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以城市非农业人口作为城市质量,以空间直线距离分别在距离衰减参数b=1和b=2情况下作为空间联系的衰减方式,采用重力引力模型对全国地级城市进行了城市网络的构建,选取最大城市联系强度网络结构进行复杂性分析,借鉴复杂网络分析中的度、网络结构熵及网络标准结构熵等概念研究城市体系空间组织,这样将地理空间约束机制的概念引入到统计物理所忽略的复杂网络研究中,也为城市体系研究带来了新视角。分析得出了1990年代以来"大集中、逐步小分散"的城市网络组织的基本结论,最后对全国城市体系进行了空间等级划分。  相似文献   

基于个体移动轨迹的多中心城市引力模型验证   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
丁亮  钮心毅  宋小冬 《地理学报》2020,75(2):268-285
长期以来由于规模变量、距离衰减系数取值缺乏依据,引力模型在城市研究中的应用容易受到质疑,加之中国城市的多中心化使得模型应用的外部条件发生改变,模型验证工作的必要性再次显现。本文使用2015年移动通信用户的个体移动轨迹数据,使用Huff当年的验证方法,通过变量检验、参数校正两个步骤,验证Huff的引力模型。研究发现:① 城市内部商业中心和就业中心的吸引力与中心的规模呈正比,与距中心的距离呈反比,符合引力模型规律。② 在上海中心城区空间尺度、200 m网格空间单元下,商业中心吸引力的距离衰减系数平均值为2.5,就业中心吸引力的距离衰减系数平均值为3.0,表明居民就业通勤对距离更加敏感,距离衰减比购物出行更加显著。③ 经变量检验、参数校正后的引力模型可用于对商业中心、就业中心优化调整后的势力范围进行预测,预测准确率可分别达到78.5%和71.9%。就业中心势力范围预测准确性略低,这是由于就业中心吸引力衰减除受距离影响外,还受家庭、房价等因素影响,会对预测结果产生扰动。最后,研究还证实了距离衰减系数存在空间分层异质性:距离衰减系数不是唯一值,受道路可达性、至就业(商业)中心距离、至地铁站距离、人口密度影响,不同地区的距离衰减系数存在较显著差异。  相似文献   

Although termites have been widely reported to induce heterogeneity in soil resources, vegetation and patch use by herbivores, little effort has been made to examine spatial patterns around mounds. In this mini review we re-examine published studies on the variation in soil properties, herbage biomass and herbivore foraging with distance from termite mounds with reference to distance–decay models. The analyses revealed a significant decline in soil clay and silt, soil nutrients, herbage biomass, grazing and browsing with distance from termite mounds consistently with distance–decay models. This has both theoretical and practical significance to our understanding of processes and resource degradation in dryland ecosystems where termite mounds are common. From a sampling perspective, our analyses imply that measured variables around termite mounds are spatially structured. Therefore, we advocate geostatistical model-based sampling as a framework in future studies on termite mounds.  相似文献   

闲暇时间约束对中山陵景区国内客源市场空间结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闲暇时间是旅游需求得以实现的必要条件之一,居民闲暇时间的变化必然对旅游地客源市场空间结构产生影响。选择"五一"小长假、"十一"黄金周及暑假3类6个不同闲暇时长的时段,基于现场问卷调研,使用客源地地理集中指数、客源吸引半径、距离衰减曲线及引力模型研究闲暇时间约束对南京市中山陵景区客源市场空间结构的影响,发现随着假日时长的增加,居民出游距离受闲暇时间的约束降低,从而旅游地客源吸引半径增大,客源地集中指数降低、距离衰减曲线变缓、距离衰减指数降低。研究结果表明,在不同时长的闲暇时间约束下,距离因素对景区客流量的影响最大,其次为收入(客源地人均地区生产总值),而客源地人口规模因素的影响最小。  相似文献   

