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We examine the nature of the surface layer in Gale Crater as determined from high-resolution thermal and visible Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) data as well as how our conclusions compare to past analyses. At THEMIS resolution, the thermal surface structure is dominated by local control, thus providing us with detailed images that contain thermophysical information as well. Using these data sets we have created a map of the area, defining units based primarily on their geomorphology as determined from the daytime thermal and visible images and then using the nighttime thermal data to interpret the nature of the surface layer within each unit. Seven units have been defined: (i) partially blanketed knobby plateaus, (ii) crater walls with terrain similar to that on the plateaus on the upper half and exposed, rocky surfaces on the lower half, (iii)-(v) three floor units with varying combinations of bedrock and indurated and/or particulate deposits, (vi) sand sheets, and (vii) a central mound, consisting of indurated and/or rocky material forming layers, terraces, and slides, covered by particulate material that tapers in thickness downslope. Additionally, dozens of channels have been observed on the crater walls and central mound. The results indicate that aeolian processes have played a major role in shaping much of the present surface layer within Gale and may still be active today. Because of the dramatic size and structure of Gale, the winds are most likely controlled by the local topography. Additionally, the presence and frequency of channels within Gale bolster hypotheses involving aqueous episodes in the history of the crater.  相似文献   

High albedo features are identified in association with barchan dunes in an equatorial inter-crater dune field on Mars using images from the MRO mission. This paper describes the morphometric properties of these features and their association with the present barchan dune field. We propose that these features are cemented aeolian deposits that form at the foot of the dune avalanche face. A possible terrestrial analog exists at White Sands National Monument, in south-central New Mexico, USA. The presence of these features suggests past episodes of dune migration in inter-crater dunefields and liquid water in the near sub-surface in sufficient quantity to cause the cementation of aeolian dune sediment.  相似文献   

Gale Crater contains a 5.2 km-high central mound of layered material that is largely sedimentary in origin and has been considered as a potential landing site for both the MER (Mars Exploration Rover) and MSL (Mars Science Laboratory) missions. We have analyzed recent data from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to help unravel the complex geologic history evidenced by these layered deposits and other landforms in the crater. Results from imaging data from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and Context Camera (CTX) confirm geomorphic evidence for fluvial activity and may indicate an early lacustrine phase. Analysis of spectral data from the CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars) instrument shows clay-bearing units interstratified with sulfate-bearing strata in the lower member of the layered mound, again indicative of aqueous activity. The formation age of the layered mound, derived from crater counts and superposition relationships, is ∼3.6-3.8 Ga and straddles the Noachian-Hesperian time-stratigraphic boundary. Thus Gale provides a unique opportunity to investigate global environmental change on Mars during a period of transition from an environment that favored phyllosilicate deposition to a later one that was dominated by sulfate formation.  相似文献   

Data from the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) and the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) instruments are used to assess the mineralogic and dust cover characteristics of landing regions proposed for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. Candidate regions examined in this study are Eberswalde crater, Gale crater, Holden crater, Mawrth Vallis, Miyamoto crater, Nili Fossae Trough, and south Meridiani Planum. Compositional units identified in each region from TES and THEMIS data are distinguished by variations in hematite, olivine, pyroxene and high-silica phase abundance, whereas no units are distinguished by elevated phyllosilicate or sulfate abundance. Though phyllosilicate minerals have been identified in all sites using near-infrared observations, these minerals are not unambiguously detected using either TES spectral index or deconvolution analysis methods. For some of the sites, small phyllosilicate outcrop sizes relative to the TES field of view likely hinder phyllosilicate mineral detection. Porous texture and/or small particle size (<∼60 μm) associated with the phyllosilicate-bearing surfaces may also contribute to non-detections in the thermal infrared data sets, in some areas. However, in Mawrth Vallis and Nili Fossae, low phyllosilicate abundance (<10-20 areal %, depending on the phyllosilicate composition) is the most likely explanation for non-detection. TES data over Mawrth Vallis indicate that phyllosilicate-bearing surfaces also contain significant concentrations (>15%, possibly up to ∼40%) of a high-silica phase such as amorphous silica or zeolite. High-silica phase abundance over phyllosilicate-bearing surfaces in Mawrth Vallis is higher than that of surrounding surfaces by 10-15%. With the exception of these high-silica surfaces in Mawrth Vallis, regions examined in this study exhibit similar bulk mineralogical compositions to that of most low-albedo regions on Mars; the MSL scientific payload will thus be able to provide important information on surface materials typical of low-albedo regions in addition to investigating the origin of phyllosilicate and/or sulfate deposits. With the exception of Gale crater, all of the landing sites have relatively low dust cover compared to classic high-albedo regions (Tharsis, Arabia and Elysium) and to previous landing sites in Gusev Crater, Utopia Planitia, and Chryse Planitia.  相似文献   

