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The first U-Pb zircon ages are reported for the gneissic bedrock inliers previously interpreted as part of the Nile Craton. The inliers crop out in the Egyptian Western Desert, east of the Uweinat area and west of the Eastern Desert. Multi- and single-grain zircon analyses of granitoid gneiss and migmatite from Gebel Um Shagir, Aswan, and another locality approximately 160 km south-west of Aswan, yield simple discordia with near modern day Pb loss trajectories, and the following Neoproterozoic crystallization ages: 626+4/–3, 634 ± 4 and 741 ± 3 Ma. In contrast, multi- and single-grain U-Pb analyses (zircon and sphene) from an anorthositic gabbro at Gebel Kamil (22°46N 26°21E) and an anorthosite at Gebel El Asr (22°46N 31°10E) yield Archean and Paleoproterozoic emplacement ages. The former yield a crystallization age of > 2.67 Ga and a metamorphic age of 2.0 Ga; the latter a metamorphic age of 0.69 Ga and an inheritance age of 1.9–2.1 Ga. Because high grade gneiss and migmatite of Neoproterozoic, Paleoproterozoic and Archean age crop out west of the Nile, pre-Neoproterozoic crust should no longer be identified by its metamorphic grade. By contrast, mapping the anorthosite and related rocks might provide first-order estimates for the extension of pre-Neoproterozoic crust in north-east Africa. It is suggested that Archean and Paleoproterozoic crust of the Uweinat and Congo Craton are contiguous because these U-Pb (zircon) data show no evidence for a Neoproterozoic thermal overprint in the Gebel Kamil area and there is no pronounced Neoproterozoic magmatic activity south of the Uweinat inlier and north of the Congo Craton.  相似文献   

Summary The provenance of the Mid-Devonian clastic sediments in the Teplá-Barrandian Unit (TBU) of the Bohemian Massif was investigated by laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb zircon dating, bulk sediment geochemistry and mineralogical study of the heavy mineral fraction. In contrast to the island arc provenance of the TBU Neoproterozoic sediments, the Early Palaeozoic sediments contain significant amounts of differentiated crustal material. The detrital zircon populations in the Barrandian Mid-Devonian siltstones and sandstones show ages ranging from Archaean (3.0Ga) to Early Palaeozoic (0.39Ga). Major age maxima are at 2.6Ga, 2.0–2.25Ga, 0.62 and 0.51Ga. The youngest identified zircons so far correspond to Lower and Mid-Devonian ages. The extensive mechanical abrasion of zircons having Archaean (3.0, 2.8 and 2.6Ga) to Paleoproterozoic ages (2.25–2.0Ga) suggest their provenance from recycled old sedimentary sequences. The relatively large number of zircons with ages between 2.0 and 3.0Ga may indicate the presence of relicts of the Archaean/Paleoproterozoic crust in the source areas of the studied Mid-Devonian sediments. The absence of detrital zircon ages between 0.9 and 1.2Ga and the presence of zircon ages of 2.0–2.25 and 0.5–0.8Ga correspond to the zircon age pattern from the Gondwana-related North African, rather than Gondwana-related South American and Baltic terranes. The material was entering the basin predominantly from the west and consisted primarily of detrital material of Cambrian granitoids and recycled material of Neoproterozoic meta-sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   

Three meta-acidic rocks from the western Italian Alps, a magnesiochloritoid-bearing metapelite from the Monte Rosa massif, a coesite-pyrope-quartzite from the Dora Maira massif and the Monte Mucrone granite in the Sesia Zone, have been studied by U-Pb zircon, Rb-Sr on whole-rock, apatite and phengite and Sm-Nd wholerock methods. The mineral parageneses of the investigated rocks indicate high- to very-high-pressure and medium-to-high-temperature metamorphism. This combined isotopic study has enabled us to constrain the ages of magmatic and metamorphic events and also to compare the behaviour of U-Pb zircon systems in three intensely metamorphosed areas of the Pennine domain. The U-Pb zircon data have yielded a magmatic age for the Monte Mucrone granite at 286±2 Ma. This result confirms the occurence of late-Hercynian magmatism in the Sesia Zone, as in other Austro-Alpine units and in other areas of the European crystalline basement. In the Monte Rosa massif, a geologically meaningless lower intercept age of 192±2 Ma has been interpreted as an artefact due to a complex evolution of the U-Pb zircon system. The magmatic shape of the zircons implies a magmatic or volcano-sedimentary protolith for this rock, originally considered as a metasediment. The very-high-pressure metamorphism in the Dora Maira quartzite has produced an opening of the U-Pb zircon system at 121+12–29 Ma. The Rb-Sr data support the occurence of high-grade metamorphism during Cretaceous times. Phengites model ages are slightly younger than the U-Pb zircon lower intercept ages due to cooling phenomena or possible response of the phengites to a later deformation. The Nd model ages from the whole-rock samples, as well as the U-Pb upper intercept ages from zircons of all three investigated rocks, indicate the presence of Proterozoic crustal components inherited from the precursors of these meta-acidic rocks. The studied zircon populations and their U-Pb systems apparently showed open-system behaviour only when affected by extreme metamorphic conditions (700–750° C, > 28 kbar), whereas eclogite-facies conditions of 500–550° C and 14–16 kbar were not enough to disturb significantly the U-Pb zircon evolution. It is also probable that the sedimentary or magmatic origin of the protoliths of these meta-acidic rocks, which involved different characteristics such as grain-size and fluid phase concentration and composition, could be another important factor controlling the U-Pb zircon system behaviour during metamorphic events.  相似文献   

Rb-Sr isotopic analyses of whole-rocks and biotite and U-Th-Pb analyses of zircon and monazite reveal regional metamorphic events for the Ordovician (Caledonian metamorphism) and the Carboniferous (Variscan=Hercynian orogeny), both accompanied by anatexis. The extent of the Caledonian and Variscan anatexis, however, cannot be evaluated, so far, because the field petrographic criteria are not sufficient to distinguish clearly between early and late Paleozoic anatexites. Evidence for a Precambrian metamorphism has not been found. Rb-Sr whole-rock isochrons obtained on leucosomes and melanosomes of partially molten paragneisses are interpreted as a minimum age of the second, early Variscan anatexis. The alternative explanation of the isochrons as a result of local Sr isotopic redistribution without a melt involved is considered less likely. Concordant and nearly concordant zircon ages (318–335 m.y.) of a coarse-grained granite and of diatexites are regarded as evidence for an intensive early Variscan granitization and palingenesis. Concordant zircon ages of diorite dykes, crosscutting the anatexites, establish a lower time limit of 309–312 m.y. for the Variscan anatexis. Rb-Sr ages of biotite (310-290 m.y.) indicate the end of the Variscan metamorphism. Estimates of the time of sedimentation or diagenesis based on Rb-Sr whole-rock analyses for some metasediment series in the north of the area yield maximum ages of 550 m.y., provided that Rb and Sr migration did not exceed substantially the extent of the outcrops (30–500 m) between the time of diagenesis and the Ordovician metamorphism. Otherwise, an upper limit of 2000–2300 m.y., which is the primary age of detrital zircon populations, can be established. Zircon populations of paragneisses and their anatectic derivatives were separated into size and shape fractions. From morphologic studies and U-Pb isotopic analyses, they were found to be composites of young concordant (318–325 m.y.) and old, highly discordant zircon components, with more than fifty per cent of young crystals in some anatexites. The apparent ages of the composites are 320–750 m.y. The U concentrations of the newly formed crystals can be higher, equal, or lower than those of the inherited zircon component. Some peculiarities in the concordia plot of the zircon data of paragneisses and migmatites (curved pattern; inversion of the generally observed systematics with respect to U concentration, grain size, degree of discordance) are interpreted as the result of polyepisodic disturbances of the inherited crystals in connection with new zircon growth. In the concordia diagram, the data points of the individual zircon grains containing inherited components appear to plot in band or wedgelike areas, and not on lines as the patterns of size fractions of the same zircon populations could pretend. Consequently, ages obtained by extrapolation of the regression curves to the concordia are not necessarily meaningful and require verification by other methods.  相似文献   

