the coordinates of the point P and the formula for the normal gravity potential U. For the determination of the gradient of the normal plumbline curvature k at the point P we define a small circle on the meridian plane of P whose center is at the point P. The circle has the radius of one meter and interior D. In this circle we construct a curvature replacement function to approximate the curvature function k. This replacement function is a quotient of polynomials hence it is easy to find its partial derivatives at the point P. For the construction of replacement function we make the assumption that in the interior of the circle D the first order partial derivatives of U behave linearly and the second order partial derivatives have constant values which equal their value at the point P. Then we set the gradient of the curvature function to be equal with the gradient of the aforementioned replacement function at P. An isocurvature line of the normal gravity field passing through a point P is a curve such that the value of the function of the plumblines’ curvature k is constant and equals k(P). We give a formula to find the direction of the isocurvature line on the meridian plane and we prove that there are infinitely many isocurvature lines passing through the point P and they all lie on a special surface, the isocurvature surface.  相似文献   

For a 3D velocity model of curved first order interfaces and layer velocities which are arbitrary smooth functions of the space coordinates, the normal moveout (NMO)-velocity can be computed by numerically integrating a system of first order ordinary differential equations for a hypothetical wavefront that originates at the normal incidence point of the normal ray and moves up along the ray to the common mid-point of the common datum point (CDP) profile.  相似文献   

地球物理勘探工作需要三维坐标为其定位,尤其是重力勘探,对高程有较高的要求。作为一种先进的现代化测量技术,GPS能实时提供高精度的平面坐标,但因其使用W G S-84坐标系统,高程为大地高,没有实际的地球物理意义。地球物理勘探用的是正常高,故GPS测量的大地高无法直接使用。若联测高程,不仅增加工作难度,时间成本和经济成本也将大大增加。本文以长江中下游某些地区地球物理矿产勘查为例,介绍利用广义线性拟合法来获取高程。该模型不仅能对拟合结果进行评价,亦能评价模型参数的优劣。  相似文献   

绝对重力仪测量结果的振动划线处理方法初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对自主研发的高精度绝对重力仪样机测量结果中引入的振动误差, 提出了一种全新的振动抑制算法.本算法利用一簇斜率相同的平行直线与记录到的参考棱镜振动曲线相交, 通过提取这些交点的时间信息, 确定落体下落轨迹上进行重力加速度计算的时间和位移坐标. 然后, 利用最小二乘算法获取测点的绝对重力加速度值.对不同重力加速度值的适用性和不同类型振动干扰的抑制效果模拟计算发现, 对于优势频率大于0.2 Hz, 峰峰值小于500 counts的干扰, 算法可以有效提高测量结果的系统偏差和测量精度.最后, 实际实验样机的测量结果表明, 本算法使最终测量精度提高了一倍, 为绝对重力仪的小型化和流动测量提供了软件技术支持。   相似文献   

Summary A table for the North Sea is given containing the Consol position lines radiating from Bushmills and Stavanger. Taking the coordinates of two points of the bearing from the tables according to the number of dots or dashes observed, one can immediately plot a part of the position line near the DR position.

Hierzu Tafel 4–7 mit Tabelle 1–4  相似文献   

Described is a method for non-regular combination of different techniques, where the normal equations matrix cannot be restored, to obtain a representative set of Earth orientation parameters and station coordinates. The method is based on combining station position vectors transformed to the celestial reference frame, where they are functions of both the EOP and the station coordinates. Three types of constraints are applied to stabilize the system, separate celestial pole offset from polar motion and, to tie the EOP between individual epochs. VLBI, GPS, SLR and Doris data as collected for the ‘IERS SINEX Combination Campaign’ was used to check the method. After combination, dispersion of station coordinates decreased from 0.040 to 0.031 m. The effect of the combination on EOP is of the order of 0.2 mas and it can be seen in Figs. 3 and 4 as a difference of the final and a priori values.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a formula for computing the chood distance between two points on a reference ellipsoid. The coordinates of the terminals are in terms of latitude and longitude. The accuracy of the formula is tested against the geodesic and the normal section formulae.  相似文献   

Based on vector magnetic data from the CHAMP German satellite, average daily spherical harmonic models of the main geomagnetic field to n = m = 10 have been constructed for the period from May 2001 to the end of 2009 at an interval of 4 days. The obtained 16 models, which were averaged over half a year, have been used to calculate the coordinates of the north and south magnetic poles (the points where magnetic field lines are vertical). The changes in these coordinates during these eight and a half years have been traced. Both poles continue moving northward and westward. The north magnetic pole has traveled 400 km during this period. The velocity of its motion has increased up to the year 2003, reaching 62.5 km yr−1, and then started decreasing and reached 45 km yr−1 by the end of 2009. In addition, the direction of motion changed from north-northwestward to northwestward; i.e., the pole started turning slightly towards Canada. The south magnetic pole moved slower by an order of magnitude and has traveled 42 km during this period. The coordinates of the geomagnetic (dipole) poles and the eccentric dipole parameters have also been calculated. The dynamics of these poles has been traced.  相似文献   

