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The succession recovered in ODP hole 107–651 in the young oceanic Vavilov basin (Tyrrhenian Sea) comprises, beneath a thick Pleistocene to Upper Pliocene sedimentary cover (chiefly volcanoclastics), four basement units: (1) MORB-type basaltic pillows and breccias; (2) a complex succession made of dolerites, albitites, basaltic breccias, metadolerite pebbles (including an intercalated sandy layer with periodotite clasts); (3) MORB-type basaltic pillows and breccias; (4) highly serpentinized peridotite. Between units 3 and 4, granitoid pebbles occur.This sequence is surprisingly similar to successions known in the Western Alps' Tethyan ophiolites. There, the sediments (Callovian-Oxfordian radiolarian cherts) lie stratigraphically upon breccias mostly derived from underlying serpentinite, and sometimes gabbroic basement. At some places, thin basaltic (tholeiitic) pillows and breccias occur between the radiolarian cherts and the breccias.From the comparison between a present day setting (the central Tyrrhenian Sea) and a formerly emplaced basement succession (the Western Alps), we stress the following (a) both the here-discussed ophiolites and oceanic basement are different from classical ophiolite sequences; (b) both occurrences imply unroofing of mantle rocks that therefore were directly outcropping on the seafloor; (c) such a comparison may indicate a very slow spreading rate for the Alpine Tethyan ocean.  相似文献   

The global database on the paleointensity, containing determinations of the virtual dipole moment (VDM) for a stable (normal) regime of the geomagnetic field in a time interval of up to 3.5 Ga, is supplemented by new VDM determinations and analyzed. The field generation process started no later than 3–3.5 Ga (earlier data are absent) at the stage of the Earth’s core formation. Since that time, the dipole value has differed from its present value by no more than an order of magnitude, and the deviations that have already been detected tend toward smaller values. The distribution of VDM values in the time interval 0–400 Ma is bimodal, which apparently reflects the presence of two different generation levels of the geomagnetic field distinguished by a relatively large value (close to the present field value) and a relatively small value (approximately half as large as the present value). The total duration of decreased VDM values appreciably exceeds that of increased VDM values (179.1 and 28.6 Myr, respectively). On the whole, data on the paleointensity do not contradict the hypothesis about the dipole nature of the field over the last 400 Myr; however, the number of determinations at high paleolatitudes is too small to draw decisive conclusions on the validity (or invalidity) of the dipole field approximation based solely on paleointensity data.  相似文献   

Subsidence of the Bahama Escarpment, determined from deep-diving submersible and dredge samples, is used to constrain the nature of crust underlying the Bahamas. Horizontal disposition of the Hauterivian/Barremian (125 Ma) age boundary along the Bahama Escarpment is inconsistent with an underlying oceanic crust (either normal or thickened) here, and suggests that thinned continental crust underlies the Bahamas. Subsidence curves are then fit based on a stretched lithosphere model to a stratigraphic section (2000–4000 m) off Cat Island. This analysis indicates crustal thinning by a factor (β) of 2.0–2.5, resulting in present crustal thicknesses of 10–12 km. We propose that rifting beneath the Bahamas occurred from middle (175–180 Ma) to late (160 Ma) Jurassic time. The pre-extension Bahamas fit between North and South America and Africa in Early Jurassic time, eliminating overlap of the present Bahamas onto Africa in reconstructions of the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

A high resolution (3–8 km grid), 3D numerical ocean model of the West Caribbean Sea (WCS) is used to investigate the variability and the forcing of flows near the Meso-American Barrier Reef System (MBRS) which runs along the coasts of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. Mesoscale variations in velocity and temperature along the reef were found in seasonal model simulations and in observations; these variations are associated with meandering of the Caribbean current (CC) and the propagation of Caribbean eddies. Diagnostic calculations and a simple assimilation technique are combined to infer the dynamically adjusted flow associated with particular eddies. The results demonstrate that when a cyclonic eddy (negative sea surface height anomaly (SSHA)) is found near the MBRS the CC shifts offshore, the cyclonic circulation in the Gulf of Honduras (GOH) intensifies, and a strong southward flow results along the reef. However, when an anticyclonic eddy (positive SSHA) is found near the reef, the CC moves onshore and the flow is predominantly westward across the reef. The model results help to explain how drifters are able to propagate in a direction opposite to the mean circulation when eddies cause a reversal of the coastal circulation. The effect of including the Meso-American Lagoon west of the Belize Reef in the model topography was also investigated, to show the importance of having accurate coastal topography in determining the variations of transports across the MBRS. The variations found in transports across the MBRS (on seasonal and mesoscale time scales) may have important consequences for biological activities along the reef such as spawning aggregations; better understanding the nature of these variations will help ongoing efforts in coral reef conservation and maintaining the health of the ecosystem in the region.  相似文献   