Summary We report results of a combined SHRIMP ion microprobe and Raman microprobe study of the correlation between metamictization and U-Pb isotopic discordance of zircon. The spatial resolution of the SHRIMP and Raman probe used are about 200 m3 and 80 m3, respectively. This allows a direct comparison of U-Pb isotopic discordance and metamictization of small areas within zircon crystals. We show that the impact of the oxygen ion beam on the zircon during the SHRIMP analysis does not cause significant amorphization or recrystallization in the remaining zircon on a scale of 1 m. Consequently, it is possible to determine the initial degree of metamictization of zircon within and adjacent to a SHRIMP analytical spot by Raman microprobe measurements after performing SHRIMP analyses. A combination of the two microprobe techniques gives information on the concentration and distribution of radionuclides as well as the degree of metamictization and its heterogeneity and the lateral age distribution within the grain. We found that the degree of U-Pb isotopic discordance correlates closely with the degree of metamictization within single zircon grains, on a scale of 15 m, which is consistent with previous results on the scale of single and multiple zircon grains showing that metamictization enhances the relative potential for secondary loss of radiogenic lead in zircon.
Metamiktisierung und U-Pb-Isotopendiskordanz in Einzelzirkonen: eine komplexe Untersuchung mittels Ramanmikrosonde und SHRIMP Ionensonde
Zusammenfassung Wir präsentieren die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung des Zussammenhangs von Metamiktisierung und U-Pb Isotopendiskordanz in Zirkonen mittles kombinierter SHRIMP-Ionenmikrosonden- und Ramanmikrosondenanalysen. Die räumliche Auflösung der verwendeten Analysensysteme, experimentell mit 200 m3 (SHRIMP) und 80 m3 (Ramansonde) bestimmt, gestattet den direkten Vergleich der in Mikrobereichen innerhalb von Zirkon-Einkristallen gemessenen Isotopendiskordanzen und Metamiktisierungsgrade. Wir zeigen, daß der während der SHRIMP-Analyse auf den Zirkon einwirkende Sauerstoffionenstrahl weder signifikante Amorphisierung noch Rekristallisation des benachbarten Zirkonmaterials im 1 m-Bereich hervorruft. Es ist deshalb möglich, den Grad der Metamiktisierung eines Zirkon-Mikrobereiches auch in den SHRIMP-Analysengrübchen, d.h. erst nach dem Analysieren dieses Bereiches mit der Ionensonde, mittels hochauflösender Ramanmessungen unverfälscht zu bestimmen. Der Einsatz beider Mikromethoden liefert kombinierte Informationen zu den Gehalten und Verteilungen radioaktiver Elemente, zum Grad der Metamiktisierung und seiner Heterogenität und zur lateralen Altersverteilung innerhalb von Einzelkörnern. Wir weisen eine deutliche Korrelation des Grades der U-Pb-Isotopendiskordanz mit dem Grad der Metamiktisierung im Mikrobereich (15 m Auflösung) nach. Dies stimmt mit früheren, an Einzelzirkonen und Populationen getätigten Beobachtungen überein, daß die Metamiktisierung von Zirkon dessen Potential zu sekundären Bleiverlusten erhöht.

Ion microprobe U-Th-Pb analyses of zircons from a granulite-grade orthogneiss from Mount Sones, Enderby Land, Antarctica, record the ages of four principal events in the history of the gneiss, three of which already have been recognized through previous isotopic dating of other samples. The structure of the zircons indicates at least four different stages of growth. The several zircon ages were obtained by grouping the analyses according to the stage they represented in the observed stratigraphic succession of growth and thereby defining separate U-Pb discordance patterns for each stage. The stratigraphically oldest zircon (rare discrete cores) is indistinguishable in age from the most common, euhedrally zoned zircon. Both crystallized when the tonalitic precursor of the orthogneiss was emplaced into the crust 3927±10 Ma ago, making the orthogneiss currently the oldest known terrestrial rock. The outer parts of most grains and some whole grains recrystallized at 2948±31/–17 Ma, during or immediately after possibly 100 Ma of high granulite grade metamorphism. The recrystallized zircon was isotopically disturbed by tectonism associated with reactivation of the southern margin of the Napier Complex at 1000 Ma. In the intervening time, at 2479±23 Ma, the cores and zoned zircon suffered a major isotopic disturbance involving movement of radiogenic Pb which left most of the crystals with radiogenic Pb deficiencies, but produced local radiogenic Pb excesses in others. A new generation of zircon, characterized by very high Th/U and low U, grew at that time. That event — deformation and possibly a minor rise in temperature — produced widespread perturbations of other isotopic systems throughout the Napier Complex.  相似文献   

