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(Translated from the Chinese edition of Vol. 28, 2006) No. 1 Comparison between earthquake magnitudes determined by China seismograph network and US seismograph network (Ⅱ): Surface wave magnitude LIU Rui-feng , CHEN Yuntai, Peter Bormann , REN Xiao , HOU Jian-min , ZOU Li-ye and YANG Hui (1) Characteristics of coda wave attenuation in Yunnan area WANG Wei-jun, LIU Jie and CHEN Ling (8) 3-D rheologic model of earthquake preparation (Ⅲ): Precursor fi…  相似文献   

IntroductionTheYanqing-Huailaibasin,whichconsistsoftheYanqing-FanshanandHuailai-Zhuolusub-basins,ismainlycontrolledbythenorthboundaryfaultsofthesub-basins.AsabasictectonicunitattheintersectionofthenortheasternendoftheNNE-trendingShanxigrabensystemandtheNW-trendingZhangjiakou-Penglaifaultzone,ithaskepttheintensivetectonicactivityintheQuaternary(YANG,1982;XU,DENG,1988;XU,MA,1992;FANG,etal,1993;Pavlides,etal,1999).Overthepastdecade,manyresearchershaveconductedstudiesonthedetailedstr…  相似文献   

Honorary Editor-in-Chief Academician QIN Xin-ling (秦馨菱)Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (CEA)Editor-in-Chief Academician CHEN Yun-tai (陈运泰) Institute of Geophysics, CEA Associate Editors-in-Chief Professor CHEN Xiao-fei (陈晓非) Peking University, Beijing Academician SHI Yao-lin (石耀霖) Graduate School of CAS, Beijing Professor WANG Chun-yong (王椿镛) Institute of Geophysics, CEA, Beijing Professor WU Zhong-liang (吴忠良) Institute of Ge…  相似文献   

Introduction Shanxi fault depression zone (SFDZ) is one of important Cenozoic fault basin zones and strong earthquake belts in Chinese mainland. Its northern part has aroused wide research interests due to the complicated tectonics and high activity of strong earthquakes there. Early researches on this depression zone were carried out since 60s of last century (DENG, et al, 1973; DENG, YOU, 1985; LU, DING, 1985; XU, 1990; XU, et al, 1996, 2002). In 90s of last century, the geologica…  相似文献   

The Acta Seismologica Sinica (ASS) is a comprehensive journal concerned with the study of scientific problems of seismology published by the Seismological Society of China. Its Editor-in-Chief is Academician CHEN Yun-tai of the  相似文献   

The Acta Seismologica Sinica (ASS) is a comprehensive journal concerned with the study of scientific problems of seismology published by the Seismological Society of China. Its Editor-in-Chief is Academician CHEN Yun-tai of the  相似文献   

The Acta Seismologica Sinica (ASS) is a comprehensive journal concerned with the study of scientific problems of seismology published by the Seismological Society of China. Its Editor-in-Chief is Academician CHEN Yun-tai of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).  相似文献   

主编(Editor-in-Chief)刘光鼎LIUGuang-Ding副主编(Deputy Editors-in-Chief)陈颙CHEN Yong陈运泰CHEN Yun-Tai刘振兴LIU Zhen-Xing周秀骥ZHOU Xiu-Ji臧绍先ZANG Shao-Xian管志宁GUAN Zhi-Ning王水WANG Shui朱日祥ZHU Ri-Xiang刘少华LIUShao-Hua(专职)编委(Editorial Board Members)常旭CHANG Xu陈晓非CHENXiao-Fei邓晓华DENG Xiao-Hua高静怀GAOJing-Huai郝天珧HAOTian-Yao胡友秋HUYou-Qiu黄宝春HUANG Bao-Chun黄金水HUANGJin-Shui黄忠贤HUANGZhong-Xian金振民JINZhen-Min李幼铭LI You-M…  相似文献   

Experimental Study on the Relation of Bed Morphology with Surface Flowin Meander Channels Heqing DU and Hajime MIWA (No. 1, pp. 1-12)Channel Shrinkage and Its Instability in the Lower Yellow River Jianguo CHEN, Wenhao ZHOU and Anjun DENG (No. 1, pp. 13-23…  相似文献   

1,I…心国家地成局分析价报中心10 4 13 123‘.】4134?.45 J.‘乌什---—----一-一----------------------------------一一l奋5 42514.,4021下3引3.写”乌怡而.TI姐LAT.L以翻;.”LD〔pT加RE助RKS12‘一‘55:,355.一‘3二于田 d阮一s(N)(E)(k’)13‘2 113‘S:弓2110,,写2 3.5月分众 盆I,忿7。l:,414二,‘1 4.,畜组14,,2写,:43,“,‘43)二2.喀tf I:14盆7 31二】0.‘,,44 3.51‘理幼I肠.04,写‘.3】553二写4,.,于田 3】1.3,54.13‘4,.13‘3.盆22和田l‘,‘22里.13,1.!l二‘弓.2 12丰南 4‘!,盆,.1川l,44“二吕脱一7,。,J3】.r 25二,…  相似文献   

Introduction The algorithm of the finite difference method (FDM) for solving the 3-D induction problem used by CHEN (1985) is based on the concept suggested by Brewitt-Taylor and Weaver (1976), which assumes the conductivity to be a smoothly-varying function of position. After the comparisons between many model calculations carried out by the author and other methods showed that the vertical components estimated by our method are acceptable in general cases. However, the reliability of the…  相似文献   

