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Most transiting planets orbit very close to their parent star, causing strong tidal forces between the two bodies. Tidal interaction can modify the dynamics of the system through orbital alignment, circularization, synchronization and orbital decay by exchange of angular moment. Evidence for tidal circularization in close-in giant planet is well known. Here, we review the evidence for excess rotation of the parent stars due to the pull of tidal forces towards spin-orbit synchronization. We find suggestive empirical evidence for such a process in the present sample of transiting planetary systems. The corresponding angular momentum exchange would imply that some planets have spiralled towards their star by substantial amounts since the dissipation of the protoplanetary disc. We suggest that this could quantitatively account for the observed mass–period relation of close-in gas giants. We discuss how this scenario can be further tested and point out some consequences for theoretical studies of tidal interactions and for the detection and confirmation of transiting planets from radial velocity and photometric surveys.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the theory of close encounters of a giant planet on a parabolic orbit with a central star developed in our previous work (Ivanov and Papaloizou in MNRAS 347:437, 2004; MNRAS 376:682, 2007) to include the effects of tides induced on the central star. Stellar rotation and orbits with arbitrary inclination to the stellar rotation axis are considered. We obtain results both from an analytic treatment that incorporates first order corrections to normal mode frequencies arising from stellar rotation and numerical treatments that are in satisfactory agreement over the parameter space of interest. These results are applied to the initial phase of the tidal circularisation problem. We find that both tides induced in the star and planet can lead to a significant decrease of the orbital semi-major axis for orbits having periastron distances smaller than 5?C6 stellar radii with tides in the star being much stronger for retrograde orbits compared to prograde orbits. Assuming that combined action of dynamic and quasi-static tides could lead to the total circularisation of orbits this corresponds to observed periods up to 4?C5 days. We use the simple Skumanich law to characterise the rotational history of the star supposing that the star has its rotational period equal to one month at the age of 5 Gyr. The strength of tidal interactions is characterised by circularisation time scale, t ev , which is defined as a typical time scale of evolution of the planet??s semi-major axis due to tides. This is considered as a function of orbital period P obs , which the planet obtains after the process of tidal circularisation has been completed. We find that the ratio of the initial circularisation time scales corresponding to prograde and retrograde orbits, respectively, is of order 1.5?C2 for a planet of one Jupiter mass having P obs ~ 4 days. The ratio grows with the mass of the planet, being of order five for a five Jupiter mass planet with the same P orb . Note, however, this result might change for more realistic stellar rotation histories. Thus, the effect of stellar rotation may provide a bias in the formation of planetary systems having planets on close orbits around their host stars, as a consequence of planet?Cplanet scattering, which favours systems with retrograde orbits. The results reported in the paper may also be applied to the problem of tidal capture of stars in young stellar clusters.  相似文献   