Hydrogeological modification of Meteor Crater produced a spectacular set of gullies throughout the interior wall in response to rainwater precipitation, snow melting, and possible groundwater discharge. The crater wall has an exceptionally well-developed centripetal drainage pattern consisting of individual alcoves, channels, and fans. Some of the gullies originate from the rim crest and others from the middle crater wall where a lithologic transition occurs; broad gullies occur along the crater corner radial faults. Deeply incised alcoves are well developed on the soft Coconino Sandstone exposed on the middle crater wall, beneath overlying dolomite. In general, the gully locations are along crater wall radial fractures and faults, which are favorable locales of erosion due to preferential rock breakup from faulting, and groundwater flow/discharge; these structural discontinuities are also the locales where the surface runoff from rain precipitation and snow melting can preferentially flow, causing erosion and crater degradation. Channels are well developed on the talus deposits and alluvial fans on the periphery of the crater floor. Caves exposed on the lower crater level point to percolation of surface runoff and selective discharge through fractures on the crater wall. In addition, lake sediments on the crater floor provide significant evidence of a past pluvial climate, when the water table was higher, and groundwater may have seeped from springs on the crater wall. Although these hydrological processes continue at Meteor Crater today, conditions at the crater are much more arid than they were soon after impact, reflecting a climatic shift. This climate shift and the hydrological modifications observed at Meteor Crater provide insights for landscape sculpturing on Mars during various parts of its history.  相似文献   

We present observations and models that together explain many hallmarks of the structure and growth of small impact craters forming in targets with aligned fractures. Endurance Crater at Meridiani Planum on Mars (diameter ≈ 150 m) formed in horizontally-layered aeolian sandstones with a prominent set of wide, orthogonal joints. A structural model of Endurance Crater is assembled and used to estimate the transient crater planform. The model is based on observations from the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity: (a) bedding plane orientations and layer thicknesses measured from stereo image pairs; (b) a digital elevation model of the whole crater at 0.3 m resolution; and (c) color image panoramas of the upper crater walls. This model implies that the crater’s current shape was mostly determined by highly asymmetric excavation rather than long-term wind-mediated erosion. We show that modal azimuths of conjugate fractures in the surrounding rocks are aligned with the square component of the present-day crater planform, suggesting excavation was carried farther in the direction of fracture alignments. This was previously observed at Barringer Crater in Arizona and we show the same relationship also holds for Tswaing Crater in South Africa. We present models of crater growth in which excavation creates a “stellate” transient cavity that is concave-cuspate in planform. These models reproduce the “lenticular-crescentic” layering pattern in the walls of some polygonal impact craters such as Endurance and Barringer Craters, and suggest a common origin for tear faults and some crater rays. We also demonstrate a method for detailed error analysis of stereogrammetric measurements of bedding plane orientations.  相似文献   

Remote-sensing observations of Gale Crater and Melas Chasma are synthesized to better understand the present surface layer in these two scientifically interesting regions. Data sets analyzed include geologic maps, Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) elevation, Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) albedo, TES thermal inertia, MOLA residual pulse width, TES rock abundance, and Viking and Mars Orbiter Camera images. Using these data sets, we constrain the properties of and processes acting on the present surface and create self-consistent models for the surface layer. Surface properties within Gale Crater are variable and complex, and interpreting the surface layer is not straightforward. Observations indicate that aeolian processes have shaped some of the intracrater surface, but other areas do not comply with this model and have counterintuitive surface characteristics. In contrast, aeolian activity appears to have played a large role in shaping the present-day physical structure of all surfaces in Melas Chasma and is reflected in the remote-sensing data sets. Here we summarize our analysis and discuss the surface attributes as determined from these data sets.  相似文献   

