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The transfer of sediment through a highly regulated large fluvial system (lower Ebro River) was analysed during two consecutive floods by means of sediment sampling. Suspended sediment and bedload transport were measured upstream and downstream of large reservoirs. The dams substantially altered flood timing, particularly the peaks, which were advanced downstream from the dams for flood control purposes. The suspended sediment yield upstream from the dams was 1 700 000 tonnes, which represented nearly 99 per cent of the total solid yield. The mean concentrations were close to 0·5 g l?1. The sediment yield downstream from the dams was an order of magnitude lower (173 000 tonnes), showing a mean concentration of 0·05 g l?1. The dams captured up to 95 per cent of the fine sediment carried in suspension in the river channel, preventing it from reaching the lowermost reaches of the river and the delta plain. Total bedload transport upstream from the dams was estimated to be about 25 000 tonnes, only 1·5 per cent of the total load. The median bedload rate was 100 gms?1. Below the dams, the river carried 178 000 tonnes, around 51 per cent of the total load, at a mean rate of 250 g ms?1. The results of sediment transport upstream and downstream from the large dams illustrate the magnitude of the sediment deficit in the lower Ebro River. The river mobilized a total of 350 000 tonnes in the downstream reaches, which were not replaced by sediment from upstream. Therefore, sediment was necessarily entrained from the riverbed and channel banks, causing a mean incision of 33 mm over the 27 km long study reach, altogether a significant step towards the long‐term degradation of the lower Ebro River. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Dongting Lake lies south of the middle reach of the Yangtze River in Hunan and Hubei provinces (Fig. 1). On the north side of Dongting Lake, there are the three diversion openings of the Yangtze River named Songzi, Taiping, and Ouchi, and, on the south and west sides, there are the four tributary streams named Xiang, Zi, Yuan, and Li Rivers. The flow of the three diversion openings and the four tributary streams runs into Dongting Lake, and runs out at Chenglingji a…  相似文献   

Habitat degradation in river ecosystems has considerably increased over the past decades, resulting in detrimental effects on aquatic and riparian communities. During the last two decades, the value of large wood as a resource for river restoration and recovery has been increasingly documented. However, post-project appraisal of the associations between restored large wood, morphological complexity and river ecology as a result of river restoration is extremely rare and thus scientific knowledge is essential. To investigate restored wood-induced morphological response and sediment complexity in an overwidened reach along a low gradient lowland river (River Bure, UK), two sub-reaches containing 12 jams initiated by wood emplacement in 2008 and 2010 and a sub-reach free of wood were studied. Wood surveys recording the dimensions and number of wood pieces in jams, geomorphological mapping of the reach illustrating the spatial distribution of features in and around the jams and in a section free of wood, and sediment sampling (analysed for particle size, organic content and plant propagule abundance) of five recurring patch types surrounding each jam (two wood-related patches and three representing the broader river environment) were performed. Wood jams partially spanned the river channel and contained large pieces of wood that created more open structures than naturally-formed wood jams. Where no wood was introduced, the channel remains wide and the gravel bed is buried by sand and finer sediment. In the restored reaches, fine sediment has accumulated in and around the wood jams and has been stabilised by vegetation colonisation, enhancing flow velocities in the narrowed channel sufficiently to mobilise fine sediment and expose the gravel bed. Sediment analysis reveals sediment fining with time since wood emplacement, largely achieved within the two wood-related patch types. Fine sediment retained around the wood shows a relatively higher plant propagule content than other patch types, suitable for sustaining plant succession as the vegetated side bars aggrade. Although channel narrowing and morphological adjustment has occurred surprisingly rapidly in this low energy, over-widened reach following wood introduction (2–4 years), sustaining the recovery in the longer term to suitably support flora and fauna communities depends on the continued delivery of wood by ensuring a natural supply of sufficiently large wood pieces from riparian trees both upstream and within the reach.  相似文献   

