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青藏高原为亚洲季风区的典型代表区域,研究其水汽进入平流层的过程和机理对认识全球气候和大气环境变化具有一定的现实意义. 本文基于中尺度气象模式(WRF)的模拟输出结果(2006年8月20日至8月26)驱动拉格朗日大气输送模式FLEXPART,通过追踪并解析气块的三维轨迹以及温度、湿度等相关物理量的相关变化特征,初步分析了夏季青藏高原地区近地层-对流层-平流层的水汽输送特征. 研究结果表明,源于高原地区近地层的水汽在进入平流层的过程中受南亚高压影响下的大尺度环流和中小尺度对流的共同影响.首先,在对流抬升作用下,气块在短时间内(24 h)可抬升到9~12 km的高度,然后在南亚高压闭合环流影响下,相当部分气块在反气旋的东南侧穿越对流层顶进入平流层中,并继续向低纬热带平流层输送,进而参与全球对流层-平流层的水汽循环过程. 在对流抬升高度上气块位置位于高原的西北侧,然而气块拉格朗日温度最小值主要分布于高原南侧,两个位置上气块的平均位温差值可达15~35 K,这种显著的温度差异将导致气块进入平流层时"脱水". 比较而言,夏季青藏高原地区近地层水汽进入平流层的多寡主要和大尺度汽流的垂直输送有关,而深对流的作用相对较弱.  相似文献   

占瑞芬  李建平 《地球物理学报》2012,55(10):3181-3193
亚洲地区是物质由对流层向平流层输送的主要通道,在平流层-对流层交换中扮演着积极的角色. 本文主要利用卫星资料和欧洲中心ERA40再分析资料,借助Wei诊断模式研究亚洲地区夏季上对流层-下平流层(UTLS)水汽分布和平流层-对流层水汽交换特征,重点着眼于水汽交换的年际变化,并探讨其与亚洲夏季风的联系. 结果表明,季风区UTLS水汽较赤道地区偏多,且通过磁带记录信号的传播,可穿越对流层顶影响下平流层水汽的多寡. 夏季平流层-对流层水汽交换表现出明显的年际特征,其年际变化与亚洲季风强弱变化有密切联系,尤其与南亚夏季风的关系更为显著. 在亚洲夏季风影响下,亚洲地区出现异常的大气环流和垂直运动,从而影响平流层-对流层之间水汽的交换. 这些结果对认识其它大气成分的输送过程也具有重要的指示意义.  相似文献   

占瑞芬  李建平 《中国科学D辑》2008,38(8):1028-1040
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA40资料,借助Wei诊断模式研究平流层一对流层水汽交换过程,重点分析亚洲地区夏季平流层.对流层水汽交换的年代际特征,探讨青藏高原和热带西北太平洋大气热源在其变化中的作用.气候学特征表明,北半球夏季“亚洲南部半岛-印度洋-太平洋交汇区”为全球最强的对流层向平流层输送的通道,它能将亚洲季风区丰富的水汽源源不断地输送到平流层,影响平流层水汽的分布和变化.北半球夏季亚洲地区穿越对流层顶水汽交换整体上都具有明显的年代际变化,且在近44a可以分为三段比较稳定的时段:1958~1977年、1978~1992年和1993。2001年.在这三个时段中,孟加拉湾.东亚大陆及南海海域的水汽交换通道作用在逐渐减弱,而西北太平洋地区在水汽交换中扮演着越来越重要的角色.进一步研究发现,青藏高原、热带西北太平洋热源的年代际异常是亚洲地区平流层.对流层水汽交换年代际变化的主要原因.44a来青藏高原和热带西北太平洋的热力作用均发生了重大调整,在年代际尺度上两者的综合作用决定了亚洲夏季风的年代际变异,从而影响平流层.对流层水汽交换的年代际异常.然而不同时段不同地区两者的贡献有所不同,尤其是1992年以后,高原热源影响明显减弱,而热带西北太平洋热源在影响平流层.对流层水汽交换中起主要作用.这些结果对深入认识其他大气成份输送过程和正确评估人类活动(排放)对全球气候的影响也具有重要的指示意义.  相似文献   

