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Abstract The branches of the River Rhine in the Netherlands, characterized by a sand–gravel bed in the upstream part and a sand bed in the downstream part of the river system, show migrating dunes, especially during floods. In the last 20 years, these dunes have been studied extensively. High-resolution echo-sounding measurements of these dunes, made with single and multibeam equipment, were analysed for three different sections of the Rhine river system during several floods. This analysis was done to quantify the growth, decay and migration rates of the dunes during floods. In addition, the migrating dunes were used to calculate bedload transport rates with dune tracking. The results of dune growth and decay and migration rate are shown to be very different for the various sections during the various floods, and these differences are related to differences in grain size of the bed and to differences in the distribution of discharge over the main channel and the floodplain. The relations are used to show that the growth and migration rate of dunes, and the calculated bedload transport rates during the rising stage of a flood wave can be predicted from the mobility of the bed material with simple power relations.  相似文献   

From the first to the fourth century AD, the Gallo-Roman town of Oedenburg developed in the alluvial landscape of the southern Upper Rhine Graben. Throughout this period, the landscape mosaic, composed of palaeochannels, stable palaeoislands and river terraces, continued to evolve. A district of this town, situated on a lateral Rhine channel system, was archaeologically excavated. Large-scale excavation and cross-section analysis provide evidence of changing fluvial conditions during the period under study. At about AD 20 or earlier, this lateral part of the floodplain, affected by very fine sedimentation, was occupied by moribund marshy palaeochannels. When the first Gallo-Roman settlers occupied the site, they filled parts of the channels with woven brushwood in order to create an efficient circulation surface. The sedimentary infill of this palaeochannel records four different flood deposits interlayered with dated anthropogenic units (pavements, road embankments, and other structures). Archaeological analysis and dendrochronological dating indicate that these four flooding events occurred during a short time period between AD 20 and AD 145/146. These geoarchaeological observations focus on floods that do not seem to have significantly affected human occupation in this part of the Rhine floodplain. These results are set in the broader context of the Rhine catchment and the Alps.  相似文献   

地质历史时期长江入海沉积物的来源和组成特征是探讨东亚边缘海地区沉积物“从源到汇”过程的核心问题之一。崇明岛H12钻孔沉积物元素与同位素地球化学分析揭示,Nd同位素、Eu异常、Cr/Th、Sc/Th等指标在1858—1906年间明显波动,波动的年份与文献记载的洪水事件发生时间基本一致;而在1906年之后沉积物中以上各地球化学指标趋于稳定。结合长江不同支流的沉积地球化学组成特征,运用物源混合模型进行判别,结果显示过去150年来长江入海沉积物主要来自上游支流及汉江,不同支流的洪水信号可以通过入海沉积物通量和化学组成来提取。20世纪以来H12钻孔沉积的各物源指标波动明显减小,推测与崇明岛当地的人类活动逐渐增强有关,防护堤、海塘等工程修建改变了长江入海沉积物在崇明岛的沉积方式,使得洪水时期沉积物无法在岛上淤积,因而钻孔记录中很难再发现洪水事件信号,沉积地球化学物源指标趋于稳定。  相似文献   

2020年长江上游和中下游先后发生特大洪水,其中干流编号洪水全部发生在上游,构成了长江流域洪水的主要部分。首先回顾2020年洪水及洪灾情况,然后根据历史上几次特大洪水过程和历年实测资料,分析长江上游洪水特征、洪灾类型及特点,最后提出新时代长江流域洪水整体防御战略及山洪灾害防治战术。研究表明:金沙江洪水是长江上游洪水基础部分,岷江、嘉陵江和干流区间是洪峰的主要来源,三者洪水遭遇是产生上游特大洪水的主因,上游洪水又是全流域特大洪水的基础和重要组成部分。目前造成洪灾死亡人数最多的是山洪以及山洪引起的地质灾害,财产损失最大的是中下游及湖泊地区。未来堤防仍然是防洪的基础,提高沿江城市防洪标准主要手段是控制性水库的联合优化调度,而减少洪涝灾害损失最有效的途径是给洪水以空间的自然解决方案等非工程措施。  相似文献   

黄河上游干支流交汇区沙坝淤堵形成条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对黄河上游干、支流交汇区形成的沙坝淤堵事件,利用野外观测资料,分析了支流高含沙洪水特性及交汇区沙坝淤堵特点,探讨了汇流比(支流流量与干流流量之比)、支流洪水水量、支流洪水沙量等因素对沙坝淤堵形成的影响;根据动量原理建立了交汇区形成沙坝淤堵的判别关系,结合黄河上游干、支流洪水输移特性,得出了基于汇流比与支流洪水水量关系及支流洪水沙量与支流洪水水量关系的沙坝淤堵判别条件。由此,可根据汇流比、支流洪水水量及沙量判断交汇区能否形成沙坝淤堵,可为暴雨洪水期黄河上游交汇区形成沙坝淤堵灾害的预报及防治提供参考。  相似文献   

