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Jupiter’s satellites are subject to strong tidal forces which result in variations of the gravitational potential and deformations of the satellites’ surfaces on the diurnal tidal cycle. Such variations are described by the Love numbers \(k_2\) and \(h_2\) for the tide-induced potential variation due to internal mass redistribution and the radial surface displacement, respectively. The phase-lags \( \phi _{k_2}\) and \( \phi _{h_2}\) of these complex numbers contain information about the rheological and dissipative states of the satellites. Starting from interior structure models and assuming a Maxwell rheology to compute the tidal deformation, we calculate the phase-lags in application to Ganymede and Europa. For both satellites we assume a decoupling of the outer ice-shell from the deep interior by a liquid subsurface water ocean. We show that, in this case, the phase-lag difference \(\varDelta \phi = \phi _{k_2}- \phi _{h_2}\) can provide information on the rheological and thermal state of the deep interiors if the viscosities of the deeper layers are small. In case of Ganymede, phase-lag differences can reach values of a few degrees for high-pressure ice viscosities \({<}10^{14}\) Pa s and would indicate a highly dissipative state of the deep interior. In this case \(\varDelta \phi \) is dominated by dissipation in the high-pressure ice layer rather than dissipation within the ice-I shell. These phase lags would be detectable from spacecraft in orbit around the satellite. For Europa \(\varDelta \phi \) could reach values exceeding \(20^\circ \) and phase-lag measurements could help distinguish between (1) a hot dissipative silicate mantle which would in thermal equilibrium correspond to a very thin outer ice-I shell and (2) a cold deep interior implying that dissipation would mainly occur in a thick (several tens of km) outer ice-I shell. These measurements are highly relevant for ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) and NASA’s Europa Multiple Flyby Mission, both targeted for the Jupiter system.  相似文献   

More than 80 giant planets are known by mass and radius. Their interior structure in terms of core mass, number of layers, and composition however is still poorly known. An overview is presented about the core mass M core and envelope mass of metals M Z in Jupiter as predicted by various equations of state. It is argued that the uncertainty about the true H/He EOS in a pressure regime where the gravitational moments J 2 and J 4 are most sensitive, i.e. between 0.5 and 4 Mbar, is in part responsible for the broad range \(M_{\mathit{core}}=0{-}18\:M_{\oplus }\), \(M_{Z}=0{-}38\:M_{\oplus }\), and \(M_{\mathit{core}}+M_{Z}=14{-}38\:M_{\oplus }\) currently offered for Jupiter. We then compare the Jupiter models obtained when we only match J 2 with the range of solutions for the exoplanet \(\mathrm{GJ}\:436\mathrm{b}\), when we match an assumed tidal Love number k 2 value.  相似文献   

Many models of eruptive flares or coronal mass ejections (CMEs) involve formation of a current sheet connecting the ejecting CME flux rope with a magnetic loop arcade. However, there is very limited observational information on the properties and evolution of these structures, hindering progress in understanding eruptive activity from the Sun. In white-light images, narrow coaxial rays trailing the outward-moving CME have been interpreted as current sheets. Here, we undertake the most comprehensive statistical study of CME-rays to date. We use SOHO/LASCO data, which have a higher cadence, larger field of view, and better sensitivity than any previous coronagraph. We compare our results to a previous study of Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) CMEs, in 1984?–?1989, having candidate magnetic disconnection features at the CME base, about half of which were followed by coaxial bright rays. We examine all LASCO CMEs during two periods of minimum and maximum activity in Solar Cycle 23, resulting in many more events, \(\sim130\) CME-rays, than during SMM. Important results include: The occurrence rate of the rays is \(\sim11~\%\) of all CMEs during solar minimum, but decreases to \(\sim7~\%\) at solar maximum; this is most likely related to the more complex coronal background. The rays appear on average 3?–?4 hours after the CME core, and are typically visible for three-fourths of a day. The mean observed current sheet length over the ray lifetime is \(\sim12~R_{\odot}\), with the longest current sheet of \(18.5~R_{\odot}\). The mean CS growth rates are \(188~\mbox{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\) at minimum and \(324~\mbox{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\) at maximum. Outward-moving blobs within several rays, which are indicative of reconnection outflows, have average velocities of \(\sim350~\mbox{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\) with small positive accelerations. A pre-existing streamer is blown out in most of the CME-ray events, but half of these are observed to reform within \(\sim1\) day. The long lifetime and long lengths of the CME-rays challenge our current understanding of the evolution of the magnetic field in the aftermath of CMEs.  相似文献   

