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全球气候变暖背景下,青藏高原的石冰川活动性增强,产生灾变的趋势上升。采用遥感影像分析、现场调查及气象和径流监测等方法,获取了藏东南地区乌连沟石冰川的特征数据,分析其灾变形成泥石流的诱发因素及过程。结果显示,乌连沟石冰川2010—2017年平均运动速度为1~3 m·a-1,且前缘整体运动速度显著高于中后部。石冰川前缘向前运动进而失稳,可持续为沟道输送松散物源,2013年及2014年约有5 600~9 000 m3石冰川输送的松散物质被启动。形成泥石流除需要充沛的物源外,还需要足够的水源启动。区内降雨量有限,乌连沟最大径流出现在5—6月,主要由高温引发冰雪消融贡献。分析2013年及2014年两次泥石流事件发现,其主要诱发因素是高温,灾变机制为气温快速升高导致表层冰雪快速消融,融水在石冰川表面凹陷处积聚形成湖塘,湖水泄流启动了石冰川前缘积累的松散物质形成泥石流。未来随着气候变暖加剧,石冰川的活动性进一步增强,在急剧升温或强降雨影响下,形成泥石流的规模及频率可能会增加,需防范石冰川灾变形成泥石流的致灾风险。  相似文献   

柳梧乡卡龙孔沟于2018年7月29日暴发泥石流,造成沟口农户1间房屋被损毁,目前威胁7户36人及房屋、公路等。通过调查发现卡龙孔沟具有沟域面积不大,但相对高差大、主沟纵坡降大的有利水动力条件。沟域内物源较丰富,包括沟道堆积物源、滑坡物源、坡面侵蚀物源,松散物静储量约23.04×104m4m3,可参与泥石流运动的动储量为2.66×103,可参与泥石流运动的动储量为2.66×104m4m3。近年来强降雨天气频发,卡龙孔沟再次发生泥石流的可能性较大,建议尽快采取工程治理措施。  相似文献   

堆龙德庆区比西沟于2019年7月10日暴发泥石流,造成沟口某部队、驾校和公路等被损毁。通过调查发现比西沟具有沟域面积大,主沟纵坡降大的有利地形条件和极端降雨条件;沟域内物源丰富,包括滑塌堆积物源、沟道堆积物源、坡面侵蚀物源,松散物静储量约152.52×104m4m3,可参与泥石流运动的动储量为11.64×103,可参与泥石流运动的动储量为11.64×104m4m3。比西沟再一次爆发泥石流的可能性较大,建议尽快采取工程治理防治措施。  相似文献   

堆龙德庆区德庆镇邱桑寺泥石流在2019年7月2日暴发,造成寺庙围墙垮塌、已有稳拦工程被冲毁、公路被掩埋。通过调查发现邱桑寺泥石流沟域面积不大,主沟纵坡降大,沟域物源丰富,包括滑塌堆积物源、沟道堆积物源、坡面侵蚀物源和人工弃渣物源,松散物静储量约57.66×104m4m3,动储量约10.51×103,动储量约10.51×104m4m3。近年暴雨天气多发,邱桑寺泥石流再一次暴发可能性较大,建议采取工程治理措施。  相似文献   

堆龙德庆区比西沟于2019年7月10日暴发泥石流,造成沟口某部队、驾校和公路等被损毁。通过调查发现比西沟具有沟域面积大,主沟纵坡降大的有利地形条件和极端降雨条件;沟域内物源丰富,包括滑塌堆积物源、沟道堆积物源、坡面侵蚀物源,松散物静储量约152.52×10~4m~3,可参与泥石流运动的动储量为11.64×10~4m~3。比西沟再一次爆发泥石流的可能性较大,建议尽快采取工程治理防治措施。  相似文献   

西藏林芝市波密县天摩沟于2007年9月、2010年7月、2010年9月和2018年7月分别发生大型和巨型泥石流,4次泥石流活动均不同程度堵塞主河帕隆藏布,淤埋国道318或摧毁桥梁,堰塞湖淹没村道、溃决造成下游塌岸,给当地居民生命财产尤其是交通干道造成极大危害。文章针对以上4次泥石流活动,采用高分辨率遥感影像,对泥石流发生前的孕灾背景进行解译,同时结合无人机航空摄影和地面调查对天摩沟泥石流形成机制和成灾特征进行了对比分析,得到以下结论:(1)天摩沟内冰川发育,年际变化大,目前泥石流形成的主要方式为岩崩和堵溃,其中2018年和2007年为岩崩引发,2010年为堵溃引发,该沟同时具有冰川泥石流和降雨泥石流的特征。(2)经历了2007年和2010年3次大规模泥石流后,天摩沟内斜坡类物源储量增加了19.6%,绝大部分启动的冰碛物和崩滑物源都转化为泥石流沟道堆积物或冲出沟口。(3)天摩沟2018年泥石流容重为2.10g/cm^3,为黏性泥石流,流速快冲击力强,帕隆藏布河道受到挤压多次变道,历史上最大偏移距离为190m。(4)2018年7月11日泥石流成因为降雨条件下加剧冰川消融引发主沟沟源右侧岩崩,形成多阵次泥石流,主泥石流体积18×104m3,淤埋G318近220m。后续依然具有暴发大型泥石流的可能性,建议进行防治降低其危害程度。  相似文献   

