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BBVS地震波与TJ-2体应变波比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对六安台BBVS测震与TJ-2体应变量观测记录震波进行比较,分析两个观测系统观测量异同之处.通过系统地面位移、应变脉动记录与地震波关联分析,为台站开展综合观测在地震预测研究工作方面提供一些思路.  相似文献   

对溧阳地震台体应变观测资料变化形态、观测质量和观测精度、潮汐因子中误差、地震波记录能力等参数进行分析,采用固体潮汐残差矢量分析方法进行分析,对该台2010—2015年观测资料进行分析,发现体应变能记录到全球不同地区、不同震级的同震波,波形清晰,为分析预报人员进行地震研究提供依据。  相似文献   

通过对泉州地震台甚宽频带数字地震仪测震观测的台基地动噪声、监测能力、震级偏差和震相特征分析等方面的综合研究,提出了减少测震台基地动噪声影响、提高测震监测能力、减少震级偏差、提高震相分析水平、加强观测系统的维护、提高测震速报与地震编目的水平及规范观测质量的管理等方面相应的技术对策,有关研究结果对寻求和提高泉州台测震观测质...  相似文献   

雷新国 《内陆地震》1989,3(4):381-384
地震观测质量与测震仪器本身性能密切相关。本文主要讨论观测仪器的脉冲初动特征,对我国地震台站上使用的几种测震仪器记录的地震波初动作了比较,给出了脉冲暂态特征与测震仪器频带之间的关系。  相似文献   

之前的观测实验证明,YRY-4型四元件钻孔应变仪不仅可用于长周期变化观测,也可用于短周期的地震波记录。因为它与传统地震仪的观测对象不同,前者是张量,后者是矢量,所以能获得新的信息。在忻州开展的应变地震波观测实验,是一系列相关实验中的关键一环。实验拟选择现有忻州地区工作状况良好的5个四元件钻孔应变观测点,将观测采样率提高到100sps,除保证正常地震前兆观测外,对地震波进行记录。在此基础上,研究用钻孔应变观测资料解决:确定地震三要素、说明各种地震波的应变性质、识别主要震相以及求震源机制解的问题。该研究不但有实际的应用前景,而且有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

地震波的数字宽频带观测日益普遍,它们正在取代传统的观测,因为后者仅仅给出了地震震源产生的地震波场的部分图像.新的观测提供了远场地震波场的丰富信息,有的似乎是全部信息.然而宽带记录看上去很复杂,如果需要提取更详细的震源过程的信息和相关介质的结构的信息,就需要新的分析方法.为了识别到达观测点的地震信号的形态,我们引入谱地震图的方法.据此,传统的地震波场的显示方法不能呈现的信息细节可以被呈现出来.  相似文献   

利用测震数采器对昌平台CZB钻孔倾斜仪开展了100次/秒的高频采集实验,记录到了可靠的观测资料,其中蕴含的地震信息也更加丰富。同时利用十三陵台测震资料与昌平台钻孔倾斜高频观测资料进行对比分析,结果表明:两种仪器都记录到了地震波响应,但由于频响特性差异,钻孔倾斜仪记录的地震波所对应的P波震相较弱;通过频谱分析估计钻孔倾斜仪的频响偏低频,其频率上限大致在0.1Hz以内;对于一个近地震事件,钻孔倾斜仪的响应表现出与测震仪完全不一样的形态,其低频响应明显优于高频响应;对于远震,随着震中距的增加,两者响应特性逐渐趋于一致。  相似文献   

研究利用测震台网数字化宽频带速度型记录仿真加速度时程,并通过提取其相位信息和拟合场地设计反应谱(目标谱)的方法来获得场地设计地震波的有关技术途径与应用实例,所提供的具体算式采用便于编程和利用快速傅氏变换(FFT)技术进行计算的离散化傅氏正逆变换的复数表达式。有关研究结果可拓宽现有地震观测资料的使用价值,减少地面运动模拟中人造地震波与原始地震记录存在的差异,并可使所合成的设计地震波满足给定的目标谱,且能较好地反映其非平稳性特征,因此在地震工程中具有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   

通过对嘉山地震台测震模拟与数字观测系统并行运行观测资料的对比分析,阐述了测震台宽频带数字地震观测系统,在区域地震台网速报和观测资料应用研究方面的作用和价值.同时,也对嘉山地震台的台基地动噪声水平进行了基本评估,提出了改善嘉山地震台地震检测能力应采取的措施.  相似文献   