利用中尺度模式WRF对发生于2010年6月19~23日的我国东北地区一次典型冷涡过程开展高垂直分辨率数值模拟研究.在模式结果再现此次东北冷涡基本特征的基础上,进一步用Wei公式考察该冷涡引起的平流层-对流层质量交换的时空分布特征.分析结果表明,此次冷涡过程所引起的穿越对流层顶的质量交换总效应表现为平流层向对流层的净输送.在冷涡形成前期,即大型槽脊发展阶段,已经存在活跃的交换.在冷涡活动的整个过程中,槽后和冷涡移动方向的后部主要表现为空气质量由平流层向对流层的输送,而在槽前和冷涡移动方向的前部主要表现为由对流层向平流层的输送.这种空间分布形态主要是由对流层顶变化项决定,但由于其引起的向上、向下交换量作用相抵消,因此它对净交换量的贡献很小,而对此次过程净交换的贡献起决定性作用的是水平运动项.冷涡活动区域平均的总交换通量随时间的变化特征表现为三段:(1)在冷涡形成前期,存在较强的平流层空气向对流层输送过程;(2)随着冷涡的形成发展,总通量表现为TST-STT-TST波动趋势;(3)冷涡发展后期,又表现为平流层空气向对流层输送.  相似文献   

对流层顶是地球大气的一个最基本的结构特征,对流层与平流层通过对流层顶交换气团、水汽、微量气体、能量等.对流层顶结构变化与气候变化密切相连.本文采用掩星弯曲角自然对数协方差变换法确定对流层顶,利用气象、电离层与气候星座观测系统(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate,COSMIC)2007年1月至2011年12月共5年的掩星观测数据分析了中国区域对流层顶高度、温度、气压等参数随经度、纬度、时间变化的特征.采用2°×2°网格法,把包括中国在内的16°N-54°N、72°E-136°E区域共分成19×32个格网单元,然后计算每个格网单元内对流层顶高度、温度、气压的平均值,结果表明对流层顶参数呈明显的纬度分带分布特征.计算每个格网单元内对流层顶参数季节平均值,结果显示对流层顶高度和气压具有明显的季节性变化特征.采用中位数斜率回归法分析对流层顶参数年平均值,发现在研究时段内中国区域对流层顶高度平均每年降低8 m.  相似文献   

基于诊断和数值模拟,研究了夏季青藏高原和伊朗高原热力强迫的相互作用,其对亚洲副热带季风区水汽通量辐合的贡献及对欧亚大陆上空高对流层顶和平流层低层冷中心形成的影响.结果表明两大高原感热加热存在相互影响和反馈,伊朗高原感热加热减少青藏高原的表面加热,而青藏高原的感热加热则增加伊朗高原的表面加热;形成了观测到的伊朗高原感热加热-青藏高原感热加热和凝结潜热释放-大气垂直环流之间的准平衡耦合系统(TIPS),影响大气环流.青藏高原上的感热-潜热相互反馈在这个TIPS耦合系统中起主要作用.两大高原感热加热对其他地区的影响有相互加强也有相互抵消;青藏高原感热加热引发的对亚洲副热带季风区水汽通量辐合贡献率为伊朗高原感热影响的2倍以上;伊朗高原和青藏高原的感热加热共同作用对亚洲副热带季风区的水汽辐合作出最主要的贡献.TIPS的加热作用使对流层温度升高,并抬升了其上空的对流层顶,造成了那里平流层下层温度偏低;与欧亚大陆大尺度热力强迫共同作用,形成了对流层上层的暖性但在平流层下层为冷性的强大的反气旋环流南亚高压,从而影响区域和全球的天气气候.  相似文献   

夏季平流层盛行强东风,Rossby波能量难以从对流层向上传播至平流层,而冬季平流层盛行西风,Rossby波能量容易上传,因此以往对Rossby波能量向平流层传播的研究多考虑冬季的情况.而事实上,因为夏季高原上空南亚高压反气旋环流,并非只有强东风存在,所以Rossby波能量也可能在南亚高压区向上传播,从而影响平流层的温度、风场及大气成分等.因此,本文利用ERA-interim逐日再分析资料,分析了1979—2015年夏季南亚高压区Rossby波能量穿越对流层顶传播的特征与机制.结果表明:Rossby波能量可以从南亚高压西北部的窗口区上传至平流层,最高可到达平流层顶,而在南亚高压的其他部分,Rossby波能量均不能穿越对流层顶上传或穿越对流层顶后无法继续上传.南亚高压西北区Rossby波能量可以穿越对流层顶传播的原因是盛行西风,且西风急流出现的频率很小,同时涡动热量通量异常引起的垂直分量的第一项对其上传有很大贡献.南亚高压东北区也盛行西风,然而Rossby波能量不能向上穿越对流层顶的原因是强西风出现频率较高,且温度脊与高度脊位相相近,不利于上传.南亚高压南部均盛行东风,在平流层中下层均为稳定层结,因此Rossby波能量很难上传.南亚高压西南区在对流层位于青藏高原环流的伊朗高原下沉区附近,层结稳定,并且温度脊超前于高度脊,所以Rossby波能量很难上传.而南亚高压东南区在对流层位于南海-西太平洋热带幅合带,层结不稳定,存在Rossby波能量较弱的上传,达到对流层顶后无法继续上传,该区域温度脊落后于高度脊的温压场配置也为Rossby波能量在对流层内的传播提供了条件.  相似文献   

