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Over the past two decades, feminist geographers have contributed in critical ways to thinking on the conduct, complications, and consequences of feminist research. The robust existing body of work is testament to the foundational import of these contributions, but the articles in this Focus Section suggest that there are still important things to argue, talk about, and reflect on with regard to the epistemological aspects of doing feminist geography. These six articles bring together real-life examples of complex issues that feminist researchers in geography face today, with the overarching aim of sparking discussions about the relationship between feminist research and knowledge production. Specifically, the articles expand key concepts facilitating reflexive processes and offer new tools for feminist researchers. This Introduction reviews the existing literature pertaining to both of these goals, and summarizes and situates the articles that follow.  相似文献   

Feminist geography and political geography still represent two solitudes within the discipline. While increased traffic between these different parts of the discipline points to a degree of intellectual engagement, there remains a paucity of feminist thought in political geography. This article examines recent scholarship on feminist political geography, with a view to applying its insights to the struggles to protest and end political violence. The concept of feminist geopolitics is employed and recast, both as a bridging concept between feminist and political geography and as an analytical approach that has political valence in the context of the war in Iraq. Feminist geopolitics is revisited in this article, but remains a critical analytic in relation to body counts and other casualties in war zones.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步与发展,教育、经济等资源配置更加趋向于性别平衡,女性地位不断提升,女性群体开始逐步受到各界学者的广泛关注,女性主义地理学也成为地理学中一个新兴的研究热点。本研究采用知识图谱分析和传统文献研究相结合的方法,借助CiteSpace软件通过知识图谱分析了1978—2018年间女性主义地理学研究的关键词与不同阶段的研究主题,归纳了当前女性主义地理学研究的重点,提出了中国女性主义地理学研究的框架和未来研究方向。研究结果表明:①女性主义地理学逐渐进入大众视野并具有明显的跨学科特点,其研究在不同时期以不同主题为研究重点,整体来看阶段性特征比较突出;②研究主题上,目前国内女性主义地理学主要围绕五大主题展开,但研究的广度和深度仍待进一步加强;③研究视角上,西方更注重女性在空间中的情感体验,国内则更关注由于女性角色的不同而形成的时空行为模式。今后,女性主义地理学研究应进一步革新数据获取方式,对多元化研究主体给予更多学术关注。  相似文献   


Feminist geography and political geography still represent two solitudes within the discipline. While increased traffic between these different parts of the discipline points to a degree of intellectual engagement, there remains a paucity of feminist thought in political geography. This article examines recent scholarship on feminist political geography, with a view to applying its insights to the struggles to protest and end political violence. The concept of feminist geopolitics is employed and recast, both as a bridging concept between feminist and political geography and as an analytical approach that has political valence in the context of the war in Iraq. Feminist geopolitics is revisited in this article, but remains a critical analytic in relation to body counts and other casualties in war zones.  相似文献   

Much recent feminist geographical scholarship emphasizes the utility of qualitative research methods; yet, a significant proportion of feminist research in geography is quantitative. Geographers' engagement with the ideas of feminist theorists has shed new light on the relationship between epistemology, methodology, and objectivity, which in turn has facilitated a reexamination of feminist uses of quantification. In providing a context for the debate over quantitative and qualitative methods, we argue that each has a place in feminist geographical research.  相似文献   

