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20世纪80年代以来中国社会经济快速发展带来的工业化、城市化正深刻影响着中国土地利用空间格局并影响到区域和国家生态与环境状况。在陈述彭先生指导下,1992年以来中国科学院建立起了完整的土地利用/覆盖变化遥感监测与数据分析技术路线,以及独特的分类体系和动态区划体系,奠定了中国LUCC信息平台的基础。本文在系统回顾陈述彭学术思想指导中国LUCC研究的基础上,面向国家需求与国际科技前沿梳理了我国LUCC研究的核心科学问题,并总结了中国科学院团队在最近20年LUCC研究取得的成果,包括土地利用/覆盖动态时空表征与分析模型、土地利用/覆盖变化过程及驱动机制、基于大数据和云计算的土地利用/覆盖变化探测方法、城市土地利用变化的区域气候/生态效应、气候变化与土地利用变化对农田生态系统的影响、林业活动的区域气候/生态效应,在此基础上对未来LUCC研究的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Land use/land cover change (LUCC) is a focus of the research of global environmental changes.The middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River,which are the most ecologically fragile mountainous area in China as well as one of the areas in China with most notable LUCC, have been on the Chinese Government‘s list of priority areas for ecological restoration. This paper is to reveal the trend of LUCC and the ecological degradation arising from it, and to provide a basis for the future sustainable use of land resources in the region based on a detailed analysis of Yiliang County. Based on the county‘s land use/cover maps in 1960, 1980 and 2000 drawn with the aid of aerial photograph interpretation, field investigation and GIS based spatial-temporal data analysis, LUCC during 1960-2000 period and the ecological degradation arising from it were analyzed. Using the Markv model, the paper brings out a forecast of what the county‘s LUCC would be like if the county‘s current land use continues, as well as the reasons and countermeasures for restoring degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   

以1990、2000和2007年三期遥感影像为主体数据源,选取有"煤田之乡"称誉的山西省乡宁县作为实验区,采用遥感与GIS相结合的手段,在建立生态环境评价指标体系的基础上,利用生态环境状况指数(EI),对研究区生态环境进行监测与评价。结果表明:(1)1990-2007年,实验区耕地面积持续减少;林地面积先减少后增加,总体上显著增大;草地面积先增加后减少,总体呈减少趋势;建筑用地面积持续增加;未利用地面积先增加后减少,总体呈减少趋势。(2)1990-2007年,高植被覆盖地区面积先减少后增大,低植被覆盖地区面积持续减少,中度植被覆盖地区面积有所增加。(3)1990-2007年,轻度土壤侵蚀面积先增大后减小,总体面积变化不大;中度侵蚀面积先减小,后显著增大,总体呈增大趋势;重度侵蚀面积先增大,后显著减小,总体呈减小趋势。(4)1990-2000年,实验区生态环境状况明显变差;2000-2007年,生态环境状况显著变好;1990年到2007年生态环境状况略微变好,总体上先明显变差,后显著变好。  相似文献   

The Liupan Mountains is located in the southern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China, which forms an important dividing line between landforms and bio-geographic regions. The populated part of the Liupan Mountains region has suffered tremendous ecological damages over time due to population pressure, excessive demand and inappropriate use of agricultural land resources. In this paper, datasets of land use between 1990 and 2000 were obtained from Landsat TM imagery, and then spatial models were used to characterize landscape conditions. Also, the relationship between the population density and land use/cover change (LUCC) was analyzed. Results indicate that cropland, forestland, and urban areas have increased by 44,186ha, 9001ha and 1550ha, respectively while the grassland area has appreciably decreased by 54,025ha in the study period. The decrease in grassland was most notable. Of the grassland lost, 49.4% was converted into cropland. The largest annual land conversion rate in the study area was less than 2%. These changes are attributed to industrial and agricultural development and population growth. To improve the eco-economic conditions in the study region, population control, urbanization and development of an ecological friendly agriculture were suggested.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization leads to dramatic changes in land use patterns, and the land use/cover change(LUCC) can reflect the spatial impact of urbanization on the ecological environment. Simulating the process of LUCC and predicting the ecological risk future changes can provide supports for urban ecological management. Taking the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration(YRDUA),China as the study area, four developmental scenarios were set on the basis of the land use data from 2005 to 2015. The temporal land use changes were predicted by the integration of the system dynamic and the future land use simulation(SD-FLUS) model, and the geographically weighted regression(GWR) model was used to identify the spatial heterogeneity and evolution characteristics between ecological risk index(ERI) and socio-economic driving forces. Results showed that: 1) From 2005 to 2015, the expansion of construction land(7670.24 km~2) mainly came from the occupation of cultivated land(7854.22 km~2). The Kappa coefficient of the SD-FLUS model was 0.886, indicating that this model could be used to predict the future land use changes in the YRDUA. 2) Gross domestic production(GDP) and population density(POP) showed a positive effect on the ERI, and the impact of POP exceeded that of GDP. The ERI showed the characteristics of zonal diffusion and a slight upward trend, and the high ecological risk region increased by 6.09%, with the largest increase. 3) Under different developmental scenarios, the land use and ecological risk patterns varied. The construction land is increased by 5.76%, 7.41%, 5.25% and 6.06%, respectively. And the high ecological risk region accounted for 12.71%, 15.06%, 11.89%,and 12.94%, correspondingly. In Scenario D, the structure of land use and ecological risk pattern was better compared with other scenarios considering the needs of rapid economic and ecological protection. This study is helpful to understand the spatio-temporal pattern and demand of land use types, grasp the ecological security pattern of large-scale areas, and provide scientific basis for the territory development of urban agglomeration in the future.  相似文献   