In 1996, St Pierre (1996) reported numerical simulations of a buoyant blob migrating across the earth's outer core and subject to the combined effects of rotation and an azimuthal magnetic field. He noted that the blob rapidly fragments into a series of plate-like structures. Quite independently, Davidson (1995, 1997) discovered a similar behaviour in the context of low- R m turbulence (without a Coriolis force) and showed that this phenomenon has its roots in the destruction of angular momentum by the Lorentz force. The purpose of this paper is to pull together these earlier studies and, in particular, to determine whether or not St. Pierre's platelets are also a consequence of the destruction of angular momentum. We confirm that this is indeed the case.  相似文献   

Submersible investigations along the East Rift segments, the Pito Deep and the Terevaka transform fault of the Easter microplate eastern boundary, and on a thrust-fault area of the Nazca Plate collected a variety of basalts and dolerites. The volcanics consist essentially of depleted (N-MORB), transitional (T-MORB) and enriched (E-MORB) basalts with low (0.01−0.1, < 0.7), intermediate (0.12–0.25, 0.7–1.2) and high (> 0.25, > 1.2–2) K/Ti and(La/Sm)N ratios, respectively. The Fe-Ti-rich ferrobasalt encountered among the N-MORBs are found on the Pito Deep Central volcano, on the Terevaka intra-transform ridge, on the ancient (< 2.5 Ma) Easter microplate (called EMP, comprising the East Rift Inner pseudofaults and Pito Deep west walls) and on thrust-fault crusts. The most enriched (T- and E-MORB) volcanics occur along the East Rift at 25 °50′–27 °S (called 26 °S East Rift) and on the Pito seamount located near the tip of the East Rift at 23 °00′–23 °40′S (called 23 °S East Rift). The diversity in incompatible element ratios of the basalts in relation to their structural setting suggests that the volcanics are derived from a similar heterogenous mantle which underwent variable degrees of partial melting and magma mixing. In addition the Pito seamount volcanics have undergone less crystal fractionation (< 20%) than the lavas from the other Easter microplate structures (up to 35–45%). The tectonic segmentation of the East Rift observed between 23 and 27 °S corresponds to petrological discontinuities related to Mg# variations and mantle melting conditions. The highest Mg# (> 61) are found on topographic highs (2000–2300 m) and lower values (Mg# < 56) at the extremities of the East Rift segments (2500–5600 m depths). The deepest area (5600 m) along the East Rift is located at 23 °S and coincides with a Central volcano constructed on the floor of the Pito Deep. Three major compositional variabilities of the volcanics are observed along the East Rift segments studied: (1) the 26 °S East Rift segment where the volcanics have intermediate Na8 (2.5–2.8%) and Fe8 (8.5–11%) contents; (2) the 23 °S East Rift segment (comprising Pito seamount and Pito Deep Central volcano) which shows the highest (2.9–3.4%) values of Na8 and a low (8–9%) Fe8 content; and (3) the 25 °S (at 24 °50′–26 °10′S) and the 24 °S (at 24 °10′–25 °S) East Rift segments where most of the volcanics have low to intermediate Na8 (2.6–2.0%) and a high range of Fe8 (9–13%) contents. When modeling mantle melting conditions, we observed a relative increase in the extent of partial melting and decreasing melting pressure. These localized trends are in agreement with a 3-D type diapiric upwelling in the sense postulated by Niu and Batiza (1993). Diapiric mantle upwelling and melting localized underneath the 26, 25 and 23 °S (Pito seamount and Central volcano) East Rift segments are responsable for the differences observed in the volcanics. The extent of partial melting varies from 14 to 19% in the lithosphere between 18 and 40 km deep as inferred from the calculated initial (Po=16kbar) and final melting (Pf=7kbar) pressures along the various East Rift segments. The lowest range of partial melting (14–16%) is confined to the volcanics from 23 °S East Rift segment including the Pito seamount and the Central volcano. The Thrust-fault area, and the Terevaka intra-transform show comparable mantle melting regimes to the 25 and 26 °S East Rift segments. The older lithosphere of the EMP interior is believed to have been the site of high partial melting (17–20%) confined to the deeper melting area (29–50 km). This increase in melting with increasing pressure is similar to the conditions encountered underneath the South East Pacific Rise (13–20 °S).  相似文献   

