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Seminar on the Wang Zhizhuo's academic thinking and digital photogrammetry organized by the Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping(WTUSM)and Commission of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Chinese Society of Surveying and Mapping(CSSM)and will be held in Wuhan, Dec. 11—17, 1988, just on the 80th  相似文献   

索佳测绘仪器贸易(上海)有限公司Sokkia Surveying Instruments Trading(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.上海市天目西路218号嘉里不夜城1座1108单元No.08 11th Floor,Tower 1,Kerry Everbright City,218West Tianmu Road,Shanghai,China(Postal Code:200070)Tel:86(21)63541844  相似文献   

1会议名称:5th WSEAS International Conference on Environment,Ecosystems and Development;国家:西班牙;会议召开地点:加那利群岛;组织者:World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society(WSEAS);提交摘要截至  相似文献   

1.会议名称:5th WSEAS Interna-tional Conference on Environment,Eco-systems and Development.国家:西班牙;会议召开地点:加那利群岛;组织者:World Scientific and Engineering Acade-my and Society(WSEAS);提交摘要截止时间:2007年10月15日前;会议召开时间:2007年12月14~16日;摘要要求:300字;会议主题:EnvironmentalProtection;Geology and Geoinformatics;GIS;Urban Landscape Transformations;会议官方语言及论文语种:英语;会议秘书处只接受Word或PDF文档;会议出版会议录。会议论文将被ISI(ISI-NET)、INSPEC(IE…  相似文献   

This special issue brings together papers that were presented in the 9th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing(ISPMSRS05), Beijing,2005.  相似文献   

On October 28 of 2006 the surveying and mapping discipline of Wuhan University celebratedher 50th birthday . More than 2 000 friends and alumni at home and abroad attended the cele-bration .The president of Wuhan University ,the academician of the Chinese…  相似文献   

Absol ute TimeCorporationInternet:www.absolutetime.cornAce Technol ogyInternet:www..aceteq.cornAdvanced Fil terSolutions(AFS),a TrakCommunicationscompanyInternet:www.trak.comAdvancedResearch CorpInternet:www.starwatch—gsp.cornAdveto ABInternet:www.adveto.seAeroAntennaTechnoi ogy,IncInternet:www.aeroantenna.COrnAGRA Baymont,IncInternet:WWW.baymont.comAlL Systems,IncInternet:www.ail.comAll en OsborneAssociates,IncInternet:www.aoa—gps·COrnAl!is CommunicationsCO LtdInterne…  相似文献   

IntroductionThe scientists have begun to retrieve land sur-face temperature (LST) fromsatellite data sincethe launch of TIROS-Ⅱin 60s of the 20th centu-ry . With the development of remote sensingtechnology and its application, more and moreLST retrieval …  相似文献   

GPSSolutions,2 0 0 3,7(3)0 4 0 5 0 1 GPS广播与精密星历 :历史观=Broadcastvs.PreciseGPSEphemerides:aHistoricalPerspective[英 ]/WarrenDL ,RaquetJF .— 1 5 1~1 5 60 4 0 5 0 2 用于交通移动信息系统的一种通用地图匹配算法 =AGeneralMapMatchingAlgorithmforTransportTelem aticsApplications [英 ]/QuddusMA ,OchiengWY ,ZhaoLin ,NolandRB .—1 5 7~ 1 6 70 4 0 5 0 3 GPSP码快速直接获取 =FastDirectGPSP CodeAcquisition [英 \〗/PangJing ,GraasFV ,StarzykJ ,ZhuZhen .— 1 6 8~ 1 750 4 0 5…  相似文献   

应用FY-1D气象卫星监测雾(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FY-1D is the second national operation meteorological satellite of China, and is much better compared to monitoring fog. However, research on monitoring fog using FY-1D is very few. In this paper, based on the typical FY-1D data, a fog's spectral characteristics in the different channels are analyzed using the histogram analysis method, and a method of monitoring fog using FY-1D is suggested. The results indicate that the 1st and 4th channels are the representative channels of FY-1D for the identification of fog. In the 1st channel, the fog is with uniform veins, smooth top, and clear-cut boundary, and its albedo is 20%-48%. In the 4th channel, the fog's brightness and temperature is 272-289K, and the difference value between the fog's and the ground surface's is not more than 6K.  相似文献   

云奠定三大平台基础 三大平台里,云是前提,是基础.三年前,云计算对许多人来说还是新鲜和深奥的概念,而今,云已是触手可及. 3年前,"移动三国"的竞争才刚开始.而到了201 3年,战况是越来越激烈,而且这场战役还会持续很久,其本质是iOS、Android和Windows之争.苹果、Google、微软都在设法强化自身的生态系统,微软最近几个月陆续宣布了Windows 8、Windows Phone 8等一系列新终端平台. 3年前,我首次提出了"三大平台之争",这是一场注定要旷日持久的争夺战.如今,三大平台之争也进入了新的阶段.触摸技术及人机交互,让数以百亿计的新机器与传统的IT设备和网络连接到一起.大数据与云的结合,将对科技和商业生态产生怎样的影响?  相似文献   