Potentially habitable planets can orbit close enough to their host star that the differential gravity across their diameters can produce an elongated shape. Frictional forces inside the planet prevent the bulges from aligning perfectly with the host star and result in torques that alter the planet’s rotational angular momentum. Eventually the tidal torques fix the rotation rate at a specific frequency, a process called tidal locking. Tidally locked planets on circular orbits will rotate synchronously, but those on eccentric orbits will either librate or rotate super-synchronously. Although these features of tidal theory are well known, a systematic survey of the rotational evolution of potentially habitable exoplanets using classic equilibrium tide theories has not been undertaken. I calculate how habitable planets evolve under two commonly used models and find, for example, that one model predicts that the Earth’s rotation rate would have synchronized after 4.5 Gyr if its initial rotation period was 3 days, it had no satellites, and it always maintained the modern Earth’s tidal properties. Lower mass stellar hosts will induce stronger tidal effects on potentially habitable planets, and tidal locking is possible for most planets in the habitable zones of GKM dwarf stars. For fast-rotating planets, both models predict eccentricity growth and that circularization can only occur once the rotational frequency is similar to the orbital frequency. The orbits of potentially habitable planets of very late M dwarfs ( Open image in new window ) are very likely to be circularized within 1 Gyr, and hence, those planets will be synchronous rotators. Proxima b is almost assuredly tidally locked, but its orbit may not have circularized yet, so the planet could be rotating super-synchronously today. The evolution of the isolated and potentially habitable Kepler planet candidates is computed and about half could be tidally locked. Finally, projected TESS planets are simulated over a wide range of assumptions, and the vast majority of potentially habitable cases are found to tidally lock within 1 Gyr. These results suggest that the process of tidal locking is a major factor in the evolution of most of the potentially habitable exoplanets to be discovered in the near future.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that extrasolar Earth-like planets in close-in habitable zones around M-stars are weakly protected against galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), leading to a strongly increased particle flux to the top of the planetary atmosphere. Two main effects were held responsible for the weak shielding of such an exoplanet: (a) For a close-in planet, the planetary magnetic moment is strongly reduced by tidal locking. Therefore, such a close-in extrasolar planet is not protected by an extended magnetosphere. (b) The small orbital distance of the planet exposes it to a much denser stellar wind than that prevailing at larger orbital distances. This dense stellar wind leads to additional compression of the magnetosphere, which can further reduce the shielding efficiency against GCRs. In this work, we analyse and compare the effect of (a) and (b), showing that the stellar wind variation with orbital distance has little influence on the cosmic ray shielding. Instead, the weak shielding of M star planets can be attributed to their small magnetic moment. We further analyse how the planetary mass and composition influence the planetary magnetic moment, and thus modify the cosmic ray shielding efficiency. We show that more massive planets are not necessarily better protected against galactic cosmic rays, but that the planetary bulk composition can play an important role.  相似文献   

赵佳  赵刚 《天文学进展》2012,30(1):48-63
自1995年第一颗类太阳恒星周围的系外行星发现以来,随着已发现的系外行星数目的增多,对系外行星性质的统计分析变得重要和有意义。截至2011年6月9日,共发现系外行星555颗。以这些系外行星的轨道参数为依据,对系外行星的性质进行统计分析,得出了一些有意义的结论。同时简要介绍现有的行星形成与演化模型并依据得出的行星统计性质对其进行检验,这对于系外行星的进一步探测具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

A star will become brighter and brighter with stellar evolution, and the distance of its habitable zone will become larger and larger. Some planets outside the habitable zone of a host star during the main sequence phase may enter the habitable zone of the host star during other evolutionary phases. A terrestrial planet within the habitable zone of its host star is generally thought to be suitable for the existence of life. Furthermore, a rocky moon around a giant planet may be also suitable for life to survive, provided that the planet–moon system is within the habitable zone of its host star. Using Eggleton’s code and the boundary flux of the habitable zone, we calculate the habitable zone of our Solar system after the main sequence phase. It is found that Mars’ orbit and Jupiter’s orbit will enter the habitable zone of the Solar system during the subgiant branch phase and the red giant branch phase, respectively. And the orbit of Saturn will enter the habitable zone of Solar during the He-burning phase for about 137 million years. Life is unlikely at any time on Saturn, as it is a giant gaseous planet. However, Titan, the rocky moon of Saturn, may be suitable for biological evolution and become another Earth during that time. For low-mass stars, there are similar habitable zones during the He-burning phase as our Solar, because there are similar core masses and luminosities for these stars during that phase.  相似文献   

