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介绍了武山铜矿南副井井筒破裂的情况,从地质因素和地下水动力因素2方面对该井筒破裂的形态及原因进行分析,并对井筒破壁注浆加固施工工艺及效果进行了阐述。  相似文献   

黄石市某金矿在扩建过程中,斜副井+8m处水平井筒底板突然被地下水冲穿,地层中大量泥、砂、砾石和井筒底板形成泥石流沿斜井下冲,造成重大事故。该矿与研究单位协商,决定修复副井,工程分地面注浆加固和井内修复注浆加固两步进行,并把地面注浆加固工程交付我队施工。地面注浆加固工程,是利用岩心钻探手段成井,然后把水泥及其添加剂强行注入裂隙,以改善地面地基的物理力学性质和抗渗性能。工程共计施工7个钻孔,其中直孔5个,斜孔2个。直孔除按灌浆要求,钻进中不许使用泥浆作冲洗液外,其它规范与平常岩心钻探相同。  相似文献   

板集煤矿经过四年多的矿井建设,主、副、风三井全面贯通,井下硐室及石门工程陆续施工,副井绞车及井简装备已完成安装,地面主体工程基本完工.此时,副井井筒发生了平均突水量为18000m3/h左右的突发水害事故,造成主、副、风三个井筒及井下巷道全部被淹.在副井井筒进行地面注浆堵水初见成效的基础上,又分别在主井、风井进行井筒注浆加固处理.在分析井筒地层及水文地质条件的基础上,简述了主井井筒探注钻孔的布置、施工和水泥注浆加固井筒的施工技术.井筒排水试验和取心验证表明,3个井筒的水位上升速度不大于10cm/h,排水过程对井筒淤面没有任何影响;松散层的含水率由注浆前的16.12%~29.73%下降到注浆后的6.12%~11.45%,粉质粘土的抗压强度由注浆前的0.096 4~0.125.9MPa(-5℃)增大到注浆后的1.44~6.12MPa(-5℃).良好的注浆质量为后续的井筒冻结钻孔的施工及井筒修复、井下排水清淤奠定了基础,为煤矿灾后恢复重建提供了可靠的保障.  相似文献   

王蓬 《探矿工程》2010,37(9):74-77
胡家河矿井副井马头门因处于软岩地层中,在副井井筒安装中发生了较大的变形破坏,经分析论证对比,确定采用注浆锚索加固,通过对穿预应力锚索与短锚杆相结合,以锚索为主的加固方法进行施工,使软岩破坏变形趋于稳定,治理效果良好。  相似文献   

兴隆庄煤矿位于地应力较大的地区,由于井壁受力的特点,在第四系与下伏基岩接触的部位,西风井井筒已发生严重的变形破坏。为保证井筒的正常使用,在此部位需要开挖卸压槽以缓冲井筒所受的压力,在开挖卸压槽的过程中,如何防止壁后第四系含水层发生溃砂涌水的事故是一个需要解决的难题。结合工程实例,本文详细地介绍了化学注浆的设计方案及施工工艺,评价了化学注浆的效果,结果表明,化学浆液具有较好的渗透性,能有效的封闭岩层中的微裂隙,达到很好的堵水固砂的效果。  相似文献   

丁同福 《探矿工程》2006,33(7):41-42,45
通过对望峰岗矿井一副井井筒地层、井壁出水特点分析,给出设计依据;对造孔施工中特殊情况给出处理办法,对注浆堵水质量提出了评价方法。  相似文献   

大平矿副井井筒破坏机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大平矿副井井筒及马头门的变形破坏状况进行了描述,并对其破坏机理进行了分析研究,为井筒翻修提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

粘土水泥浆注浆材料是一种新型的较理想的注浆材料,在平顶山十三矿主,副井井筒地面预注浆中应用了粘土水泥浆注浆法,取得了良好效果,并积累了一定的经验。  相似文献   

为了解决深厚松散地层预防性治理后竖井井筒缺乏破坏判据问题,用数值极限应变方法分析井筒应变值的变化情况,将井筒中达到极限应变值的单元环向贯通,计算不收敛作为井筒整体破坏判别标准。分别建立了带卸压槽和无卸压槽井筒的数值计算模型,得出地下水水位下降诱发的井筒和周围岩土体的极限应变值。结果表明,井筒周围砂土层先于井筒在181~183 m发生破坏:若地下水水位下降27 m,无泄压槽井筒在181~182 m发生破坏;若地下水水位下降38 m,带卸压槽井筒在182~183 m发生破坏。目前地下水水位下降为20 m,井筒处于安全状态。数值计算卸压槽压缩量与实际监测值一致。  相似文献   

