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Samples used to estimate discrete choice models in geography and regional science are typically assumed to be simple random samples. This assumption is not always met with existing samples. Furthermore, data collection is usually less costly if a stratified sampling strategy is adopted. Existing sampling theory suggests that stratified sampling can affect the consistency of parameter estimates. This paper reviews the salient points of this theory and relates theory to practice by means of a simple example on housing choice by elderly.  相似文献   


Despite the continued importance of regional courses in college curricula and the far-reaching innovations in systematic geography, the formats and organizational structure of regional geography has remained obdurately stable. The persistent demand for a regional course on Africa, together with the disturbing anachronistic curricular materials and our difficulty in finding adequate materials for our class, stimulated us to develop a different approach to teaching African geography. The approach is thematic and is intended to modernize African regional geography, bring it into phase with the rest of the discipline, and emphasize the essential unity of the spatial viewpoint. Five themes are used as the framework for providing an integrating overview of the continent and its problems.  相似文献   

Crime inequality in neighborhoods by race is blamed on social inequalities borne out of segregation and economic discrimination. South Africa is a country synonymous with racial-spatial segregation and discrimination as a result of legislatively enforced policies of the former apartheid government. This study examines whether urban crime inequalities by race exist in the city of Tshwane, South Africa and identifies the empirical causes of these crime inequalities. Violent and sexual crime was found to concentrate in Black African neighborhoods, while property crime was concentrated in neighborhoods classified as “Mixed”. The causes of crime in neighborhoods were found to vary across racial groups with results suggesting non-uniformity in the extent to which the various constructs impact crime based on race. The results challenge the notion that segregation and economic discrimination uniformly impacts affected communities. Explanations for the findings are provided in the context of an increasingly eclectic post-apartheid South African city.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):177-191

The “ideal-typical” sequence model of transportation development has been widely referenced, but its application outside of its original African context has not been well tested. A graphical analysis is employed to evaluate the utility of the concept in explanation of the evolution of the transportation network in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain sections of Georgia and the Carolinas from the mid-eighteenth century to the late nineteenth century. The historical geography of transport expansion in this area appears to support the general parameters of the ideal-typical sequence and provides useful material for instruction related to the national standards for geographic education.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):630-654
The wake of the foreclosure crisis warrants renewed attention to geographies of race and real estate. This case study of the San Francisco Bay Area shows that outlying exurban communities on the metropolitan fringe, which saw major in-migrations of communities of color over the past three decades, were hard hit by the real estate crash, after having seen substantial housing price increases during the tail end of the boom. The potential impact on wealth and asset accumulation for these communities is significant. Rather than traditional forms of segregation, this new geography of crisis suggests a form of peripheralization, where minority communities in particular were lured out to the far suburbs under structural conditions of neoliberalism, far different from the federally supported suburbanization of two generations ago. This new reality is reminiscent of the urban roots of the foreclosure crisis, and of the need to view the crisis at a metropolitan scale.  相似文献   


This is a game involving role-playing designed to promote student understanding of an interest in the African colonial experience. It may be used as part of a high school or college regional geography course on Africa south of the Sahara, or in courses dealing with modern African or European history, or international relations.  相似文献   

粤港澳大湾区发展的理论框架与发展战略探究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
赵晓斌  强卫  黄伟豪  线实 《地理科学进展》2018,37(12):1597-1608
粤港澳大湾区是在“一带一路”倡议下,由珠三角经济圈的强化合作而产生的新地理概念。作为新兴的全球化港湾,粤港澳大湾区如何突破新自由主义框架理论,探索出符合社会主义市场经济体制的发展路径,是当前决策者和规划者需要思考的重要问题。本文简要梳理了现有的城市群、区域增长极理论,新经济地理集群理论,全球产业链网络理论并结合大湾区现状优势,对湾区发展战略定位与发展路径进行探究,认为可通过粤港澳三方通力合作,创造一个内生型的经济与产业本土增长模式为主要方向。具体表现为:首先,要以先进制造业为立足点、实现自我创新的产业升级,形成完善的制造业产业链,并成为全球生产网络的重要节点与区域性枢纽;其次,大湾区还应利用自身的科研与教育、金融与创新资源优势,推进“一国两制三关税区”、尤其是与香港在大湾区建设中的全方位参与联动,完善产权制度,加强合规和规则经济的市场经济体系建设,将大湾区打造为中国的科创中心及全球性金融中心。  相似文献   

The comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography is based on the rules governing regional differentiation of Chinese physical geographic factors. Based on regional differences and similarities in human factors, this study divides the whole country into two levels of relatively independent, complete and organically linked human geographic units. As a fundamental, comprehensive, cutting-edge, practical and important task, the comprehensive regionalization of human geography highlights the characteristics, regional and sub-regional features, complexity and variety of spatial differences between factors of Chinese human geography. It is capable of promoting the development of human geography based on local conditions, providing basic scientific support to national and local development strategies, such as the Belt and Road Strategy, new urbanization and environmental awareness, and creating a sound geopolitical environment in key areas. Using results from existing physical and human geographic zoning studies, and in accordance with the principles of synthesis, dominant factors, the relative consistency of the natural environment, the relative consistency of social and economic development, the consistency of the regional cultural landscape, the continuity of spatial distribution and the integrity of county-level administrative divisions, and taking as its basis the division of human geography into 10 major factors (nature, economy, population, culture, ethnicity, agriculture, transportation, urbanization, the settlement landscape and administrative divisions), this paper constructs an index system for the comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography through a combination of top-down and bottom-up zoning and spatial clustering analysis. In this study, Chinese human geography is divided into eight regions and 66 sub-regions. The eight human geography regions are (I) Northeast China, (II) North China, (III) East China, (IV) Central China, (V) South China, (VI) Northwest China, (VII) Southwest China, and (VIII) Qinghai and Tibet. This zoning proposal fills gaps in studies involving the non-comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography. Each human geography region and sub-region has different topographical, climatic, ecological, population, urbanization, economic development, settlement landscape, regional cultural and ethno-religious attributes. This proposal on the comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography dovetails closely with previous studies on comprehensive regionalization in Chinese physical geography, Chinese economic zoning, and Chinese agricultural zoning. It shows that, under the dual roles of nature and humans, there are certain rules of regional differentiation that govern the comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography.  相似文献   

Will Poppe 《Urban geography》2013,34(2):218-241

This article explores the patterns of residential mobility and homeownership, and in particular the meanings that former refugees attach to housing and neighborhood. While there are numerous studies on housing among voluntary migrants, studies that focus exclusively on refugees are rare. This multi-method study is based on interviews and a questionnaire survey with participants from Burma and the African Great Lakes Region in Buffalo, New York, who had arrived in the United States since 1995. Residential mobility patterns and meanings of housing indicate substantial differences between households in the two groups. The central argument of the paper is that the patterns and the meanings of housing are shaped by: (1) current socio-economic characteristics and resources, including educational attainment, employment status, and income; (2) current housing market conditions, including housing prices and racial discrimination; and (3) pre-migration experiences, including socio-economic status, socialization, and the corresponding internalized structures of meanings with respect to residential and housing patterns.  相似文献   

中国人文地理综合区划   总被引:16,自引:12,他引:16  
中国人文地理综合区划是以中国自然地理要素的地域分异规律为基础,充分考虑全国人文要素的地域分异性和相似性,将全国划分为不同空间层级、相对独立完整、并具有有机联系的特色人文地理单元。是一项基础性、综合性、前沿性与实用性的重要工作。通过人文地理综合区划,将突出中国人文地理要素的地域分异性、地方特色性和复杂多样性,因地制宜地推动人文地理学科发展,为面向国家和地方发展战略需求推动“一带一路”建设、新型城镇化和生态文明建设、为营造重点地区良好的地缘政治环境提供基础性的科学支撑。本文在吸纳已有的各类自然和人文地理区划成果的基础上,按照综合性、主导性、自然环境相对一致性、经济社会发展相对一致性、地域文化景观一致性、空间分布连续性与县级行政区划完整性等原则,以自然、经济、人口、文化、民族、农业、交通、城镇化、聚落景观和行政区划10大要素为基础划分依据,构建中国人文地理综合区划指标体系,采用自上而下与自下而上相结合的区划思路和空间聚类分析方法,将中国人文地理划分为东北人文地理大区Ⅰ、华北人文地理大区Ⅱ、华东人文地理大区Ⅲ、华中人文地理大区Ⅳ、华南人文地理大区Ⅴ、西北人文地理大区Ⅵ、西南人文地理大区Ⅶ和青藏人文地理大区Ⅷ共8个人文地理大区和66个人文地理区。该区划方案填补了中国人文地理没有综合区划的空白。各个人文地理大区和各个人文地理区之间呈现出不同的地形地貌属性、气候属性、生态属性、人口属性、城镇化属性、经济发展属性、聚落景观属性、地域文化属性和民族宗教属性。中国人文地理综合区划方案与已经划出的中国自然地理综合区划、中国经济区划、中国农业区划等有较大程度的吻合性,体现出在自然与人文要素双重作用下的中国人文地理综合区划的地域分异规律。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(7):402-413