堆龙德庆区德庆镇邱桑寺泥石流在2019年7月2日暴发,造成寺庙围墙垮塌、已有稳拦工程被冲毁、公路被掩埋。通过调查发现邱桑寺泥石流沟域面积不大,主沟纵坡降大,沟域物源丰富,包括滑塌堆积物源、沟道堆积物源、坡面侵蚀物源和人工弃渣物源,松散物静储量约57.66×10~4m~3,动储量约10.51×10~4m~3。近年暴雨天气多发,邱桑寺泥石流再一次暴发可能性较大,建议采取工程治理措施。  相似文献   

汶川地震极震区泥石流物源动储量统计方法讨论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文总结了汶川地震灾区泥石流物源的主要类型,即:滑坡堵沟型物源、崩塌覆盖型物源、碎屑坡积型物源。根据三类物源参与泥石流活动的特点,建立了泥石流动储量的启动地质模式,沟谷下切侵蚀堵溃式和沟谷侧缘侵蚀滑坍式。在此基础上,选择地震灾区44处泥石流为样本,采用数学统计方法获得了总物源量与动储量的相关性,基本呈线性关系。总物源量为50×104m3以内时,动储量可达到15%;总物源量为100×104m3以内时,动储量可达到30%;总物源量为200×104m3以内时,动储量可达到37%;总物源量超过300×104m3时,动储量可超过40%。根据动储量的启动地质模式,本文还提供了计算单体动储量的图解法。  相似文献   

哇曲为金沙江二级支流,位于藏东昌都红层地区贡觉县,流域中游为高山峡谷区,是县域内典型的降雨型泥石流集中发育区。该区泥石流在发育密度、规模、活动性等特征上均高于全县平均水平,且泥石流的发育表现出了与断裂的强烈相关性。基于现场调查,结合无人机航空摄影对哇曲流域泥石流发育特征和主要影响因素进行了探讨分析,得到以下结论:(1)哇曲中游集中发育19条小—中型降雨型泥石流,发育密度0.84条/km,远高于全县0.009条/km^(2)的平均水平;左岸泥石流在发育密度、流域面积、主沟长度、堆积体积等特征上均高于(大于)右岸,左右岸泥石流呈明显差异分布。(2)哇曲中游右岸泥石流物源以风化碎屑类物源为主,呈全沟域分布;左岸泥石流以崩滑物源和风化碎屑为主,集中分区在沟谷中上游,总量较右岸大,其中断层破碎带内物源量占比大,成为左岸泥石流的主要物源。(3)断裂是影响哇曲中游泥石流集中发育且呈现差异分布的最主要因素,主要体现在对物源条件的控制上。(4)断裂以改变岩体结构、控制地层分布、改变微地貌和地下水条件等方式控制泥石流物源条件,导致两岸泥石流物源形成速率和物源量明显不同,成为泥石流差异分布的根本原因。  相似文献   

受汶川地震扰动影响,彻底关沟泥石流物源丰富,爆发频繁,对下游公路造成严重危害。为查明彻底关沟泥石流发育特征及危害程度,对彻底关沟实地调查,并分析泥石流的形成条件、沟域特征、发展趋势。结果表明,彻底关沟沟道陡峭,雨量丰沛,物源丰富,可参与泥石流的固体物源总量达184.6×104m3,易发程度高。在此基础上,在沟道内选取了4个测流剖面进行计算泥石流运动特征参数。基于上述研究提出了“拦、固、疏、清”治理手段,并结合监测预警的综合防治措施,为类似地质灾害的评价及治理提供参考。  相似文献   

冰湖溃决泥石流的形成、演化与减灾对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析了主要由冰滑坡和冰崩入湖导致的冰湖溃决的机理和条件.进而,从气候条件、水文条件、终碛堤、冰湖规模、冰滑坡、沟床特征和固体物质补给等方面分析了冰湖溃决泥石流的形成条件和特点,归纳出冰湖溃决泥石流沿程演化的6种模式:溃决洪水-稀性泥石流、溃决洪水-黏性泥石流、溃决洪水-稀性泥石流-黏性泥石流、溃决洪水-黏性泥石流-稀性泥石流、溃决洪水-稀性泥石流-黏性泥石流-稀性泥石流和溃决洪水-黏性泥石流-稀性泥石流-洪水.针对冰湖溃决泥石流突发性强、频度低、洪峰高、流量大、流量过程暴涨暴落、破坏力强和灾害波及范围广等特点,提出了7点减灾对策.  相似文献   

