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人的生存方式问题是人学、社会哲学、价值哲学研究的基础性问题。以往由于受理论哲学范式的局限 ,人的生存方式理论总是与现实人的生存状况相脱离。在实践哲学范式中 ,人的生存方式就是现实个人的生存方式 ,它是人的生成方式和存在方式的有机统一 ,是由现实个人的生产实践、交往活动、精神生活及其具体生存境遇等构成的历史过程  相似文献   

人的生存方式问题是人类、社会哲学、价值哲学研究的基础性问题,以往由于受理论哲学范式的局限,人的生存方式理论总是与现实人的生存状况相脱离,在实践哲学范式中,人的生存方式就是现实个人的生存方式,它是人的生成方式和存在方式的有机统一,是由现实个人的生产实践,交往活动,精神生活及其具体生成境遇等构成的历史过程。  相似文献   

长期以来,都把马克思主义哲学观确定为“理论化、系统化的世界观”。如果把握这种诠释不当,可能出现以下漏洞:第一,如果沉迷于传统的“视觉中心主义”而陷入知识论无法自拔。但实际上马克思开辟的是一条以“实践”为中心的路径。第二,它以整个“世界”为研究对象,强调在范围上的扩展。但这绝不能是站在世界之外的遐想,而应该是与现实世界的相互作用、相互改造。第三,过分强调“理论化、系统化”可能将它塑造成一种固步自封的体系哲学。可马克思创立的哲学却是一种既对自身展开批判,也向现实世界无情开火的战斗的哲学。  相似文献   

中国市井风情小说的历史源远流长,现代小说继承和发展了传统的市民文学的艺术形式。中国特殊的社会、政治、文化背景,对小说家的创作观念产生了深刻的影响,使得现代小说形成了两次市民文学浪潮,出现了以北京为代表的"古都中国市井"、以上海为代表的"挟带洋场风韵市井"、以大江南北小镇等为代表的"闾巷市井"三种最具代表性的市井叙事模式。  相似文献   

思想政治工作说到底是做人的工作。而在人的问题上,最根本的就是世界观的问题。马克思主义哲学是无产阶级的世界观和方法论。认真学习马克思主义哲学,掌握马克思主义观察问题、处理问题的立场、观点和方法,对于深人做好新形势下的思想政治工作具有重大的指导意义。[第一段]  相似文献   

"以题为韵"和"以题中字为韵"是试赋中的两种限韵类型,二者具有相通性。在以整题为韵类中,作者首先要将题目"字字叶之",同时还可以旁涉其他韵部。与其他试赋韵类相比,"以题为韵"和"以题中字为韵"介于宽严之间,但在注解题目方面,"以题为韵"和"以题中字为韵"就表现出了明显的不足。  相似文献   

曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中,精心塑造了两位女性形象,薛宝钗象征士子阶层的"修身治国平天下"的儒家思想人格。林黛玉象征士子阶层希望的"人格独立"的道家思想人格。她们既可"合而为一"又可"一分为二",是士子阶层社会生命和自然生命的两面。  相似文献   

李旭雨的中篇小说《厚土》以"家族历史"为幕布,描画了"吕氏族人"一个世纪的风雨沧桑。作品的叙事契机是"不愤不启"式;叙事策略表现为:人物出场采用的是"牵引式",情节生成采用的是"径流式";叙事旨归表现为对文化的眷顾和对历史的反思。《厚土》在叙事艺术上展现的"平说"色彩开启了历史小说创作的第三条道路。  相似文献   

以中国古代海洋小说为考察对象,探寻其发展存在的"植物"、"万花筒"、"白天黑夜"三大模式和遥望性、寓言性、笔记性、程式性四种审美特征,认为它们是中国古代海洋小说独特的文学品质。  相似文献   

1 地学哲学的概念 地学哲学是地球科学哲学的简称,是现代地学与现代哲学的交叉学科,是地学与马克思主义哲学相结合的产物.  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONSince1980,NortheastAsiahasexperiencedarapidregionaleconomicunificationagainsteconomicglobalization.TheTumenRive...  相似文献   