Summary A fully cored drillhole was drilled to 1596m by the Czech Geological Survey in 1961–1963 in the central part of the Cínovec (Zinnwald) granite cupola. Two types of granite were intersected: zinnwaldite granite (ZG), observed down to a depth of 730m, and protolithionite granite (PG), occurring to the end of the hole. The core was used to study the distribution and chemistry of: zircon, thorite, xenotime, monazite, bastnäsite, synchysite, REE oxyfluorides and hydroxyfluorides. Zircon occurs throughout the drillcore; it is strongly hydrated and fluorinated with about 18.5wt.% H2O content in the apical part of the cupola. Its F-content reaches 2.41wt.%. Within the PG, the F concentration in zircon is low. Zircon is poor in Th and U and its HfO2 contents vary from 1.01 to 5.24wt.%. Thorite is common in the PG, becoming rare in the ZG. It is strongly hydrated (up to 14wt.% H2O) and fluorinated (up to 2.04wt.% F). Extensive solid solution between ThSiO4 and YPO4 was observed. Xenotime is strongly hydrated (up to 16wt.% H2O), but its F content is low (<0.31wt.%). Two types of monazite were identified: Th-rich (up to 9.3wt.% ThO2) in the ZG, and Th-poor (<2.5wt.% ThO2) in the PG. Monazite remained stable during the hydration and fluorination process. Its REE chondrite-normalized distribution patterns show negative anomalies for La and Nd and a pronounced negative anomaly for Eu. Chemical compositions of several REE oxyfluorides and hydroxyfluorides were studied. REE fluorocarbonates are represented by bastnäsite and synchysite. Bastnäsite is abundant in the ZG. Its chondrite-normalized REE patterns are characterized by an important negative Eu anomaly and downward kinks at La and Nd. Synchysite-(Ce) and synchysite-(Y) are particularly well developed in the deeper parts of the cupola, and exhibit REE distribution patterns characterized by a weak negative Eu anomaly (synchysite-(Ce)), or a weak positive Eu anomaly (synchysite-(Y)).The distribution of accessory minerals reveals five major evolution stages: (1) Early magmatic crystallization of albite and orthoclase. (2) A late magmatic stage comprising protolithionite, quartz, accessory zircon, thorite, xenotime and monazite. (3) Interaction of this magmatic association with a fluid phase rich in F, CO2 and H2O, leading to the transformation protolithionite zinnwaldite and to the remobilisation of Nb, Ta, Ti, W, Sn. Accessory minerals formed during stage (2) were hydrated and fluorinated, except monazite. (4) The transfer of volatiles into the apical part of the cupola followed by the opening of the magmatic system generated microgranites and hydrolysis-type reactions leading to the appearance of REE oxyfluorides and hydroxyfluorides. (5) A late CO2- and F-rich fluid phase was responsible for the deposition of REE fluorocarbonates. Monazite and xenotime became unstable in the apical part of the cupola. An influx of fluids with high Ca-activity occurred late during stage (5) and led to the formation of synchysite, and finally to the extensive precipitation of fluorite.  相似文献   

The Malanjkhand copper–molybdenum deposit in the Bhandara Craton, Central India, is hosted by a granite complex which consists of regionally dominant grey granitoid and pink granitoid confined to the mineralized zone. New SHRIMP RG data on zircons from both granite types are inferred to have crystallized during the same magmatic pulse at ca 2.48 Ga. The discrepancy between zircon age and earlier obtained Rb–Sr whole-rock age is attributed to modification of the Rb–Sr system by hydrothermal overprint. Similarity in petrographic features and chemical affinity in combination with identical age strongly indicate that the pink granite is the hydrothermally altered variety (microclinization and silicification) of the grey granite. The spatially associated, main Cu–Mo mineralization event at Malankhand appears to be broadly contemporaneous with and genetically related to the emplacement of the host granitoids at about 2.48 Ga.  相似文献   

The Xihuashan stock (South Jiangxi, China) is composed of cogenetic granitic units (granites Xe, a, c, d and b) and emplaced during the Yanshanian orogeny (153±0.2 Ma). They are two feldspars, Fe-rich biotite±garnet and slightly peraluminous granites. Primary accessory minerals are apatite 1, monazite, zircon, uranothorite±xenotime in granites Xe and a, zircon, uranothorite, uraninite, betafite, xenotime 1; hydrothermal minerals are monazite altered into parisite and apatite 2, Y-rich parisite, yttroparisite, Y-rich fluorite and xenotime 2 in granites c and b. Petrographic observations, major element, REE, Y and Rb–Sr isotropic data point to a magmatic suite (granites Xe and a granites c and d granite b) distinct from hydrothermal Na-or K-alteration of b. From granite Xe to granite b, LREE, Eu, Th and Zr content are strongly depleted, while HREE, Y and U content increase. During K-alteration of b, these variations are of minor importance. Major and accessory mineral evidences, geochemical and fluid inclusion results indicate two successive alteration fluids interacting with b, (1) a late-magmatic F and CO2–rich fluid and (2) a post-magmatic, aqueous and slightly saline fluid. The depletion of LREE and Th content and the increase in HREE, Y and U content correspond, in the magmatic suite to the early fractionation of monazite in the granites where there is no hydrothermal alteration (granites Xe and e) and to the hydrothermal alteration of monazite into parisite and secondary apatite, intense new formation of yttroparisite, Y enrichment and U loss in the uranothorite and late crystallization of uraninite in the granites c and b. Moreover, simulated crystallization of monazite and temperature of monazite saturation show early fractionation of monazite from the magma in the less evolved granites (Xe and e) and prevailing hydrothermal leaching of monazite in the most evolved granites (c-d and b) related to a late-magmetic event. The slight variations of REE, Y, Th and U content in the K-altered granites compared to granite b emphazes the distinct chemical nature of the successive hydrothermal fluids. Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic results point to a 30 Ma period of time between the late-magmatic and the post-magmatic fluid circulation.  相似文献   

A technique has been developed and tested to analyse 207Pb/206Pb apparent ages by thermal evaporation of radiogenic lead directly from untreated whole zircon grains (0.3 mm). The evaporation analyses are performed in the double-filament arrangement of a thermal ion mass spectrometer (ThIMS). The method is a powerful tool to distinguish between different lead components occurring in the same grain because differing activation energies of the competing lead components cause their sequential evaporation from the zircons. The evaporation of test samples results in 207Pb/206Pb apparent ages in good agreement with U/Pb ages known from literature: single zircons from a granite of the Marble Mountains/California yield an age of crystallization of 1,410±30 Ma; Ceylon zircons from heavy-mineral bearing gravels yield 560± 40 Ma as age of crystallization of the pegmatitic gravel sources; individuals from a heterogeneous zircon population of a diatexite from the Southern Schwarzwald/SW-Germany indicate metamorphic zircon formation around 500 Ma and the existence of Middle-Proterozoic relics (1.95±0.05 Ga).The evaporation analyses revealed closed-system U/Pb evolution of the crystalline domains of all investigated zircons irrespective of discordancy-trends documented by U/Pb analyses on related zircon concentrates. Therefore the majority of discordia-lines derived from U/Pb isotope distributions of zircon samples are supposed to be due to phase mixing. Lead components from the crystalline domains are concordant end members of the mixing arrays. Open-system behaviour and U/Pb fractionation should be attributed only to phases with low Pb activation energies eg. metamict zircon domains or intergrown non-zircon minerals.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical response of zircons to deformation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation of U-Pb isotopic systematics in zircons from mylonitized Henderson Gneiss (Sinha and Glover 1978) revealed that selected zircon fractions from the mylonite zone suffered total loss of radiogenic Pb at 460 m.y. To further investigate the relationship between Pb loss, U gain, and grain size reduction associated with increasing strain in the shear zone, we have characterized the chemistry and morphology of zircons in the mylonitic rocks, using both electron microprobe analysis and scanning electron microscopy.SEM photographs of the zircons indicate that strain-correlated fracturing and size reduction of the zircons accompanied Pb loss throughout the mylonite zone. Stresses imposed by the expansion of initially U-rich, -damaged portions of the crystal resulted in microfracturing of the more brittle crystalline material proximal to the U-rich zones. During mylonitization, fractures propagated preferentially along these zones allowing metamorphic fluids to penetrate the easily-leached, -damaged portions of the zircons. Removal of 75% of the radiogenic Pb from zircons in the least-deformed zone of the mylonites may have occurred via this mechanism.Irregular, porous zircon overgrowths are also evident from the SEM photographs. Overgrowths are strongly enriched in U, Y and P with respect to the relict, Henderson Gneiss-derived cores, and tend to increase in volume from the protomylonite to the blastomylonite. Thus, the development of overgrowths on the zircons accounts for the U gain observed by Sinha and Glover (1978), and indicates that the transport of high field strength cations (e.g., Zr4+, Hf4+, U4+, etc.) occurred during prograde mylonitization at 460 m.y.A retrograde shearing event at 273 m.y. caused no further disturbance in the U-Pb isotopic systematics of the zircons. Pb retention by zircons during the later episode may have been the result of 1) the participation of H2O-rich, relatively noncorrosive fluids and/or 2) the lack of further fracturing and size reduction in a strain gradient of lower magnitude than the prograde event.  相似文献   

