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随着测高技术的不断发展,测高海洋重力场的精度不断提高,由其反演计算的海底地形精度也相应提高。利用Sandwell 2014年最新发布主要由Jason-1末期大地测量任务和Cryosat-2观测资料反演的测高重力场V23.1,采用重力地质法(GGM)反演了中国南海海域海底地形模型,并对结果进行了精度评价。该过程中首先直接计算一系列密度差下的反演结果,并通过船测数据检核选定优化的密度差范围,然后利用向下延拓的方法确定了最优密度差异常数为7g/cm3。与船测水深数据相比,反演得到的GGM模型与检核点船测水深数据差值的标准差达到了±70.32m;此外,还计算了由测高重力异常V15.2反演的海底模型,比较这两个模型发现:测高重力场短波部分的改善对海底地形反演精度的提升作用有限,为得到更高精度的海底地形模型,需引入短波更为敏感的重力梯度资料。  相似文献   

海底地形和海洋重力场在一定波段频率域上存在相关性,传统海底地形反演方法主要考虑海底地形与重力数据之间的线性关系,而忽略非线性项作用对反演结果的影响。基于此,提出了基于海底地形单元分区的BP神经网络反演方法,改善海底地形反演精度。选取东印度洋北部东经90°海岭附近海域(83°E~92°E,10°S~10°N)为实验区,利用船测水深、卫星测高重力等数据,根据地形特征将实验区分为海盆区和海岭区,使用BP神经网络方法分别进行海底地形反演,构建了实验区1′×1′局部海底地形模型。结果表明,基于地形单元分区的反演结果模型平均相对误差精度可达1.45%,比未分区的反演结果均方根误差降低了42 m,验证了本文方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

基于重力地质法(GGM)采用卫星重力异常数据反演了中国南海112°E~119°E,16°N~20°N范围1'×1'的海底地形模型,通过船测水深数据的直接格网化结果和ETOP01模型的检核进行了精度评价。结果表明,GGM模型较船测水深的直接格网化结果更为精细,在船测控制点分布均匀的海域,GGM模型能获得比ETOP01模型更高的精度。为进一步验证GGM模型受海底地形特征影响的情况,采用GGM模型与ETOP01模型分别内插出9356个检核点处的水深,并统计得到两模型差值的较差结果平均值为19.560m,标准差为130.156m,相对精度为4.79%。经分析得出:GGM模型与ETOP01模型在坡度变化平缓深海区有着较好的一致性,随着水深的依次变浅,二者的差异逐渐显现,在多海山的海域差异达到最大。最后,为充分发挥重力地质法在海底地形反演中的优势总结了其最佳适用条件。  相似文献   

海底地形是全球地形的重要组成部分,对地球物理科学研究、经济活动等具有重要作用。基于Parker公式,利用卫星测高重力异常和船测水深数据,采用频域的方法反演了疑似马航MH370失事区域的留尼汪海域的10°×10°的海底地形。最后将反演的水深和船测水深、国际通用的海深模型ETOPO1作比较进行精度评估,结果表明:本文反演结果与船测水深相比误差平均值为-26.038 m,标准差为176.588 m;与ETOPO1相比,差异平均值为-33.541 m,标准差为160.769 m。这表明采用重力异常数据,结合船测数据能较高精度地反演海底地形。  相似文献   

栅格小于1′的全球海底地形数据通常以卫星测高海洋重力数据构建的1′海底地形数据作为背景场模型,采用数据格网化方法得到。基于此,以STO_IEU2020模型作为海底地形背景场数据,使用反距离加权法、改进Shepard拟合方法、径向基函数法、Kriging方法4种常规网格化方法以及“移去-恢复”方法,分别构建了试验区域栅格大小为30″和15″海底地形模型,并对试验结果开展了分析评估。试验结果表明,采用改进Shepard拟合方法构建的30″和15″栅格海底地形模型相较其他3种常规海底地形格网化方法检核精度高。进一步基于改进Shepard网格化方法,采用“移去-恢复”方法构建的30″和15″栅格海底地形模型结果显示,“移去-恢复”方法可进一步提升建模精度,据此建议制作多尺度海底地形数据,可重点考虑基于“移去-恢复”的改进Shepard拟合方法。  相似文献   

