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尕海湿地生态系统的保护与管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对尕海湿地的生态功能、湿地资源类型与湿地恢复工程及其效果进行了介绍,分析了尕海湿地面临的主要威胁,提出了实施湿地低产草场生态效益补偿、改变传统饲养观念、生态补水、环尕海湖绿化带等保护和恢复建议。  相似文献   

赵红艳 《湿地科学》2006,4(3):233-240
松嫩平原是中国内陆湿地集中分布区之一。该区湿地类型有沼泽、湖泊、盐沼和稻田,此外还有水库和少量泥炭地。概述了该区湿地的研究现状,并指出目前研究热点。重点探讨了未来本区湿地的研究趋势,主要体现在湿地生态系统结构、功能和过程研究,湿地的区域生态功能评价,湿地污染及其治理,退化湿地恢复和重建,湿地多样性与湿地保护,湿地资源综合利用,湿地对全球变化响应和全球变化对湿地影响,湿地-草地-盐碱地转换机制和过程和驱动力等方面。  相似文献   

经国家林业局批准,由国家林业局对外合作交流中心、中国野生动物保护协会、湿地国际、甘肃省林业厅和全球环境中心(GEC)共同主办、甘肃省林业厅自然保护野生动物管理局负责承办的“泥炭地与生物多样性、气候变化研讨会”将于2 0 0 4年7月在甘肃省兰州市召开。现就有关事项通知如下:1 主要议题:①泥炭地及其生物多样性现状与面临的威胁;②持续利用泥炭地资源和社区生活的选择;③泥炭地及其生物多样性恢复对策和技术;④泥炭地与气候变化和水资源管理等。2 会议议程:①7月7日至9日研讨会,每天2个主题,每个主题由特约发言人主讲后进行会议研…  相似文献   

正湿地国际网站2015年12月1日消息,生物多样性公约(CBD)、湿地公约(Ramsar)和防治荒漠化公约(UNCCD)在巴黎气候峰会上发布了一份全球泥炭地热点地图,倡议保护泥炭地、减少碳排放。该地图上标出了那些最迫切需要采取行动减少碳排放的泥炭地,这些地方因排水和退化导致的碳排放速度惊人。发布泥炭地热点地图标志着全球泥炭地在线地图工作的启动。在湿地国际的配合下,全球  相似文献   

国际湿地科学研究的主要特点、进展与展望   总被引:164,自引:5,他引:164  
湿地科学是当前国际众多学科学者共同热切关注的重点学科和前沿领域。根据大量最新国际湿地科学研究文献资料中的信息 ,提出了湿地的科学定义和湿地科学的概念。归纳出国际湿地科学研究发展的主要特点 ,即湿地科学历史久远 ,过去发展缓慢而现代发展迅速 ;目前已成为 2 1世纪科学研究的重点学科和研究领域 ;研究内容增多 ,领域扩大 ;综合性增强 ,分化性加大 ;世界湿地科学发展不平衡 ,发展中国家与发达国家之间的湿地研究水平差距逐步缩小。总结了国际湿地科学研究前沿领域的最新进展和发展趋势 ,主要在湿地保护与管理 ,形成、发育与演化 ,古环境重建 ,生态过程与动态 ,生物多样性保护 ,温室气体排放、温室效应和全球环境变化 ,湿地退化机制、退化湿地恢复与重建和人工湿地构建 ,生态系统健康 ,泥炭地与泥炭开发利用、湿地生态工程模式与管理技术和新技术、新手段与新方法应用方面取得突出进展。  相似文献   

若尔盖高原湿地研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
若尔盖高原湿地是我国第一大高原沼泽湿地,也是世界上最大的泥炭沼泽。若尔盖高原湿地对黄河上游的水源涵养与补给及生态平衡的维持起着极其重要的作用,此外对全球气候与环境变化有着紧密联系。随着沼泽旱化、沙化、土壤退化等生态问题的出现,对若尔盖高原湿地的研究越来越受到重视。以湿地退化为主线,在对各种文献资料归纳整理的基础上,该文从湿地分类及信息提取、湿地生物多样性、湿地土壤和湿地温室气体、湿地与全球变化、湿地退化五方面评述了若尔盖高原湿地的研究进展。在此基础上,对若尔盖高原湿地未来的研究方向进行了展望,提出加强若尔盖高原湿地退化的过程和驱动机制研究、湿地生物多样性研究、加强湿地生态恢复与管理保护三方面建议。  相似文献   

