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Pasta is as much an institution as a food in Italy, where it has made a significant contribution to national culture. Its historical geography is one of strong regional variations based on climate, social factors, and diffusion patterns. These are considered herein; a taxonomy of pasta types is presented and illustrated in a series of maps that show regional variations. The classification scheme divides pasta into eight classes based on morphology and, where appropriate, filling. These include the spaghetti and tubular families, pasta shells, ribbon forms, short pasta, very small or “micropasta” types, the ravioli family of filled pasta, and the dumpling family, which includes gnocchi. Three patterns of diffusion of pasta types are identified: by sea, usually from the Mezzogiorno and Sicily, locally through adjacent regions, and outwards from the main centers of adoption. Many dry pasta forms are native to the south and center of Italy, while filled pasta of the ravioli family predominates north of the Apennines. Changes in the geography of pasta are reviewed and analyzed in terms of the modern duality of culture and commercialism.  相似文献   

陕西文学地理分异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁璐 《地理科学》2008,28(1):100-106
文学地理学是从地域的角度,用空间的观点来分析研究文学。通过对形成现当代陕西文学地域差异的自然地理因素与人文地理因素研究,探索文学空间分异机制,构建文学地理学相应的理论框架。文学地域差异中最重要的方面是文学发展程度和文学风格的差异。陕西文学发展程度存在地域不平衡,其中地理条件优越,经济、文化发达地区以及交通要道、文化交流较多的地区多是文学发展程度较高的地区。自然景观的单调与繁复除直接影响着文风的质朴与瑰丽外,更多的通过在地理环境基础上形成的有着独特区域特点的经济类型、生活方式,以及由此所衍生的民风民性等方面曲折地影响着文学家,进而影响其风格。文学的这种空间分异性使文学表现出明显的地域差异。  相似文献   

Regions and western europe   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(1):306-316

Regional geography is undergoing important changes in its method of study in order to achieve a greater degree of relevancy in the context of a dynamic global system. Effective knowledge of regional identities can no longer be confined to facts that establish patterns, it also demands a critical appreciation of processes and spatial interrelationships. Western Europe is taken as a case study to reflect this new approach to regional geography, Despite the complexity of this major world region, two basic models are proposed as a basis on which to develop detailed study. Essential patterns of Western Europe are established through six generalizations: location; quality of the environment; industrialization; urban development and trade; population and culture; and the European Community/European Union. Processes and interrelations are reviewed through a core-periphery model. Changing regional patterns are highlighted which suggest a movement away from a national focus for regional study to one which is more international.  相似文献   

梳理了中国改革开发以来对艺术地理的相关研究,分别对文学地理、戏曲地理、音乐地理、美术地理以及书法地理5个研究内容与文化生态、文化区、文化景观、文化传播与整合5个研究主题进行了回顾,简要总结了中国国内的艺术地理研究的进程。在此基础上,探析今后中国艺术地理研究的视角和走向,认为应在研究内容以及研究方法上有所突破,研究方向应兼顾纵向和横向两方面,并提出了中国艺术地理未来的发展方向应该是多方合作的应用性、实用性的发展方向。  相似文献   

自然地理学、地球表层学和综合地理学   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
综合自然地理学一方面自分区扩展到土地类型和地段的研究;另一方面扩大为地球表层的综合研究,走向综合地理学、建设地理学、全息地理学等方面研究。地理学要从区域第一转向理论第一,促使发展理论地理学,还要开展元地理学研究。  相似文献   

中国人文地理综合区划   总被引:16,自引:12,他引:16  
中国人文地理综合区划是以中国自然地理要素的地域分异规律为基础,充分考虑全国人文要素的地域分异性和相似性,将全国划分为不同空间层级、相对独立完整、并具有有机联系的特色人文地理单元。是一项基础性、综合性、前沿性与实用性的重要工作。通过人文地理综合区划,将突出中国人文地理要素的地域分异性、地方特色性和复杂多样性,因地制宜地推动人文地理学科发展,为面向国家和地方发展战略需求推动“一带一路”建设、新型城镇化和生态文明建设、为营造重点地区良好的地缘政治环境提供基础性的科学支撑。本文在吸纳已有的各类自然和人文地理区划成果的基础上,按照综合性、主导性、自然环境相对一致性、经济社会发展相对一致性、地域文化景观一致性、空间分布连续性与县级行政区划完整性等原则,以自然、经济、人口、文化、民族、农业、交通、城镇化、聚落景观和行政区划10大要素为基础划分依据,构建中国人文地理综合区划指标体系,采用自上而下与自下而上相结合的区划思路和空间聚类分析方法,将中国人文地理划分为东北人文地理大区Ⅰ、华北人文地理大区Ⅱ、华东人文地理大区Ⅲ、华中人文地理大区Ⅳ、华南人文地理大区Ⅴ、西北人文地理大区Ⅵ、西南人文地理大区Ⅶ和青藏人文地理大区Ⅷ共8个人文地理大区和66个人文地理区。该区划方案填补了中国人文地理没有综合区划的空白。各个人文地理大区和各个人文地理区之间呈现出不同的地形地貌属性、气候属性、生态属性、人口属性、城镇化属性、经济发展属性、聚落景观属性、地域文化属性和民族宗教属性。中国人文地理综合区划方案与已经划出的中国自然地理综合区划、中国经济区划、中国农业区划等有较大程度的吻合性,体现出在自然与人文要素双重作用下的中国人文地理综合区划的地域分异规律。  相似文献   

