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南极冰盖研究最新进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
南极冰盖是地球系统的重要组成部分,在全球气候系统中扮演着重要角色.通过对南极冰盖的研究将有助于了解其在全球气候系统中的作用,并为探讨全球气候过去、现在以及未来的演化提供支撑.总结分析了近年来南极冰盖研究的一些重要进展,并在此基础上对南极冰盖研究领域的一些主要结果、观测事实以及未来变化展开讨论,重点介绍南极物质平衡、冰芯研究、冰下水系统、冰盖数值模拟方面最近的进展,评述未来可能的研究方向和应该关注的问题.  相似文献   

目前冰盖约占地球陆地表面积的10%(在末次冰期冰盛期高达30%),冰储量的99%,但对其下的生物地球化学条件及其在极地生物地球化学循环中的重要性却知之甚少[1]。由于气候变暖,格陵兰及南极冰盖正在快速消融,过去十年里冰盖消融对全球海平面上升的贡献约为1 mm·a-1[2-3]。冰盖的冰下水文系统主要由饱和沉积物、冰下河及冰下湖泊等要素组成[4-8],它为极地生物地球化学风化速率的升高提供了有利条件[9-10]。  相似文献   

天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川雷达测厚   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
一、引言 引进雷达作为探测极地冰盖和山地冰川的装置,是冰川学研究的主要技术进展之一。从Waite,A.H.和S.J.Schmidt(1962)以及S.Evans(1963)应用这种技术探测南极和格陵兰冰盖厚度以来,已有二十多年的历史。雷达法较之以前使用的地震法与重力法测定冰川厚度,具有极大的方便性,精度高,速度快,既可以提供单点的测量,又能获得连续的冰床剖面。关于雷达法测定冷性极地冰盖的厚度,G.de Q.Robin等(1969,1975)  相似文献   

探地雷达因其快速、准确、无损、高分辨率等优势而被广泛应用于冰川学领域。以天山托木尔峰青冰滩72号冰川为例,着重介绍了探地雷达在冰川厚度及冰下地形探测中的应用。通过对雷达图像的处理和解译,获取了高精度的冰川厚度数据,恢复了冰下地形,计算了冰储量,并分析了冰川厚度变化对气候变化的响应。结果表明:冰舌厚度为0~148 m;冰储量为0.055 860 km3,折合成水为0.050 274 km3。近50年来,该冰川呈现强烈消融,与冰川区气温快速上升有直接关系,雷达探测为研究此响应机制提供了定量化的科学依据。  相似文献   

冰架是南极冰盖物质损失的主要出口。南极冰架动态变化和物质平衡的研究对揭示南极地区的气候变化具有重要的参考价值。本文从表面融化、冰流速、前缘崩解、底部融化和物质平衡五个方面入手,对近些年来南极冰架变化监测的研究进展进行梳理和归纳总结,综述了它们的观测方法、观测结果、机制分析及当前面临的问题。极地观测卫星和现场观测网络的发展、冰架多维度综合分析及数值模拟研究的推进,将有助于进一步揭示冰架变化因子之间的耦合作用及其演变机制,为全球增温影响南极冰盖/冰架的物理机制研究及其变化预测提供重要依据。  相似文献   

南极地区晚第四纪环境及其与全球变化的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
张青松 《第四纪研究》1990,10(2):159-167
南极无冰区和冰芯的记录均表明,晚更新世以来南极地区的环境和气候变化是与全球变化一致的。在最近几十年,大气CO2含量增加已引起南极地区气温升高,冰盖前缘缓慢消退。温室效应将促使南极冰盖(首先是陆缘冰)部分融化,但不可能崩溃。在今后50年内,南极冰盖部分消融引起的海面上升幅度将不超过2m。  相似文献   

