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用Q值刻画的地震衰减在地震信号处理和解释中具有很广泛的应用。利用反射地震资料进行Q值估计需要解决地震子波和反射系数序列耦合的问题。从反射地震资料中去除反射系数序列的影响,这个过程称为频谱校正。本文提出了一种基于子波估计的求取Q值的方法,进而设计了一个反Q滤波器。该方法利用反射地震资料的高阶统计量进行子波估计,并利用所估计子波实现频谱校正。我们利用合成数据实验给出了质心频移法与频谱比法这两种常用的Q值估计方法在不同参数设置下的性能。人工合成数据和实际数据处理表明,利用本文提出的方法进行频谱校正后,可以得到可靠的Q值估计。经过反Q滤波,地震数据的高频部分得到了有效地恢复。  相似文献   

地震子波估计是地震资料处理与解释中的重要环节,它的准确与否直接关系到反褶积及反演等结果的好坏。高阶谱(双谱和三谱)地震子波估计方法是一类重要的、新兴的子波估计方法,然而基于高阶谱的地震子波估计往往因为高阶相位谱卷绕的原因,导致子波相位谱求解产生偏差,进而影响了混合相位子波估计的效果。针对这一问题,本文在双谱域提出了一种基于保角变换的相位谱求解方法。通过缩小傅里叶相位谱的取值范围,有效避免了双谱相位发生卷绕的情况,从而消除了原相位谱估计中双谱相位卷绕的影响。该方法与最小二乘法相位谱估计相结合,构成了基于保角变换的最小二乘地震子波相位谱估计方法,并与最小二乘地震子波振幅谱估计方法一起,应用到了地震资料混合相位子波估计中。理论模型和实际资料验证了该方法的有效性。同时本文将双谱域地震子波相位谱估计中保角变换的思想推广到三谱域地震子波相位谱估计中。  相似文献   

地表一致性反褶积在地震勘探中的应用及效果   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
地震资料的反褶积处理是通过改造地震激发子波,进而消除地震激发子波在传播过程中所受的虚反射、层间多次反射和大地滤波等影响的一种地震勘探资料处理方法.反褶积的方法很多,如:脉冲反褶积、预测反褶积、地表一致性反褶积.它们之间主要区别之一在于对地震子波的假设和估计地震子波的方法.所以在处理过程中应根据不同的区域资料特征采取不同的反褶积方法.本文以河南省某煤预查区地震勘探为实例,着重总结和比较地表一致性反褶积技术在地震资料处理中的应用效果.应用研究表明,适当选择时窗和自相关步长进行自相关分析,地表一致性反褶积能够展宽频谱,压缩地震子波,并能校正地震信号的相位谱,输出零相位子波,可以较大程度地提高地震资料的分辨率,提高勘探能力.  相似文献   

应用波动方程有限差分方法人工合成地震记录进行城市隐伏断层的地震勘探.采用适当的差分算法、震源子波以及有效地边界条件和频散消除方法来提高正演模拟的精度和分辨率.结果表明地震数值模拟可以用来分析地层厚度、断层倾角、断层深度以及断裂带宽度等参数对地震记录的影响;通过实际试验数据和正演模拟的合成单炮地震记录的对比,可以快速判断断层的大致位置和断裂带的大致范围以及目标地层的大致深度.该方法能有效辅助实际野外工作中的数据采集参数的估计,提高勘探效率和精度.  相似文献   

地震波在地下介质传播过程中,受近地表的非均质性和地层的非完全弹性影响产生散射和吸收衰减,使得地震记录具有非平稳性.因此对非平稳地震记录的研究需打破子波时不变的假设,更加真实地反映地震子波的传播特性,将有效提高地震子波估计精度.目前非平稳地震记录中提取地震子波的研究主要集中在两方面:对非平稳地震记录进行衰减补偿后采用常规方法提取地震子波;利用谱模拟或分段处理直接对非平稳地震记录进行时变子波提取.本文深入研究了衰减补偿方法与时变子波提取方法,对广泛应用于非平稳地震记录处理中的时频分析方法的优缺点进行归纳,并对谱模拟及分段处理方法的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

地震干涉偏移是新发展起来的地震成像方法,它是在地震干涉理论基础上进行的成像处理.地震干涉偏移不需要速度模型,算法快捷,能够解决某些特殊条件下的地震成像问题,具有消除震源子波影响和提高分辨率的优点.本文结合实际工区F158随钻地震资料,通过反褶积干涉处理,得到高分辨率高信噪比的记录,然后进行了干涉偏移成像.通过与实际地震...  相似文献   

