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A regional study of the continental margin between the Senja and Molloy-Spitsbergen fracture zones reveals that the transition from continental to oceanic crust occurs in a narrow zone beneath the outer shelf and uppermost slope. The postulated continent-ocean boundary appears to be fault-related consisting of sheared and rifted segments. The marginal structures are compatible with a plate tectonic model in which the southern Greenland Sea opened along a northeasterly propagating plate boundary in the Eocene, whereas the northern Greenland Sea started opening in the early Oligocene. The main structure at the margin is the Hornsund Fault Zone which probably reflects an old zone of weakness rejuvenated in the Tertiary, first by shear and later by extensional movements. In the early Tertiary local transpressional and transtensional components along the plate boundary are associated with the Spitsbergen Orogeny, emplacement of belts of high-density oceanic crust and tectonism in the western Barents Sea. A complex volcanic rifted margin characterized by the Bjørnøya Marginal High links the predominantly sheared margin segments on either side. The main ridge-like segment of the Hovgaard Fracture Zone was originally part of the Spitsbergen margin. In a regional sense, the Hornsund Fault Zone demarcates the eastern boundary of the Tertiary sedimentary wedge which reaches a total thickness of more than 7 km. There appears to have been a considerable increase in deposition of sediments the last 5–6 my. Depocentres located seaward of the east-west fjord systems and submarine depressions indicate a relationship between late Cenozoic glaciations and high sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

谢玲娟 《台湾海峡》1994,13(4):346-352
本文41a(1949-1989年)的资料,对东南亚10°-25°N,105°-130°E范围7-9月出现的热带风暴异常路长进行了普查统计和气候分析。结果表明:产生异常路径热风暴的机率约占区域内热带风暴总数的20%;异常路径的产生与热带风暴所处的地理位置,季节,环下等因素有关。正确地考虑气候规律和具体的天气条件相结合是预报带式风暴异常路径成败的关键。  相似文献   

The North Sea Basin has been subsiding during the Quaternary and contains hundreds of metres of fill. Seismic surveys (170 000 km2) provide new evidence on Early Quaternary sedimentation, from about 2.75 Ma to around the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary (0.78 Ma). We present an informal seismic stratigraphy for the Early Quaternary of the North Sea, and calculate sediment volumes for major units. Early Quaternary sediment thickness is > 1000 m in the northern basin and >700 m in the central basin (total about 40 000 km3). Northern North Sea basin-fill comprises several clinoform units, prograding westward over 60 000 km2. Architecture of the central basin also comprises clinoforms, building from the southeast. To the west, an acoustically layered and mounded unit (Unit Z) was deposited. Remaining accommodation space was filled with fine-grained sediments of two Central Basin units. Above these units, an Upper Regional Unconformity-equivalent (URU) records a conformable surface with flat-lying units that indicate stronger direct glacial influence than on the sediments below. On the North Sea Plateau north of 59°N, the Upper Regional Unconformity (URU) is defined by a shift from westward to eastward dipping seismic reflectors, recording a major change in sedimentation, with the Shetland Platform becoming a significant source. A model of Early Quaternary sediment delivery to the North Sea shows sources from the Scandinavian ice sheet and major European rivers. Clinoforms prograding west in the northern North Sea Basin, representing glacigenic debris flows, indicate an ice sheet on the western Scandinavian margin. In the central basin, sediments are generally fine-grained, suggesting a distal fluvial or glacifluvial origin from European rivers. Ploughmarks also demonstrate that icebergs, derived from an ice sheet to the north, drifted into the central North Sea Basin. By contrast, sediments and glacial landforms above the URU provide evidence for the later presence of a grounded ice sheet.  相似文献   

Detailed bathymetric data from a Hydrosweep multibeam sonar survey of a 250 km-long portion of the superfast-spreading southern East Pacific Rise crest and flanks show that the along-axis variation in morphology and axial depth differs significantly from that observed at the fast-spreading northern East Pacific Rise. While the deep mantle upwelling pattern is similar under the northern and southern East Pacific Rise, our observations require that the connectivity of the shallow, subcrestal plumbing system be more efficient beneath the super-fast spreading southern East Pacific Rise than beneath the slower spreading northern East Pacific Rise.  相似文献   