Planets result from a series of processes within a circumstellar disk. Evidence comes from the near planar orbits in the Solar System and other planetary systems, observations of newly formed disks around young stars, and debris disks around main-sequence stars. As planet-hunting techniques improve, we approach the ability to detect systems like the Solar System, and place ourselves in context with planetary systems in general. Along the way, new classes of planets with unexpected characteristics are discovered. One of the most recent classes contains super Earth-mass planets orbiting a few AU from low-mass stars. In this contribution, we outline a semi-analytic model for planet formation during the pre-main sequence contraction phase of a low-mass star. As the star contracts, the “snow line”, which separates regions of rocky planet formation from regions of icy planet formation, moves inward. This process enables rapid formation of icy protoplanets that collide and merge into super-Earths before the star reaches the main sequence. The masses and orbits of these super-Earths are consistent with super-Earths detected in recent microlensing experiments.  相似文献   

The planets with a radius < 4 R observed by the Kepler mission exhibit a unique feature, and propose a challenge for current planetary formation models. The tidal effect between a planet and its host star plays an essential role in reconfiguring the final orbits of the short-period planets. In this work, based on various initial Rayleigh distributions of the orbital elements, the final semi-major axis distributions of the planets with a radius < 4 R after suffering tidal evolutions are investigated. Our simulations have qualitatively revealed some statistical properties: the semi-major axis and its peak value all increase with the increase of the initial semi-major axis and eccentricity. For the case that the initial mean semi-major axis is less than 0.1 au and the mean eccentricity is larger than 0.25, the results of numerical simulation are approximately consistent with the observation. In addition, the effects of other parameters, such as the tidal dissipation coefficient, stellar mass and planetary mass, etc., on the final semi-major axis distribution after tidal evolution are all relatively small. Based on the simulation results, we have tried to find some clues for the formation mechanism of low-mass planets. We speculate that these low-mass planets probably form in the far place of protoplanetary disk with a moderate eccentricity via the type I migration, and it is also possible to form in situ.  相似文献   

Stephen R. Kane 《Icarus》2011,214(1):327-333
With more than 15 years since the first radial velocity discovery of a planet orbiting a Sun-like star, the time baseline for radial velocity surveys is now extending out beyond the orbit of Jupiter analogs. The sensitivity to exoplanet orbital periods beyond that of Saturn orbital radii however is still beyond our reach such that very few clues regarding the prevalence of ice giants orbiting solar analogs are available to us. Here we simulate the radial velocity, transit, and photometric phase amplitude signatures of the Solar System giant planets, in particular Uranus and Neptune, and assess their detectability. We scale these results for application to monitoring low-mass stars and compare the relative detection prospects with other potential methods, such as astrometry and imaging. These results quantitatively show how many of the existing techniques are suitable for the detection of ice giants beyond the snow line for late-type stars and the challenges that lie ahead for the detection true Uranus/Neptune analogs around solar-type stars.  相似文献   

超短周期(ultra-short-period,USP)行星是指轨道周期小于1 d的系外行星,是近年来系外行星研究领域中一个新的前沿目标。USP行星的搜寻与确认需要借助傅里叶变换(Fourier transform,FT)和盒最小二乘法(the box least,BLS)等光变曲线分析算法,以筛选和确认精准的周期信号。利用统计方法可得到目前USP行星的轨道周期、行星半径、宿主恒星类型等分布特征。大部分USP行星半径小于2R⊕,受行星质量限制,大多数USP行星无法通过视向速度信号测得精确的行星质量。根据已有的观测结果可算出,部分USP行星的质量小于10M⊕,由此推测这些USP的组成更接近金属与岩石混合的类地行星。由于密近轨道可能发生光致蒸发等物质损失过程,USP行星大气的存在情况尚不明确。目前,USP行星被认为起源于热木星(hot-Jupiters)或亚海王星(sub-Neptunes),但USP行星与热木星的主星金属丰度的分布存在较大差异,亚海王星的光致蒸发起源理论可能性更高。USP行星轨道演化机制包括低偏心率轨道迁移和潮汐耗散的原位起源模型等。  相似文献   