The recent decade has witnessed a new wave of development in the place-based accessibility theory, revolving around the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method. The 2SFCA method, initially serving to evaluate the spatial inequity of health care services, has been further applied to other urban planning and facility access issues. Among these applications, different distance decay functions have been incorporated in the thread of model development, but their applicability and limitations have not been thoroughly examined. To this end, the paper has employed a place-based accessibility framework to compare the performance of twenty-four 2SFCA models in a comprehensive manner. Two important conclusions are drawn from this analysis: on a small analysis scale (e.g., community level), the catchment size is the most critical model component; on a large analysis scale (e.g., statewide), the distance decay function is of elevated importance. In sum, this comparative analysis provides the theoretical support necessary to the choice of the catchment size and the distance decay function in the 2SFCA method. Justification of model parameters through empirical evidence (e.g., field surveys about local travel activities) and model validation through sensitivity analysis are needed in future 2SFCA applications for various urban planning, service delivery, and spatial equity scenarios.  相似文献   

基于空间自相关的中国省际人口迁移模式与机制分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人口迁移具有空间指向性,表现为迁入地和迁出地在地域上呈现一定的空间集聚特征。然而,大部分针对我国人口迁移进行分析和建模的研究忽视了这一空间指向性及其影响。该文利用全国第五次人口普查省际人口迁移数据和相关资料,以空间自相关分析为基础,对1995-2000年我国省际人口迁移的空间模式与动力机制进行了初步分析。首先,运用全局空间自相关统计量(Moran′s I)对人口迁移流中的空间自相关程度进行了测度,发现研究期间我国省际人口迁移的空间指向性明显:从一个区域出发(或抵达一个区域)的人口迁移流均受到周边地区人口迁移的影响。为了进一步研究这种空间指向性对人口迁移规模的影响,分别采用重力模型(仅用距离变量捕捉人口迁移过程中的距离衰减效应)和空间OD模型(采用因变量空间滞后的不同形式对迁移流的空间指向性加以考虑)研究中国省际人口迁移的动力机制,对比两种模型的估计结果发现:1)空间OD模型在参数估计和模型拟合等方面均优于传统的重力模型;在选取相同解释变量的情况下,空间OD模型的残差平方和仅为传统重力模型的47%,模型拟合指标AIC值也大大缩小。2)在对中国人口迁移动力机制的定量分析中,如果不考虑人口迁移流之间的空间自相关(空间指向性)现象,会导致对社会、经济等变量作用和距离衰减效应的过高估计。  相似文献   

以城镇空间相互作用理论为依据,采用平均距离摩擦指数和成本加权距离改进现有的空间相互作用理论模型———引力模型和场强模型,定量分析城镇间的空间联系和组合特征,进而明晰区域城镇体系的空间结构。以浙江省临安市为例,在GIS空间分析功能的支持下对改进的模型进行运算,实现了对非均质情况下城镇体系空间结构的定量分析,计算结果能够反映临安市的城镇体系现状特征与发展趋势。  相似文献   

Successful implementation of a forest based climate change mitigation mechanism such as REDD + depends on robust and available methods for measurement and estimation of forest degradation. Currently available methods are for application in single-hit degradation incidents in high density humid forests. However, it has been suggested that gradual degradation, especially in dry forests, is more widespread and that methods are needed for measuring and estimating associated emissions. We assess the applicability of an indirect remote sensing approach for monitoring forest degradation: infrastructure and other indicators of human activities are mapped and used for spatial prediction of degradation activities. For proxy variables we tested distance to forest edge, distance to roads, and population pressure calculated as the sum of inhabitants per pixel in the Landscan 2010 population raster dataset multiplied by an inverse power distance decay function. Wood extraction incidents were counted in 160 plots in two dry forests in Tanzania with infrastructural entry from one side only. We analyzed the spatial pattern of forest degradation as a function of the chosen proxy variables using zero inflated count models which allows for an excess of zero counts. A jack-knife bootstrap using 10,000 runs was applied to optimize the population distance decay function. We found that the impact of forest degradation is highest near high population concentration, above 1000 individuals. Furthermore, distance to nearest forest edge or road was a significant proxy for estimation of the number of wood extraction incidents (p < 0.001), where degradation incidents decreased with increasing distance to forest edge or road. At 3000 m from the forest edge towards the forest core the probability of wood extraction is 20% and dropping. The population distance decay function was found to have a steep decline indicating a relative small impact on forest degradation. Further, and perhaps larger, studies are needed to be able to recommend a distance decay function for general application in Tanzania. However, the results are useful for understanding spatial patterns of wood harvesting as a function of distance to nearest forest edge or road in dry Miombo woodland areas with average population pressure at 1685 ± 101 persons within a radius of 4000 m from the wood extraction sites.  相似文献   

