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The rotation of Mercury is presently captured in a 3/2 spin-orbit resonance with the orbital mean motion. The capture mechanism is well understood as the result of tidal interactions with the Sun combined with planetary perturbations [Goldreich, P., Peale, S., 1966. Astron. J. 71, 425-438; Correia, A.C.M., Laskar, J., 2004. Nature 429, 848-850]. However, it is now almost certain that Mercury has a liquid core [Margot, J.L., Peale, S.J., Jurgens, R.F., Slade, M.A., Holin, I.V., 2007. Science 316, 710-714] which should induce a contribution of viscous friction at the core-mantle boundary to the spin evolution. According to Peale and Boss [Peale, S.J., Boss, A.P., 1977. J. Geophys. Res. 82, 743-749] this last effect greatly increases the chances of capture in all spin-orbit resonances, being 100% for the 2/1 resonance, and thus preventing the planet from evolving to the presently observed configuration. Here we show that for a given resonance, as the chaotic evolution of Mercury's orbit can drive its eccentricity to very low values during the planet's history, any previous capture can be destabilized whenever the eccentricity becomes lower than a critical value. In our numerical integrations of 1000 orbits of Mercury over 4 Gyr, the spin ends 99.8% of the time captured in a spin-orbit resonance, in particular in one of the following three configurations: 5/2 (22%), 2/1 (32%) and 3/2 (26%). Although the present 3/2 spin-orbit resonance is not the most probable outcome, we also show that the capture probability in this resonance can be increased up to 55% or 73%, if the eccentricity of Mercury in the past has descended below the critical values 0.025 or 0.005, respectively.  相似文献   

S.J. Peale 《Icarus》2005,178(1):4-18
An analysis based on the direct torque equations including tidal dissipation and a viscous core-mantle coupling is used to determine the damping time scales of O(105) years for free precession of the spin about the Cassini state and free libration in longitude for Mercury. The core-mantle coupling dominates the damping over the tides by one to two orders of magnitude for the plausible parameters chosen. The short damping times compared with the age of the Solar System means we must find recent or on-going excitation mechanisms if such free motions are found by the current radar experiments or the future measurement by the MESSENGER and BepiColombo spacecraft that will orbit Mercury. We also show that the average precession rate is increased by about 30% over that obtained from the traditional precession constant because of a spin-orbit resonance induced contribution by the C22 term in the expansion of the gravitational field. The C22 contribution also causes the path of the spin during the precession to be slightly elliptical with a variation in the precession rate that is a maximum when the obliquity is a minimum. An observable free precession will compromise the determination of obliquity of the Cassini state and hence of C/MMR2 for Mercury, but a detected free libration will not compromise the determination of the forced libration amplitude and thus the verification of a liquid core.  相似文献   

Matija ?uk 《Icarus》2011,211(1):97-100
The Moon has long been known to have an overall shape not consistent with expected past tidal forces. It has recently been suggested (Garrick-Bethell, I., Wisdom, J., Zuber, M.T. [2006]. Science 313, 652-655) that the present lunar moments of inertia indicate a past high-eccentricity orbit and, possibly, a past non-synchronous spin-orbit resonance. Here I show that the match between the lunar shape and the proposed orbital and spin states is much less conclusive than initially proposed. Garrick-Bethell et al. (Garrick-Bethell, I., Wisdom, J., Zuber, M.T. [2006]. Science 313, 652-655) spin and shape evolution scenarios also completely ignore the physics of the capture into such resonances, which require prior permanent deformation, as well as tidal despinning to the relevant resonance. If the early lunar orbit was eccentric, the Moon would have been rotating at an equilibrium non-synchronous rate determined by it eccentricity. This equilibrium supersynchronous rotation would be much too fast to allow a synchronous spin-orbit lock at e = 0.49, while the capture into the 3:2 resonance is possible only for a very constrained lunar eccentricity history and assuming some early permanent lunar tri-axiality. Here I show that large impacts in the early history of the Moon would have frequently disrupted this putative resonant rotation, making the rotation and eccentricity solutions of Garrick-Bethell et al. (Garrick-Bethell, I., Wisdom, J., Zuber, M.T. [2006]. Science 313, 652-655) unstable. I conclude that the present lunar shape cannot be used to support the hypothesis of an early eccentric lunar orbit.  相似文献   

