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与陆地资源安全相比,海洋战略资源安全具有资源所有和开发收益的二分性、传统安全与非传统安全相互交错、可持续发展性等特点,而且传统安全手段和非传统安全手段作用于海洋战略资源安全的传导路径不同。在当今世界形势下,海洋战略资源安全属于非传统安全范畴这一特性更为鲜明,因此采取合作等非传统安全对策大有所为。在此上述理论分析基础上,以中国南海为例,研究了中国面临的海洋战略资源所有权和开发、利用、保护的安全困境,提出提高技术水平和开展科技合作、推进中国与东盟国家的经贸合作、推动中国与东盟国家的资源合作、加强海洋环境保护的合作等在军事、政治等方式外可以采取的非传统安全措施。  相似文献   

从海洋环境、海上航运、海上能源和海洋食品等方面分析了南海地区凸现的非传统安全问题.20世纪80年代,学术界开始对南海地区非传统安全问题给予关注,但直到21世纪,特别是"9·11"恐怖袭击之后,南海地区非传统安全与区域开发合作才真正成为学术界研究的新领域.南海地区非传统海上安全威胁主要源于:周边沿岸国家的海洋污染,猖獗的海盗行为,能源安全利益竞争以及过度的海洋捕捞.呼吁南海周边有关国家通过双边和区域开发合作方式,进一步增强南海地区各国人民在海洋环境、航运、能源和食品等方面的安全意识.  相似文献   

论国家安全的概念及其特点   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
国家安全是世界各国国家战略的核心内容之一;本文着重讨论国家安全概念、特点以及全球化下国家安全的新趋势。本文认为,国家安全是一个内涵简单、但外延广泛且不断演化的概念。从根本上讲,国家安全是维持主权国家存在和保障其根本利益的各种要素的总和。既包括传统的政治安全和军事安全,也包括非传统的、非军事领域的经济安全、社会安全、科技安全和资源环境安全等。国家安全具有假设性、复杂性、演变性、层次性和非显性等特点。不断加强的全球化趋势为主权国家的国家安全带来新的内容和挑战;经济竞争力的较量、文化价值观念的冲突、信息“侵略”和“反侵略”等在国家安全事务中的地位将越来越重要。  相似文献   

冷战结束后,中国的地缘环境发生了巨大变化。经济、外交等方面的需要使得中国开始实施海权优先的地缘战略。具体而言,中国的海洋安全威胁主要有两类:传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁。在传统安全威胁方面,美国、日本、印度等海上强国都对中国的海洋权益构成威胁;在非传统安全威胁方面,海上恐怖主义、国际性海盗行为和国际走私直接影响着国家的海上方向政治和经济安全。在此背景下,以潜艇为核心舰种的近海防御型海军明显不能满足需要。建设一支以航空母舰为核心的远洋海军成为维护中国海洋安全必不可少的战略手段。在应对传统安全威胁方面,中国航空母舰发挥了不可替代的作用,包括夺取海上制空权及制海权、执行海上封锁任务、反潜作战、两栖突击、反导作战、保卫海基核力量、为海上联合作战提供支撑,等。在应对非传统安全威胁领域,航空母舰在撤侨和灾难救援以及反海盗方面能够发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

与陆地资源安全相比,海洋战略资源安全具有资源所有和开发收益的二分性、传统安全与非传统安全相互交错、可持续发展性等特点,而且传统安全手段和非传统安全手段作用于海洋战略资源安全的传导路径不同。在当今世界形势下,海洋战略资源安全属于非传统安全范畴这一特性更为鲜明,因此采取合作等非传统安全对策大有所为。在此上述理论分析基础上,以中国南海为例,研究了中国面临的海洋战略资源所有权和开发、利用、保护的安全困境,提出提高技术水平和开展科技合作、推进中国与东盟国家的经贸合作、推动中国与东盟国家的资源合作、加强海洋环境保护的合作等在军事、政治等方式外可以采取的非传统安全措施。  相似文献   

冷战结束后,中国的地缘环境发生了巨大变化。经济、外交等方面的需要使得中国开始实施海权优先的地缘战略。具体而言,中国的海洋安全威胁主要有两类:传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁。在传统安全威胁方面,美国、日本、印度等海上强国都对中国的海洋权益构成威胁;在非传统安全威胁方面,海上恐怖主义、国际性海盗行为和国际走私直接影响着国家的海上方向政治和经济安全。在此背景下,以潜艇为核心舰种的近海防御型海军明显不能满足需要。建设一支以航空母舰为核心的远洋海军成为维护中国海洋安全必不可少的战略手段。在应对传统安全威胁方面,中国航空母舰发挥了不可替代的作用,包括夺取海上制空权及制海权、执行海上封锁任务、反潜作战、两栖突击、反导作战、保卫海基核力量、为海上联合作战提供支撑,等。在应对非传统安全威胁领域,航空母舰在撤侨和灾难救援以及反海盗方面能够发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