In the western hemisphere of Mars Amazonian volcanism from Arsia Mons produced the smooth surfaces of Daedalia Planum and masks older rocks. Close to the southern termination of Daedalia Planum basement rocks are exposed in which are preserved craters that escaped or were only partially filled by this most recent volcanism. Pickering Crater is an approximately 130 km diameter crater. The youngest lavas flowed into this crater from Daedalia Planum by way of a NW rim breach, covering its western part. East of a well-defined flow front an older lava sequence with a distinctive platy surface and derived from a more proximal unestablished source to the northeast is exposed. Several units are identified within this sequence on the basis of surface texture, which is more subdued in progressively older rocks. Only local mapping of the flow front boundaries of these units is possible because of incomplete coverage by high resolution imagery. During emplacement of the older lavas a NE-SW striking en echelon graben system and parallel smaller troughs and dikes formed under inferred regional NW-SE extension. A much earlier strike-slip regime pre-dating the lavas exposed in the crater floor is postulated, based on the highly fretted nature of the rim of Pickering Crater and an elongated smaller crater to its northeast, approximately 40 km long in the NE-SW direction. The rims of these craters contrast with that of a smoother rimmed impact crater in the southeast that was excavated subsequent to strike-slip deformation but prior to the emplacement of platy surfaced lavas.  相似文献   

Minnaert and two-term phase function Hapke models are used to describe the photometric properties of the martian surface using HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera) multi-angular observations acquired along the ongoing Mars-Express mission. These observations can be pieced together to derive integrated phase functions over a wide range of phase angles. The photometric diversity at 675 nm, as seen from orbit, of the martian surface properties across Gusev is depicted with seven units. Three photometric units widespread across the flanks of Apollinaris Patera flank and the floor of Gusev Crater are identified as having high single scattering albedo with rather forward scattering properties, low to intermediate macroscopic roughness and porous or not compacted powdered surface state as indicated by the opposition parameters. Another unit has the highest single scattering albedo, the smoothest surface in terms of macroscopic roughness, associated with an extremely forward scattering behavior. The opposition parameters are consistent with the presence of transparent particles in the surface powder layer. The distribution of this unit appears quite intermittent across the crater and does not seem to indicate any relationship with a given morphological structure. It may correspond to sparse areas where the structure of the surface dust layer is the most preserved. The most pronounced photometric changes are observed in three units associated with the low-albedo features corresponding to dark wind streaks. These units have a low single scattering albedo, are the most backscattering surfaces across Gusev, have a high surface roughness and present variable surface states as shown by the opposition parameters estimates, consistent with the occurrence of large grains organized in more or less packed layers. Clear differences are seen among these units in terms of opposition effect. While one exhibits typical characteristics for the opposition effect, another appears more unusual in terms of lobe width and the third suggests the occurrence of a packed/compressed/narrow size distribution powder surface. The opposition effect thus appears to play a significant role suggesting that the surface state optical properties across Gusev are strongly influenced by the porosity and packing characteristics or grain size distribution of the upper layer of the martian soil. The mapping aspect of the investigation is quite useful to get a better sense of the meaning of the observed photometric variations. Indeed, the Hapke modeling suggests that surface organization (surface roughness, packing state) is more important than the simple physical characterization of the intrinsic optical properties of the constitutive particles. Given the overall spatial patterns derived from the photometric analysis, the variations, at least for the western and central part of Gusev Crater, are likely partly driven by the prevailing wind regimes, considered to be oriented north-northwest/south-southeast and disturbing the very upper surface layer. The present photometric results agree with independent investigations based on thermal inertia, reflectance spectroscopy, in situ photometric and microscopic imaging and support the idea of a thin layer of fine-grained dust, being stripped off in the low albedo units to reveal a dark basaltic substrate comprising coarse-grained materials.  相似文献   