Ma M  Feng Z  Guan C  Ma Y  Xu H  Li H 《Marine pollution bulletin》2001,42(2):132-136
Current contents of persistent organic contaminants, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the congeners (naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(e)pyrene), DDTs and metabolites in the intertidal sediments of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea were studied. The mean levels of DDTs, PAHs and PCBs were 177.52, 877.2 and 3.4 ng g-1 dry weight, respectively. The spatial trends of the contaminant residue levels were analysed too.  相似文献   

The archaeological Lajia and Lamafeng sites were situated in the Guanting Basin in the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, and were in the second terrace of the Yellow River. The Lamafeng site is only 1500 m away from Lajia site. The Lajia site belongs to typical Qijia culture (4100–3600 cal a BP). Many human skeletons were found in the Lajia site. These remains presented a state of unnatural deaths. They were all buried in-situ. The Lajia site recorded a prehistoric natural disaster, and the cause of which was probably a combination of earthquake and flooding due to the outburst of a lake that had been dammed by a landslide on the Yellow River. The Lajia site was abandoned by the prehistoric people after the disaster, but follow-up cultural relics were not found. Lamafeng site is a representative of Xindian Culture (3400–2600 cal a BP). The investigation of the Xindian Culture is intensive. However, the chronological data is still very limited, and no luminescence data has been reported so far. In the current study, both optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) (three samples) and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) (five charcoal samples) dating are applied to samples from Lamafeng archaeological site. The results showed that: (1) For the sample from the cultural layer, within error margins OSL and 14C ages are in good agreement. The 14C ages show that the cultural layer has an age range of ∼2400–2300 cal a BP. (2) The Lamafeng site was inhabited by the people of Xindian Culture, which indicated that the natural disaster occurred in the Qijia culture period did not completely destroy the prehistoric culture in the basin. (3) There was an enhanced extreme flood activity during Qijia and Xindian Culture periods, and the extreme flood period was ended at 2.6 ± 0.2 ka.  相似文献   

Results are reported from a detailed study of central Kamchatka seismicity for the period 1962–1997 based on a modification of the traditional approach. The approach involves (a) a detailed structure of the seismic region that recognizes the Kronotskii and Shipunskii geoblocks and two further blocks, the continental slope, and the offshore portion, (b) a study of variations in the rate of M = 3.0–7.2 earthquakes and the amount of seismic energy released at depths of 0–50 and 51–100 km, (c) a study of seismicity variability, and (d) separate estimates of the recurrence of crust-mantle earthquakes (depths 0–50 km) and mantle events (51–100 km). As a result, apart from corroborating the fact of a quiescence preceding the December 5, 1997 Kronotskii earthquake (M 7.9), we also found that a relationship exists between its beginning and the position of the earthquake-generating region relative to the mainshock epicenter. The quiescence dominates the seismic process during the pre-mainshock period and is characterized by a decreased rate of earthquakes (the first feature) and a decreased amount of seismic energy release (the second feature). Based on the first feature, we found that the quiescence started in 1987 throughout the entire depth range (0–100 km) in both parts of the Kronotskii geoblock close to the rupture zone of the eponymous earthquake. As to the Shipunskii geoblock, which is farther from the rupture zone, the quiescence began in the mantle of the inner area first (1988) and somewhat later at depths of 0–50 km within the continental slope (1989). By the second feature, the quiescence began at shallower depths in the inner area of the Kronotskii geoblock at the same time and later on (a year later) in the mantle (1988). Under the continental slope of the trench in the Shipunskii geoblock the shallower quiescence also began in 1987, while it was 3 years late in the inner zone (1990) and involved the earthquake-generating earth volume at depths of 0–100 km. These data are identical with or sufficiently close to the estimate for the beginning of this quiescence using a circular area of radius 150 km that combines the Kronotskii and Shipunskii geoblocks by the RTL method (1990).  相似文献   

