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During Serravallian through Messinian time, marine carbonates flanked topographic highs that rimmed Neogene basins in the Western Mediterranean. Middle to upper Miocene carbonate strata in the Las Negras and Nijar areas (southeastern Spain) are 50-150 m thick and display 50-200 m of shelf-to-basin relief over 1-2 km. Detailed studies in those areas document the effects of relative sea-level change on sedimentation, biotic composition, and reef development. We identify three previously unrecognized, regionally correlatable depositional sequences (DS1, DS2, DS3) that occur between the underlying basement and the overlying Terminal Carbonate Complex. The lower depositional sequences (DS1, DS2) are mostly normal marine shelf (ramp) carbonates deposited on the flanks of basement highs. The basal part of DS2 locally contains some megabreccia reef blocks composed of Tarbellastraea and Porites. These blocks are the first evidence of reef growth in the area and represent a previously unrecognized period of reef development prior to the fringing reef development. The reef blocks probably formed as upslope patch reefs that were eroded and transported to distal slope locations. The upper sequence (DS3) is characterized by clinoform strata of a Porites-dominated fringing reef complex that prograded basinward in a downstepping style with successively younger reefs forming in a topographically lower and more basinward position as a result of a net sea-level drop. Regional correlation of Miocene shallow-marine strata between basins in Spain and elsewhere in the western Mediterranean is complicated because basins were semi-isolated from adjacent basins making physical correlation impossible. In addition, age-definitive biostratigraphic markers are poorly preserved in most of the Miocene shallow-water strata; basinal sediments that are more easily dated by microfossils do not typically interfinger with the shallow-marine strata in outcrop. Even where datable microfossils are found, resolution of dating is poor. Our studies in the Las Negras and Nijar areas illustrate the usefulness of integrating sedimentological, geometric and biotic data with locally derived relative sea-level (accommodation space) curves for correlation. The relative sea-level curves for each area show remarkable similarities in shape and magnitude of sea-level changes. These curves indicate several relative sea-level fluctuations during Miocene carbonate deposition prior to the major sea-level drop at the end of DS3 deposition that culminated in the exposure of the basin margin deposits and the deposition of evaporites in basinal areas during the Messinian. The depositional sequences in the Las Negras and Nijar areas may correlate with depositional sequences of similar age throughout the southern Cabo de Gata area, in Mallorca some 600 km to the northeast, and possibly in other Mediterranean locations. The widespread occurrence and possible correlation of the depositional sequences suggest regional processes such as eustacy or tectonism for their formation. The integration of sedimentological, palaeontological and sequence stratigraphic studies, and the construction of relative sea-level (accommodation space) curves may help in the interpretation of depositional histories of shallow-marine carbonate complexes and correlation of these strata between isolated areas. Other dating methods, in addition to microfossil dating, may allow for better age determination of the sequences and aid in identifying the importance of eustacy and tectonism in sequence development.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the geological record of climatic change in neritic carbonates, we studied Late Miocene rock outcrops in southern Spain. Six episodes of reef growth are documented (Burdigalian to Messinian) in Neogene basins of the Betic Cordillera, which were located close to the margin of the global reef belt. The reefs are characterized by various zooxanthellate corals which decrease in diversity with time, andHalimeda; the youngest reefs of the latest Messinian are characterized by the dominance of the genusPorites. Late Miocene coral reefs and reef-rimmed platforms alternate over time with non-reefal carbonate ramps characterized by skeletal calcirudites or with gypsum such as that formed during the Messinian salinity crisis. The calcirudites lack reef corals, calcified green algae and extensive marine cement, but exhibit skeletal components described from both modern and fossil nontropical carbonates. These include bryozoans, mollusks, foraminifers, echinoderms and minor balanids, as well as coralline algae of a bryomol association. The presence of some larger foraminifers indicates high temperatures, close to the lower temperature threshold of the reef assemblage. Sea level lowstands and highstands are documented by wedges of bryomol carbonate and chlorozoan patch reefs or prograding platforms. Thus, temperate climate depositional modes correspond to relatively low sea levels, and warm-water modes to high sea levels. The Neogene infill of the Agua Amarga and Sorbas basins documents two of these cycles. Other climate/sea-level cycles (including Messinian gypsum in the cool water depositional mode) are well established in adjacent Neogene basins in southern Spain. This type of composite sequence seems to occur only along the margin of the global reef belt and indicates an oscillatory latitudinal movement of the margin, which is associated with global climatic change. The analysis of turnover in neritic depositional carbonate systems may therefore be considered a sensitive tool for reconstructing climatic change from the fossil record. However, warm-water modes and temperate-water modes of carbonate sedimentation and diagenesis differ significantly. For this reason the interpretation of composite system sequences by sequence stratigraphy requires an extended concept. The particular type of mixed bryomolchlorozoan depositional sequence also bears some potential for drowning, because sea level rise may be faster than the net production rate of temperate carbonate systems.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2005,173(1-4):187-232
This study describes the coeval development of the depositional environments in three areas across the Mut Basin (Southern Turkey) throughout the Late Burdigalian (early Miocene). Antecedent topography and rapid high-amplitude sea-level change are the main controlling factors on stratigraphic architecture and sediment type. Stratigraphic evidence is observed for two high-amplitude (100–150 m) sea-level cycles in the Late Burdigalian to Langhian. These cycles are interpreted to be eustatic in nature and driven by the long-term 400-Ka orbital eccentricity-cycle-changing ice volumes in the nascent Antarctic icecap. We propose that the Mut Basin is an exemplary case study area for guiding lithostratigraphic predictions in early Miocene shallow-marine carbonate and mixed environments elsewhere in the world.The Late Burdigalian in the Mut Basin was a time of relative tectonic quiescence, during which a complex relict basin topography was flooded by a rapid marine transgression. This area was chosen for study because it presents extraordinary large-scale 3D outcrops and a large diversity of depositional environments throughout the basin. Three study transects were constructed by combining stratal geometries and facies observations into a high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework. 3346 m of section were logged, 400 thin sections were studied, and 145 biostratigraphic samples were analysed for nannoplankton dates (Bassant, P., 1999. The high-resolution stratigraphic architecture and evolution of the Burdigalian carbonate-siliciclastic sedimentary systems of the Mut Basin, Turkey. PhD Thesis. GeoFocus 3. University of Fribourg, 277 p.).The first transect (Alahan) is on the northwestern basin margin. Here, the siliciclastic input is high due to the presence of a river system. The siliciclastic depocentre migrates landwards during transgressions, creating an ecological window allowing carbonates to develop in the distal part of the delta. Carbonate production shuts down during the regression when siliciclastics return. The second transect (Pirinç) is also situated on the northern basin margin 12 km to the east of the Alahan section. It shows a complete platform-to-basin transition. An isolated carbonate platform complex develops during the initial flooding, which is drowned during a time of rapid sea-level rise and environmental stress, associated with prograding siliciclastics. The shelf margin then retrogrades forming large-scale clinoform geometries and progrades before a major sea-level fall provokes slumping collapse, followed by rebuilding of the shelf margin as sea level rises again. The third transect (Silifke) has a steep asymmetric Pre-Miocene valley-topography, forming a narrow strait, linking the Mut Basin to the Mediterranean. Strong tidal currents are generated in this strait area. Siliciclastic input is low and localised. Eighty metres of cross-bedded bioclastic sands are deposited in a tidal regime at the base. Subsequently, carbonate platforms backstep against the shallow-dipping northern flank, while platforms only develop on the steep southern flank when a firm wide shallow-marine substrate is provided by a bench on the footwall block. The energy of the environment decreases with increased flooding of the strait area.Third-order sequences and higher-order parasequences have been identified in each transect and correlated between transects. Correlations were made using biostratigraphic data and high-resolution sequence stratigraphy in combination with the construction of the relative sea-level curve for each site. The third-order highstands are stacked in a proximal position and separated by exposure surfaces, while the lowstands, deposited in a distal setting, are separated by deep-marine (offshore or subphotic) deposits. The parasequences produce dominantly aggradational and progradational geometries with transgressive ravinement surfaces and exposure surfaces developing at times. Reconstruction of the depositional profile shows that the third-order sequences are driven by relative sea-level oscillations of 100–150 m, and that these may be attributed to 400-Ka orbital eccentricity cycles. The parasequences are driven by eustatic 20–30 m sea-level oscillations, which may be attributed to the 100-Ka orbital eccentricity cycles.The isolated carbonate build-ups in the Pirinç and Alahan transects develop at the same time as bioclastic tidal deposits in the Silifke area during the transgression of sequence 1. This is caused by a difference in hydrodynamic regime: a direct result of basin morphology funneling tidal currents in the Silifke area. We also demonstrate how during the highstands a siliciclastic delta system progrades in the Alahan area, while only 12 km to the east, a fringing carbonate platform develops, showing how siliciclastic input can have a very localised effect on carbonate environments.The exceptional quality of the outcrops with its variety of environments and its location at the Tethyan margin make this site a good candidate for a reference model for Burdigalian reef and platform architectures.  相似文献   

