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The main statistical properties of the Sunyaev–Zeldovich (S–Z) effect – the power spectrum, cluster number counts and angular correlation function – are calculated and compared within the framework of two density fields which differ in their predictions of the cluster mass function at high redshifts. We do so for the usual Press & Schechter mass function, which is derived on the basis of a Gaussian density fluctuation field, and for a mass function based on a  χ2  distributed density field. These three S–Z observables are found to be very significantly dependent on the choice of the mass function. The different predictions of the Gaussian and non-Gaussian density fields are probed in detail by investigating the behaviour of the three S–Z observables in terms of cluster mass and redshift. The formation time distribution of clusters is also demonstrated to be sensitive to the underlying mass function. A semiquantitative assessment is given of its impact on the concentration parameter and the temperature of intracluster gas.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the Bayesian link between the cosmological mass function and the distribution of times at which isolated haloes of a given mass exist. By assuming that clumps of dark matter undergo monotonic growth on the time-scales of interest, this distribution of times is also the distribution of 'creation' times of the haloes. This monotonic growth is an inevitable aspect of gravitational instability. The spherical top-hat collapse model is used to estimate the rate at which clumps of dark matter collapse. This gives the prior for the creation time given no information about halo mass. Applying Bayes' theorem then allows any mass function to be converted into a distribution of times at which haloes of a given mass are created. This general result covers both Gaussian and non-Gaussian models. We also demonstrate how the mass function and the creation time distribution can be combined to give a joint density function, and discuss the relation between the time distribution of major merger events and the formula calculated. Finally, we determine the creation time of haloes within three N -body simulations, and compare the link between the mass function and creation rate with the analytic theory.  相似文献   

Owing to gravitational instability, an initially Gaussian density field develops non-Gaussian features as the Universe evolves. The most prominent non-Gaussian features are massive haloes, visible as clusters of galaxies. The distortion of high-redshift galaxy images because of the tidal gravitational field of the large-scale matter distribution, called cosmic shear, can be used to investigate the statistical properties of the large‐scale structure (LSS) . In particular, non-Gaussian properties of the LSS will lead to a non-Gaussian distribution of cosmic-shear statistic. The aperture mass ( M ap) statistics, recently introduced as a measure for cosmic shear, is particularly well suited for measuring these non-Gaussian properties. In this paper we calculate the highly non-Gaussian tail of the aperture mass probability distribution, assuming Press–Schechter theory for the halo abundance and the 'universal' density profile of haloes as obtained from numerical simulations. We find that for values of M ap much larger than its dispersion, this probability distribution is closely approximated by an exponential, rather than a Gaussian. We determine the amplitude and shape of this exponential for various cosmological models and aperture sizes, and show that wide-field imaging surveys can be used to distinguish between some of the currently most popular cosmogonies. Our study here is complementary to earlier cosmic-shear investigations, which focused more on two- and three-point statistical properties.  相似文献   

We use numerical simulations of a (480 Mpc  h −1)3 volume to show that the distribution of peak heights in maps of the temperature fluctuations from the kinematic and thermal Sunyaev–Zeldovich (SZ) effects will be highly non-Gaussian, and very different from the peak-height distribution of a Gaussian random field. We then show that it is a good approximation to assume that each peak in either SZ effect is associated with one and only one dark matter halo. This allows us to use our knowledge of the properties of haloes to estimate the peak-height distributions. At fixed optical depth, the distribution of peak heights resulting from the kinematic effect is Gaussian, with a width that is approximately proportional to the optical depth; the non-Gaussianity comes from summing over a range of optical depths. The optical depth is an increasing function of halo mass and the distribution of halo speeds is Gaussian, with a dispersion that is approximately independent of halo mass. This means that observations of the kinematic effect can be used to put constraints on how the abundance of massive clusters evolves, and on the evolution of cluster velocities. The non-Gaussianity of the thermal effect, on the other hand, comes primarily from the fact that, on average, the effect is larger in more massive haloes, and the distribution of halo masses is highly non-Gaussian. We also show that because haloes of the same mass may have a range of density and velocity dispersion profiles, the relation between halo mass and the amplitude of the thermal effect is not deterministic, but has some scatter.  相似文献   