李丹  卞建春 《地球物理学报》2018,61(9):3607-3616
平流层-对流层物质交换是影响全球大气成分收支的重要过程.过去的研究认为大尺度的交换过程在平流层-对流层物质交换中最为重要,但是近些年的研究表明,中小尺度过程对平流层-对流层物质交换也有重要贡献.本文利用OMI和MLS数据、ERA-Interim再分析资料,结合中尺度WRF模式综合分析了东北地区发生在冷涡前部和冷涡后部的两次强对流天气过程.结果表明:发生在冷涡前部暖锋云系中的强对流持续时间长,对流垂直尺度小,下平流层静力稳定度高;发生在冷涡后部的孤立强对流持续时间短,水平尺度较小,且在对流层顶附近,静力稳定度小,对流可穿出热力学对流层顶.从示踪物分布情况来看,两次强对流都可将示踪物输送到对流层顶附近,但是冷涡前部对流可将示踪物从边界层输送到整个对流层,而孤立对流是把示踪物输送到对流层顶,而不与自由对流层空气发生混合.  相似文献   

利用ERA-Interim再分析资料、卫星资料以及轨迹模式,对2010年6月19-23日东亚夏季一次典型切断低压(COL)过程中的动力、热力及化学结构进行了分析,并详细分析了平流层空气深入侵过程和路径.AIRS臭氧资料与臭氧探空资料分析表明,在COL发展成熟阶段,由极区高位势涡度、高臭氧库区脱离出来的空气在COL的中心形成一个局地高位势涡度与高臭氧浓度区域,并在对流层中上部出现臭氧次峰结构.前向轨迹模式模拟结果表明:COL形成前期,高空槽加深,槽后偏北风急流可以引起极区下平流层空气向中纬度对流层中低层侵入,从而使对流层中低层臭氧浓度升高;COL发展成熟阶段,可以引起平流层空气的"旋转式"入侵.最后,应用后向轨迹模式对成熟阶段COL内部及周围空气块源地做进一步模拟分析.结果表明:(1)COL中心高浓度臭氧空气块源地有两个,一是中西伯利亚北部上空的副极地涡旋,这部分气块对COL中心的高臭氧浓度起主要作用;二是90°E以西,50°N附近的温带急流轴左侧的气旋式风速切变区.(2)COL周围低臭氧浓度的气块源地也有两个,一是COL底部臭氧浓度相对较低的空气块主要来自急流轴右侧反气旋式风速切变区,以平流运动为主;二是COL前部及后部的空气块主要来自COL南侧低层暖区,以上升运动为主.  相似文献   

利用2003-2011年的SABER/TIMED温度数据观测发现,在2006年、2009年和2010年北半球高纬(70°N)的冬季(1-3月)发生了“平流层顶抬升”.在这3次事件中,1月末-2月初的~50 km和~80 km高度处分别出现了温度的极大值~260 K和~230 K,即平流层顶的高度突然由原来的50 km左右上升至80 km左右,这就是平流层顶抬升事件;随着时间的推移,抬升的平流层顶的高度逐渐下降直至恢复到原有位置,与此同时其温度由~230 K上升至~260 K.值得注意的是,虽然在极区的每年冬天都发生平流层突然增温事件,但是只在伴随着极涡分裂的平流层突然增温事件后出现平流层顶抬升.此外,在发生平流层顶抬升事件的冬季里,高纬的重力波活动在1月末-2月初的~80 km高度处突然增强,对应着平流层顶的抬升时间和高度;在2月份之后,重力波活动在75 km以下逐渐增强、在75 km以上逐渐减弱,同时抬升的平流层顶也不断下降.通过重力波活动与平流层顶抬升事件的相关性分析,表明重力波活动可能对平流层顶的抬升有重要影响.  相似文献   