澜沧江-湄公河流域汛期洪灾频发,气候变化极有可能进一步加剧该区域洪水的量级和发生频率,需要上下游合作共同应对。建立了澜沧江-湄公河全流域分布式水文及水库调度模型,模拟1991-2005年全流域13条支流和5个干流防洪控制断面的逐日天然流量过程,在此基础上模拟全流域已建、在建和规划水库的联合调度过程,分析防洪作用。结果表明:①全流域水库联合调度对湄公河5个主要断面均有显著的防洪作用,在完全按照防洪目标对水库进行调度的情况下可将200年一遇洪水减至20~50年一遇。②湄公河左岸支流的防洪能力远高于右岸,具有较高防洪能力的支流有澜沧江、南乌河、南俄河、南屯河、濛河、色公河和桑河。③对不同断面起主要防洪作用的支流不同:在琅勃拉邦上游,澜沧江、南乌河起主要作用;在那空帕农断面,南俄河与南屯河加总的防洪作用与澜沧江基本相等;在巴色下游,濛河和色公河的作用均超过澜沧江。澜湄合作机制为上下游防洪合作提供了重要契机,研究成果可为流域国协商建立联合防洪调度机制提供参考。  相似文献   

陈立华  滕翔  潘子豪  刘为福 《水文》2019,39(6):80-84
为分析西江流域灾害性洪水的风险,采用水文学分析法从洪水组成、遭遇时间以及洪峰重现期等方面,重点分析了梧州站干支流洪水遭遇规律。研究表明:梧州15场洪水中红水河、柳江、郁江及桂江的日平均流量平均比重分别为32.31%、40.57%、13.19%及9.13%;其中西江干流洪水发生时间集中在6~8月,柳江洪水发生时间集中在6~7月,桂江洪水发生时间集中在5~7月,郁江洪水发生时间集中在7~9月;西江上游红水河与柳江洪水遭遇频繁,而郁江、桂江遭遇洪水量级较小,其中全流域洪水、红水河—柳江—桂江洪水、柳江—郁江—桂江洪水三种遭遇类型所构成的梧州大洪水重现期依次约为100年、50年、20年一遇,揭示了西江干支流洪水遭遇后致使梧州站洪水重现期显著增大。研究结果可为西江流域防洪减灾提供水文分析参考。  相似文献   

新疆天山南麓柯坪河水文特性与洪水分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
柯坪河是天山南麓典型的雨水和泉水补给河流,河水主要为地下泉水出露补给,流量比较稳定,但暴雨的出现经常引起洪水发生.柯坪河仅有不足一年的水文观测,但河水主要是泉水补给,水量非常稳定,根据野外调查和推算,分析了柯坪河年内水文变化特征.依据洪水调查和文献查证,结合气象观测资料,分析了近百年来的典型洪水事件,建立了不同几率洪水发生的洪峰流量和洪水过程.最近几十年来的气温升高和降水增加,也使暴雨洪水的强度加强,并且频次增加.应加强对极端气候事件引发的洪水的监测和应对,在农业和水库安全运营上应注意和加强建立应对气候变化的措施.  相似文献   