A study of Sea Beam bathymetry and SeaMARC II side-scan sonar allows us to make quantitative measures of the contribution of faulting to the creation of abyssal hill topography on the East Pacific Rise (EPR) 9°15 N–9°50 N. We conclude that fault locations and throws can be confidently determined with just Sea Beam and SeaMARC II based on a number of in situ observations made from the ALVIN submersible. A compilation of 1026 fault scarp locations and scarp height measurements shows systematic variations both parallel and perpendicular to the ridge axis. Outward-facing fault scarps (facing away from the ridge axis), begin to develop within 2 km of the ridge and reach their final average height of 60 m at 5–7 km. Beyond these distances, outward-dipping faults appear to be locked, although there is some indication of continued lengthening of outward-facing fault scarps out to the edge of the survey area. Inward-facing fault scarps (facing toward the ridge axis), initiate 2 km off axis and increase in height and length out to the edge of our data at 30 km, where the average height of inward fault scarps is 60–70 m and the length is 30 km. Continued slip on inward faults at a greater distance off axis is probable, but based on fault lengths, 80% of the lengthening of inward fault scarps occurs within 30 km of the axis (>95% for outward faults). Along-strike propagation and linkage of these faults are common. Outward-dipping faults accommodate more apparent horizontal strain than inward ones within 10 km of the ridge. The net horizontal extension due to faulting at greater distances is estimated as 4.2–4.3%, and inward and outward faults contribute comparably. Both inward- and outward-facing fault scarps increase in height from north to south in our study area in the direction of decreasing inferred magma supply. Average fault spacing is 2 km for both inward-dipping and outward-dipping faults. The azimuths of fault scarps document the direction of ridge spreading, but they are sensitive to local changes in least compressive stress direction near discontinuities. Both the ridge trend and fault scarp azimuths show a clockwise change in trend of 3–5° from 9°50 N to 9°15 N approaching the 9° N overlapping spreading center.  相似文献   

Abundance, vertical distribution and stage composition of Calanus finmarchicus was analysed for a period of four and half years, 1971–1975, based on data collected at weather station India in the North Atlantic (59°N, 19°W). The passage of the Great Salinity Anomaly in the area was reflected by a decrease in the salinity from 1973 to 1975. Calanus finmarchicus arrives at the surface by the end of March and stays in the upper 50 m, but with a stage segregation in the vertical distribution, until the descent periods at the end of May–June and in August–September. During this period two or three cohorts develop, apparently in close relation with the phytoplankton pulses. Abundance is highly variable, with maximum values ranging from 8770 ind m−2 in 1974 to 56,541 ind m−2 in 1973. There was no clear effect of the Great Salinity Anomaly, the maximum abundance occurring the year the Great Salinity Anomaly arrived, 1973, and the minimum values occurring the next year, 1974, when the effect of the Great Salinity Anomaly was well established. However, the structure of the population seems to have been affected during the Great Salinity Anomaly. Possible interactions between phytoplankton blooms, the Great Salinity Anomaly and C. finmarchicus population dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

Nearly complete side-scan, bathymetry and magnetic coverage documents the evolution of the geometry of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) between 16° and 19° S since 5 Ma. Lineaments visible in SeaMARC II, H-MR1 and Sea Beam 2000 side-scan data correspond dominantly to normal fault scarps which have developed in the axial region perpendicular to the least compressive stress. Except near overlapping spreading centers (OSCs), the lineament orientations are taken to represent the perpendicular to the instantaneous Pacific-Nazca spreading direction. Their dominant orientation in the axial region is 012°, in good agreement with the prediction of the current model of relative plate motion (DeMets et al., 1994). However, the variations of the lineament azimuths with age show that there has been a small (3°–5°) clockwise change in the Nazca-Pacific relative motion since 5 Ma. There is also a distinct population of lineaments which strike counterclockwise to the ambient orientation. These discordant lineaments form somewhat coherent patterns on the seafloor and represent the past migration tracks of several left-stepping OSCs. Concurrent analysis of these discordant zones and the magnetic anomalies, reveals that up to 1 Ma, the EPR was offset by a few large, left-stepping OSCs. These OSCs were bisected into smaller OSCs by new spreading segments forming within their overlap basins. The smaller OSCs proceeded to migrate rapidly and were further bisected by newly spawned ridge segments until the present staircase of small, left-stepping OSCs was achieved. By transferring lithosphere from one plate to the other, these migration events account remarkably well for the variable spreading asymmetry in the area. Between 16° and 19° S, the present EPR is magmatically very robust, as evidenced by its inflated morphology, the profuse volcanic and hydrothermal activity observed from submerisbles and towed cameras, the geochemistry of axial basalts, and seismic and gravity data. Since 1 Ma, all the OSCs have migrated away from the shallowest, most robust section of the ridge between 17° and 17°30 S, which was previously offset by a large OSC. We propose that the switch from a presumed starved magmatic regime typically associated with large OSCs to the presently robust magmatic regime occurred when the EPR overrode a melt anomaly during its westward migration relative to the asthenosphere. The resulting increase in melt supply at 17°–17°30 S has fed the migration of axial discontinuities for this section of the southern EPR since 1 Ma.  相似文献   