Core, logging and high-resolution seismic data from ODP Leg 166 were used to analyse deposits of the Neogene (Miocene–Lower Pliocene) Bahamian outer carbonate ramp. Ramp sediments are cyclic alternations of light- and dark-grey wackestones/packstones with interbedded calciturbidite packages and minor slumps. Cyclicity was driven by high-frequency sea-level changes. Light-grey layers containing shallow-water bioclasts were formed when the ramp exported material, whereas the dark-grey layers are dominantly pelagic. Calciturbidites are arranged into mounded lobes with feeder channels. Internal bedding of the lobes shows a north-directed shingling as a result of the asymmetrical growth of these bodies. Calciturbidite packages occur below and above sequence boundaries, indicating that turbidite shedding occurred during third-order sea-level highstands and lowstands. Highstand turbidites contain shallow-water components, such as green algal debris and epiphytic foraminifera, whereas lowstand turbidites are dominated by abraded bioclastic detritus. Gravity flow depocentres shifted from an outer ramp position during the early Miocene to a basin floor setting during the late Miocene to early Pliocene. This change was triggered by an intensification of the strength of bottom currents during the Tortonian, which was also responsible for shaping the convex morphology of the outer ramp. The Miocene and Lower Pliocene of the leeward flank of Great Bahama Bank provides an example of the poorly known depositional setting of the outer part of distally steepened carbonate ramps. The contrast between its sedimentary patterns and the well-known Upper Pliocene–Quaternary slope facies associations of the flat-topped Great Bahama Bank shows the strong control that the morphology of a carbonate platform exerts on the depositional architecture of the adjacent slope and base-of-slope successions.  相似文献   