基于城际创业投资联系的中国城市网络结构和组织模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
钱肖颖  孙斌栋 《地理研究》2021,40(2):419-430
鉴于现有的城市网络研究尚没有关注企业间投资这一最重要的经济行为之一,所得认知不全面,本文基于城际创业投资联系这一全新视角,刻画了中国城市网络的结构和组织模式,以丰富城市等级和距离衰减作用下的城市网络研究.从节点看,城际创业投资空间分布不均,高度集中在超大城市和直辖市.从联系看,城际创业投资具有明显的层级性,形成以京沪深...  相似文献   

王秀伟  李晓军   《地理学报》2022,77(4):900-917
乡村旅游重点村是推进乡村旅游高质量发展的典型示范,对优化乡村旅游供给、引领乡村旅游发展具有重要意义。本文运用最邻近指数、核密度估计等方法分析了中国1000个乡村旅游重点村的空间分布格局和结构特征,揭示了乡村旅游重点村的空间分异规律。运用多元线性回归、矢量缓冲分析、地理探测器等方法剖析了影响乡村旅游重点村空间分布的主要因素。研究发现:① 乡村旅游重点村总体呈“东多西少”的空间分布格局。省际空间密度分层特征明显,“双核心—环核群—带状区”的空间分布规律突出。② 乡村旅游重点村的空间分布具有显著的空间正相关性,地域间呈冷点分散、热点集中的空间分异格局。③ 6类乡村旅游重点村的核密度呈一高五低、分异鲜明的类型特征。④ 乡村旅游重点村空间分布格局的形成是自然生态、社会经济、交通配套、景区资源、政策环境五大因素共同影响的结果。人均GDP和居民消费支出具有显著正向影响,客源市场距离及交通通达距离是负向影响因素。⑤ 各类乡村旅游重点村空间分布的驱动因素各异,与村落资源禀赋和发展特点具有密切关系。  相似文献   

商圈惠顾行为的空间衰减:幂律模式还是指数模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岳丽莹  李山  李开明  张颖  刘杰 《地理科学》2021,41(3):446-453
以上海市商业中心为例,基于匿名手机信令数据,运用引力模型对商圈惠顾行为的衰减模式及其系数进行了验证与对比。结果表明,① 对于商圈惠顾行为,最常用的2种距离衰减函数均具有较高的拟合优度,幂律函数稍优于指数函数;② 总体来看,距离仍是影响城市居民商圈惠顾行为的关键因素,距离衰减效应呈现出随商业中心等级增大而减弱的梯度特征,幂律型衰减系数取值1~3不等,采用既定系数1或2会过高/低估计商圈辐射能力;③ 不可忽视闲暇时间对商圈惠顾行为的约束作用,与周末相比,工作日的距离衰减系数较大,且商业中心等级越低,商圈惠顾行为的衰减性越显著。  相似文献   

旅游网站信息流距离衰减的集中度研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张秋娈  路紫 《地理科学》2011,31(7):885-890
通过百度、Google、Alexa、Cnzz等多种网络搜索引擎和网站访问量统计工具获取了24个旅游网站分省访问量资料,运用Origin软件评估了旅游网站信息流距离衰减的曲线模型,在此基础上深入研究了旅游网站信息流距离衰减的集中度问题。研究经过3个阶段,逐级递进分别应用Zipf定律、地理集中度指数和指数模型3种方法,描述了空间分布的集中性,揭示了本地集中性与经济集中性特征,讨论了本地集中性与指数模型符合性的关系。研究发现:①旅游网站信息流的位序—规模分布符合Zipf定律,以单分形特征为主,其信息流的规模结构主体呈Pareto分布模式,具有明显的空间分布集中性,该集中性表现为随分维值大小而相应变化。②各旅游网站信息流距离衰减的区位商值大于1的省份主要为网站所在省或经济发达省份,距离衰减具有明显的本地集中性和经济集中性特征;各旅游网站信息流距离衰减的空间洛伦茨曲线呈内凹型,且多数网站基尼系数大于0.5,距离衰减的集中度较高、空间分布不均衡。③旅游网站信息流距离衰减的本地集中性受旅游网站性质影响,且其本地集中性越强,指数模型拟合优度指数越高,指数模型与网站数据点的匹配效果越好,各省份访问量越接近标准曲线,与拟合曲线的吻合度越高。④旅游网站信息流距离衰减的集中性特征,为旅游目的地确定目标市场和旅游网站的建设与营销提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