This paper provides a generalizable mode for the ecological vulnerability evaluation for tourism planning and development in high mountain areas. The Bayi District located in southeastern Tibet is taken as a typical town to study the conflict between the protection of natural ecological environment and the exploitation of tourism resources. Based on the Sensitivity-Recovery-Pressure (SRP) framework, a set of vulnerability evaluation systems for plateau tourism regions were developed. The spatial principal component analysis (SPCA), remote sensing and GIS technologies were integrated to apply for spatial quantification of evaluation index system. The ecological vulnerability of the Bayi District was divided into five levels: potential, mild, moderate, severe, and extreme, and our results showed that significantly severe and extreme vulnerability areas were mainly distributed throughout the southwestern and central northern alpine pasture and glacial zones. Potential and mild vulnerability areas were mainly distributed in the vicinity of the Yarlung Zangbo River tributary basin. Then three tourism development and environmental protection zones were classified and appropriate measures for the protection were proposed. It also provides a reference for the spatial distribution of a range of areas that require different protection measures according to ecological vulnerability classification.  相似文献   

Review of studies on land use and land cover change in Nepal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Land use and land cover(LULC) in Nepal has undergone constant change over the past few decades due to major changes caused by anthropogenic and natural factors and their impacts on the national and regional environment and climate.This comprehensive review of past and present studies of land use and land cover change(LUCC) in Nepal concentrates on cropland, grassland, forest, snow/glacier cover and urban areas. While most small area studies have gathered data from different sources and research over a short period, across large areas most historical studies have been based on aerial photographs such as the Land Resource Mapping Project in 1986. The recent trend in studies in Nepal is to focus on new concepts and techniques to analyze LULC status on the basis of satellite imagery, with the help of geographic information system and remote sensing tools. Studies based on historical documents, and historical and recent spatial data on LULC, have clearly shown an increase in cropland areas in Nepal,and present results indicating different rates and magnitudes. A decrease in forest and snow/glacier coverage is reported in most studies. Little information is available on grassland and urban areas from past research. The unprecedented rate of urbanization in Nepal has led to significant urban land changes over the past 30 years. Meanwhile, long term historical LUCC research in Nepal is required for extensive work on spatially explicit reconstructions on the basis of historical and primary data collection, including LULC archives and drivers for future change.  相似文献   