A mesoscale weather research and forecasting(WRF)model was used to simulate a cold vortex that developed over Northeast China during June 19–23,2010.The simulation used high vertical resolution to reproduce the key features of the cold vortex development.Characteristics of the associated stratosphere-troposphere exchange(STE),specifically the spatiotemporal distribution of the cross-tropopause mass flux(CTF),were investigated using the Wei formula.The simulation results showed that the net mass exchange induced by the cold vortex was controlled by stratosphere-to-troposphere transport(STT)processes.In the pre-formation stage of the cold vortex(i.e.,the development of the trough and ridge),active exchange was evident.Over the lifecycle of the cold vortex,STT processes prevailed at the rear of the trough and moving vortex,whereas troposphere-to-stratosphere transport(TST)processes prevailed at the front end.This spatial pattern was caused by temporal fluctuations of the tropopause.However,because of the cancellation of the upward flux by the downward flux,the contribution of the tropopause fluctuation term to the net mass exchange was only minor.In this case,horizontal motion dominated the net mass exchange.The time evolution of the CTF exhibited three characteristics:(1)the predominance of the STT during the pre-formation stage;(2)the formation and development of the cold vortex,in which the CTF varied in a fluctuating pattern from TST to STT to TST;and(3)the prevalence of the STT during the decay stage.  相似文献   

Calculating the global mass exchange between stratosphere and troposphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large-scale cross-tropopause mass fluxes are diagnosed globally from 1979 to 1989 for Northern Hemisphere winter conditions (December, January, and February). Results of different methods of approaches with regard to the definition of the tropopause and the way to calculate the mass fluxes are compared and discussed. The general pattern of the mass exchange from the tropopause into the stratosphere and vice versa agrees fairly well when using different methods, but the absolute values can differ up to 100%.An inspection of the temporal development of the mass fluxes for solstice conditions indicates a complex picture. Whereas a permanent significant downward flux from the stratosphere into the troposphere is detected for latitude regions nearly between 25°N and 40°N and between 30°S and 50°S (initiated by the poleward branches of the Hadley cells), a non-uniform behaviour is observed at higher latitude bands. Periods of strong mass exchange from the troposphere into the stratosphere are disrupted by periods of an opposite mass exchange. A comparison of the stratoshere-troposphere (ST) exchange with the exchange at higher altitudes through surfaces, quasi-parallel to the tropopause, excludes a general connection. Only a few strong upward directed ST mass exchange events have counterparts at higher altitudes. The composition of the stratosphere may be influenced directly by the ST exchange only in a thin layer above the tropopause.  相似文献   

Based on analysis and simulation, the interaction of thermal forcing between the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and Iranian Plateau (IP) in summer is investigated. Associated influences on water vapor transport in the Asian subtropical monsoon region and the formation of a cold center in the lower stratosphere over Eurasia are also investigated. Results show that surface sensible heating (SH) over the two plateaus not only have mutual influences but also feedback to each other. SH over the IP can reduce the SH and increase the LH over the TP, whereas the SH over the TP can increase surface heating over the IP, thereby reaching quasi-equilibrium among the SH and LH over the TP, IP SH and atmosphere vertical motion. Therefore, the so-called Tibetan-Iranian Plateau coupling system (TIPS) is constructed, which influences atmosphere circulation. In the TIPS system, interaction between surface SH and LH over the TP plays a leading role. SH of the IP and TP influences on other regions not only have superimposed effects but also mutually offset. Accounting for contributions to the convergence of water vapor transport in the Asian subtropical monsoon region, TP SH contributes more than twice that of the IP. The combined influence of SH over TP and IP represents the major contribution to the convergence of water vapor transport in that region. In addition, the heating effect of TIPS increases the upper tropospheric temperature maximum and lifts the tropopause, cooling the lower stratosphere. Combined with large-scale thermal forcing of the Eurasian continent, the TIPS produces a strong anticyclonic circulation and the South Asian High that warms the upper troposphere and cools the lower stratosphere, thereby affecting regional and global weather and climate.  相似文献   