根据重力异常与海底地形的相关性,利用日本西之岛附近海域内的重力异常和船测水深,分别采用SandwellSmith方法(SS,1994)和重力地质法(GGM)反演了该海域内1'×1'海底地形模型,并将反演的模型与格网化船测水深模型和ETOPO1模型进行了对比分析。在GGM中,使用了迭代法向下延拓确定密度差常数为5.7g/cm~3。与SS模型相比,GGM模型与格网化船测水深模型的差值的标准差达到了37.10m。  相似文献   

根据重力地质法(Gravity Geological Method, GGM),利用6 736个已知水深点数据和卫星测高重力异常反 演了马里亚纳海沟(142°36''~147°18''E,23°~27°N)1''×1''分辨率的海底地形,该计算中的密度差常数为1.20 g/cm3。将反演的地形与实测检核水深数据相比,两者较差标准差为152.9 m,平均误差为(±3.0) m,均方差为153.0 m,优于ETOPO1模型和直接把船测水深控制点格网化后的模型。将重力地质法反演的模型、ETOPO1模型、直接格网模型进行功率谱密度分析,结果显示3种模型在中长波地形能量一致,但对于短波地形,重力地质法模型能量高于其他2个模型,说明重力地质法更能描绘细致的海底地形地貌。选取2条测线与重力地质法模型进行对比研究,结果表明重力地质法在海底地形起伏小的区域优于在海底地形起伏较大区域的反演效果。  相似文献   

海底地形对开展海洋科学调查和研究十分重要。以多波束为主的回声测深技术测量成本高且效率低,几十年来仅实现了全球约20%的海床测绘。对于空白区(特别是深海区域),可以借助重力异常和重力垂直梯度异常进行回归分析反演得到,但该方法得到的比例因子鲁棒性不强。为了解决这一问题,同时考虑到两种重力数据在表征海底地形长短波长的不同优势,本文结合滑动窗口赋权和稳健回归分析来反演海底地形。在太平洋皇帝山海域(35°~45°N,165°~175°E)的实验结果表明:在船测检核点处,本文构建模型的标准差为61.02 m,相比于单一重力数据反演模型,精度分别提高了14.92%(重力异常)和2.08%(重力垂直梯度异常),能较好地反映皇帝海山链的地形走势。  相似文献   

海底热液区地形复杂度是热液活动场的重要指标数据,获取地形复杂度指标数据,为系统研究全球海底热液区分布特征具有重要意义。阐述了地形复杂度和GEBCO数据的基本应用情况,介绍了基于数字地形模型数据进行地形复杂度计算的基本方法,提出了海底热液区地形复杂度计算的窗口序列分析法和基本步骤,实例分析了伊豆—小笠原海底热液活动亚带的地形复杂度情况。  相似文献   

简述利用空间大地测量观测数据和海洋水文数据推求海面动力地形的方法。基于EGM96重力场模型和卫星重力恢复的重力场模型GL04C,联合卫星测高平均海面高模型分别推算西太平洋海域的平均海面动力地形,并与根据海洋水文数据推算之结果进行比较分析。结果表明:卫星重力场模型GL04C更好地表现了海面地形的细节特征。卫星重力和卫星测高的联合应用将成为确定海面动力地形的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

In this paper, we publish the results of a bathymetry survey based on the processing of satellite altimetry data. Data gathered from GEOSAT (Geodetic Mission), SEASAT, ERS-1 and TOPEX/POSEIDON satellites were processed to recover the seafloor topography over new seamounts in a test area located in the south central Pacific. We show that by processing high-density satellite altimetry data, alone or in combination with shiptrack bathymetric data, it is possible to produce full coverage bathymetric maps.  相似文献   