Instream flows are essential determinants of channel morphology, riparian and aquatic flora and fauna, water quality estuarine inflow and stream load transport. The ecological and environmental instream flow requirements (EEIFR) should be estimated to make the exploitation and utilization of water resources in a highly efficient and sustainable way and maintain the river ecosystem good health. As the largest tributary of the Yellow River, the Wei River is the ‘Mother River’ of Guanzhong region in Shaanxi province. It plays a great role in the development of West China and the health of the ecosystem of the Yellow River. The objective of this study is to estimate the EEIFR for improving the Wei River's ecological and environmental condition and develop the river healthily. Concerning the main ecological and environmental functions of the Wei River in Shaanxi Province, the EEIFR for each section of the Wei River including minimum instream flow requirements (IFR) for aquicolous biotopes maintenance, IFR for channel seepage, channel evaporation, stream self‐purification and sediment transportation were estimated in this paper. The methods to estimate the instream flow requirements for stream self‐purification and instream flow requirements for sediment transportation were proposed. The temporal scale of typical years include the year with the probability 25% of occurrence (high‐flow year), the year with the probability 50% (normal‐flow year) and the year with the probability 75% (low‐flow year). The results show that the EEIFR for the Wei River mainly include instream flow requirements for self‐purification and sediment transportation in each typical year. From high‐flow year to low‐flow year, the annual EEIFR for each reach decrease, except those for the reach from Linjiacun to Weijiabao, and from Linjiacun at the upper reaches to Huaxian at the lower reaches, and the annual reach EEIFR decrease in a sequence. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A rising exposure to flood risk is a predicted consequence of increased development in vulnerable areas and an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change. In the face of this challenge, a continued reliance on engineered at‐a‐point flood defences is seen as both unrealistic and undesirable. The contribution of ‘soft engineering’ solutions (e.g. riparian forests, wood in rivers) to integrated, catchment scale flood risk management has been demonstrated at small scales but not larger ones. In this study we use reduced complexity hydrological modelling to analyse the effects of land use and channel changes resulting from river restoration upon flood flows at the catchment scale. Results show short sections of river‐floodplain restoration using engineered logjams, typical of many current restoration schemes, have highly variable impacts on catchment‐scale flood peak magnitude and so need to be used with caution as a flood management solution. Forested floodplains have a more general impact upon flood hydrology, with areas in the middle and upper catchment tending to show reductions in peak magnitude at the catchment outflow. The most promising restoration scenarios for flood risk management are for riparian forest restoration at the sub‐catchment scale, representing 20–40% of the total catchment area, where reductions in peak magnitude of up to 19% are observed through de‐synchronization of the timings of sub‐catchment flood waves. Sub‐catchment floodplain forest restoration over 10–15% of total catchment area can lead to reductions in peak magnitude of 6% at 25 years post‐restoration. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluvial processes strongly influence riparian forests through rapid and predictable shifts in dominant species, tree density and size that occur in the decades following large floods. Modelling riparian forest characteristics based on the age and evolution of floodplains is useful in predicting ecosystem functions that depend on the size and density of trees, including large wood delivered to river channels, forest biomass and habitat quality. We developed a dynamic model of riparian forest structure that predicts changes in tree size and density using floodplain age derived from air photos and historical maps. Using field data and a riparian forest chronosequence for the 160-km middle reach of the Sacramento River (California, USA), we fit Weibull diameter distributions with time-varying parameters to the empirical data. Species were stratified into early and late successional groups, each with time-varying functions of tree density and diameter distributions. From these, we modelled how the number and size of trees in a stand changed throughout forest succession, and evaluated the goodness-of-fit of model predictions. Model outputs for the early successional group, composed primarily of cottonwoods and willows, accounted for most