The gravitational interaction between two objects on similar orbits can effect noticeable changes in the orbital evolution even if the ratio of their masses to that of the central body is vanishingly small. Christou (Icarus 174:215–229, 2005) observed an occasional resonant lock in the differential node \(\varDelta \varOmega \) between two members in the Himalia irregular satellite group of Jupiter in the N-body simulations (corresponding mass ratio \(\sim 10^{-9}\)). Using a semianalytical approach, we have reproduced this phenomenon. We also demonstrate the existence of two additional types of resonance, involving angle differences \(\varDelta \omega \) and \(\varDelta (\varOmega +\varpi )\) between two group members. These resonances cause secular oscillations in eccentricity and/or inclination on timescales \(\sim \)1 Myr. We locate these resonances in (aei) space and analyse their topological structure. In subsequent N-body simulations, we confirm these three resonances and find a fourth one involving \(\varDelta \varpi \). In addition, we study the occurrence rates and the stability of the four resonances from a statistical perspective by integrating 1000 test particles for 100 Myr. We find \(\sim \)10 to 30 librators for each of the resonances. Particularly, the nodal resonance found by Christou is the most stable: 2 particles are observed to stay in libration for the entire integration.  相似文献   

We consider the three-dimensional bounded motion of a test particle around razor-thin disk configurations, by focusing on the adiabatic invariance of the vertical action associated with disk-crossing orbits. We find that it leads to an approximate third integral of motion predicting envelopes of the form \(Z(R)\propto [\varSigma (R)]^{-1/3}\), where R is the radial galactocentric coordinate, Z is the z-amplitude (vertical amplitude) of the orbit and \(\varSigma \) represents the surface mass density of the thin disk. This third integral, which was previously formulated for the case of flattened 3D configurations, is tested for a variety of trajectories in different thin-disk models.  相似文献   

New optimal, contractivity-preserving (CP), explicit, d-derivative, k-step Hermite–Obrechkoff series methods of order p up to \(p=20\), denoted by CP HO(dkp), with nonnegative coefficients are constructed. These methods are used to solve nonstiff first-order initial value problems \(y'=f(t,y)\), \(y(t_0)=y_0\). The upper bound \(p_u\) of order p of HO(dkp) can reach, approximately, as high as 2.4 times the number of derivatives d. The stability regions of HO(dkp) have generally a good shape and grow with decreasing \(p-d\). We, first, note that three selected CP HO methods: 4-derivative 7-step HO of order 13, denoted by HO(4, 7, 13), 5-derivative 6-step HO of order 13, denoted by HO(5, 6, 13), and 9-derivative 2-step HO of order 13, denoted by CMDAHO(13) compare favorably with Adams–Cowell of order 13, denoted by AC(13), in solving standard N-body problems over an interval of 1000 periods on the basis of the relative error of energy as a function of the CPU time. Next, the three HO methods compare positively with AC(13) in solving standard N-body problems on the basis of the growth of relative positional error and relative energy error over 10, 000 periods of integration. Finally, these three methods compare also well with P-stable methods of Cash and Franco et al. on some quasi periodic, second-order linear and nonlinear problems. The coefficients of selected HO methods are listed in the appendix.  相似文献   

Tidal dissipation is the main driver of orbital evolution of natural satellites and a key point to understand the exoplanetary system configurations. Despite its importance, its quantification from observations still remains difficult for most objects of our own Solar System. In this work, we overview the method that has been used to determine, directly from observations, the tidal parameters, with emphasis on the Love number \(k_2\) and the tidal quality factor Q. Up-to-date values of these tidal parameters are summarized. Last, an assessment on the possible determination of the tidal ratio \(k_2/Q\) of Uranus and Neptune is done. This may be particularly relevant for coming astrometric campaigns and future space missions focused on these systems.  相似文献   