On 3 September 1998, a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) that originated from Tam Pokhari occurred in the Hinku valley of the eastern Nepal Himalaya. This study analyses the lake's geomorphic and hydrologic conditions prior to the outburst, and evaluates the conditions that could contribute to a future flood through photogrammetric techniques. We processed high‐resolution Corona KH‐4A (2.7 m) and ALOS PRISM (2.5 m) stereo‐images taken before and after the GLOF event, and produced detailed topographic maps (2‐m contour interval) and DEMs (5 m × 5 m). We (re‐) constructed lake water surfaces before (4410 ± 5 m) and after (4356 ± 5 m) the outburst, and reliably estimated the lake water surface lowering (54 ± 5 m) and the water volume released (19.5 ± 2.2 × 106 m3) from the lake, showing good agreement with the results obtained from ground‐based measurements. The most relevant conditions that may have influenced the catastrophic drainage of Tam Pokhari in 1998 include the presence of: (i) a narrow (75 ± 6 m), steep (up to 50°) and high (120 ± 5 m) moraine dam; (ii) high lake level (8 ± 5 m of freeboard) and (iii) a steep overhanging glacier (>40°). The lake outburst substantially altered the immediate area, creating a low and wide (>500 m) outwash plain below the lake, a wide lake outlet channel (~50 m) and a gentle channel slope (~3–5°). Our new data suggest that the likelihood of a future lake outburst is low. Our results demonstrate that the datasets produced by photogrammetric techniques provide an excellent representation of micro‐landform features on moraine dams, lake water surfaces and the changes in both over time, thereby allowing highly accurate pre‐ and post‐GLOF (volumetric) change analysis of glacial lakes. Furthermore, it enables precise measurement of several predictive variables of GLOFs that can be useful for identifying potentially dangerous glacial lakes or prioritizing them for detailed field investigations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract The Isabela ophiolite, the Philippines, is characterized by a lherzolite‐dominant mantle section, which was probably formed beneath a slow‐spreading mid‐ocean ridge. Several podiform chromitites occur in the mantle section and grade into harzburgite to lherzolite. The chromitites show massive, nodular, layered and disseminated textures. Clinopyroxene (±orthopyroxene/amphibole) inclusions within chromian spinel (chromite hereafter) are commonly found in the massive‐type chromitites. Large chromitites are found in relatively depleted harzburgite hosts having high‐Cr? (Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio = ~0.5) chromite. Light rare earth element (LREE) contents of clinopyroxenes in harzburgites near the chromitites are higher than those in lherzolite with low‐Cr? chromite, whereas heavy REE (HREE) contents of clinopyroxenes are lower in harzburgite than in lherzolite. The harzburgite near the chromitites is not a residual peridotite after simple melt extraction from lherzolite but is formed by open‐system melting (partial melting associated with influx of primitive basaltic melt of deeper origin). Clinopyroxene inclusions within chromite in chromitites exhibit convex‐shaped REE patterns with low HREE and high LREE (+Sr) abundances compared to the host peridotites. The chromitites were formed from a hybridized melt enriched with Cr, Si and incompatible elements (Na, LREE, Sr and H2O). The melt was produced by mixing of secondary melts after melt–rock interaction and the primitive basaltic melts in large melt conduits, probably coupled with a zone‐refining effect. The Cr? of chromites in the chromitites ranges from 0.65 to 0.75 and is similar to those of arc‐related magmas. The upper mantle section of the Isabela ophiolite was initially formed beneath a slow‐spreading mid‐ocean ridge, later introduced by arc‐related magmatisms in response to a switch in tectonic setting during its obduction at a convergent margin.  相似文献   

The distribution of magmatism and related endogenous metallogeny within short intervals of geological time displays strong lateral zonal pattern governed by the positions of contemporaneous eugeosynclines, i.e. previous oceanic basins. This pattern includes: (1) the eugeosyncline with ultramafics and mafics, and with Cu, Au, Cr, Pt; (2) the amagmatic back troughs filled by clastic sediments; (3) a zone of granite-granodiorite batholiths with Au, Mo; (4) a zone of diorite-monzonite with PbZn; (5) a zone of standard and LiF granites with Sn, W, Mo; and (6) a zone of alkaline plutons.The zones in (3)–(5) correspond to calc-alkaline volcanism, and the zone in (6) to alkaline volcanism. The zonal pattern is related to the activity along fossil Benioff zones. Great transversal faults displaced structural-magmatic and metallogenic zonality far inside continents. They are interpreted as transform faults. The existance of a zonal pattern is discussed in terms of plate tectonics.  相似文献   