Summary A detailed electron microprobe study of P, F, Ge and Ga-contents in rock-forming topaz was performed on a suite of Variscan granites at Podlesí in the western Kruné Hory Mts., Czech Republic. Topaz crystals from the relatively less evolved biotite- and protolithionite granites display homogeneous cathodo-luminescence (CL) intensities, whereas topaz from the marginal pegmatite, highly fractionated zinnwaldite granite and greisens show intense oscillatory zoning. Phosphorus contents reach 1.15wt% P2O5 in topaz from the zinnwaldite granite. Many topaz crystals are distinctly zoned with a maximum P content in the transition zone between core and rim. Phosphorus is incorporated into the topaz lattice by berlinite substitution: Al3++P5+=Si4++Si4+. The majority of analysed topazes are highly saturated in F, reaching 90–97% of the theoretical maximum saturation. Topaz from the marginal pegmatite only reaches 87–90% of F-saturation. There is a positive correlation between Ptopaz and Pwhole rock, but no correlation between Ftopaz and Fwhole rock. No difference has been found in P and F contents between magmatic and the hydrothermal (=greisen stage) topaz. Contents of Ge and Ga vary from around the detection limit (50ppm) up to 200ppm Ge and 100ppm Ga, respectively.  相似文献   

The Singhbhum Shear Zone separates the rocks of a highly metamorphosed northern group from an unmetamorphosed southern group. It had been recognised by earlier workers as a thrust zone in which the thrust movements were achieved by slip along a pre-existing schistosity. Deformed conglomerates crop out in discontinuous bands along the Shear Zone. Strain determinations from these conglomerates have been made to ascertain the strain pattern within the Shear Zone. None of the existing methods of determining strain from stretched pebbles can be applied to these conglomerates. An approximate value for shortening perpendicular to the schistosity can however be obtained from cross-cutting buckled veins. Detailed study of various small-scale structures clearly indicates that the principal structures of this region cannot be explained simply by a slipping on the schistosity.
Zusammenfassung Die Singhbhum-Scherzone trennt die Gesteine der stark metamorphen nördlichen Gruppe von denjenigen einer nicht metamorphen südlichen Gruppe. Nach früheren Autoren ist es eine Überschiebungszone, worin die Überschiebungsbewegungen durch das Gleiten entlang einer älteren Schieferung zustande kamen. Deformierte Trümmergesteine treten in ununterbrochenen Bändern entlang der Scherzone auf. Man hat Deformationsbestimmungen von diesen Trümmergesteinen gemacht, um das Deformationsbild in der Scherzone zu erklären. Eine ausführliche Untersuchung der verschiedenen kleinmaßstäblichen Strukturen zeigt deutlich, daß die Hauptstrukturen dieser Gegend nicht einfach durch das Gleiten auf der Schieferung erklärt werden können.

Résumé La zone de cisaillement de Singhbhum sépare les roches très métamorphiques au nord, de celles d'un groupe non-métamorphique au sud. Elle avait été reconnue lors de recherches précédentes comme étant la base de charriages suivant laquelle la poussée se serait faite par glissement le long d'une schistosité pré-existante. Des conglomérats déformés affleurent par bandes discontinues le long de cette zone. Grâce à ces conglomérats, des estimations sur la déformation ont été faites pour définir le style de déformation dans la zone de glissement. Une étude détaillée de différentes structures à petite échelle indique clairement qu'on ne peut pas expliquer les principales structures de cette région uniquement par un glissement sur la schistosité.

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The Meggen orebody and the number of subeconomic sediment-hosted mineralizations at Plettenberg-Affeln, Oberhundem, and Günterod (eastern Rhenish Massif) are considered to be typical members of the large SEDEX family, i.e., submarine-hydrothermal Zn-Pb orebodies. Examples such as Howards Pass (Canada), McArthur River and Broken Hill (Australia), and Navan (Ireland) formed between the Middle Proterozoic and Carboniferous as a consequence of slow continental extension, long-term elevated heat flow and basin dewatering, enhanced and focused along deeply penetrating synsedimentary fault zones. Volcanic activity bound to these fractures has no direct genetic relationship to SEDEX mineralization. Based on structural and detailed stratigraphic correlation and facies analysis it can be shown that all SEDEX-type mineralizations of the Rhenish Massif are bound to one and the same synsedimentary fault zone, named here the Balve-Oberscheld fault zone, which was reactivated during Variscan compressional and extensional movements. The trend of this tectonic lineament (termed »Menden-Oberscheld lineament«) can be even recognized on maps depicting crustal gravity patterns and the configuration of the Moho. Illite crystallinity measurements in Devonian shales along profiles crosscutting the lineament evidence increased Variscan to early post-Variscan metamorphism in the fault system, which already had promoted the synsedimentary heat flow. Indications were found that the metalliferous brines escaping into the Meggen basin were bound to a synsedimentary fault situated at the western margin of the Meggen basin. The widespread Zn-Pb-Ba mineralizations and anomalies in the middle to upper Givetian shales in the Plettenberg-Affeln area are likewise bound to horst-and-graben tectonism along the Balve-Oberscheld fault zone. Based on data from economic and scientific research in the Rhenish Massif, the application of paleostructural methods for future basemetal exploration is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Der Meggener Zn-Pb-Ba Erzkörper und die stratiformen Pyrit-Baryt- und Buntmetallvorkommen der Gebiete Plettenberg-Affeln, Oberhundem und Günterod (rechtsrheinisches Schiefergebirge) gehören wie die berühmten Vererzungen von Howards Pass (Kanada), McArthur River und Broken Hill (Australien) und Navan (Irland) zur bedeutsamen Gruppe der SEDEX-Mineralisationen. Diese submarin-hydrothermalen Vererzungen sind an epikontinentale klastische Sedimente des Mittelproterozoikums bis Karbons gebunden. Die Hydrothermentätigkeit erfolgte während langanhaltender, moderater Dehnungstektonik, die durch beckenweite Blocktektonik und erhöhten Wärmefluß gekennzeichnet war. Der Entwässerungsstrom der Becken wurde durch tiefreichende synsedimentäre Störungssysteme örtlich fokussiert. Der an diese Bruchstrukturen gebundene Vulkanismus steht nicht in unmittelbarer genetischer Beziehung zur Vererzung. Es kann für das Rheinische Schiefergebirge gezeigt werden, daß alle SEDEX-Mineralisationen sowie zwei Eisenerzdistrikte vom Lahn-DillTypus auf der NNW-SSE-verlaufenden synsedimentären Balve-Oberscheld-Störungszone liegen. Diese wurde im Zuge variszischer und saxonischer Tektonik zu einem Lineament umgeformt, das seinen Ausdruck auch auf Karten der Erdschwere und der Mohokonfiguration hat. Die Untersuchung der Illitkristallinität devonischer Tonschiefer konnte zeigen, daß der permokarbone Wärmefluß — wie zuvor der synsedimentäre Wärmefluß — auf diesem »Menden-Oberscheld-Lineament« erhöht war. Geochemische und paläogeographische Untersuchungen machen wahrscheinlich, daß der Aufstieg der metallhaltigen Hydrothermen im Ober-Givetmm im Bereich der westlichen Beckenrandstörung des Meggener Beckens erfolgte. In einem ca. 1,5 km breiten NNW-SSE-gerichteten synsedimentären Graben, der im Gebiet Plettenberg-Affeln rekonstruiert werden konnte, kam es während des Mittel- bis Ober-Givetiums ebenfalls zur stratiformen Zn-Pb-Ba-Mineralisation. Anhand der Ergebnisse aus dem Rheinischen Schiefergebirge wird der Einsatz paläostruktureller Arbeitsmethoden für künftige Explorationsprogramme diskutiert.

