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1 m新真空太阳望远镜的成像系统包括Hα,Ca Ⅱ和He Ⅰ三个窄带成像通道,三者均使用里奥滤光器系统进行单色像观测。以Hα通道实测图像为例,探讨了在线心-线翼的偏带观测出现的太阳像亮度空间分布不均匀问题的原因。该不均匀性不同于杂散光,其空间分布形式与变化程度随观测波长点的不同而不同。通过对多组实测数据的分析认为,出现亮度不均现象的根本原因是滤光器的视场效应,视场边缘区域的工作波长相对中心区域发生频率漂移。频漂的程度和空间分布特征与光路装调密切相关,通过分析对比2017年3月光路调整前后频漂情况得出结论:在目前Hα成像通道2.2'的视场范围内,视场频漂量最大为0.005 nm,小于透过带带宽,且仅出现在视场左下角边缘。  相似文献   

本文介绍了云南天文台双筒望远镜Hα滤光器的调试检测。得到了滤光器透过带带宽,工作温度以及各偏带状态下的光谱特征等参数。  相似文献   

本文用计算方法,找出了可调Lyot双拆射滤光器的积分透过率是守恒的:由最原始级确定的滤光器周期中,不管各级的调节波长装置如何移动,即不管各级的透过带位置如何放置,其滤光器的积分透过率守恒,恒等于主带(最厚级透过带宽)的半宽.据此特征以及太阳方和斐线线心光度极小的特征,本文提出一种方法,只需用光电倍增管和普通微安表,直接利用装有双拆射滤光器的太阳望远镜,就能方便地调到所用谱线中心. 对几个选定的波带位置,从理论上计算和实际上观测滤光器的总透光量,并进行比较,推算了太阳磁场用窄带双折射滤光器的总附加散射光量,这种散射光是由光学元件不完善等所引起的。无论太阳磁场测量或太阳单色光度测量都迫切需要了解这种附加总散射光量.  相似文献   

本文探讨了可调双折射滤光器中确定晶体等元件晶轴排列方向的几个普遍规律。利用这些规律,几乎不用任何数学推导,就可简单、准确地确定双折射晶体、波片及调节波长用旋转波片方向之间的关系。  相似文献   

从宽带脉冲泵浦光的光谱及滤光片的滤光特性参数出发,分析了自发参量下转换(SPDC)产生纠缠光源的系统中各类滤光片对剩余脉冲泵浦光的滤除效率。分析结果表明,适当组合不同类型的滤光片可以有效地滤除剩余脉冲泵浦光,并从实验上验证了分析结果的正确性。该研究为脉冲泵浦光条件下SPDC过程产生的纠缠光源的有效测量提供了理论指导和实验验证。  相似文献   

本文讨论多通道滤光器的第三种型式——带多通道头的滤光器。在多通道头中设置较初级的滤光级次,分出各所需要的通道,使指定的工作谱线分别通过各通道,然后分别在各通道之后配置高级次的滤光级,构成整个多通道滤光器。这一结构:1)不需要将最热敏的最厚级置于滤光器最前部,避免了温敏引起的波带位置不稳定;2)各通道可根据工作需要各自选择带宽;3)有利于在其后配置众多的Fabry-Perot和Daystar等各种单通道滤光器;4)可将天文台中现存的所有滤光器,经过多通道头组合在一起,在一个镜筒中实现同时的多通道观测。 本文还讨论了与多通道滤光器相配合的多通道太阳望远镜的一些结构特点和设计方法。  相似文献   

色球光球双筒望远镜,可同时用目视和照相的办法巡视观测太阳H_a色球和光球层。两者物镜口径都是180mm,色球主光路中的干涉偏振滤光器工作波长为6562.78A(H_a),透过带半宽0.5A,由10级双折射晶体组成,最后四级为宽视场级。色球、光球主光路中都采用干涉滤光片减光,色球和光球象分别为25mm和71mm。试观测表明,色球照片已达到甚至超过国内现有几台色球望远镜的最高水平。  相似文献   

1 m太阳望远镜多通道高分辨成像系统是望远镜的重要终端设备之一,目前由Hα通道(线心656.283 nm)和Ti O通道(705.8 nm)构成。主要介绍了多通道高分辨观测系统软件的设计。观测系统在功能上主要实现了Hα通道多波长点扫描观测模式,Ti O通道多时间分辨率观测模式,以及为满足多通道发展的需求,如常规观测通道的增加以及探测器的更换等,在系统架构上采用了松耦合的分布式分层结构。  相似文献   

本文在用Unno-Beckers方程计算光球和黑子本影磁场内FeIλ5324.19谱线形成过程中,计算了该谱线Stokes参数随5000连续谱光学深度分布的贡献函数及形成深度随波长的变化。计算结果表明:磁光效应的存在给该线横向磁场定标参数Q、U的形成深度的确定带来一定的复杂性,对I和V的形成深度的确定没有明显的影响。结合北京天文台太阳磁场望远镜半宽0.15的双折射滤光器,确定所观测磁场信息的形成深度。当对日面中心观测,在滤光器调至线心时,I形成在光球层及黑子高度100公里左右,在偏离线心0.15时V分量形成高度亦如此,Q、U分量的情况较复杂。  相似文献   

