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In this article, I develop a critical analysis of the relationship between urban “revitalization” campaigns and the regulation of street children in Lima, Peru. Scholars writing mostly in the Global North have drawn attention to increasingly punitive policies regarding public space. While in many regards Lima’s urban policy is reflective of such larger trends, I consider whether the regulation of street children is as punitive as might be assumed. I am particularly concerned with the role that children’s rights play as another logic structuring urban regulation. I first show how a language of children’s rights has been manipulated to justify the removal of street children from public space, as is most evident through Peru’s Law to Protect Minors from Situations of Begging. However, there is also something more ambiguous occurring. In the second part of this article, I examine the uneven implementation of policy: street children themselves resist and rework policies “on the ground,” and children’s rights frameworks may offer possibilities for rupture of formal regulation. I suggest that these overlapping and competing dynamics sustain an uneven and contingent geography of urban regulation.  相似文献   

Public space is a feature of the urban built environment that has received increasing attention in recent years. Discussion has focused on the theoretical decline of public space, as private and institutional forces take on increasing influence. At the same time, many such “in-between spaces,” even privately owned ones, are used and experienced as public on a daily basis. Few studies, however, have explored how spaces understood as public are used and practised as such. To address this gap in the literature this paper draws upon ethnographic data collected on the “South Bank” in London (United Kingdom) to argue that “play” is a recurrent trait of sociospatial practices enacted in public space. Three interrelated typologies of playful practices in public space are discussed: child's play, plays on meaning, and play as simulation.  相似文献   


Contestations over immigration, citizenship, and belonging play out every day in urban public space. In this article we study the design processes and use of two Copenhagen parks, Superkilen and Mimersparken, to explore the creation of public space and the “public” in Denmark. Who is part of the Danish “public”? What right do immigrant residents have to shape public space and their neighborhoods? How are the boundaries of Danish national identity policed and contested in public space in Copenhagen? The Danish government has increasingly moved toward far-right anti-immigrant stances, even while Copenhagen promotes a multicultural vision of a diverse and cosmopolitan city. Superkilen and Mimersparken illustrate the shortcomings of Copenhagen’s multiculturalism: though Copenhagen celebrates immigration, it left little space for residents to make meaningful decisions as political actors. In the case of Superkilen and Mimersparken, designers’ stylized idea of immigration is more celebrated than the actual presence of immigrant residents.  相似文献   

Resisting urban renewal in Istanbul   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this article I examine grassroots responses to state-directed urban renewal in two poor neighborhoods in Istanbul. Through detailed analysis of resident perspectives and urban association tactics, I explore various factors that shape the trajectories of resistance to urban renewal, including solidarity networks, levels of participation and trust in local neighborhood associations, strength of neighborhood identity, extra-local support, and the traditions and channels of negotiation with state actors. I argue that these factors are articulated by a distinct “politics of compensation”—a term that I borrow from Ananya Roy—that is particular to the contemporary neoliberal condition. I find that grassroots mobilizations in Istanbul do not necessarily operate in opposition to neoliberalism; in fact, many struggles remain within the conceptual space of neoliberalism and its cost-benefit calculations. These findings contribute to the emerging literature on struggles against urban renewal in the global south.  相似文献   

王钊  杨山  龚富华  刘帅宾 《地理科学》2017,37(9):1337-1344
全球化、信息化时代,城市群空间结构在城市流的作用下发生剧烈的变形。基于长三角城市流的测度和关系矩阵构建,通过流要素分析、多维尺度分析,从“节点-联系-格局”3个方面识别流空间下城市群变形结构。研究表明:流空间下城市中心性层级特征变化明显,中间层级的城市数量大幅增加;局域范围内城市流网络仍受地理空间距离的制约,但高等级城市流具有跨地理空间流动特征;中心城市和边缘城市呈“异化”发展趋势,表现为中心城市的集聚组团以及边缘城市的分散偏离。  相似文献   