Résumé L'association minéralogique Zn-Ba-Pb de Meggen ainsi que les gisements de pyrite-barite stratiformes de Plettenberg-Affeln, Oberhundem et Günterod sont interprétés comme appartenant au large groupe des minéralisations de type SEDEX parmi lesquelles figurent les célèbres gisements de Howards Pass (Canada), McArthur River, Broken Hill (Australie) et Navan (Irlande). Les minéralisations hydrothermales sous-marines de type SEDEX sont liées aux sédiments clastiques épicontinentaux datant du Protérozoïque moyen jusqu'au Carbonifère. Leur formation s'est effectuée durant une longue période de tectonique de distension modérée, caractérisée par des systèmes de blocs à l'échelle du bassin rhénan et un flux de chaleur élevé. L'élimination de l'eau interstitielle des sédiments a été favorisée et localement focalisée par des systèmes synsédimentaires de failles profondes. L'activité volcanique accompagnant ces systèmes n'est cependant pas à relier directement à la genèse des minéralisations SEDEX. Dans le cas du Massif Schisteux Rhénan, on peut démontrer que toutes les minéralisations de type SEDEX, ainsi que deux districts à gisement de fer de type Lahn-Dill, s'alignent le long de la zone failleuse synsédimentaire NNW-SSE de Balve-Oberscheld. Celle-ci fut réactivée durant les phases tectoniques varisque et saxonne, donnant naissance à un linéament, visible sur la carte gravimétrique et sur celle de la profondeur du Moho. L'analyse de la cristallinité de l'illite montre que le flux de chaleur permo-carbonifère — ainsi qu'auparavant le flux de chaleur synsédimentaire — était relativement élevé à l'endroit de ce »Menden-Oberscheld lineament«. Les résultats des recherches géochimiques et paléogéographiques suggèrent que l'ascension de l'hydrotherme métallifère s'est effectuée durant le Givetien supérieur dans la zone de la faille située en bordure ouest du bassin de Meggen. D'autre part, dans un fossé d'effondrement long d'environ 1,5 km et d'orientation NNW-SSE, qui a pu être reconstitué dans la région Plettenberg-Affeln, on observe également des minéralisations Zn-Pb-Ba stratiformes datant du Givetien moyen à supérieur. Etant donné que les méthodes conventionnelles de prospection ont échoué dans la recherche de nouveaux gisements de type Meggen-Rammelsberg et comme toutes les minéralisations SEDEX connues au Canada, en Australie et en Europe sont liées à des zones de failles synsédimentaires, on propose, dans le cadre de programmes de recherches ultérieurs, l'application de méthodes de travail basées sur la paléotectonique.

, , , , , / / , Howards Pass, , McArthur River Broken Hill, , Navan, , SEDEX. . , . . , , . , SEDEX, - , - , NNW SSE. , , . , - «-», , . , , , . , 1,5 NNW-SSE , - , , . , , .

We report single grain U-Pb ion-microprobe as well as conventional bulk size fraction ages for zircons from 3 metasediment samples of the Moldanubian Complex, Bohemian Massif, one of the largest crystalline complexes of the Hercynian foldbelt in Europe. These are complemented by whole-rock Sm-Nd model ages. The metasediments are of upper amphibolite to granulite grade and come from the Bory Massif in Moravia, NW of Brno (sample AA-1) and from the Varied Group (AA-2) and Monotonous Group (AA-3) in the Ceske Budejovice region of SW Bohemia.Ion-microprobe data for detrital zircons yielded 207Pb/ 206Pb ages between ca. 1750 Ma and 2680 Ma and reflect chronologically heterogeneous source terrains. One grain in sample AA-1 of the Bory granulite massif may be as old as 2684±14 Ma, and this constitutes the oldest reported zircon age for the Hercynian belt of central Europe. The single grain data are much less discordant than previously published conventional U-Pb analyses from bulk zircon samples and suggest a significant early Proterozoic crust-formation event between 2 and 2.2 Ga ago. The size fraction data are compatible with the single grain ages and give a fairly precise definition of the Hercynian event between 347 and 367 Ma ago while their upper Concordia intercept ages between 1700 and 2050 Ma represent the mean of the respective grain populations and are probably geohronologically meaningless. The Nd whole-rock model ages between 1.7 and 3.0 Ga confirm mid-Proterozoic to Archaean source terrains for the dated metasediments.  相似文献   