The period in the Upper Mississippi Valley (UMV) from about 25 000 years B.P. until the time of strong human influence on the landscape beginning about 150–200 years ago can be characterized by three distinctly different alluvial episodes. The first episode is dominated by the direct and indirect effects of Late Wisconsin glacial ice in the basin headwaters. This period, which lasted until about 14 000 years B.P., was generally a time of progressive valley aggradation by a braided river system transporting large quantities of bedload sediment. An island braided system evolved during the second episode, which extended from about 14 000 to 9000 years B.P. The second episode is associated with major environmental changes of deglaciation when occurrences of major floods and sustained flows of low sediment concentration from drainage of proglacial lakes produced major downcutting. By the time of the beginning of the third episode about 9000 years B.P., most vegetation communities had established their approximate average Holocene locations. The change of climate and establishment of good vegetation cover caused upland landscapes of the UMV to become relatively stable during the Holocene in comparison to their relative instability during the Late Wisconsin. However, Holocene remobilization of Late Wisconsin age sediment stored in tributary valleys resulted in a return to long-term upper Mississippi River aggradation. The dominance of Holocene deposition over transportation reflects the abundance of sandy bedload sediment introduced from tributaries and the situation that energy conditions for floods and the hydraulic gradient of the upper Mississippi River are much less for the Holocene than they were for the Late Wisconsin and deglaciation periods.Outburst floods from glacial lakes appear to have been common in the UMV during the Late Wisconsin and especially during deglaciation. Magnitudes for the Late Wisconsin floods are generally poorly understood, but an estimate of 10 000–15 000 m3 s−1 was determined for one of the largest events in the northern UMV based on heights of paleo-foreset beds in a flood unit deposited in the Savanna Terrace. For comparison, the great flood of 1993 on the upper Mississippi River was about 12 000 m3 s−1 at Keokuk, Iowa, near the Des Moines River confluence where it represented the 500-year event in relation to modem flood series. Exceptionally large outburst floods derived from the rapid drainage of pro-glacial Lake Michigan and adjacent smaller proglacial lakes between about 16 000 and 15 500 years B.P. are a likely cause of the final diversion of the Mississippi River through the Bell City-Oran Gap at the upstream end of the Lower Mississippi Valley (LMV). The largest outburst flood from northern extremities of the UMV appears to have occurred between about 11700 and 10 800 years B.P. when the southern outlet of Lake Agassiz was incised. Based on the probable maximum capacity of the Agassiz flood channel 600 km downstream near the junction of the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers, the Agassiz flood discharge apparently did not exceed 30 000 m3 s−1. However, if the Agassiz flood channel here is expanded to include an incised component, then the flood discharge maximum could have been as large as 100,000 to 125 000 m3 s−1. The larger flood is presently viewed as unlikely, however, because field evidence suggests that the incised component of the cross-section probably developed after the main Agassiz flood event. Nevertheless, the large Agassiz flood between about 11 700 and 10 800 years B.P. produced major erosional downcutting and removal of Late Wisconsin sediment in the UMV. This flood also appears to be mainly responsible for the final diversion of the Mississippi River through Thebes Gap in extreme southwestern Illinois and the formation of the Charleston alluvial fan at the head of the LMV.After about 9000 years B.P. prairie-forest ecotones with associated steep seasonal climatic boundaries were established across the northern and southern regions of the UMV. The general presence of these steep climatically sensitive boundaries throughout the Holocene, in concert with the natural tendency for grasslands to be especially sensitive to climatic change, may partially explain why widespread synchroneity of Holocene alluvial episodes is recognized across the upper Mississippi River and Missouri River drainage systems. Comparison of estimated beginning ages of Holocene flood episodes and alluvial chronologies for upper Mississippi River and Missouri River systems with beginning ages for LMV meander belts and delta lobes shows a relatively strong correlation. At present, dating controls are not sufficiently adequate and confidence intervals associated with the identified ages representing system changes are too large to establish firm causal connections. Although the limitations of the existing data are numerous, the implicit causal connections suggested from existing information suggest that further exploration would be beneficial to improving the understanding of how upper valley hydrological and geomorphic events are influencing hydrological and geomorphic activity in the LMV. Since nearly 80% of the Mississippi River drainage system lies upstream of the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, there is a strong basis for supporting the idea that UMV fluvial activity should be having a strong influence on LMV fluvial activity. If this assertion is correct, then the traditional assignment of strong to dominant control by eustatic sea level variations for explaining channel avulsions, delta lobes, and meander belts in the LMV needs re-examination. A stronger role for upper valley fluvial activity as a factor influencing lower valley fluvial activity does not disregard the role of eustatic sea level, tectonic processes or other factors. Rather, upper valley fluvial episodes or specific events such as extreme floods may commonly serve as a “triggering mechanism” that causes a threshold of instability to be exceeded in a system that was poised for change due to sea level rise, tectonic uplift, or other environmental factors. In other situations, the upper valley fluvial activity may exert a more dominant control over many LMV fluvial processes and landforms as frequently was the case during times of glacial climatic conditions.  相似文献   

A review of the assessment and mitigation of floods in Sindh, Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

新疆天山北坡中段河流冰凌洪水特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
万金泰  张建国  苗燕 《冰川冻土》2007,29(5):819-823
冰凌洪水(冰洪)是新疆天山北坡中段河流冬季的一种特殊洪水,其暴发主要受气温、逆温带范围、冬季河流来水量、冰情冰厚、地势.河道弯曲率和河床条件等多种因素影响."冰洪"具有随机性、规律性和不重复性三种特性,冰凌洪水的峰型类似于暴雨洪水具有陡涨陡落的特点,峰前陡峭而落峰则相对缓一些.以四棵树河为典型流域,对冰凌洪水的成因、发展和运动规律进行研究,并发现冰凌洪水具有"水鼓冰开"现象.对四棵树河1967-2006年冰洪流量的年内、年际分布情况看,20世纪70-80年代由于冬季气候寒冷,是"冰洪"发生最多的时期;自进入20世纪90年代以来由于受全球气候变暖等因素影响,冰凌洪水呈现衰退趋势,气候变暖对冰洪影响非常大.  相似文献   