西方情绪地理学研究进展与启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
情绪地理越来越成为人文地理研究的重要领域,从地理视角开展情绪的研究,有助于深化对场所空间的理解和认识,从而推动人本化的地理研究。文章首先回顾了西方情绪地理学发展的历程,并总结为初步探索阶段(1950年代~2000年)、快速发展阶段(2000~2009年)和多元化发展阶段(2010年至今)等三个阶段的发展特征。在此基础上,分别从场所空间的情绪特征、情绪空间格局的作用机制、情绪的空间分布与可视化研究等方面对西方情绪地理学研究的主要内容进行详细阐述。文章进一步指出,目前以西方为主导的情绪地理学研究体系已初步建立,情绪地理学研究呈现出研究视角的创新性、研究技术的多样性和研究内容的跨学科特征。相比西方国家,我国情绪地理学研究才刚刚起步,迫切需要从多学科视角开展研究,结合不同的情绪数据,重点探索情绪与建成环境互动耦合关系,进而为城市空间功能提升和内涵丰富提供决策参考。  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to the set of articles presented in the focus section Women in Geography in the 21st Century. The paper argues that feminist geographers should view their professional biographies in a structure-agency context. Such a theoretical perspective views events that are commonly thought to be unique and attributable to individual merit or foible as the outcome instead of interactions between actors and social structures. Creating genuinely equal opportunities in geography departments for women and others who are different from the able-bodied, middle-class, white heterosexual male model of “the geographer” depends upon challenges to and transformations of the structures which bear on the discipline, rather than solely upon individual initiative.  相似文献   

女性主义地理学观及其思想史意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文从本体论、认识论和方法论3个层面讨论了女性主义地理学观的建构,并说明了女性主义地理学对更新地理学观的意义,以及对当代主流人文地理学思潮的潜在影响。在本体论层面上,女性主义地理学一直直面西方传统社会文化思想中的等级制性别化二元论,建构了主张女性和男性在建构社会及社会空间中具有交互性关系的本体论。在认识论和方法论层面上,女性主义地理学证明了女性及其空间在西方社会中处于弱势的认识论和方法论根源,动摇了实证主义地理学认识论和方法论中永恒性、普遍性、客观性的预设,阐释了地理学认知过程中情感等主观因素的可靠性,并建构了“去中心化”的认识论和方法论框架。无论在本体论还是在认识论和方法论层面上,当前的女性主义地理学主流思潮都有一定的中和性色彩,这一倾向使女性主义地理学在地理学观演进,以及以人文地理学思想为代表的地理学思想演进中,都具有重要的位置。西方女性主义地理学的兴盛,与其直面西方的社会文化思想根源问题不无关联。在中国女性主义地理学开始发展的当下,注重分析中国女性及其空间问题产生的社会文化思想根源,将有助于中国女性主义地理学的发展,并提升其潜在的价值。  相似文献   

西方女性地理学的发展与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方女性地理学源自对地理学研究中忽视女性独特经验的性别主义取向以及对学科中缺少女性参与的双重不满而兴起的,大致经历了初始阶段、蓬勃发展阶段和更加多元化3个发展阶段共30余年的发展历史,并逐步走向了成熟。它着眼于女性不同于男性的独特经验及女性内部间的差异性,提供了以女性主义的视角来分析研究问题的新的发展领域。改革开放以来,由于单位制的解体,中国女性的整体地位不升反降,女性问题日益成为学者们研究的热点。女性地理学无论是对中国地理学的发展还是对女性问题的研究都有重大的启示作用,理应加以重视并作更深入的研究。  相似文献   

Despite the long existence of port geography research, there has been no systematic investigation on its evolution and research trends. Hence, through investigating 155 port geography articles featured in geography journals between 1956 and 2011, this article studied the evolution and research trends of port geography. The article argues that port geography had gradually evolved from a secondary and encyclopedic subdiscipline within transport and human geographies to a primary and specialized one. Such a trend had blurred its “geographicalness,” however, with port geography moving toward the more applied and interdisciplinary transportation. The article also indicates that further research would be required to understand the communication between port geography and other disciplines, as well as philosophical and epistemological issues.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to the set of articles presented in the focus section Women in Geography in the 21st Century. The paper argues that feminist geographers should view their professional biographies in a structure‐agency context. Such a theoretical perspective views events that are commonly thought to be unique and attributable to individual merit or foible as the outcome instead of interactions between actors and social structures. Creating genuinely equal opportunities in geography departments for women and others who are different from the able‐bodied, middle‐class, white heterosexual male model of “the geographer” depends upon challenges to and transformations of the structures which bear on the discipline, rather than solely upon individual initiative.  相似文献   