南极冰盖对海平面影响巨大,高程变化测量是南极物质平衡监测的重要手段。采用欧空局CryoSat-2雷达高度计数据,通过提取卫星升降轨的地面交叉点,监测了南极内陆冰盖的高程变化(物质平衡)。结果表明,后向散射能量对Ku波段的CryoSat-2雷达高度计的高程数据具有一定的影响,经后向散射能量校正后,时间序列上的高程变化变得平缓,高程变化与已有的降雪数据相比,更加符合实际情况。2010年11月至2017年11月南极内陆冰盖高程变化趋势为(-1.1±0.2)cm·a-1。西南极的Kamb冰流高程变化率为(38.7±1.1)cm·a-1,Moeller冰流高程变化率为(-10.3±1.2)cm·a-1,部分Thwaites冰川区域高程变化率为(-13.4±1.8)cm·a-1,东南极的Wilkes Land出现高下降区,最高达-20 cm·a-1。Dronning Maud Land虽然出现变化异常的点,但整体并没有显著的高程变化。南极内陆冰盖质量变化为(-10.6±6.2)Gt·a-1,整体上南极内陆冰盖质量变化平缓,部分区域变化较大,Kamb冰流达到(17.9±0.5)Gt·a-1,Moeller冰流达到(-3.4±0.4)Gt·a-1,部分Thwaites冰川区达到(-3.7±0.5)Gt·a-1。  相似文献   

南北极是研究全球变化的关键区域。"十一五"期间我国在南极地区系统开展了东南极冰盖/冰架变化监测与预测技术研究,对认识全球气候变化具有重要作用。通过项目实施,建立和发展了一批现场观测体系,发展了冰盖观测新技术并集成应用于东南极冰盖的综合观测,拓展了对冰穹A地区的新认识和新发现;在冰穹A边缘地区钻取的一支浅冰芯恢复了过去约780年的气候记录,记录了东南极地区存在小冰期的明显证据;发展了东南极冰盖积累和等时年层流动模型,研究在冰盖浅层、中层和深部的变化特征,反演了冰穹A地区的古积累率分布。本文概要介绍该项目基本情况。  相似文献   

极地冰钻技术是获取冰芯,研究冰盖-冰架-海洋相互作用,以及获取极地冰下基岩与冰下水环境样品,开展冰下环境探测的重要手段。目前极地冰钻技术的难点与前沿主要包括深冰芯钻探、冰架热水钻、冰下基岩钻和冰下水环境采样与观测技术。本文针对以上4个极地冰钻关键技术,对国内外相关技术的研究进展与项目开展情况进行了总结与梳理。综合来看,虽然我国开展极地钻探技术研究起步较晚,但随着我国极地战略不断推进,我国的极地冰钻关键技术与装备的研究正持续向着赶超极地钻探强国方向迈进,这必将为我国的极地科学研究提供强有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

潮汐运动是冰架短期垂直运动的来源, 对冰架影响十分显著. 选取2003/2004年度南极夏季期间中国在Amery冰架上连续5 d的GPS数据, 利用GAMIT/GLOBK进行数据处理, 获取了由海潮引起的冰架垂向运动时间序列;垂直方向精度优于0.18 m, 并且和中国南极中山验潮站的潮汐变化曲线进行了对比, 获得了一致的结论. 利用GPS测量海潮可为精化南极地区的海潮模型提供可靠的现场数据, 对南极冰盖物质平衡研究及冰海交互动力学模型研究有着重要的作用.  相似文献   

雷达高度计探测东南极地区冰面变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李震  秦翔  董庆 《冰川冻土》2003,25(3):268-271
利用美国SeaSat和GeoSat星载高度计,采用再跟踪算法完成雷达高度计数据处理,对大气影响、固体地球潮汛、坡度和水汽进行误差纠正,提取了南极东南部研究区两个年代的从海岸到72°S的数条截面多条冰面剖面.结果表明:Lambert冰川/Amery冰架在1978-1986年间,Lambert冰川以西冰面平均高度上升0.92m,Lambert冰川以东冰面平均高度上升0.47m.  相似文献   

The mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet has been calculated based on instrumental estimates of the grounded ice discharge and snow accumulation data. The boundaries and sectional areas of the main ice catchment basins in West and East Antarctica have been determined, and the data on the grounded ice discharge and snow accumulation in these basins have been systematized. The intensity of accumulation and ablation processes in Antarctica has noticeably increased over the last 50 years. The mass balance of the ice sheet in East Antarctica has been and remains positive, while in West Antarctica it was positive in the middle of the last century and has become negative by now. The mass balance of the entire Antarctic Ice Sheet has been and remains positive, while the mass growth has noticeably decreased over the last 50 years.  相似文献   