First, we present three different definitions of the vertical which relate to (i) astronomical longitude and astronomical latitude as spherical coordinates in gravity space, (ii) Gauss surface normal coordinates (also called geodetic coordinates) of type ellipsoidal longitude and ellipsoidal latitude and (iii) Jacobi ellipsoidal coordinates of type spheroidal longitude and spheroidal latitude in geometry space. Up to terms of second order those vertical deflections agree to each other. Vertical deflections and gravity disturbances relate to a reference gravity potential. In order to refer the horizontal and vertical components of the disturbing gravity field to a reference gravity field, which is physically meaningful, we have chosen the Somigliana-Pizzetti gravity potential as well as its gradient. Second, we give a new closed-form representation of Somigliana-Pizzetti gravity, accurate to the sub Nano Gal level. Third, we represent the gravitational disturbing potential in terms of Jacobi ellipsoidal harmonics. As soon as we take reference to a normal potential of Somigliana-Pizzetti type, the ellipsoidal harmonics of degree/order (0,0), (1,0), (1, − 1), (1,1) and (2,0) are eliminated from the gravitational disturbing potential. Fourth, we compute in all detail the gradient of the gravitational disturbing potential, in particular in orthonormal ellipsoidal vector harmonics. Proper weighting functions for orthonormality on the International Reference Ellipsoid are constructed and tabulated. In this way, we finally arrive at an ellipsoidal harmonic representation of vertical deflections and gravity disturbances. Fifth, for an ellipsoidal harmonic Gravity Earth Model (SEGEN: http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/gi/research/paper/coefficients/coefficients.zip) up to degree/order 360/360 we compute the global maps of ellipsoidal vertical deflections and ellipsoidal gravity disturbances which transfer a great amount of geophysical information in a properly chosen equiareal ellipsoidal map projection.  相似文献   

Fluxgate magnetometer data recorded at the dip-equator (Huancayo, Peru; 1.44°N, 355.9° in geomagnetic coordinates; 12.1°S, 75.2°W in geographic coordinates; L = 1.00) with higher accuracy of timing (0.1 s) and amplitude resolution (0.01 nT) were utilized to survey an onset of Pi 2 pulsations in the midnight sector (2100–0100 LT) during PROMIS (Polar Region and Outer Magnetosphere International Study) periods (1 March–20 June, 1986). It is found that changing field line magnitude and vector as observed by magnetometer on board the synchronous satellites in the midnight sector often takes place simultaneously with the onset of Pi 2 pulsations at the dip-equator. The field disturbances that follow thereafter tend to last for some time both at the geosynchronous altitudes and the dip-equator. In this report, we examine the initial response of the field lines in space, and attempt to classify how the field line vector changed in the meridional plane.  相似文献   

Another look at the calculation of fallout tephra volumes   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
The calculation of volumes of fallout tephra layers is difficult because of the nonlinear dependence of thickness on area and because of the extrapolations required at the vent and in distal regions. Calculation using the trapezoidal rule, straight lines on log-log plots of area versus thickness, straight lines on plots of log thickness versus area1/2, and the crystal-concentration method are reviewed and the problems with each method discussed. The method using straight lines on plots of log thickness versus area1/2 is the most geologically reasonable because most deposits thin exponentially from source and therefore plot as straight lines using these coordinates. Errors and uncertainties in previous derivations for using this method are discussed and more general formulas presented. The method is also used to gain perspective on the missing distal volumes calculated by the crystal-concentration method compared to those calculated based only on isopach data.  相似文献   

Raw data on spacecraft orbits and attitude are usually supplied in “inertial” coordinates. The normal geocentric inertial coordinate system changes slowly in time owing to the effects of astronomical precession and the nutation of the Earth’s rotation axis. However, only precession produces a change that is significant compared with the errors in determining spacecraft position. We show that the transformations specified by Russell (1971) and Hapgood (1992) are strictly correct only if the epoch-of-date inertial system is used. We provide a simple formula for estimating the error in the calculated position if the inertial system for some other epoch is used. We also provide a formula for correcting inertial coordinates to the epoch-of-date from the standard fixed epoch of J2000.0.  相似文献   