简述了改进的最佳匹配地震子波的小波函数构造及参数的物理含义;根据地震波的高、低频分量在黏弹介质中传播时被地层吸收的差异,给出了一种在时-频域定性估计地震波衰减特性的方法;分别以改进的最佳匹配地震子波的小波及Morlet小波作为母小波分析地层吸收特性,并比较了两种小波函数刻画地层吸收特性的能力;测试了这种方法对噪声的敏感程度. 将文中提出的方法用于某油田的一段实测地震资料衰减分析,得到的吸收特性剖面能较好地反映油气的空间展布.  相似文献   

深层超深层叠前地震子波的准确提取可有效提高全波形反演及叠前偏移成像等方法的准确性,对储层预测和油气分析具有重要意义.针对塔里木低信噪比叠前地震记录,本文提出一种基于生成对抗网络(GAN)的塔里木深层超深层叠前地震子波提取方法.结合柯东地区地质构造特点及噪声特性,采用有限差分法正演叠前地震记录,构建了塔里木柯东地区叠前地震记录及对应子波的训练样本集,利用地震子波、反射系数及噪声特征的区别训练生成对抗网络,实现了从叠前地震记录中有效分离地震子波.合成数据和实际地震资料处理结果表明,本文所提方法对塔里木深层超深层叠前地震子波提取具有有效性和较高的准确性,较传统方法更具优越性.  相似文献   

一种基于信息反馈的高精度地震子波提取方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对实际地震数据处理过程中参数化模型方法提取的子波与实际地震子波的一致性及其子波提取方法的有效性问题,本文提出一种基于信息反馈思想的地震子波提取方法.该方法利用提取的子渡合成地震记录,对合成地震记录和原始地震记录中的关键属性、特定参数进行分析比较,并将比较结果作为反馈信息作用于地震子波提取过程.理论研究与分析结果表明,...  相似文献   

利用地震记录双谱中包含子波的幅值和相位信息,以及其超强的抗噪声干扰能力,采用一种基于双谱幅值和相位重构的地震子波提取方法,首先提取出子波幅值及相位信息,进而通过傅立叶反变换,使子波得以完全恢复.本文针对双谱相位重构递推公式,提出一种新的初值选取方法,使地震子波估计的稳定性得到了提高.仿真实验证实了该方法的可行性.  相似文献   

受井中检波器串级数局限,垂直地震剖面(VSP)反射波成像范围窄,且不能对井中最浅接收点上方区域有效成像.虽然多次波成像能扩大成像范围,但在实际应用中尚有诸多困难和挑战.本文根据Wapenaar的地震干涉理论,基于上下行波场分离技术,研发了VSP地震干涉成像方法.该方法将VSP自由表面多次波重建为在地表震源位置激发(虚震源)接收的拟地面地震反射波,然后偏移成像,以达到对多次波间接成像的目的.通过数值模型实验,测试了VSP干涉成像的极限分辨率,并讨论了主要采集参数的影响,结果表明:该方法的垂向和水平极限分辨率分别达约10m和20m,且能分辨深度达6500m处的50m×100m溶洞;采用12至24道井中检波器串采集的VSP资料,其干涉成像结果显著优于VSP反射波成像,与相应的地面地震成像效果相当.将本文方法应用于新疆地区采集的VSP资料,结果表明:与VSP反射波成像相比,成像同相轴更加连续,成像范围显著扩大;与地面地震成像相比,成像结果相当,尤其在浅中部甚至更好.新方法不仅无需进行井中接收点静校正,且能显著增大成像范围,有利于成像同相轴的追踪对比、地震属性提取和地质解释,尤其对中国新疆地区深部缝洞型储层的成像,具有广泛的实际应用前景.  相似文献   

Interferometric redatuming is a data‐driven method to transform seismic responses with sources at one level and receivers at a deeper level into virtual reflection data with both sources and receivers at the deeper level. Although this method has traditionally been applied by cross‐correlation, accurate redatuming through a heterogeneous overburden requires solving a multidimensional deconvolution problem. Input data can be obtained either by direct observation (for instance in a horizontal borehole), by modelling or by a novel iterative scheme that is currently being developed. The output of interferometric redatuming can be used for imaging below the redatuming level, resulting in a so‐called interferometric image. Internal multiples from above the redatuming level are eliminated during this process. In the past, we introduced point‐spread functions for interferometric redatuming by cross‐correlation. These point‐spread functions quantify distortions in the redatumed data, caused by internal multiple reflections in the overburden. In this paper, we define point‐spread functions for interferometric imaging to quantify these distortions in the image domain. These point‐spread functions are similar to conventional resolution functions for seismic migration but they contain additional information on the internal multiples in the overburden and they are partly data‐driven. We show how these point‐spread functions can be visualized to diagnose image defocusing and artefacts. Finally, we illustrate how point‐spread functions can also be defined for interferometric imaging with passive noise sources in the subsurface or with simultaneous‐source acquisition at the surface.  相似文献   