西方创新地理研究的知识图谱可视化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,创新问题日益受到西方人文地理学者的关注,并成为西方人文地理学研究的新方向。本文选择WOS(Web of Science)作为文献搜索引擎,选取在创新主题下刊发文章最多的500本期刊中的14本被社会科学引文索引SSCI收录的地理学期刊作为文献来源,以1982-2015年共2048篇英语创新主题文献记录作为数据源,基于显示知识发展进程与结构关系的可视化工具CiteSpace对数据进行关键词共现分析和文献共被引分析,绘制了西方创新地理研究的知识图谱,实现了本领域热点主题、知识基础和演进轨迹的可视化。研究发现:西方创新地理研究近30年来发文量和新兴关键词数量增长显著,研究者分布形成西欧、北美两大核心地区,近期研究指向热点关键词技术、溢出、集聚、研发、企业家精神;拥有较为明显的演进主体,研究内容宽广,主题尚不集中,全球城市、全球蜂鸣、空间化模式、产业、生命周期、剑桥地区(或剑桥现象)、知识、产业发展、区域创新战略是建立在32篇高被引文献之上的9个热点主题;经济地理学导向明显,尤其受新区域主义、转向潮流、演化经济地理学的发展影响显著,具有较为清晰的发展脉络。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of an emerging theme within the subfield of nutritional geography we call the geography of malnutrition. Work relating to malnutrition is a high-priority research topic, with growing relevance to geographical concepts, but there is no overview of geographical approaches to this theme. Using keyword searches in Google Scholar and Web of Science to obtain relevant publications, we identified the major foci of work within this theme: undernutrition, diseases that cause malnutrition, the nutrition transition, and critical and feminist approaches to malnutrition. We review these foci, provide examples of prominent work, and identify areas of research concerning malnutrition that are highly spatial but have yet to be effectively studied using geographic techniques.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In 1973 Wilbur Zelinsky lamented and documented the low representation of women in American academic geography. His attention reflected the climate of the times—the challenges of the women's movement, affirmative action, and feminist activism in the professions. Drawing on archives and personal narratives, this article addresses the paradoxes and politics of women's place in American academic geography in the 1970s. As increasing numbers developed new aspirations for graduate education and professional work, stereotyping, discrimination, the lack of mentoring, and the challenges of a job market whose peak had passed presented difficulties. Yet persistence, resistance, and feminist political activism worked to advance women's professional standing and visibility, especially at the national level within the Association of American Geographers and in the development of new research and teaching on the geography of women.  相似文献   

1994-2003年我国旅游地理研究文献及其评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过搜集1994—2003年《地理学报》、《地理研究》等10种期刊发表的旅游地理文献,将10种期刊分为两大类,从文章的数量、基金资助、研究涉及区域、研究方法和研究内容等方面进行统计分析,揭示了中国旅游地理10a来的研究进展状况和特点。  相似文献   

Fieldwork has been an important component of human geography. A multi-decade analysis of articles in three major journals shows that human geographers since the mid-1970s have produced less fieldwork-based research than ever before in this century. The impetus for this unprecedented decline and other similar disciplinary trends are traced to several causes: demographic change, technological change, institutional pressures, and the resurgence of applied geography. Such fundamental change places disturbing questions before geographers.  相似文献   