This study assesses the relation between the year-to-year variability of the semidiurnal tides (SDT) observed at high latitudes of both hemispheres and the global stratospheric stationary planetary wave (SPW) with zonal wavenumber S=1 (SPW1) derived from the UKMO temperature data. No significant positive correlation can be identified between the interannual variability of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) SDT and the Southern Hemisphere (SH) SPW1 for austral late-winter months. In contrast, a good consistency is evident for the interannual variations between the SDT observed at Rothera (68°S, 68°W) and the Arctic SPW1 for NH mid-winter months. Since it has been observed that during austral summer the non-migrating SDT often plays a significant role at the latitude of Rothera, a physical link between the SH SDT and the NH SPW is suggested. This asymmetry in the interhemispheric link is also noted in a recent study.  相似文献   

Studies at the intersection of cognitive science and linguistics have revealed the crucial role that metaphors play in shaping our thoughts about phenomena we cannot see. According to the domains interaction theory of cognition, a metaphoric expression sets up mappings between a target domain that we wish to understand and a familiar source domain. The source domain contains elements ("commonplaces") that we manipulate mentally, like parts of an analogue model, to illuminate the target domain. This paper applies the structure of domains interaction theory to analyze the dynamics of a metaphor in hydrogeology: the so-called bubble formed by water injected into an aquifer during aquifer storage and recovery (ASR). Of the four commonplaces of bubbles--(1) they are discrete; (2) they are geometrically simple; (3) they rise; and (4) they burst--we focus on the first two using both displacement and dispersion (tracer) models for both homogeneous and heterogeneous storage zones patterned from geological studies of the Suwannee Limestone of Sarasota County, Florida. The displacement model easily shows that "bottle brush" better represents the geometric complexity predicted from the known and inferred heterogeneity. There is virtually no difference, however, in the prediction of recovery efficiency using the dispersion model for a bubble (homogeneous flow zone) vs. bottle brush (heterogeneous flow zone). On the other hand, only the bottle brush reveals that unrecovered tracer is located preferentially in the low-permeability layers that lie adjacent to high-permeability channels in the flow zones.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide a first insight on the incorporation of eight metals in the eggs of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis via maternal transfer, using radiotracer techniques ((110m)Ag, (241)Am, (109)Cd, (60)Co, (134)Cs, (54)Mn, (75)Se and (65)Zn). The cuttlefish was fed daily with radiolabelled crabs for two weeks; it then started to spawn every three days. Among the eight tracers, only (110m)Ag, (75)Se and (65)Zn were significantly transferred to the eggs. The radiotracer distribution among the egg compartments showed that (75)Se and (65)Zn were accumulated mainly in the vitellus whereas (110m)Ag was found in similar proportion in the vitellus and the eggshell. During the embryonic development, (75)Se and (65)Zn contained in the vitellus were progressively transferred to the embryo, likely to supply its metabolic needs in these essential elements. Although it has no known biological functions, Ag contained in both vitellus and eggshell was also transferred to the embryo. Overall, our results showed that transfer of Ag, Se, and Zn does actually occur from a female cuttlefish to its eggs, at least during the last two weeks before spawning.  相似文献   

Edwards DA 《Ground water》2012,50(4):554-561
The ability to manipulate analytical expressions for aquifer drawdown can provide insights into groundwater flow processes and assist with assessing strengths and weaknesses of aquifer parameter estimation methods. In the Cooper and Jacob (1946) parameter estimation method, the antilog of the horizontal-axis intercept in a plot of drawdown vs. log(time) is referred to as time naught (t(0)), which is used for estimating storativity. This article briefly reviews traditional uses of the time-naught concept and then spends time introducing new insights and applications involving (1) time-naught/distance relationships, including ways to compensate for certain missing data; (2) use of time naught in a simple method providing a quick visual check of which data in a Cooper-Jacob plot are suitable for use in linear regression; (3) application of time naught, as determined for one well, in estimating the later minimum time for which data from a distant well can be used in the Cooper-Jacob method; (4) development of relationships between drawdown and time naught; (5) use of time naught in a simple algebraic equation to estimate drawdown at smaller times than feasible using the Cooper-Jacob method; and (6) employment of time naught and a vertical-axis intercept on a plot of drawdown vs. log(time) for evaluating storativity. This information may be useful to new hydrogeologists or others interested in further developing their analytical well hydraulics skills.  相似文献   