We present the results of a seismic interferometry experiment in a shallow cased borehole. The experiment is an initial study for subsequent borehole seismic surveys in an instrumented well site, where we plan to test other surface/borehole seismic techniques. The purpose of this application is to improve the knowledge of the reflectivity sequence and to verify the potential of the seismic interferometry approach to retrieve high‐frequency signals in the single well geometry, overcoming the loss and attenuation effects introduced by the overburden. We used a walkaway vertical seismic profile (VSP) geometry with a seismic vibrator to generate polarized vertical and horizontal components along a surface seismic line and an array of 3C geophones cemented outside the casing. The recorded traces are processed to obtain virtual sources in the borehole and to simulate single‐well gathers with a variable source‐receiver offset in the vertical array. We compare the results obtained by processing the field data with synthetic signals calculated by numerical simulation and analyse the signal bandwidth and amplitude versus offset to evaluate near‐field effects in the virtual signals. The application provides direct and reflected signals with improved bandwidth after vibrator signal deconvolution. Clear reflections are detected in the virtual seismic sections in agreement with the geology and other surface and borehole seismic data recorded with conventional seismic exploration techniques.  相似文献   

Imaging a target zone below a salt body can be challenging because large velocity contrasts in the overburden between the salt and surrounding sediments generate internal multiples, which interfere with primary reflections from the target level in the imaging process. This can lead to an erroneous interpretation of reflections in the sub-salt area if multiples are misinterpreted as primaries. The Marchenko redatuming method may enable imaging of the sub-salt target area where the effect of the multiply-scattering overburden is removed. This is achieved by creating a redatumed reflection response where virtual sources and receivers are located below the overburden using a macromodel of the velocity field and the surface reflection data. The accuracy of the redatumed data and the associated internal multiple removal, however, depends on the accurate knowledge of the source wavelet of the acquired reflection data. For the first time, we propose a method which can accurately and reliably correct the amplitudes of the reflection response in field data as required by the Marchenko method. Our method operates by iteratively and automatically updating the source function so as to cancel the most artefact energy in the focusing functions, which are also generated by the Marchenko method. We demonstrate the method on a synthetic dataset and successfully apply it to a field dataset acquired in a deep-water salt environment in the Gulf of Mexico. After the successful source wavelet estimation for the field dataset, we create sub-salt target-oriented images with Marchenko redatumed data. Marchenko images using the proposed source wavelet estimation show clear improvements, such as increased continuity of reflectors, compared to surface-based images and to conventional Marchenko images computed without the inverted source wavelet. Our improvements are corroborated by evidence in the literature and our own synthetic results.  相似文献   

偏移成像是VSP数据处理中的一个重要环节,常规的VSP成像方法通常利用VSP-CDP转换或Kirchhoff偏移,均存在保幅性差及成像精度低等问题,而波动方程叠前深度偏移被认为是对地下复杂构造进行成像的精确偏移方法.任意广角波动方程作为一种高精度的空间域单程波波动方程,同时由于只含有二阶偏导数项,易于数值实现,与其他单程波波动方程相比,具有更大的成像倾角,因此是偏移成像的有力工具之一.本文将AWWE推广应用到VSP数据成像中,实现了VSP时空域高角度单程波方程偏移.首先从三维标量任意广角波动方程出发,推导了完全匹配层吸收边界条件,在基本不增加计算量的前提下有效地压制了边界反射成像噪音,同时利用非线性反演算法优选参考速度来提高平方根算子的近似程度,从而提高高角度地层的成像精度.模型数值模拟实验验证了该方法的有效性,同时表明该方法在陡倾角构造情况下能取得很好的成像效果.最后对某地区实际观测的VSP资料进行了偏移成像,并与地面地震偏移结果进行了对比,显示出VSP波动方程偏移在成像分辨率上的优势.  相似文献   

地震相干偏移与数据自参照偏移的关系   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地震相干偏移和数据自参照偏移是最近几年发展起来的地震成像新方法,并且已在地震勘探研究领域开始应用.该方法在VSP(垂直地震剖面)中的应用尤其值得关注,因为它部分地解决了一些在地面反射地震方法中难以解决的问题.地震相干偏移是用地震数据的互相关处理后的数据进行偏移,而数据自参照偏移则不必在偏移前对数据进行互相关处理,而是通过记录数据中的两个不同部分波场的延拓来互相参照进行偏移.二者的优点都是在偏移运算中可以不考虑原始震源位置、激发时间以及地震波初始传播路径.本文从偏移成像的理论出发分析了这两类算法,发现二者在成像原理上是一致的.本文还通过一个二维VSP多次波偏移的数值模拟实验,比较和归纳了这两类算法在实际应用中的特点.  相似文献   