In certain seismic data processing and interpretation tasks such as spiking deconvolution, tuning analysis, impedance inversion, and spectral decomposition, it is commonly assumed that the vertical direction is normal to reflectors. This assumption is false in the case of dipping layers and may therefore lead to inaccurate results. To overcome this limitation, we propose a coordinate system in which geometry follows the shape of each reflector and the vertical direction corresponds to normal reflectivity. We call this coordinate system stratigraphic coordinates. We develop a constructive algorithm that transfers seismic images into the stratigraphic coordinate system. The algorithm consists of two steps. First, local slopes of seismic events are estimated by plane‐wave destruction; then structural information is spread along the estimated local slopes, and horizons are picked everywhere in the seismic volume by the predictive‐painting algorithm. These picked horizons represent level sets of the first axis of the stratigraphic coordinate system. Next, an upwind finite‐difference scheme is used to find the two other axes, which are perpendicular to the first axis, by solving the appropriate gradient equations. After seismic data are transformed into stratigraphic coordinates, seismic horizons should appear flat, and seismic traces should represent the direction normal to the reflectors. Immediate applications of the stratigraphic coordinate system are in seismic image flattening and spectral decomposition. Synthetic and real data examples demonstrate the effectiveness of stratigraphic coordinates.  相似文献   

由球坐标系下的应变固体潮理论值所构成应变张量矩阵推导并给出了应变固体潮不变量理论表达式,并采用摩尔圆定理证明了公式的正确性。在此基础上,利用应变不变量与坐标系选择无关的性质,又利用与目前所使用的钻孔应变观测系统的4条测线呈均匀分布的特点,推导并给出了5组计算不变量的观测组合公式,并以应变固体潮理论值取代观测值,按观测组合公式计算出了5组应变固体潮不变量理论值。结果发现,不变量的5组数值几乎相同,仅在小数点后2位有差异,证明了公式的正确性与不变量的唯一性。然后根据由莫尔圆定理给出的5组观测组合公式对漳州钻孔4分量应变观测资料进行了不变量计算,并对计算结果进行了相关与回归分析。最后,对不变量理论值在钻孔应变观测数据处理中的应用作了较详细的介绍,考虑到摩尔圆定理不适用于钻孔应变,又给出了采用加衬模型计算不变量的方法与观测组合公式,并对有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Over a century ago Pearson solved the problem of fitting lines in 2D space to points with noisy coordinates in both dimensions. Surprisingly, however, the case of fitting lines in 3D space has seen little attention, though Adcock long ago published a brief (one page) article claiming that the solution that minimized orthogonal distances is the most probable. We solve this problem using a new algorithm for the Total Least-Squares (TLS) solution within an Errors-In-Variables Model, respectively an equivalent nonlinear Gauss-Helmert Model. Following Roberts, only four parameters are estimated, thereby avoiding over-parametrization that may lead to unnecessary singularities and, hence, require the introduction of constraints to the model. The current pervasiveness of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, robotic total stations, and digital laser scanners as sources of geodetic observations means that geodetic engineers and scientists now commonly work with observational models in 3D space as opposed to classical geodetic methods that often separated horizontal and vertical observational models. And while several papers have been written describing a TLS solution for line fitting problems in 2D space, the extension to 3D space is not readily apparent from these works. This further motivates the treatment of the 3D problem in some detail in this contribution.  相似文献   

Recently, an effective and powerful approach for simulating seismic wave propagation in elastic media with an irregular free surface was proposed. However, in previous studies, researchers used the periodic condition and/or sponge boundary condition to attenuate artificial reflections at boundaries of a computational domain. As demonstrated in many literatures, either the periodic condition or sponge boundary condition is simple but much less effective than the well‐known perfectly matched layer boundary condition. In view of this, we intend to introduce a perfectly matched layer to simulate seismic wavefields in unbounded models with an irregular free surface. We first incorporate a perfectly matched layer into wave equations formulated in a frequency domain in Cartesian coordinates. We then transform them back into a time domain through inverse Fourier transformation. Afterwards, we use a boundary‐conforming grid and map a rectangular grid onto a curved one, which allows us to transform the equations and free surface boundary conditions from Cartesian coordinates to curvilinear coordinates. As numerical examples show, if free surface boundary conditions are imposed at the top border of a model, then it should also be incorporated into the perfectly matched layer imposed at the top‐left and top‐ right corners of a 2D model where the free surface boundary conditions and perfectly matched layer encounter; otherwise, reflections will occur at the intersections of the free surface and the perfectly matched layer, which is confirmed in this paper. So, by replacing normal second derivatives in wave equations in curvilinear coordinates with free surface boundary conditions, we successfully implement the free surface boundary conditions into the perfectly matched layer at the top‐left and top‐right corners of a 2D model at the surface. A number of numerical examples show that the perfectly matched layer constructed in this study is effective in simulating wave propagation in unbounded media and the algorithm for implementation of the perfectly matched layer and free surface boundary conditions is stable for long‐time wavefield simulation on models with an irregular free surface.  相似文献   

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