气候变化影响下高山区泥石流形成机制研究及展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
全球范围内高海拔或高纬度山区(以下简称高山区),尤其高山冰川冻土急剧消退地区,广泛发育泥石流灾害。在全球气候变暖的大背景下,高山区泥石流的现实危害和潜在风险日渐凸显。与其他环境条件下泥石流过程主要由降雨激发不同,高山区泥石流的暴发多受降雨和温度条件的共同影响,其形成机制更为复杂,预测预警十分困难,因此加强高山区泥石流研究具有重要的科学价值和实践意义。通过述评近期高山区泥石流起动研究的主要进展,包括泥石流暴发与气象条件的关系,典型高山区泥石流事件成因,冰川冻土体消融破坏机制,以及冰碛土泥石流起动特征,认为未来高山区泥石流研究应加强高时空分辨率气象数据获取和物源动态变化分析研判,并从动力学机制层面进一步明晰高山区泥石流起动条件和发育过程。  相似文献   

This article documents a 240,000-m3 debris flow resulting from a glacial lake outburst flood in Fjærland, Western Norway, May 8, 2004. The event started when a glacial lake breached a moraine ridge. The ensuing debris flow was able to erode material along its path, increasing in volume from about 25,000 to 240,000 m3 before depositing about 3 km from its starting point. Field investigations, pre- and post-flow aerial photographs as well as airborne laser scanning (LIDAR) were used to describe and investigate the flow. The most striking and unusual feature of this case study is the very pronounced erosion and bulking. We have made a detailed study of this aspect. Erosion and entrainment is quantified and the final volume of the debris flow is determined. We also present geometrical and sedimentological features of the final deposit. Based on the Fjærland data, we suggest that a self-sustaining mechanism might partly explain the extreme growth of debris flows traversing soft terrain.  相似文献   

The last deglaciation, a key period for understanding present and future climate changes, has long been the hot topic for palaeoclimatological study. The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau(QTP) is often a target study area for understanding hemispheric, or even global environment changes. The glacial landforms on the QTP provide a unique perspective for its climate change. In order to investigate the onset of the last deglaciation at the QTP and its regional correlation, the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides(TCN) 10 Be and 26 Al surface exposure dating was chosen to date the roche moutonnée, the polished surface and the moraine debris located at the palaeo-Daocheng Ice Cap(pDIC), southeastern QTP. Our results show that the onset of the last deglaciation is at about 19 ka, followed by another warming event occurring around 15 ka in the p-DIC area. These timings agree well with other records, e.g. equivalent with a rapid sea level rise at 19 ka and the onset of B?lling warming event at about 15 ka. Thus, our new data can provide good reveal constraint on the climate evolution at the QTP.  相似文献   

与广泛分布于干旱河谷的宽级配砾石土体特征不同,冰碛土广泛分布在青藏高原地区,属粗大颗粒多、粘粒含量少、摩擦阻力大、粘滞阻力小的宽级配砾石土体。在冰川融雪与降雨的共同作用下冰碛土体可失稳并起动泥石流,形成灾害。针对冰碛土体起动泥石流机理研究薄弱的现状,本文选取波密县帕隆藏布流域的支流嘎弄沟一冰碛土堆积坡面,通过模拟降水与冰雪融水起动冰川泥石流实验,比较不同颗粒组成、不同实验条件下的土体起动泥石流特征,分析其起动成因及力学特性,探讨冰碛土体起动泥石流的机理。研究发现冰碛土体失稳起动泥石流是粘滞阻力降低、孔隙水压力升高、拖曳力与渗流侵蚀共同作用的结果,起动过程受粘土颗粒含量和径流类型的影响。当粘粒含量较高时(>3%),土体通过铲蚀与面蚀形成泥石流;粘粒含量中低时(不高于3%),大部分坡面土体主要经掏蚀与坍塌起动泥石流;粘粒含量过低时(<0.32%),土体难以起动泥石流。在降水作用下土体孔隙水压力迅速增加,易造成土体破坏,起动泥石流;而在冰雪融水的作用下,土体孔隙水压力波动幅度不大时,土体同样可能发生失稳破坏起动泥石流。  相似文献   

