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Redwood Creek, north coastal California, USA, has experienced dramatic changes in channel configuration since the 1950s. A series of large floods (in 1955, 1964, 1972 and 1975) combined with the advent of widespread commercial timber harvest and road building resulted in extensive erosion in the basin and contributed high sediment loads to Redwood Creek. Since 1975, no peak flows have exceeded a 5 year recurrence interval. Twenty years of cross-sectional survey data document the downstream movement of a ‘sediment wave’ in the lower 26 km of this gravel-bedded river at a rate of 800 to 1600 m a−1 during this period of moderately low flows. Higher transit rates are associated with reaches of higher unit stream power. The wave was initially deposited at a site with an abrupt decrease in channel gradient and increase in channel width. The amplitude of the wave has attenuated more than 1 m as it moved downstream, and the duration of the wave increased from eight years upstream to more than 20 years downstream. Channel aggradation and subsequent degradation have been accommodated across the entire channel bed. Channel width has not decreased significantly after initial channel widening from large (>25 year recurrence interval) floods. Three sets of longitudinal surveys of the streambed showed the highest increase in pool depths and frequency in a degrading reach, but even the aggrading reach exhibited some pool development through time. The aggraded channel bed switched from functioning as a sediment sink to a significant sediment source as the channel adjusted to high sediment loads. From 1980 to 1990, sediment eroded from temporary channel storage represented about 25 per cent of the total sediment load and 95 per cent of the bedload exported from the basin.  相似文献   

The mining of alluvial tin in the Ringarooma basin began in 1875, reached a peak in 1900–20, and had virtually ceased by 1982. During that time 40 million m3 of mining waste were supplied to the main river, quickly replacing the natural bed material and requiring major adjustments to the channel. Based on estimates of sediment supply from more than 50 widely scattered mines and the frequency of flows capable of transporting the introduced load, the river's transport history is reconstructed using a mass-conservation model. Because of the lengthy time period (110 years) and river distance (75 km) involved, the model cannot predict detailed change but it does reproduce the main pattern of sediment movement in which successive phases of aggradation and degradation progress downstream. Peak storage is predicted in that part of the river where braiding and anastomosis are best developed. Aggradation was most rapid in the upper reaches close to major supply points, becoming slower and later with distance downstream. Channel width increased by up to 300 per cent where the valley floor was broad and braiding became relatively common. Bridges had frequently to be replaced. While bed levels were still rising in lower reaches, degradation began in upper ones, notably after 1950, and by 1984 had progressed downriver over 30 km. Rates of incision reached 0·5 m yr?1, especially in the early 1970s when record high flows occurred. As a result of degradation the bed material became gravelly through either reexposure of the original bed or lag concentration of coarser fractions. Also a narrower unbraided channel has developed. The river is beginning to heal itself and upper reaches now have reasonably stable beds but at least another 50 years will be required for the river to cleanse its channel of mining debris.  相似文献   

We use field measurements and airborne LiDAR data to quantify the potential effects of valley geometry and large wood on channel erosional and depositional response to a large flood (estimated 150-year recurrence interval) in 2011 along a mountain stream. Topographic data along 3 km of Biscuit Brook in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA reveal repeated downstream alternations between steep, narrow bedrock reaches and alluvial reaches that retain large wood, with wood loads as high as 1261 m3 ha−1. We hypothesized that, within alluvial reaches, geomorphic response to the flood, in the form of changes in bed elevation, net volume of sediment eroded or aggraded, and grain size, correlates with wood load. We hypothesized that greater wood load corresponds to lower modelled average velocity and less channel-bed erosion during the flood, and finer median bed grain size and a lower gradation coefficient of bed sediment. The results partly support this hypothesis. Wood results in lower reach-average modelled velocity for the 2011 flood, but the magnitude of change in channel-bed elevation after the 2011 flood among alluvial and bedrock reaches does not correlate with wood load. Wood load does correlate with changes in sediment volume and bed substrate, with finer grain size and smaller sediment gradation in reaches with more wood. The proportion of wood in jams is a stronger predictor of bed grain-size characteristics than is total wood load. We also see evidence of a threshold: greater wood load correlates with channel aggradation at wood loads exceeding approximately 200 m3 ha−1. In this mountain stream, abundant large wood in channel reaches with alluvial substrate creates lower velocity that results in finer bed material and, when wood load exceeds a threshold, reach scale increases in aggradation. This suggests that reintroducing small amounts of wood or one logjam for river restoration will have limited geomorphic effects. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamics of sediment transport capacity in gravel‐bed rivers is critical to understanding the formation and preservation of fluvial landforms and formulating sediment‐routing models in drainage systems. We examine transport‐storage relations during cycles of aggradation and degradation by augmenting observations of three events of channel aggradation and degradation in Cuneo Creek, a steep (3%) gravel‐bed channel in northern California, with measurements from a series of flume runs modeling those events. An armored, single‐thread channel was formed before feed rates were increased in each aggradation run. Output rates increased as the channel became finer and later widened, steepened, and braided. After feed rates were cut, output rates remained high or increased in early stages of degradation as the incising channel remained fine‐grained, and later decreased as armoring intensified. If equilibrium was not reached before sediment feed rate was cut, then a rapid transition from a braided channel to a single‐thread channel caused output rates for a given storage volume to be higher during degradation than during aggradation. Variations in channel morphology, and surface bed texture during runs that modeled the three cycles of aggradation and degradation were similar to those observed in Cuneo Creek and provide confidence in interpretations of the history of change: Cuneo Creek aggraded rapidly as it widened, shallowed, and braided, then degraded rapidly before armoring stabilized the channel. Such morphology‐driven changes in transport capacity may explain the formation of flood terraces in proximal channels. Transport‐storage relations can be expected to vary between aggradation and degradation and be influenced by channel conditions at the onset of changes in sediment supply. Published in 2011. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Intensive field monitoring of a reach of upland gravel‐bed river illustrates the temporal and spatial variability of in‐channel sedimentation. Over the six‐year monitoring period, the mean bed level in the channel has risen by 0·17 m with a maximum bed level rise of 0·5 m noted at one location over a five month winter period. These rapid levels of aggradation have a profound impact on the number and duration of overbank flows with flood frequency increasing on average 2·6 times and overbank flow time increasing by 12·8 hours. This work raises the profile of coarse sediment transfer in the design and operation of river management, specifically engineering schemes. It emphasizes the need for the implementation of strategic monitoring programmes before engineering work occurs to identify zones where aggradation is likely to be problematic. Exploration of the sediment supply and transfer system can explain patterns of channel sedimentation. The complex spatial, seasonal and annual variability in sediment supply and transfer raise uncertainties into the system's response to potential changes in climate and land‐use. Thus, there is a demand for schemes that monitor coarse sediment transfer and channel response. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River channel sedimentation in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River can be affected by both changes in sea level and changes in solid discharge from the upper river. To evaluate dynamic changes of sedimentation and erosion in the Jiangsu reach of the Yangtze River (about 330 km in length) from 1959 to 2003, databases were designed and constructed using a digital elevation model (DEM) of channel topography based on the Jiangsu River Relief Map for 1959, 1970, 1985, 1992, and 2003. The results indicated that the main course of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province had experienced an obvious switch from sedimentation to erosion status around 1985 because of the decreasing amount of solid load from the upper parts of the river channel after that year. The sedimentation process in the main course of the Jiangsu reach of the Yangtze River demonstrated the propulsive process of ‘downstream‐ward aggradations.’ Between 1985 and 2003, the erosion rate of the lower segment was greater than those of the middle and upper segments; this is probably because both channel flow and tide current had influenced the lower segment. When channel flow combines with tide current in the same direction, channel erosion can be intensified, especially if there is a solid load shortage in the channel. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

小浪底水库于1999年运用以后,该河道经历了长时间持续冲刷过程.为掌握小浪底水库运用后黄河尾闾段洪水演进特点及河床冲淤规律,采用一维水沙数学模型研究是一条重要的途径.本研究首先采用浑水控制方程,建立了一维耦合水沙数学模型,并利用2003年利津-西河口段汛期实测水沙及汛前断面地形资料对该模型进行率定,计算的流量、水位及含沙量等过程与实测值吻合较好;然后采用2015年利津—汊3段汛期实测资料对该模型进行验证,结果显示水位与冲淤量计算值与实测值较为符合;最后基于2015年实测洪水过程,计算了若干组不同断面间距下的洪水演进及冲淤过程,分析了不同断面间距对沿程水位及河段冲淤量等计算结果的影响,结果表明:采用不同断面间距对水位计算结果影响较小,而对冲淤量计算结果会产生一定影响;在河段水沙及冲淤特性复杂的情况下,采用一维数学水沙模型计算时应考虑断面间距的选择.  相似文献   

Morphological features of braided rivers (bars, channels and pools) experience major changes in area, shape and spatial distribution as a response to (i) the pulsation of discharge during a flood and (ii) the bed evolution induced by floods. In this work, at‐a‐station relationships between water level and planform configuration were investigated on the Tagliamento River, a large gravel‐bed braided river in northeast Italy, over a 2‐year study period comprising three bankfull events and several small‐to‐medium floods. The analysis was performed on two 1‐km‐long reaches, characterized by different riparian vegetation cover. Ground‐based images with an hourly temporal resolution were acquired using software‐controlled, digital cameras. Bars, channels, pools and vegetated patches were manually digitized on more than 100 rectified images. Sequences of constant‐level images spanning the study period were used to quantify the impact of floods on the stability of at‐a‐station relationships and on the turnover rate of water bodies. The analysis shows that wetted area increased almost linearly with water level in both reaches. The average number of branches per cross‐section peaked at intermediate flow levels, increasing from 2 at low flow up to 6–7. The number of branches displayed the largest fluctuations over time, with significant changes produced also by moderate floods. Turnover rates were high in both reaches, with more than 30% of wetted areas at low flow converting into bare gravel in less than 2 months. Vegetation colonization was found to limit the mobility of the low flow channels over time by concentrating the flow in fewer, deeper anabranches. The number of channels per cross‐section was 30–40% less in the vegetated reach and the proportion of low flow water bodies in the same position after 12 months increased from 3% to 14%. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONBed aggradation and degradation haPpen to be the most imPOrtant aspects of the alluvial processes instreams if the equilibrium conditions among water discharge, sediment flow, and channel shaPe areclistuIbed by natural or man-made factOfs, e.g., the constrUchon of a dam, change in the sediment suPplyrate, or base level changing. Reliable and quanhtative estimation of the bed aggradation or degradation isimPortant in rivertalning engineering and water management projects. …  相似文献   

River incision and vegetation dynamics in cut-off channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The consequences of river incision on ecosystems dynamics in cut-off channels were hypothesized to be 1) the reduction of river backflows and overflows of the river in the former channels; 2) the reduction of seepage flows from the river and drainage into the channels; 3) the drainage of the hillslope aquifer by the former channels. The subsequent changes of aquatic plant communities should be 1) the terrestrialization of the higher part of former channels and 2) their change into more oligotraphent ones if the hillslope aquifer is poorer in nutrients than the river. In those reaches where the river bed is aggraded, river backflows in the cut-off channel should increase, as should overflows and seepage, and more eutraphent species should develop. Changes in aquatic vegetation were studied over a ten-year period in four cut-off channels supplied by a nutrient-poor hillslope aquifer and a nutrient-rich river. Two of them were located in an incised reach of the river, one in an aggraded reach and one (reference) in a reach that was neither aggraded nor incised. The vegetation of the reference channel exhibited only minor changes over the ten-year period, indicating that the successional trend is not perceptible at the time scale of the study, and thus that any change observed in the other channels can be ascribed to river incision or aggradation. Terrestrialization expected in the channels located in the incised reach clearly progressed in the downstream parts, but was inhibited by groundwater supplies in the upper parts. As expected, oligotraphent communities progressed or remained dominant in the upper part. The channel located in the aggraded reach of the river exhibited the highest floristic changes. As expected, eutraphent communities progressed in this channel, but unexpectedly, terrestrialization also progressed in the upstream part. Alternative explanations are: 1) aggradation could have instigated more backflows and overflows without modifying significantly the mean water-level and 2) more frequent water overflows could have favoured alluvial deposition and thus terrestrialization.  相似文献   

A 34-year record of dredging in a 484-km reach of the Middle and Upper Mississippi River documents the spatial and temporal patterns of bed aggradation in an intensively engineered river. Between 1964 and 1997, 183  million m3 was removed from the study reach, with 112.6 km of the channel undergoing dredging of some kind, 12.1 km requiring ≥5 dredgings during this period, 2.6 km requiring ≥10 dredgings, and one site requiring 29 dredgings in 34 years. Forty-three sites were identified where dredging volume was exceptionally high and/or were frequently repeated. These sites occur in five settings: (1) where flow is divided through chutes or side channels; (2) at the mouths of largely unregulated tributary streams; (3) at thalweg crossings in meander bends; (4) in long, straight reaches of the channel; and (5) near problematic engineered structures, the principal one in the study area being the outlet of the Chain of Rocks Canal. In the pooled reach of the Upper Mississippi, impoundment has had a major influence on shoaling, with 80% of dredged volume required in the upstream halves of the pools. Although past engineering modifications have reduced sediment aggradation in the Mississippi channel, structural solutions to continuing shoaling can adversely impact the river's ecology, flood response, or hydrological function, and many structural solutions appear to be approaching their effective limits. The exception to this may be at highly localized shoaling locations, such as the Chain of Rocks Canal outlet, where flaws in the original design may still be remedied by structural means Targeted structural solutions may be effective at solving limited local shoaling problems, but we suggest that more sweeping new engineering modifications to reduce or eliminate dredging requirements are likely to be ineffective and/or outweighed by their adverse effects on the river system.