In the Central European Zechstein Basin, the Permian Kupferschiefer has been deposited under marine anoxic conditions. From a lagoon at the southwest border of the Zechstein Sea, today part of the Lower Rhine Basin, 30 core samples have been studied by means of organic geochemical methods. Within the area investigated, the depth of the Kupferschiefer horizon increases from about 350 m in the south to about 1000 m in the north. Furthermore, the Kupferschiefer has been thermally affected in the western part by the intrusive body of the so-called Krefeld High. This geological situation opens the possibility to investigate differences of short term and long term temperature effects on the biological marker distribution within a sediment layer of a largely uniform faciès type. Depth related changes in the hopane, sterane and diasterene/diasterane distributions are compared to those changes induced by the Krefeld High. The composition of aromatic steroid hydrocarbons is used to discuss time-temperature effects. It is shown that depth related values of maturation parameters can only be interpreted by taking into account post-depositional tectonic events. Samples from tectonic horst structures show higher maturation values than one would expect from the present day depth.
Zusammenfassung Aus dem Bereich der heutigen Niederrheinischen Bucht wurden an 30 Kernproben des Kupferschiefers organischgeochemische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebiets nimmt die Teufe des Kupferschieferhorizonts von 350 m im Süden auf über 1000 m im Norden zu. Organisch-geochemische Reifeparameter zeigen an, daß der Kupferschiefer im Westen durch den Intrusivkörper des Krefelder Gewölbes thermisch beeinflußt worden ist. Aufgrund dieser Situation bietet sich die Möglichkeit, Unterschiede im Einfluß von kurzzeitigen und langzeitigen Temperatureinwirkungen auf die Verteilung von Chemofossilien in einem faziell einheitlichen Horizont zu studieren. Teufenabhängige Variationen der Hopan-, Steran-, Diasteran- und Diasterenverteilungen lassen sich mit den zusätzlich durch den Intrusivkörper verursachten Veränderungen vergleichen. Die Verteilungsmuster der aromatischen Steroide werden zur Deutung von Zeit-Temperatur-Effekten im Verlauf der Diagenese herangezogen. Die ermittelten Meßwerte der Reifeparameter lassen sich nur interpretieren, wenn postsedimentäre tektonische Bewegungen nach der Ablagerung des Kupferschiefers in Betracht gezogen werden. Die aus Horsten stammenden Proben zeigen höhere Reifegrade an als entsprechend ihrer heutigen Teufe zu erwarten.

Résumé Dans le bassin du Zechstein d'Europe Centrale, les Kupferschiefer permiens ont été déposés dans des conditions marines anoxiques. Dans un paléo-lagon situé à la bordure sud-ouest de la mer du Zechstein, et qui fait partie aujourd'hui du Bassin du Bas-Rhin, 30 échantillons, provenant de carottes, ont fait l'objet d'une étude de géochimie organique. Dans la région ainsi étudiée, la profondeur de l'horizon des Kupferschiefer augmente, du sud au nord, de 350 m à 1.000 m. D'autre part, les Kupferschiefer ont subi, dans leur partie ouest, l'influence thermique du corps intrusif du «Dôme de Krefeld». Cette situation géologique fournit la possibilité d'étudier les effets à long terme et à court terme de la température sur la distribution des marqueurs biologiques au sein d'un niveau sédimentaire de faciès uniforme. Les modifications dans la répartition de l'hopane, du stérane et du diastérène/diasterane en fonction de la profondeur sont comparées à celles qui sont provoquées par le Dôme de Krefeld. Les effets temps-température sont discutés à partir de la composition des hydrocarbures stéroïdes aromatiques. Les auteurs montrent que la valeur des paramètres de maturation liés à la profondeur ne peuvent être interprétés sans que l'on prenne en considération les événements tectoniques postsédimentaires. Des échantillons provenant de structures en horst montrent un degré d'évolution plus élevé que celui auquel on s'attend d'après leur profondeur actuelle.

30- - . 350 1000 . , . , , - . , . . - . , , , .

The Bitterroot mylonite is a ductile-deformed amphibolitefacies mylonite (A-mylonite), abruptly capped by ductile- to brittle-deformed greenschist-facies mylonite (G-mylonite). The movement picture of the A-mylonite from its lineation and S-C-surfaces is strongly focused; the average orientation for the G-mylonite is similar but much more diffuse.Regional metamorphism, and intrusion of quartz diorite orthogneiss, granodiorite, and granite of the Idaho-Bitterroot batholith between 105 and less than 60 m.y. ago was followed by regional extension, formation of the A-mylonite, and rapid drop in temperature from about 700 °C to about 280 °C, at a time inferred to be about 57 to 53 m.y. ago. Pressure-relief melting of water-undersaturated rocks at deeper crustal levels, in response to the rapid decrease in pressure, may have produced the nearly dry magmas emplaced as very shallow plutons or erupted as the Challis rhyolitic volcanics 52 or 53 m.y. ago.The greenschist-facies mylonite/chloritic breccia formed during further cooling to about 100 °C, during listric normal faulting on the eastern flank of the Bitterroot dome about 40 m.y. ago.
Zusammenfassung Der Bitterroot-Mylonit ist ein duktil deformierter amphibolitfazieller Mylonit (A-Mylonit), der von einem duktil bis spröd deformierten grünschieferfaziellen Mylonit (G-Mylonit) scharf getrennt wird. Das Bewegungsbild des A-Mylonites ist anhand seiner Lineationen und seiner S-C-Gefüge stark ausgerichtet; die Durchschnittsorientierung für die G-Mylonite ist ähnlich, streut aber breiter. Der Regionalmetamorphose, den Intrusionen von Quarzdiorit, Orthogneis, Granodiorit und dem Granitbatholithen von Idaho-Bitterroot zwischen 105 und mindestens 60 Ma folgte eine regionale Dehnungsphase, dann die Bildung der A-Mylonite, danach ein rascher Temperaturabfall von ungefähr 700 °C auf ca. 280 °C, wahrscheinlich im Zeitraum vor 57 bis 53 Ma. Druckabhängiges Schmelzen wasseruntersättigter Gesteine in tieferen Krustenniveaus könnte als Reaktion auf den rapiden Druckabfall zur Bildung der nahezu trockenen Magmen geführt haben, die dann vor ca. 52 oder 53 Ma als sehr flachliegende Plutone intrudierten oder wie der Challis-Rhyolith eruptiert wurden.Der grünschieferfazielle Mylonit und die Chloritbrekzien bildeten sich während der weiteren Abkühlung bis auf ca. 100 °C mit der Entwicklung von listrisch geformten Abschiebungen auf der Ostflanke des Bitterroot-Domes vor ca. 40 Ma.

Résumé L'ensemble mylonitique de Bitterroot comporte une mylonite engendrée par déformation ductile dans le facies des amphibolites (mylonite A), en contact brusque avec une mylonite, ductile à cassante, appartenant au facies des schistes verts (mylonite G). L'image cinématique de la mylonite A est définie de manière très précise par sa linéation et la disposition des plans s et c; l'image de la mylonite G est semblabe, mais plus diffuse.Le métamorphisme régional et l'intrusion de méta-diorite quarzique, de granodiorite et de granite formant le batholite de l'Idaho-Bitterroot, entre 105 Ma et moins de 60 Ma, ont été suivis d'une extension régionale accompagnée de la formation de la mylonite A et d'une chute rapide de la température depuis 700 °C jusqu' à ±280 °C, probablement entre 57 et 53 Ma. La fusion de roches sous-saturées en eau, provoquée dans des niveaux crustaux plus profonds par la baisse rapide de la pression peut être à l'origine des magmas presque secs responsables de la mise en place de plutons peu profonds et d'éruptions comme celle des volcanites rhyolitiques de Challis il y a 52 ou 53 Ma.La mylonite de facies schistes verts et la brèche chloritique se sont formées au cours du refroidissement ultérieur, jusqu'à ±100 °C, à l'occasion de la production de failles normales listriques sur le flanc est du dôme de Bitterroot, il y a environ 40 Ma.