of the stand basal area and large trees >10 cm DBH for the first 50 years. Post-pioneer species with slower growth had initially low densities that increased slowly from the time of floodplain creation. Within the first 100 years, early successional trees contributed the most large wood that could influence fluvial processes, carbon storage, and instream habitat. We applied the model to evaluate the potential large wood inputs to the middle Sacramento River under a range of historical bank migration rates. Going forward, this modelling approach can be used to predict how riparian forest structure and other ecosystem benefits such as carbon sequestration and habitat quality respond to different river management and restoration actions.  相似文献   

Stream power can be an extremely useful index of fluvial sediment transport, channel pattern, river channel erosion and riparian habitat development. However, most previous studies of downstream changes in stream power have relied on field measurements at selected cross‐sections, which are time consuming, and typically based on limited data, which cannot fully represent important spatial variations in stream power. We present here, therefore, a novel methodology we call CAFES (combined automated flood, elevation and stream power), to quantify downstream change in river flood power, based on integrating in a GIS framework Flood Estimation Handbook systems with the 5 m grid NEXTMap Britain digital elevation model derived from IFSAR (interferometric synthetic aperture radar). This provides a useful modelling platform to quantify at unprecedented resolution longitudinal distributions of flood discharge, elevation, floodplain slope and flood power at reach and basin scales. Values can be resolved to a 50 m grid. CAFES approaches have distinct advantages over current methodologies for reach‐ and basin‐scale stream power assessments and therefore for the interpretation and prediction of fluvial processes. The methodology has significant international applicability for understanding basin‐scale hydraulics, sediment transport, erosion and sedimentation processes and river basin management. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a mass balance algorithm, this study develops an extension module that can be embedded in the commonly used Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). This module makes it possible to assess effects of riparian wetlands on runoff and sediment yields at a watershed scale, which is very important for aquatic ecosystem management but rarely documented in the literature. In addition to delineating boundaries of a watershed and its subwatersheds, the module groups riparian wetlands within a subwatershed into an equivalent wetland for modelling purposes. Further, the module has functions to compute upland drainage area and other parameters (e.g. maximum volume) for the equivalent wetland based on digital elevation model, stream network, land use, soil and wetland distribution GIS datasets. SWAT is used to estimate and route runoff and sediment generated from upland drainage area. The lateral exchange processes between riparian wetlands and their hydraulically connected streams are simulated by the extension module. The developed module is empirically applied to the 53 km2 Upper Canagagigue Creek watershed located in Southern Ontario of Canada. The simulation results indicate that the module can make SWAT more reasonably predict flow and sediment loads at the outlet of the watershed and better represent the hydrologic processes within it. The simulation is sensitive to errors of wetland parameters and channel geometry. The approach of embedding the module into SWAT enables simulation of hydrologic processes in riparian wetlands, evaluation of wetland effects on regulating stream flow and sediment loading and assessment of various wetland restoration scenarios. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River ecological functioning can be conceptualized according to a four‐dimensional framework, based on the responses of aquatic and riparian communities to hydrogeomorphic constraints along the longitudinal, transverse, vertical and temporal dimensions of rivers. Contemporary riparian vegetation responds to river dynamics at ecological timescales, but riparian vegetation, in one form or another, has existed on Earth since at least the Middle Ordovician (c. 450 Ma) and has been a significant controlling factor on river geomorphology since the Late Silurian (c. 420 Ma). On such evolutionary timescales, plant adaptations to the fluvial environment and the subsequent effects of these adaptations on fluvial sediment and landform dynamics resulted in the emergence, from the Silurian to the Carboniferous, of a variety of contrasted fluvial biogeomorphic types where water flow, morphodynamics and vegetation interacted to different degrees. Here we identify several of these types and describe the consequences for biogeomorphic structure and stability (i.e. resistance and resilience), along the four river dimensions, of feedbacks between riparian plants and hydrogeomorphic processes on contrasting ecological and evolutionary timescales. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over‐bank flooding is one of the driving forces controlling ecological integrity of riparian wetlands. Indentifying natural over‐bank flooding regime and its temporal variations is crucial for developing conservation and restoration plans and making water resources management policies for these ecosystems. Along the midstream of the Wei River in Xi'an, China lies the Jingwei riparian wetland, which was well preserved until the 1970s. Based on historical record of hydrological and morphological data of the Wei River from 1951 to 2000, we analysed temporal variations of over‐bank flooding frequency, duration, and timing in this paper. The natural annual over‐bank flooding regime was identified as having an occurrence frequency of 2·2 times a year and average duration of 5·3 days; these flooding events typically occur between June and September with occasional occurrence in late spring and late autumn. Over‐bank flooding occurrence frequency and duration decreased significantly during the 1990s, seasonal events of over‐bank floods were changed through reduced flooding frequency during summer and disappearing flooding events in late spring and late autumn. Further investigations showed that reduced discharge in the Wei River was the principal cause for these changes in over‐bank flooding dynamics. Our analysis also showed that decreased discharge of the Wei River during the 1990s was attributed near equally to disturbances from human activities and decreased regional precipitation. Results from this study may help reestablish natural over‐bank flooding dynamics in order to ensure successful restoration of Jingwei riparian wetland. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The transition area between rivers and their adjacent riparian aquifers, which may comprise the hyporheic zone, hosts important biochemical reactions, which control water quality. The rates of these reactions and metabolic processes are temperature dependent. Yet the thermal dynamics of riparian aquifers, especially during flooding and dynamic groundwater flow conditions, has seldom been studied. Thus, we investigated heat transport in riparian aquifers during 3 flood events of different magnitudes at 2 sites along the same river. River and riparian aquifer temperature and water‐level data along the Lower Colorado River in Central Texas, USA, were monitored across 2‐dimensional vertical sections perpendicular to the bank. At the downstream site, preflood temperature penetration distance into the bank suggested that advective heat transport from lateral hyporheic exchange of river water into the riparian aquifer was occurring during relatively steady low‐flow river conditions. Although a small (20‐cm stage increase) dam‐controlled flood pulse had no observable influence on groundwater temperature, larger floods (40‐cm and >3‐m stage increases) caused lateral movement of distinct heat plumes away from the river during flood stage, which then retreated back towards the river after flood recession. These plumes result from advective heat transport caused by flood waters being forced into the riparian aquifer. These flood‐induced temperature responses were controlled by the size of the flood, river water temperature during the flood, and local factors at the study sites, such as topography and local ambient water table configuration. For the intermediate and large floods, the thermal disturbance in the riparian aquifer lasted days after flood waters receded. Large floods therefore have impacts on the temperature regime of riparian aquifers lasting long beyond the flood's timescale. These persistent thermal disturbances may have a significant impact on biochemical reaction rates, nutrient cycling, and ecological niches in the river corridor.  相似文献   