通过对TOGA-COARE期间的一组锚系仪器阵列资料的分析得出:在赤道西太平洋1°45′S,156°E.海域存在显著的半日潮频内波,它的水平波数(波长)、垂向波数、水平传播速度和垂向传播速度分别约为:3.3×10-2 km-1 (210 km),-1.6×10-3 m-1,2.0 m/s,-3.8 cm/s.波形向斜下方传播,亦即波能向斜上方传输.它在观测点西南方生成后,向东北方向传播,到达观测海区.流速矢量旋转谱水平随深度的变化呈马鞍形,低谷及深处的峰所在深度分别与南赤道流及赤道潜流的南边界所在深度大体一致.旋转椭圆主轴方位角随深度变化,在浅层(40 m处)为北偏东30°,到深处(324 m)转为东偏南14°.总体上呈东北方向,表明波来自西南方向.  相似文献   

The orthogonal supersegment of the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge at 16°–25°E is characterized by significant along-axis variations of mantle potential temperature. A detailed analysis of multibeam bathymetry,gravity, and magnetic data were performed to investigate its variations in magma supply and crustal accretion process. The results revealed distinct across-axis variations of magma supply. Specifically, the regionally averaged crustal thickness reduced systematically from around 7 Ma to the present, indicating a regionally decreasing magma supply. The crustal structure is asymmetric in regional scale between the conjugate ridge flanks, with the faster-spreading southern flank showing thinner crust and greater degree of tectonic extension. Geodynamic models of mantle melting suggested that the observed variations in axial crustal thickness and major element geochemistry can be adequately explained by an eastward decrease in mantle potential temperature of about40°C beneath the ridge axis. In this work, a synthesized model was proposed to explain the axial variations of magma supply and ridge segmentation stabilities. The existence of large ridge-axis offsets may play important roles in controlling melt supply. Several large ridge-axis offsets in the eastern section(21°–25°E) caused sustained along-axis focusing of magma supply at the centers of eastern ridge segments, enabling quasi-stable segmentation. In contrast, the western section(16°–21°E), which lacks large ridge-axis offsets, is associated with unstable segmentation patterns.  相似文献   

Observations from a five-mooring array deployed in the vicinity of Sedlo Seamount over a 4-month period, together with supporting hydrographic and underway ADCP measurements, are described. Sedlo Seamount is an elongated, intermediate depth seamount with three separate peaks, rising from 2200 m water depth to summit peaks between 950 and 780 m depth, located at 40°20′N, 26°40W. Currents measured in depth range 750 and 820 m – the layer close to the summit depth of the shallowest southeast peak – showed a mean anti-cyclonic flow around the seamount, with residual current velocities of 2–5 cm s−1. Significant mesoscale variability was present at this level, and this is attributed to the weak and variable background impinging flow. Stronger, more persistent currents were found at the summit mooring as a result of tidal rectification and some weak amplification. Below 1300 m, currents were extremely weak, even close to the seabed. Time series of relative vorticity for the depth layer 750–820 m showed persistent anti-cyclonic vorticity except for two periods of cyclonic vorticity. A mean relative vorticity of −0.06f (f=the local Coriolis frequency) was calculated from a triangle of current meters located at the flanks of the seamount. Modelling results confirmed that anti-cyclonic flow above the seamount was likely due to Taylor Cone generation driven by a combination of steady impinging and tidally rectified flow. The closed circulation pattern over the seamount was found to extend to ∼150 m above the summit level, consistent with simple idealised theory and the supporting hydrographic observations. At shallower depths (<500 m) model simulations predicted a predominantly cyclonic recirculation most likely controlled by topographic steering along the zonal axis of the seamount. There was some indication of flow reversal at these depths from Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements carried out at one hydrographic survey. The model results were in good agreement with observations at the seamount summit, but were unable to reproduce the mesoscale variability patterns recorded in shallower layers. Kinetic energy patterns derived from the model revealed high variability in the oceanic far field downstream of the seamount summit probably as a result of complex flow interaction along the chain of seamount peaks. Possible impacts of the flow dynamics on the biological functioning at Sedlo Seamount and its surroundings are discussed.  相似文献   