ADAM VECSEI 《Sedimentology》1998,45(3):473-487
A thick bioclastic sediment wedge was deposited on the slope of the Maiella carbonate platform margin in the Late Campanian to Late Maastrichtian. The wedge consists of lobate depositional units (laterally and vertically convex structures). The complex internal geometries of the lobes combine characteristics of unidirectional sandwaves and the alternating point-sources of deltas. Excellent outcrop permits a detailed documentation and discussion of the depositional processes.
The sediment wedge constitutes a supersequence, which prograded along the platform margin as a result of high sediment supply and forced regression. Within the supersequence, a hierarchy of higher-order stratigraphic units (sequence sets and sequences) are developed. The individual bioclastic sediment lobes are interpreted as systems tracts and parasequences of the sequences within the sequence sets.  相似文献   

The attributes of a ‘four-systems-tract’ sequence are at times difficult to identify in outcrop-scale carbonate successions. Poor exposure conditions, variable rates of sediment production, erosion and/or superposition of surfaces that are intrinsic to the nature of carbonate systems frequently conceal or remove its physical features. The late Early–Middle Aptian platform carbonates of the western Maestrat Basin (Iberian Chain, Spain) display facies heterogeneity enabling platform, platform-margin and slope geometries to be identified, and provide a case study that shows all the characteristics of a quintessential four systems tract-based sequence. Five differentiated systems tracts belonging to two distinct depositional sequences can be recognized: the Highstand Systems Tract (HST) and Forced Regressive Wedge Systems Tract (FRWST) of Depositional Sequence A; and the Lowstand Prograding Wedge Systems Tract (LPWST), Transgressive Systems Tract (TST) and subsequent return to a highstand stage of sea-level (HST) of Depositional Sequence B. An extensive carbonate platform of rudists and corals stacked in a prograding pattern marks the first HST. The FRWST is constituted by a detached, slightly cross-bedded calcarenite situated at the toe of the slope in a basinal position. The LPWST is characterized by a small carbonate platform of rudists and corals downlapping over the FRWST and onlapping landwards. The TST exhibits platform backstepping and marly sedimentation. Resumed carbonate production in shelf and slope settings characterizes the second HST. A basal surface of forced regression, a subaerial unconformity, a correlative conformity, a transgressive surface and a maximum flooding surface bound these systems tracts, and are well documented and widely mappable across the platform-to-basin transition area analyzed. Moreover, the sedimentary succession studied is made up of four types of parasequence that constitute stratigraphic units deposited within a higher-frequency sea-level cyclicity. Ten lithofacies associations form these basic accretional units. Each facies assemblage can be ascribed to an inferred depositional environment in terms of bathymetry, hydrodynamic conditions and trophic level. The architecture of the carbonate platform systems reflects a flat-topped non-rimmed depositional profile. Furthermore, these carbonate shelves are interpreted as having been formed in low hydrodynamic conditions. The long-term relative fall in sea-level occurred during the uppermost Early Aptian, which subaerially exposed the carbonate platform established during the first HST and resulted in the deposition of the FRWST, is interpreted as one of global significance. Moreover, a possible relationship between this widespread sea-level drop and glacio-eustasy seems plausible, and could be linked to the cooling event proposed in the literature for the late Early Aptian. Because of the important implications in sequence stratigraphy of this study, the sedimentary succession analyzed herein could serve as an analogue for the application of the four-systems-tract sequence stratigraphic methodology to carbonate systems.  相似文献   