城市潜能作为城市体系空间相互作用的代表性指标,反映了城市与其所在的城市体系内所有城市间相互作用的强度,即城市所具备的的集聚能力。合理分析城市空间布局及结构、探寻城市发展的空间差异,以及制定区域发展政策日益迫切,研究城市空间相互作用具有重要意义。本文以Globcover数据集提取中国大陆范围内26 619个城市斑块,获取了城市潜能计算时所需的城市斑块规模总量;同时,以DMSP/OLS夜间灯光影像为数据,提取能综合反映人类社会经济活动的城市斑块夜间灯光总强度,参与城市潜能的计算。利用潜能模型,依据城市斑块分层结果,以城市斑块规模和时间成本为参数,计算得到公里格网的城市潜能值模拟分布图,并分析了中国大陆城市潜能的空间分异特征。  相似文献   

Urban agglomerations are spatial entities that promote the development of ‘new urbanization' processes within China. In this context, the concept of ‘multiscale urban agglomeration spaces' encompasses three linked levels: macroscale urban agglomerations, mesoscale cities, and microscale urban centers. Applying a series of multidisciplinary integrated research methods drawn from geography, urban planning, and architecture, this paper reveals two intensive utilization laws that can be generalized to apply to multiscale urban agglomeration spaces, top-to-bottom ‘positive transmission' linkage and inside-to-outside ‘negative transmission' movement. This paper also proposes optimization transmission theory and policy decision technical pathways that can be applied to these three urban agglomeration spatial scales. Specific technical pathways of transmission include intensive expansion and simulated decision-making in macroscale urban agglomerations, ecology, production, and living space intensive layout and dynamic decision-making in mesoscale cities, and four cores(i.e., ‘single, ring, axis, and pole core') progressive linkage and intensive optimization decision-making in microscale urban centers. The theory and technical pathways proposed in this paper solve the technical problem of optimization and provide intensive methods that can be applied not only at the individual level but also at multiple scales in urban agglomeration spaces. This study also advances a series of comprehensive technical solutions that can be applied to both compact and smart growth cities as well as to urban agglomerations. Solid theoretical support is provided for the optimization of Chinese land development, urbanization, agricultural development, and ecological security.  相似文献   

We use the directional slacks-based measure of efficiency and inverse distance weighting method to analyze the spatial pattern evolution of the industrial green total factor productivity of 108 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt in 2003–2013.Results show that both the subprime mortgage crisis and ‘the new normal' had significant negative effects on productivity growth,leading to the different spatial patterns between 2003–2008 and 2009–2013.Before 2008,green poles had gathered around some capital cities and formed a tripartite pattern,which was a typical core-periphery pattern.Due to a combination of the polarization and the diffusion effects,capital cities became the growth poles and ‘core' regions,while surrounding areas became the ‘periphery'.This was mainly caused by the innate advantage of capital cities and ‘the rise of central China' strategy.After 2008,the tripartite pattern changed to a multi-poles pattern where green poles continuously and densely spread in the midstream and downstream areas.This is due to the regional difference in the leading effect of green poles.The leading effect of green poles in midstream and downstream areas has changed from polarization to diffusion,while the polarization effect still leads in the upstream area.  相似文献   

社会活力是人类社会蕴藏的在一定历史条件下稳定和发展并存的现实可能性 ,它标志着一个社会对新情况的巨大适应性和无穷的创造潜能 ;人的部分自由和部分人的自由为传统社会向现代社会的转型准备了必要的条件 ,自由构成了社会活力的动力机制的核心环节 ,人们追求自由的完善促使社会活力能够得以不断延展和补充  相似文献   

The relationship between cross-regional cultural landscapes does not currently receive enough attention in cultural landscape conservation. Cultural landscapes in China are faced with the crisis of fragmentation and islanding, which makes it necessary to strengthen the idea of integrated conservation. The Great Wall cultural belt in Beijing is a cross-regional linear cultural landscape in the northwest mountainous area of Beijing. With the Great Wall as a link connecting the surrounding natural, social, and cultural resources to form a banded structure, it has the typical and practical significance of integrated conservation. Based on the theory of the cultural landscape security pattern and its ‘node – setting – connection' model, this research studies the spatial structure and shaping mechanism of the Great Wall cultural belt in Beijing from the perspective of tourist flow, using Flickr geo-tagged photos and Wikiloc tracks. The results identify the core nodes and intermediate nodes of the Great Wall cultural belt in Beijing and show that it has a multicore, multi-group hierarchical nesting structure differing from the geographic space, which has groups following the evolution orbit of ‘linear string – circumnuclear star – complete network.' To explain the differences between the cultural association network(CAN) and the geospatial network(GSN), we find that the cultural associations between nodes rely on geophysical channels, including heritage corridors and traffic passages, as physical carriers, but the nodes' attraction and their setting elements, containing natural geography environments, settlements, administrative divisions, etc., change the channel resistance, so CAN and GSN present different characteristics. From the perspective of systematic and spatial network thoughts, this study has made an attempt to adopt new analysis and research methods to achieve the integrated conservation and inheritance of linear cultural landscapes in mountainous areas.  相似文献   