To investigate the \(M_\bullet -\sigma \) relation, we consider realistic elliptical galaxy profiles that are taken to follow a single power-law density profile given by \(\rho (r) = \rho _{0}(r/ r_{0})^{-\gamma }\) or the Nuker intensity profile. We calculate the density using Abel’s formula in the latter case by employing the derived stellar potential; in both cases. We derive the distribution function f(E) of the stars in the presence of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center and hence compute the line-of-sight (LoS) velocity dispersion as a function of radius. For the typical range of values for masses of SMBH, we obtain \(M_{\bullet } \propto \sigma ^{p}\) for different profiles. An analytical relation \(p = (2\gamma + 6)/(2 + \gamma )\) is found which is in reasonable agreement with observations (for \(\gamma = 0.75{-}1.4\), \(p = 3.6{-}5.3\)). Assuming that a proportionality relation holds between the black hole mass and bulge mass, \(M_{\bullet } =f M_\mathrm{b}\), and applying this to several galaxies, we find the individual best fit values of p as a function of f; also by minimizing \(\chi ^{2}\), we find the best fit global p and f. For Nuker profiles, we find that \(p = 3.81 \pm 0.004\) and \(f = (1.23 \pm 0.09)\times 10^{-3}\) which are consistent with the observed ranges.  相似文献   

We analyze the families of central configurations of the spatial 5-body problem with four masses equal to 1 when the fifth mass m varies from 0 to \(+\infty \). In particular we continue numerically, taking m as a parameter, the central configurations (which all are symmetric) of the restricted spatial (\(4+1\))-body problem with four equal masses and \(m=0\) to the spatial 5-body problem with equal masses (i.e. \(m=1\)), and viceversa we continue the symmetric central configurations of the spatial 5-body problem with five equal masses to the restricted (\(4+1\))-body problem with four equal masses. Additionally we continue numerically the symmetric central configurations of the spatial 5-body problem with four equal masses starting with \(m=1\) and ending in \(m=+\infty \), improving the results of Alvarez-Ramírez et al. (Discrete Contin Dyn Syst Ser S 1: 505–518, 2008). We find four bifurcation values of m where the number of central configuration changes. We note that the central configurations of all continued families varying m from 0 to \(+\infty \) are symmetric.  相似文献   

The Diffuse Galactic Syncrotron Emission (DGSE) is the most important diffuse foreground component for future cosmological 21-cm observations. The DGSE is also an important probe of the cosmic ray electron and magnetic field distributions in the turbulent interstellar medium (ISM) of our galaxy. In this paper we briefly review the Tapered Gridded Estimator (TGE) which can be used to quantify the angular power spectrum C ? of the sky signal directly from the visibilities measured in radio-interferometric observations. The salient features of the TGE are: (1) it deals with the gridded data which makes it computationally very fast, (2) it avoids a positive noise bias which normally arises from the system noise inherent to the visibility data, and (3) it allows us to taper the sky response and thereby suppresses the contribution from unsubtracted point sources in the outer parts and the side lobes of the antenna beam pattern. We also summarize earlier work where the TGE was used to measure the C ? of the DGSE using 150 MHz GMRT data. Earlier measurements of C ? are restricted to \(\ell \le \ell _{\max } \sim 10^{3}\) for the DGSE, the signal at the larger ? values is dominated by the residual point sources after source subtraction. The higher sensitivity of the upcoming SKA1 Low will allow the point sources to be subtracted to a fainter level than possible with existing telescopes. We predict that it will be possible to measure the C ? of the DGSE to larger values of \(\ell _{\max }\) with SKA1 Low. Our results show that it should be possible to achieve \(\ell _{\max }\sim 10^{4}\) and ~105 with 2 minutes and 10 hours of observations respectively.  相似文献   