中国退化河口湿地生态恢复研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
宋晓林  吕宪国 《湿地科学》2009,7(4):379-384
湿地退化、恢复和重建是当前湿地科学领域的研究热点,也是中国湿地研究中的核心问题。作为一种典型的海岸湿地,河口湿地在围垦、水利工程建设和环境污染等多重因素的干扰下,面临着自然来水减少、水盐失衡、植被退化、生境质量下降等多种威胁。介绍了当前中国河口湿地的分布情况以及四大主要河口湿地的退化现状,针对已经开展的河口退化湿地恢复的现状,总结了目前中国河口退化湿地恢复所面临的问题,并展望了今后河口退化湿地恢复研究的趋势:开展河口湿地生态系统演替与退化机制研究;发展河口湿地生态恢复技术;加强河口湿地生态恢复示范研究以及建立动态监测和管理系统。  相似文献   

我国滨海湿地面临着持续退化和损失的风险,其中气候变化通过海平面上升、海水表层温度上升、风暴潮、海水入侵和海岸带侵袭,以及海洋酸碱度变化等一系列影响,导致了沿海湿地的退化与消失,制约了沿海地区的可持续发展。在总结中国湿地退化现状的基础上,分析了气候变化对中国湿地的影响,并从自发性适应和计划性适应两个方面探讨了潜在的滨海湿地气候变化适应性对策。认为将来可进一步加强对滨海湿地气候变化影响与响应机制的监测和研究,为制定相关政策和培养相关管理人员提供依据。  相似文献   

湿地生态系统碳储存和温室气体排放研究   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:11  
刘子刚 《地理科学》2004,24(5):634-639
湿地生态系统是地球上重要的有机碳储库, 湿地植被和土壤碳储量丰富、碳密度高。湿地还是CO2、CH4和N2O等温室气体的源和汇。近百年来,由于土地利用,特别是农业开发和泥炭开采,导致大面积湿地被排干,并排放大量温室气体。多项研究表明湿地保护和恢复能促进碳积累和减少温室气体排放,通过对国内外有关文献的分析,针对近年来科学界普遍关注的湿地生态系统碳储量、碳平衡和土地利用对温室气体排放的影响、湿地与全球气候变化关系等方面的问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

吉林省泥炭资源总面积约为400km2,有机碳储量约为4.396×l07t.在对吉林省泥炭资源普查的基础上,阐述了吉林省泥炭资源的分布状况,重点分析了当前吉林省泥炭资源所面临的威胁,这些威胁主要包括泥炭地补水机制遭到破坏、泥炭地面积减少和泥炭地退化等;从加强泥炭地保护体系建设、维护泥炭地补水机制、加强泥炭地恢复和强化泥炭地管理等方面提出了吉林省泥炭资源的保护管理对策,以期为吉林省泥炭资源的合理利用与保护提供科学依据.  相似文献   

"泥炭气候成因说"的探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
殷书柏  吕宪国 《地理科学》2006,26(3):321-327
文章从沼泽有机质积累的本质和泥炭的定义出发,通过对地带性气侯与沼泽小气候、泥炭的现状分布与自然分布、“没有泥炭分布”地区与“不能形成泥炭”地区、地区差异与地带性分异规律等几对矛盾在泥炭形成与分布中的作用和地位的详细剖析,认为:各种地带性气候条件下都能因为地表积水而形成湿地小气候,不同地带内湿地小气候都具有湿润的特征;泥炭沼泽的形成与分布主要是与湿地小气候及积水厌氧环境有关,用与泥炭形成没有直接联系的地带性气候指标来研究泥炭形成与分布的规律性是不合逻辑的;地带性的水热条件主要对泥炭在不同地带的分布面积起到一定的控制作用;泥炭现状分布因为人类活动的影响已不是自然规律的表现,从不能反映泥炭形成与分布自然状况的泥炭现状分布来分析泥炭形成与分布的自然规律,显然也不能得出正确的结论;“没有泥炭分布”的地区并不是因为这里的水热条件组合不能形成泥炭,各自然地带内都可形成泥炭且所有地带内的泥炭特征都是相似的,没有必要将它们区别对待,这些事实说明“泥炭气候成因说”对泥炭形成与分布的规律性的解释是不合逻辑的,泥炭的分布不具有地带性的规律。  相似文献   

