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公众科学(Citizen Science)指的是非职业科学家(如科学爱好者等)组织或参与的科学研究活动,业余天文学(Citizen Astronomy)是公众科学的一个经典分支。受益于科技水平的提升,当代天文爱好者有力地补充了职业天文学家无力或无暇顾及的领域,如时域天文学观测、大数据的人工分析、数据挖掘等。近年来,我国业余天文学发展迅速,我国爱好者在新天体的搜寻和发现上成绩显著,但与欧美国家的业余天文相比,我国爱好者的兴趣点比较单一,对长期监测、数据挖掘等项目的参与度低。调查发现,我国青少年在业余天文学家群体中占有很大的比重,"对天文感兴趣"、"学习天文知识"、"获得乐趣"和"认识朋友"是我国爱好者参与业余天文学研究的主要动机,这两点与欧美国家业余天文学家有着明显不同。随着我国一系列大科学设备的建成运行,公众科学和业余天文学的潜力需要得到重视。应对公众和爱好者进行积极引导,使他们在学习知识和获得乐趣的同时,能为科学研究作出更大贡献。  相似文献   

海量观测数据及次生数据的高效存储与检索,天文大数据的快速及时处理,加速天文学研究的科学产出等问题,已成为天文观测和天文研究迫切需要解决的难题。以信息技术为支撑的天文大数据的高效分析和处理,帮助天文学家重新审视和了解宇宙。虚拟天文台的出现为全球范围内研究资源的无缝透明连接提供了协议、标准,以协议为基础规范了天文数据的发布与检索方式。以国内外现有的观测设备为基础,综述目前主流天文机构的数据发布与检索相关情况。  相似文献   

在技术发展和科学需求的驱动下,天文数据获取的方式发生了巨大的变化.全自动化的观测网络成为地基时域天文观测研究领域的一种趋势.以中国"宋"项目为例,从科学目标、设计和实现等方面,介绍自动化观测网络的构建与实施.SONG(Stellar Observations Network Group)计划是中国天文界参与的一个国际合作的天文学研究计划,以星震学、疏散星团中的变星研究等时域天体物理现象为主要科学目标.项目以全球布站的全自动观测网络为建设目标,每个站点的核心设备包括1台1 m光学望远镜、高精度和高分辨光谱仪与双通道幸运成像系统.中国自主提出在每个站点增设的1台50 cm双筒(双通道)测光望远镜,共享国际SONG计划的网络平台和基础设施.主要针对这一个由多种设备、多站点构成的地基网络,讨论其技术手段和方法的设计与实现.  相似文献   

黄珹 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):113-120
对应用天文学涉及的领域以及国际上应用天文学的特点作了介绍,分析了我国应用天文学的研究现状,展示了我国在诮天文所依托的基础科学研究领域和应用天文学领域取得的成绩与进展,其涉及范围比较广泛,但也指出了与国际先进国家相比我国应用天文学的水平尚有差距,最后对我国应用天文发展提出了初步的构想。  相似文献   

一、《天文学报》是中国天文学会主办的学术刊物,本刊反映我国天文学的科研成果,报道我国天文事业的进展,贯彻党的“百花齐放、百家争鸣”方针,开展学术讨论,为加速实现科学技术现代化服务。学报的内容着重在提高方面。二、本刊主要刊载下列各类文章:1.天文观测的研究分析;2.有创造性的天文理论研究;3.有实用价值的天文应用研究;4.应用于天文学科的新技术;5.国际天文学进展评述;6.国内天文研究简讯与学术动态。三、本刊稿件征集办法:1.由各天文或与天文有关的科研单位、各大学天文系(或专业)等的学术  相似文献   

经过多年观测,新疆天文台积累了大量珍贵的观测数据。如何高效管理快速增长的海量观测数据,如何实现全波段观测数据的融合及未来更大口径望远镜产生的海量数据归档与发布是目前新疆天文台急需解决的问题。新疆天文台数据中心面向天文学科研需求提供天文科学数据服务和基础设施,由新疆天文台计算机技术室负责运行与维护。数据中心以最新的虚拟天文台相关标准为基础建设,基本服务包括:为天文观测项目提供数据保存、管理和发布服务;为有价值的天文科学数据及二次处理后的数据提供长期保存和访问服务;为用户提供科学数据归档与发布服务及相关技术支持。数据资源主要有:新疆天文台25 m射电望远镜的脉冲星观测数据;活动星系核观测数据以及分子谱线观测数据。提供的数据服务有:PPMXL星表锥形检索;海量星表数据在线交叉认证;统一内容描述符信息查询等服务。主要介绍新疆天文台数据中心建设及其提供的服务,如何使用已发布的服务在线检索数据及利用标准虚拟天文台工具实现数据操作。  相似文献   