宣东二号井副井井筒地面预注浆工程,应用粘土水泥浆注浆新技术,安全,优质,高效地完成了注浆施工任务,创造了井筒地面预注浆深度大,注浆段大,钻注效率高的全国新记录,在深井筒注浆孔造孔,定向钻进,制浆工艺,注浆工艺,注浆参数的选取等技术问题上进行了探索,试验,取得了良好效果,为类似注浆工程的施工提供了可供借鉴的技术资料。  相似文献   

通过对山西省马兰煤矿2号煤层采掘面在开采和封闭时期的矿井水和沉积物的研究,揭示采掘面封闭前后对矿井水水质和沉积物的影响机理。研究结果表明:马兰煤矿矿井水均为SO4-Ca型水质,矿井水均富含SO42-和Fe离子;随着上部煤层的不断开采,3处矿井水呈现相同的变化规律,矿井水的pH值升高,Eh值降低,SO42-、Fe、Mn和Zn离子浓度随之下降,其中北一暗斜井处的矿井水水质变化最显著;矿井水水质指标和流速变化能够控制其沉积物的矿物组成和结晶程度,北一暗斜井处的沉积物在两次采样中由斯沃特曼铁矿变为针铁矿,而其他两处的矿井水沉积物矿物组分没有发生变化,主要由针铁矿组成。研究结果能够提高对老空区积水水质的预测精度,并对煤矿突水水源判识具有重要意义。   相似文献   

矿井水文地质条件分类评价是矿井水害防治的重要工作。通过研究矿井复杂的水文地质条件、评价机理及国内外矿井水文地质条件分类评价的研究现状,给出了矿井水文地质条件的分类依据和两种方案,并进行了具体分类。阐述了各类水文地质条件的特点,在分类结果与影响因素的基础上,详细给出了矿井水文地质条件评价指标、内容、评价手段方法。对徐州大屯姚桥煤矿矿井水文地质条件进行了实例分类评价,对类似矿井的水害防治具有重要的指导作用。   相似文献   

为了去除矿井水中多种污染物,建立了"采空区+常规处理+深度处理"的井上下联合处理工艺组合。结果表明:受煤矿顶板含水层水岩作用,矿井水中Cl-、SO42-和Fe离子出现了超标现象,有的甚至达到Ⅴ类地下水标准;溶解性有机质含量较低,以大分子和芳香族化合物为主。采空区主要利用其顶板岩石破碎充填物吸附过滤矿井水中悬浮物,对Fe离子和有机质也有一定的处理效果,Fe离子去除率约20%,TOC和UV254的平均去除率分别为67.45%和65.40%。常规处理工艺对F-的去除率为11.90%~35.21%,铁锰离子则完全被去除;由于前端好氧沉淀池,硝酸盐和有机质含量略有升高,其中增加的有机质主要为溶解性微生物代谢产物。深度处理工艺对常规离子、硝酸盐、氟离子、有机质等有较好的去除效果,去除率均在95%以上。总体上,在采空区和常规处理工艺去除悬浮物和部分污染物的基础上,再利用深度处理工艺完成绝大部分污染物的去除,是一套比较有效的矿井水处理工艺组合。   相似文献   

贵州谊源煤矿矿山环境影响耦合分区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
准确划定矿山环境影响范围,可有效地开展矿山环境保护与综合治理,并促进矿山可持续发展。在分析矿山环境问题现状的基础上,根据采掘活动过程中的安全开采深度、移动角、边界角和地下水均衡原理,系统地分析和计算矿业活动对矿山环境的几类不同影响范围。利用移动角确定地质灾害危险性大区、采用边界角确定井下开采影响范围和利用地下水位降落漏斗“大井法”定出疏排水影响范围。依据矿山环境问题类型影响耦合程度,相应地将影响耦合范围划分为严重区、较严重区和较轻区3类,并给出其量化指标。   相似文献   

Geophysical investigation using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES), Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Seismic Refraction at a proposed conference center site along Ajibode-Labani road, Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria has been carried out. The investigation aims at characterizing and delineating the subsurface strata to understand the weathered profile at the site. Understanding the weathered profile is essential in determining the suitability of the site for engineering construction of the future conference center. A total of 25 VES and 10 ERT profiles were acquired in a systematic grid pattern using both Schlumberger andWenner configurations with Allied omega terrameter. TheVES data were processed and analyzed using WinResist and the ERT data were inverted using RES2DINV. The data were combined to form a 3-D data set of the site and RES3DINV was used to produce the depth slices. Seismic refraction data were also acquired with an ABEM seismograph and processed using SeisImager and Fajseis software. Seismic data were used in understanding the velocity distribution and thickness. The results of VES, ERT and seismic refraction show good correlation. Four sub-surface layers were delineated: top layer of reworked sand, clayey sand/ lateritic hard pan, clay/ sandy clay and fracture/ fresh basement. The 3-D model permits a pictorial view of the sub-surface in relation to materials that overlie the basement. The thickness of unconsolidated materials to bedrock varies from 2.7 m to 12.2 m which revealed inhomogeneity in weathering under the shallow sub-surface. It is found that the integrated geophysical tool is well suited to characterize and delineate sub-surface structure (weathered profile) for engineering site characterization.  相似文献   