Morphological features on the western floor of Miyamoto crater in southwestern Meridiani Planum, Mars, are suggestive of past fluvial activity. Imagery from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) gives a detailed view of raised curvilinear features that appear to represent inverted paleochannel deposits. The inverted terrain appears to be capped with a resistant, dark-toned deposit that is partially covered by unconsolidated surficial materials. Subsequent to deposition of the capping layer, erosion of the surrounding material has left the capping materials perched on pedestals of uneroded basal unit material. Neither the capping material nor the surrounding terrains show any unambiguous morphological evidence of volcanism or glaciation. The capping deposit may include unconsolidated or cemented stream deposits analogous to terrestrial inverted channels in the Cedar Mountain Formation near Green River, Utah. In addition to this morphological evidence for fluvial activity, phyllosilicates have been identified in the basal material on the floor of Miyamoto crater by orbital spectroscopy, providing mineralogical evidence of past aqueous activity. Based on both the morphological and mineralogical evidence, Miyamoto crater represents an excellent site for in situ examination and sampling of a potentially habitable environment.  相似文献   

In the Xanthe Terra region of Mars, two forms of flow fields are observed on the walls of Mojave Crater, a fresh impact site with a maximum age of Late Hesperian. Flow fields with steep, lobate margins are consistent with emplacement of a highly viscous medium. The focus of this report is on fan-shaped landforms that share many morphologic attributes in common with terrestrial alluvial fans, including a semi-conical form, branching tributary networks, distributary channels and incised channels. Collectively, these sub-kilometer-scale landforms have attributes consistent with overland flow of fluids and formation of fans by water and gravity-driven alluvial sedimentation. Superposition and cross-cutting relationships indicate that fan formation occurred in multiple phases that may have been a single event or multiple, temporally distinct episodes. Many aspects of the fan formation are ill-constrained, including the amount and source of fluid as well as the duration of fan formation and modification. Fans are concentrated on the crater walls and the ejecta blanket shows minimal evidence of fluvial erosion. Similar fan-shaped landforms to those in Mojave Crater are extremely rare on Mars. The localization of fans to Mojave Crater implies that the impact event played a role in the formation of these sub-kilometer fans. This is the first geologic evidence on Mars that tentatively supports a link between impact crater events and the liberation of water for surface runoff.  相似文献   

Transverse Aeolian Ridges (TARs), 10 m scale, ripple-like aeolian bedforms with simple morphology, are widespread on Mars but it is unknown what role they play in Mars’ wider sediment cycle. We present the results of a survey of all Mars Global Surveyor Narrow angle images in a pole-to-pole study area, 45° longitude wide.Following on from the classification scheme and preliminary surveys of Balme et al. (Balme, M.R., Berman, D.C., Bourke, M.C., Zimbelman, J.R. [2008a]. Geomorphology 101, 703-720) and Wilson and Zimbelman (Wilson, S.A., Zimbelman, J.R. [2004]. J. Geophys. Res. 109 (E10). doi:10.1029/2004JE002247) we searched more than 10,000 images, and found that over 2000 reveal at least 5% areal cover by TARs. The mean TAR areal cover in the study area is about 7% (3% in the northern hemisphere and 11% in the southern hemisphere) but TARs are not homogenously distributed - they are concentrated in the mid-low latitudes and almost absent poleward of 35°N and 55°S. We found no clear correlation between TAR distribution and any of thermal inertia, kilometer-scale roughness, or elevation. We did find that TARs are less common at extremes of elevation.We found that TARs are most common near the equator (especially in the vicinity of Meridiani Planum, in which area they have a distinctive “barchan-like” morphology) and in large southern-hemisphere impact craters. TARs in the equatorial band are usually associated with outcrops of layered terrain or steep slopes, hence their relative absence in the northern hemisphere. TARs in the southern hemisphere are most commonly associated with low albedo, intercrater dune fields. We speculate that the mid-latitude mantling terrain (e.g., Mustard, J.F., Cooper, C.D., Rifkin, M.K. [2001]. Nature 412, 411-414; Kreslavsky, M.A., Head, J.W. [2002]. J. Geophys. Res. 29 (15). doi:10.1029/2002GL015392) could also play a role in covering TARs or inhibiting saltation.We compared TAR distribution with general circulation model (GCM) climate data for both surface wind shear stress and wind direction. We performed GCM runs at various obliquity values to simulate the effects of changing obliquity on recent Mars climate. We found good general agreement between TAR orientation and GCM wind directions from present day obliquity conditions in many cases, but found no good correlation between wind shear stress and TAR distribution.We performed preliminary high resolution crater count studies of TARs in both equatorial and southern intracrater dunefield settings and compared these to superposition relationships between TARs and large dark dunes. Our results show that TARs near dunefield appear to be younger than TARs in the equatorial regions. We infer that active saltation from the large dunes keeps TARs active, but that TARs are not active under present day condition when distal to large dunes - perhaps supporting the interpretation that TARs are granule ripples.We conclude that local geology, rather than wind strength, controls TAR distribution, but that their orientation matches present-day regional wind patterns in most cases. We suggest that TARs are likely most (perhaps only) active today when they are proximal to large dark dune fields.  相似文献   