The benefits of a regional or thematic approach to the study and presentation of world geography have long been debated. The goal to not to reimagine these debates or to promote one approach over another; the aim is to explore how world geography courses are currently being taught in American universities. By polling and sharing information about course structures, topics, and forms of evaluation, an open dialogue between instructors that will improve teaching strategies and student comprehension is encouraged.  相似文献   

熊梅 《地理科学进展》2013,32(8):1296-1304
地理学的区域研究传统由来已久,后形成了独立的分支学科——区域地理学,经历了古代地志的分区书写、区域差异的描述解释、空间关系的定量分析和社会过程的深度建构4 个阶段的发展过程。区域地理学演进中遭遇的计量革命与理论创新,实质上是对传统区域学派过分强调区域所导致的静止、孤立的研究僵局的打破与修正,是区域地理学不断总结和完善自身的发展之路。区域历史地理学的学科性质、研究范式与研究内容和方法深受区域地理学的影响和启发,并形成了连续的地理剖面复原研究、区域的景观文化生态研究、区位与结构—功能体系研究和分区分类分级的综合研究等多个分支。与西方相比,中国区域历史地理学的研究在研究内容和方法方面显得比较滞后,今后应加强对特定地方的社会、文化及经济空间的深度剖析,进一步深化人地关系理论及研究方法,不断拓展研究思维的深度和广度,争取有更多、更有影响力的区域历史地理研究成果问世。  相似文献   

近年我国文化地理学研究的新进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
朱竑  司徒尚纪 《地理科学》1999,19(4):338-343
以改革开放以来中国文化地理学的进展作了综述,在评述了其理论体系构建及主要通论性菱的基础上,按文化景观,文化生态、等几个主要对我国文化地理学的发展进行了全面阐述。  相似文献   

This report analyses a decade of geography scholarship student entry and achievement data (n = 10,205) to reveal patterns and trends of high‐achieving school students. The study is an exploratory analysis, the aim of which is to describe where the greatest scholarship success has occurred, as well as attendant demographic characteristics of New Zealand's most capable geography students and their schools. Emerging from the regions is a localised story of students from an extremely narrow number of schools achieving disproportionate scholarship success. This raises questions in the wider geography teaching community about the possibility of a broader constituency achieving scholarship awards.  相似文献   

The comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography is based on the rules governing regional differentiation of Chinese physical geographic factors. Based on regional differences and similarities in human factors, this study divides the whole country into two levels of relatively independent, complete and organically linked human geographic units. As a fundamental, comprehensive, cutting-edge, practical and important task, the comprehensive regionalization of human geography highlights the characteristics, regional and sub-regional features, complexity and variety of spatial differences between factors of Chinese human geography. It is capable of promoting the development of human geography based on local conditions, providing basic scientific support to national and local development strategies, such as the Belt and Road Strategy, new urbanization and environmental awareness, and creating a sound geopolitical environment in key areas. Using results from existing physical and human geographic zoning studies, and in accordance with the principles of synthesis, dominant factors, the relative consistency of the natural environment, the relative consistency of social and economic development, the consistency of the regional cultural landscape, the continuity of spatial distribution and the integrity of county-level administrative divisions, and taking as its basis the division of human geography into 10 major factors (nature, economy, population, culture, ethnicity, agriculture, transportation, urbanization, the settlement landscape and administrative divisions), this paper constructs an index system for the comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography through a combination of top-down and bottom-up zoning and spatial clustering analysis. In this study, Chinese human geography is divided into eight regions and 66 sub-regions. The eight human geography regions are (I) Northeast China, (II) North China, (III) East China, (IV) Central China, (V) South China, (VI) Northwest China, (VII) Southwest China, and (VIII) Qinghai and Tibet. This zoning proposal fills gaps in studies involving the non-comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography. Each human geography region and sub-region has different topographical, climatic, ecological, population, urbanization, economic development, settlement landscape, regional cultural and ethno-religious attributes. This proposal on the comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography dovetails closely with previous studies on comprehensive regionalization in Chinese physical geography, Chinese economic zoning, and Chinese agricultural zoning. It shows that, under the dual roles of nature and humans, there are certain rules of regional differentiation that govern the comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography.  相似文献   