利用卫星测高、GRACE和GOCE资料估计全球海洋表面地转流   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
重力恢复和气候试验GRACE(gravity recovery and climate experiment)卫星极大地提高了地球重力场的精度和分辨率,特别是中长波分量,联合卫星测高数据可获得全球海洋表面大尺度洋流循环。另外,新一代地球重力和海洋环流探测卫星GOCE(gravity field and steady-state ocean circulation explorer)于2009年3月成功发射,采用卫星重力梯度测量原理,对重力场的高频部分非常敏感,使其高分辨率监测全球海洋循环成为可能。本文利用1~7年GRACE观测数据确定的重力场模型和18个月GOCE观测数据确定的地球重力场模型GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R3,联合卫星测高确定的平均海面高模型MSS_CNES_CLS_11,分别估计全球海洋表面地转流,并且与实测浮标数据结果进行比较。分析表明GOCE重力卫星确定的重力场模型具有更高的空间分辨率,能够确定高精度和高空间分辨率的全球海洋地转流,如墨西哥湾暖流的细节和特征,并且与实测浮标结果基本一致。而基于1~4年GRACE观测资料的模型不能很好估计全球地转流特征,基于7年GRACE观测资料的重力场模型ITG-Grace2010s确定的全球地转流的精度仍低于18个月GOCE观测数据确定的地球重力场模型GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R3的结果,估计的全球地转流仍含有较大的噪声,不能很好地反应中小尺度地转流细节特征。并计算ITG_Grace2010s和GOCE_TIM3的稳态海面地形和全球平均地转流的内符合精度,结果显示,在全球范围内,GOCE_TIM3的稳态海面地形和全球平均地转流的精度都比ITG_Grace2010s结果的精度有着很大的改善,其中ITG_Grace2010s的稳态海面地形的精度为21.6cm,而GOCE_TIM3的结果则为7.45cm,ITG_Grace2010s的全球平均地转流的精度为40.7cm/s,而GOCE_TIM3的结果则为19.6cm/s。  相似文献   

Satellite-borne altimeters have had a profound impact on geodesy, geophysics, and physical oceanography. To first order approximation, profiles of sea surface height are equivalent to the geoid and are highly correlated with seafloor topography for wavelengths less than 1000 km. Using all available Geos-3 and Seasat altimeter data, mean sea surfaces and geoid gradient maps have been computed for the Bering Sea and the South Pacific. When enhanced using hill-shading techniques, these images reveal in graphic detail the surface expression of seamounts, ridges, trenches, and fracture zones. Such maps are invaluable in oceanic regions where bathymetric data are sparse. Superimposed on the static geoid topography is dynamic topography due to ocean circulation. Temporal variability of dynamic height due to oceanic eddies can be determined from time series of repeated altimeter profiles. Maps of sea height variability and eddy kinetic energy derived from Geos-3 and Seasat altimetry in some cases represent improvements over those derived from standard oceanographic observations. Measurement of absolute dynamic height imposes stringent requirements on geoid and orbit accuracies, although existing models and data have been used to derive surprisingly realistic global circulation solutions. Further improvement will only be made when advances are made in geoid modeling and precision orbit determination. In contrast, it appears that use of altimeter data to correct satellite orbits will enable observation of basin-scale sea level variations of the type associated with climatic phenomena.  相似文献   

Ship-board global navigation satellite system (GNSS) measurements are widely used to determine sea surface heights, marine geoid validation, and/or satellite altimetry calibration. However, the use of a vessel could be complicated near coastal areas due to shallow water. Therefore, in the area of sea ice formation, GNSS measurements on the ice surface could be a viable alternative to vessel-borne surveys. Importantly, the ice-covered water is not affected by short-term winds, which otherwise could have systematic influence on the instantaneous sea surface topography. This study tackles methodology and validation of marine geoid models by profile-wise GNSS measurements on ice in an archipelago of the Baltic Sea. The GNSS measurements were carried out on the three ice roads with total length 48 kilometers. The along-route standard deviation between the gravimetric geoid model and profile-wise GNSS heights remained within ±2.1 centimeters.  相似文献   