卢衍衡  钱俊希 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1609-1624
公共空间是城市社会互动与文化实践的最重要载体之一。改革开放之后的中国城市正在经历着从“熟人社会”到“生人社会”的深刻转型。这一背景下,本文以广场舞休闲活动作为切入点,探讨中国城市空间公共性的理论内涵。利用基于Python的数据挖掘及文本内容分析技术,本研究获取了2011—2015年五年间中国社会有关广场舞的公共话语,并通过自然语言处理提取出关键的语义要素进行相关分析。本文认为,社会群体通过广场舞这一空间实践来抵抗人与人之间的疏离,试图恢复正在瓦解的集体归属感。广场舞是在“生人社会”转型的宏观背景下,一次微观尺度上的“再熟人化”实践,是对宏观社会变迁的响应和调适。另一方面,什么是公共生活的规则,对于中国都市居民来说没有现成的模板,当代中国城市公共性的建构是一个不断学习、不断协商的过程。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between political uprising and megaproject-based global city reform in Paris and London. On the one hand, it considers the banlieue uprisings in Paris in November 2005 as an impetus for the Grand Paris renewal initiative launched in April 2007. This is compared with the large-scale reformations of space across London in advance of the 2012 Olympics as a contributing factor in the riots of August 2011. In both of these cases there is an integral though indirect link between urban planning and resistance. Engaging with Marxist political theory and critical urban geography, I argue that uprisings and global city developments relate in a mutually constitutive fashion. I also locate the suburbs, broadly defined, as an important site of contemporary political antagonism. I use the concept of “political topology” to suggest that global city pursuits present a new mode of uneven development that has not yet been adequately met in thought or practice. The two cases are thus used to open up to a more general analysis of twenty-first-century urban politics.  相似文献   

北京城市意象空间及构成要素研究   总被引:70,自引:7,他引:70  
本文通过照片辩认和认知地图调查试图对北京城市意象空间进行研究。结果表明:北京市的城市意象空间是天安门广场为中心,以长安街和二不、三环、四环路以及前门大街等道路骨架形成的网格状系统。该网状系统以二环路为界,划分为内、外两个城区。在内城区,在道路框架的 基础上,由地标、节点、功能区等要素共同组成城市意象;而在外城区,则只有部分地标要素起主导作用。行政区对于整个市区居民只有模糊的意象。综合起来看,影响北京城市意象空间的主要要素是道路、地标和节点。  相似文献   

宋立新  周春山 《热带地理》2013,33(3):269-275
在公共空间价值研究中,社会行动理论提出基于“场域”空间结构化的社会行动研究框架,并为公共空间价值建构提供了实践论方法。在西方国家出现的公共空间价值危机背景下,社区逐渐成为构建公共空间价值的重要载体,社区规划因其社会行动本质,逐步成为重构社区公共空间价值的重要手段。目前我国社区规划的实践作为城市规划制度体系框架之下的局部探索创新,很难适应公民社会背景下不断成长的社区行动需要。本文借鉴新制度主义理论,以广州市北京街盐运西、流水井、龙藏3个传统文化社区为实证研究对象,从“组织”和“场域”两个分析视角,探讨社区运行空间构建和社区振兴行动方法,试图搭建我国面向公共空间价值需求的社区规划体系。研究显示,上述社区在商业文化的冲击下,面临着社区异质性加深、社区资本降低、社区行动障碍等问题,建设更包容开放、更有活力的可持续社区则成为社区居民的普遍愿望和需求。  相似文献   

San Francisco is now widely considered to be the most important city in the world for the location of new technology start-up firms, especially high valuation “unicorns,” and is increasingly seen as both a locational and metaphorical extension of Silicon Valley. In this paper, I trace some of the political strategies and tensions that have accompanied the city’s prominence in this area, and in particular the distinctive role of technology and venture capital in the political economy of urban development. The paper has four empirical sections. It describes (1) the political machinations surrounding the 2011 and 2015 municipal elections, which saw the election of Ed Lee as Mayor with significant support from individual technology investors such as Ron Conway and Marc Benioff, and accompanied by various “tech-friendly” policy shifts; (2) the foundation of the “tech chamber of commerce” sf.citi as a means of enhancing the policy influence of the tech industry in San Francisco; (3) the introduction of a low taxation regime in the city’s Central Market area that has attracted technology companies such as Twitter as tenants; and (4) the urban policy tensions associated with the evolution of new “sharing economy” firms such as Uber and Airbnb, which have aggressively challenged municipal regulations in the taxi and property rental fields. Throughout these machinations, we can see a reshaping of capital fractions, with venture and angel capital increasingly involved in reengineering the labor, housing, and public transport markets of the city in order to circumvent the accumulation problems that tech investors had suffered in the earlier dot.com failures.  相似文献   

随着城市更新的开展,市民在项目推进中的空间感知及参与程度日渐成为学者和城市管理实践者关注的话题。在此背景下,本研究以更新项目实施阶段的广州市荔湾区的广钢新城为案例,通过遥感影像提取的绿地变化强度并结合深度访谈,试图探索广钢新城绿地建设的公众参与状况。研究发现:(1)广钢新城的绿地面积增加,空间可达性明显提升,然而与新进入居民的绿地空间感知没有呈现正相关联系;(2)随着更新项目的建设与空间主体的流变,建成区出现新的主体进入,而更新规划阶段主要以原有主体的意见开展,新旧主体公众参与程度参差不齐,从而造成空间使用的失序;(3)主体的变化是城市更新过程中应关注的动态要素,不同主体空间感知需要在社区治理过程中获得关注。本研究结合遥感及地理信息系统技术,以绿地效益的感知作为切入点探讨社区治理,以期为城市更新建设阶段的公众参与及协作范式提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