This paper reviews a detailed stratigraphic and sedimentologic study of a carbonate complex developed on the foreland side of the Neuquén Embayment, a protected shallow-water epicratonic site behind the active edge of the South American plate. Superb outcrops at the core of basement-involved Andean structures expose the shelf-to-basin transition and reveal with clarity the external and the internal architecture of the depositional sequences and component system tracts. Platform carbonates are largely represented by ooid and mainly rhodoid grainstones, with associated patches of coral framestone. The deeper platform and slope facies are composed of oncoidal and skeletal micritic limestones with scattered coral-sponge-algal build-ups. The overall composition and facies pattern bears resemblance to other Late Jurassic carbonate complexes form Europe and with the Smackover Formation from the Gulf Coast Basin of North America.

Analysis based on mapping of the stratal patterns and facies associations in outcrops allowed the recognition of four depositional sequences. Timing provided by ammonite biochronology suggests that eustatic fluctuations were a major factor influencing the carbonate-margin architecture, and regulated episodes of condensed sedimentation, shifts of the depositional belts, and development of stratigraphic discontinuities. The onset and the end of carbonate sedimentation were associated with episodes of marine retreat and accumulation of evaporites and eolian-fluvial deposits at basin-centre locations. However, most of the marine fluctuations recorded within the carbonate complex were insufficient to expose the shelf break (Type 2), and accordingly lowstand system tracts are poorly represented. On the shelf the transgressive system tracts are represented by thin grain-supported carbonate blankets. These taper out downslope into omission surfaces or are replaced by patches of small sponge buildups. Highstand system-tract organization changes through time, reflecting changes in productivity and accomodation, presumably tied to second-order sea-level changes. Callovian highstand accumulation featured a catch-up carbonate system and produced a thin-aggradational ramp configuration, whereas conditions during middle-late Oxfordian allowed a keep-up system and produced outbuilding depositional geometries with steeper slopes.  相似文献   

A new genetic facies model for deep-water clastic evaporites is presented, based on work carried out on the Messinian Gessoso-solfifera Formation of the northern Apennines during the last 15 years. This model is derived from the most recent siliciclastic turbidite models and describes the downcurrent transformations of a parent flow mainly composed of gypsum clasts. The model allows clearer comprehension of processes controlling the production and deposition of clastic evaporites, representing the most common evaporite facies of the northern Apennines, and the definition of the genetic and stratigraphic relationship with primary shallow-water evaporites formed and preserved in marginal settings. Due to the severe recrystallization processes usually affecting these deposits, petrographic and geochemical analyses are needed for a more accurate interpretation of the large spectrum of recognized gravity-driven deposits ranging from debrisflow to low-density turbidites. Almost all the laminar ‘balatino’ gypsum, previously considered a deep-water primary deposit, is here reinterpreted as the fine-grained product of high to low-density gravity flows. Facies associations permit the framing of the distribution of clastic evaporites into the complex tectonically controlled depositional settings of the Apennine foredeep basin. The Messinian Salinity Crisis occurred during an intense phase of geodynamic reorganization of the Mediterranean area that also produced the fragmentation of the former Miocene Apennine foredeep basin. In this area, primary shallow-water evaporites equivalent to the Mediterranean Lower Evaporites, apparently only formed in semi-closed thrust-top basins like the Vena del Gesso Basin. The subsequent uplift and subaerial exposure of such basins ended the evaporite precipitation and promoted a widespread phase of collapse leading to the resedimentation of the evaporites into deeper basins. Vertical facies sequences of clastic evaporites can be interpreted in terms of the complex interplay between the Messinian tectonic evolution of the Apennine thrust belt and related exhumation–erosional processes. The facies model here proposed could be helpful also for better comprehension of other different depositional and geodynamic contexts; the importance of clastic evaporites deposits has been overlooked in the study of other Mediterranean areas. Based on the Apennine basins experience, it is suggested here that evaporites diffused into the deeper portions of the Mediterranean basin may consist mainly of deep-water resedimented deposits rather than shallow-water to supratidal primary evaporites indicative of a complete basin desiccation.  相似文献   

