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Results from investigating the geosystems of Cisbaikalia in its western and eastern parts (Primorskii Range and Barguzin Range, respectively) are presented. For studying three macroslopes of these mountain ranges (having an easterly aspect for the Primorskii Range and a westerly and south-easterly aspect for the Barguzin Range), the regional background and the main factors of the landscape differentiation of the study areas were analyzed. Structural features of topological geosystems are revealed, and large-scale maps of key areas are compiled (at a scale of 1:50 000). Maps of the landscape-typological structure were created on the basis of the structural-dynamic and facies analysis of landscapes. It is established that the main factors influencing the landscape diversity are the aspect and steepness of the slopes, the composition and structure of rocks, the absolute height, the amount of atmospheric precipitation, and anthropogenic impacts. It is determined that the influence of the lithomorphic factor is widespread throughout the study areas, the hydromorphic factor is also important, the cryomorphic factor occurs additionally in the goletz zone, and the xeromorphic factor is only observed on the Baikal Range and on the coastal plain in some areas of Priolkhonie. The dynamic aspect of the landscape structure and the relationships between geosystems are displayed in map legends.  相似文献   

This paper further develops the ideas of V. B. Sochava’s Siberian school of thematic mapping concerning an integral approach in generating synthesis and assessment maps of the habitat on objective grounds confirmed by quantitative calculations. Maps of the natural environment display the invariant structure of the sites of a territory and their variable states. Integral indicators of the state of environment combine differentquality spatial information on the geographical location of the sites having regard to the scientific principles of qualimetry. An unbiased calculation of integral indicators is ensured through the use of the method of principal component analysis. The first principal component characterizes a maximum of variation in information on the geosystem, and the second component refers to a stable environment background. Their difference for each location corresponds to the potential of geosystem variability. The resulting integral indicators are displayed on assessment cartograms. The entire array of independent principal components is used for a classification of geosystems using the method of k-means clustering to create the typological map of the territory. Calculations are based on data for forest management of the Slyudyanka Leskhoz within the boundaries of the Slyudyanka municipal district of Irkutsk oblast. The territorial norm of the geographical environment corresponds to geosystems of the mountain-taiga belt of the Siberian stone pine and larch taiga on different-aspect slopes. Negative deviations from the norm are induced by high-mountain goletz and subgoletz geosystems on steep slopes, and positive deviations correspond to flat interfluves and gentle slopes.  相似文献   

Presented are the technique and results of studying the landscape structure of the north-west of Western Siberia on the basis of the Hansen mosaic dataset consisting of elements covering the entire territory of the Earth. To study this area used a synthesis of classical methods of thematic system mapping as described in the doctrine of geosystems of V. B. Sochava, and automated interpretation of remote sensing data and mapping using GIS technologies. The method of geoinformational mapping of the landscape structure with the use of MultiSpec and Quantum GIS software programs for the purpose of drawing up real-time raster landscape maps is shown. In drawing up the map and the legend, the principle of geomic system-hierarchical representation of the territory as a complex multi-level “bottom-up” structure from topological-level geosystems (groups and classes of landscape facies) to regional-level geosystems (geoms, groups and classes of geoms) was used. Compilation of operational raster landscape maps of the north-west of Western Siberia involved multilevel automated interpretation of the Hansen mosaic dataset and mapping of areas (clusters) on images with different brightness characteristics, with the landscape structure of key areas and stationary physical and geographical profiles. A characteristic of this approach also implies using a dynamic classification of geosystems based on the study of their variable states. Such an approach permits a monitoring of changes in landscape structure and its areas and the intensity of anthropogenic impacts on forest and marsh landscapes, and determination of permissible pressure on geosystems in areas with high technogenic pressure of the oil and gas complex represented by the north-west of Siberia. An automated processing of data based on a supervised classification of territorial objects allows for the elimination of inaccuracies arising in visual image interpretation. Raster landscape maps can be used both for a further generation of vector maps and as a real-time information base for purposes of environmental management and protection.  相似文献   

Some issues related to the relationship between physical geography and landscape planning in Russia are considered. It is proposed to assess the geosystem components and determine the goal functions of their territorial development on the basis of the contour grid of the landscape map adapted to the goals of landscape planning, which provides a possibility of utilizing the totality of information accumulated in databases, during all stages of work, up to planning decision-making. It is emphasized that the traditions of Russian and soviet physical geography necessarily imply a detailed substantiation of efforts in terms of landscape science; however, landscape science cannot attempt to offer universal coverage of the complex problem of multicomponent diversity of landscapes. Specific reference is made to the need for consultation with sectoral experts already at the stage of selecting or generating the basis for maps of assessing the significance and sensitivity of geosystem components, and maps of the goals of territorial development. It is established that in conditions where in the case of so-called territorial planning there is no division into specialized sectors and all the other sectoral plannings are virtually non-existent, the problem of introducing landscape planning in Russia in terms of the landscape science approach. It is determined that landscape planning in Russia has not yet become a sector or a means for ecologization of territorial planning.  相似文献   