Pulsation period changes in Mira type variables are investigated using the stellar evolution and nonlinear stellar pulsation calculations. We considered the evolutionary sequence of stellar models with initial mass \({M_{ZAMS}} = \;3{M_ \odot }\) and population I composition. Pulsations of stars in the early stage of the asymptotic giant branch are shown to be due to instability of the fundamental mode. In the later stage of evolution when the helium shell source becomes thermally unstable the stellar oscillations occur in either the fundamental mode (for the stellar luminosuty \(L < 5.4 \times {10^3}{L_ \odot }\)) or the first overtone (\(L > 7 \times {10^3}{L_ \odot }\)). Excitation of pulsations is due to the κ-mechanism in the hydrogen ionization zone. Stars with intermediate luminosities \(5.4 \times {10^3}{L_ \odot } < L < 7 \times {10^3}{L_ \odot }\) were found to be stable against radial oscillations. The pulsation period was determined as a function of evolutionary time and period change rates \(\dot \Pi \) were evaluated for the first ten helium flashes. The period change rate becomes the largest in absolute value \((\dot \Pi /\Pi \approx - {10^{ - 2}}y{r^{ - 1}})\) between the helium flash and the maximum of the stellar luminosity. Period changes with rate \(\left| {\dot \Pi /\Pi } \right| \geqslant - {10^{ - 3}}y{r^{ - 1}}\) take place during ≈500 yr, that is nearly one hundredth of the interval between helium flashes.  相似文献   

We analytically work out the long-term variations caused on the motion of a planet orbiting a star by a very distant, pointlike massive object X. Apart from the semi-major axis a, all the other Keplerian osculating orbital elements experience long-term variations which are complicated functions of the orbital configurations of both the planet itself and of X. We infer constraints on the minimum distance d X at which X may exist by comparing our prediction of the long-term variation of the longitude of the perihelion \({\varpi}\) to the latest empirical determinations of the corrections \({\Delta\dot\varpi}\) to the standard Newtonian/Einsteinian secular precessions of several solar system planets recently estimated by independent teams of astronomers. We obtain the following approximate lower bounds on d X for the assumed masses of X quoted in brackets: 150–200 au (Mars), 250–450 au \(({0.7 m_{\oplus}})\), 3500–4500 au (4 m Jup).  相似文献   

In a two-component jet model, the emissions are the sum of the core and extended emissions: \(S^{\mathrm{ob}}=S_{\mathrm{core}}^{\mathrm{ob}}+S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\), with the core emissions, \(S_{\mathrm{core}}^{\mathrm{ob}}= f S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\delta ^{q}\) being a function of the Doppler factor \(\delta \), the extended emission \(S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\), the jet type dependent factor q, and the ratio of the core to the extended emissions in the comoving frame, f. The f is an unobservable but important parameter. Following our previous work, we collect 65 blazars with available Doppler factor \(\delta \), superluminal velocity \(\beta _{\mathrm{app}}\), and core-dominance parameter, R, and calculated the ratio, f, and performed statistical analyses. We found that the ratio, f, in BL Lacs is on average larger than that in FSRQs. We suggest that the difference of the ratio f between FSRQs and BL Lacs is one of the possible reasons that cause the difference of other observed properties between them. We also find some significant correlations between \(\log f\) and other parameters, including intrinsic (de-beamed) peak frequency, \(\log \nu _{\mathrm{p}}^{\mathrm{in}}\), intrinsic polarization, \(\log P^{\mathrm{in}}\), and core-dominance parameter, \(\log R\), for the whole sample. In addition, we show that the ratio, f, can be estimated by R.  相似文献   

The most used method to calculate the coronal electron temperature [\(T_{\mathrm{e}} (r)\)] from a coronal density distribution [\(n_{\mathrm{e}} (r)\)] is the scale-height method (SHM). We introduce a novel method that is a generalization of a method introduced by Alfvén (Ark. Mat. Astron. Fys. 27, 1, 1941) to calculate \(T_{\mathrm{e}}(r)\) for a corona in hydrostatic equilibrium: the “HST” method. All of the methods discussed here require given electron-density distributions [\(n_{\mathrm{e}} (r)\)] which can be derived from white-light (WL) eclipse observations. The new “DYN” method determines the unique solution of \(T_{\mathrm{e}}(r)\) for which \(T_{\mathrm{e}}(r \rightarrow \infty) \rightarrow 0\) when the solar corona expands radially as realized in hydrodynamical solar-wind models. The applications of the SHM method and DYN method give comparable distributions for \(T_{\mathrm{e}}(r)\). Both have a maximum [\(T_{\max}\)] whose value ranges between 1?–?3 MK. However, the peak of temperature is located at a different altitude in both cases. Close to the Sun where the expansion velocity is subsonic (\(r < 1.3\,\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\)) the DYN method gives the same results as the HST method. The effects of the other free parameters on the DYN temperature distribution are presented in the last part of this study. Our DYN method is a new tool to evaluate the range of altitudes where the heating rate is maximum in the solar corona when the electron-density distribution is obtained from WL coronal observations.  相似文献   

