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为了充分了解“一带一路”国家和地区百年的干旱变化规律和趋势,探索其干湿变化情况,本文利用标准化降水蒸散指数SPEI(Standardized Precipitation Evaporation Index)1901-2013年12个月和3个月尺度的0.5°×0.5°数据,结合线性趋势、PCA主成分分析、Mann-Kenndall非参数检验和小波分析等方法研究多时间尺度下干旱趋势和周期变化特征。结果表明,研究区百年尺度内(1901-2013)干旱指数和面积呈现波动上升趋势,但干旱化进程缓慢,60%以上地区呈现缓慢变湿趋势,SPEI指数发生显著上升地区面积百分比为25.38%,发生显著下降地区面积仅占12.02%。MK检验和PCA分析均显示15°~35°N的中低纬度地区干旱化程度最为严重,主要地区为北非及阿拉伯半岛、伊朗高原,常年呈现显著干旱状态,而俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、印度半岛以及中国和蒙古两国干湿变化季节性特征明显。基于Morlet小波分析的周期分析显示,年际和季节SPEI指数的周期特征既具有相似性,又存在一定的差异性,尺度越小干湿变化交替越明显,尺度越大虽有全局特征但所展示的周期不能通过显著性检验,最终得到可用显著周期年际SPEI变化显著尺度为2~4 a,干旱特征在此尺度的周期中时间变化显著。  相似文献   

研究干旱变化的特征,有利于预防干旱发生.利用1961~2016年内蒙古境内的气温、降水数据计算得到不同时间尺度的标准化降水蒸散指数,结合趋势分析法、Mann-Kendall突变检验法和消除趋势波动(DFA)分析法,分析不同时间尺度干旱演变趋势及未来干旱预测.结果表明:①内蒙古年际干旱呈现增加趋势,1995年发生突变,由湿润转变为干旱.总体上,内蒙古地区呈现东部干旱程度加重,而西部减缓的趋势.轻旱发生频率较高,且东南部干旱的发生较多.②春、夏和秋季存在明显变干及突变趋势,且突变年份不一致,而冬季有不太明显的变湿趋势.春、夏和秋季干旱发生较为严重且范围较广.③在未来,内蒙古地区干旱将保持现有趋势,干旱仍持续一段时间.  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖的大背景下,干旱事件发生越来越频繁,严重危害我国的粮食生产安全。构建准确的干旱监测模型不仅能够及时地反映出干旱事件的发生,同时可以为地方政府制定减灾保产措施提供科学支撑和保障。传统的气象干旱监测方法因为缺乏对植被本身需水状态和土壤供水信息的考虑旱情判定结果往往比实际情况偏重,而遥感监测指标大多只考虑了植被或土壤等单方面因素具有局限性,目前已有的综合干旱监测模型大多以气象指标为因变量,一方面需要数据资料较多参数复杂,另一方面模型准确度依赖于气象指标对当地农业干旱的响应能力,而同一气象指标在不同区域适应性存在差异,因此同样存在局限性。本文以河南省的冬小麦为研究对象,利用2001-2011年的EOS-MODIS数据产品以及气象站点监测数据,计算了标准化降水蒸散指数SPEI、植被状态指数VCI、温度状态指数TCI、温度植被状态指数TVDI,同时结合河南省农业气象灾害旬报对冬小麦受灾的记录,构建了基于决策树的定性农业干旱监测模型。测试集结果表明,模型综合了大气异常信息、植被状态信息以及土壤水分信息,优于单个指标的监测结果。另外,基于此模型监测了河南省2009年4-5月的干旱事件,结果与实情相符,能够较好地反映农业旱情的发生和空间演变情况。  相似文献   

北方农牧交错区地处半湿润/半干旱生态脆弱过渡带,干旱是影响该区植被生产力的关键因素之一。探究干旱对植被总初级生产力的影响,对深刻理解气候变化下生态系统生产力变化响应特征及优化区域碳水循环具有重要意义。为了更好地了解水分限制区不同干旱特征对GPP影响,本研究以北方农牧交错区为例,基于长时间序列的标准化降水蒸散发指数(SPEI3,1900—2020年)和植被总初级生产力(GPP,1982—2018年)等数据,首先采用小波分析明确SPEI3与GPP强相关周期,在此基础上利用游程理论识别干旱特征,进而分析了北方农牧交错区干旱特征与GPP的变化趋势,最后厘定了不同干旱特征对GPP的影响。结果表明:(1) 1982—2018年北方农牧交错区SPEI3与GPP在半年周期和年周期存在显著相关关系,滞后效应随时间变化而变化;年际分析能够减弱滞后效应对SPEI3与GPP相关性的影响;(2) 1900—2020年北方农牧交错区干旱历时、干旱烈度和烈度峰值均呈现显著增加趋势,干旱烈度随着干旱历时和烈度峰值的增加而加剧,干旱特征高值区往往具有更强的增加趋势;(3) 1982—2018年北方农牧交错区GPP总体呈...  相似文献   