At martian mid-to-high latitudes, the surfaces of potentially ice-rich features, including concentric crater fill, lobate debris aprons, and lineated valley fill, typically display a complex texture known as “brain terrain,” due to its resemblance to the complex patterns on brain surfaces. In order to determine the structure and developmental history of concentric crater fill and overlying latitude-dependent mantle (LDM) material, “brain terrain” and polygonally-patterned LDM surfaces are analyzed using HiRISE images from four craters in Utopia Planitia containing concentric crater fill. “Brain terrain” and mantle surface textures are classified based on morphological characteristics: (1) closed-cell “brain terrain,” (2) open-cell “brain terrain,” (3) high-center mantle polygons, and (4) low-center mantle polygons. A combined glacial and thermal-contraction cracking model is proposed for the formation and modification of the “brain terrain” texture of concentric crater fill. A similar model, related to thermal contraction cracking and differential sublimation of underlying ice, is proposed for the formation and development of polygonally patterned mantle material. Both models require atmospheric deposition of ice, likely during periods of high obliquity, but do not require wet active layer processes. Crater dating of “brain terrain” and mantled surfaces suggests a transition at martian mid-latitudes from peak “glacial” conditions occurring within the past ∼10-100 My to a quiescent period followed by a cold-desert “periglacial” period during the past ∼1-2 My.  相似文献   

S.W. Hobbs  C.F. Pain 《Icarus》2011,214(1):258-264
The study of hillslopes is a primary element of geomorphology and has successfully been used in many terrestrial arenas. In this study we take advantage of High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) imagery as well as Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) derived DEMs of the Pathfinder landing site to study regional hillslopes at resolutions many times greater than previously available and compare them with Mars Pathfinder lander images. This site was thought to be modified by massive flooding 1.8-3.5 byr ago and although evidence of flood activity was not obvious at the finer scale of this study, possible lee deposits and terracing were seen in some of the features. Evidence of post flood processes of ice related creep, aeolian and dry mass wasting were observed at the site and have likely obscured flood related morphology present in these features. Regional slopes were found to vary with aspect and suggest processes intensities operating at different orientations, possibly related to the prevailing wind direction, as well as the origin of the ancient flood event.  相似文献   