We study systems of close orbiting planets evolving under the influence of tidal circularization. It is supposed that a commensurability forms through the action of disk induced migration and orbital circularization. After the system enters an inner cavity or the disk disperses the evolution continues under the influence of tides due to the central star which induce orbital circularization. We derive approximate analytic models that describe the evolution away from a general first order resonance that results from tidal circularization in a two planet system and which can be shown to be a direct consequence of the conservation of energy and angular momentum. We consider the situation when the system is initially very close to resonance and also when the system is between resonances. We also perform numerical simulations which confirm these models and then apply them to two and four planet systems chosen to have parameters related to the GJ 581 and HD 10180 systems. We also estimate the tidal dissipation rates through effective quality factors that could result in evolution to observed period ratios within the lifetimes of the systems. Thus the survival of, or degree of departure from, close commensurabilities in observed systems may be indicative of the effectiveness of tidal disipation, a feature which in turn may be related to the internal structure of the planets involved.  相似文献   

Planets orbiting a planetesimal circumstellar disc can migrate inward from their initial positions because of dynamical friction between planets and planetesimals. The migration rate depends on the disc mass and on its time evolution. Planets that are embedded in long-lived planetesimal discs, having total mass of 10−4– 0.01 M , can migrate inward a large distance and can survive only if the inner disc is truncated or as a result of tidal interaction with the star. In this case the semimajor axis, a , of the planetary orbit is less than 0.1 au. Orbits with larger a are obtained for smaller values of the disc mass or for a rapid evolution (depletion) of the disc. This model may explain not only several of the orbital features of the giant planets that have been discovered in recent years orbiting nearby stars, but also the metallicity enhancement found in several stars associated with short-period planets.  相似文献   

The photometric method detects planets orbiting other stars by searching for the reduction in the light flux or the change in the color of the stellar flux that occurs when a planet transits a star. A transit by Jupiter or Saturn would reduce the stellar flux by approximately 1% while a transit by Uranus or Neptune would reduce the stellar flux by 0.1%. A highly characteristic color change with an amplitude approximately 0.1 of that for the flux reduction would also accompany the transit and could be used to verify that the source of the flux reduction was a planetary transit rather than some other phenomenon. Although the precision required to detect major planets is already available with state-of-the-art photometers, the detection of terrestrial-sized planets would require a precision substantially greater than the state-of-the-art and a spaceborne platform to avoid the effects of variations in sky transparency and scintillation. Because the probability is so small of observing a planetary transit during a single observation of a randomly chosen star, the search program must be designed to continuously monitor hundreds or thousands of stars. The most promising approach is to search for large planets with a photometric system that has a single-measurement precision of 0.1%. If it is assumed that large planets will have long-period orbits, and that each star has an average of one large planet, then approximately 104 stars must be monitored continuously. To monitor such a large groups of stars simultaneously while maintaining the required photometric precision, a detector array coupled by a fiber-optic bundle to the focal plane of a moderate aperture (≈ 1 m), wide field of view (≈50°) telescope is required. Based on the stated assumptions, a detection rate of one planet per year of observation appears possible.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to determinate the fundamental parameters of six exoplanet host(EH) stars and their planets. Because techniques for detecting exoplanets yield properties of the planet only as a function of the properties of the host star, we must accurately determine the parameters of the EH stars first. For this reason, we constructed a grid of stellar models including diffusion and rotation-induced extra-mixing with given ranges of input parameters(i.e. mass, metallicity and initial rotation rate). In addition to the commonly used observational constraints such as the effective temperature Teff, luminosity L and metallicity [Fe/H], we added two observational constraints, the lithium abundance log N(Li) and the rotational period Prot.These two additional observed parameters can set further constraints on the model due to their correlations with mass, age and other stellar properties. Hence, our estimations of the fundamental parameters for these EH stars and their planets have a higher precision than previous works. Therefore, the combination of rotational period and lithium helps us to obtain more accurate parameters for stars, leading to an improvement in knowledge about the physical state of EH stars and their planets.  相似文献   