基于随机森林的遥感干旱监测模型的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用遥感数据进行大面积旱情监测是现有干旱监测的重要方法之一,然而传统的遥感干旱监测方法主要侧重于对土壤湿度或植被状况等单一干旱响应因子进行监测,对综合多因子的干旱监测研究较为有限。随机森林是一种机器学习方法,具有学习过程快速、运算速度快、稳定性好、预测精度高的优点,近年来被应用于生态环境等多个领域。本文利用2001-2010年4-9月的MODIS数据提取的植被状态指数(VCI)、温度状态指数(TCI)和土地覆盖类型(LC),TRMM降水资料计算的TRMM-Z指数及SRTM-DEM、土壤有效含水量(AWC)等多个遥感及土壤资料提取的干旱因子为自变量,以气象站点的综合气象干旱指数(CI)为因变量,利用随机森林模型构建遥感干旱监测模型,并以河南省为研究区进行了评价和分析。该模型在2009-2010年的监测值和实测CI值的具有显著的相关性,并且二者干旱等级的一致率为81%。在2001-2010年4-9月间,模型监测值与气象站点的标准降水蒸散发指数(SPEI)总体干旱等级一致率为74.9%,较为一致,其中9月的模型结果与SPEI的干旱等级一致率最高,达到82.4%,空评估率和漏评估率最低;与10 cm土壤相对湿度的相关系数在0.475-0.639之间,达到极显著水平。河南省2011年4-6月干旱事件同样验证了本文构建的模型旱情监测结果,说明本模型能较好地就应用于监测区域旱情监测。  相似文献   

 近年来,干旱灾害频繁发生,对区域内农业生产和生态环境造成了极大的破坏。为了快速准确地获取大面积地表土壤水分信息用以评估地表受旱程度,本文以2010年年初中国西南大旱为例,运用MODIS可见光-红外波段数据以及像元可信度综合生成了归一化干旱指数(NDDI)。同时,结合研究区内地面气象站点实测的土壤湿度数据验证了NDDI对地表土壤湿度的敏感度。结果表明:相比于植被状态指数(VCI)干旱监测模型,NDDI能更加灵敏地对浅层地表干湿变化做出迅速响应。最后,本文利用NDDI分析了2010年年初中国西南大旱旱情发展的时空演变过程,宏观上重现了此次旱情的发展历程,并使用该指数统计了不同时间节点、不同干旱等级下的贵州省土地受旱面积。结果显示:2010年1月-2010年4月为贵州省旱情最为严重的4个月,平均受旱面积达103 352km2,最大受旱面积达132 257km2,占贵州省总面积的75%以上。同时,旱情等级为重旱的土地面积最大达到88 246 km2,占贵州全境土地面积的50%以上。  相似文献   

本文基于云南省1954-2014年32个气象站点逐月降水量资料,采用线性倾向估计法、径向基函数空间插值法、小波分析法、R/S分析法、Z指数法,分析了61年的云南省降水序列、旱涝情态的时间特征和空间格局。结果表明:在此期间除春季外,其余各季节降水量均呈现减少态势,年降水量总体以8.1 mm/10 a的速率减少,并且在未来一段时间内将保持减少趋势。多年平均降水量由云南省南部的西双版纳州向西北部的丽江市-迪庆州一带逐步减少;年降水量存在准2 a、准6 a、准8 a、准18 a、准28 a的周期性特征,且以准28 a为主周期;干旱化趋势增加速率较快(KL=0.359),印证了降水减少态势,洪涝化趋势减小速率相对较慢(KI= -0.071);旱灾易发地区主要涉及5个州,分别为迪庆州、德宏州、西双版纳州、红河州、楚雄州;洪涝易发地区涉及3州2市,依次为怒江州、大理州、文山州、普洱市及邵通市。  相似文献   