We review the main results from recent numerical simulations of turbulent fragmentation and star formation. Specifically, we discuss the observed scaling relationships, the “quiescent” (subsonic) nature of many star-forming cores, their energy balance, their synthesized polarized dust emission, the ages of stars associated with the molecular gas from which they have formed, the mass spectra of clumps, and the density and column density probability distribution function of the gas. We then give a critical discussion on recent attempts to explain and/or predict the star formation efficiency and the stellar initial mass function from the statistical nature of turbulent fields. Finally, it appears that turbulent fragmentation alone cannot account for the final stages of fragmentation: although the turbulent velocity field is able to produce filaments, the spatial distribution of cores in such filaments is better explained in terms of gravitational fragmentation.  相似文献   

We continue with our previous work on statistics of velocity centroids, to retrieve information about the scaling properties of an underlying turbulent velocity field from spectroscopic observations. We use synthetic data sets with extreme effects of velocity–density correlations that we create artificially, which also have a non-Gaussian distribution of fluctuations. We confirm that centroids can be used to obtain the scaling properties of the turbulent velocity when the ratio of the density dispersion to the mean density is less than unity, regardless of velocity–density correlations and non-Gaussianity. It was found that extreme velocity–density correlations can distort the statistics of velocity centroids, impeding the recovery of the turbulent velocity spectral index from centroids. We show that such correlations introduce high-order moments to the maps of centroids, which we disregarded in previous work, but that they are only important when the density dispersion is large in comparison with the mean density. It was also found that non-Gaussian velocity and/or density distort the statistics of centroids too, but to a lower degree than extreme cross-correlations.  相似文献   

In this contribution we examine the problem of inferring ages and initial cluster masses from synthesis models at the limit of low-mass clusters (M≤ a few ×104 M). We show that it is not possible to apply directly synthesis models using standard methods to such clusters, since the basic hypothesis implicit in the models (a fixed proportionality between the number of stars in different evolutionary phases) is not fulfilled due to an insufficient number of stars for a reliable sampling of the stellar initial mass function. The consequence of this incomplete sampling is a non-Gaussian distribution of the mass–luminosity relation for clusters that share the same evolutionary conditions (age, metallicity and stellar initial mass distribution function). We review some tests, that can be performed before the start of the analysis, to estimate if the observed cluster can be analyzed with synthesis models following traditional procedures (like χ 2 minimization) or if it is necessary make use of synthesis models in a probabilistic framework. Finally, we show the implications of these results for estimating the low-mass tail in the initial cluster mass distribution function.  相似文献   

We calculate the higher order moments in a sequence of models where the initial density fluctuations are drawn from a     distribution with a power-law power spectrum. For large values of , the distribution is approximately Gaussian, and we reproduce the values known from perturbation theory. As is lowered the distribution becomes progressively more non-Gaussian, approximating models with rare, high-amplitude peaks. The limit   =1  is a realization of recently proposed isocurvature models for producing early galaxy formation, where the density perturbations are quadratic in a Gaussian field.  相似文献   

We study the effect of primordial non-Gaussianity on the development of large-scale cosmic structure using high-resolution N -body simulations. In particular, we focus on the topological properties of the 'cosmic web', quantitatively characterized by the Minkowski functionals (MFs), for models with quadratic non-linearities with different values of the usual non-Gaussianity parameter f NL. In the weakly non-linear regime (the amplitude of mass density fluctuations σ0 < 0.1), we find that analytic formulae derived from perturbation theory agree with the numerical results within a few per cent of the amplitude of each MF when | f NL| < 1000. In the non-linear regime, the detailed behaviour of the MFs as functions of threshold density deviates more strongly from the analytical curves, while the overall amplitude of the primordial non-Gaussian effect remains comparable to the perturbative prediction. When smaller-scale information is included, the influence of primordial non-Gaussianity becomes increasingly significant statistically due to decreasing sample variance. We find that the effect of the primordial non-Gaussianity with  | f NL| = 50  is comparable to the sample variance of mass density fields with a volume of 0.125( h −1 Gpc)3 when they are smoothed by Gaussian filter at a scale of 5  h −1 Mpc. The detectability of this effect in actual galaxy surveys will strongly depend on residual uncertainties in cosmological parameters and galaxy biasing.  相似文献   