为实现“一带一路”区域可持续发展,我国倡导绿色、低碳、循环、可持续的生产生活方式,建设绿色“一带一路”。遥感技术在生态环境监测与评价方面具有重要作用。本文以“一带一路”区域中国援建的水电站工程为研究对象,基于陆地系列卫星(Landsat)、哨兵2号(Sentinel-2)等遥感对地观测数据,利用决策树与缓冲区分析等方法,从水电站库区概况、水电站对植被生长状况与生态资源影响等方面,开展“一带一路”区域水电站项目建设对当地经济发展和生态环境影响的遥感监测及分析。本文首先根据遥感影像与DEM确定库区及库容,结合最小外接正方形面积比及平均宽度等指标确定各水电站缓冲区类型和范围。利用NDWI及NDVI构建决策树模型,提取各缓冲区土地利用类型,分为水体、林地、草地、耕地和其它5类;结合区域植被覆盖度,估算库区生态占用并对水电站建成前后的土地利用类型和植被变化进行分析。研究结果表明:① “一带一路”沿线10座水电站造成的生态损失与库区面积呈正相关,不同工程间,在水体、林地、草地、耕地和其它方面的损失面积大小存在较大差异;② 土地利用类型与植被覆盖度年均变化幅度约为0.35%、1.27%,水电站修建对周边生态资源与植被生长状况影响较小,同时在植被覆盖度较低的地区水电站的修建会明显改善周边环境;③ 各水电站周边的植被覆盖度差异较大,大部分水电站周边植被生长状况良好;④ 水电站建设始终坚持工程建设与环境保护并重,从施工设计到水电站后期维护期间,积极采取环保措施,减少占用,保护生物多样性,生态风险防范得当;⑤ 水电站提供了优质的清洁能源,促进了当地经济和社会发展。  相似文献   

自“一带一路”倡议提出以来,中国企业在“一带一路”沿线国家投资、承建了大量基础设施项目,这些项目在促进当地经济发展的同时,不可避免地给当地生态环境带来一定的影响。目前国内主要采用统计调查等方法进行监管,缺乏直接的境外工程监管手段。遥感技术能为境外工程项目监管提供新方法、新手段,但地面调查数据难以获取是境外项目监管面临的重要问题。针对该问题,本文以迪拜哈翔清洁能源电站项目为例,结合遥感技术(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)的优势,提出了一种境外工程的遥感监管方法。① 针对生态环境影响和工程建设进度两项监测内容,建立了遥感监测技术指标体系;② 基于2016—2018年30 m 分辨率的Landsat 8影像和0.5 m分辨率的WorldView-2影像,利用像元二分模型原理、基态修正模型等方法,从植被覆盖度变化、生态空间占用、自然保护区域影响、工程设施建设、施工附属设施变化5个方面对项目生态环境影响和建设进度情况进行监测;最后通过时序影像和监测产品对比,分析了工程建设对生态环境的影响和工程建设进度情况。结果表明:① 该方法能反映工程在建设过程中对周围生态环境的影响,能准确地监测出迪拜哈翔清洁能源电站的建设进度,对“一带一路”其它境外项目建设的监管具有重要参考意义;②项目建设后无大面积植被覆盖度降低的现象,植被覆盖度总体由低区间向高区间转化;③ 项目施工占用沙地1.4780 km2,港口建设填海面积达0.1246 km2,0.0604 km2的湿地被改为施工沉淀池,没有占用耕地;④ 通过转移海底珊瑚、设置防淤帘、预留海龟产卵通道等措施有效地减少了该项目对Jebel Ali海洋生态保护区的影响;⑤ 工程设施和附属设施建设进展明显,建筑面积增加了0.14 km2,港口建设围堰总长达3.785 km。  相似文献   

From the ecological viewpoint this paper discusses the urban spatial-temporal relationship.We take regional towns and cities as a complex man-land system of urban eco-community,This complex man-land system comprises two elements of “man“ and “land“,Here,“man“ means organization with self-determined consciousness,and “land“ means the physical environment (niche ) that “man “depends on .The complex man-land system has three basic components,They are individual,population and community,Therefore there are six types of spatial relationship for the complex man-land system.They are individual,population,community,man-man,land-land and man-land spatial realtionships,Taking the Pearl(Zhujiang) River Delta as a case study,the authors found some evidence of the urban spatial relationship from the remote sensing data,Firstly,the concentration and diffusion of the cities spatial relationship was found in the remote sensing imagery,Most of the cities concentrate in the core area of the Pearl River Delta ,but the diffusion situation is also significant ,Secondly,the growth behavior and succession behavior of the urban spatial relationship was found in the remote sensing images comparison with different temporal data ,Thirdly,the inheritance,break ,or meeting emergency behavior was observed from the remoted sensing data.Fourthly,the authors found many cases of symbiosis and competi-tion in the remote sensing data of the Pearl River Delta ,Fifthly,The autoeciousness,stranglehold and invasion behavior of the urban spatial relationship was discovered from the remote sensing data.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONGlobal change research involves much geo-objectsand geo-process, such as climate and environmentalchange, substance and energy cycling, land-use/land-cover change (LUCC), interactivity between human and nature, etc.. So it need cooperation frommany research communities including international research programs groups such as IGBP (InternationalGeosphere-Biosphere Programme IPCC (Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change), IHDP (InternationalHuman Dimension Program o…  相似文献   