A kyanite mine in central Virginia produces a silicate-rich waste stream which accumulates at a rate of 450,000–600,000 tons per year. An estimated 27 million tons of this waste stream has accumulated over the past 60 years. Grain size distribution varies between 1.000 and 0.053 mm, and is commonly bimodal with modes typically being 0.425 and 0.250 mm and uniformity coefficients vary from 2.000 to 2.333. Hydraulic conductivity values vary from 0.017 to 0.047 cm/s. Mineralogy of the waste stream consists of quartz, muscovite, kyanite and hematite. Muscovite grains have distinct chemical compositions with significant Na2O content (1.12–2.66 wt%), TiO2 content (0.63–1.68 wt% TiO2) and Fe content, expressed as Fe2O3 (up to 1.37 wt%). Major element compositions of samples were dominated by SiO2 (87.894–90.997 wt%), Al2O3 (6.759–7.741 wt%), Fe2O3 (1.136–1.283 wt%), and K2O (0.369–0.606 wt%) with other components being <1.000 wt%. Elements of environmental concern (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Ag, Sn, Sb, Ba, Hg, Tl, and Pb) were detected; however, the concentrations of all elements except Ni were below that of the kyanite quartzites in the region from which the waste is derived. Both major and trace element compositions indicate minimal variation in composition. The waste stream has potential for recycling. Muscovite is suitable for recycling as a paint pigment or other industrial applications. Muscovite and hematite are commonly intergrown and are interpreted to be material where much of the elements of environmental concern are concentrated. Reprocessing of the waste stream to separate muscovite from other components may enable the waste stream to be used as constructed wetland media for Virginia and nearby states. Recycling of this mine waste may have a positive impact on the local economy of Buckingham County and aid in mitigation of wetland loss.  相似文献   

The application of mineralogical characterization to mine waste has the potential to improve risk assessment, guide appropriate mine planning for planned and active mines and optimize remediation design at closed or abandoned mines. Characterization of minerals, especially sulphide and carbonate phases, is particularly important for predicting the potential for acidic drainage and metal(loid) leaching. Another valuable outcome from mineralogical studies of mine waste is an understanding of the stability of reactive and metal(loid)-bearing minerals under various redox conditions. This paper reviews analytical methods that have been used to study mine waste mineralogy, including conventional methods such as X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, and advanced methods such as synchrotron-based microanalysis and automated mineralogy. We recommend direct collaboration between researchers and mining companies to choose the optimal mineralogical techniques to solve complex problems, to co-publish the results, and to ensure that mineralogical knowledge is used to inform mine waste management at all stages of the mining life cycle. A case study of arsenic-bearing gold mine tailings from Nova Scotia is presented to demonstrate the application of mineralogical techniques to improve human health risk assessment and the long-term management of historical mine wastes.  相似文献   


Sulfide‐rich materials comprising the waste at the abandoned Montalbion silver mine have undergone extensive oxidation prior to and after mining. Weathering has led to the development of an abundant and varied secondary mineral assemblage throughout the waste material. Post‐mining minerals are dominantly metal and/or alkali (hydrous) sulfates, and generally occur as earthy encrustations or floury dustings on the surface of other mineral grains. The variable solubility of these efflorescences combined with the irregular rainfall controls the chemistry of seepage waters emanating from the waste dumps. Irregular rainfall events dissolve the soluble efflorescences that have built up during dry periods, resulting in ‘first‐flush’ acid (pH 2.6–3.8) waters with elevated sulfate, Fe, Cu and Zn contents. Less‐soluble efflorescences, such as anglesite and plumbojarosite, retain Pb in the waste dump. Metal‐rich (Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn) acid mine drainage waters enter the local creek system. Oxygenation and hydrolysis of Fe lead to the formation of Fe‐rich precipitates (schwertmannite, goethite, amorphous Fe compounds) that, through adsorption and coprecipitation, preferentially incorporate As, Sb and In. Furthermore, during dry periods, evaporative precipitation of hydrous alkali and metal sulfate efflorescences occurs on the perimeter of stagnant pools. Flushing of the streambed by neutral pH waters during heavy rainfall events dissolves the efflorescences resulting in remobilisation and transport of sulfate and metals (particularly Cd, Zn) downstream. Thus, in areas of seasonal or irregular rainfall, secondary efflorescent minerals present in waste materials or drainage channels have an important influence on the chemistry of surface waters.  相似文献   

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