Summary By means of highly truncated spherical harmonic expansions, an extended four-level quasi-geostrophic model with variable Coriolis parameter is transformed into a set of ordinary non-linear differential equations. Non-adiabatic effects, frictional dissipation, and boundary effects are approximately included in the equations. A numerical experiment made with the equations succeeds in producing many realistic statistical gross features, especially in the lower stratosphere, e. g., a poleward temperature incrase, the up-gradient horizontal transports of heat and momentum due to large-scale eddies, the upward energy flux of extra-long waves, and the trapping of the upward energy flux of tropospheric unstable waves near the tropopause. The mean energy flow in the lower stratosphere and in the troposphere are analyzed and compared with each other, indicating very clearly the baroclinical activness of the troposphere and the passiveness of the lower stratosphere. The dynamics in the lower stratosphere are discussed. the mean meridional circulation is also studied.  相似文献   

An observation by UHF ST radar of a subsidence pattern on the right side of the exit region of a jet streak is reported. The onset of the subsidence pattern occurred at 23:30 UTC on the 29 November 1991, when a downward motion was initiated above 14 km. The injections of stratospheric air in this region seem to have an intermittent nature; they occur during at least three intervals during the lifetime of the subsidence pattern. Comparison of these results with an ECMWF analysis suggests that it is an unfolding case. However, observation of turbulent intensities w’ greater than 60 cm s−1 at the tropopause level also suggests the existence of a turbulent flux between the stratosphere and the troposphere. From the turbulence characteristics measured by the radar and the potential temperature profile obtained by radiosonde data, the eddy diffusivity at the tropopause level has been calculated. An eddy diffusion coefficient ranging between 5 and 7 m2 s−1 is found. From these values, and with the assumption of a climatological gradient of the volume mixing ratio of ozone in the lower stratosphere, it is possible to deduce a rough estimate of the amount of ozone injected from the stratosphere into the troposphere during this event. A rate of transfer of 1.5×1020 molecules of ozone per day and per square meter is found.  相似文献   

A Lagrangian technique is developed and applied to calculate stratosphere-troposphere exchange in an extratropical cyclone. This exchange is computed from the potential vorticity or PV along trajectories, calculated from ECMWF circulation data. Special emphasis is put on the statistical significance of the results. The computed field of the cross-tropopause flux is dominated by elongated patterns of statistically significant large downward and small upward fluxes. The downward fluxes mainly occur in the lower part of the considered tropopause folds. The upward fluxes are found near the entrance of the folds, in the tropopause ridges. The ratio between the area averaged downward and upward cross-tropopause fluxes increases with increasing strength of the cyclone. Since the largest fluxes are shown to occur in the regions with the largest wind shear, where PV-mixing is thought to cause large cross-tropopause fluxes, the results are expected to be reliable, at least in a qualitative sense. The position of a tropopause fold along the northwest coast of Africa is confirmed by total ozone observations. The results indicate that the applied Lagrangian technique is an appropriate tool for diagnosing stratosphere-troposphere exchange.  相似文献   

众多研究表明,太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)与东亚季风以及我国气候的年代际异常存在显著影响,然而其影响途径及机制仍不明确.本文分别分析了年代际尺度上的太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)、南北半球际大气质量振荡(IHO)以及东亚季风的变化特征,据此建立了三者之间的关系,并进一步分析了它们对我国东部冬夏两季年代际气候异常的影响,所得主要结果包括:(1)PDO与IHO以及东亚季风强度具有明显的年代际波动特征,三者之间存在较好联系,其中它们在70年代和90年代后期处于负位相,而在80年代至90年代中期均处于正位相期.PDO和IHO对全球大范围的低层气温异常,以及大气质量迁移尤其是东半球30°S-50°N区域的质量变化具有显著并且空间一致的影响;(2)当PDO为正位相时,整层大气质量年代际异常呈偶极型的自东半球向西半球太平洋区域输出,造成了南北半球际以及海陆间大气质量迁移,同时引起Walker环流的上升和下沉支位置变化,以及越赤道大气质量流的向北异常输送,并由此建立起东亚季风与PDO和IHO之间的联系;(3)PDO年代际异常与冬夏季节蒙古地区地表气压变动存在密切联系.当PDO指数增强时,冬夏季850hPa均出现显著反气旋风场异常,并在我国东部形成异常北风,从而显著影响东亚冬夏季风强度变化.与之对应,PDO指数与我国东部大部分地区的站点气温、降水的年代际分量保持显著的同期相关.  相似文献   

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