身体、身体观以及人文地理学对身体的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
陶伟  王绍续  朱竑 《地理研究》2015,34(6):1173-1187
1970年代以来,伴随着消费主义和女权运动,身体研究在人文社会学科中兴起,一个被布莱恩·特纳(Bryan Turner)称之为“身体社会崛起”的时代来临了。身体研究成为西方人文与社会科学研究的“新大陆”,众多哲学家、社会理论学家纷纷投身于身体研究,重新解读了身体在认识世界和知识生产中的重要性。身体转向作为文化转向的一部分,同样受到了人文地理学家的关注。许多批判地理学家,如女性主义、马克思主义、反种族主义、后殖民主义、酷儿地理学家认为,身体研究是改善社会、文化、经济关系的可能途径。在“身体转向”的影响下,身体研究逐渐渗入到情感地理学、旅游地理学、乡村地理学等众多研究领域。与此同时,人文地理学家从人文社会科学中引入多种理论,如表演理论、精神分析法、非表征理论等对身体研究进行了探讨和阐释。基于这样的背景,梳理了西方人文地理学中有关身体研究的文献,归纳了人文地理学中身体研究的主要议题和理论,以及由此而展开的一系列具体的研究成果,此工作具有切实的学术意义并对后续相关研究的展开具有指导意义。  相似文献   

分形论、界壳论与山地研究理论及地理学创新和发展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在概述分形论、界壳论基本概念的基础上,首先探讨了二者对系统自组织理论的完善以及对深化山地研究和地理学研究的方法论意义;其次,总结了分形论、界壳论在山地理论和地理学中的已有应用,最后针对应用现状,对山地理论和地理学中理论的应用创新和发展提出了若干对策。  相似文献   

科学地理学的理论基础及其研究内容与学科性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在科学与技术是不同的知识形态,科学史研究的地理思潮转向,地理学向“软”的一面转向并关注社会,科学史研究的地理思潮倾向于关注“社会→地理→科学”关系的历史解释,地理学家在科学史的地理解释思想上的贡献等理论基础上,拙文主要阐述科学地理学这一新学科在建构“科学—地理—社会”关系体系上的独特性:①建构关注过去的、现在的及未来的“社会→地理→科学”关系;②践行“以任务带动学科”和“任务学科并重”的地理学发展方略,主要建构“科学→地理→社会”关系;③聚焦于科学活动因素的区域性,注重区域相关性分析方法论。基于这种独特性和地理学方法论精髓,科学地理学研究的内容体系包括:①科学研究及其组织与传播的时空结构;②科学研究及其组织与传播的时空结构与地理环境、经济、技术、社会、文化等结构要素的时空结构及其相互关系;③科学研究及其组织与传播对自然景观、社会景观、文化景观等的影响;④科学研究及其组织与传播对“人地关系地域系统”演进的影响。科学地理学的理论基础、建构“科学—地理—社会”关系的独特性和研究内容决定了科学地理学的交叉性、综合性和区域性,这与地理学特征是一致的,促进着现代地理学微观上的“深”化发展和宏观上的“综合”发展。  相似文献   

杜芳娟  周越  庄淑蓉  叶仕安 《地理学报》2019,74(11):2243-2259
西南地区以其独特的地理现象一直为国内外地理学者所关注。通过对《地理学报》创刊以来85年间西南地区研究的载文分析,可以管窥其研究脉络,并予未来研究以启示。结果表明:① 232篇论文囊括了地理研究的若干主题,但以地貌、气象气候、综合自然地理和生态环境发文量最大,而城市、民族、交通、健康则关注较少;② 研究经历了传统区域研究、任务带学科、承上启下和多元化发展4个阶段;③ 论文在数量和内容上的阶段性变化,既受国家时事格局影响,也受地理学科研究范式发展变化影响;④ 《地理学报》有关西南地区的载文具有很高的研究水平,无论是在学术视野还是研究方法手段上,区域的自然、人文、社会经济与生态环境等诸多研究都站在了学术研究前沿,代表了学界对西南地理的研究情况;⑤ 但西南地理研究论文增长速度远赶不上《地理学报》载文量增长,外来研究机构占比很大,本土力量弱;相较自然地理,人文地理研究也少而弱。可见,西南地理研究当从新区域地理视角重新审视这一地区传统与现代的碰撞、边界的接触与冲突和区际的联系与竞争,继续成就西南地区重要的地理意义。  相似文献   

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