山东省水工环地质工作进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪50年代以来,在区域水文地质调查、专项水文地质勘查、地下水资源量与地下水环境调查评价等几个大的方面,取得了丰硕的水工环地质成果。水文地质勘查方面先后完成了综合地质水文地质调查与编图工作、地下水资源评价、供水水源地勘查评价、以及专项地下水资源试验研究工作。地质灾害调查、预警与防治主要进行了山东省县级地质灾害调查、矿山地质灾害、环境调查、防灾减灾、预报预警研究工作。农业地质完成了山东省黄河下游流域生态地球化学调查、种植区特色农业地质调查等项目,山东省城市地质调查工作开展了济南、潍坊、枣庄、东营、青岛、烟台等城市地质调查工作。加大中大比例尺区域水工环调查工作、水工环工作成果的转化和水工环地质信息系统建设,更好的满足区域性国家战略规划的需求。深入落实“蓝黄”两大战略、加快省会城市经济圈及重要经济区带发展、全面建设“生态山东”提供基础支撑,已成为山东省水工环地质工作的主要任务。  相似文献   

我国目前正处于工业化中期,发展劳动密集型产业对促进就业、提高劳动者收入、发挥潜在经济增长力、实现社会稳定等方面都具有重要的意义。我国目前发展劳动密集型产业符合比较优势,但比较优势并不等于竞争优势。当前我国劳动密集型产业仍然存在附加值低、劳动生产率低、企业自身竞争力弱、贸易磨擦频发、价格贸易条件恶化等一系列问题,严重影响了我国外贸的可持续发展。通过对上述问题的剖析,阐述了劳动密集型产业与技术进步、资本技术密集型产业以及国际贸易之间的关系,认为应该实现劳动密集型产业的比较优势向竞争优势的转换,并从不同的角度提出了政府、企业为实现这种转变应采取的措施。  相似文献   

新型智慧城市是"十三五"期间国家重点关注和投入发展的经济增长点,也将成为推动国家供给侧改革、新型城镇化建设的重要着力点。新型智慧城市建设涉及体量较大,单独依靠政府财政投入难以持续,必须改变过去完全由政府主导建设的模式,国家和地方层面提出在相关领域发展推广PPP的建设模式。文章分析了新型智慧城市建设需求和PPP模式特点,总结了不同类型企业参与新型智慧城市PPP建设的策略建议,并结合实际案例阐述如何通过PPP模式进行资源整合、募集社会金融资本,开展新型智慧城市建设运营的模式,促进新型智慧城市建设投资市场化、运营市场化、机制市场化;在最后提出了未来还需关注探讨的几个问题。  相似文献   

Labor migration to urban centers is a common phenomenon in the Panxi region of the southwestern mountainous region of China, mainly owing to inadequate livelihood capital in rural areas. Numerous studies have been conducted to explore the relationship between labor migration and its causes, such as individual and family characteristics, but few studies have focused on livelihood capital. This paper examines the impact factors on labor migration employment location selection and duration from a household livelihood capital perspective. A case study of 279 households from 10 villages in the area was carried out in February 2016. We used both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the data. On the basis of the 279 questionnaires, the proportion of households with non-labor migration is 48.4%, whereas households with labor migration within a local city and migration across regions account for 28.7% and 22.9%, respectively. Social, financial, and human capitals are the primary factors that influence migrants’ employment location choice positively. Among them, social capital has a significant impact on both migration within a local city and across regions; each of the regression coefficients is 1.111 and 1.183. Social, human, and financial capitals also have a positive impact on the duration of labor migration, and similarly, social capital is the highest coefficient with 2.489. However, physical capital only partly impacts labor migration across regions, whereas the impact of labor migration within a local city, and the duration, are not significant. Furthermore, the impact of household natural capital on migration space and time are all negative relationships, especially for labor migration across the regions and duration, with coefficient scores of 4.836 and 3.450, respectively. That is to say, a laborer is inclined to migrate within a local city for a short term, or not migrate at all, if natural capital is abundant. Our analysis results show that household livelihood capital has a strong spatio-temporal impact on labor migration.  相似文献   

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