A new one-minute global seafloor topography model was derived from vertical gravity gradient anomalies (VGG), altimetric gravity anomalies, and ship soundings. Ship soundings are used to constrain seafloor topography at wavelengths longer than 200 km and to calibrate the topography to VGG (or gravity) ratios at short wavelengths area by area. VGG ratios are used to predict seafloor topography for wavelength bands of 100–200 km and to suppress the effect of crust isostasy. Gravity anomalies are used to recover seafloor topography at wavelengths shorter than 100 km. The data processing procedure is described in detail in this paper. The accuracy of the model is evaluated using ship soundings and existing models, including General Bathymetric Charts of the Oceans (GEBCO), DTU10, ETOPO1, and SIO V15.1. The results show that, in the discussed regions, the accuracy of the model is better than ETOPO1, GEBCO, and DTU10. Additionally, the model is comparable with V15.1, which is generally believed to have the highest accuracy. In the north-central Pacific Ocean, the accuracy of the model increased by approximately 29.5% compared with the V15.1 model. This indicates that a more accurate seafloor topography model can be formed by combining gravity anomalies, VGG, and ship soundings.  相似文献   

We analyze errors in the global bathymetry models of Smith and Sandwell that combine satellite altimetry with acoustic soundings and shorelines to estimate depths. Versions of these models have been incorporated into Google Earth and the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). We use Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) multibeam surveys not previously incorporated into the models as “ground truth” to compare against model versions 7.2 through 12.1, defining vertical differences as “errors.” Overall error statistics improve over time: 50th percentile errors declined from 57 to 55 to 49 m, and 90th percentile errors declined from 257 to 235 to 219 m, in versions 8.2, 11.1 and 12.1. This improvement is partly due to an increasing number of soundings incorporated into successive models, and partly to improvements in the satellite gravity model. Inspection of specific sites reveals that changes in the algorithms used to interpolate across survey gaps with altimetry have affected some errors. Versions 9.1 through 11.1 show a bias in the scaling from gravity in milliGals to topography in meters that affected the 15–160 km wavelength band. Regionally averaged (>160 km wavelength) depths have accumulated error over successive versions 9 through 11. These problems have been mitigated in version 12.1, which shows no systematic variation of errors with depth. Even so, version 12.1 is in some respects not as good as version 8.2, which employed a different algorithm.  相似文献   

文中首先介绍了DOT2008A模型建立的原理和方法,利用我国48个长期验潮站19 a连续观测数据验证DOT2008A模型的精度,其均方差为0.118 m,残差的标准偏差为0.086 m;联合多源测高卫星建立的海面地形模型数据验证DOT2008A的精度,均方差为0.106 m,残差的标准偏差为0.099 5 m,且其残差分布图基本符合正态分布。从实验结果来看,DOT2008A模型在我国周边海域精度较高,其建立方法较为合理,转化应用价值较高;同时与多源测高卫星建立的海面地形比较结果来看,验证了自主建立的海面地形模型的正确性,对建立我国高精度海面地形模型具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

简述了卫星重力梯度测量技术的基本原理和GOCE数据特点;基于三个不同的重力场模型,采用不同阶次,联合卫星测高平均海面高模型分别推算出全球海面地形,并对结果作了比较分析;探讨了卫星重力梯度测量技术在海洋科学各相关领域的具体应用前景,指出卫星重力梯度测量技术的发展将为海洋科学发展带来巨大的变化。  相似文献   

《Marine Geodesy》2012,35(1):63-85

We introduce an iterative inversion method to address the problems in high-order seafloor topography inversion using gravity data (gravity anomaly and vertical gravity gradient anomaly), such as the difficulty in computing the equation and the uniqueness of the calculation results. A part of the South China Sea is selected as the experimental area. Considering the coherence and admittance function of gravity topography and vertical gravity gradient topography, the inversion band of the gravity anomaly and vertical gravity gradient anomaly in the study area is 30?km–120?km. Seafloor topography models of different orders are constructed using an iterative method, and the performance of each seafloor topography model is analyzed against ETOPO1 and other seafloor topography models. The experimental results show that as the inversion order increases, the clarity and richness of seafloor topographic expression continuously improve. However, the accuracy of seafloor topography inversion does not improve significantly when the inversion order exceeds a certain value, which is related to the contribution of high-order seafloor topography to gravity information. The results show that the accuracy of BGT4 (inversion model constructed by the gravity anomaly) is slightly poorer than that of BVGGT4 (inversion model constructed by the vertical gravity gradient anomaly) in areas with complex topography, such as multi-seamounts and trenches, and the results are generally better in areas with flat seafloor topography.  相似文献   

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