Joseph Levy  James W. Head 《Icarus》2010,209(2):390-404
Hypotheses accounting for the formation of concentric crater fill (CCF) on Mars range from ice-free processes (e.g., aeolian fill), to ice-assisted talus creep, to debris-covered glaciers. Based on analysis of new CTX and HiRISE data, we find that concentric crater fill (CCF) is a significant component of Amazonian-aged glacial landsystems on Mars. We present mapping results documenting the nature and extent of CCF along the martian dichotomy boundary over −30 to 90°E latitude and 20-80°N longitude. On the basis of morphological analysis we classify CCF landforms into “classic” CCF and “low-definition” CCF. Classic CCF is most typical in the middle latitudes of the analysis area (∼30-50°N), while a range of degradation processes results in the presence of low-definition CCF landforms at higher and lower latitudes. We evaluate formation mechanisms for CCF on the basis of morphological and topographic analyses, and interpret the landforms to be relict debris-covered glaciers, rather than ice-mobilized talus or aeolian units. We examine filled crater depth-diameter ratios and conclude that in many locations, hundreds of meters of ice may still be present under desiccated surficial debris. This conclusion is consistent with the abundance of “ring-mold craters” on CCF surfaces that suggest the presence of near-surface ice. Analysis of breached craters and distal glacial deposits suggests that in some locations, CCF-related ice was once several hundred meters higher than its current level, and has sublimated significantly during the most recent Amazonian. Crater counts on ejecta blankets of filled and unfilled craters suggests that CCF formed most recently between ∼60 and 300 Ma, consistent with the formation ages of other martian debris-covered glacial landforms such as lineated valley fill (LVF) and lobate debris aprons (LDA). Morphological analysis of CCF in the vicinity of LVF and LDA suggests that CCF is a part of an integrated LVF/LDA/CCF glacial landsystem. Instances of morphological continuity between CCF, LVF, and LDA are abundant. The presence of formerly more abundant CCF ice, coupled with the integration of CCF into LVF and LDA, suggests the possibility that CCF represents one component of the significant Amazonian mid-latitude glaciation(s) on Mars.  相似文献   

We studied north Tyrrhena Terra, an approximately 39,000 km2 area, located in the transition region straddling the Amenthes and Mare Tyrrhenum Mars Chart quadrangles 14 and 22, respectively. The study area comprises ancient terrains with infilled craters, ridges and valleys. Interpretation of orbiter data of ancient terrains is inherently difficult, but valuable information can be obtained using multiple datasets and analyzing various geological features. Using data from the High Resolution Stereo Camera on board Mars Express, complemented by Mars Global Surveyor MOLA DEM and MOC Narrow Angle datasets, we observed and interpreted surface morphologies at a scale suitable for geologic investigation. Morphometric examination of a 31 km diameter large impact crater indicated that tectonism and volcanism were responsible for its morphologic modification. Small impact crater depth/diameter relationships indicated that smooth surfaces of valleys are composed of highly consolidated material. Surface cracks and lobate fronts further suggested that the rocks are volcanic. Examination of tectonic features revealed that in the study area: a dominant NW-SE fabric is related to a ridge/bench-scarp-valley repetition consistent with synthetic and antithetic normal faulting; a NNW-SSE lineament represents the surface expression of normal faulting post-dating all other tectonic features. A weak NE-SW fabric is observable as small sublinear depressions, and at the contact between units internal to one large crater. One 20 km diameter crater in the study area was interpreted to be a caldera, infilled by thick volcanic rock layers. Identification of wrinkle ridges further indicated that thick layered lava flows infilled the main depressions of the study area. The available evidence suggests that the study area underwent multiple episodes of extension and volcanism.  相似文献   

Mary C. Bourke 《Icarus》2010,205(1):183-197
Barchan dune asymmetry refers to the extension of one barchan limb downwind. It is a common dune form on Earth and also occurs on Mars and Titan. A new classification of barchan limbs is presented where three types of limb morphology are identified: linear, kinked and beaded. These, along with other dune-scale morphological signatures, are used to identify three of the causes of barchan asymmetry on Mars: bi-directional winds, dune collision and the influence of inclined topography.The potential for specific dune asymmetric morphologies to indicate aspects of the formative wind regime on planetary surfaces is shown. For example, the placement of dune limbs can indicate the general direction and relative strength of formative oblique winds; an extreme barchan limb length may indicate a long duration oblique wind; a kinked limb may be evidence of the passage of a storm; beaded limbs may represent surface-wave instabilities caused by an increase in wind energy parallel to the dune. A preliminary application of these signatures finds evidence for bi-modal winds on Mars. However, these and other morphological signatures of wind direction and relative strength should be applied to planetary landforms with caution as more than one process (e.g., bi-modal winds and collision) may be operating together or sequentially on the dunefield. In addition, analysis should be undertaken at the dunefield scale and not on individual dunes. Finally, morphological data should be acquired from similar-scale dunes within a dunefield.In addition to bi-modal wind regimes on Mars, the frequent parallel alignment of the extended barchan limb to the dune suggests that dune collision is also an important cause of asymmetry on Mars. Some of the more complex dunefield patterns result from a combination of dune collision, limb extension and merging with downwind dunes.Dune asymmetric form does not inhibit dune migration in the Namib Desert or on Mars. Data from the Namib suggest that dune migration rates are similar for symmetric and asymmetric dunes. Further modeling and field studies are needed to refine our understanding of the potential range of limb and dune morphologies that can result from specific asymmetry causes.  相似文献   