Possible dynamical evolution of the rotation of Venus since formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The past evolution of the rotation of Venus has been studied by a numerical integration method using the hypothesis that only solar tidal torques and core-mantle coupling have been active since formation. It is found quite conceivable that Venus had originally a rotation similar to the other planets and has evolved in 4.5×109 years from a rapid and direct rotation (12-hour spin period and nearly zero obliquity) to the present slow retrograde one.While the solid tidal torque may be quite efficient in despinning the planet, a thermally driven atmospheric tidal torque has the capability to drive the obliquity from 0° towards 180° and to stabilize the spin axis in the latter position. The effect of a liquid core is discussed and it is shown that core-mantle friction hastens the latter part of the evolution and makes even stronger the state of equilibrium at 180°. The model assumes a nearly stable balance between solid and atmospheric tides at the current rotation rate interpreting the present 243 day spin period as being very close to the limiting value.A large family of solutions allowing for the evolution, in a few billions years, of a rapid prograde rotation to the present state have been found. Noticeably different histories of evolution are observed when the initial conditions and the values of the physical parameters are slightly modified, but generally the principal trend is maintained.The proposed evolutionary explanation of the current rotation of Venus has led us to place constraints on the solid bodyQ and on the magnitude of the atmospheric tidal torque. While the constraints seem rather severe in the absence of core-mantle friction (aQ15 at the annual frequency is required, and a dominant diurnal thermal response in the atmosphere is needed), for a large range of values of the core's viscosity, the liquid core effect allows us to relax somewhat these constraints: a solid bodyQ of the order 40 can then be allowed. ThisQ value implies that a semi-diurnal ground pressure oscillation of 2 mb is needed in the atmosphere in order for a stable balance to occur between the solid and atmospheric tides at the current rotation rate. No model of atmospheric tides on Venus has been attempted in this study, however the value of 2 mb agrees well with that predicted by the model given in Dobrovolskis (1978).  相似文献   

Dynamical evolution of the rotation of Venus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By considering the torque of the bodily tides, the effect of the core-mantle viscous coupling and the torque of the atmospheric tides have been obtained by numerical calculation: the evolution of the spin angular velocity and the obliquity of the Venus are calculated numerically with the step-variable Runge-Kutta method of 7th order; and 7 sets of the probable Cytherean spin evolution have been obtained. It is indicated that the present spin state of Venus is the result of long-term evolution within the reasonable ranges of some disposable parameters. The early spin period is between 7 h to 2 d and the corresponding obliquity is about 90 ° ~ 100 °. The effects of the torques of body and atmospheric tides and the core-mantle viscous coupling of Venus on its spin angular velocity could nearly cancel out each other about a billion years ago. Therefore, Venus could have been captured in a spin-orbit resonant state by the gravitational torque of the Earth on the permanent deformation part of Venus; and this resonant state has lasted up to the present time.  相似文献   

A major goal of the BepiColombo mission to Mercury is the determination of the structure and state of Mercury's interior. Here the BepiColombo rotation experiment has been simulated in order to assess the ability to attain the mission goals and to help lay out a series of constraints on the experiment's possible progress. In the rotation experiment pairs of images of identical surface regions taken at different epochs are used to retrieve information on Mercury's rotation and orientation. The idea is that from observations of the same patch of Mercury's surface at two different solar longitudes of Mercury the orientation of Mercury can be determined, and therefore also the obliquity and rotation variations with respect to the uniform rotation.The estimation of the libration amplitude and obliquity through pattern matching of observed surface landmarks is challenging. The main problem arises from the difficulty to observe the same landmark on the planetary surface repeatedly over the MPO mission lifetime, due to the combination of Mercury's 3:2 spin-orbit resonance, the absence of a drift of the MPO polar orbital plane and the need to combine data from different instruments with their own measurement restrictions.By assuming that Mercury occupies a Cassini state and that the spacecraft operates nominally we show that under worst case assumptions the annual libration amplitude and obliquity can be measured with a precision of, respectively, 1.4 arcseconds (as) and 1.0 as over the nominal BepiColombo MPO lifetime with about 25 landmarks for rather stringent illumination restrictions. The outcome of the experiment cannot be easily improved by simply relaxing the observational constraints, or increasing the data volume.  相似文献   