潘敏  周燚栋 《极地研究》2010,22(4):415-422
随着全球环境问题的升温,北极环境变化也越来越受到了国际社会的关注,中国作为一个近北极国家,深受北极环境变化的影响。本文从环境安全、经济安全、资源安全等非传统安全因素方面来探讨北极环境变化对中国可能产生的影响。就环境安全来说,北极环境变化对中国生态环境将产生直接的威胁,未来气温可能升高所导致北极海冰融化,对中国的社会和经济有着巨大危害;就经济安全而言,北极环境变化所带来的北极航道的全面开通,可能是中国未来发展的一个机遇,但是中国要想在北极航运资源的开发上分得一杯羹将面临着多重障碍;就资源安全来说,北极地区资源丰富,这对能源缺乏的中国而言,意义重大。但鉴于目前中国对北极问题的参与来看,即使北极地区的资源能得到良好的开发,其开发利用主要掌握在环北极国家手里,那么对能源供给越来越依赖国外的中国来说,必定会受制于人,无法从根本上保障中国能源供给的战略安全。  相似文献   

海峡两岸同根同源,发展两岸关系、推进祖国统一是实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然要求。从政治互动、经贸往来和文旅交流3个维度构建两岸关系综合评价指标体系,利用事件数据分析法和熵值法,对2000—2018年的两岸关系进行定量测度、演化阶段划分及影响因素分析,进而对两岸关系的良性发展提出建议。结果表明:①21世纪以来,两岸关系经历了低谷波动期(2000年1月—2008年5月)、全面发展期(2008年6月—2016年5月)和冷却回落期(2016年6月—2018年12月),呈现整体周期性、局部突变性的演化特征;②两岸关系主要受区域地缘环境、大陆综合实力、台湾政党轮替以及非传统安全因素等4个方面的影响;③大陆应当持续优化两岸关系地缘环境、继续提升综合实力、推进两岸社会融合以及建立防范非传统安全风险的机制。  相似文献   

石油的突出地位是毋庸置疑的,它的意义和作用远远超过了其他资源,与国家战略、全球政治、国际关系和国际势力紧密交织在一起。种种迹象表明,21世纪上半叶,石油仍然是工业世界和信息社会安全、繁荣、稳定的关键因素,石油安全也仍然是国家战略的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

武汉市旅游生态安全评价研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
生态安全是由环境安全理论发展而来的一个新的安全概念,在国内多应用于对土地、水资源和城市进行生态安全评价。本研究基于“压力-状态-响应”(P—S—R)模型和生态安全理论,以2010年的实地调研为依托,尝试构建旅游城市旅游生态安全评价指标体系,采取专家座谈和熵权分析法为各指标赋值。本研究综合当前中国旅游城市的发展现状,以武汉市为例进行实证分析,最终得出武汉市旅游生态安全综合评价值。研究表明,武汉市旅游生态安全综合评价值从2004年的5.8023上升到2010年的6.459,生态安全状态逐年好转,达到了生态安全的“良好”状态。然而生态压力和生态响应却呈现出非相关性,7年间生态响应值远远低于生态压力值,武汉市旅游业的发展还处于粗放式发展状态。研究引入限制性因子的概念,根据公式分析出影响武汉市旅游生态安全的十个影响因素,并探讨未来武汉市旅游生态安全的发展策略。  相似文献   

湖南省耕地安全与可持续利用探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
熊鹰  王克林  杨勋林  郭娴 《热带地理》2003,23(3):260-264
湖南省是全国的农业大省之一,但在耕地安全上面临着不少压力,如耕地资源减少、耕地污染日趋严重、耕地质量下降、水土流失加剧等.产生压力的主要原因是,非农建设与人口城镇化的发展对耕地的冲击,耕地生产结构的调整以及管理与政策上的不完善和疏漏等.文中对湖南省未来耕地资源及人均耕地量作了预测.为实现湖南省耕地安全与持续利用,应加强全民耕地安全意识,加大对非农产业及城镇建设占用耕地的管理,建立复合高效农田生态经济系统,以及加快调整农业产业结构,合理开发后备耕地资源.  相似文献   