The present review concerns the relevance of collisionless reconnection in the astrophysical context. Emphasis is put on recent developments in theory obtained from collisionless numerical simulations in two and three dimensions. It is stressed that magnetic reconnection is a universal process of particular importance under collisionless conditions, when both collisional and anomalous dissipation are irrelevant. While collisional (resistive) reconnection is a slow, diffusive process, collisionless reconnection is spontaneous. On any astrophysical time scale, it is explosive. It sets on when electric current widths become comparable to the leptonic inertial length in the so-called lepton (electron/positron) “diffusion region”, where leptons de-magnetise. Here, the magnetic field contacts its oppositely directed partner and annihilates. Spontaneous reconnection breaks the original magnetic symmetry, violently releases the stored free energy of the electric current, and causes plasma heating and particle acceleration. Ultimately, the released energy is provided by mechanical motion of either the two colliding magnetised plasmas that generate the current sheet or the internal turbulence cascading down to lepton-scale current filaments. Spontaneous reconnection in such extended current sheets that separate two colliding plasmas results in the generation of many reconnection sites (tearing modes) distributed over the current surface, each consisting of lepton exhausts and jets which are separated by plasmoids. Volume-filling factors of reconnection sites are estimated to be as large as \({<}10^{-5}\) per current sheet. Lepton currents inside exhausts may be strong enough to excite Buneman and, for large thermal pressure anisotropy, also Weibel instabilities. They bifurcate and break off into many small-scale current filaments and magnetic flux ropes exhibiting turbulent magnetic power spectra of very flat power-law shape \(W_b\propto k^{-\alpha }\) in wavenumber k with power becoming as low as \(\alpha \approx 2\). Spontaneous reconnection generates small-scale turbulence. Imposed external turbulence tends to temporarily increase the reconnection rate. Reconnecting ultra-relativistic current sheets decay into large numbers of magnetic flux ropes composed of chains of plasmoids and lepton exhausts. They form highly structured current surfaces, “current carpets”. By including synchrotron radiation losses, one favours tearing-mode reconnection over the drift-kink deformation of the current sheet. Lepton acceleration occurs in the reconnection-electric field in multiple encounters with the exhausts and plasmoids. This is a Fermi-like process. It results in power-law tails on the lepton energy distribution. This effect becomes pronounced in ultra-relativistic reconnection where it yields extremely hard lepton power-law energy spectra approaching \(F(\gamma )\propto \gamma ^{-1}\), with \(\gamma \) the lepton energy. The synchrotron radiation limit becomes substantially exceeded. Relativistic reconnection is a probable generator of current and magnetic turbulence, and a mechanism that produces high-energy radiation. It is also identified as the ultimate dissipation mechanism of the mechanical energy in collisionless magnetohydrodynamic turbulent cascades via lepton-inertial-scale turbulent current filaments. In this case, the volume-filling factor is large. Magnetic turbulence causes strong plasma heating of the entire turbulent volume and violent acceleration via spontaneous lepton-scale reconnection. This may lead to high-energy particle populations filling the whole volume. In this case, it causes non-thermal radiation spectra that span the entire interval from radio waves to gamma rays.  相似文献   