Past occupations in the Brazilian geographic area showed experiences of particular relations with natural resources. In this sense, landscape archaeology attempts to have a better understanding of the lifestyle of ancestral populations by analyzing archaeological traces. The study approach that translates the natural systems and their relations with the anthropic systems is known as geosystem theory, which helps landscape archaeology in patterns of past occurrences resulting from environmental characteristics. The objective of this study was to show the geosystem landscapes of Ilhéus, in Bahia, Brazil, that defined land occupation since the precolonial period in Brazil. Four geosystems have been identified; they defined how precolonial groups lived in the area and favored colony growth starting in the nineteenth century with local sugarcane production in sugarcane mills. Key Words: geoarchaeology, GIS, natural systems, northeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

We examine the selection criteria for satellite images and methods of processing them in the process of mapping underwater landscapes using remotely sensed data, discuss the interpretation principles and algorithms as well as some issues related to the support of observations with field material. It is shown that a detailed landscape mapping of shallow marine waters by methods of visual and automated interpretation requires multispectral superhigh spatial resolution images. Results of investigations made on underwater profiles by using lightweight diving outfits were employed to describe seven types of underwater landscapes, and echo sounder measurements were used in constructing the digital elevation model for the bottom of Srednyaya Bay. It is established that the regions for which it was possible to carry out a reliable interpretation of data from the IKONOS-2 spacecraft are in the range of depths between 0 and 10 m and make up about three-fourths of the area of the bay bottom. Ten facies were identified and put on the map, for each of which we determined the area, the range of depths and the mean depth of propagation. Remotely sensed data were used to assess the contribution (in the spatial structure of the geosystem) of algal vegetation on the littoral; the eelgrass fields were ranked according to the degree of projective cover. As a result of a clustering according to the similarity of spectral attributes, we identified ten groups of pixels of the image analyzed. An analysis is made of the agreement between the distribution of facies identified by expert interpretation and results of an automated classification of pixels, and the contours of landscape units were updated. The conclusion is drawn regarding integration of the computer-aided and visual approaches to interpretation of remotely sensed data for shallow marine waters leading to a “hybrid” express method of mapping landscapes of shallow marine waters.  相似文献   

Using the biogeocenoses of taiga geosystems as an example, we employed the method of correlation analysis and the technique for analyzing the main components to demonstrate that a relative altitude is a complex indicator of serialness of landscape-level geosystems, reflecting not only the particular geographical signatures but also a certain system of conjugation of the portions of landscape and the force of spatial and typological connections that causes the concrete facies to deviate from zonal normal. Complex indicators: the main components, and the correlation and regression coefficients, were used to reveal a functional correlation of the sets of BGC attributes between themselves and with a relative altitude of the location.  相似文献   

We examine the methodological issues and some results of landscape mapping of the Upper Yenisei basin (the Nazarovskaya, Kanskaya, Minusinskaya and Tuvinskaya depressions) at a scale of 1:1 000 000. A fragment of the map of the geosystems is provided, and the territory’s landscape structure is described.  相似文献   

The main development stages of the basin concept: from landscape hydrology to nature management are considered. It is shown that the river, lake and sea drainage basins are the most widespread natural complexes on and surface, with a high degree of integrity and with clear-cut watershed divides having a powerful integrating factor, the water flow. The substantiation is provided for the concepts of the basis as a geosystem, the runoff-producing complexes and the hydrological functions of landscape as well as for the principles of hydrological, water-resources and water-protection regionalization and zoning. On this basis, a classification of hazardous hydrological processes is developed. The structural patterns of the river network within the framework of structural geography are used for indication of the mean long-term discharge and its mapping, and for a classification of river systems according to their size. It is demonstrated that the integrating properties of the water flow permit the basin to be regarded as an integral system entity not only from the perspective of hydrology but also in terms of geomorphology, biogeocenology, landscape geochemistry as well as in complex physical geography as functionally integral natural complexes thereby creating the natural basis for nature management. On the other hand, many basins are socioeconomic and ethnodemographic entities. Ten principles are formulated for the theoretical justification of the basin concept of nature management where the basin is treated as an integral natural and economic system. It is suggested that such an approach should be used in governance of nature management, especially in international basins, as well as in reforming the system of administrative-territorial division of Russia.  相似文献   

