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能源与矿产资源供应保障关系到国家资源安全。基于大数据模拟仿真技术,以资源经济理论驱动模型模拟未来不同资源供需前景,建设矿产资源保障程度动态分析系统(MRSDAS)动态评价未来中国矿产资源对国民经济的保障程度具有重要意义。系统以前期完成的矿产资源利用现状调查数据库为基础,结合矿山实地调查技术经济数据,搭建了矿产资源国情调查大数据平台,构建保障程度评价各个关键技术环节的评价数学模型和计算机算法程序。模型分为市场经济条件下占用资源可供性模型、未占用资源未来可供性模型、矿产品价格预测模型、消费预测模型、保障程度分析决策支持模型,系统功能模块涵盖数据库管理子系统、可供性分析子系统、保障程度动态分析子系统、决策支持子系统,通过调整矿种、规模、市场价格、运输等评价因子动态模拟未来资源供需形势,分析未来资源保障程度,支撑决策,保障国民经济建设。  相似文献   

低品位铁矿资源开发经济分析模型与应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
陈甲斌  贾文龙 《江苏地质》2008,32(4):324-331
随着铁矿资源选冶技术水平的提升,在国内消费不断扩张及市场价格不断高涨的情况下,使得低品位铁矿资源开发利用的时机日益成熟。通过引入经济品位概念,从量上界定了低品位铁矿资源的具体范畴;以盈亏平衡为基点,导出了计算低品位矿产资源开发利用临界品位的经济分析模型。在广泛收集相关参数及预计未来铁精矿价格走势的基础上,通过计算,从促进低品位铁矿资源开发利用角度考虑,认为我国低品位铁矿资源开发利用的临界品位定在17%是比较合理的。建议对铁品位在17%及以下的低品位铁矿资源开发实施优惠的激励政策;对铁品位在17%-23%的铁矿资源开发,在目前的经济技术条件下可以不需要政策优惠,但要注重政策引导.  相似文献   

铁矿资源分为富铁、贫铁,随着市场需求增大和资源的枯竭,超贫铁矿将逐渐发展为主要方向,本文就河北省邢台县将军墓一带铁矿地质特征,将其定名为低质超贫铁矿,认为该类型资源在一定条件下具有很好的开发利用前景。  相似文献   

钢铁行业是河北省的支柱产业, 其发展紧密依赖于铁矿资源, 保障铁矿资源供给安全, 对于河北省钢铁行业乃至国民经济健康发展具有重要的战略意义。本文采用多级模糊综合评判方法, 从发展力和协调力两方面对河北省铁矿资源的保障能力进行了分析研究, 同时对上述两个准则层之下又细分为不同的要素层。分析结果显示, 在发展力方面, 得益于河北省铁矿资源赋存的先天条件, 资源禀赋和开发条件较强; 对环境影响的评价为较差, 应加紧环境的治理和恢复; 在协调力方面, 铁矿产资源转化效率处于较强水平, 说明河北省钢铁工业的技术水平具有一定的优势; 经济协调度处于较差水平, 而社会协调度和环境协调度都处于中等水平。总之, 河北省的铁矿矿产资源禀赋较强, 开发条件较好, 矿产资源能够为矿业的发展提供物质保障, 具有较强的保障能力, 可为河北省钢铁行业的可持续发展提供重要的基础原材料。  相似文献   

资源型危机矿山的概念与分类   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
危机矿山问题是当前国家、社会和业界共同关注的热点之一,目前有关危机矿山概念与分类的认识不一、亟待统一.文章在分析探讨资源型危机矿山的概念与涵义的基础上,将"资源型危机矿山"明确地表述为:由于矿区范围内可供的矿产资源逐渐枯竭,或因矿产品价格波动、供求关系变化等市场条件改变而难以继续经济地开发利用其保有的矿产资源,因而在目前已经或者今后一定时期内难以维持正常生产经营而面临闭坑或破产危机的矿山企业.根据矿山资源危机程度和矿产资源潜力评价的实际需要,文章提出我国资源型危机矿山的第一个分类方案.  相似文献   