Based on a well-established bio- and sequence-stratigraphic framework, a narrow time window in the Bimammatum ammonite zone (Late Oxfordian) is investigated in six Swiss Jura sections representing a shallow-water carbonate platform. From the detailed facies and microfacies analysis of oncoid-rich (Hauptmumienbank Member) and ooid-rich (Steinebach Member) limestones, a microfacies classification is established, depositional environments are interpreted, and a depositional model for the Swiss Jura platform is proposed. The sequence- and cyclostratigraphic interpretation has been performed for the transgressive part of the medium-scale sequence Ox6+, independently for each section, with a very high time resolution at the scale of elementary depositional sequences. The good correlation of the elementary and small-scale sequences between the six studied sections and the similar number of elementary sequences in all sections strongly suggest that allocyclic processes were involved in their formation. The hierarchically stacked depositional sequences (small-scale and elementary sequences) result from orbitally controlled sea-level changes with periodicities of 100 and 20 kyr, respectively. Thickness variations in the correlated small-scale and elementary sequences imply variable sedimentation rates, probably resulting from differential subsidence due to the activity of tectonic blocks. The tectonically controlled platform morphology contributed significantly to the general pattern of depositional environments and, combined with high-frequency sea-level fluctuations, created a complex facies distribution in time and space on the Swiss Jura carbonate platform.  相似文献   

During the late Miocene, the Guadalquivir Basin and its satellite basin, the Ronda Basin, were under Atlantic cool-water influence. The aim of our study is to develop a sequence stratigraphic subdivision of the Ronda Basin fill and to provide models for the cool-water carbonates. The Upper Miocene of the Ronda Basin can be divided into three depositional sequences. Sequence 1 is early Tortonian, Sequence 2 late Tortonian to earliest Messinian, and Sequence 3 Messinian in age. The sediments were deposited in a ramp depositional system. Sequence 1 is dominated by conglomerates and marls. In Sequence 2 and Sequence 3, carbonate deposits dominate in the inner ramp whereas siliciclastics preferentially occur in the middle and outer ramp. Bryomol carbonate sediments occur in all sequences whereas rhodalgal carbonates are restricted to Sequence 3. In bays protected from siliciclastic influx, rhodalgal deposits formed under transgressive conditions. A bryomol factory occurs in zones of continuous siliciclastic supply. This distribution results from facies partitioning during the flooding of the Ronda Basin, which has a rugged and irregular relief. Embayments were protected from siliciclastic influx and provided regions with less hydraulic energy.  相似文献   

刘智荣 《地质通报》2007,26(2):206-214
贵州南部的泥盆系为一个大型的楔状体。从深水背景的广西南丹罗富剖面到古陆边缘的贵阳乌当剖面,泥盆系由13个层序变薄尖灭成5个层序,这是泥盆纪早期海侵尖灭与晚期海退尖灭的结果。研究区泥盆系由海侵碎屑岩岩系到清水台地碳酸盐岩岩系地层序列构成2个二级层序,又可进一步划分为13个三级层序。二级层序和三级层序均由其特殊的沉积相序列组成。研究区泥盆系层序地层划分和层序地层格架的建立提供了一个在年代地层与海平面变化框架内研究“相迁移”的良好实例。  相似文献   