延河流域雨洪特性及洪水预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
延河是黄河的一级支流,流经安塞、延安、延长等陕北南部地区的重要城镇,是引发该地区城镇洪水的主要河流,因此,延河洪水预报对这些城镇的防洪安全具有重要意义。在分析延河流域雨洪特性的基础上,以提高大洪水的预报精度为主、适当兼顾中小洪水的原则,采用具有成因概念的系统模型和相关图法,建立了以延安市为重点、包括安塞及延长县城的延河区段洪水预报方案,可供作业预报试用。  相似文献   

淮河中下游洪涝综合治理的思考与初探   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新中国70年治淮事业取得了巨大成就,淮河中下游干流与洪泽湖已成为淮河进一步治理的重点区域。从流域战略地位提升、经济社会发展、自然环境演变、水问题变化等多视角系统梳理了新时期治淮主要矛盾;从水沙基本规律辨析、靶向问题揭示、河湖格局重构、综合治理措施等多方面提出淮河中下游综合治理的战略思考和建议;从降雨和干支流洪水演变规律、淮河干流和洪泽湖泥沙特征及其变化规律、现状和规划工程防洪效果与协调性、工程措施组合方案建议等4个方面介绍了淮河干流河道与洪泽湖演变及治理需进一步开展研究的内容和技术方法以及初步研究成果,以期为新时期淮河治理规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   

新中国70年治淮事业取得了巨大成就,淮河中下游干流与洪泽湖已成为淮河进一步治理的重点区域。从流域战略地位提升、经济社会发展、自然环境演变、水问题变化等多视角系统梳理了新时期治淮主要矛盾;从水沙基本规律辨析、靶向问题揭示、河湖格局重构、综合治理措施等多方面提出淮河中下游综合治理的战略思考和建议;从降雨和干支流洪水演变规律、淮河干流和洪泽湖泥沙特征及其变化规律、现状和规划工程防洪效果与协调性、工程措施组合方案建议等4个方面介绍了淮河干流河道与洪泽湖演变及治理需进一步开展研究的内容和技术方法以及初步研究成果,以期为新时期淮河治理规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   

We examine mortality in five terrestrial species of game animals resulting from an extreme flood event in Central Europe in July 1997. We present species-specific mortality rates and collate them with local abundances to show the susceptibilities of the different species to flood mortality. We also compare mortality rates in areas inundated by the main river and by its tributaries. Data were collected in the catchment area of the Odra River, south-western Poland. Mortality was estimated by surveying for drowned animals in flooded areas of 50 hunting districts (2,876 km2). Total mortality amounted to 3,613 individuals, mostly of roe deer Capreolus capreolus and brown hare Lepus europaeus. Relative to estimates of abundance, mortality was disproportionately high in hares. Drownings of roe deer and wild boar, Sus scrofa were proportional to local abundance. Young individuals were particularly affected. Mortality was low in foxes, Vulpes vulpes, and red deer, Cervus elaphus. The mortality rate increased with the proportion of area flooded and the duration of flooding and was four times higher along the Odra River than along its tributaries. Our data specify, for the first time, direct losses in wild, large animals in response to an extreme flood event. Despite high overall losses, negative long-term effects on populations seemed unlikely. Nevertheless, to lessen the impact, river management focused primarily on human safety should also integrate the needs of wildlife.  相似文献   