Kan Liou  Chin-Chun Wu 《Solar physics》2016,291(12):3777-3792
Interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind plasma density observed at 1 AU during Solar Cycle 23?–?24 (SC-23/24) minimum were significantly smaller than those during its previous solar cycle (SC-22/23) minimum. Because the Earth’s orbit is embedded in the slow wind during solar minimum, changes in the geometry and/or content of the slow wind region (SWR) can have a direct influence on the solar wind parameters near the Earth. In this study, we analyze solar wind plasma and magnetic field data of hourly values acquired by Ulysses. It is found that the solar wind, when averaging over the first (1995.6?–?1995.8) and third (2006.9?–?2008.2) Ulysses’ perihelion (\({\sim}\,1.4~\mbox{AU}\)) crossings, was about the same speed, but significantly less dense (\({\sim}\,34~\%\)) and cooler (\({\sim}\,20~\%\)), and the total magnetic field was \({\sim}\,30~\%\) weaker during the third compared to the first crossing. It is also found that the SWR was \({\sim}\,50~\%\) wider in the third (\({\sim}\,68.5^{\circ}\) in heliographic latitude) than in the first (\({\sim}\,44.8^{\circ}\)) solar orbit. The observed latitudinal increase in the SWR is sufficient to explain the excessive decline in the near-Earth solar wind density during the recent solar minimum without speculating that the total solar output may have been decreasing. The observed SWR inflation is also consistent with a cooler solar wind in the SC-23/24 than in the SC-22/23 minimum. Furthermore, the ratio of the high-to-low latitude photospheric magnetic field (or equatorward magnetic pressure force), as observed by the Mountain Wilson Observatory, is smaller during the third than the first Ulysses’ perihelion orbit. These findings suggest that the smaller equatorward magnetic pressure at the Sun may have led to the latitudinally-wider SRW observed by Ulysses in SC-23/24 minimum.  相似文献   

Spectrally resolved measurements of individual solar active regions (ARs) in the soft X-ray (SXR) range are important for studying dynamic processes in the solar corona and their associated effects on the Earth’s upper atmosphere. They are also a means of evaluating atomic data and elemental abundances used in physics-based solar spectral models. However, very few such measurements are available. We present spectral measurements of two individual ARs in the 0.5 to 2.5 nm range obtained on the NASA 36.290 sounding rocket flight of 21 October 2013 (at about 18:30 UT) using the Solar Aspect Monitor (SAM), a channel of the Extreme Ultaviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) payload designed for underflight calibrations of the orbital EVE on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The EVE rocket instrument is a duplicate of the EVE on SDO, except the SAM channel on the rocket version was modified in 2012 to include a freestanding transmission grating to provide spectrally resolved images of the solar disk with the best signal to noise ratio for the brightest features, such as ARs. Calibrations of the EVE sounding rocket instrument at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility (NIST/SURF) have provided a measurement of the SAM absolute spectral response function and a mapping of wavelength separation in the grating diffraction pattern. We discuss techniques (incorporating the NIST/SURF data) for determining SXR spectra from the dispersed AR images as well as the resulting spectra for NOAA ARs 11877 and 11875 observed on the 2013 rocket flight. In comparisons with physics-based spectral models using the CHIANTI v8 atomic database we find that both AR spectra are in good agreement with isothermal spectra (4 MK), as well as spectra based on an AR differential emission measure (DEM) included with the CHIANTI distribution, with the exception of the relative intensities of strong Fe?xvii lines associated with \(2p^{6}\)\(2p^{5}3{s}\) and \(2p^{6}\)\(2p^{5}3{d}\) transitions at about 1.7 nm and 1.5 nm, respectively. The ratio of the Fe?xvii lines suggests that the AR 11877 is hotter than the AR 11875. This result is confirmed with analysis of the active regions imaged by X-ray Telescope (XRT) onboard Hinode.  相似文献   