Planets which are old and close to their parent stars are considered as reflecting planets because their intrinsic temperature is extremely low but they are heated strongly by the impinging stellar radiation and hence radiation of such planets are the reflected star light that is governed by the stellar radiation, orbital distance and albedo of the planet. These planets cannot be resolved from the host stars. The second kind of exoplanets are those which are very young and hence they have high intrinsic temperature. They are far away from their star and so they can be resolved by blocking the star-light. It is now realized that radiation of such planets are linearly polarized due to atmospheric scattering and polarization can determine various physical properties including the mass of such directly detected self-luminous exoplanets. It is suggested that a spectropolarimeter of even low spectral resolution and with a capacity to record linear polarization of 0.5–1% at the thirty-meter telescope would immensely help in understanding the atmosphere, especially the cloud chemistry of the self-luminous and resolvable exoplanets.  相似文献   

The majority of confirmed terrestrial exoplanets orbits close to their host stars and their evolution was likely altered by tidal interaction. Nevertheless, due to their viscoelastic properties on the tidal frequencies, their response cannot be described exactly by standardly employed constant-lag models. We therefore introduce a tidal model based on the numerical evaluation of a continuum mechanics problem describing the deformation of viscoelastic (Maxwell or Andrade) planetary mantles subjected to external force. We apply the method on a model Earth-size planet orbiting a low-mass star and study the effect of the orbital eccentricity, the mantle viscosity and the chosen rheology on the tidal dissipation, the complex Love numbers and the tidal torque. The number of stable spin states (i.e., zero tidal torque) grows with increasing mantle viscosity, similarly to the analytical model of Correia et al. (Astron Astrophys 571:A50, 2014) for homogeneous bodies. This behavior is only slightly influenced by the rheology used. Similarly, the Love numbers do not distinctly depend on the considered rheological model. The increase in viscosity affects the amplitude of their variations. The tidal heating described by the Maxwell rheology attains local minima associated with low spin-orbit resonances, with depth and shape depending on both the eccentricity and the viscosity. For the Andrade rheology, the minima at low resonances are very shallow and the tidal heating for all viscosities resembles a “fluid limit.” The tidal heating is the quantity influenced the most by the rheology, having thus possible impact on the internal thermal evolution.  相似文献   

This paper extends our previous study of planet/brown dwarf accretion by giant stars to solar-mass stars located on the red giant branch. The model assumes that the planet is dissipated at the bottom of the convective envelope of the giant star. The evolution of the giant is then followed in detail. We analyse the effects of different accretion rates and different initial conditions. The computations indicate that the accretion process is accompanied by a substantial expansion of the star, and, in the case of high accretion rates, hot bottom burning can be activated. The possible observational signatures that accompany the engulfing of a planet are also extensively investigated. They include the ejection of a shell and a subsequent phase of IR emission, an increase in the 7Li surface abundance and a potential stellar metallicity enrichment, spin-up of the star because of the deposition of orbital angular momentum, the possible generation of magnetic fields and the related X-ray activity caused by the development of shear at the base of the convective envelope, and the effects on the morphology of the horizontal branch in globular clusters. We propose that the IR excess and high Li abundance observed in 4–8 per cent of the G and K giants originate from the accretion of a giant planet, a brown dwarf or a very low-mass star.  相似文献   

Most extrasolar planets discovered to date are more massive than Jupiter, in surprisingly small orbits (semimajor axes less than 3 AU). Many of these have significant orbital eccentricities. Such orbits may be the product of dynamical interactions in multiplanet systems. We examine outcomes of such evolution in systems of three Jupiter-mass planets around a solar-mass star by integration of their orbits in three dimensions. Such systems are unstable for a broad range of initial conditions, with mutual perturbations leading to crossing orbits and close encounters. The time scale for instability to develop depends on the initial orbital spacing; some configurations become chaotic after delays exceeding 108 y. The most common outcome of gravitational scattering by close encounters is hyperbolic ejection of one planet. Of the two survivors, one is moved closer to the star and the other is left in a distant orbit; for systems with equal-mass planets, there is no correlation between initial and final orbital positions. Both survivors may have significant eccentricities, and the mutual inclination of their orbits can be large. The inner survivor's semimajor axis is usually about half that of the innermost starting orbit. Gravitational scattering alone cannot produce the observed excess of “hot Jupiters” in close circular orbits. However, those scattered planets with large eccentricities and small periastron distances may become circularized if tidal dissipation is effective. Most stars with a massive planet in an eccentric orbit should have at least one additional planet of comparable mass in a more distant orbit.  相似文献   