Peatland testate amoebae are sensitive indicators of local hydrology and have been used as proxies for surface moisture conditions in fossil studies. However, few regional calibration datasets exist in North America, and knowledge of testate amoeba ecology and distribution patterns are limited. The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate the relationship between testate amoebae, environment, and Sphagnum species in Michigan peatlands; (2) generate transfer functions from this dataset that can be applied to fossil data; and (3) describe vertical variation of testate amoebae inhabiting Sphagnum moss. Testate amoeba assemblages from 139 microsites within 11 peatlands in Michigan were compared to assess variability between and within peatlands. Most peatlands contained similar testate amoeba assemblages, although within individual peatlands the amount of assemblage variability is correlated to the amount of environmental heterogeneity. Of the measured environmental variables, depth to water table showed the strongest relationship with testate amoebae. Depth to water table can be reconstructed from fossil data with a mean error of ±7.5 cm, although predictive ability deteriorates in extremely dry environments (>30 cm water table depth). Vertical variation in testate amoeba assemblages was investigated at 89 Sphagnum-dominated microsites by directly comparing amoeba assemblages and the abundance and frequency of common taxa in upper and lower portions of the Sphagnum stem. Except for extremely dry microsites, considerable vertical variation in assemblage composition exists. Many agglutinate taxa are more abundant on lower portions of the Sphagnum stem, and taxa containing symbiotic zoochlorellae are more abundant on upper portions. Refinements in sampling procedures and analysis may improve the predictive ability of transfer functions.  相似文献   

Testate amoebae are a diverse and abundant group of protozoa that constitute a large proportion of biomass in many ecosystems and probably fill important roles in ecosystem function. These microorganisms have attracted the interest of paleoecologists because the preserved shells of testate amoebae and their known hydrological preferences enable reconstruction of past hydrological change. In ombrotrophic peatlands, surface wetness reflects hydroclimate, so testate amoebae can play an important role in reconstruction of Holocene climate change. Previous studies, however, have been geographically restricted, mostly to North America and Europe. We studied the ecology of testate amoebae in peatlands from central China in relation to hydrology, pH and metal concentrations. We found that testate amoeba community structure was correlated with depth to water table (DWT) and that the hydrological preferences of species generally matched those of previous studies. We developed a weighted average DWT transfer function that enables prediction of water table depth with a cross-validated mean error of <5 cm. Our results demonstrate the potential for using testate amoebae to reconstruct paleohydrology in China. Such studies could contribute to our understanding of Holocene climate changes in China, particularly regarding past Asian monsoon activity.  相似文献   

以长白山区泥炭地的6种泥炭藓孢子和8种维管植物种子为受试材料,进行室内模拟实验,对比研究了沙尘沉降对泥炭藓孢子和维管植物种子萌发的影响。数据分析显示,施加沙尘抑制除锈色泥炭藓外其他所有泥炭藓孢子的萌发,在接近自然沉降的50 g/(m2·a)水平时,这些泥炭藓孢子的萌发率均下降一半以上。无论沙尘施加量如何,有4种维管植物种子均未萌发。施加沙尘抑制了狭叶杜香(Rhododendron tomentosum)和小白花地榆(Sanguisorba parviflora)种子的萌发,但却对宽叶杜香(Rhododendron palustre)和燕子花(Iris laevigata)种子的萌发呈现一定的促进趋势。研究表明,沙尘沉降可抑制泥炭地泥炭藓孢子和部分典型维管植物种子的萌发,但可能会对非典型的或喜营养的泥炭地维管植物种子萌发产生促进作用。所以,长期存在的沙尘沉降,可能通过提高泥炭地N、Ca水平和pH值的作用,抑制泥炭藓孢子定居,阻滞中国长白山区泥炭地自发演替的进程。  相似文献   