笔者近年对东南极内陆格罗夫山(Grove Mountains)开展了上新世以来冰盖表面波动的综合研究,运用冰川地质、地貌、土壤、沉积岩、孢粉组合及宇宙核素等各种方法手段,提出东南极大冰盖形成以后并非稳定演化至今,而在上新世早期时发生过大规模退缩,其前缘至少曾经退缩到格罗夫山地区,距现今冰盖边缘约400 km。之后,冰盖又迅速膨胀,到距今2.3 Ma时,冰面至少超过现今高度约400 m。以后冰面缓慢平稳下降,至1.6 Ma时,东南极冰盖进入第四纪振荡期,但重新上升的冰面再也没有超过现今高度的100 m以上。东南极冰盖大规模消融事件在全球尺度上也有所响应,例如北半球大冰盖形成,青藏高原整体剧烈隆升,塔里木盆地黄土出现等。这类行星尺度的气候变化可能与直布罗陀海峡关闭与地中海盐化事件,巴拿马地峡关闭等大地构造事件有关。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the nature of the Pliocene Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet by comparing the terrestrial and marine geological records of the Antarctic Peninsula and surrounding sea floor with estimated net snow accumulation in the region derived from numerical palaeoclimate model experiments. Pliocene geological data and our new modelling results are consistent and mutually supportive in suggesting that an ice sheet was present even during the warmest episodes of the Pliocene. The combined results suggest that the ice sheet in the Antarctic Peninsula is more robust to globally warmer conditions than is generally assumed, at least up to the climatic limits examined in our study.  相似文献   

Marine ice sheets are grounded on land which was below sea level before it became depressed under the ice-sheet load. They are inherently unstable and, because of bedrock topography after depression, the collapse of a marine ice sheet may be very rapid. In this paper equations are derived that can be used to make a quantitative estimate of the maximum size of a marine ice sheet and of when and how rapidly retreat would take place under prescribed conditions. Ice-sheet growth is favored by falling sea level and uplift of the seabed. In most cases the buttressing effect of a partially grounded ice shelf is a prerequisite for maximum growth out to the edge of the continental shelf. Collapse is triggered most easily by eustatic rise in sea level, but it is possible that the ice sheet may self-destruct by depressing the edge of the continental shelf so that sea depth is increased at the equilibrium grounding line.Application of the equations to a hypothetical “Ross Ice Sheet” that 18,000 yr ago may have covered the present-day Ross Ice Shelf indicates that, if the ice sheet existed, it probably extended to a line of sills parallel to the edge of the Ross Sea continental shelf. By allowing world sea level to rise from its late-Wisconsin minimum it was possible to calculate retreat rates for individual ice streams that drained the “Ross Ice Sheet.” For all the models tested, retreat began soon after sea level began to rise (~15,000 yr B.P.). The first 100 km of retreat took between 1500 and 2500 yr but then retreat rates rapidly accelerated to between 0.5 and 25 km yr?1, depending on whether an ice shelf was present or not, with corresponding ice velocities across the grounding line of 4 to 70 km yr?1. All models indicate that most of the present-day Ross Ice Shelf was free of grounded ice by about 7000 yr B.P. As the ice streams retreated floating ice shelves may have formed between promontories of slowly collapsing stagnant ice left behind by the rapidly retreating ice streams. If ice shelves did not form during retreat then the analysis indicates that most of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet would have collapsed by 9000 yr B.P. Thus, the present-day Ross Ice Shelf (and probably the Ronne Ice Shelf) serves to stabilize the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which would collapse very rapidly if the ice shelves were removed. This provides support for the suggestion that the 6-m sea-level high during the Sangamon Interglacial was caused by collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet after climatic warming had sufficiently weakened the ice shelves. Since the West Antarctic Ice Sheet still exists it seems likely that ice shelves did form during Holocene retreat. Their effect was to slow and, finally, to halt retreat. The models that best fit available data require a rather low shear stress between the ice shelf and its sides, and this implies that rapid shear in this region encouraged the formation of a band of ice with a preferred crystal fabric, as appears to be happening today in the floating portions of fast bounded glaciers.Rebound of the seabed after the ice sheet had retreated to an equilibrium position would allow the ice sheet to advance once more. This may be taking place today since analysis of data from the Ross Ice Shelf indicates that the southeast corner is probably growing thicker with time, and if this persists then large areas of ice shelf must become grounded. This would restrict drainage from West Antarctic ice streams which would tend to thicken and advance their grounding lines into the ice shelf.  相似文献   