俄罗斯地缘安全战略探析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
冷战结束后,俄罗斯重新构建其地缘安全战略,确立了维护国家和民族利益,重振大国地位的战略目标。以俄罗斯为中心,周围形成前苏联地区、东欧地区、亚太地区等多个利益区。这些利益区构成了以前苏联地区为内圈,东欧、亚太地区为外圈的圈层结构。  相似文献   

Political geography in general and military geography in particular have paid little attention to the creation of security landscapes. Distinctive elements of the security landscape are identified at the macro-, the meso- and the microscales and applied to the development of Israel's security landscape since 1948, particularly in the Golan Heights and the Negev. The landscape intensifies from the core toward the periphery, expands with technological advances, and changes most at the micro-level.  相似文献   

Toward mapping land-use patterns from volunteered geographic information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large number of applications have been launched to gather geo-located information from the public. This article introduces an approach toward generating land-use patterns from volunteered geographic information (VGI) without applying remote-sensing techniques and/or engaging official data. Hence, collaboratively collected OpenStreetMap (OSM) data sets are employed to map land-use patterns in Vienna, Austria. Initially the spatial pattern of the landscape was delineated and thereafter the most relevant land type was assigned to each land parcel through a hierarchical GIS-based decision tree approach. To evaluate the proposed approach, the results are compared with the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Urban Atlas (GMESUA) data. The results are compared in two ways: first, the texture of the resulting land-use patterns is analyzed using texture-variability analysis. Second, the attributes assigned to each land segment are evaluated. The achieved land-use map shows kappa indices of 91, 79, and 76% agreement for location in comparison with the GMESUA data set at three levels of classification. Furthermore, the attributes of the two data sets match at 81, 67, and 65%. The results demonstrate that this approach opens a promising avenue to integrate freely available VGI to map land-use patterns for environmental planning purposes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the links between climate change and security in the island states of the South-west Pacific. A worst-case scenario of climate change is presented which suggests that land will be lost or rendered uninhabitable in all Pacific Island states as a result of climate-change impacts. Loss of land is the focus of this paper for two reasons. Firstly, land is interwoven in the lives of many Pacific Islanders; it provides economic, cultural and spiritual security at a number of geographical scales. Secondly, a focus on land demonstrates clearly how an environmental threat such as climate change can undermine economic, societal, political and military security in the island states of the South-west Pacific. Clearly, climate change is an important threat to human security, and should be dealt with accordingly.  相似文献   