世界十大科技城市美国媒体3月13日评出"世界十大科技城市排行榜",这十个城市分别是:No.10:以色列特拉维夫——这座以色列的文化之都不仅人口年纪轻,而且每4个从事高科技行业的以色列人中就有一人出自特拉维夫。美  相似文献   

With rapid scientific development and further exploration towards the nature, the human kind hopes to serve themselves by mastering the natural law. Countries all over the world set much value on the study of Antarctica and have obtained plenty and substantial achievements. So as to strengthen mutual understanding among the countries in Antarctic surveying and mapping and share the achievements, the “International GIS Workshop on Antarctic King George Island“, Wuhan, July 6th~7th, 2000 was successfully held in the Lecture Hall of the National Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS). It was jointly held by the National Research Center on Antarctic Surveying and Mapping and LIESMARS, and sponsored by the National Polar Region Inspection Office, National Natural Scientific Foundation Committee, the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, the former Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping.……  相似文献   

CH970717 GPS卫星测量原理与应用(修订版)[著,中]/周忠谟(国家基础地理信息中心)…。—北京:测绘出版社,1997. 1. —302页。—ISBN 7—5030—0883—0 本书主要是为GPS用户了解卫星定位的基本原理和应用而编写的。全书共分12章,内容包括:GPS的概况,卫星运动及卫星信号方面的基础知识,常用的坐标系统与时间系统,利用  相似文献   

<正> 第一卷:微波遥感原理与辐射测量Mierowave Remote Sensing. Active and Passlie Vol I: Micowave Remote Sensing Fundamentals and Radiometry—F.T. Ulaby, R.K. Moore, and A.K. Fung; U.S.A., 1981, 456 PP. S.J. GawarecKi 本卷是主动式与被动式微波遥感一书(共三卷)的首卷,由美国堪萨斯大学的遥  相似文献   

针对目前地理野外实习中相关辅助移动设备及客观条件的限制,基于Windows Phone设计的地理野外实习系统,能够实现实习小组的实时定位、实习轨迹的记录与回放等功能,直观地查看模拟的复杂地质地貌形成过程,借助绘图板快速地进行地质地貌素描。采用数字字典技术可以快速有效地录入地质地貌数据,提供图文并茂的实习区域整体概况。  相似文献   

基于WebGIS的iPhone公交信息查询系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phone是一款全球为之震动的手机,是一款支持Web应用的手机。本文在分析iPhone特性的基础上,结合工程实践,对面向iPhone基于WebGIS的公交信息查询系统的设计及实现进行了研究,主要是对系统数据模型、架构、功能设计及界面布局、界面动态调整、canvas绘图等一系列关键技术进行了研究并形成了相关的应用技术和解决方案。该系统满足了大众对于在iPhone上实现基于WebGIS的公交信息查询的需求,同时,该系统的实现对面向iPhone的Web应用有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

————回回We’”二鸟出八_一F;MeMteW;d。l、_””。、”””p7T’qfIAfj7。e””””’_、’!_。,4%dKStelliy)i“。、”y.wI:。”4 Iof”lP~iu-。iy~4-t$”””M——-①酵闰的丹a大壕足我因规模巨大的水利枢扭工程之一.来,建殷者旧在党的阻导下,鼓足于班,苦于巧寸,按照多快奸省的厕JJ,使工程获得高笆度的进展,畏江沈炒规划办公室地形冽且第五队担任着颧工程的测盅任务.。。4.7ff NH NLch%i’MX%M。护\二。、越廊锅忍撅一旷-~。甲罗 飞勘毛以__。_&K。&eyl。WiM。_I_&::MT7cy”tWP‘3ftgr“J--y-.J…  相似文献   

根据5 739条创新主体兴趣点(POI)数据,利用文献查阅、核密度、空间自相关等方法,厘清广州市创新空间的发展脉络、格局特征和集聚差异,并利用"城市人"理论和"四因说"探讨了创新空间发展的影响因素.结果表明:1)广州市创新空间经历了点—面—带的进程.2)广州创新空间形成"一主多节点"的空间格局,极化与扩散趋势并存.3)...  相似文献   

Through 50 years' untiring efforts and innovation, the surveying and mapping discipline of Wuhan University has undergone an extraordinary course. In October 2006, she will celebrate her 50th birthday. On this occasion, we would like to pay our great tribute and express our sincere gratitude to officials at different levels, alumni at home and abroad, people and friends of all walks of life, who have been supporting the construction and development of the discipline over the years.  相似文献   

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