We consider a dissipative spin-orbit model where it is assumed that the orbit of the satellite is Keplerian, the obliquity is zero, and the dissipative effects depend linearly on the relative angular velocity. The measure of the basins of attraction associated to periodic and quasi-periodic attractors is numerically investigated. The results depend on the interaction among the physically relevant parameters, namely, the orbital eccentricity, the equatorial oblateness and the dissipative constant. In particular, it appears that, for astronomically relevant parameter values, for low eccentricities (as in the Moon’s case) about 96% of the initial data belong to the basin of attraction of the 1/1 spin-orbit resonance; for larger values of the eccentricities higher order spin-orbit resonances and quasi-periodic attractors become dominant providing a mechanism for explaining the observed state of Mercury into the 3/2 resonance.  相似文献   

Mercury is observed in a stable Cassini’s state, close to a 3:2 spin-orbit resonance, and a 1:1 node resonance. This present situation is not the only possible mathematical stable state, as it is shown here through a simple model limited to the second-order in harmonics and where Mercury is considered as a rigid body. In this framework, using a Hamiltonian formalism, four different sets of resonant angles are computed from the differential Hamiltonian equations, and each of them corresponds to four values of the obliquity; thanks to the calculation of the corresponding eigenvalues, their linear stability is analyzed. In this simplified model, two equilibria (one of which corresponding to the present state of Mercury) are stable, one is unstable, and the fourth one is degenerate. This degenerate status disappears with the introduction of the orbit (node and pericenter) precessions. The influence of these precession rates on the proper frequencies of the rotation is also analyzed and quantified, for different planetary models.  相似文献   

Mercury has a near-zero obliquity, i.e. its spin axis is nearly perpendicular to its orbital plane. The value of the obliquity must be known precisely in order to constrain the size of the planet's core within the framework suggested by Peale [Peale, S.J., 1976. Nature 262, 765-766]. Rambaux and Bois [Rambaux, N., Bois, E., 2004. Astron. Astrophys. 413, 381-393] have suggested that Mercury's obliquity varies on thousand-year timescales due to planetary perturbations, potentially ruining the feasibility of Peale's experiment. We use a Hamiltonian approach (free of energy dissipation) to study the spin-orbit evolution of Mercury subject to secular planetary perturbations. We can reproduce an obliquity evolution similar to that of Rambaux and Bois [Rambaux, N., Bois, E., 2004. Astron. Astrophys. 413, 381-393] if we integrate the system with a set of initial conditions that differs from the Cassini state. However the thousand-year oscillations in the obliquity disappear if we use initial conditions corresponding to the equilibrium position of the Cassini state. This result indicates that planetary perturbations do not force short-period, large amplitude oscillations in the obliquity of Mercury. In the absence of excitation processes on short timescales, Mercury's obliquity will remain quasi-constant, suggesting that one of the important conditions for the success of Peale's experiment is realized. We show that interpretation of data obtained in support of this experiment will require a precise knowledge of the spin-orbit configuration, and we provide estimates for two of the critical parameters, the instantaneous Laplace plane orientation and the orbital precession rate from numerical fits to ephemeris data. Finally we provide geometrical relationships and a scheme for identifying the correct initial conditions required in numerical integrations involving a Cassini state configuration subject to planetary perturbations.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of asteroid spin states is challenging work, in part because asteroids have a variety of orbits, shapes, spin states, and collisional histories but also because they are strongly influenced by gravitational and non-gravitational (YORP) torques. Using efficient numerical models designed to investigate asteroid orbit and spin dynamics, we study here how several individual asteroids have had their spin states modified over time in response to these torques (i.e., 951 Gaspra, 60 Echo, 32 Pomona, 230 Athamantis, 105 Artemis). These test cases which sample semimajor axis and inclination space in the inner main belt, were chosen as probes into the large parameter space described above. The ultimate goal is to use these data to statistically characterize how all asteroids in the main belt population have reached their present-day spin states. We found that the spin dynamics of prograde-rotating asteroids in the inner main belt is generally less regular than that of the retrograde-rotating ones because of numerous overlapping secular spin-orbit resonances. These resonances strongly affect the spin histories of all bodies, while those of small asteroids (?40 km) are additionally influenced by YORP torques. In most cases, gravitational and non-gravitational torques cause asteroid spin axis orientations to vary widely over short (?1 My) timescales. Our results show that (951) Gaspra has a highly chaotic rotation state induced by an overlap of the s and s6 spin-orbit resonances. This hinders our ability to investigate its past evolution and infer whether thermal torques have acted on Gaspra's spin axis since its origin.  相似文献   