凉山地区稀土资源储量大,分布集中,品质优、成分单一,易采、选、冶,是四川省优势矿产资源之一,是我国稀土产品第二大基地。研究通过总结凉山州稀土矿分布特征,归纳其规律和特点,分析开发利用现状及存在的问题,有针对性提出了开发利用与可供性措施和建议。  相似文献   

吴良士 《矿床地质》2016,35(3):648-651
正2矿产资源概况2.6金属矿产资源阿富汗金属矿产资源较为丰富,铁矿、铬矿、铜矿和锡矿等比较突出,有的在中亚地区还具有一定代表性。(1)铁矿资源阿富汗有铁矿床、铁矿点近60处,主要矿床类型为沉积变质型和矽卡岩型、热液型。沉积变质型铁矿分布最广、规模较大,其资源储量占全国资源储量的80%以上,而矽卡岩型铁矿和热液型铁矿,虽然矿石品位  相似文献   

河北省是我国重要的铁矿产地。全省铁矿可归纳为5种成因类型,即沉积变质型铁矿、岩浆岩型铁矿、矽卡岩型铁矿、沉积型铁矿和火山热液型铁矿。在对不同类型铁矿地质特征进行总结的基础上,对全省铁矿的资源勘查和开发利用现状进行了梳理,对河北省铁矿资源禀赋特征进行了分析,提出了铁矿勘查、开发及管理中的问题和建议。  相似文献   

矿产资源是国民经济建设和社会发展的主要物质基础,唐山市矿产资源丰富,是一座典型的资源型城市,尤其是铁矿资源储量在我国占有十分重要的位置,随着钢铁工业的快速发展,铁矿资源的开发利用已是唐山市社会经济发展的重要支柱,可持续开发利用唐山市的铁矿资源非常必要。  相似文献   

泥炭矿产资源分析及开发利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究、分析了国内外泥炭矿产资源的储量、分布、质量、开发利用、生产、市场、价格及发展趋势;预测并论证了至2000年泥炭资源的供需及保证程度。基于对我国泥炭资源的储量、质量、主要开发利用方向等分析评价,就如何科学有效地勘查、管理、保护及开发利用问题,提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

新一轮国土资源大调查是依据新的形势要求开展的一项重要工作,开展新一轮国土资源大调查必须体现了一个“新”了,创新是新一轮国土资源大调查的灵魂。在开展新一轮国土资源大调查时,一定要有新思路,尤其在战略上要坚持“资源调查与环境评价并举”的原则,在加强资源调查工作的同时,大力开展环境评价工作。  相似文献   

Concerns about future supplies of raw materials demand careful examination of underlying assumptions and data. Flawed deposit information, ignored undiscovered resources and questionable assumptions about future consumption require a new look at copper resources.A careful compilation of 1978 copper-bearing mineral deposits totals 2700 million metric tons of copper including past production—considerably more than reported in previous studies. About 69% of the copper is in porphyry copper deposits and 12% in sediment-hosted copper, Magmatic sulfide (mostly intrusive Ni) deposits account for 5.1%, and IOGC adds about 4.7%. VMS deposits represent 45% of the 1978 deposits but only 4.9% of the copper.The largest 20% of the deposits account for over 92% of the total copper metal. In other words, total Cu content in the smaller 1600 deposits is only about 8% of all Cu known in all deposits. This is a consequence of highly skewed frequency distributions of deposit tonnages and contained metals in all kinds of mineral deposits. This relationship is critical if one is concerned about long-term supply of copper. Typically, distributions of contained metal can be modeled well by the lognormal distribution for individual types of deposits.Information used here and in many other studies on copper includes past production. Total past production through 2015 is about 667 million tons Cu. After subtracting past production from the total copper in known deposits, the remaining unproduced copper from known deposits is 2030 million tons. Known deposits inform us about undiscovered copper resources.Over 80% of known copper is in porphyry copper and sediment-hosted copper deposits. A reliable and robust USGS managed global assessment of 225 tracts for porphyry Cu and sediment-hosted Cu produced an expected value estimate of 3500 million tons Cu in undiscovered deposits. Deposit types not assessed such as IOGC are likely to have significant amounts of undiscovered copper. If the proportion of total Cu accounted for by the two major deposit types assessed is the same proportion in all undiscovered deposits, total Cu expected in these other deposit types would add an additional 850 million tons. The reasonable estimate of copper in undiscovered mineral deposits of 4350 million tons when added to the unmined 2030 million tons in known deposits provides an estimate of 6380 million of tons Cu, which far exceeds estimates published by other researchers.Growth in copper production appears to be exponential over time but appears to be linear with respect to population. Demand for copper is not driven by time, but rather by population and per capita income. Rates of population increases are slowing and incomes in many countries are increasing. Per capita consumption of copper will increase over the coming years as populous nations such as China and India develop increasing per capita incomes, but the demand will likely level off as their economies improve. The large estimated copper resources along with evidence of slowing demand for copper over the long term considerably extend the time of “peak copper” and the long mine life of large deposits means the decline in production after will not be rapid. The focus of copper supply concerns should be on important problems such as improving recovery rates, careful consideration of the benefits and costs of mining very large deposits, technologies to increase exploration success in covered areas and reducing costs of underground mining.  相似文献   