Sea-ice physical characteristics were investigated in the Arctic section of 143°-180°W during August and early September 2008. Ship-based observations show that both the sea-ice thickness and concentration recorded during southward navigation from 30 August to 6 September were remarkably less than those recorded during northward navigation from 3 to 30 August, especially at low latitudes. Accordingly, the marginal ice zone moved from about 74.0°N to about 79.5°N from mid-August to early September. Melt-pond coverage increased with increasing latitude, peaking at 84.4°N, where about 27% of ice was covered by melt ponds. Above this latitude, melt-pond coverage decreased evidently as the ice at high latitudes experienced a relatively short melt season and commenced its growth stage by the end of August. Regional mean ice thickness increased from 0.8 (±0.5) m at 75.0°N to 1.5 (±0.4) m at 85.0°N along the northward navigation while it decreased rapidly to 0.6 (±0.3) m at 78.0°N along the southward navigation. Because of relatively low ice concentration and thin ice in the investigated Arctic sector, both the short-term ice stations and ice camp could only be set up over multiyear sea ice. Observations of ice properties based on ice cores collected at the short-term ice stations and the ice camp show that all investigated floes were essentially isothermal with high temperature and porosity, and low density and salinity. Most ices had salinity below 2 and mean density of 800-860 kg/m~3 . Significant ice loss in the investigated Arctic sector during the last 15 a can be identified by comparison with the previous observations.  相似文献   

The influences of the hydrological features and environmental conditions in the phytoplankton community found in the Campos Basin area in the Atlantic Ocean (20° to 25°S; 42° to 38°W) were studied using HPLC/CHEMTAX pigment analysis. Samples were collected at 72 stations distributed along the 25–3000 m isobaths at two depths during two seasonal periods (rainy and dry). Seven taxonomic groups of phytoplankton were detected (diatoms, dinoflagellates, prasinophytes, cryptophytes, haptophytes, pelagophytes and cyanobacteria). Redundancy analysis showed that the spatial and temporal patterns observed in the distribution of the phytoplanktonic groups were primarily related to variations in the availability of light and nutrients. Nutrient variations were caused by South Atlantic Central Water seasonal intrusions over the continental shelf region. Cyanobacteria predominated in the rainy season, while diatoms, Haptophyceae and Prasinophyceae, were associated with higher nutrient availability in the dry season. In the inner shelf region, diatoms dominated and were associated with increased conditions of turbulence and nutrient availability. Haptophytes and prasinophytes were predominant on the outer shelf and shelf-break regions associated with high nutrient concentrations and availability of light. Prochlorococcus was related to oceanic waters (in both dry and rainy periods) or to low nutrient/strongly stratified shelf waters (rainy period). In contrast, Synechococcus was widely distributed in both the shelf and oceanic regions. Variation in the quality of light between coastal and oceanic waters was probably responsible for the distributions observed. Through HPLC/CHEMTAX pigment analysis we have developed a detailed picture of the influence of hydrological regime on the dynamics of the phytoplankton community in an under-studied shelf/ocean system in the tropical southern Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The comparative estimation of the parameters of the lithosphere of the Mid-Ocean Southwestern Indian range in the areas westwards and eastwards of the Atlantis II transform fault zone shows that, within this zone, an alteration in the basalt composition occurred. Eastwards of this zone, a decrease of the anomaly of the magnetic field occurred and increased average depths of the axial part (4.7 km) and thinning (up to 4–5 km) of the ocean crust with increased rates of seismic waves in the upper mantle were observed. This, first of all, indicates an anomalously cold mantle below the oceanic crust. The changes that occurred in the location of the Euler pole within the last millions of years resulted in slanting spreading in the area of the investigation with rates of opening lower than 1.8 cm/year probably accompanied by the phenomena of transtension in the active parts of the transform faults. The interaction between the Landly and Somali lithosphere plates occurred along the diffusion boundary and was accompanied by problems with tracing the chrones between the neighboring profiles of geomagnetic observations. Consequently, the more detailed investigation of the configuration of the diffusion boundary will contribute to the more accurate reconstruction of the paleogeodynamics of the central part of the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