A Hamiltonian model is constructed for the spin axis of a planet perturbed by a nearby planet with both planets in orbit about a star. We expand the planet–planet gravitational potential perturbation to first order in orbital inclinations and eccentricities, finding terms describing spin resonances involving the spin precession rate and the two planetary mean motions. Convergent planetary migration allows the spinning planet to be captured into spin resonance. With initial obliquity near zero, the spin resonance can lift the planet’s obliquity to near 90\(^\circ \) or 180\(^\circ \) depending upon whether the spin resonance is first or zeroth order in inclination. Past capture of Uranus into such a spin resonance could give an alternative non-collisional scenario accounting for Uranus’s high obliquity. However, we find that the time spent in spin resonance must be so long that this scenario cannot be responsible for Uranus’s high obliquity. Our model can be used to study spin resonance in satellite systems. Our Hamiltonian model explains how Styx and Nix can be tilted to high obliquity via outward migration of Charon, a phenomenon previously seen in numerical simulations.  相似文献   

E. Bois  N. Rambaux   《Icarus》2007,192(2):308-317
Mercury's capture into the 3:2 spin–orbit resonance can be explained as a result of its chaotic orbital dynamics. One major objective of MESSENGER and BepiColombo spatial missions is to accurately measure Mercury's rotation and its obliquity in order to obtain constraints on internal structure of the planet. Analytical approaches at the first-order level using the Cassini state assumptions give the obliquity constant or quasi-constant. Which is the obliquity's dynamical behavior deriving from a complete spin–orbit motion of Mercury simultaneously integrated with planetary interactions? We have used our SONYR model (acronym of Spin–Orbit N-bodY Relativistic model) integrating the spin–orbit N-body problem applied to the Solar System (Sun and planets). For lack of current accurate observations or ephemerides of Mercury's rotation, and therefore for lack of valid initial conditions for a numerical integration, we have built an original method for finding the libration center of the spin–orbit system and, as a consequence, for avoiding arbitrary amplitudes in librations of the spin–orbit motion as well as in Mercury's obliquity. The method has been carried out in two cases: (1) the spin–orbit motion of Mercury in the 2-body problem case (Sun–Mercury) where an uniform precession of the Keplerian orbital plane is kinematically added at a fixed inclination (S2K case), (2) the spin–orbit motion of Mercury in the N-body problem case (Sun and planets) (Sn case). We find that the remaining amplitude of the oscillations in the Sn case is one order of magnitude larger than in the S2K case, namely 4 versus 0.4 arcseconds (peak-to-peak). The mean obliquity is also larger, namely 1.98 versus 1.80 arcminutes, for a difference of 10.8 arcseconds. These theoretical results are in a good agreement with recent radar observations but it is not excluded that it should be possible to push farther the convergence process by drawing nearer still more precisely to the libration center. We note that the dynamically driven spin precession, which occurs when the planetary interactions are included, is more complex than the purely kinematic case. Nevertheless, in such a N-body problem, we find that the 3:2 spin–orbit resonance is really combined to a synchronism where the spin and orbit poles on average precess at the same rate while the orbit inclination and the spin axis orientation on average decrease at the same rate. As a consequence and whether it would turn out that there exists an irreducible minimum of the oscillation amplitude, quasi-periodic oscillations found in Mercury's obliquity should be to geometrically understood as librations related to these synchronisms that both follow a Cassini state. Whatever the open question on the minimal amplitude in the obliquity's oscillations and in spite of the planetary interactions indirectly acting by the solar torque on Mercury's rotation, Mercury remains therefore in a stable equilibrium state that proceeds from a 2-body Cassini state.  相似文献   