The present study explores the evolutionary trajectory of the glacier-fed Mareit River (South Tyrol, Italian Alps), where a large restoration programme was implemented in 2008–2009. River corridor changes before and after the restoration works were assessed using historical maps, recent field observations, topographic surveys and topographic differencing. Trends of anthropic (forest cover, channel works, gravel mining) and natural (glacial cover, precipitation, flow regime) factors controlling channel morphology – at both catchment and reach scales – were reconstructed. From the mid-19th century, the evolutionary trajectory of the Mareit River followed a degradational trend, characterized by channel narrowing, bed incision and planform simplification. Direct, in-channel human alterations – mainly in the form of bank protections (in the late 19th century), gravel mining (mostly in the 1970s) and grade-control works (since the 1980s) – dominated the historical adjustments before the restoration. In 2008–2009, a segment of the Mareit was restored by widening the channel, partly removing the check-dams and shaping a braided pattern within a laterally constrained corridor. Post-work monitoring shows that the restoration improved both the morphological quality and the geomorphic diversity. At present, the channel is subject to narrowing and slight bed level incision, with islands and floodplains progressively expanding at the expenses of the active channel. This trend is likely to continue in the next decades based on the expected future flow regime, and indeed the Mareit River seems to be attaining a ‘miniaturized’ version of the anabranching pattern of the mid-19th century. Overall, this restoration approach and the associated evolutionary trajectory is considered positive, because it leads to a complex mosaic of geomorphic units, dynamically self-adjusting to the time-varying driving variables. The formation of a morphodynamically active corridor, while keeping artificially non-erodible boundaries, represents an optimal strategy to integrate ecological improvements with flood risk mitigation in the densely populated Alpine valleys. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large water‐sample sets collected from 1899 through 1902, 1907, and in the early 1950s allow comparisons of pre‐impoundment and post‐impoundment (1969 through 2008) nitrogen concentrations in the lower Missouri River. Although urban wastes were not large enough to detectably increase annual loads of total nitrogen at the beginning of the 20th century, carcass waste, stock‐yard manure, and untreated human wastes measurably increased ammonia and organic‐nitrogen concentrations during low flows. Average total‐nitrogen concentrations in both periods were about 2.5 mg/l, but much of the particulate‐organic nitrogen, which was the dominant form of nitrogen around 1900, has been replaced by nitrate. This change in speciation was caused by the nearly 80% decrease in suspended‐sediment concentrations that occurred after impoundment, modern agriculture, drainage of riparian wetlands, and sewage treatment. Nevertheless, bioavailable nitrogen has not been low enough to limit primary production in the Missouri River since the beginning of the 20th century. Nitrate concentrations have increased more rapidly from 2000 through 2008 (5 to 12% per year), thus increasing bioavailable nitrogen delivered to the Mississippi River and affecting Gulf Coast hypoxia. The increase in nitrate concentrations with distance downstream is much greater during the post‐impoundment period. If strategies to decrease total‐nitrogen loads focus on particulate N, substantial decreases will be difficult because particulate nitrogen is now only 23% of total nitrogen in the Missouri River. A strategy aimed at decreasing particulates also could further exacerbate land loss along the Gulf of Mexico, which has been sediment starved since Missouri River impoundment. In contrast, strategies or benchmarks aimed at decreasing nitrate loads could substantially decrease nitrogen loadings because nitrates now constitute over half of the Missouri's nitrogen input to the Mississippi. Ongoing restoration and creation of wetlands along the Missouri River could be part of such a nitrate‐reduction strategy. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Dryland rivers are recognized for limited research and high uncertainties with respect to understanding biogeomorphic processes. This study uses aerial photography, sediment analysis, palynology indicators and hydraulic modelling to investigate the role of riparian vegetation in influencing the response of systems to disturbance, the trajectory of channel evolution and the potential for management. The study focuses on cleared and uncleared sites in the Yerritup catchment, along the south coast of Western Australia, that occur along a transect with a consistent stream gradient and landscape topographic setting. Downstream reaches show no gross botanical change, but gradual sediment deposition across the floodplain of up to 40 cm based on palynological and sedimentary indicators. Channel response in the cleared section by incision, widening and floodplain degradation began rapidly after land clearing, but is driven by large flood events. Degradation of riparian vegetation has significantly increased the sensitivity of the system. The cleared reaches have transformed from a low‐capacity channel, under‐adjusted to the prevailing flow regime, to the large present channel that is now over‐adjusted to the