Hourly wind data from a network of climate stations in the north-central United States (drawn from the states of Illinois, lowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin) are analyzed to evaluate the efficacy of spatial analyses of near-surface wind speed and power. Spatial autocorrelation functions (acfs) were calculated at a number of timescales: annual, monthly, daily, and hourly. Annual wind speeds have virtually no coherent distance-decay relationship; monthly data produce a more consistent relationship, but still exhibit a large amount of scatter. Both daily and hourly data have classical decay with increasing distance between stations and there appears to be an optimal level of temporal aggregation, near the daily timescale, for spatial analysis of wind. In general, however, spatial acfs overestimate the spatial coherence of both wind speed and power. Temporal nonstationarities in wind data (i.e., diurnal and annual cycles) bias spatial autocorrelation functions and need to be removed before using spatial acfs to estimate characteristics of wind fields. Because mean absolute differences (MAD) of interstation wind speed and power are less affected by temporal nonstationarities, they produce more-robust representations of the spatial variability of wind speed and power. As a result, spatial MADs are recommended over spatial acfs for analyzing spatial coherence and decay of any spatial variable that contains nonstationarities. Methods for improving the spatial analysis of wind are discussed. [Key words: wind energy, spatial autocorrelation, spatial analysis, nonstationarity, north-central United States.]  相似文献   

陈卓  金凤君  杨宇  王伟 《地理科学进展》2018,37(8):1086-1095
交通流是社会经济空间联系的直观反映,其距离衰减规律对空间秩序的形成与演化意义重大。利用2016年10月份的福建省高速公路收费站数据,以县区为基本单位,识别高速公路流O-D矩阵;在此基础上,利用空模型法模拟省和县区2个尺度上高速公路流的距离衰减规律,并结合空间分析和相关分析法,探讨高速公路流距离衰减规律的空间分异特征与规律。结果显示,①高速公路流主要集中在0~200 km与0~200 min区段,较好地契合了公路运输的经济半径与交通流的时空断裂特征;②省域层面上,高速公路流随距离的增加有显著的衰减趋势,当采用路网距离、幂律型衰减函数时,距离衰减系数为2.674,显著高于常规所选数值2;③不同县区高速公路流的距离衰减速度在空间上呈显著的圈层模式,与高速公路流的空间分布形成较好的耦合关系;④距离衰减规律内生于社会经济空间联系格局,不仅影响空间秩序的形成与演化,也会受空间秩序演化的影响,一定条件下,节点的对外社会经济空间联系强度会随节点规模、人口与经济密度的提高以及区位条件的优化形成自我加速的反馈过程,形成循环累积效应。  相似文献   

用传统统计学方法模拟和解释土地利用变化的前提条件是研究分析的数据在统计上必须独立且均匀分布。但是空间数据相互之间通常具有依赖性 (即空间自相关),某一变量的值随着测定距离的缩小而变得更相似或更为不同。由于经典线性回归方法未能抓住数据的空间自相关特征,而空间自相关包含一些有用的信息,为了克服这一缺点,利用Moran的I系数自相关图来描述研究区土地利用变化的空间自相关,并且建立了不仅考虑回归而且又考虑空间自相关的混合回归-空间自相关回归模型 (即空间滞后模型)。研究得到:① 研究区土地利用变化模型中不但自变量之间而且因变量之间存在空间正自相关,这表明土地利用变化数据的空间自相关很强;② Moran的I系数随着尺度的变粗而减小,这是由于数据平均时的滤波特性和Moran的I系数对距离的非线性特征造成的;③ 经典线性回归模型的残差也表现出正相关,这表明标准的多元线性回归模型未能考虑土地利用数据所存在的空间依赖性;④ 混合回归-空间自相关回归模型 (即空间滞后模型) 的残差未存在空间自相关,并且有更好的拟合度;⑤ 相对于经典线性回归模型,混合回归-空间自相关回归模型 (即空间滞后模型) 对于存在空间自相关性的数据来说有着统计上的合理性,而经典线性回归模型未能考虑这些因素。  相似文献   