The volume of Antarctic ice at the Last Glacial Maximum is a key factor for calculating the past contribution of melting ice sheets to Late Pleistocene global sea level change. At present, there are large uncertainties in our knowledge of the extent and thickness of the formerly expanded Antarctic ice sheets, and in the timing of their release as meltwater into the world’s oceans. This paper reviews the four main approaches to determining former Antarctic ice volume, namely glacial geology, glacio-isostatic studies, glaciological modelling, and ice core analysis and attempts to reconcile these to give a ‘best estimate’ for ice volume. In the Ross Sea there was a major expansion of grounded ice at the Last Glacial Maximum, accounting for 2.3–3.2 m of global sea level. At some time in the Weddell Sea a large grounded ice sheet corresponding to c. 2.7 m of global sea level extended to the shelf break. However, this ice expansion has not yet been confidently dated and may not relate to the Last Glacial Maximum. Around East Antarctica there was thickening and advance offshore of ice in coastal regions. Ice core evidence suggests that the interior of East Antarctica was either close to its present elevation or thinner during the last glacial so the effect of East Antarctica on sea level depends on the net balance between marginal thickening and interior thinning. Suggested East Antarctic contributions vary from a 3–5.5 m lowering to a 0.64 m rise in global sea level. The Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet thickened and extended offshore at the Last Glacial Maximum, with a sea level equivalent contribution of c. 1.7 m. Thus, the Antarctic ice sheets accounted for between 6.1 and 13.1 m of global sea level fall at the Last Glacial Maximum. This is substantially less than has been suggested by most previous studies but the maximum figure matches well with one modelling estimate. The timing of Antarctic deglaciation is not well known. In the Ross Sea, terrestrial evidence suggests deglaciation may have begun at c. 13,000 yr BP1 but that grounded ice persisted until c. 6,500 yr BP. Marine evidence suggests the western Ross Sea was deglaciated by c. 11,500 yr BP. Deglaciation of the Weddell Sea is poorly constrained. Grounded ice in the northern Antarctic Peninsula had retreated by c. 13,000 yr BP, and further south deglaciation occurred sometime prior to c. 6,000 yr BP. Many parts of coastal East Antarctica apparently escaped glaciation at the LGM, but in those areas that were ice-covered deglaciation was underway by 10,000 yr BP. With existing data, the timing of deglaciation shows no firm relation to northern hemisphere-driven sea level rise. This is probably due partly to lack of Antarctic dating evidence but also to the combined influence of several forcing mechanisms acting during deglaciation.  相似文献   

中国第30次南极科学考察队格罗夫山分队(CHINARE30, 2013-2014年)利用雪地车载深层探冰雷达在东南极格罗夫山地区开展了测线总长度超过200 km大范围、高分辨率的冰厚及冰下地形调查, 获得了哈丁山北部和萨哈罗夫岭与阵风悬崖之间详细的冰厚及冰下地形特征. 通过对雷达数据分析表明, 哈丁山北部区域平均冰厚为580 m, 最大冰厚超过1 000 m, 出现在该区域的东北方向, 而东南方向冰厚相对较小; 萨哈罗夫岭与阵风悬崖之间区域的平均冰厚为610 m, 最大冰厚超过1 100 m, 该区域槽谷发育十分成熟, 槽谷形态近似呈U型. 通过对雷达剖面影像的筛选和分析, 推测在格罗夫山地区可能存在2个液态冰下湖泊.  相似文献   

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