地震干涉是近几年勘探地球物理领域研究的一个热点方向,它是波场重构的有力工具.然而,地震干涉往往引入虚假同相轴,影响波场重构的质量.为进一步分析虚假同相轴产生的原因并改善波场重构的质量,本文基于稳相分析,详细探讨子波主频、激发炮数、检波器埋深、检波器间距和地层倾角五个因素对波场重构的影响.模型结果表明,震检排列方式和地层倾角等因素通过改变有限震检范围内稳相点的位置来影响波场重构的质量.将垂直地震剖面VSP中的下行直达波与下行反射波进行地震干涉处理,可有效重构来自高陡反射面的下行反射波,将传统的VSP转化为单井地震剖面SWP.直接利用重构SWP波场进行成像,不仅扩大传统VSP的成像范围,而且避免常规勘探面临的静校正和近地表速度建模问题,为高陡构造成像提供一种新方法.  相似文献   

In hydraulic fracturing treatments, locating not only hydraulic fractures but also any pre‐existing natural fractures and faults in a subsurface reservoir is very important. Hydraulic fractures can be tracked by locating microseismic events, but to identify the locations of natural fractures, an additional technique is required. In this paper, we present a method to image pre‐existing fractures and faults near a borehole with virtual reverse vertical seismic profiling data or virtual single‐well profiling data (limited to seismic reflection data) created from microseismic monitoring using seismic interferometry. The virtual source data contain reflections from natural fractures and faults, and these features can be imaged by applying migration to the virtual source data. However, the imaging zone of fractures in the proposed method is strongly dependent on the geographic extent of the microseismic events and the location and direction of the fracture. To verify our method, we produced virtual reverse vertical seismic profiling and single‐well profiling data from synthetic microseismic data and compared them with data from real sources in the same relative position as the virtual sources. The results show that the reflection travel times from the fractures in the virtual source data agree well with travel times in the real‐source data. By applying pre‐stack depth migration to the virtual source data, images of the natural fractures were obtained with accurate locations. However, the migrated section of the single‐well profiling data with both real and virtual sources contained spurious fracture images on the opposite side of the borehole. In the case of virtual single‐well profiling data, we could produce correct migration images of fractures by adopting directional redatuming for which the occurrence region of microseismic events is divided into several subdivisions, and fractures located only on the opposite side of the borehole are imaged for each subdivision.  相似文献   

基于逆虚折射干涉法有效提取近地表弱地震信号   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在地震勘探中,地形起伏和近地表速度的剧烈变化会导致地震波旅行时的扰动,通常会通过折射波信息来估算和消除这些扰动.本文在虚折射的基础上提出了逆虚折射干涉法,通过虚折射波场和原始折射波场的互相关,并对所有位于固定相位点上的检波点进行叠加,重构出逆虚折射波场.通过逆虚折射与超级虚折射的叠加,保证了不同偏移距下折射波振幅恢复的一致性,显著提高折射波的信噪比,有效提取弱信号.同时,本文采用反褶积干涉法来压制由于互相关和褶积产生的子波旁瓣的影响,弥补低频和高频能量的损失,改善恢复的折射波场的稳定性和分辨率.该新方法不需要知道近地表复杂速度模型的信息,可以将虚折射的勘探孔径恢复到原始地震记录的最大孔径.合成资料和实际资料的计算结果表明,基于反褶积的逆虚折射干涉法能够从低信噪比的资料中,有效恢复出折射波信息.  相似文献   

The exploration for and exploitation of deep Lower Rotliegend gasfields onshore in North Germany often suffers from poor surface seismic imaging. This is owing to the depth of the reservoirs and a thick and complex Zechstein salt overburden. RWE Dea conducted a 3D vertical seismic profile (VSP) survey in a low‐performing production well after the borehole was plugged near total depth. Our main objective was to improve the seismic image of the reservoir zone in the vicinity of the well to determine a new landing point for a planned sidetrack. Because acquisition was in a densely populated and also partially environmentally protected area, there were surface restrictions concerning source deployment. Additionally, due to the complex geological setting, we conducted two 2D VSP field tests and thorough pre‐survey modelling to achieve the best results in terms of seismic imaging, environmental impact and reasonable cost. Deformation bands in the drill core suggest that the initial well was drilled close to a major fault, which was regarded as the main reason for the disappointing production rate. Therefore, we put special emphasis on fault detection in our processing and interpretation. Our interpretation approach used an enhanced structural mapping workflow that helped to design a sidetrack. When the sidetrack was drilled two years later, it ended up being one of the most productive wells in the field.  相似文献   

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