随着空间光学系统的发展,光学检测设备的精度要求也更高.介绍了一套口径525 mm、大视场离轴平行光管光学系统的高精度计算机辅助装调方法.该大型平行光管要求全视场波像差优于1/20波长,给装调策略带来了挑战.该方法基于多视场点灵敏度矩阵模型,利用5个不同视场点干涉测得的像差数据,采用阻尼最小二乘法求解系统失调量.通过多次迭代装调,快速成功完成装调,在波长λ=632.8 nm时,该平行光管系统取得了中心视场点波像差均方根粗糙度(rms)值0.036λ、全像面波像差rms平均值0.045λ的装调精度.  相似文献   

太阳望远镜采用全开式圆顶有许多好处,但是此时风对望远镜产生比较大的扰动。为了减少风对望远镜的影响,设计了阻导风板,并在实际应用中得到了很好的结果。全面介绍了阻导风板的原理、结构,并给出了设计要点及在1m红外太阳望远镜(NewVacuum Solar Telescope,NVST)上的实测结果。  相似文献   

We analyzed chromospheric events and their connection to oscillation phenomena and photospheric dynamics. The observations were done with the New Solar Telescope of Big Bear Solar Observatory using a broad-band imager at the wavelength of a TiO band and FISS spectrograph scanning Ca?ii and Hα spectral lines. The event in Ca?ii showed strong plasma flows and propagating waves in the chromosphere. The movement of the footpoints of flux tubes in the photosphere indicated flux tube entanglement and magnetic reconnection as a possible cause of the observed brightening and waves propagating in the chromosphere. An upward propagating train of waves was observed at the site of the downflow event in Hα. There was no clear relationship between photospheric waves and the Ca?ii and Hα events. Our observations indicate that chromospheric waves that were previously thought to originate from the photosphere may be generated by some events in the chromosphere as well.  相似文献   

The New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) is a 1-m solar telescope that aims to observe the fine structures in both the photosphere and the chromosphere of the Sun. The observational data acquired simultaneously from one channel for the chromosphere and two channels for the photosphere bring great challenges to the data storage of NVST. The multi-channel instruments of NVST, including scientific cameras and multi-band spectrometers, generate at least 3 terabytes data per day and require high access performance while storing massive short-exposure images. It is worth studying and implementing a storage system for NVST which would balance the data availability, access performance and the cost of development. In this paper, we build a distributed data storage system (DDSS) for NVST and then deeply evaluate the availability of real-time data storage on a distributed computing environment. The experimental results show that two factors, i.e., the number of concurrent read/write and the file size, are critically important for improving the performance of data access on a distributed environment. Referring to these two factors, three strategies for storing FITS files are presented and implemented to ensure the access performance of the DDSS under conditions of multi-host write and read simultaneously. The real applications of the DDSS proves that the system is capable of meeting the requirements of NVST real-time high performance observational data storage. Our study on the DDSS is the first attempt for modern astronomical telescope systems to store real-time observational data on a low-cost distributed system. The research results and corresponding techniques of the DDSS provide a new option for designing real-time massive astronomical data storage system and will be a reference for future astronomical data storage.  相似文献   

Six high-resolution TiO-band image sequences from the New Vacuum Solar Telescope(NVST)are used to investigate the properties of intergranular bright points(ig BPs). We detect the ig BPs using a Laplacian and morphological dilation algorithm(LMD) and automatically track them using a threedimensional segmentation algorithm, and then investigate the morphologic, photometric and dynamic properties of ig BPs in terms of equivalent diameter, intensity contrast, lifetime, horizontal velocity, diffusion index, motion range and motion type. The statistical results confirm previous studies based on G-band or TiO-band ig BPs from other telescopes. These results illustrate that TiO data from the NVST are stable and reliable, and are suitable for studying ig BPs. In addition, our method is feasible for detecting and tracking ig BPs with TiO data from the NVST. With the aid of vector magnetograms obtained from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager, the properties of ig BPs are found to be strongly influenced by their embedded magnetic environments. The areal coverage, size and intensity contrast values of ig BPs are generally larger in regions with higher magnetic flux. However, the dynamics of ig BPs, including the horizontal velocity, diffusion index, ratio of motion range and index of motion type are generally larger in the regions with lower magnetic flux. This suggests that the absence of strong magnetic fields in the medium makes it possible for the igBPs to look smaller and weaker, diffuse faster, and move faster and further along a straighter path.  相似文献   

The Solar Dynamics Imaging System (SDIS) will be one of the focal plane instruments operated at the National Large Solar Telescope (NLST). The prime objective of the instrument is to obtain high spatial and temporal resolution images of the region of interest on the Sun in the wavelength range from 390 nm to 900 nm. The SDIS provides filtergrams using broad-band filters while preserving the Strehl ratio provided by the telescope. Furthermore, the SDIS is expected to provide observations that allow image reconstruction to extract wave front information and achieve a homogenous image quality over the entire FOV.  相似文献   