自2017年开始,陆续对中国地球物理台网10个钻孔应变测点的数据采集器进行升级,产出了大量的高采样钻孔应变观测数据。利用相关系数和自检精度2个检验四分量观测数据自洽性能的指标,定量分析了台站记录的2020年2月3日成都5.1级和2020年3月25日千岛群岛7.5级地震的应变地震波,结果显示高采样观测数据信度较高。对比分析了10个台站记录的2次地震的震相,证明高采样四分量钻孔应变仪具备记录清晰应变地震波的能力,且其可靠性较高。综合结果证明,高采样四分量钻孔应变观测可进一步为地震学研究提供新的数据资源。  相似文献   

At a sampling rate of 100 samples per second,the YRY-4 four-gauge borehole strainmeters(FGBS) are capable of recording transient strains caused by seismic waves such as P and S waves or strain seismograms. At such a high sampling rate, data from the YRY-4 strainmeters demonstrate fairly satisfactory self-consistency. The strain tensor seismograms demonstrate the senses of motion of P waves, that is, the type of seismic wave travels in the direction of the maximum normal strain change. The observed strain patterns of S waves significantly differ from those of P waves and should contain information about the source mechanism. Spectrum analysis shows that the strain seismograms are consistent with conventional broadband seismograms from the same site.  相似文献   

测震数采仪记录的钻孔应变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A seismometer data acquisition unit has been used in the Changping seismic station to record the output of a strainmeter.The output of a strainmeter was sampled at a rate of 100/sec by seismometer acquisition from the original rate of 1 per minute.Plenty of high frequency sampled data was recorded.The minute value curve calculated from the seismometer acquisition are consistent with that of the original data sampled by the strain acquisition system.More complete waveforms were recorded with a higher sampling rate,and seismic phase parameters calculated by using higher sampling rate strain seismic waves are also in consistency with the results of its predecessors.Spectra of the strain seismic waves are compared with that of seismic waves recorded by a seismometer in the Shisanling seismic station,and their trends are almost the same.Besides,some lower frequency components still exist in strain seismic waves.  相似文献   

—?T-phase propagation from ocean onto land is investigated by comparing data from hydrophones in the water column with data from the same events recorded on island and coastal seismometers. Several events located on Hawaii and the emerging seamount Loihi generated very large amplitude T phases that were recorded at both the preliminary IMS hydrophone station at Point Sur and land-based stations along the northern California coast. We use data from seismic stations operated by U. C. Berkeley along the coast of California, and from the PG&;E coastal California seismic network, to estimate the T-phase transfer functions. The transfer function and predicted signal from the Loihi events are modeled with a composite technique, using normal mode-based numerical propagation codes to calculate the hydroacoustic pressure field and an elastic finite difference code to calculate the seismic propagation to la nd-based stations. The modal code is used to calculate the acoustic pressure and particle velocity fields in the ocean off the California coast, which is used as input to the finite difference code TRES to model propagation onto land. We find both empirically and in the calculations that T phases observed near the conversion point consist primarily of surface waves, although the T phases propagate as P waves after the surface waves attenuate. Surface wave conversion occurs farther offshore and over a longer region than body wave conversion, which has the effect that surface waves may arrive at coastal stations before body waves. We also look at the nature of T phases after conversion from ocean to land by examining far inland T phases. We find that T phases propagate primarily as P waves once they are well inland from the coast, and can be observed in some cases hundreds of kilometers inland. T-phase conversion at tenuates higher frequencies, however we find that high frequency energy from underwater explosion sources can still be observed at T-phase stations.  相似文献   

Eleven PASSCAL broadband digital seismic stations were employed in the Tibetan Plateau by the Sino-US team from September, 1991 to June, 1992. Seven of them were distributed along the Qinghai-Tibet highway, others in Maqin and Yushu of Qinghai Province, Linzhi and Xigatze of Tibet. The data included 31 local earthquakes recorded by these stations from July, 1991 to January, 1992. Considering the characters of digital data, we identified the seismic phases carefully in several methods using SAC softwares (Seismic Analysis Code) in SUN workstation. We compared the seismic phases after converting the seismograms of the single stations to the seismic profiles; analyzed the first arrivals of P waves in the incident planes by rotating 3 component seismic records; identified the seismic phases from the particle motion pictures. The Pn apparent velocities were calculated in the distance range of 230–1200 km from Linzhi earthquakes, western Changtang earthquakes, Xitieshan and Gonghe earthquakes and the earthquakes in India. The results show that the Pn velocities change slightly in the Tibetan Plateau (8.0–8.1 km/s). These values near the velocities at the uppermost mantle of the normal continents. The Moho undulation in the Tibetan Plateau was also studied by using Pn data by the time-term method. The primary results indicate that the Moho beneath the Tibetan Plateau is flat, and its depths are 67–70 km. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 593–600, 1992.  相似文献   