人文地理学学科体系与发展战略要点   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
樊杰  赵鹏军  周尚意  邓祥征  王琛 《地理学报》2021,76(9):2083-2093
本文属于《中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)》地理科学学科规划的系列成果之一,写作组在对人文地理学学科发展进行系统梳理与分析判研的基础上,在本文中侧重介绍未来15年的中国人文地理学学科体系与发展战略要点。人文地理学是研究人类活动地理分布格局形成和演变规律的一门学科。随着人类发展临近和进入后工业化阶段,人类活动的经济社会过程对人文地理分布规律的影响越来越重要,社会科学研究思维和方法已成为探讨和理解变化的人文地理过程和格局的重要途径,人文地理学研究方法论也呈现出自然科学和社会科学综合集成的特色。人文地理学研究的成果产出,揭示了人类活动地理分布格局和演变的科学规律,成为调控和优化国土空间开发保护格局的科学基础,在国土空间规划、区域战略和区域政策制定、空间治理现代化等方面有着广泛的应用,人文地理学的科学研究与决策应用之间具有紧密的关系。根据学科发展现状、趋势及主要产出结果,中国人文地理学可按照5个分支学科群进行学科战略布局,包括综合人文地理学、经济地理学、城市地理学、乡村地理学、社会文化地理学和政治地理学。各分支学科在新时期地理科学学科体系下,具有其优先发展领域与重点方向,相互协调,不断创新。  相似文献   

地理学的政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘云刚 《地理研究》2013,32(11):2170-2175
中国地理学的发展当前正处于十字路口,面临诸多方向的选择。如外生地理学和内生地理学的分化,实用主义和科学主义的混行,系统地理学和区域地理学的脱节,经济地理学和人文地理学的互为归属。这些问题悬而不决使地理学的向心力逐渐弱化,地理学者不得不面对诸多学科发展方向上的困扰,以及对学科规范和学术认同上的困惑。笔者以为,此时“搁置争议”并不是办法。为了学科的长远发展,中国的地理学家和地理学会必须做出一些选择。坚持一元还是认同分化,这即是地理学的政治。  相似文献   

周尚意  洪睿哲 《地理学报》2021,76(12):2929-2943
不少学者探究文化研究与经济学、经济地理学研究的关系,但是关于地域文化如何影响空间集聚的讨论还不够深入。本文选择克鲁格曼的核心—外围模型(CP模型),采用经济学常规的模型逻辑演绎方法,辅助文献论据,探讨地域文化如何与该模型结合,从而参与解释产业集聚的过程。主要结论为:① 地域文化不但可以影响CP模型中的τ,也可以影响μρ。文化地理学者只有开展区域文化的比较研究,才能将地域文化转变为CP模型中的参数,从而理解文化对区域经济差异的影响。② 根据CP模型的(i, j)地点,提出了适用于CP模型的地域文化单元。在无法将地域文化定量为绝对值的情况下,可以考虑以相对值来定量化,从而支撑聚集趋势分析,但不能支撑集聚准确强度的分析。③ 地域文化研究与CP模型的关联无法揭示区域不均衡发展关系的本质,亦不能唤起人们对文化霸权、拜物教、异化的警觉。因此文化地理学在与经济地理学结合的同时,还有自己独立的学术目标。  相似文献   

As geographic literacy training is an essential content for Chinese citizens’ literacy education,national geographical education is one of the indispensable key aspects of that training.Because of China’s vast land area and the significance of the regional differences,it is difficult for students to receive a solid education regarding China’s geography.In 1902,the government established the geography curriculum and began to incorporate the concept of geographical regionalization to facilitate the teaching of China’s geography by publishing the first syllabi,which was modified later and put into use in 1904.Since 1904,numerous geography textbooks have attempted to find an appropriate way to present China’s geographical regionalization,as it is important for secondary students to have a clear understanding and appreciation for the different regional characteristics.Accordingly,the geographical regionalization content is divided into four main phases:1902 to 1927;1928 to 1948;1949 to 1986;and 1986 to the present.During these phases,the content related to China’s geographical regionalization in secondary middle school geography textbooks has been gradually simplified and has adopted a more scientific foundation,thus leading to the present time where there are now four geographical regional areas.From this historical study,we find that while China’s geographical regionalization has gradually matured,there are still some problems.For example,dividing the study into four regions to describe the panorama of China is too simplified,and the learning therefore becomes too scattered and haphazard,particularly given the new curriculum reform.  相似文献   