Modelling the build-up of haloes is important for linking the formation of galaxies with cosmological models. A simple model of halo growth is provided by Press–Schechter (PS) theory, where the initial field of density fluctuations is smoothed using spherically symmetric filters centred on a given position to obtain information about the likelihood of later collapse on varying scales. In this paper the predicted halo mass growth is compared for three filter shapes: Gaussian, top-hat and sharp k -space. Preliminary work is also presented analysing the build-up of haloes within numerical simulations using a friends-of-friends group finder. The best-fit to the simulation mass function was obtained using PS theory with a top-hat filter. By comparing both the backwards conditional mass function, which gives the distribution of halo progenitors, and the distribution of halo mergers in time, the build-up of haloes in the simulations is shown to be better fitted by PS theory with a sharp k -space filter. This strengthens previous work, which also found the build-up of haloes in simulations to be well matched to PS theory with a sharp k -space filter by providing a direct comparison of different filters and by extending the statistical tools used to analyse halo mass growth. The usefulness of this work is illustrated by showing that the cosmological evolution in the proportion of haloes that have undergone recent merger is predicted to be independent of mass and power spectrum and to only depend upon cosmology. Recent results from observations of field galaxies are shown to match the evolution expected, but are not sufficiently accurate to distinguish usefully between cosmological parameters.  相似文献   

We study the merging history of dark matter haloes in N -body simulations and semi-analytical 'merger trees' based on the extended Press–Schechter (EPS) formalism. The main focus of our study is the joint distribution of progenitor number and mass as a function of redshift and parent halo mass. We begin by investigating the mean quantities predicted directly by the Press–Schechter (PS) and EPS formalism, such as the halo mass and conditional mass functions, and compare these predictions with the results of the simulations. The higher moments of this distribution are not predicted by the EPS formalism alone and must be obtained from the merger trees. We find that the Press–Schechter model deviates from the simulations at the level of 30–50 per cent on certain mass scales, and that the sense of the discrepancy changes as a function of redshift. We show that this discrepancy is reflected in the higher moments of the distribution of progenitor mass and number. We investigate some related statistics such as the accretion rate and the mass ratio of the largest two progenitors. For galaxy sized haloes ( M ∼1012 M), we find that the merging history of haloes, as represented by these statistics, is well reproduced in the merger trees compared with the simulations. The agreement deteriorates for larger mass haloes. We conclude that merger trees based on the extended Press–Schechter formalism provide a reasonably reliable framework for semi-analytical models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

A new generation of radio telescopes are currently being built with the goal of tracing the cosmic distribution of atomic hydrogen at redshifts 6–15 through its 21-cm line. The observations will probe the large-scale brightness fluctuations sourced by ionization fluctuations during cosmic reionization. Since detailed maps will be difficult to extract due to noise and foreground emission, efforts have focused on a statistical detection of the 21-cm fluctuations. During cosmic reionization, these fluctuations are highly non-Gaussian and thus more information can be extracted than just the one-dimensional function that is usually considered, i.e. the correlation function. We calculate a two-dimensional function that if measured observationally would allow a more thorough investigation of the properties of the underlying ionizing sources. This function is the probability distribution function (PDF) of the difference in the 21-cm brightness temperature between two points, as a function of the separation between the points. While the standard correlation function is determined by a complicated mixture of contributions from density and ionization fluctuations, we show that the difference PDF holds the key to separately measuring the statistical properties of the ionized regions.  相似文献   

We investigate the relative sensitivities of several tests for deviations from Gaussianity in the primordial distribution of density perturbations. We consider models for non-Gaussianity that mimic that which comes from inflation as well as that which comes from topological defects. The tests we consider involve the cosmic microwave background (CMB), large-scale structure, high-redshift galaxies, and the abundances and properties of clusters. We find that the CMB is superior at finding non-Gaussianity in the primordial gravitational potential (as inflation would produce), while observations of high-redshift galaxies are much better suited to find non-Gaussianity that resembles that expected from topological defects. We derive a simple expression that relates the abundance of high-redshift objects in non-Gaussian models to the primordial skewness.  相似文献   