The paper develops a hamiltonian formulation describing the coupled orbital and spin motions of a rigid Mercury rotation about its axis of maximum moment of inertia in the frame of a 3:2 spin orbit resonance; the (ecliptic) obliquity is not constant, the gravitational potential of mercury is developed up to the second degree terms (the only ones for which an approximate numerical value can be given) and is reduced to a two degree of freedom model in the absence of planetary perturbations. Four equilibria can be calculated, corresponding to four different values of the (ecliptic) obliquity. The present situation of Mercury corresponds to one of them, which is proved to be stable. We introduce action-angle variables in the neighborhood of this stable equilibrium, by several successive canonical transformations, so to get two constant frequencies, the first one for the free spin-orbit libration, the other one for the 1:1 resonant precession of both nodes (orbital and rotational) on the ecliptic plane. The numerical values obtained by this simplified model are in perfect agreement with those obtained by Rambaux and Bois [Astron. Astrophys. 413, 381–393]. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Keiko Atobe  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》2004,168(2):223-236
We have investigated obliquity variations of possible terrestrial planets in habitable zones (HZs) perturbed by a giant planet(s) in extrasolar planetary systems. All the extrasolar planets so far discovered are inferred to be jovian-type gas giants. However, terrestrial planets could also exist in extrasolar planetary systems. In order for life, in particular for land-based life, to evolve and survive on a possible terrestrial planet in an HZ, small obliquity variations of the planet may be required in addition to its orbital stability, because large obliquity variations would cause significant climate change. It is known that large obliquity variations are caused by spin-orbit resonances where the precession frequency of the planet's spin nearly coincides with one of the precession frequencies of the ascending node of the planet's orbit. Using analytical expressions, we evaluated the obliquity variations of terrestrial planets with prograde spins in HZs. We found that the obliquity of terrestrial planets suffers large variations when the giant planet's orbit is separated by several Hill radii from an edge of the HZ, in which the orbits of the terrestrial planets in the HZ are marginally stable. Applying these results to the known extrasolar planetary systems, we found that about half of these systems can have terrestrial planets with small obliquity variations (smaller than 10°) over their entire HZs. However, the systems with both small obliquity variations and stable orbits in their HZs are only 1/5 of known systems. Most such systems are comprised of short-period giant planets. If additional planets are found in the known planetary systems, they generally tend to enhance the obliquity variations. On the other hand, if a large/close satellite exists, it significantly enhances the precession rate of the spin axis of a terrestrial planet and is likely to reduce the obliquity variations of the planet. Moreover, if a terrestrial planet is in a retrograde spin state, the spin-orbit resonance does not occur. Retrograde spin, or a large/close satellite might be essential for land-based life to survive on a terrestrial planet in an HZ.  相似文献   

B. Levrard 《Icarus》2008,193(2):641-643
In a recent paper, Wisdom [Wisdom, J., 2008. Icarus, 193, 637-640] derived concise expressions for the rate of tidal dissipation in a synchronously rotating body for arbitrary orbital eccentricity and obliquity. He provided numerical evidence than the derived rate is always larger than in an asymptotic nonsynchronous rotation state at any obliquity and eccentricity. Here, I present a simple mathematical proof of this conclusion and show that this result still holds for any spin-orbit resonance.  相似文献   

YORP torques, where “YORP” stands for “Yarokovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack,” arise mainly from sunlight reflected off a Solar System object and the infrared radiation emitted by it. We show here, through the most elementary demonstration that we can devise, that secular torques from impinging solar photons are generally negligible and thus cause little secular evolution of an asteroid’s obliquity or spin rate.  相似文献   