1.天文学报系专门学报性质,专载:(1)我国科学工作者对于有关天文的创作论文,和外国重要天文研究综合性的介绍报告;(2)我国天文台的观测报告;(3)苏联天文学之成就的介绍;(4)天文文献图书的书评或摘要.2.本学报文字一律用中文语体文,可附以简短的外文摘要.外文摘要最好以打字机打出.  相似文献   

天文学是一门观测学科, 其发展受观测技术及仪器进步所推动, 而天文科学发展同样不断对观测仪器提出新的要求. 天文学发展至今, 对观测仪器的要求逐渐走向极致和极端, 这在实现成本及难度两方面均带来极大挑战. 为应对上述挑战, 基于新原理、新技术的下一代天文光学技术及观测仪器已成为天文学发展的内在需要. 近年来, 集成光子学的发展为天文光学技术带来了新的变革性机遇, 在此基础上产生的新兴交叉学科天文光子学(Astrophotonics)可为天文观测提供低成本、高度集成化(芯片化)的新一代高性能光学终端仪器, 这类仪器将在空间天文观测、大规模光谱巡天、高分辨高精度光谱成像等应用中起到关键作用. 主要从仪器/器件功能出发介绍天文光子学主要研究内容及现状, 并简要讨论其发展所面临的主要问题, 最后对其发展趋势做出展望.  相似文献   

中国虚拟天文台数据访问服务   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着科学技术的进步和大批天文观测项目的实施,天文数据正在呈现爆炸式的增长,天文学正进入一个数据富庶的时代。虚拟天文台项目的首要目标就是要解决这些高度分散、复杂、海量的天文数据的统一访问和管理,实现全球天文数据资源的融合,使天文学家能够高效快捷的获取所需的天文数据。中国虚拟天文台项目基于目前的网格技术,设计和实现网格环境下天文数据的查询访问服务,并为客户应用提供统一的访问接口。本文重点介绍了我们采用GlobusToolkit网格开发工具包,按照国际虚拟天文台联盟最新制订的天文数据标准,完成对天文星表数据资源的网格服务封装,实现天文星表锥形查询(Cone Search)和星表查询网格两个数据服务的工作,并介绍了如何使用天文数据服务搭建其他网格服务。  相似文献   

本文回顾了红外天文学的发展史,论述了天体红外探测在天文学中的重要性,较详细地介绍了包括红外天文卫星(IRAS)在内的现代红外天文观测技术的新进展,对我国红外天文研究的现状也作了简要评述。  相似文献   

Many asteroids with a semimajor axis close to that of Mars have been discovered in the last several years. Potentially some of these could be in 1:1 resonance with Mars, much as are the classic Trojan asteroids with Jupiter, and its lesser-known horseshoe companions with Earth. In the 1990s, two Trojan companions of Mars, 5261 Eureka and 1998 VF31, were discovered, librating about the L5 Lagrange point, 60° behind Mars in its orbit. Although several other potential Mars Trojans have been identified, our orbital calculations show only one other known asteroid, 1999 UJ7, to be a Trojan, associated with the L4 Lagrange point, 60° ahead of Mars in its orbit. We further find that asteroid 36017 (1999 ND43) is a horseshoe librator, alternating with periods of Trojan motion. This asteroid makes repeated close approaches to Earth and has a chaotic orbit whose behavior can be confidently predicted for less than 3000 years. We identify two objects, 2001 HW15 and 2000 TG2, within the resonant region capable of undergoing what we designate “circulation transition”, in which objects can pass between circulation outside the orbit of Mars and circulation inside it, or vice versa. The eccentricity of the orbit of Mars appears to play an important role in circulation transition and in horseshoe motion. Based on the orbits and on spectroscopic data, the Trojan asteroids of Mars may be primordial bodies, while some co-orbital bodies may be in a temporary state of motion.  相似文献   

Magnetars are the neutron stars with the highest magnetic fields up to 1015–1016 G. It has been proposed that they are also responsible for a variety of extra-galactic phenomena, ranging from giant flares in nearby galaxies to fast radio bursts. Utilizing a relativistic mean field model and a variable magnetic field configuration, we investigate the effects of strong magnetic fields on the equation of state and anisotropy of pressure of magnetars. It is found that the mass and radius of low-mass magnetars are weakly enhanced under the action of the strong magnetic field, and the anisotropy of pressure can be ignored. Unlike other previous investigations, the magnetic field is unable to violate the mass limit of the neutron stars.  相似文献   