While the study of Africa has become increasingly important in American schools, teachers are often perplexed by the problem of which materials and approaches to use in presenting a course on Africa. This article outlines a course in the regional geography of SubSaharan Africa which was developed by the writer for an introductory course at the college level, but which can easily be adapted for use in an advanced high school course. Emphasis is on African history and contemporary spatial patterns of urbanization and economic development.  相似文献   


Despite extensive studies being devoted to housing affordability in Australia, few have investigated housing affordability at a disaggregated level. This is in spite of the fact that there are existing socio-economic and demographic disparities across different regions of a city. This study aims to fill this gap by examining housing affordability in Sydney, a city that is characterised by diverse demographic and socio-economic mix, from a sub-city perspective. Two dimensions of affordability are assessed from 1991 to 2016: entry-level and ongoing housing affordability. The study finds that entry-level housing remains extremely unaffordable in all regions of Greater Sydney, although the level of unaffordability varies across regions. Specifically, the deterioration in housing affordability is more obvious in low-income regions such as Western Sydney. In addition, the ongoing housing affordability of those who have entered the market improves considerably within 5–10 years, although there are significant variations between different regions. Importantly, residents in low-income regions such as Western Sydney take a longer period to improve their ongoing affordability. The findings of differential geography of housing affordability have some profound policy implications. Policymakers should consider the disparities across different regions by formulating a more targeted and regionally balanced housing policy.  相似文献   

新经济地理学模型的政策含义及其对中国的启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
新经济地理学自1990年诞生至今获得了长足进展,然而对新经济地理学模型的实证研究以及相关的政策分析还很少,已有的研究主要针对特定的经济背景和经济结构。该文探讨一般意义上新经济地理学模型所体现的政策含义,包含政策的区域附带效应、门槛效应、地区滞后效应、非线性效应、选择效应和协作效应。这些效应对我国的一些区域政策给以启示。在“西部大开发”方面,政策介入的地区滞后效应可能会使“西部大开发”战略的实施效果降低;从基础设施建设方面看,地区间交易条件的改善并非单一的效果,交易条件改善对落后地区可能不利;从区域壁垒的角度看,欠发达地区建立的区域壁垒有其理性成分;“预期实现效应”在一定程度上为“地方营销”的实践提供了理论支持;在劳动力流动方面,户籍制度以及相应的制度安排可能产生政策的区域附带效应,从而导致区域差异在一定程度上的强化。最后给出政策含义的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

文章旨在通过系统梳理西方区域环境治理的研究进展和前沿问题,以拓展国内区域环境治理研究,对认识粤港澳大湾区乃至中国深入发展以来面临的经济发展—环境保护矛盾和探索可持续发展政策有所启示。文章回顾了20多年以来西方区域环境治理研究的主要成果,总结出区域环境治理研究的理论进展、治理模式与影响效应3个重点议题。政府和非政府主体共同参与区域层面环境问题的应对已成为环境治理转变的重要特征之一。各主体之间采用了由国家政府或者地方行动者主导的协调方式,形成了不同的管理模式。区域层面的环境参与受到了经济、政治、社会等多重因素的影响,同时也对资源环境、经济、政治等方面产生了重要影响。最后,文章提出粤港澳大湾区环境治理研究应重点关注中国特色“一国两制”政策背景下粤港澳大湾区环境治理的组织框架,实施环境治理的地域因素、影响效应,探索促进区域发展的制度安排。  相似文献   