通过对TOGA-COARE期间的一组锚系仪器阵列资料的分析得出:在赤道西太平洋1°45′S,156°E。海域存在显著的半日潮频内波,它的水平波数(波长)、垂向波数、水平传播速度和垂向传播速度分别约为:3.3×10-2km-1(210km),-1.6×10-3m-1,2.0m/s,-3.8cm/s。波形向斜下方传播,亦即波能向斜上方传输。它在观测点西南方生成后,向东北方向传播,到达观测海区。流速矢量旋转谱水平随深度的变化呈马鞍形,低谷及深处的峰所在深度分别与南赤道流及赤道潜流的南边界所在深度大体一致。旋转椭圆主轴方位角随深度变化,在浅层(40m处)为北偏东30°,到深处(324m)转为东偏南14°。总体上呈东北方向,表明波来自西南方向。  相似文献   

A comparison of monthly wind stress derived from winds of NCEP/NCAR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research) reanalysis and UWM/COADS (The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee/Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set) dataset (1950–1993), and of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and satellite-based QuikSCAT dataset (2000–2006), is made over the South Atlantic (10°N–40°S). On a mean seasonal scale, the comparison shows that these three wind stress datasets have qualitatively similar patterns. Quantitatively, in general, from about the equator to 20°S in the mid-Atlantic the wind stress values are stronger in NCEP/NCAR data than those in UWM/COADS data. On the other hand, in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) area the wind stress values in NCEP/NCAR data are slightly weaker than those in UWM/COADS data. In the South Atlantic, between 20° S–40°S, the QuikSCAT dataset presents complex circulation structures which are not present in NCEP/NCAR and UWM/COADS data. The wind stress is used in a numerical ocean model to simulate ocean currents, which are compared to a drifting-buoy observed climatology. The modeled South Equatorial Current agrees better with observations between March–May and June–August. Between December–February, the South Equatorial Current from UWM/COADS and QuikSCAT experiments is stronger and more developed than that from NCEP/NCAR experiment. The Brazil Current, in turn, is better represented in the QuikSCAT experiment. Comparison of the annual migration of ITCZ at 20° and 30°W in UWM/COADS and NCEP/NCAR data sources show that the southernmost position of ITCZ at 30°W in February, March and April coincides with the rainy season in NE Brazil, while the northernmost position of ITCZ at 20°W in August coincides with the maximum rainfall of Northwest Africa.  相似文献   

We present magnetic field data collected over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the vicinity of the Atlantis Fracture Zone and extending out to 10 Ma-old lithosphere. We calculated a magnetization distribution which accounts for the observed magnetic field by performing a three-dimensional inversion in the presence of bathymetry. Our results show the well-developed pattern of magnetic reversals over our study area. We observe a sharp decay in magnetization from the axis out to older lithosphere and we attribute this decay to progressive low temperature oxidation of basalt. In crust which is 10 Ma, we observe an abrupt increase in magnetic field intensity which could be due to an increase in the intensity of magnetization or thickness of the magnetic source layer. We demonstrate that because the reversal epoch was of unusually long duration, a two-layer model comprised of a shallow extrusive layer and a deeper intrusive layer with sloping polarity boundaries can account for the increase in the amplitude of anomaly 5. South of the Atlantis Fracture Zone, high magnetization is correlated with bathymethic troughts at segment end points and lower magnetization is associated with bathymetric highs at segment midpoints. This pattern can be explained by a relative thinning of the magnetic source layer toward the midpoint of the segment. Thickening of the source layer at segment endpoints due to alteration of lower oceanic crust could also cause this pattern. Because we do not observe this pattern north of the fracture zone, we suggest it is a result of the nature of crustal formation process where mantle upwelling is focused. South of the fracture zone, reversals along discontinuity traces only continue to crust 2 Ma old. In crust >2 Ma, we observe bands of high, positive magnetization along discontinuity traces. We suggest that within the discontinuity traces, a high, induced component of magnetization is produced by serpentinized lower crust/upper mantle and this masks the contribution of basalts to the magnetic anomaly signal.  相似文献   