Analysis of the radial velocities based on spectra of high (near the H α line) and moderate (4420–4960 Å) resolutions supplemented by the published radial velocities has revealed the binarity of a bright member of the young open star cluster χ Per, the star V622 Per. The derived orbital elements of the binary show that the lines of both components are seen in its spectrum, the orbital period is 5.2 days, and the binary is in the phase of active mass exchange. The photometric variability of the star is caused by the ellipsoidal shape of its components. Analysis of the spectroscopic and photometric variabilities has allowed the absolute parameters of the binary’s orbit and its components to be found. V622 Per is shown to be a classical Algol with moderate mass exchange in the binary. Mass transfer occurs from the less massive (\({M_1} = 9.1 \pm 2.7{M_ \odot }\)) but brighter (\(\log {L_1} = 4.52 \pm 0.10{L_ \odot }\)) component onto the more massive (\({M_2} = 13.0 \pm 3.5{M_ \odot }\)) and less bright (\(\log {L_2} = 3.96 \pm 0.10{L_ \odot }\)) component. Analysis of the spectra has confirmed an appreciable overabundance of CNO-cycle products in the atmosphere of the primary component. Comparison of the positions of the binary’s components on the T eff–log g diagram with the age of the cluster χ Per points to a possible delay in the evolution of the primary component due to mass loss by no more than 1–2Myr.  相似文献   

This work is a continuation of our previous articles (Yermolaev et al. in J. Geophys. Res.120, 7094, 2015 and Yermolaev et al. in Solar Phys.292, 193, 2017), which describe the average temporal profiles of interplanetary plasma and field parameters in large-scale solar-wind (SW) streams: corotating interaction regions (CIRs), interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs, including both magnetic clouds (MCs) and ejecta), and sheaths as well as interplanetary shocks (ISs). Changes in the longitude angle, \(\varphi\), in CIRs from ?2 to \(2^{\circ}\) agree with earlier results (e.g. Gosling and Pizzo, 1999). We have also analyzed the average temporal profiles of the bulk velocity angles in sheaths and ICMEs. We have found that the angle \(\varphi\) in ICMEs changes from 2 to \(-2^{\circ}\), while in sheaths it changes from ?2 to \(2^{\circ}\) (similar to the change in CIRs), i.e. the angle in CIRs and sheaths deflects in the opposite sense to ICMEs. When averaging the latitude angle \(\vartheta\) on all the intervals of the chosen SW types, the angle \(\vartheta\) is almost constant at \({\sim}\,1^{\circ}\). We made for the first time a selection of SW events with increasing and decreasing \(\vartheta\) and found that the average \(\vartheta\) temporal profiles in the selected events have the same “integral-like” shape as for \(\varphi\). The difference in \(\varphi\) and \(\vartheta\) average profiles is explained by the fact that most events have increasing profiles for the angle in the ecliptic plane as a result of solar rotation, while for the angle in the meridional plane, the numbers of events with increasing and decreasing profiles are equal.  相似文献   

Data of geomagnetic indices (aa, Kp, Ap, and Dst) recorded near 1 AU over the period 1967–2016, have been studied based on the asymmetry between the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) directions above and below of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS). Our results led to the following conclusions: (i) Throughout the considered period, 31 random years (62%) showed apparent asymmetries between Toward (\(\mathbf{T}\)) and Away (\(\mathbf{A}\)) polarity days and 19 years (38%) exhibited nearly a symmetrical behavior. The days of \(\mathbf{A}\) polarity predominated over the \(\mathbf{T}\) polarity days by 4.3% during the positive magnetic polarity epoch (1991–1999). While the days of \(\mathbf{T}\) polarity exceeded the days of \(\mathbf{A}\) polarity by 5.8% during the negative magnetic polarity epoch (2001–2012). (ii) Considerable yearly North–South (N–S) asymmetries of geomagnetic indices observed throughout the considered period. (iii) The largest toward dominant peaks for \(aa\) and \(Ap\) indices occurred in 1995 near to minimum of solar activity. Moreover, the most substantial away dominant peaks for \(aa\) and \(Ap\) indices occurred in 2003 (during the descending phase of the solar cycle 23) and in 1991 (near the maximum of solar activity cycle) respectively. (iv) The N–S asymmetry of \(Kp\) index indicated a most significant away dominant peak occurred in 2003. (v) Four of the away dominant peaks of Dst index occurred at the maxima of solar activity in the years 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2013. The largest toward dominant peak occurred in 1991 (at the reversal of IMF polarity). (vi) The geomagnetic indices (aa, Ap, and \(Kp\)) all have northern dominance during positive magnetic polarity epoch (1971–1979), while the asymmetries shifts to the southern solar hemisphere during negative magnetic polarity epoch (2001–2012).  相似文献   

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