Book reviewed is the article: Small-State Security in the Balkans . Aurel Braun. South American Development: A Geographical Introduction . Rosemary D. F. Bromley and Ray Bromley. Interregional Migration, National Policy and Social Justice . Gordon L. Clark. Marketing Architectural and Engineering Services . Weld Coxe. A Geography of the Third World . J. P. Dickenson, C. G. Clarke, W. T. S. Gould, R. M. Prothero, D. J. Siddle, C. T. Smith, E. M. Thomas-Hope, and A. G. Hodgkiss. Wildlife and Man in Texas: Environmental Change and Conservation . Robin W. Doughty. At the Sea's Edge . William T. Fox. Englewood Cliffs Geography and Ecology . I. P. Gerasimov. Urbanization in Contemporary Latin America. Critical Approaches to the Analysis of Urban Issues . Alan Gilbert in association with Jorge E. Hardoy and Ronaldo Ramírez, eds. The Coming of the Transactional City . Jean Gottmann. College Park Visions of City and Country: Prints and Photographs of Nineteenth-Century France . Bonnie L. Grad and Timothy A. Riggs. Worcester Soviet Geography Today: Physical Geography . N. A. Gvozdetskiy, ed. Adaptive Responses of Native Amazonians . Raymond B. Hames and William T. Vickers, eds. Urban and Regional Industrial Research: The Changing UK Data Base . Michael Healey, ed. Cuando se Acaban los Montes . Stanley Heckadon Moreno. A Panama Forest and Shore: Natural History and Amerindian Culture in Bocas del Toro . Burton L. Gordon. Pacific Grove Mozambique: From Colonialism to Revolution, 1900–1982 . Allen Isaacman and Barbara Isaacman. Soviet Natural Resources in the World Economy . Robert G. Jensen, Theodore Shabad, and Arthur W. Wright, eds. The Changing Geography of the United Kingdom . R. J. Johnston and J. C. Doornkamp, eds. Pluralism and Political Geography—People, Territory and State . Nurit Kliot and Stanley Waterman, eds. Landmarks Preservation and the Property Tax . David Listokin. Irrigation Horticulture in Highland Guatemala: The Tablón System of Panajachel . Kent Mathewson. Her Space, Her Place: A Geography of Women . Mary Ellen Mazey and David R. Lee. Man, A Geomorphological Agent . Dov Nir. Dordrecht The Book of America: Inside the 50 States Today . Neal R. Peirce and Jerry Hagstrom. Rivers . Geoffrey E. Petts. Proceedings, United States/Australia Workshop on Design and Implementation of Computer-Based Geographic Information Systems . Donna Peuquet and John O'Callaghan, eds. Outdoor Recreational and Resource Management . John Pigram. Remaking the City: Social Science Perspectives on Urban Design . John S. Pipkin, Mark La Gory and Judith R. Blau, eds. The Crust of Our Earth: An Armchair Traveler's Guide to the New Geology . Chet Raymo. Englewood Cliffs Concepts and Themes in the Regional Geography of Canada J. Lewis Robinson. Vancouver Secondary Cities in Developing Countries: Policies for Diffusing Urbanization . Dennis A. Rondinelli. Beverly Hills Legal Foundations of Environmental Planning , Vol 1. J. G. Rose. Can We Delay a Greenhouse Warming? Stephen Seidel and Dale Keyes. Mobilizing Human Resources in the Arab World . R. Paul Shaw. Prairie Mosaic: An Ethnic Atlas of Rural North Dakota . William C. Sherman. The Future of Conflict in the 1980s . William J. Taylor, Jr. and Steven A. Maaranen, eds. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information . Edward R. Tufte. U.S. 40 Today: Thirty Years of landscape Change in America . Thomas R. Vale and Geraldine R. Vale. Madison Silent Violence: Food, Famine and Peasantry in Northern Nigeria . Michael Watts. Readings in Historic Preservation: Why? What? How? Norman Williams Jr., Edmund Kellogg and Frank Gilbert, eds.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Development and Environment in Peninsular Malaysia . S. Robert Aiken, Colin H. Leigh, Thomas R. Leinbach, Michael R. Moss. The Rural-Urban Fringe: Canadian Perspectives . Ken B. Beesley and Lorne H. Russwurm, eds. Women and Development . Lourdes Benería, ed. The Border that Joins: Mexican Migrants and U.S. Responsibility . Peter G. Brown and Henry Shue, eds. Cities of the World: World Regional Urban Development . Stanley D. Brunn and Jack L. Williams, eds. Time Resources, Society, and Ecology: On the Capacity for Human Interaction in Space and Time (Vol. I, Preindustrial Societies). Tommy Carlstein. Urban Geography . David Clark. Spanish City Planning in North America . Dora P. Crouch, Daniel J. Garr, and Axel I. Mundigo. Not On Our Street: Community Attitudes to Mental Health Care . M. J. Dear and S. M. Taylor Unequal growth: Urban and Regional Employment Change in the U.K. Stephen Fothergill and Graham Gudgin. Agricultural Land in an Urban Society . Owen J. Furuseth and John T. Pierce. The Petroleum Industry in Oil-Importing Developing Countries . Fariborz Ghadar. Historical Understanding in Geography, An Idealist Approach . Leonard Guelke. Regional Planning in Europe . R. Hudson and J. R. Lewis, eds. Remote Sensing for Resource Management . Chris J. Johannsen and James L. Sanders, eds. Geography and The State . R. J. Johnston. Texas Graveyards: a Cultural Legacy . Tlrry G. Jordan. The Politics of Location: An Introduction . Andrew Kirby. A Social Geography of the City . David Ley. Energy and the Future . Douglas MacLean and Peter Brown, eds. The Natural Environment of Newfoundland Past and Present . A. G. Macpherson and