四川盆地区表层土壤湿度时空变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析常年土壤干湿状况及其影响因子,是监测评价四川盆地区土壤水分变化的基础,有利于农业干旱防灾减灾.利用四川盆地区农业气象站近17年0~20cm的逐句土壤湿度观测资料,运用旋转正交函数分解(REOF)、相关分析、趋势倾向率分析等方法,对四川盆地区表层土壤相对湿度的时空变化特征进行分析,并分区域选取代表站建立表层土壤湿度与气温、降水量、日照时数的多元回归方程.结果表明,盆地表层土壤相对湿度空间分布大致是从南到北逐渐减小;年际变化呈现弱的上升趋势;常年季节变化呈双峰型特点,秋季高,春季低,夏季波动明显,初夏高盛夏低;表层土壤干湿状况总体呈现出冬春季相对偏干、夏秋季相对偏湿的季节变化.盆地表层土壤湿度变化与气温、日照显著负相关,与降水显著正相关性,气温、日照、降水因子分别对盆地东北部、中南部、西北部表层土壤湿度变化影响大.  相似文献   

基于GRACE重力卫星数据,采用改进的组合高斯滤波法和尺度因子法提高数据精度,利用陆地水储量变化原理反演贵州2003-08~2013-07的水储量变化量,并将计算的相对水储量指数作为干旱指标,提出运用游程理论基于相对水储量指数识别干旱历时和干旱烈度,监测分析贵州干旱特征。结果表明,基于GRACE卫星数据获得的相对水储量指数与SPI3变化趋势基本一致;GRACE卫星监测到2003-08~2013-07贵州每年都有干旱事件发生,历时最短为1个月,其中历时≥3个月的干旱事件共9次;干旱强度较大的事件发生在2003~2006年和2009~2011年,其中2006年和2011年水储量亏损较严重,与贵州实际的干旱情况相吻合。  相似文献   

分析常年土壤干湿状况及其影响因子,是监测评价四川盆地区土壤水分变化的基础,有利于农业干旱防灾减灾.利用四川盆地区农业气象站近17年0~20cm的逐旬土壤湿度观测资料,运用旋转正交函数分解(RE-OF)、相关分析、趋势倾向率分析等方法,对四川盆地区表层土壤相对湿度的时空变化特征进行分析,并分区域选取代表站建立表层土壤湿度与气温、降水量、日照时数的多元回归方程.结果表明,盆地表层土壤相对湿度空间分布大致是从南到北逐渐减小;年际变化呈现弱的上升趋势;常年季节变化呈双峰型特点,秋季高,春季低,夏季波动明显,初夏高盛夏低;表层土壤干湿状况总体呈现出冬春季相对偏干、夏秋季相对偏湿的季节变化.盆地表层土壤湿度变化与气温、日照显著负相关,与降水显著正相关性,气温、日照、降水因子分别对盆地东北部、中南部、西北部表层土壤湿度变化影响大.  相似文献   

Development of drought monitoring techniques is important for understanding and mitigating droughts and for rational agricultural management. This study used data from multiple sources, including MOD13 A3, TRMM 3 B43, and SRTMDEM, for Yunnan Province, China from 2009 to 2018 to calculate the tropical rainfall condition index(TRCI), vegetation condition index(VCI), temperature condition index(TCI), and elevation factors. Principal component analysis(PCA) and analytic hierarchy process(AHP) were used to construct comprehensive drought monitoring models for Yunnan Province. The reliability of the models was verified, following which the drought situation in Yunnan Province for the past ten years was analysed. The results showed that:(1) The comprehensive drought index(CDI) had a high correlation with the standardized precipitation index, standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index, temperature vegetation dryness index, and CLDAS(China Meteorological Administration land data assimilation system), indicating that the CDI was a strong indicator of drought through meteorological, remote sensing and soil moisture monitoring.(2) The droughts from 2009 to 2018 showed generally consistent spatiotemporal changes. Droughts occurred in most parts of the province, with an average drought frequency of 29% and four droughtprone centres.(3) Monthly drought coverage during 2009 to 2014 exceeded that over 2015 to 2018. January had the largest average drought coverage over the study period(61.92%). Droughts at most stations during the remaining months except for October exhibited a weakening trend(slope 0). The CDI provides a novel approach for drought monitoring in areas with complex terrain such as Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