We discuss the 21-cm power spectrum (PS) following the completion of reionization. In contrast to the reionization era, this PS is proportional to the PS of mass density fluctuations, with only a small modulation due to fluctuations in the ionization field on scales larger than the mean-free-path of ionizing photons. We derive the form of this modulation, and demonstrate that its effect on the 21-cm PS will be smaller than 1 per cent for physically plausible models of damped Lyα systems. In contrast to the 21-cm PS observed prior to reionization, in which H  ii regions dominate the ionization structure, the simplicity of the 21-cm PS after reionization will enhance its utility as a cosmological probe by removing the need to separate the PS into physical and astrophysical components. As a demonstration, we consider the Alcock–Paczynski test and show that the next generation of low-frequency arrays could measure the angular distortion of the PS at the per cent level for   z ∼ 3–5  .  相似文献   

We predict the biasing and clustering properties of galaxy clusters that are expected to be observed in the catalogues produced by two forthcoming X-ray and Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect surveys. We study a set of flat cosmological models where the primordial density probability distribution shows deviations from Gaussianity in agreement with current observational bounds form the background radiation. We consider both local and equilateral shapes for the primordial bispectrum in non-Gaussian models. The two catalogues investigated are those produced by the e ROSITA wide survey and from a survey based on South Pole Telescope observations. It turns out that both the bias and observed power spectrum of galaxy clusters are severely affected in non-Gaussian models with local shape of the primordial bispectrum, especially at large scales. On the other hand, models with equilateral shape of the primordial bispectrum show only a mild effect at all scales, that is difficult to be detected with clustering observations. Between the two catalogues, the one performing better is the e ROSITA one, since it contains only the largest masses that are more sensitive to primordial non-Gaussianity.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2003,8(1):1-14
We study the influence of intracluster large scale magnetic fields on the thermal Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) effect. In a macroscopic approach we complete the hydrostatic equilibrium equation with the magnetic field pressure component. Comparing the resulting mass distribution with a standard one, we derive a new electron density profile. For a spherically symmetric cluster model, this new profile can be written as the product of a standard (β-) profile and a radius dependent function, close to unity, which takes into account the magnetic field strength. For non-cooling flow clusters we find that the observed magnetic field values can reduce the SZ signal by ∼10% with respect to the value estimated from X-ray observations and the β-model. If a cluster harbours a cooling flow, magnetic fields tend to weaken the cooling flow influence on the SZ-effect.  相似文献   

The algorithm ztrace of Monaco & Efstathiou is applied to the IRAS PSCz catalogue to reconstruct the initial conditions of our local Universe with a resolution down to ~5  h 1 Mpc. The one-point probability distribution function (PDF) of the reconstructed initial conditions is consistent with the assumptions that: (i) IRAS galaxies trace mass on scales of ~5  h 1 Mpc and (ii) the statistics of the primordial density fluctuations are Gaussian. We use simulated PSCz catalogues, constructed from N -body simulations with Gaussian initial conditions, to show that local non-linear bias can cause the recovered initial PDF (assuming no bias) to be non-Gaussian. However, for plausible bias models, the distortions of the recovered PDF would be difficult to detect using the volume finely sampled by the PSCz catalogue. So, for Gaussian initial conditions, a range of bias models remain compatible with our PSCz reconstruction results.  相似文献   

We use the spherical evolution approximation to investigate non-linear evolution from the non-Gaussian initial conditions characteristic of the local f nl model. We provide an analytic formula for the non-linearly evolved probability distribution function (PDF) of the dark matter which shows that the underdense tail of the non-linear PDF in the f nl model should differ significantly from that for Gaussian initial conditions. Measurements of the underdense tail in numerical simulations may be affected by discreteness effects, and we use a Poisson counting model to describe this effect. Once this has been accounted, our model is in good quantitative agreement with the simulations. In principle, our calculation is an important first step in programs which seek to reconstruct the shape of the initial PDF from observations of large-scale structures in the Lyα forest and the galaxy distribution at later times.  相似文献   

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