This contribution provides new constraints on the timing of Tibetan glacial recessions recorded by the abandonment of moraines. We present cosmogenic radionuclide 10Be inventories at 17 sites in southern and western Tibet (32 crests, 249 samples) and infer the range of permissible emplacement ages based on these analyses. Individual large embedded rock and boulder samples were collected from the crests of moraine surfaces and analyzed for 10Be abundance. We consider two scenarios to interpret the age of glacial recession leading to the moraine surface formation from these sample exposure ages: 1) Erosion of the moraine surface is insignificant and so the emplacement age of the moraines is reflected by the mean sample age; and 2) Erosion progressively exposes large boulders with little prior exposure, and so the oldest sample age records the minimum moraine emplacement age. We found that depending on the scenario chosen, the moraine emplacement age can vary by > 50% for ~100 ka-old samples. We consider two scaling models for estimating the production rates of 10Be in Tibet, which has an important, although lesser, effect on inferred moraine ages. While the data presented herein effectively increase the database of sample exposure ages from Tibet by ~20%, we find that uncertainties related to the interpretation of the 10Be abundance within individual samples in terms of moraine emplacement ages are sufficient to accommodate either a view in which glacial advances are associated with temperature minima or precipitation maxima that are recorded by independent paleoclimate proxies. A reanalysis of published data from moraines throughout Tibet shows that the variation we observe is not unique to our dataset but rather is a robust feature of the Tibetan moraine age database. Thus, when viewed in a similar way with other samples collected from this area, uncertainties within moraine exposure ages obscure attribution of Tibetan glacial advances to temperature minima or precipitation maxima. Our work suggests that more reliable chronologies of Tibetan glaciations will come from improvements in production rate models for this portion of the world, as well as a better understanding of the processes that form and modify these geomorphic surfaces.  相似文献   

末次冰期以来,气候变暖导致全球高山地区的冰川环境变化剧烈,冰碛湖稳定性降低导致溃决频率增加,成为中国、尼泊尔、俄罗斯、秘鲁等10多个国家和地区频繁发生的冰川灾害类型之一。冰碛湖溃决诱发形成的洪水和泥石流,由于规模巨大、成灾速度快和波及范围广等特点,造成下游地区的基础设施和生命财产遭受惨重损失。本文通过对国内外冰碛湖溃决事件、溃决诱因、溃决模式和溃决洪水特征4个方面研究现状和发展现状的梳理和分析,总结经验和思路,从而为冰碛湖溃决研究和评价提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The total area of debris flow territories of the Russian Federation accounts for about 10% of the area of the country. The highest debris flow activity areas located in Kamchatka-Kuril, North Caucasus and Baikal debris flow provinces. The largest debris flow events connected with volcano eruptions. Maximum volume of debris flow deposits per one event reached 500 × 106 m3 (lahar formed during the eruption of Bezymyanny volcano in Kamchatka in 1956). In the mountains of the Greater Caucasus, the maximum volume of transported debris material reached 3 × 106 m3; the largest debris flows here had glacial reasons. In the Baikal debris flow province, the highest debris flow activity located in the ridges of the Baikal rift zone (the East Sayan Mountains, the Khamar-Daban Ridge and the ridges of the Stanovoye Highland). Spatial features of debris flow processes within the territory of Russia are analyzed, and the map of Debris Flow Hazard in Russia is presented. We classified the debris flow hazard areas into 2 zones, 6 regions and 15 provinces. Warm and cold zones are distinguished. The warm zone covers mountainous areas within the southern part of Russia with temperate climate; rain-induced debris flows are predominant there. The cold zone includes mountainous areas with subarctic and arctic climate; they are characterized by a short warm period, the occurrence of permafrost, as well as the predominance of slush flows. Debris flow events are described for each province. We collected a list of remarkable debris flow events with some parameters of their magnitude and impact. Due to climate change, the characteristics of debris flows will change in the future. Availability of maps and information from previous events will allow to analyze the new cases of debris flows.  相似文献   

青藏高原持续隆升使得其周缘地带地质灾害频发,复杂的地质背景,造就了帕隆藏布流域链式灾害发育、堵江致灾风险高的特点。近年来,地处帕隆藏布流域的然乌湖口地质灾害变形强烈,本文通过光学遥感与InSAR监测技术,对然乌湖口82道班沟内进行风险物源识别,解译出研究区共存在高位冰崩、崩塌、冰碛物、崩滑体4种风险物源类型,针对各风险物源的遥感解译数据进行特征分析,综合然乌湖流域内的地质背景,阐述风险物源的致灾因素及成灾模式。结合InSAR监测结果,将然乌湖口右岸斜坡体及上部解译风险物源区划分为82道班、迫隆与哑隆三个高风险区,并依据变形监测结果进行形变特征分析。  相似文献   

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