predominantly low to moderate seasonal (occasional flood) flow regime. Modelling of pre‐settlement erosive potential reveals that the entire system was naturally sensitive to change, and was primed to erode once riparian vegetation was removed. The trajectory of channel evolution and the role of riparian vegetation is examined in relation to undisturbed reaches in the system and an appreciation of the historical range of variability in geomorphic response. Analysis of the patterns of contemporary vegetation growth identify the potential to re‐establish vegetation where it is elevated from saline baseflow. However, the system is assessed as being close to a threshold where restoration is no longer possible and remediation options become more limited as eco‐hydraulic and hydrochemical changes continue. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

洞庭湖退田还湖及其生态恢复过程分析   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
姜加虎  张琛  黄群  邓学建 《湖泊科学》2004,16(4):325-330
洞庭湖曾是我国第一大淡水湖泊,盛期面积达6000km2以上,具有调蓄长江中游洪水的巨大生态服务功能.但经过近百年来的沧桑变迁,湖泊发生了巨大变化,由于泥沙的严重淤积和围湖垦殖活动,湖泊面积已萎缩至2625km2,为我国第二大淡水湖泊.湖泊萎缩削弱了其生态服务功能,并由此引发了江湖洪水愈演愈烈的形势.1998年长江流域洪涝灾害之后,中国政府及时提出了"退田还湖"等洪水治理的32字指导原则,湖区各地随即积极开展了"退田还湖、平垸行洪和移民建镇"等工程.本文针对湖区退田还湖双退堤垸的生态恢复过程,选择湖南省汉寿县的青山垸进行了跟踪研究.结果显示了湖泊湿地恢复的阶段性特征,并为我国日益严重的湖泊富营养化问题的治理,提供了新的途径和可供参考的科学依据.  相似文献   

The annual changes of sediment deposition-scour on the riverbed in the Sanhuhekou-Toudaoguai Reach of the upper Yellow River during the years 1952-2010 were investigated based on runoff and sediment transport observations from the Sanhuhekou and Toudaoguai hydrological stations. Multiple influencing factors such as reservoir operations, tributary inflows, as well as runoff and sediment loads from the Shidakongdui area were analyzed. The results show that even though the sediment loads from the major sources, the Shidakongdui area as well as the upstream tributaries such as the Qingshui River and the Zuli River have reduced especially since the 2000 s as a result of enhanced water-soil conservation measures and improvement of vegetation cover, the study reach was still generally in a status of cumulative aggradation. This is mainly due to the joint operations of the Liujiaxia Reservoir and the Longyangxia Reservoir, which significantly reduced the annual runoff and sediment loads at the Sanhuhekou Crosssection. The reservoirs also remarkably altered the summer flood characteristics of the study reach, inducing the shape of the annual flow curve changing from a 'single-peak' into a 'doublepeak'. These alternations sharply decreased the sediment transport capacity of flooding in the summer flood season which yields more than 90% of the sediment loads, leading to an unbalanced relation between the water and sediment. In addition, the estimated incoming sediment coefficient of the Sanhuhekou Crosssection ranged from 0.003 to 0.014 kg s/m~6, of which 0.004 kg s/m~6 was suggested as a rough critical value to determine the scour or deposition status of the study reach.  相似文献   

Restoration approaches such as dam removal and channel reconstruction have moved beyond the realm of small streams and are being applied to larger rivers. This development has substantial economic and ecological implications but may test gaps in our understanding of larger river systems and of restoration science. We examine how information about historical ranges of geomorphic variability can inform stream restoration in the context of the Clark Fork River, Montana, focusing on a study reach where one of the largest restoration projects to date was implemented, upstream of the recently removed Milltown Dam. Analysis of historical sources and aerial photographs of the Clark Fork River's pre‐mining, mining, and more recent history suggest that a wandering channel pattern has persisted despite variations in sediment supply and transport capacity. Predictive metrics for channel pattern also suggest a wandering pattern, transitional between braided and meandering, in this geomorphic setting. These analyses suggest that the creation of a single‐thread meandering channel, which incorporates structures to limit erosion and channel movement, is inconsistent with the historical range of variability in this reach. The perils of restoring channels to a condition different than the historical range of variability for their geomorphic setting were illustrated on the Clark Fork by flood‐induced avulsions of the restored channel that occurred soon after project construction. Application of an experimental approach to restoration, founded on the method of multiple working hypotheses, provides a means for embracing uncertainty, can maximize the potential for site‐specific restoration success, and can foster advances in restoration science. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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