Acta Seismologica Sinica (ASS) is a comprehensive publication on seismology by the Seismological Society of China. Its Honorary Editor-in-Chief is Academician QIN Xin-ling of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Editor-in-Chief is Academician CHEN Yun-tai of the CAS. The first issue of Chinese edition of the ASS was published in 1979, and that of the English edition in 1988. From 1994 both of the English and the Chinese editions started to publish not only one-to-one correspon…  相似文献   

Introduction Many earthquake cases indicate that there exists obvious heterogeneity in temporal-spatial distribution of earthquake precursors (FENG, 1983; MEI, et al, 1993). Therefore, it is very crucial for the study of earthquake prediction to describe the heterogeneity in temporal-spatial distribution of earthquake precursors and to understand its physical mechanism. Up to now, a lot of useful researches have been done in this field. Recently, WANG, et al (1999) and CHEN, et al (2000)…  相似文献   

表1地球自转角速度(UT,系统)年月(10一,弧度/秒) ▲。/。。(一l。一,o)年月(10一,弧度l秒)心勿/田。(一10一,。)1987。1弓0呼11 50171 49981 501口1 50291多0611461 782051 RS162钮17,‘,J 4.丈J‘J人曰,‘U dt 11 11︸了只﹄2︸只rOJ伟 ..二,.抽胜且1工1986.77。2夕三J 15091 15日87 1 5048 1 5012 1 5029 1 5040Ono产︸U 1.1,‘ 山月通目.1,.1表2地极坐标(BIH,,系统,单位0.0001”)年月日MJD年月日MJD】986 73 8 l3 l8 23 28 台。2 7 l2 I7 22 27 ,.1 6 l1 16 21 26 10。l 6 ]1 l6 2l 26斗66]斗1 987呼6799J兮0护月马n,J.n, 1里t…  相似文献   

Introduction The research on the structure and physical property of ancient hidden hill, igneous rocks and basement is relatively difficult by using seismic data only. If we combine seismic data, magneto-telluric (MT) data and geophysical data together, better results can be obtained for the above problem. A number of geophysicists at home and abroad, such as CHEN and WANG (1990), Siri-punvarapor and Egbert (2000) have tried many methods to solve the problem by the inversion of seismic da…  相似文献   

Introduction Finite element method has a wide application in analyzing the crust tectonic stress field and tectonic deformation field. WANG, et al (1980), for example, reversed the crust stress field and forecast future seismic risky area using finite element way. WANG and CHEN (1980) made the numerical simulation on modern tectonic stress field for China and its adjacent area using finite element and obtained the whole picture of tectonic stress filed in China. Except analyzing the tect…  相似文献   

口回钳-“-“”嘎酚瞩a 圈刁回回圃 全体会。《代表汀, 山西有地是3气忍坷广;c工汁 $7JI )::t~]fy — —一A-叫MMty J——_MM_”-/.一l。M。 ’i>。气表。人.学刁:-卜【一 ;J。9/I]…(…fZ})〕J〕sk《‘〕4(’R>’)。Z。(t‘;’\J4K/O‘15’)“D‘V/(《\tLZ LLOZ】【{二【d.Jh〔F-IIJU相似文献   

Introduction Earthquake is a kind of severe natural disaster. In order to predict earthquake effectively, thegeoscientists at home and abroad have carried out a great deal of studies on seismicity. For exam-ple,Willis, (1924) and Tocher (1959) made some early investigations on seismicity before largeearthquake. Chinese geoscientists performed even more studies in this field (CHEN, et al, 1981;HUANG, FENG, 1981; LIU, 1982; LU, 1985; LU, et al, 2001; MA, et al, 1982; MEI, 1960; …  相似文献   

IntroductionFocal depths of shallow strong intraplate earthquakes are mostly distributed in the highstrength range of lithosphere controlled by the rheology property of granite and diorite (Brace,Kohlstedt, 1980; Sibson, 1982; Meissner, Strehlau, 1982; CHEN, Molnap 1983). This is obviouslyrelated to the change of rock deformation characteriStics at different crust depths. So, for earthquake stUdy, both of the rock failure types (fractUre or rock flow) and its mechanical instabilityforms (…  相似文献   

中国区域台地震目录60 25 17;:x6.3 3530。。12 3.5兴海 sE;sMoL、AL eA:·Loouo oFc川N、E RE。,oN NE,眼Ks:;:::;;:;.:::::;;:;:::霍旅2987.01国家地震局分析预报中心6:20 6 49 a.o,,,2:。06 4.2鸟什 61 26 7 45 19.0 4130 7912 3.5乌什 65 26 13 28 37.0 4136了906 4.3乌什N。下一NEL^T LoNG Mt DEPTH REMARKs 66 27 5 35 36.0刁IJ27,00刁.1鸟了l d、ms(N)(E)(km)67 27 10 55 31.0 3936 7518 3.st1)恰 1 J43718.2 3449103‘73.6临潭6a27lJ刁757,0扭13079123.5鸟甲} 2 665247.0 4201 81]06.225矛1乙城6927a52727.0413079…  相似文献   

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