中国交通运输地理学的研究进展与展望   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
交通运输地理学是人文地理学的重要分支学科,有必要考察其研究进展和发展趋向。在界定评述体系的基础上,本文从学科理论构筑、区域综合交通与区划、部门交通、城市交通、空间效应等角度,回顾了我国交通运输地理学的发展历史和研究过程以及最新进展,梳理出该学科自20世纪20年代以来的发展和研究的宏观脉络,并对其进行简单总结和评述。同时参考相关权威杂志,简单介绍了国际交通运输地理学的最新研究动态和热点。然后根据我国的研究进展和特殊社会经济环境,结合国际最新研究动态,探讨未来我国交通运输地理学的研究趋向和发展态势。  相似文献   

对新经济地理学的起源、发展、遭受的质疑及未来发展趋势做一简要的评述.经济活动的地理因素一直是许多经济学家、地理学家、规划学者以及区域科学家所关注的问题.20世纪80年代以来,以报酬递增、不完全竞争为假设前提,以数学建模为分析工具的新经济地理学的研究有了不断发展,但由于新经济地理学的核心模型在许多方面显得过于简单,受到了来自经济地理学、区域经济学和城市经济学的质疑和批评.有鉴于此,新经济地理学今后的研究除了考虑要素流动性、规模报酬递增、运输成本等关键因素之外,至少有3个可供未来研究的方向:扩展理论研究范围、加强实证研究、探讨新经济地理学的福利和政策涵义.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):265-277

This article addresses the knowledge of geography and geography-related careers of sixth and ninth grade students in six Florida schools. For geography knowledge no sex differences were noted for the total sample, ninth grade African American males outperformed African American females, achievement differed by school, and students knew most about skills and least about physical geography Students' career knowledge increased with grade level; males were more knowledgeable than females; African American females were the least knowledgeable; sex-related differences became more pronounced in ninth grade; and the most frequently cited careers were cartographer, explorer, meteorologist, and news person.  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, the introduction of International Monetary Fund-directed structural adjustment packages to stabilize the Jamaican economy has reduced the scope of the government, cut back its capacity to intervene in the housing market, opened the economy to foreign goods (but limited capital), and re-produced the colonial version of a non-dynamic, labour-surplus urban economy in Kingston. This paper traces the impact of structural adjustment on unemployment and class formation in Kingston, and the relationship of these issues to housing problems. Rented, poor-quality housing, underpinned by low socio-economic status and historically high rates of unemployment, has created an overt spatial concentration of poverty, located in West and East Kingston. Nevertheless, overall unemployment is currently lower than at independence in 1962, and virtually all housing indicators have recorded improvements over the same time period. These improvements have been due to a deceleration in the growth of Kingston's population since the mid-1960s; government commitment, despite structural adjustment, to improve the quality of collective consumption; and the determination of Kingston's citizens to build better homes for themselves, often aided by loans from local building societies and remittances from family members resident overseas. However, at least a quarter of Kingston's population remains both unemployed and concentrated into areas of poor quality housing. These circumstances in Kingston are compared with those in adjacent Latin American cites under structural adjustment.  相似文献   


South African geography, like other subjects, has to undergo the arduous process of curriculum change in order to meet the demands of the new education system and to contribute to a broader agenda of national reconstruction. Changes within geography can shed light on the impact and implications of the new national curriculum on teaching subjects. The paper suggests that the introduction of environmental education into Curriculum 2005 offers geography educators the opportunity and the challenge to advance geographic knowledge.  相似文献   

Finding the right jobs-housing balance has long been an important concern for urban planners. More recently, attention has turned to jobs-housing fit – the extent to which housing price is well matched to local job quality. Prior analyses have been constrained by a lack of local data on job quality, making it difficult to identify the geography and scale of the problem. We introduce a new methodology for calculating the low-wage jobs-housing fit at both a jurisdiction and neighborhood scale that was designed in collaboration with affordable housing advocates and has been directly applied in urban planning and affordable housing policy efforts. Low-wage fit is particularly important because of ongoing difficulties with affordable housing provision and the disproportionate benefits of reducing transportation costs for low-income earners. We use the calculated metric at both a city and neighborhood scale to identify what can be learned from a low-wage jobs-housing fit metric that is not evident in traditional measures of jobs-housing balance. In contrast to jobs-housing balance, the low-wage fit analysis clearly highlights those jurisdictions and neighborhoods where there is a substantial shortage of affordable housing in relation to the number of low-wage jobs. Because of the geographic coverage of the data sources used, the results can be widely applied across the United States by affordable housing advocates, land-use planners, and policy makers.  相似文献   

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