Cenomanian–Turonian strata of the south‐central Pyrenees in northern Spain contain three prograding carbonate sequences that record interactions among tectonics, sea level, environment and sediment fabric in controlling sequence development. Sequence UK‐1 (Lower to Upper Cenomanian) contains distinct lagoonal, back‐margin, margin, slope and basin facies, and was deposited on a broad, flat shelf adjacent to a deep basin. The lack of reef‐constructing organisms resulted in a gently dipping ramp morphology for the margin and slope. Sequence UK‐2 (Upper Cenomanian) contains similar shallow‐water facies belts, but syndepositional tectonic modification of the margin resulted in a steep slope and deposition of carbonate megabreccias. Sequence UK‐3 (Lower to Middle Turonian) records a shift from benthic to pelagic deposition, as the shallow platform was drowned in response to a eustatic sea‐level rise, coupled with increased organic productivity. Sequences UK‐1 to UK‐3 are subdivided into lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts based on stratal geometries and facies distribution patterns. The same lithologies (e.g. megabreccias) commonly occur in more than one systems tract, indicating that: (1) the depositional system responded to more than just sea‐level fluctuations; and (2) similar processes occurred during different times throughout sequence development. These sequences illustrate the complexity of carbonate platform dynamics that influence sequence architecture. Rift tectonics and flexural subsidence played a major role in controlling the location of the platform margin, maintaining a steep slope gradient through syndepositional faulting, enhancing slope instability and erosion, and influencing depositional processes, stratal relationships and lithofacies distribution on the slope. Sea‐level variations (eustatic and relative) strongly influenced the timing of sequence and parasequence boundary formation, controlled changes in accommodation and promoted platform drowning (in conjunction with other factors). Physico‐chemical and climatic conditions were responsible for reducing carbonate production rates and inducing platform drowning. Finally, a mud‐rich sediment fabric affected platform morphology, growth geometries (aggradation vs. progradation) and facies distribution patterns.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Maastrichtian) of the south-central Pyrenees shows five carbonate platform sequences where the major parameters are tectonism, relative sea-level fluctuations and inherited depositional profile. Depositional geometries and basin analysis permit an understanding of the depositional history.Five depositional sequences have been recognized: (1) The Santa Fe sequence (Middle-Upper Cenomanian), a ramp to a skeletal rimmed shelf with an escarpment bypass margin. The lower boundary is an angular unconformity and the upper one records a sea-level drop. The platform location of the margin was determined by a listric normal fault. (2) An abrupt sea-level rise drowned the former platform. The Congost sequence (Turonian-Lower Coniacian), a distally steepened ramp with erosional distal deep slope. The depositional model was largely controlled by pre-existing basin morphology. Cessation of platform development was due to a relative sea-level drop. (3) The Sant Corneli sequence (Upper Coniacian-Lower Santonian), a mixed terrigenous-skeletal homoclinal ramp with upright margin, deep slope and dysaerobic basin. The slope results from the backstepping by 24 km of the previous margin and gentle basin tilting. The platform margin remained more or less at the same position, and relief between platform and slope increased indicating continuous relative sea-level rise. The upper boundary is an angular unconformity at the platform margin produced by an abrupt sea-level rise and platform drowning, and by listric normal faulting. (4) The Vallcarga sequence (Upper Santonian-Campanian), a distal-steepened skeletal homoclinal ramp, erosional escarpment and turbidite basin, which corresponds to the Mesozoic maximum marine expansion. A listric normal fault created two depositional areas: a more or less flat footwall block with a north-northwest prograding carbonate ramp.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地惠州凹陷南部珠江组混合沉积作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
珠江口盆地惠州凹陷南部珠江组下部广泛发育陆源碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩的混合沉积。通过测井、地震和岩心等资料综合研究了工区混合沉积的岩石学特征、沉积模式和分布规律。研究认为工区混合沉积可分为相缘混合和原地混合,相缘混合主要是在浅海三角洲相和碳酸盐岩台地相边界的结合部位、在低能水动力环境下的细粒陆源碎屑与泥晶碳酸盐的混合沉积,原地混合主要是在三角洲前缘高能水动力条件下的砂级硅质碎屑颗粒与碳酸盐生物碎屑的混合沉积。原地混合沉积对储层的储集性能和渗流特征有显著影响。描述了原地混合沉积的泥岩—碳酸盐岩—砂岩—碳酸盐岩—泥岩相层序,并讨论了陆源碎屑注入、古地形、海平面升降及三角洲迁移等影响透光带范围的因素是如何控制研究区的混合沉积分布的。  相似文献   

A Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform depositional system with a rimmed margin and an adjacent oversteepened slope was analysed in order to determine its depositional architecture and major depositional controls. The platform is made up of coral, rudist, orbitolinid and algal limestones and, in a 12-km dip transect, there is a gradation from lagoon to platform margin, slope and basin environments, each characterized by distinctive sedimentological features and facies associations. The rimmed platform is an aggradational system developed during approximately 4·2 million years of fluctuating relative sea-level rise, and it is bounded by unconformities at its base and top. Internal cyclicity in the construction of the system is evident, mainly in platform interior and slope settings. The seven recognized sequences average 0·6 million years in duration and are related to minor relative sea-level changes. Carbonate deposition occurred in shallow- and deep-water settings during periods of high relative sea level. Reduced rates of sea-level rise led to the development of shallowing upward sequences and, eventually, to the exposure of the shallowest parts of the platform during relative sea-level falls. During low relative sea level, erosion surfaces developed on the slope, and gravitational resedimentation occurred at the toe of slope. Basinwards, resedimented units pinch out over distances of a few hundred metres. Active faults controlled sedimentation at the platform margin, promoting the development of steep slopes (up to 35°) and preventing progradation of the shallow-water platform, despite high sediment production rates. The development of sequences is interpreted to be related to tectonic activity.  相似文献   

A ~6 Ma Messinian (late Miocene) Bioherm Unit on the southern slope of the Sorbas Basin, SE Spain, contains numerous biotically diverse lensoid patch reefs that formed on a shelf to basin slope during a cycle of relative sea-level change. Halimeda reefs are the largest and most complex of the patch reefs and are divisible into core, cap, and flank facies. On the upper and midslope they are up to 40 m thick and 400 m long. They become smaller downslope. The core consists of jumbled Halimeda segments, released by spontaneous disaggregation of the alga. The segments were stabilized close to their sites of growth and rapidly lithified by micritic and peloidal microbial crusts. Residual cavities were further veneered by isopachous marine cements. Flank facies, consisting of bedded packstones to rudstones, form wedge-shaped units lateral to the mounds. Cap facies consist of bioclastic calcarenites/calcirudites and microbial carbonates. Synsedimentary lithification assisted rapid accretion and inhibited off-mound export of sediment. Allochthonous reef-derived blocks on the mid-slope reflect penecontemporaneous rigidity of the Halimeda bioherms. Proximal Porites coral frame patch reefs associated with calcarenites were located near the shelf margin during the initial lowstand stage. Halimeda segment reefs associated with calcarenites and silty marls developed on the midslope and bivalve-bryozoan-serpulid reefs formed on the lower slope in silty marls with occasional turbidites. During the transgressive stage, coral patch reefs near the shelfbreak were overgrown by Halimeda. During highstand progradation, cap facies spread basinward as a sheet connecting many of the midslope patch reefs. These ancient analogues differ from most modern Halimeda reefs in being discrete laterally restricted patch reefs, surrounded by marly sediment, and located on a slope. They are, however, broadly comparable in biota, thickness, and depositional depth. Intense early lithification by microbial crusts and marine cements is an important feature of these Messinian segment reefs. It has not been reported from modern examples.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地柯坪地区奥陶系发育浅水碳酸盐岩台地、深水陆棚-盆地两大类沉积体系和局限台地、开阔台地、陆棚和盆地等4种相类型。通过露头剖面的详细观察,在该区识别出局部暴露不整合和淹没不整合两类层序界面,以此为依据将该区奥陶系划分为9个三级层序。通过对层序格架内碳同位素和元素地球化学组成分析表明,不同层序界面及层序内不同体系域的δ13C和元素地球化学组成有明显的差异,并呈现出有规律性变化,反映出该区奥陶纪发生了多次海平面升降变化。研究表明同位素和地球化学特征可以作为层序地层学研究的辅助标志。  相似文献   