, Bitterroot (-), (G-), . - , Bitterroot, ; , G- , . , -, , Idaho-Bitterroot 105 60 : , — -, — 700 ° 280 °, , , 57 53 . , , , , 52–53 , , Challis. 100 °, Bitterroot 40 .

Regional structural trends within the poorly exposed metamorphic basement complex of central Chile between 39°30' and 41°30'S latitudes are evident on total intensity aeromagnetic maps. Field and laboratory measurements of magnetic susceptibility indicate that anomalies are related to relic magnetite and rare ilmenite phase concentrations in serpentinites and lower greenschist facies mafic schists.Serpentinites and mafic schists representing fragmented ophiolites are common throughout a broad, highly magnetic central zone which separates a low-magnetic metaturbidites terrain in the Northeast from a southwestern, low susceptibility, metavolcanic rich area with isolated anomalies. One of the isolated anomalies represents a polyphase deformed serpentinite emplacement overlain by coarse grained eclogitic blueschist, highly magnetic undeformed serpentinites and amphibolite boulders thought to have been transported within the ultramafic body.The trend of the regional magnetic anomaly pattern is controlled by the main foliation, a crenulation cleavage (S2), rather than by primary factors, such as emplacement pattern of the ultramafics. This structural grain was established during the early Carboniferous event which culminated pre-Andean accretion in the area. The overall zonation, however, seems to reflect the composition of slices in a composite prism accreted during oblique subduction along the margin of Gondwanaland.
Zusammenfassung Reliktische präkinematische (prä-S2) Magnetitanreicherungen kommen in Serpentiniten und Metabasiten der Grünschieferfazies des spätpaläozoischen Grundgebirges der Küstenkordillere Chiles häufig vor. Zwischen 39°30' und 41 °30' südlicher Breite wurden magnetische Messungen in situ in diesen Gesteinen durchgeführt, die deren enge räumliche Beziehung zu regionalen NW-SO streichenden Anomalien bestätigen.Die Serpentinite stellen Teile eines zerscherten Ophiolithkomplexes dar, der zwischen einer schwach-magnetischen Metaturbidit-Zone und einer schlecht aufgeschlossenen Metapyroklastit-Zone diapirartig intrudierte. Ein mehrfach deformierter Serpentinitkörper ist von Gerollen aus eklogitischem Blauschiefer überlagert, die höchstwahrscheinlich ursprünglichen tektonischen Einschlüssen entsprechen.Der regionale Trend der Anomalien ist eher vom Streichen und Einfallen der Hauptschieferung als von primären Strukturen kontrolliert. Es handelt sich um eine Krenulationsschieferung (S2) die durch eine frühkarbonische Phase entstanden ist. Sie stellt den Höhepunkt einer prä-Andinen Schrägakkretion dar. Die regionale lithologische Gliederung scheint jedoch die Zusammensetzung der einzelnen Akkretionskeile widerzuspiegeln.

Résumén Serpentinitas y esquistos máficos metamorfizados en condiciones de facies esquistos verdes baja forman parte del basamento metamorfico de la Cordillera de la Costa de Chile central entre los 39°30' y los 41°30'l.s. Mediciones in situ y en laboratorio de suceptibilidad magnética muestran que sus concentraciones de magnetita pretectonica con respecto a la foliación principal son responsables de anomalías de rumbo NW-SE.Las serpentinitas constituyen parte de una asociación »ofiolítica« fragmentada que aflora dentro de una ancha banda entre metaturbiditas débilmente magnéticas al NE y metapiroclastitas con aisladas anomalías al SW. Una serpentinita del último sector presenta evidencias de deformación polifásica y esta recubierta por bolones de esquistos azules eclogíticos y anfibolitas, los cuales podrían representar inclusiones originalmente transportadas por el cuerpo ultramáfico.El diseño regional de las anomalías magnéticas está controlado por la actitud de la foliación principal, más que por el diseño del emplazamiento original. Esta, un clivaje de crenuación S2, se originó durante un evento carbonífero temprano que representa el climax de la acreción pre-andina en el área. La zonación litológica regional, sin embargo, parece reflejar más bien la composición de lonjas individuales dentro de un prisma compuesto acrecionado mediante subducción oblicua.

- (prä-S2) . 39°30 41°30 in situ , , NW-SO. , , . , , , , , . , . (S2), . - . .

Recent geological studies in areas west of the Pacific Ocean byAllen, Krause, Visser, andHermes have revealed the existence of large transcurrent faults in the Taiwan-Philippine region and in the area between the Celebes and East New Guinea. Physiographic evidence from the Philippines, bathymetric and geological data from New Guinea demonstrate that the sense of movement along these faults is sinistral. Another sinistral transcurrent fault has recently been described byBurton from Malaya.The Sumatran fault-system which shows clearly a right-handed lateral sense of displacement could be observed along the 500 kilometer long Ulu-Aer fault in North Sumatra and along another fault-zone situated between Lake Dibaruh in Central Sumatra and Lake Ranau in South Sumatra covering a length of more than 500 kilometers. Although the Island of Java is mostly covered by young volcanic material, it is still possible to detect smaller transcurrent faults possessing a strike more or less parallel to the island. The Fossa Sarasina in Central Celebes displaying smoothness of curvature over literally hundreds of kilometers could also be interpreted as being a sinistral transcurrent fault. Another dextral transcurrent fault of about 100 km length has been postulated in the Gorontalo area, northern Celebes.Two groups of transcurrent faults could be discerned in Southeast Asia viz a group trending more or less northwest-southeast and another one striking approximately east-west.The data presented in this paper tend to supportVening Meinesz theory that the Indonesian Archipelago is being protruded southeastward. The major block movements are taking place along the Philippine and Sumatran fault-zone, while differential movements within this block seem to occur along the Fossa Sarasina and the Gorontalo fault-zone.The approximately east-west trending sinistral transcurrent faults might be associated with the eastward drift of the Australian continent and the westward convection flow originated from the East Pacific Rise as envisaged byWilson.
Zusammenfassung Rezente geologische Studien vonAllen, Krause, Visser undHermes im Westteil des Pazifischen Ozeans haben die Existenz von großen transversalen Horizontalverschiebungen im Taiwan-Philippinen-Gebiet und in dem Gebiet zwischen Celebes und Ost-Neuguinea bewiesen. Physiographische Erscheinungen von den Philippinen, bathymetrische und geologische Daten von Neuguinea zeigen, daß eine linksgerichtete Bewegung dem Bruch entlang erfolgt. Eine weitere linksgerichtete Horizontalverschiebung ist neuerdings vonBurton aus Malaya beschrieben.Das Bruchsystem von Sumatra, das deutlich eine rechtsseitige Versetzungsrichtung zeigt, kann man entlang dem 500 Kilometer langen Ulu-Aer-Bruch in Nord-Sumatra beobachten und entlang einer anderen Bruchzone zwischen dem Dibaruh-See in Zentral-Sumatra und dem Ranau-See in Süd-Sumatra, die eine Länge von mehr als 500 Kilometern bedecken.Obwohl die Insel Java zum größten Teil mit jungem vulkanischen Material bedeckt ist, ist es möglich, kleinere transversale Brüche zu entdecken, die mehr oder weniger parallel zur Längsrichtung der Insel verlaufen. Die Fossa Sarasina innerhalb von Zentral-Celebes zeigt eine gleichmäßige Rundung über Hunderte von Kilometern und kann ebenfalls als eine linkstransversale Horizontalverschiebung interpretiert werden.Eine andere, rechtstransversale Verschiebung von ungefähr 100 Kilometern Länge wird im Gorontalo-Gebiet von Nord-Celebes vermutet.Zwei Gruppen von transversalen Horizontalverschiebungen kann man in Südost-Asien unterscheiden: eine Gruppe mit einer Streichrichtung etwa Nordwest-Südost und eine zweite Gruppe mit Ost— West-Streichen. Die Daten in dieser Arbeit unterstützen die Theorie vonVening Meinesz, daß der Indonesische Archipel in südöstlicher Richtung vorgeschoben ist.Die Hauptblockbewegungen finden entlang der Philippinen- und Sumatra-Bruchzone statt, während differenzielle Bewegungen innerhalb dieses Blockes entlang der Fossa Sarrasina- und Gorontalo-Bruchzone aufzutreten scheinen.Die etwa Ost— West streichenden linkstransversalen Horizontalverschiebungen sind möglicherweise mit der westwärts gerichteten Konvektionsströmung (nachWilson) verbunden, die ihren Ursprung in der Ost-Pazifik-Schwelle hat.