Deng  Xiangzheng  Jin  Gui  He  Shujin  Wang  Chengxin  Li  Zhaohua  Wang  Zhanqi  Song  Malin  Yang  Qingyuan  Zhang  Anlu  Chen  Jiancheng 《地理学报(英文版)》2021,31(3):437-455
In this paper,we review the research progress in development geography since the 20th century,focusing on its connotation and theory,fields,methods,and development trends.Specifically,we systematically review the research and applications of development geography,comprising fields such as the convergence of underdeveloped countries and re-gions,and the convergence of the process of improving the quality of life in developed coun-tries and regions.Then,based on an analysis of research progress in development geogra-phy in foreign countries,we examine the development conditions and disciplinary advantages of development geography in China.Further,we highlight that future development geography research in China should focus on the latest international academic research and China's national macro-strategic needs.Future research in development geography should be guided by the theory of sustainable development,the core of which is to improve sustainable liveli-hood capacity and regional green development levels in underdeveloped regions.This core includes the construction of industrial policy and development geography theory,as well as an interdisciplinary integrated research system.The focus must be placed on researching the spatial patterns,diffusion characteristics,and the convergence mechanism of regional de-velopment.Such a focus will facilitate exploration of the regulatory policies and scientific paths that serve regional economic construction and industrial development.  相似文献   

后现代主义对人文地理学发展的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许然  司徒尚纪 《热带地理》2005,25(3):220-223,227
形成于上世纪70年代的后现代主义对人文地理学发展产生了深刻的影响。对科学技术和理性的反动导致非理性主义的泛滥。从结构主义到后结构主义以及把人文地理学研究当作一个文本解构、阅读和建构的过程为我们提供了新的方法论视野。非理性的人本主义的发展为解决区域问题提供了新的思路;整体的人地观和新区域地理学加强了对地方及历史、文化的重视;后现代思潮对全球和地区问题的关注是可持续发展思想的重要源泉。后现代主义对城市和区域规划的影响主要可归结为个性化、多元化和人本化趋势。  相似文献   


This study provides empirical information about the extent of geography instruction present in history classrooms. Techniques of protocol analysis were applied to oral references to geography made by teachers and students in 44 U. S. and European history lessons in several grades. The references were coded according to GENIP' s five themes plus a sixth coding category for explicit references to maps. Two types of references were found: passing references, which merely mentioned a geographic issue or feature, and substantive references, in which geography was taught or played a substantial role. That 550 geographic references occur in these lessons may explain why so many history teachers believe that they are adequately integrating geography and history. However, 75 percent of all the references were passing and not substantive. We conclude that the core epistemological events for learning and reasoning in, about, and with geography are not being taught adequately in history lessons.  相似文献   

嵌入性视角下创意产业发展研究述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
伴随经济地理学发展的制度、文化及关系转向,新经济社会学中的“嵌入性”理论在经济地理学研究中得到广泛应用。以创意产业发展研究为例,首先分析了嵌入性概念在经济地理学界的运用和发展状况;其次,结合创意产业特性,从经济地理学学科发展的层面,探讨了从嵌入性视角开展创意产业发展研究的必要性;然后,从文化制度嵌入、地域嵌入、网络嵌入3 个维度,对国内外创意产业相关文献进行梳理和回顾,并对该领域研究成果进行了总结和评述;最后,对未来的创意产业的相关研究提出展望,并进一步指出,区域经济的嵌入性研究,既是中国学者参与国际经济地理学理论构建、对话和争辩的重要领域,也是推进主流经济地理学本土化建设的重要方向。  相似文献   

现代物流经济与经济地理学   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
经济地理学应由重视经济过程的产生和消费,转向重视整个经济过程的研究,尤其要注重过去一直在我国被忽视的流通领域的研究。现代物流产业的发展是流通领域的一次革命。经济地理学应积极参与现代物流经济研究,主要包括:创建物流地理学;从全球供应链的理论出发,深化生产区位理论;加强物流产业及地域系统的规划研究;充分考虑物流产业巨大的发展潜力,更新区域发展研究内容。  相似文献   

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