No counterparts to epeiric-sea carbonate ramps are known in present-day environments. This hinders the interpretation of the factors controlling the growth and evolution of these depositional settings. In this study we analyse the facies and geometries of two Jurassic examples both from outcrop study and through computer modelling. This analysis is constrained by two important features of these Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian ramps: firstly, they are very well exposed, allowing accurate reconstruction of a 200-km section from proximal to distal ramp environments, and, secondly, a time framework for correlation, section reconstruction and modelling is provided by a well-defined ammonite biostratigraphy. The modelling results in a synthetic stratigraphy which closely matches the reconstructed cross-sections and, when integrated with the field study, constrains and provides additional quantitative data on the following aspects of carbonate ramp systems. Resedimentation by storms is an important process in maintaining the ramp profile through time. Down-ramp transport distances of between 25 and 40 km are indicated from the distribution of storm beds and shallow-water allochems and from model-matching known stratigraphic thicknesses and geometries. Modelling sediment production within the time constraints from the ammonite biozones indicates that shallow-water carbonate production was 1–2 orders of magnitude less than that predicted for present-day open-marine carbonate platforms. Deeper-water production rates were reduced by lesser amounts. These proportionally higher, outer-ramp production rates also help to maintain ramp geometries through time. The enigmatic slope crest of ramps is shown to result from a combination of higher, shallow-water production and erosion rates, together with loss of accommodation during highstands and high-stillstands in the modelled sea-level curves. The most parsimonious modelling of the two ramp sequences comes from a relative sea-level curve composed of a linear subsidence component superposed by 20- and 100-kyr cycles on a third-order cycle. The third-order cycles and their timing do not correspond to those of the Exxon curve.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Zerrissene Turbidite Complex of central-western Namibia comprises five turbiditic units. From the base to the top they are the Zebrapüts Formation (greywacke and pelite), Brandberg West Formation (marble and pelite), Brak River Formation (greywacke and pelite with dropstones), Gemsbok River Formation (marble and pelite) and Amis River Formation (greywacke and pelites with rare carbonates and quartz-wacke).In the Lower Ugab River valley, five siliciclastic facies were recognised in the Brak River Formation. These are massive and laminated sandstones, classical turbidites (thick- and thin-bedded), mudrock, rare conglomerate and breccia. For the carbonate Gemsbok River Formation four facies were identified including massive non-graded and graded calcarenite, fine grained evenly bedded blue marble and calcareous mudrock. Most of these facies are also present in the other siliciclastic units of the Zerrissene Turbidite Complex as observed in other areas.The vertical facies association of the siliciclastic Brak River Formation is interpreted as representing sheet sand lobe to lobe-fringe palaeoenvironment with the abandonment of siliciclastic deposition at the top of the succession. The vertical facies association of the carbonate Gemsbok Formation is interpreted as the slope apron succession overlain by periplatform facies, suggesting a carbonate slope sedimentation of a prograding depositional shelf margin.If the siliciclastic–carbonate paired succession would represent a lowstand relative sea-level and highstand relative sea-level, respectively, the entire turbidite succession of the Zerrissene Turbidite Complex can be interpreted as three depositional sequences including two paired siliciclastic–carbonate units (Zebrapüts-Brandberg West formations; Brak River–Gemsbok formations) and an incomplete succession without carbonate at the top (Amis River Formation).  相似文献   

The carbonate platform of the Upper Permian Wegener Halvø Formation in the Karstryggen area of central East Greenland is an example of a carbonate system with low production rates (2–3 cm kyr–1) and differs from most other carbonate platforms by the lack of well-developed highstand progradation. The platform consists of three depositional sequences that formed in response to Kazanian sea-level cycles. Pinning point curves for the subaerial exposure surfaces separating the depositional sequences quantify the amplitude of the relative sea-level fluctuations in the range of 70–140 m. The platform developed on the karstified surface of an older Permian carbonate platform with a topographic relief locally exceeding 70 m. The predepositional relief influenced deposition in all three sequences. Transgressive systems tracts are thin and commonly dominated by condensed siliciclastic deposits in off-platform areas and palaeo-lows. Over palaeotopographic highs they consist of aggrading cementstones. Highstand deposits are limited to palaeotopographic elevated areas and consist of cementstone build-ups along the basin margin, and shallow subtidal to intertidal carbonates and evaporites in the platform area. Elsewhere, carbonate deposition took place during falling sea-level, and thin laterally extensive units of shallow-marine grainstones rest directly on top of deeper marine shales in the two first sequences, whereas thick prograding units of oolitic grainstones form the forced regressive systems tract of the uppermost sequence.  相似文献   

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