The mantle electromagnetic and tomography (MELT) experiment found a surprising degree of asymmetry in the mantle beneath the fast-spreading, southern East Pacific Rise (MELT Seismic Team, Science 280 (1998) 1215–1218; Forsyth et al., Science 280 (1998) 1235–1238; Toomey et al., Science 280 (1998) 1224–1227; Wolfe and Solomon, Science 280 (1998) 1230–1232; Scheirer et al., Science 280 (1998) 1221–1224; Evans et al., Science 286 (1999) 752–756). Pressure-release melting of the upwelling mantle produces magma that migrates to the surface to form a layer of new crust at the spreading center about 6 km thick (Canales et al., Science 280 (1998) 1218–1221). Seismic and electromagnetic measurements demonstrated that the distribution of this melt in the mantle is asymmetric (Forsyth et al., Science 280 (1998) 1235–1238; Toomey et al., Science 280 (1998) 1224–1227; Evans et al., Science 286 (1999) 752–756) at depths of several tens of kilometers, melt is more abundant beneath the Pacific plate to the west of the axis than beneath the Nazca plate to the east. MELT investigators attributed the asymmetry in melt and geophysical properties to several possible factors: asymmetric flow passively driven by coupling to the faster moving Pacific plate; interactions between the spreading center and hotspots of the south Pacific; an off-axis center of dynamic upwelling; and/or anomalous melting of an embedded compositional heterogeneity (MELT Seismic Team, Science 280 (1998) 1215–1218; Forsyth et al., Science 280 (1998) 1235–1238; Toomey et al., Science 280 (1998) 1224–1227; Wolfe and Solomon, Science 280 (1998) 1230–1232; Evans et al., Science 286 (1999) 752–756). Here we demonstrate that passive flow driven by asymmetric plate motion alone is not a sufficient explanation of the anomalies. Asthenospheric flow from hotspots in the Pacific superswell region back to the migrating ridge axis in conjunction with the asymmetric plate motion can create many of the observed anomalies.  相似文献   

Groundwater is an important component of the hydrological cycle with significant interactions with soil hydrological processes. Recent studies have demonstrated that incorporating groundwater hydrology in land surface models (LSMs) considerably improves the prediction of the partitioning of water components (e.g., runoff and evapotranspiration) at the land surface. However, the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES), an LSM developed in the United Kingdom, does not yet have an explicit representation of groundwater. We propose an implementation of a simplified groundwater flow boundary parameterization (JULES-GFB), which replaces the original free drainage assumption in the default model (JULES-FD). We tested the two approaches under a controlled environment for various soil types using two synthetic experiments: (1) single-column and (2) tilted-V catchment, using a three-dimensional (3-D) hydrological model (ParFlow) as a benchmark for JULES’ performance. In addition, we applied our new JULES-GFB model to a regional domain in the UK, where groundwater is the key element for runoff generation. In the single-column infiltration experiment, JULES-GFB showed improved soil moisture dynamics in comparison with JULES-FD, for almost all soil types (except coarse soils) under a variety of initial water table depths. In the tilted-V catchment experiment, JULES-GFB successfully represented the dynamics and the magnitude of saturated and unsaturated storage against the benchmark. The lateral water flow produced by JULES-GFB was about 50% of what was produced by the benchmark, while JULES-FD completely ignores this process. In the regional domain application, the Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE) for the total runoff simulation showed an average improvement from 0.25 for JULES-FD to 0.75 for JULES-GFB. The mean bias of actual evapotranspiration relative to the Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) product was improved from −0.22 to −0.01 mm day−1. Our new JULES-GFB implementation provides an opportunity to better understand the interactions between the subsurface and land surface processes that are dominated by groundwater hydrology.  相似文献   

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