The results of measurements of surface ozone in central European Russia in 2004–2010 are presented. The variation coefficient for hourly, monthly, and annual mean ozone concentrations is 78, 26, and 12%, respectively. The measurements established a link between increased (>60 μg/m3) and minimum (<12 μg/m3) hourly mean ozone concentrations with the existence of a temperature inversion in the lower 300-m atmospheric layer. Sixty-seven percent of the total number of increased hourly mean ozone concentrations over the 2004–2010 period took place in 2010. A maximum hourly mean ozone concentration of 218.5 μg/m3 was recorded at 17:00 on August 1, 2010. The annual mean ozone concentration in a climatically significant range of hourly mean concentrations from 12 to 60 μg/m3 increased by 45% in a linear approximation over the period of record. The spectral analysis of monthly mean concentrations of surface ozone identified composite oscillations with periods from 3 to 60 months. To approximate the temporal dynamics of ozone, a statistical model was used. This model satisfactorily describes the experimental monthly and annual mean concentrations.  相似文献   

The third in a series of cruises designed to establish the present-day concentrations of trace elements and synthetic organic compounds in major water masses of the ocean, the 1996 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Contaminant Baseline Survey occupied six vertical profile stations in the subtropical and tropical Atlantic. Underway surface samples also were acquired in the transects between these stations. This paper uses the temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrient, and chlorophyll results from the cruise to set the hydrographic background for the other papers in this special volume. Major features sampled during the surface transect include the Brazil Current, the South Equatorial Current, and the offshore Amazon Plume. Utilizing the above parameters to identify water masses, we observed Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) that ranged from a relatively undiluted form at 33°S (Station 10) to a highly attenuated form at 8°N (Station 6). Similarly, North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) was obtained in various mixing stages along its flow path, and samples of NADW and AABW exchanging through the Romanche Fracture Zone to the eastern Atlantic basins were also taken. In addition to these deep water masses, representative samples of Antarctic Intermediate Water and Circumpolar Deep Water were acquired. Besides standard hydrography, these data also were used to verify the sampling integrity of the trace metal-clean, Go Flo bottles deployed on a Kevlar hydrographic cable.  相似文献   

From August 2002 to September 2004 a high-resolution mooring array was maintained across the western Arctic boundary current in the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska. The array consisted of profiling instrumentation, providing a timeseries of vertical sections of the current. Here we present the first-year velocity measurements, with emphasis on the Pacific water component of the current. The mean flow is characterized as a bottom-intensified jet of O (15 cm s−1) directed to the east, trapped to the shelfbreak near 100 m depth. Its width scale is only 10–15 km. Seasonally the flow has distinct configurations. During summer it becomes surface-intensified as it advects buoyant Alaskan Coastal water. In fall and winter the current often reverses (flows westward) under upwelling-favorable winds. Between the storms, as the eastward flow re-establishes, the current develops a deep extension to depths exceeding 700 m. In spring the bottom-trapped flow advects winter-transformed Pacific water emanating from the Chukchi Sea. The year-long mean volume transport of Pacific water is 0.13±0.08 Sv to the east, which is less than 20% of the long-term mean Bering Strait inflow. This implies that most of the Pacific water entering the Arctic goes elsewhere, contrary to expected dynamics and previous modeling results. Possible reasons for this are discussed. The mean Atlantic water transport (to 800 m depth) is 0.047±0.026 Sv, also smaller than anticipated.  相似文献   

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