The recent discovery that the close-in extrasolar giant planet HD 209458b transits its star has provided a first-of-its-kind measurement of the planet's radius and mass. In addition, there is a provocative detection of the light reflected off of the giant planet tau Bootis b. Including the effects of stellar irradiation, we estimate the general behavior of radius/age trajectories for such planets and interpret the large measured radii of HD 209458b and tau Boo b in that context. We find that HD 209458b must be a hydrogen-rich gas giant. Furthermore, the large radius of a close-in gas giant is not due to the thermal expansion of its atmosphere but to the high residual entropy that remains throughout its bulk by dint of its early proximity to a luminous primary. The large stellar flux does not inflate the planet but retards its otherwise inexorable contraction from a more extended configuration at birth. This implies either that such a planet was formed near its current orbital distance or that it migrated in from larger distances (>/=0.5 AU), no later than a few times 107 yr of birth.  相似文献   

Habitable zones around main sequence stars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kasting JF  Whitmire DP  Reynolds RT 《Icarus》1993,101(1):108-128
A one-dimensional climate model is used to estimate the width of the habitable zone (HZ) around our Sun and around other main sequence stars. Our basic premise is that we are dealing with Earth-like planets with CO2/H2O/N2 atmospheres and that habitability requires the presence of liquid water on the planet's surface. The inner edge of the HZ is determined in our model by loss of water via photolysis and hydrogen escape. The outer edge of the HZ is determined by the formation of CO2 clouds, which cool a planet's surface by increasing its albedo and by lowering the convective lapse rate. Conservative estimates for these distances in our own Solar System are 0.95 and 1.37 AU, respectively; the actual width of the present HZ could be much greater. Between these two limits, climate stability is ensured by a feedback mechanism in which atmospheric CO2 concentrations vary inversely with planetary surface temperature. The width of the HZ is slightly greater for planets that are larger than Earth and for planets which have higher N2 partial pressures. The HZ evolves outward in time because the Sun increases in luminosity as it ages. A conservative estimate for the width of the 4.6-Gyr continuously habitable zone (CHZ) is 0.95 to 1.15 AU. Stars later than F0 have main sequence lifetimes exceeding 2 Gyr and, so, are also potential candidates for harboring habitable planets. The HZ around an F star is larger and occurs farther out than for our Sun; the HZ around K and M stars is smaller and occurs farther in. Nevertheless, the widths of all of these HZs are approximately the same if distance is expressed on a logarithmic scale. A log distance scale is probably the appropriate scale for this problem because the planets in our own Solar System are spaced logarithmically and because the distance at which another star would be expected to form planets should be related to the star's mass. The width of the CHZ around other stars depends on the time that a planet is required to remain habitable and on whether a planet that is initially frozen can be thawed by modest increases in stellar luminosity. For a specified period of habitability, CHZs around K and M stars are wider (in log distance) than for our Sun because these stars evolve more slowly. Planets orbiting late K stars and M stars may not be habitable, however, b ecause they can become trapped in synchronous rotation as a consequence of tidal damping. F stars have narrower (log distance) CHZ's than our Sun because they evolve more rapidly. Our results suggest that mid-to-early K stars should be considered along with G stars as optimal candidates in the search for extraterrestrial life.  相似文献   

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