Oceanic manganese nodules, for long the cornucopia of sea floor mineral deposits, have lost much of their economic attractiveness in recent years as a result of depressed metal prices and difficulties surrounding their potential extraction under the Law of the Sea Convention. In their place, commerical interest in mineral deposits within Exclusive Economic Zones has increased, while the scientific world is enamoured with the black smokers discharging at mid–ocean ridges and the polymetallic sulphides that precipitate from them.  相似文献   

Major data concerning the history of investigation, distribution, mineral and chemical composition, and formation processes of mineral resources of the ocean, namely ferromanganese nodules, ore crusts, phosphorites, and hydrothermal mineral formations, including ore-bearing and metalliferous sediments, massive sulfides, and hydrothermal ferromanganese crusts are reviewed. The problem of the scale of mineral accumulations in the ocean and their quality, along with prospects of their future recovery, is discussed.  相似文献   

Today Greece produces and exports raw bauxite and alumina, concentrates of galena and sphalerite and ferronickel. The indicated reserves of bauxite, located in the Mt Helikon-Mt Parnassus-Mt Giona-Mt Iti zone, are estimated at approximately 100 mt and those of aluminum 2.5 mt. The probable and indicated reserves of lead and zinc from Chalkidiki are approximately 3.125 mt. The total production of concentrates of galena and sphalerite is approximately 220,000 tpa. The proven reserves of nickel are approximately 1.392 mt and the production of ferronickel is approximately 18,500 tpa. Production of copper, silver and gold is pending in 2015. The probable and indicated reserves of copper from Skouries Chalkidiki are approximately 1.943 mt. In the Prefecture Units of Chalkidiki and Evros the probable and indicated reserves of gold are approximately 19.37 million ounces and those of silver 131.6 million ounces. Chromium, manganese and molybdenum present good prospects of exploitation. Calculated at current prices, the total gross value of the probable and indicated reserves of the metallic minerals of Greece is ?79.4 billion.  相似文献   

中国铀矿资源成矿地质特征与资源潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铀资源是我国重要的战略资源和能源矿产,为摸清其资源潜力,科学规划资源勘探、开发与利用,铀矿与其他25个重要矿种一同开展了全国性的资源潜力评价工作。在项目开展过程中,通过对中国铀矿资源特征、铀矿床类型(成因类型和预测类型)、时空分布研究,总结了中国铀矿的成矿规律。评估工作全面梳理了中国铀资源勘查成果与最近铀矿勘查工作进展,总结了中国铀矿时空分布特征及规律,划分了29个铀成矿区带和20个铀成矿远景区带;建立了4大类9类21亚类铀矿床类型划分方案,划分了50个铀矿预测类型;采用矿床模型综合地质信息法完成了共49个铀成矿(远景)区带的资源潜力评价工作;并对各区带潜力评价成果进行了全面的统计与分析。上述研究成果综合分析、评价了我国铀资源潜力,为未来的铀矿找矿工作和核能发展规划提供了依据。  相似文献   

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