Peatlands offer the potential for high resolution records of water balance over Holocene timescales, yet this potential is under-exploited in many areas of the world. Within Europe, peatlands are mostly confined to areas north of 55° N, but several areas of southern and eastern Europe contain small peatlands which may be suitable for palaeoclimatic reconstruction. In this paper we test the potential of peatlands in the Carpathian region for deriving quantified estimates of water table changes using testate amoebae analysis. A training set for palaeohydrological reconstruction from testate amoebae assemblages was obtained by collecting surface samples from 13 peatlands, including 9 from Hungary and 4 from Transylvania (Romania). Using a simple measure of mean annual water tables estimated from staining of PVC tape, we found that some peatlands were heavily influenced by runoff and groundwater, and were therefore not suitable as modern analogues of ombrotrophic climatically sensitive sites. The relationship between the testate amoebae assemblages in the modern samples and the environmental variables was explored using CCA. The CCA biplot showed that the most important variables are depth to water table and moisture content, confirming that hydrology is a key control on taxon distribution. pH was a secondary gradient. A transfer function for % moisture and depth to water table was established and applied to fossil assemblages from a sequence from Fenyves-tető, Transylvania, Romania. The reconstructed water table shows a number of variations which have parallels with other palaeoclimatic records from Europe and the North Atlantic prominent phases of higher water tables are associated with the periods 8000–8300 cal BP, 3000–2500 cal BP and after 600 cal BP. We suggest that these were periods of particular intensification of westerly airflow which affected eastern Europe as well as western and central Europe.  相似文献   

长白山圆池泥炭沼泽演变及环境信息记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析长白山圆池泥炭剖面总有机碳含量、总正构烷烃含量、奇偶优势指数、(C23+C25)含量和2C31/(C27+C29)比值,讨论了泥炭发育不同时期植物输入情况,同时结合210Pb测年建立的年代序列来探讨该区的气候变化规律.研究结果显示,约1400年前,气候干冷,圆池尚没有出现沼泽化;1400年开始,气候稍暖,少量植物输入,圆池开始沼泽化;约从1860年至今,气候逐步转暖,大量植物输入,圆池沼泽化速度加快.  相似文献   

长白山哈泥泥炭地7种苔藓分布与环境关系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在长白山哈泥泥炭地调查7种苔藓的典型生境,共计93个样方,计测样方中苔藓植物的盖度和包括泥炭全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)、K^+和Ca^2+等在内的9个环境因子,应用典范对应分析对数据进行处理,做出样方、物种与环境因子关系二维排序图,排序图直观地反映苔藓植物与环境因子间的关系。结果表明,排序图中同种苔藓为主的样方多数集中分布,个别分散分布;水位埋深、沼泽水pH以及乔木郁闭度和灌木盖度是影响泥炭地苔藓植物生态位分异的主要环境因子,泥炭全磷(TP)对苔藓植物分布影响较大。7种苔藓中,尖叶泥炭藓(Sphagnum capilifolium)、大泥炭藓(S.palustre)在乔木郁闭度和pH梯度上,喙叶泥炭藓(S.fallax)、沼泽皱缩藓(Aulacomnium palustre)在水位埋深和灌木盖度梯度上,生态位分异明显。锈色泥炭藓(S.fuscum)、桧叶金发藓(Polytrichum juniperinum)和中位泥炭藓(S.magellanicum)在各个环境梯度上生态位都比较相似。  相似文献   