城市广场在现代城市开放空间体系中具有公共性、艺术性、活力性,是人们生活居住重要的休闲场所。文章使用CiteSpace信息可视化工具,梳理国内外研究内容,对Web of Science和CNKI数据库城市广场与城市人居环境重要文献进行关键词聚类分析,结合整理城市广场“人居环境”崭新视角。结果表明:① 城市广场的研究作为城市人居环境缩影,其发展结合城市地理学、心理学、建筑学和社会学不同角度,中美对其文章贡献量最大,但鲜有文章深入研究人居环境视角的城市广场;② 人居环境从景观环境、生态环境、艺术生活环境、社会发展环境不同要素对城市广场产生影响,其中高曝光度的关键词中以环境、居民满意度类别居多;③ 城市广场内外部“软”“硬”两种环境,对居民物质满足到精神汲取产生的作用不可忽视;④ 城市广场作为公共空间,其对人居环境影响研究热点的转变,均是对不同时期城市居民能够平等获取资源,享受健康、舒适、宜居生活的探索。  相似文献   

In this article, I analyze a recent conflict over drumming in a Harlem park to understand the ways in which cultural and racial symbols are employed in negotiations of space within cities. Specifically, I argue that racial belongingness—a racialized claim to space that exists outside of property rights and demarcated through iconography—can be used to both resist and facilitate gentrification in urban locales. The Harlem case illustrates how racial belongingness functions as a device that allows groups to contest power, representation, and access to public space across temporal, physical, and aural boundaries. Thus, I look closely at the city as a canvas and stage upon which passive forms of communication manifest in a racially and culturally coded fashion. Additionally, I argue that contemporary public space discourse is overly preoccupied with class, often neglecting the significance of race in the constitution and experience of urban space.  相似文献   

This article examines the regulation of urban public space through a study of the role of the family unit in past and present urban development in Singapore. Since the founding of modern Singapore 50 years ago, the nuclear family has remained the preferred social institution for state policies and subsequent regulation of education, housing, employment, health, leisure, social welfare and even neighborhood development. Drawing on primary government documents and field work and interviews with current and displaced small business owners on a commercial street in Chinatown, the article demonstrates how a “softer” version of spatial regulation emerged from an intersection of state commercial development policies that favored small, family-owned businesses and the extension of a family-based moral social order applied to the surrounding public spaces. The result is the regulation of Chinatown’s streets and sidewalks became inextricably bound up with the everyday operations of family-run businesses. More recently, state interest in creating an entertainment-based global Singapore has jeopardized this arrangement, as corporate gentrification threatens to displace family ownership of small businesses.  相似文献   

郭友良  李郇 《地理科学》2018,38(2):161-167
选择具有代表性的广州市金花街改造项目(1988~2003年)为案例研究对象,分析了政府主导下改造方案的调整过程和改造空间特征,探讨居民诉求和政府旧改政策对旧城空间的影响。研究表明:金花街居民的原地安置诉求和城市政府依此设计的以民生为导向的改造安排,乃是影响旧城空间的重要原因;在准市场化融资方式和福利化拆迁安置方式下,城市政府提出的有关提供公共服务设施、解决居民临时安置问题和让居民原地安置的要求,使改造规划多次提高改造容积率,以保持改造经济平衡;改造后的金花街在房屋和人口两个维度呈现空间加密化的态势,即存在原地安置房叠加融资商品房、原地安置居民叠加购房迁入居民的社会空间现象,金花街改造并未出现以外来中产人口大规模替代原住低收入人口为基本特征的绅士化过程。最后,从引入转让开发权和鼓励微改造两方面对当前广州的旧城改造提出政策建议。  相似文献   