Caleb I. Fassett 《Icarus》2007,189(1):118-135
Ceraunius Tholus, a Hesperian-aged volcano in the Tharsis region, is characterized by small radial valleys on its flanks, and several larger valleys originating near its summit caldera. All of these large valleys drain from near the lowest present portion of the caldera rim and down the flanks of the volcano. The largest valley debauches into Rahe Crater (an oblique impact crater), forming a depositional fan. Recent study of climate change on Mars suggests that many low-latitude regions (especially large volcanic edifices) were periodically the sites of snow accumulation, likely triggered by variations in spin orbital parameters. We apply a conductive heat flow model to Ceraunius Tholus that suggests that following magmatic intrusion, sufficient heating would be available to cause basal melting of any accumulated summit snowpack and produce sufficient meltwater to cause the radial valleys. The geometry of the volcano summit caldera suggests that meltwater would also accumulate in a volumetrically significant caldera lake. Analysis of the morphology and volumes of the largest valley, as well as depositional features at its base, suggest that fluvial erosion due to drainage of this summit caldera lake formed the large valleys, in a manner analogous to how valleys were formed catastrophically from a lake in Aniakchak caldera in Alaska. Moreover, the event which carved the largest valley on Ceraunius Tholus appears to have led to the formation of a temporary lake within Rahe Crater, at its base. The more abundant, small valleys on the flanks are interpreted to form by radial drainage of melted ice or snow from the outside of the caldera rim. Comparison of Ceraunius Tholus with the volcano-capping Icelandic ice sheet Myrdalsjokull provides insight into the detailed mechanisms of summit heating, ice-cap accumulation and melting, and meltwater drainage. These observations further underline the importance of a combination of circumstances (i.e., climate change to produce summit snowpack and an active period of magmatism to produce melting) to form the valley systems on some martian volcanoes and not on others.  相似文献   

Reevaluating the geologic history of the prior Mars landing sites provides important ground truth for recent and ongoing orbital missions. At the Viking 2 Lander (VL2) site, topographic measurements of relict landforms indicate that at least 100 m of sedimentary mantle material has been stripped away. The observed paucity of impact craters <100 m in diameter suggests that resurfacing processes (likely in the form of the recent deposition and removal of thin 1-10 m mantle layers) continue up to the present. A dearth of craters in the 100-500 m diameter range, however, also necessitates erosion of a thicker mantle layer. Partially inverted chains of secondary craters from nearby Mie Crater indicate that the mantle was already in place when the impact occurred. The density of craters superposed on Mie ejecta is consistent with a Late Hesperian age and provides a minimum age constraint for the mantle's emplacement. The thermophysical properties of the surface around VL2 as observed with Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) data indicate that the landing site occurs in an intracrater region that may typify mid to high northern latitude sites. Elevated thermal inertias of a pedestal crater superposed atop a larger pedestal crater suggest that rocky or indurated material can be created by impacts into sedimentary targets. Rock abundances at VL2 are consistent with the addition of impact-emplaced material from the missing small impact crater population documented in this study. Thus, the VL2 site may be a reasonable proxy for the landscape expected at the upcoming Phoenix Lander site.  相似文献   

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