J. B. Macpherson, eds. Tourism: Economic, Physical and Social Impacts . Alister Mathieson and Geoffrey Wall. Railroads and Land Grant Policy: A Study in Government Intervention . Lloyd J. Mercer. Progress in Rural Geography . Michael Pacione, ed. Progress in Urban Geography . Michael Pacione, ed. Models of Spatial Inequality: Settlement Patterns in Historical Archaeology . Robert Paynter. Natural Hazard Risk Assessment and Public Policy, Anticipating the Unexpected . William J. Petak and Arthur A. Atkisson. The Nature of Geomorphology . Alistair F. Pitty. Regional Conflict and National Policy . Kent A. Price Women and Spatial Change: Learning Resources for Social Science Courses . Arlene C. Rengert and Janice J. Monk, eds. Urban and Regional Analysis for Development Planning . Richard Rhoda. Rivers: Form and Process in Alluvial Channels . Keith Richards. This Remarkable Continent: An Atlas of United States and Canadian Society and Culture . John F. Rooney, Jr., Wilbur Zelinsky, and Dean R. Louder, gen. eds. The Origins of Open-Field Agriculture . Trevor Rowley, ed. Residential Location Determinants of the Older Population . Gundars Rudzitis. Borderland Sourcebook: A Guide to the Literature on Northern Mexico and the American Southwest . Ellwyn R. Stoddard, Richard L. Nostrand, and Jonathan P. West, eds. Arctic and Antarctic . David Sugden. Tall Timbers Ecology and Management Conference, February 22–24, 1979, Proceedings No. 16 . Graphic Communication and Design in Contemporary Cartography (Progress in Contemporary Cartography , Vol. II). D. R. Fraser Taylor, ed. Living with Energy Shortfall: A Future for American Towns and Cities . Jon Van Til. The United States: Habitation of Hope . J. Wreford Watson. Air Photo Interpretation for Archaeologists . D. R. Wilson. Urban and Rural Change in West Germany . Trevor Wild, ed. Population and Resources . Harry Robinson.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Geography and the Third World. International Seminar, 14–18 May 1980, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . Ishmail Ahmad and Jamaluddin Md Jahi, eds. The Growth Dilemma: Residents' Views and Local Population Change in the United States . Mark Baldassare. Sport and Place: A Geography of Sport in England, Scotland & Wales . John Bale. The Deindustrialization of America: Plant Closings, Community Abandonment, and the Dismantling of Basic Industry . Barry Bluestone and Bennett Harrison. Selected Essays 1963–1975: Carl O. Sauer . Bob Callahen, ed. Housing and Planning in the Countryside . G. Clark. Conflict, Politics and the Urban Scene . Kevin R. Cox and R. J. Johnston, eds. Thematic Maps: Their Design and Production . David J. Cuff and Mark T. Mattson. Wine: A Geographic Appreciation . Harm Jan de Blij. USSR in Maps . J. C. Dewdney. Political Geography: A Contemporary Perspective . Ramesh D. Dikshit. Rethinking Human Adaptation . Rada Dyson-Hudson and Michael A. Little, eds. Sacred Sands: The Struggle for Community in the indiana Dunes . J. Ronald Engel. Geography of the Biosphere . A. Furley and Walter W. Newey. Disaster and Reconstruction . Robert Geipel. Glasgow: The Making of a City . Andrew Gibb. Design for Arid Regions . Giden S. Golany, ed. Urbanization and Cancer Mortality: The United States Experience, 1950–1975 . Michael R. Greenberg. Geology in the Nineteenth Century: Changing Views of a Changing World . Mott T. Greene. Colonización y Destrucción de Bosques en Panamá . Stanley Heckadon Moreno and Alberto McKay, eds. Urban Geography: A First Approach . David T. Herbert and Colin J. Thomas. The Visual and Spatial Structure of Landscapes . Tadahiko Higuchi. Climate from Tree Rings . M. K. Hughes, P. M. Kelly, J. R. Pilcher, and V. C. LaMarche, Jr., eds. The structure of Nineteenth Century Cities . James H. Johnson and Colin G. Pooley, eds. The American Planner: Biographies and Recollections . Donald A. Krueckeberg, ed. Urban Land Policy For the 1980s, the Message for State and Local Government . George Lefcoe, ed. Regional Planning: Evolution, Crisis and Prospects . Gill C. Lim, ed. Relevance and Ethics In Geography . Bruce Mitchell and Dianne Draper. China: The Geography of Development and Modernization . Clifton W. Pannell and Laurence J. C. MA. The Urban Retailing System . Robert B. Potter. Hants. Nonconventional Energy Resources . Philip R. Pryde. Caribbean Migrants: Environment and Human Survival on St. Kitts and Nevis . Bonham C. Richardson. Population and Resources . Harry Robinson. East Los Angeles: History of A Barrio . Ricardo Romo. Integrated Impact Assessment . Frederick A. Rossini and Alan L. Porter, eds. Environmental Aesthetics: Essays in Interpretation . Barry Sadler and Allen Carlson, eds. Earthwatch . Charles Sheffield. Field Techniques and Research Methods in Geography . Robert H. Stoddard. Haiti: Land of Poverty . Robert J. Tata. Weathering and Erosion: Sources and Methods in Geography . Stephen T. Trudgill. Once Beneath the Forest. Prehistoric Terracing in the Río Bec Region of the Maya Lowlands . B. L. Turner, II. The Historical Geography of Scotland since 1707 . David Turnock.  相似文献   


Reviews of geographic software in this article:





LIMDEP. William H. Greene



PCIPS. (Personal Computer Image Processing System). H.J. Meyers and R. Bernstein.




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