王勇  邹晴晴  李广斌 《地理科学》2018,38(5):747-754
由“散居”到“集居”,安置社区面临社会关系重建的巨大压力。基于公共空间活力内涵,采用AHP-模糊综合评价法,构建了城市安置社区公共空间活力评价模型,以苏州市6个安置社区为例,对3种安置模式的社区公共空间活力特征进行定量评价和比较。发现:① 不同安置模式的社区公共空间活力存在明显差异。尽管异地安置社区的公共空间的设施完备、类型多样,但是其公共空间的社会活力度最低。对于公共空间活力提升,社区公共空间背后的社会属性比其物质属性更为重要。②公共空间因子活力度与关注度存在不匹配现象。基于“社会-空间”辩证互动逻辑,提出安置社区公共空间活力营造策略: 对于今后安置社区,适宜“村内小集居+跨村大聚居”的安置模式,通过最大程度维系原有“熟人社区”群体的社会边界,提升公共空间活力,减轻社区社会关系重建的压力;对于现有安置社区,可根据公共空间因子活力度和关注度的匹配关系,划分公共空间改造的优先级,采用差别化的改造策略,提升公共空间活力及其改造资金的使用效率。  相似文献   

王祯  张衔春  刘思绎  陈杰 《地理研究》2022,41(12):3273-3286
城市老工业园区更新中的空间治理涉及多元主体博弈与产业用地发展权重构问题,是当下城市研究的重要学术议题。本文以转型理论中多层次视角的形势、体制与利基为立足点,深层次挖掘城市更新中空间治理转型创新的演化过程与内在机制,提出一种不同层次多种因素间相互作用、动态演化下理解中国老工业园区更新空间治理的方法。该解释框架被应用于上海上钢十厂园区更新转型中,通过关注2004年后两次更新转型的过程和机理,研究发现:上钢十厂的更新转型是由宏观外部形势、空间利基创新、空间体制转型三个层次互动而实现的,上钢十厂两个阶段的更新均在产业转型、城市发展需求变化等宏观形势下诞生创新“新奇”,政府、社会团体或企业等空间治理行为主体共同参与推动“新奇”合法壮大并形成利基,在空间资本积累、产业类型转换中,驱使空间体制成功转型,其本质是利基层的空间创新“新奇”在宏观形势或空间体制要素的影响下解构重塑空间体制的过程。城市更新促进了老工业园区产业转型,提高了环境品质、土地利用强度和经济效益。多层次视角能结合城市更新中空间治理的外部环境、内在驱动因素和演变过程等多方面,有助于从动态演化维度理解城市更新空间变迁及转型治理的内在机制。  相似文献   

Rural‐urban classification constitutes an important framework for the collection and compilation of population data in many countries. While “urban” is often specifically defined, “rural” is treated simply as a residual category. The criteria defining urban also differ from country to country. This paper argues that these rural and urban statistical categories are also highly significant for local governance, increasingly so in recent years given the emphasis on local governance and its restructuring. In India, constitutional amendments have given constitutional status to local bodies in the federal structure of the country. Local bodies are thus now expected to draw up their own plans and initiate development works, which requires them to generate their own resources and lessen their dependence on central government funding. It is thus necessary to reorganize urban space into viable spatial units in terms of their revenue base. While rural‐urban classification is the task of the Census of India, state governments are responsible for granting municipal status to urban centres. This paper examines the criteria and limitations of the rural‐urban classification followed by the Census, its congruence with the dynamics of state‐accorded municipal/non‐municipal status and some implications for municipal governance in India.  相似文献   

1990 年以来广州市摊贩空间政治的规训机制   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
黄耿志  薛德升 《地理学报》2011,66(8):1063-1075
近年来,针对某些群体的复仇型或后公正空间政治成为西方城市地理学理解20 世纪80 年代以来城市转型的重要理论。现有的研究注意到了这种空间政治嵌入地方的多样形态,但对其内含的对立性缺乏研究。中国社会转型过程中发生的现实空间矛盾为开展我国背景下的公共空间政治研究提供了源泉。本文基于列菲弗尔的基本空间理论,采用结构-能动的分析路径,运用宏观的政策和制度分析与对典型案例的观察、半结构式访谈、深度访谈相结合的综合方法,以摊贩现象为切入点对90 年代以来广州城市空间政治进行了研究。研究表明,一种排斥性公共空间政治内在地包含了由结构性的规训与能动性的反规训构成的对立性,这一特性在广州表现为:① 对摊贩的排斥性空间政治是作为解决发展的潜在危机而实施综合环境改善战略的组成部分而产生,并导致一种更为明显的“全景敞视主义”式规训机制的形成。② 对立的空间通过摊贩日常式的伺机而动和温顺的不遵守与插曲式的个体暴力和集体行动而形成,结果战略空间被重构为以维持个体生存、摆脱贫困和追求自由为目的的工具空间。这种对立性在根源上是一种社会产物,而产生的实际冲突状况则将取决于空间发展观念及规训策略与反规训力量两者之间的对抗或协调程度。  相似文献   

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