综合气象干旱指数在2009~2010年西南干旱的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究气象干旱指数对西南干旱的监测状况,及干旱指数在西南地区的适用性,采用了中国气象局提出的气象干旱指数的计算方法,基于综合气象干旱指数,分析2009~2010年西南干旱的时空分布特征与适用性。研究结果表明:干旱事件具有3次逐渐加强和减弱的特征;旱情首先出现于云南东部和贵州中西部,云南中部旱情最重;秋季,相对湿润指数的监测与综合气象干旱指数的监测较为符合;冬季,降水量距平百分率的监测与综合气象干旱指数的监测比较吻合,标准化降水指数所反映的旱情偏重;综合气象干旱指数在旱情随时间的变化过程和空间分布特征方面较好地反映西南地区旱情,但要更准确地进行干旱监测,还需要在蒸散项、降水量权重、各单项系数方面进行修正。  相似文献   

Drought is the most widespread and insidious natural hazard, presenting serious challenges to ecosystems and human society. The daily Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) has been developed to identify the regional spatiotemporal characteristics of drought conditions from 1960 to 2016, revealing the variability in drought characteristics across Southwest China. Daily data from142 meteorological stations across the region were used to calculate the daily SPEI at the annual and seasonal time scale. The Mann-Kendall test and the trend statistics were then applied to quantify the significance of drought trends, with the following results. 1) The regionally averaged intensity and duration of all-drought and severe drought showed increasing trends, while the intensity and duration of extreme drought exhibited decreasing trends. 2) Mixed (increasing/decreasing) trends were detected, in terms of intensity and duration, in the three types of drought events. In general, no evidence of significant trends (P < 0.05) was detected in the drought intensity and duration over the last 55 years at the annual timescale. Seasonally, spring was characterized by a severe drought trend for all drought and severe drought conditions, while extreme drought events in spring and summer were very severe. All drought intensities and durations showed an increasing trend across most regions, except in the northwestern parts of Sichuan Province. However, the areal extent of regions suffering increasing trends in severe and extreme drought became relatively smaller. 3) We identified the following drought hotspots: Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region from the 1960s to the 1990s, respectively. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Guizhou Province in the 1970s and 1980s, and Yunnan Province in the 2000s. Finally, this paper can benefit operational drought characterization with a day-to-day drought monitoring index, enabling a more risk-based drought management strategy in the context of global warming.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONOneoftheeffectsofglobalwarmingisthatprecipita-tionhasincreasedoversomeareasintheworld,andthegaugedataofprecipitation (excludingAntarctica)showthatglobalprecipitationhasincreasedslightlybyabout9mmforthe20thcentury, whichwas verysmallcomparedwiththeinterannualandmul-ti-decadalvariability(NEWetal.,2001).Butregion-ally,thereexisted agreatdealofdifferences,suchasinmostpartsofAfrica, Amazon,westernSouthAmerica,theweatherhasbecomedrier,andinmostpartsofEuropeandCanada,thereexisted…  相似文献   

Variation of Thornthwaite moisture index in Hengduan Mountains,China   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The Thornthwaite moisture index, an index of the supply of water(precipitation) in an area relative to the climatic demand for water(potential evapotranspiration), was used to examine the spatial and temporal variation of drought and to verify the influence of environmental factors on the drought in the Hengduan Mountains, China. Results indicate that the Thornthwaite moisture index in the Hengduan Mountains had been increasing since 1960 with a rate of 0.1938/yr. Annual Thornthwaite moisture index in Hengduan Mountains was between –97.47 and 67.43 and the spatial heterogeneity was obvious in different seasons. Thornthwaite moisture index was high in the north and low in the south, and the monsoon rainfall had a significant impact on its spatial distribution. The tendency rate of Thornthwaite moisture index variation varied in different seasons, and the increasing trends in spring were greater than that in summer and autumn. However, the Thornthwaite moisture index decreased in winter. Thornthwaite moisture index increased greatly in the north and there was a small growth in the south of Hengduan Mountains. The increase of precipitation and decrease of evaporation lead to the increase of Thornthwaite moisture index. Thornthwaite moisture index has strong correlation with vegetation coverage. It can be seen that the correlation between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) and Thornthwaite moisture index was positive in spring and summer, but negative in autumn and winter. Correlation between Thornthwaite moisture index and relative soil relative moisture content was positive in spring, summer and autumn, but negative in winter. The typical mountainous terrain affect the distribution of temperature, precipitation, wind speed and other meteorological factors in this region, and then affect the spatial distribution of Thornthwaite moisture index. The unique ridge-gorge terrain caused the continuity of water-heat distribution from the north to south, and the water-heat was stronger than that from the east to west part, and thus determined the spatial distribution of Thornthwaite moisture index. The drought in the Hengduan Mountains area is mainly due to the unstable South Asian monsoon rainfall time.  相似文献   