We outline the methods and results of cartographic analysis and assessment the present state of a large region’s geosystems: their structural, functional and functional-value characteristics have been revealed. Drawing on the notion of epiformations, we determined the ecological potential of geosystems at the regional level for nature management purposes. A fragment of the typological general-purpose interpretation map “Ecological potential of the Baikal region’s geosystems” is presented.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of geosystems in the northwestern part of Western Siberia is considered using the Kazym-Lyamin interfluve, based on the landscape-assessment map for the middle part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District. The study used the landscape structural-dynamical approach and the methods of studying the spatio-temporal dynamics of taiga geosystems.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis is made of the landscape-forming factors, and their role in the formation of the spatial structure of landscapes in the Kuril and Hawaiian Islands is determined. The research has been done on the basis of landscape mapping at a scale of 1:200 000. A correlative study was made of the different genetic varieties of geosystems: classical landscapes, catenary and nuclear. In spite of the dissimilar character of manifestation of landscape-forming processes, there occur largely identical formation principles for the spatial structure of landscapes.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the geobotanical forecasting technique. Mapping is known to be recognized as the most powerful method of forecasting-geobotanical investigations. A close interrelation between geobotanical forecasting and vegetation mapping is demonstrated. To improve objectivity of the findings used cartographic models of modern and predicted vegetation which most fully represent the entire structuralcenotic diversity of plant communities in Prebaikalia, the central region of Baikalian Siberia. The predictive constructions are based on analyzing modern vegetation which always includes structural features of its future that manifest themselves in primary and stable derivative communities. We developed the legend and compiled the map (sc 1:200 000) of the region’s modern vegetation. The state of the natural environment of the Lena- Angara interfluve is assessed having regard to the various functions of plant communities in geosystems. The 1:200 000 map of probability-forecasted (within 200 years) vegetation is presented for Lena-Angara interfluve. It is shown that complete recovery of the primary structure will not occur within 200 years. It is found that it is necessary to carry out predictive-cartographic investigations for the whole of Baikalian Siberia as vegetation of this region is characterized by a decreased activity of recovery processes occurring under the influence of anthropogenic factors. The reason has to do with the harsh natural conditions where it is not worthwhile to pursue extensive nature management, such as is universally the case to date, leading to undesirable economic consequences, because the degree of disturbance to vegetation in a number of areas of Prebaikalia has now reached as critical level. It is concluded that a further policy of nature management on this territory must be built upon the new principles to be approved by government documents.  相似文献   

The principle of structural-dynamical landscape science was used in mapping the taiga of the Ob’-Irtysh, Lower Irtysh and Tobol regions. The spatiotemporal dynamics of the regions’ geosystems is outlined, and their productivity is assessed from forest inventory data and NDVI indices as calculated on the basis of Landsat-5 TM images.  相似文献   

Using the Volga (Privolzhskii) Federal District as an example, we offer the solution of such a currently central scientific and methodological problem as automated identification of the boundaries of basin geosystems under different landscape and geomorphological conditions in terms of multiresolution digital elevation models. The main stages of work are described, namely the development of the digital elevation model, its hydrological adjustment, identification of the boundaries of basin geosystems, and validity assessment of results obtained. The technique has been developed for constructing a hydrologically valid digital elevation model with the purpose of identifying the boundaries of basin geosystems.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the issue related to the structural-functional organization of ornithogenous geosystems evolving in islands with large maritime colonial bird nest clusters. It is shown that under moderate ornithogenous pressure (Talan Island), the long-term vital activity of birds acts as an ecological factor identical to light, heat and atmospheric precipitation, and the geosystem is in an equilibrium state. In the case of a strong impact exceeding the stability threshold (Shelikan Island), the geosystem switches to a nonequilibrium state, which is accompanied by a degradation of the soil-vegetation cover, a mass extinction of ornithophobic plant species, a change in soilformation directedness, and by a most dramatic development of erosion processes.  相似文献   

We examine the sequence of changes in the structure of the geosystems of the Primorsky Range (Baikal region) for the last 6000 years, based on a continuous recording of fluctuations of the vegetation reconstructed from spore-pollen complexes of a high peat bog. We determined the chronological timeframe of paleogeographical events. The study showed that there occurred a radical structure transformation of the geosystems in the mid-late Holocene, along with a recurrence of similar landscape transformations caused by the instability of natural conditions.  相似文献   

We examine some aspects related to the generation of the general-purpose landscape-assessment regional-typological 1:2 500 000 map for the Asian part of Russia that was initiated by the V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS and is based on the methodological achievements of the theory of geosystems and landscape science in general as well as on results from regional comprehensive investigations. Presented are the fundamental principles of compiling the landscape-assessment map: the regional-typological approach, and reflection of the present state of invariant units of structure and ecologically functional significance for nature management.  相似文献   

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