Time scales of the transition from contact binary systems of the W UMa type to single stars of the blue straggler type are estimated. A model of one-way mass transfer from the primary component to the companion inside a common envelope (Eggen et al.) and a model of a contact binary lying on the zero-age main sequence with a companion that is losing mass (F. van't Veer) are used to calculate these scales. The merging times of components were calculated for 304 contact systems of the W UMa type from the Catalog of Approximate Photometric and Absolute Elements of Eclipsing Variable Stars on a scale of loss of mass and orbital angular momentum due to magnetic braking, under the assumption of synchronization of the axial rotation and orbital revolution. On the basis of the resulting statistics, the characteristic merging scales are 0.4-0.6 and 0.5-0.7 Gyr, respectively, for the above two models. The results of a comparison with the work of other authors are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the observed variation in the flattening of galaxies with the density of galaxies in the subclusters of Coma surrounding NGC 4889, NGC 4874, and NGC 4839 based on data from the Abastumani Combined Catalog of Galaxies. The mean values of the observed ratios of the diameters of the galaxies, as well as histograms of their distributions, indicate that in the central, dense regions of the subclusters within a volume of 0.5h 75 −1 Mpc3, E and S0 type galaxies are close to spheroidal. A significant reduction in the mean values of the diameters of the galaxies in the subclusters is noted, regardless of their morphology relative to the galaxies in the halo of the Coma cluster. In the subclusters, spiral galaxies are found with a hydrogen deficit that is more than 5 times the hydrogen deficit in spirals within the halo of the cluster. According to their 3-D coordinates, most of the galaxies with a hydrogen deficit are located closer to the south-east edge of the subcluster surrounding NGC 4874 near an extended gas filament in the x-ray region. This may indicate that the subcluster is moving toward a central condensation of faint galaxies in the Coma cluster and a possible merger with it. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 355–368 (August 2007).  相似文献   

We announce the discovery of a new Milky Way satellite Segue 2 found in the data of the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE). We followed this up with deeper imaging and spectroscopy on the Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT). From this, we derive a luminosity of   M v =−2.5  , a half-light radius of 34 pc and a systemic velocity of  ∼−40 km s−1  . Our data also provide evidence for a stream around Segue 2 at a similar heliocentric velocity, and the SEGUE data show that it is also present in neighbouring fields. We resolve the velocity dispersion of Segue 2 as 3.4 km s−1 and the possible stream as  ∼7 km s−1  . This object shows points of comparison with other recent discoveries, Segue 1, Boo II and Coma. We speculate that all four objects may be representatives of a population of satellites of satellites – survivors of accretion events that destroyed their larger but less dense parents. They are likely to have formed at redshifts   z > 10  and are good candidates for fossils of the reionization epoch.  相似文献   

分析了上两个世纪发生在淮河的洪水事件的可公度性,根据其可公度值及其黄金分割点指出1991年与2003年淮河洪水的不可避免,最后讨论了可公度性的局限及淮河洪水可公度值的可能机制。  相似文献   

A review is presented of the author's results on application of regularizing and stabilizing KS- transformation in the problem of investigation of the motion of unusual minor planets and comets. Two models of the motion of a minor body are considered, viz. the perturbed two body problem and the perturbed restricted three body problem. The variational equations in KS-variables and transformations for obtaining the matrix of partial derivatives of the instantaneous physical parameters of motion with respect to their initial values are presented. The peculiarities of the implementation of the algorithms developed as programs on a computer are described. The original results of the investigation of the efficiency of the developed algorithms and programs are discussed using as an example the motion of unusual minor planets Icarus and Geographos as well as comets Halley, Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova and Gehrels 3.  相似文献   

Aerosols are very important in the Martian climate system. Aerosols get charged by the attachment of ions in the atmosphere. Charging of aerosols reduces the conductivity of the atmosphere as the very mobile ions are lost during the ion-aerosol attachment. During a dust storm the dust opacity increases and more ion-aerosol attachment process occurs and consequently conductivity reduces further. It was found that with the background aerosols (dust opacity ∼0.2), the conductivity close to the surface of Mars was reduced by a factor of 5, but during the dust storm (opacity ∼5) of 2001 the conductivity decreased by about 2 orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

P. Scheirich  P. Pravec 《Icarus》2009,200(2):531-547
We present a numerical method for inverting long-period components of lightcurves of asynchronous binary asteroids. Data of five near-Earth binary asteroids, (175706) 1996 FG3, (65803) Didymos, (66391) 1999 KW4, (185851) 2000 DP107 and (66063) 1998 RO1, for two of them from more than one apparition, were inverted. Their mutual orbits' poles and Keplerian elements, size ratios, and ellipsoidal shape axial ratios were estimated via this inversion. The pole solutions and size ratios for 1999 KW4 and 2000 DP107 are in a good agreement with independent estimates from radar measurements. We show that uncertainties of estimates of bulk densities of binary systems can be large, especially when observed on short arcs.  相似文献   

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