We present the optical observations of the AM Herculis system EU UMa (=RE1149+28) carried out in February 1993 with a TV scanner and a photometer (NEPh) at the secondary focus of the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope. Spectroscopy with a time resolution of 300 s and a spectral resolution of 2 Å in the wavelength range ≈3950–4950 Å is used to analyze the variability of emission-line profiles, equivalent widths, central intensities Rc, and radial velocities with orbital phase. We determined the orbital period of the system from line radial-velocity measurements, 90.0±0.2 min. The emission-line profiles are highly variable. The Hβ and He II 4686 Å lines exhibit P Cyg profiles at selected phases. The spectral-line parameters were found to vary significantly on time scales from 5 to 15 min. The possible causes of the detected spectroscopic variability are discussed.  相似文献   

The NST (New Solar Telescope), a 1.6 m clear aperture, off‐axis telescope, is in its commissioning phase at Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO). It will be the most capable, largest aperture solar telescope in the US until the 4 m ATST (Advanced Technology Solar Telescope) comes on‐line late in the next decade. The NST will be outfitted with state‐of‐the‐art scientific instruments at the Nasmyth focus on the telescope floor and in the Coudé Lab beneath the telescope. At the Nasmyth focus, several filtergraphs already in routine operation have offered high spatial resolution photometry in TiO 706 nm, Hα 656 nm, G‐band 430 nm and the near infrared (NIR), with the aid of a correlation tracker and image reconstruction system. Also, a Cryogenic Infrared Spectrograph (CYRA) is being developed to supply high signal‐to‐noise‐ratio spectrometry and polarimetry spanning 1.0 to 5.0 μm. The Coudé Lab instrumentation will include Adaptive Optics (AO), InfraRed Imaging Magnetograph (IRIM), Visible Imaging Magnetograph (VIM), and Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS). A 308 sub‐aperture (349‐actuator deformable mirror) AO system will enable nearly diffraction limited observations over the NST's principal operating wavelengths from 0.4 μm through 1.7 μm. IRIM and VIM are Fabry‐Pérot based narrow‐band tunable filters, which provide high resolution two‐dimensional spectroscopic and polarimetric imaging in the NIR and visible respectively. FISS is a collaboration between BBSO and Seoul National University focussing on chromosphere dynamics. This paper reports the up‐to‐date progress on these instruments including an overview of each instrument and details of the current state of design, integration, calibration and setup/testing on the NST (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We discuss a near-infrared (NIR) narrow-band tunable birefringent filter system newly developed by the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO). This is one of the first narrow-bandpass NIR filter systems working at 1.56 μm which is used for the observation of the deepest solar photosphere. Four stages of calcite were used to obtain a bandpass of 2.5 Å along with a free spectral range (FSR) of 40 Å. Some unique techniques were implemented in the design, including liquid crystal variable retarders (LCVRs) to tune the bandpass in a range of ±100 Å, a wide field configuration to provide up to 2° incident angle, and oil-free structure to make it more compact and handy. After performing calibration and characteristic evaluation at the Evans Facility of the National Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak (NSO/SP), a series of high-resolution filtergrams and imaging polarimetry observations were carried out with the Dunn Solar Telescope of NSO/SP and the 65-cm telescope of BBSO, in conjunction with the high-order adaptive optics system and the Fabry–Pérot Interferometer (FPI). In this paper, we describe the optical design and discuss the calibration method. Preliminary observations show that it is capable of serving as either a stand-alone narrow-band filter for NIR filtergram observations or an order-sorting filter of a FPI applied to NIR two-dimensional imaging spectro-polarimetry.  相似文献   

Imaging polarimetry through J and H broad-band filters and a 3.4 μm narrow-band filter is used to highlight the regions of scattered light in the Red Rectangle. We find that the scattered light identifies the circumbinary dust component of the molecular disc seen in CO emission. This region also appears to be the origin of the recently discovered Blue Luminescence. We find that the degrees of polarization are consistent with the amorphous carbon dust model invoked by Men'shchikov. Spectropolarimetry from 1.4 to 2.5 μm confirms that the degree of polarization in the central arcsecond region is very low. This suggests that the central bicone seen in the near-infrared is predominantly due to emission from hot dust and/or from stochastically heated nanoparticles, rather than due to scattering by large grains.  相似文献   

Stokes polarization profiles of the Mg?b2 5172.68 Å spectral line on two simple sunspots are obtained with the Multi-Channel Solar Telescope (MCST) at the Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS). This is done by means of scanning this line over the wavelength interval from 200 mÅ redward of the line center to 200 mÅ blueward, in steps of 10 mÅ. A generalized analytic solution to the transfer equation for polarized radiation is presented. With a nonlinear least-square fitting technique, the linear calibration coefficients for the low-chromospheric longitudinal magnetic field is obtained in the weak-field case. We also discuss the problems in calibrating the transverse field with this line. It is shown that the weak-field approximation is not applicable to the chromospheric Mg?b2 line for the transverse component of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

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