The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman tsunami was recorded by hydrophones of the International Monitoring System at Site H08 near Diego Garcia, notably in frequency bands extending outside the range of the Shallow Water Approximation. Despite the severe high-pass filtering involved in this instrumentation, we show that the spectral amplitudes recovered around T = 87 s can be successfully explained by generation from the seismic source, in the framework of the normal mode theory of tsunami excitation. At the lower frequencies characteristic of more conventional tsunami waves (800 to 3200 s), the signal is probably present in the hydrophone records, but reliable deconvolution of its spectral amplitude is precluded by the fact that the instrumental filters lowered the tsunami signal to the level of resolution of the instrument digitizer. In the context of distant tsunami warning, hydrophone records could provide useful insight into high-frequency tsunami components, and even at lower, more conventional, frequencies, provided that an unfiltered channel could be recorded routinely.  相似文献   

蔡祖煌 《地震学报》1980,2(2):205-214
北京洼里深井水位可反映地球的潮汐体应变.全世界大地震后瑞雷波绕地球表面传播数周,可引起洼里井水位的多次波动.洼里井水位变化,灵敏地记录地球固体潮和地震波与其特殊的水文地质条件有关。   相似文献   

本文通过端点效应压制的Hilbert-Huang变换, 对大同及沁源台布置的四分量钻孔应变仪记录的印尼8.6级地震激发的应变地震波形进行时频分析, 结果显示印尼8.6级地震的主震和8.2级余震的应变地震波序列各个震相具有不同的时频特征: ① 地震波到达之前的所谓“环境噪声”部分, 瞬时频率低, 瞬时振幅小; ② P波初至时, 高频成分突然增加, 振幅也随即增强; ③ S波到达时, 频率有所降低而振幅剧烈上升; ④ 面波到达时, 振幅进一步剧烈上升达到整个序列的极大值; ⑤ 尾波部分振幅逐渐降低, 但与噪声部分相比频率依然偏高, 振幅依然偏大。 本文也将应变地震波与地震仪记录的地震波进行对比, 虽然应变地震波与地震波波形和Fourier谱具有极高的相关系数, 但从Hilbert-Huang变换得到的边际谱上看, 应变地震波与地震波有显著的区别, 应变地震波比地震波记录的低频成分相对更多。 通过Hilbert谱, 有助于更好地了解非平稳信号的局部特征, 对于突变信号的地震波, Hilbert-Huang变换是一个较好的时频分析工具。  相似文献   

以太原基准地震台数字观测记录的地震波形为基础,对不同类型地震所出现的震相从到时、周期、先后次序等方面进行了对比分析,对台站一线的观测人员在震相的准确判别,提高地震定位精度方面,有实际的指导意义。  相似文献   

基于钻孔应变地震波记录确定地震面波应变震级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年发展的高采样率的钻孔应变仪可以记录到地震波造成的水平应变,是动态库仑应力研究的重要手段.利用钻孔应变仪记录的应变地震波确定地震震级,是一个重要的科学课题.本文收集了我国10个应变台站四分量钻孔应变仪2020年1—3月记录的10 Hz采样应变地震波资料,共选出震级M≥4.0的浅源地震68个,用最小二乘法求得应变震级公式为Mε=lg E max+1.65 lg(Δ)+1.43.对于6.5级以下的地震,计算得到的应变震级ε与中国地震台网中心公布的震级M CENC基本一致:M CENC=1.03ε-0.23,但本研究中的两个7级地震,应变震级出现了震级饱和现象.本文的基本结论是:应变定震级是可行的,但对于两个7级地震的饱和现象需要进一步深入研究,因为它们不但涉及震级确定,而且涉及远震动态库仑应力触发地震的研究.今后要对更多的大震钻孔应变波形记录进行分析.  相似文献   

高频GNSS形变波的震相识别:模拟实验与实例分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
高频GNSS震时形变波震相及识别是GNSS地震学的重要内容.在实时数据处理基础上,本文利用振动台的高频GNSS观测实验,并结合近期部分大震的高频GNSS形变波震相特征进行研究.数据处理结果表明,实时处理与事后处理的精度在同一量级,且与采样率无关.通过与同址观测强震仪和地震计记录的对比及特定震相的频谱分析,发现高频GNSS可完整记录P波、S波、Love波及Rayleigh波震相,影响震相记录的主要因素是GNSS定位精度与震级,而仅当震中距很小时,采样率将产生一定影响.研究结果得出:基于地震波传播规律,利用高频GNSS台阵记录的形变波空间分段特征,结合震相运动轨迹及其他地震波记录,可实现实时高频GNSS形变波的震相识别.  相似文献   

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