Mountain area is an important geographical unit of land,and its ecology is sensitive and fragile.Over the past few decades,human activities have caused dramatic changes in land use in mountainous areas,which caused changes in landscape patterns and impacts on the ecological environment.It is unknown how the mechanism of land use affects the landscape pattern at different scales.The Hantai District,a typical human settlement in the mountain area in Shaanxi,China,was chosen as the study area.Based on the remote sensing images,the mathematical models and landscape indexes were adopted to evaluate the impact of land use change from 1998 to 2017 on the landscape pattern at different scales,and its main driving forces were analyzed.The results showed that the urbanized land expanded largest from 15.39%to 24.30%,and cultivated land experienced the largest decline from 43.54%to 35.35%.Changes in land use have made the patch morphology of most land types developed from a natural random to a sawtooth shape,and its spatial pattern evolved from a ruleset to a fragmented expansion.This reflects the continuous strengthening of human intervention in the process of regional development.Under the jurisdiction of Hantai District,the biggest change in landscape pattern is in Hanzhong City and Qili Town.The improved economy and increasing population and urbanization rate were the main factors that cause these changes.This research could provide necessary information for understanding the evolution mechanism of land resources in mountainous human settlements for mountainous areas with significant geomorphic differentiation.  相似文献   

A Ms 8.0 large earthquake occurred in Sichuan,China on May 12,2008(hereafter called 5.12 Earthquake),and then a large debris flow happened in the quake-hit Qingping Township of Mianzhu county on August 13,2008(hereafter called 8.13 Debris Flow).The influence of two disasters on the changes in land use were analyzed by using highresolution aerial photos and satellite remote sensing images taken before and after the 5.12 Earthquake and 8.13 Debris Flow,the selection of suitable construction land were studied by learning experiences and lessons from the selection of resettlement areas and through field surveys and with land use transfer model and analytical model in combination with RS and GIS.The results showed that the influence of the 5.12 Earthquake on ecological environment was far greater than that of the 8.13 Debris Flow;there were more salient conflicts between population and land after the earthquake.Sites for post-disaster reconstruction should not be in disaster-prone areas or in gully-facing areas.Suitable land for settlement construction in I-1~I-5 low-hazard zones is optimal settlement areas for post-disaster reconstruction.  相似文献   

矿产资源违法开采不仅造成资源的浪费,还破坏矿山地质环境,不利于生态环境的保护。该文基于高分辨率卫星遥感影像,借助GIS空间数据处理平台,对云南省北部地区2011—2015年矿产资源违法开采活动进行了遥感监测,通过野外实地核查,得出了5年内矿产资源违法开采遥感动态监测结果,分析了违法图斑的时空变化趋势和原因,并提出相应的对策和建议。对维护矿业秩序,保护环境,促进矿产资源的可持续开发利用起到重要的作用,同时也为云南省国土部门执法监管提供数据支撑和决策依据。  相似文献   

Urban areas and its evolution are important anthropogenic indicators and human ecological footprints, and play decisive roles in environmental change analysis, global geo-conditional monitoring, and sustainable development. China has the highest rate of urban expansion and has emerged as an urban expansion hotspot worldwide. In this paper, the progress of studies on Chinese urban expansion based on remote sensing technology are summarized and analyzed from the aspects of urban area definition, remotely sensed imagery applied in urban expansion, monitoring methods of urban expansion, and urban expansion applications. Existing issues and future directions of Chinese urban expansion are discussed and proposed. Results indicate that: 1) The fusion of multi-source remotely sensed imagery is imperative to meet the needs of urban expansion with various monitoring terms and frequencies on different scales and dimensions. 2) To guarantee the classification accuracy and efficiency and describe urban expansion and its influences on local land use simultaneously, the combination of visual interpretation and automatic classification is the tendency of future monitoring methods of urban areas. 3) Urban expansion data have become the prerequisite for recognizing the urban development process, excavating its driving forces, simulating and predicting the future development directions, and also is conducive to revealing and explaining urban ecological and environmental issues. 4) In the past decades, Chinese scholars have promoted the application of remote sensing technology in the urban expansion field, with data construction, methods and models developing from the quotation stage to improvement and innovation stage; however, an independent and consistent urban expansion data on the national scale with long-term and high-frequency (such as annual monitoring) monitoring is still lacking.  相似文献   