Résumé Des études géologiques récentes parAllen, Krause, Visser etHermes ont démontré l'existence de grandes failles transversales de décrochement dans la région Taiwan-Philippines et dans la région entre le Célèbes et la Nouvelle Guinée de l'Est. Les évidences géographiques dans les Philippines et des donnés bathymétriques et géologiques de la Nouvelle Guinée ont démontré que la direction du mouvement le long de ces failles de décrochement est gauche. Une autre faille de décrochement gauche a été décrite parBurton à Malaya.Le système des failles de décrochements de Sumatra qui indique clairement une direction de déplacement latérale vers la droite a été observé le long de la faille d'Ulu-Aer dans le Nord de Sumatra, sur une longueur de 500 kilomètres et également le long d'une autre zone de failles située entre Lac Dibaruh dans le Sumatra central et Lac Ranau dans le Sud de Sumatra sur une longueur de plus de 500 kilomètres. Bien que l'île de Java soit couverte pour la plus grande partie de matériel volcanique récent, il est encore possible de découvrir des failles de décrochement plus petites dont la direction est plus ou moins parallèle à l'élongation de l'île. La Fossa Sarasina dans Celebes Central qui présente une courbure régulière sur des centaines de kilomètres peut être aussi interprêtée comme une faille de décrochement gauche. Une autre faille de décrochement droite a été supposée sur une longueur de 100 kilomètres environ dans la région de Gorontalo au Nord de Celebes.On peut distinguer deux groupes de failles de décrochement dans l'Asie du Sud-Est; un groupe de direction plus ou moins Nord-Ouest-Sud-Est et un autre de direction à peu près Est-Ouest.Les données présentées dans cette étude indiquent que l'Archipel indonésien a été poussé dans la direction Sud-Ouest ce qui s'accorde avec la théorie deVening Meinesz. Les mouvements importants des blocs ont lieu le long de la zone générale des failles des Philippines et de Sumatra tandis que des mouvements différentiels à l'intérieur de ce bloc semblent se présenter le long de la Fossa Sarasina et de la zone des failles de décrochement de Gorontalo.La direction approximativement Est— Ouest du mouvement des failles de décrochement gauches peut être mise en rapport avec le déplacement vers l'Est du continent australien et avec le courant de convection vers l'Ouest qui d'après M.Wilson est lié à l'élévation océanique du Pacifique Oriental.

— . , . , 500 , . , , , , . Fossa Sarasina , , Gorontalo . — Vening-Meineszz ' , SE. , , Fossa Sarasina Gorontalo.

The plate tectonic evolution of the Alps is intimately related to the stepwise protrusion of the Atlantic ocean to the north. The South Penninic oceanic basin of the Alps is part of the spreading system of the early Atlantic ocean in the Jurassic. In the Lower Cretacous, the North Peeninic basin forms as an appendix of the Atlantic in its second stage of evolution, connected with it via the Pyrenees trough and the Bay of Biscay. Subduction in the South Penninic ocean by convergent motion of the Briançonian and the Adriatic plates leads to a first continental collision in about mid-Cretaceous time. In the Upper Cretaceous, when the Atlantic ocean protrudes between North America and Greenland, Eurasia and Africa move divergently, and there is relative quiescence in the Alps. In the Tertiary, the Atlantic ocean spreads between Greenland and Scandinavia which results in convergent motion between Eurasia and Africa and important compressional events in the Alps.
Zusammenfassung Die plattentektonische Entwicklung in den Alpen steht mit dem etappenweisen Vorstoß des Atlantischen Ozeans nach Norden in engem Zusammenhang. Das ozeanische Südpenninische Becken der Alpen ist Teil des frühen Atlantik im Jura. In der Unterkreide bildet sich das Nordpenninische Becken als Fortsatz des Atlantik in dessen zweitem Entwicklungsstadium und steht mit diesem über den Pyrenäentrog und die Biscaya in Verbindung. Annäherung der Briançonischen und der Adritischen Platte führt zu Subduktion im Südpenninischen Becken und zu einer ersten Kontinentkollision in der Mittelkreide. Zur Zeit des atlantischen Vorstoßes zwischen Nordamerika und Grönland werden Eurasien und Afrika auseinanderbewegt, und es herrscht relative Ruhe in den Alpen. Im Tertiär bahnt sich der Atlantik seinen Weg zwischen Grönland und Skandinavien; dies führt Eurasien und Afrika gegeneinander und hat bedeutende Einengung in den Alpen zur Folge.

Résumé Le développement de la tectonique de plaques dans les Alpes est rapport étroit avec la poussée par etapes de l'Océan Atlantique en direction du Nord. Le bassin océanique piémontais des Alpes est une partie de l'Atlantique originel au moment du Jurassique. C'est au Crétacé inferieur que se forme le bassin valaisan en tant qu'appendice de l'Atlantique dans son deuxième stade de développement; il se trouve par là en relation avec la fosse pyrénéenne et le Golfe de Gascogne. Le rapprochement de la plaque briançonnaise et de la plaque adriatique conduit à une subduction dans le bassin piémontais et à une premiére collision continentale au Crétacé moyen. A l'époque de la pénétration atlantique entre l'Amérique du Nord et le Groenland, l'Eurasie et l'Atlantique s'écartérent, tandis qu'il règne une période d'accalmie relative dans les Alpes. C'est au Tertiaire que l'Atlantique se fraie son passage entre le Groenland et la Scandinavie. Cela mène à la rencontre de l'Eurasie et de l'Afrique, ce qui entraîne un rétrécissement important dans les Alpes.

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