This study describes the spatial and temporal variation of a drought index and makes inferences regarding the environmental factors that influence this variability in the Hengduan Mountains. A drought index is typically used to determine the moisture conditions and the magnitude of water deficiency in a given area. Based on data from 26 meteorological stations over the period 1960-2012, the spatial and temporal variations of the drought index were analyzed using a thin plate smoothing splines method that considered elevation as a covariate. The drought index was estimated based on the potential evapotranspiration (E0) as defined by the Penman Monteith model modified by FAO (1998). The results of the reported analysis showed that the drought index in the Hengduan Mountains has been decreasing since 1960 at a rate of -0.008/a. This represented a progressive shift from the "sub-humid" class, which typified the wider area in the Hengduan Mountains, toward the "humid" class, which appeared in the Hengduan Mountains areas. The drought index was relatively high in the north and low in the south and the variation of the drought index varied with seasons. The drought index showed increasing trends in summer and autumn and it is greater in autumn than in summer, while it showed a decreasing trend in spring and winter. Drought index is inversely proportional to the soil relative humidity and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).  相似文献   

Climatic extremes such as drought have becoming a severe climate-related problem in many regions all over the world that can induce anomalies in vegetation condition. Growth and CO2 uptake by plants are constrained to a large extent by drought. Therefore, it is important to understand the spatial and temporal responses of vegetation to drought across the various land cover types and different regions. Leaf area index (LAI) derived from Global Land Surface Satellite (GLASS) data was used to evaluate the response of vegetation to drought occurrence across Yunnan Province, China (2001–2010). The meteorological drought was assessed based on Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) values. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between LAI and SPI were examined across several timescales within six sub-regions of the Yunnan. Further, the drought-prone area was identified based on LAI anomaly values. Lag and cumulative effects of lack of precipitation on vegetation were evident, with significant correlations found using 3-, 6-, 9- and 12-month timescale. We found 9-month timescale has higher correlations compared to another timescale. Approximately 29.4% of Yunnan’s area was classified as drought-prone area, based on the LAI anomaly values. Most of this drought-prone area was distributed in the mountainous region of Yunnan. From the research, it is evident that GLASS LAI can be effectively used as an indicator for assessing drought conditions and it provide valuable information for drought risk defense and preparedness.  相似文献   

利用GRACE/GRACE-FO数据对长江流域2003~2021年期间发生的干旱事件进行定量分析,以探究卫星重力监测区域性干旱的可行性。采用3个机构发布的5种GRACE/GRACE-FO数据产品(CSR_SH、JPL_SH、GFZ_SH、CSR_M、JPL_M)反演长江流域陆地水储量异常(TWSA),计算陆地水储量亏损(WSD)和水储量亏损指数(WSDI),结合气象干旱数据(SPI、SPEI、scPDSI)对5种数据产品的结果进行比较,并对2003~2021年长江流域干旱事件进行分析。结果表明,不同机构发布的GRACE/GRACE-FO数据产品对长江流域干旱事件严重等级的划分具有一定差异;WSDI与6个月时间尺度的SPEI相关性最高,相关系数为0.66,与scPDSI相关系数最低为0.54,降水是影响长江流域陆地水储量变化的重要因素;长江流域最严重的干旱事件发生在2019年夏秋季,干旱强度为2.31,持续10个月,水储量累计亏损达到415 Gt,此次干旱事件的WSDI空间分布图显示2019-09干旱最为严重,出现极端干旱区域。WSDI可反映长江流域干旱分布的时空变化,可在监测全球和大尺度区域干旱方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

基于2004~2021年GRACE/GRACE-FO重力卫星数据反演黄河流域陆地水储量时空变化,并构建干旱指数模型和洪水因子模型,对黄河流域的极端气候现象进行分析研究。结果表明,2004~2021年黄河流域的陆地水储量以0.56 cm/a的速度减少,具有明显的季节周期性特征,在夏季和秋季呈盈余状态,春季和冬季呈亏损状态;干旱指数模型监测到期间黄河流域发生极度干旱事件22次、重度干旱事件37次,干旱事件范围涵盖整个黄河流域;洪水因子模型探测到黄河流域共发生洪水事件118次,多出现在夏季和秋季雨水较为丰沛的时候,期间黄河流域陆地水储量能力较弱,降雨量增大。利用GRACE/GRACE-FO重力卫星数据构建的干旱指数模型和洪水因子模型探测的气象结果与实际观测结果较为符合,能真实反映黄河流域发生的极端气候,可为极端气候研究提供有利工具。  相似文献   

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