Depth-dependent interior structure models of Mercury are calculated for several plausible chemical compositions of the core and of the mantle. For those models, we compute the associated libration amplitude, obliquity, tidal deformation, and tidal changes in the external potential. In particular we study the relation between the interior structure parameters for five different mantle mineralogies and two different temperature profiles together with two extreme crust density values. We investigate the influence of the core light element concentration, temperature, and melting law on core state and inner and outer core size. We show that a sulfur concentration above 10 wt% is unlikely if the temperature at the core-mantle boundary is above 1850 K and the silicate shell at least 240 km thick. The interior models can only have an inner core if the sulfur weight fraction is below 5 wt% for core-mantle boundary temperature in the 1850-2200 K range. Within our modeling hypotheses, we show that with the expected precision on the moment of inertia the core size can be estimated to a precision of about 50 km and the core sulfur concentration with an error of about 2 wt%. This uncertainty can only be reduced when more information on the mantle mineralogy of Mercury becomes available. However, we show that the uncertainty on the core size estimation can be greatly reduced, to about 25 km, if tidal surface displacements and tidal variations in the external potential are considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a formalism designed to model tidal interaction with a viscoelastic body made of Maxwell material. Our approach remains regular for any spin rate and orientation, and for any orbital configuration including high eccentricities and close encounters. The method is to integrate simultaneously the rotation and the position of the planet as well as its deformation. We provide the equations of motion both in the body frame and in the inertial frame. With this study, we generalize preexisting models to the spatial case and to arbitrary multipole orders using a formalism taken from quantum theory. We also provide the vectorial expression of the secular tidal torque expanded in Fourier series. Applying this model to close-in exoplanets, we observe that if the relaxation time is longer than the revolution period, the phase space of the system is characterized by the presence of several spin-orbit resonances, even in the circular case. As the system evolves, the planet spin can visit different spin-orbit configurations. The obliquity is decreasing along most of these resonances, but we observe a case where the planet tilt is instead growing. These conclusions derived from the secular torque are successfully tested with numerical integrations of the instantaneous equations of motion on HD 80606 b. Our formalism is also well adapted to close-in super-Earths in multiplanet systems which are known to have non-zero mutual inclinations.  相似文献   

In this study we present a semi-analytical Maxwell-viscoelastic model of the variable tidal stress field acting on Europa’s surface. In our analysis, we take into account surface stresses induced by the small eccentricity of Europa’s orbit, the non-zero obliquity of Europa’s spin axis - both acting on a diurnal 3.55-days timescale - and the reorientation of the ice shell as a result of non-synchronous rotation (NSR). We assume that Europa’s putative ocean is covered by an ice shell, which we subdivide in a low-viscous and warm lower ice layer (asthenosphere, viscosity 1012-1017 Pa s), and a high-viscous and cold upper ice layer (lithosphere, viscosity 1021 Pa s).Viscoelastic relaxation influences surface stresses in two ways: (1) through viscoelastic relaxation in the lithosphere and (2) through the viscoelastic tidal response of Europa’s interior. The amount of relaxation in the lithosphere is proportional to the ratio between the period of the forcing mechanism and the Maxwell time of the high-viscous lithosphere. As a result, this effect is only relevant to surface stresses caused by the slow NSR mechanism. On the other hand, the importance of the viscoelastic response on surface stresses is proportional to the ratio between the relaxation time (τj) of a given viscoelastic mode j and the period of the forcing function. On a diurnal timescale the fast relaxation of transient modes related to the low viscosity of the asthenosphere can alter the magnitude and phase shift of the diurnal stress field at Europa’s surface. The effects are largest, up to 20% in magnitude and 7° in phase for ice rigidities lower than 3.487 GPa, when the relaxation time of the aforementioned transient modes approaches the inverse of the average angular rate of Europa’s orbit. On timescales relevant for NSR (>104 years) the magnitude and phase shift of NSR surface stresses can be affected by viscoelastic relaxation of the ocean-ice boundary. This effect, however, becomes only important when the behavior of the lithosphere w.r.t. NSR approaches the fluid limit, i.e. for strong relaxation in the lithosphere. The combination of NSR and diurnal stresses for different amounts of viscoelastic relaxation of NSR stresses in the lithosphere leads to a large variety of global stress fields that can explain the formation of the large diversity of lineament morphologies observed on Europa’s surface. Variation of the amount of relaxation in the lithosphere is likely due to changes in the spin rate of Europa and/or the rheological properties of the surface.In addition, we show that a small obliquity(<1°) can have a considerable effect on Europa’s diurnal stress field. A non-zero obliquity breaks the symmetric distribution of stress patterns with respect to the equator, thereby affecting the magnitude and orientation of the principal stresses at the surface. As expected, increasing the value of Europa’s obliquity leads to larger diurnal stresses at the surface, especially when Europa is located 90° away from the nodes formed by the intersection of its orbital and equatorial planes.  相似文献   

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