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the annual regime of channel scour and fill by monitoring bed‐elevation changes in a reach of Squamish River in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Sonar surveys of 13 river cross‐sections in a sandy gravel‐bed single‐channel study reach were repeated biweekly over a full hydrologic year (1995/6). The survey results show that bedload movement occurs as waves or pulses forming bedwaves that appear to maintain an overall coherence with movement downstream. These bedwaves propagate downstream by a mode here termed pulse scour and pulse fill, a process distinguished from the conventional mode of scour and fill commonly associated with flood events (here termed local scour and local fill). Bedwave celerity was estimated to be about 15·5 m d−1 corresponding to a bedwave residence time in the study reach of almost one hydrologic year. The total amount of local bed‐elevation change ranged between 0·22 m and 2·41 m during the period of study. Analysis of the bed‐elevation and flow data reveals that, because of the bedwave phenomenon, there is no simple relation between the mean bed‐elevation and discharge nor any strong linear correlation among cross‐sectional behaviour. The bed‐elevation data also suggest that complex changes to the bed within a cross‐section are masked when the bed is viewed in one dimension, although no definitive trends in bed behaviour were found in the two‐dimensional analysis. Although a weak seasonal effect is evident in this study, the bed‐elevation regime is dominated by sediment supply‐driven fluctuations in bedload transport occurring at timescales shorter than the seasonal fluctuation in discharge. The study also indicates that bed‐elevation monitoring on Squamish River, and others like it, for purposes of detecting and measuring aggradation/degradation must take into account very considerable and normal channel‐bed variability operating at timescales from hours to months. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean semi‐arid conditions, the availability of studies monitoring channel adjustments as a response to reforestation and check dams over representative observation periods, could help develop new management strategies. This investigation is an integrated approach assessing the adjustments of channel morphology in a typical torrent of southern Italy after land‐use changes and check dam construction across a period of about 60 years. A statistical analysis of historical rainfall records, an analysis of land‐use changes in the catchment area and a geomorphological mapping of channel adjustments were carried out and combined with field surveys of bed surface grain‐size over a 5‐km reach including 14 check dams. The analysis of the historical rainfall records showed a slight decrease in the amount and erosivity of precipitation. Mapping of land‐use changes highlighted a general increase of vegetal coverage on the slopes adjacent to the monitored reaches. Together with the check dam network installation, this increase could have induced a reduction in water and sediment supply. The different erosional and depositional forms and adjustments showed a general narrowing between consecutive check dams together with local modifications detected upstream (bed aggradation and cross‐section expansion together with low‐flow realignments) and downstream (local incision) of the installed check dams. Changes in the torrent bends were also detected as a response to erosional and depositional processes with different intensities. The study highlighted: the efficiency of check dams against the disrupting power of intense floods by stabilizing the active channel and the influence of reforestation in increasing hillslope protection from erosion and disconnectivity of water and sediment flows towards the active channel. Only slight management interventions (for instance, the conversion of the existing check dams into open structures) are suggested, in order to mobilize the residual sediment avoiding further generalized incision of the active channel and coast line erosion. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changxing Shi 《水文研究》2016,30(2):232-244
Using hydrological and sediment data, this study investigated decadal trends in sediment erosion/deposition in the Inner Mongolia reach of the upper Yellow River. The calculated yearly sediment erosion/deposition show that the reach was dominated by aggradation, degradation, and aggradation successively in three periods with the years around 1961 and 1987 as break‐points. By constructing relations between water discharge and sediment load, the contributions of key factors to the changes in sediment erosion/deposition in the reach were quantified. Results show that the sediment retention behind the main stem dams, the increase of natural runoff, and the decrease of sediment inputs from tributaries and upstream watershed were the main factors causing the transition from aggradation during 1955–1961 to degradation during 1962–1987. The reduction of natural runoff, the decrease of sediment retention behind dams, and the rise of sediment supply from tributaries were the key causes of the reversal from degradation in 1962–1987 to aggradation in 1988–2003. Water diversion has played an important role in the long‐term aggradation of the Inner Mongolia reach. The main stem dams had functioned to alleviate siltation after 1961, but their effects on siltation reduction had been gradually diminishing since the 1990s. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Along the lower reaches of the Waipaoa River, New Zealand, cross‐section survey data indicate there was a 23 per cent decrease in bankfull width and a 22 per cent reduction in channel cross‐section area between 1948 and 2000, as the channel responded to increased inputs of fine (suspended) sediment following deforestation of the headwaters in late C19 and early C20. We determined the bankfull discharge within a ~39 km long reach by routing known discharges through the one‐dimensional MIKE 11 flow model. The model runs suggest that the bankfull discharge varies between ~800 and ~2300 m3 s?1 and that the average recurrence interval is 4 ± 2 years on the annual maximum series; by contrast, the effective flow (360 m3 s?1) is equaled or exceeded three times a year. The variability in bankfull discharge arises because the banks tend to be lower in places where flood flows are constricted than in reaches where overbank flow is dispersed over a wide area, and because scour has counteracted aggradation in some locations. There is no downstream variation in Shields stress, or in relative shear stress, within the study reach. Bankfull shear stress is, on average, five times greater than the shear stress required to initiate motion. At the effective discharge it is more than twice the threshold value. The effective discharge probably has more relevance than the bankfull discharge to the overall picture of sediment movement in the lower reaches of the Waipaoa River but, because width is constrained by the stability and resistance of the bank material to erosion during high flows that also scour the bed, the overall channel geometry is likely determined by discharges at or near bankfull. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We describe additions made to a multi‐size sediment routing model enabling it to simulate width adjustment simultaneously alongside bed aggradation/incision and fining/coarsening. The model is intended for use in single thread gravel‐bed rivers over annual to decadal timescales and for reach lengths of 1–10 km. It uses a split‐channel approach with separate calculations of flow and sediment transport in the left and right sides of the channel. Bank erosion is treated as a function of excess shear stress with bank accretion occurring when shear stress falls below a second, low, threshold. A curvature function redistributes shear stress to either side of the channel. We illustrate the model through applications to a 5·6‐km reach of the upper River Wharfe in northern England. The sediment routing component with default parameter values gives excellent agreement with field data on downstream fining and down‐reach reduction in bedload flux, and the width‐adjustment components with approximate calibration to match maximum observed rates of bank shifting give plausible patterns of local change. The approach may be useful for exploring interactions between sediment delivery, river management and channel change in upland settings. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field measurements and morphodynamic simulations were carried out along a 5‐km reach of the sandy, braided, lower Tana River in order to detect temporal and spatial variations in river bed modifications and to determine the relative importance of different magnitude discharges on river bed and braid channel evolution during a time span of one year, i.e. 2008–2009. Fulfilling these aims required testing the morphodynamic model's capability to simulate changes in the braided reach. We performed the simulations using a 2‐D morphodynamic model and different transport equations. The survey showed that more deposition than erosion occurred during 2008–2009. Continuous bed‐load transport and bed elevation changes of ±1 m, and a 70–188‐m downstream migration of the thalweg occurred. Simulation results indicated that, during low water periods, modifications occurred in both the main channel and in other braid channels. Thus, unlike some gravel‐bed rivers, the sandy lower Tana River does not behave like a single‐thread channel at low discharge. However, at higher discharge, i.e. exceeding 497 m3/s, the river channel resembled a single‐thread channel when channel banks confined the flow. Although the spring discharge peaks caused more rapid modifications than slower flows, the cumulative volumetric changes of the low water period were greater. The importance of low water period flows for channel modifications is emphasized. Although the 2‐D model requires further improvements, the results were nevertheless promising for the future use of this approach in braided rivers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Channel cross‐sectional changes since construction of Livingston Dam and Lake Livingston in 1968 were studied in the lower Trinity River, Texas, to test theoretical models of channel adjustment, and to determine controls on the spatial extent of channel response. High and average flows were not significantly modified by the dam, but sediment transport is greatly reduced. The study is treated as an opportunistic experiment to examine the effects of a reduction in sediment supply when discharge regime is unchanged. Channel scour is evident for about 60 km downstream, and the general phenomena of incision, widening, coarsening of channel sediment and a decrease in channel slope are successfully predicted, in a qualitative sense, by standard models of channel response. However, there is no consistent channel response within this reach, as various qualitatively different combinations of increases, decreases or no change in width, depth, slope and roughness occur. These multiple modes of adjustment are predicted by the unstable hydraulic geometry model. Between about 60 km and the Trinity delta 175 km downstream of the dam, no morphological response to the dam is observed. Rather than a diminution of the dam's effects on fluvial processes, this is due to a fundamental change in controls of the fluvial system. The downstream end of the scour zone corresponds to the upstream extent of channel response to Holocene sea level rise. Beyond 60 km downstream, the Trinity River is characterized by extensive sediment storage and reduced conveyance capacity, so that even after dam construction sediment supply still exceeds transport capacity. The channel bed of much of this reach is near or below sea level, so that sea level rise and backwater effects from the estuary are more important controls on the fluvial system than upstream inputs. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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