The sources and fluxes of sediment to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon from north‐eastern Australian rivers have been the subject of much concern and study, with the large catchments of the Burdekin and Fitzroy Rivers thought to be the key sources at present. Here, the utility of newly developed magnetic ‘fingerprinting’ methods for identifying sediment provenance, both onshore and offshore, and in association with individual large flood events, is investigated. Within the Burdekin catchment, sediments are mobilized from different subcatchments by runoff generated by intense, localized rainfall events. Magnetic measurements were made on untreated and acid‐treated samples of river channel sediments within the Burdekin River subcatchments and from the estuarine and inner shelf depocentres of Burdekin River sediments. The acid treatment removes all discrete magnetic particles and coatings, and leaves magnetic inclusions (protected within host silicate grains) as the basis of the measured magnetic signature of a sample. The magnetic properties of the acid‐treated samples display statistically distinct sediment provenance groupings. Sand samples from the Upper Burdekin River appear magnetically distinct from samples from tributaries of the Burdekin (e.g. Hann Creek, Fanning River) and also from nearby coastal rivers, including the Haughton. Suspended sand samples from a Burdekin flood event in 2000 appear to have a different source compared with those from floods in 1998 and 1999. Comparisons of the terrestrial, acid‐treated sand fractions with the same, acid‐treated, sand‐size fractions from transects taken offshore suggest that the surface sediments in Upstart Bay and Bowling Green Bay have different sources. Some of these sources are as yet unidentified but may represent the unsampled, lower‐discharge south‐western Burdekin subcatchments, and/or along‐shore drift of sand from the south, perhaps even from the Fitzroy River, over millennial timescales of cyclone pumping. The magnetic inclusion method precludes any obfuscation or confounding of sediment source, which might arise from hydraulic sorting and/or post‐depositional magnetic diagenesis or authigenesis.  相似文献   

Dissolved major and trace element concentrations were determined from November 2000 to December 2003 in the lower Rhône River (France). Subsurface water samples were collected about twice a month and more regularly during flood events. An unusual trend was observed for As, Sb, Ni and Ba concentrations which increased with river discharge at the beginning of the floods, in contrast with other elements. Variations of Sb/Na and As/Na molar ratios show that it is related to higher contributions of waters from western tributaries of the Rhône River enriched in As, Sb, Ni and Ba due to ancient mining activities. These unusual variations of dissolved element concentrations are thus interpreted as mark of a water mass origin within the watershed.  相似文献   

以年极端洪水超标率来反映区域极端洪水, 分析了新疆区域极端洪水变化; 以年最大洪峰记录分析了天山山区主要河流极端洪水变化规律, 并用14站资料分析了天山山区气候变化特征, 讨论了天山主要河流极端洪水变化对区域气候变化的响应. 结果表明: 受气候变暖影响, 1957-2006年全疆极端洪水呈区域性加重趋势, 尤其南疆区域极端洪水明显加剧, 北疆区域也有加重趋势, 但相对较缓. 全疆及北疆、 南疆在20世纪90年代中期以来都处于洪水高发阶段. 近50 a来, 在新疆区域洪水呈加重趋势的变化背景下, 发源于天山南坡的托什干河和库玛拉克河年最大洪峰流量呈显著增加趋势, 发源于天山北坡的玛纳斯河与乌鲁木齐河年最大洪峰流量虽有增加, 但是变化趋势较缓. 以年最大洪峰流量发生转折年为界, 天山典型流域托什干河、 库玛拉克河、 玛纳斯河和乌鲁木齐河在20世纪90年代(或80年代)以来与前期相比, 呈现出相似的变化特征: 年最大洪峰流量明显增大, 年际间变化更加剧烈, 洪水年更频繁. 以年最大洪峰流量发生转折年份为界, 玛纳斯河、 托什干河和乌鲁木齐河后期的年最大洪峰集中日期较前期推迟2~9 d, 库玛拉克河却提前5 d. 玛纳斯河、 乌鲁木齐河和库玛拉克河后期的集中度较前期增加0.8%~8.3%, 托什干河减小1.1%. 1961-2010年, 新疆天山山区气温明显上升, 升温率为0.34 ℃·(10a)-1, 1997年以后明显增暖; 天山山区降水显著增加, 增加速率15.6 mm·(10a)-1, 同时极端降水强度增大、 频数增多. 近50 a来天山主要河流极端洪水变化与区域增温以及天山山区极端降水事件增多等有密切关系.  相似文献   

长江中下游河湖水量交换过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
长江中下游的河湖水交换关系典型且复杂,为描述河湖水量相互交换过程,提出了河湖水量交换系数的概念,即某一时段内由支流汇入湖泊的径流量与湖泊泄入干流径流量的比值,表示河湖水量交换的激烈程度。根据水量平衡原理推导出河湖水量交换系数计算的经验公式,并把河湖水量交换过程分为3种状态:“湖分洪”、“稳定”和“湖补河”。近60多年来河湖水交换系数年际变化趋势表明:洞庭湖与长江干流的水交换状态从“湖分洪”到“稳定”,再到“湖补河”状态发展;鄱阳湖与长江干流的水交换系数在稳定状态附近波动,河湖水交换状态无明显趋势性变化,河湖系统演化稳定。河湖水交换系数与长江干流径流量相关性良好,而与湖泊支流径流量相关性较差,表明长江干流径流量的大小是河湖水量交换过程的主控因素。  相似文献   

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