本文较为系统地分析了卫星红外遥感技术在我国秸秆焚烧、沙尘、气溶胶、颗粒物、灰霾等大气环境遥感监测,水华、水质参数、水表温度、热污染、核电厂温排水等水环境遥感监测,以及土壤含水量、地表温度、干旱、城市热岛效应等生态环境遥感监测的应用。同时,指出目前国产卫星红外载荷业务化应用程度不高、辐射定标能力不足、应用反演算法原创性不强、地面观测和试验验证能力不足等问题;并提出需大力发展国产红外传感器、提高辐射定标能力、发展国内原创监测算法、建设大型环保应用综合试验场等建议,以促进红外遥感技术在环境保护领域的应用和发展。  相似文献   

本文依据武陵山区遥感调查数据及社会经济统计数据,运用灰色关联度模型计算2000年和2010年生态安全综合指数,并对研究区生态安全综合指数的时空演变特征进行分析.结果表明:(1)2000年研究区生态安全综合指数处于Ⅲ级临界安全和Ⅱ级较差安全水平,2010年生态安全综合指数整体处于Ⅲ级临界安全水平之上;(2)2期Moran's I指数分别为0.3828及0.4411,P值均小于0.01,生态安全综合指数在空间上表现出较强正相关,存在空间聚集性,且2010年聚集性更强;(3)武陵山区2期生态安全综合指数空间分布出现较大变化,且都呈现高值,低值聚集;(4)生态安全综合指数与扶贫人口比例及森林覆盖率呈正相关,与农民人均纯收入没有必然的联系.  相似文献   

The spatialization of population of counties in China is significant.Fistly,we can gain the estimated val-ues of population density adaptive to different kinds of regions.Secondly,we can integrate effectively population data with other data including natural resources,environment,society and economy,build 1km GRIDs of natural resources re-serves per person,population density and other economic and environmental data,which are necessary to the national manage-ment and macro adjustment and control of natural resources and dynamic monitoring of population.In order to establish population information system serving national decision-making,three steps ought to be followed:1)establishing complete geographical spatial data foundation infrastructure including the establishment of electric map of residence with high resolu-tion using topographical map with large scale and high resolution satellite remote sensing data,the determination of at-tribute information of housing and office buildings,and creating complete set of attribute database and rapid data update-ing;2) establishing complete census systems including improving the transformation efficiency from census data to digital database and strengthening the link of census database and geographical spatial database,meanwhile,the government should attach great importance to the establishment and integration o population migration database;3)considering there is no GIS software specially seving the analysis and management of population data,a practical approach is to add spe-cial modules to present software system,which works as a bring actualizing the digitization and spatialization of popula-tion geography research.  相似文献   

疟疾是世界上最严重的一种寄生虫疾病,安徽省是典型的中纬度疟疾高发区域之一。本文以安徽省县级行政单元统计的疟疾发病率为例,从遥感监测数据中获取疟疾潜在驱动因素的数据,使用遗传规划方法建立遥感监测的环境因素与疟疾发病率之间的关系,从而预测疟疾发病率的空间分布,并分析预测结果、评价模型精度。结果表明,遗传规划方法预测的疟疾发病的精度(训练数据的预测R2 = 0.558,检验数据R2 = 0.429)较线性逐步回归方法的预测精度(训练数据的预测R2 = 0.470,检验数据R2 = 0.408)有所提高。遗传规划方法有利于提高预测疟疾发病率空间分布的精度。其为使用遥感监测数据预测疟疾的空间分布和变化的科学研究提供依据。  相似文献   

生态环境遥感分类数据矢量化方法与应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
遥感分类数据矢量化建库是生态环境遥感制图及其应用分析过程中主要的处理内容和基础工作。以福建省海岸带生态环境遥感分类数据为例 ,在分析遥感图像处理系统对遥感分类和专题信息提取后处理中矢量化能力不足和结果存在严重缺陷的基础上 ,综合应用遥感和地理信息基础软件平台 ,提供的系列数据管理、分析和数据转换功能模块 ,开展基于生态环境遥感影像分类数据的矢量化建库技术探讨 ,提出一个生态环境遥感分类数据矢量化建库的通用技术方法和流程 ,并对矢量化结果做了一个简要的评价和分析 ,以满足大面积生态环境遥感调查、分析和制图的实际需要。  相似文献   

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