长白山金川泥炭地圆叶茅膏菜的生态可塑性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
圆叶茅膏菜(Drosera rotundifolia)是营养贫乏型泥炭地的典型食虫植物。于2006年9月,应用“固有年际标记”确定长白山金川泥炭地边缘(A)和中心(B)圆叶茅膏菜种群的年龄结构,研究其生态可塑性。结果表明,两种群植株分别由5个龄级和4个龄级组成,年龄结构分别呈衰退型和稳定型。两个种群平均高度相差35.9%(nA=80,nB=110,P〈0.01),泥炭地边缘的生境更有利于植株高度的生长。各龄植株的平均高度均随龄级增加而呈相似线性增长规律(nA=80,nB=110,P〈0.05)。泥炭地边缘植株平均叶长、叶宽、叶柄长均高于中心(nA=74,nB=104,P〈0.01),而叶片表面的触毛密度则相反,泥炭地边缘植株的触毛密度显著低于中心(nA=74,nB=104,P〈0.01)。由于泥炭地边缘较中心生境土壤养分丰富,昆虫数量多,光竞争强烈,导致圆叶茅膏菜在植株高度、叶片形态、触毛密度方面表现出很高的生态可塑性,高生态可塑性应是圆叶茅膏菜种群适应泥炭地异质环境的重要手段。  相似文献   

密山杨木3000多年来气候变化的泥炭记录   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过典型泥炭剖面孢粉分析,划出5个孢粉带。植被与气候变化过程:3400 a B.P.以前,喜温阔叶树占优势,为温暖偏干气候;3400~1940 a B.P.以松(Pinus)、云杉(Picea)、冷杉(Abies)为主的针阔叶混交林夹湿草甸,气候凉湿;1940~1090 a B.P.为针阔叶混交林,为温干气候;1090~545 a B.P.为阔叶占优势针阔叶混交林,为温湿气候;545 a B.P.至近代沼泽化草甸占优势,气候向冷干方向发展。通过孢粉、磁化率、有机质及考古与史籍记载互相印证,该剖面深143~125cm上部为公元初冷期;南北朝至隋唐时期气候,分别位于125~85cm和85~38cm深度。自3400 a B.P.以来,密山一带古代人类活动频繁,该区域隋唐时期文化遗址数量增加,在温暖气候环境下古代人类对林木获取量增加。  相似文献   

The Holocene diatom and pollen records from Kelly’s Lough have been analysed to determine the timing and extent of the acidification in this upland lake. The pollen data during the early Holocene reflect the typical vegetation changes that occur in sediments throughout Ireland during this period. The diatom record begins by being dominated by circumneutral and acidophilous benthic forms. Later tychoplanktonic Aulacoseira species begin to expand and dominate indicating increased water transparency following the stabilization of catchment soils. Peatland development in the catchment is evident from approximately 6,450 cal year BP. The main change in the diatom assemblages at this time is the decline of Aulacoseira species and expansion of periphytic species. At around 1,450 cal year BP, loss-on-ignition (LOI) values, Calluna pollen and microscopic charcoal all increase suggesting the initiation of a major phase of peat erosion and an increased inwash of organic matter to the lake. Lake acidity changed significantly although the initial acidification is very subtle as indicated by the diatom-inferred pH record. Changes in the diatom assemblages might be largely the result of increasing erosion and inwash of organic matter from the catchment to the lake leading to reduced water transparency and more acidic conditions. The diatom flora remains relatively stable until the mid-twentieth century when more acidibiontic species increase. These diatom changes result in the reconstructed pH curve showing a moderate recent acidification from pH 5.7 to 5.1. About half of the total change in pH took place by around the late 1960s. The lowest diatom-inferred pH value occurs in the late 1970s, and parallels the peak in SO2 emissions in Ireland. Acidic conditions seem to have prevailed in Kelly’s Lough throughout its entire history and alkalinity has been low or absent for much of the time. However, soil acidification and inwash of organic acids from peatlands are not a sufficiently effective mechanism to explain the low pH levels found today in Kelly’s Lough. The effect of acid deposition on the waters of Kelly’s Lough is clear and it has probably caused these already naturally acid waters to acidify further.  相似文献   

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