The use of multi-perspective and multi-scalar city networks has gradually developed into a range of critical approaches to understand spatial interactions and linkages. In particular, road linkages represent key characteristics of spatial dependence and distance decay, and are of great significance in depicting spatial relationships at the regional scale. Therefore, based on highway passenger flow data between prefecture-level administrative units, this paper attempted to identify the functional structures and regional impacts of city networks in China, and to further explore the spatial organization patterns of the existing functional regions, aiming to deepen our understanding of city network structures and to provide new cognitive perspectives for ongoing research. The research results lead to four key conclusions. First, city networks that are based on highway flows exhibit strong spatial dependence and hierarchical characteristics, to a large extent spatially coupled with the distributions of major megaregions in China. These phenomena are a reflection of spatial relationships at regional scales as well as core-periphery structure. Second, 19 communities that belong to an important type of spatial configuration are identified through community detection algorithm, and we suggest they are correspondingly urban economic regions within urban China. Their spatial metaphors include the administrative region economy, spatial spillover effects of megaregions, and core-periphery structure. Third, each community possesses a specific city network system and exhibits strong spatial dependence and various spatial organization patterns. Regional patterns have emerged as the result of multi-level, dynamic, and networked characteristics. Fourth, adopting a morphology-based perspective, the regional city network systems can be basically divided into monocentric, dual-nuclei, polycentric, and low-level equilibration spatial structures, while most are developing monocentrically.  相似文献   

The use of multi-perspective and multi-scalar city networks has gradually developed into a range of critical approaches to understand spatial interactions and linkages. In particular, road linkages represent key characteristics of spatial dependence and distance decay, and are of great significance in depicting spatial relationships at the regional scale. Therefore, based on highway passenger flow data between prefecture-level administrative units, this paper attempted to identify the functional structures and regional impacts of city networks in China, and to further explore the spatial organization patterns of the existing functional regions, aiming to deepen our understanding of city network structures and to provide new cognitive perspectives for ongoing research. The research results lead to four key conclusions. First, city networks that are based on highway flows exhibit strong spatial dependence and hierarchical characteristics, to a large extent spatially coupled with the distributions of major megaregions in China. These phenomena are a reflection of spatial relationships at regional scales as well as core-periphery structure. Second, 19 communities that belong to an important type of spatial configuration are identified through community detection algorithm, and we suggest they are correspondingly urban economic regions within urban China. Their spatial metaphors include the administrative region economy, spatial spillover effects of megaregions, and core-periphery structure. Third, each community possesses a specific city network system and exhibits strong spatial dependence and various spatial organization patterns. Regional patterns have emerged as the result of multi-level, dynamic, and networked characteristics. Fourth, adopting a morphology-based perspective, the regional city network systems can be basically divided into monocentric, dual-nuclei, polycentric, and low-level equilibration spatial structures, while most are developing monocentrically.  相似文献   

Gambling using electronic gaming machines (EGMs) has emerged as a significant public health issue. While social impact assessments are required prior to the granting of new gaming machine licenses in Australia, there are a few established techniques for estimating the spatial distribution of a venue’s clientele. To this end, we calibrated a Huff model of gambling venue catchments based on a geocoded postal survey (n = 7040). We investigated the impact of different venue attractiveness measures, distance measures, distance decay functions, levels of spatial aggregation and venue types on model fit and results. We then compared model estimates for different behavioural subgroups. Our calibrated spatial model is a significant improvement on previously published models, increasing R2 from 0.23 to 0.64. Venue catchments differ radically in size and intensity. As different population subgroups are attracted to different venues, there is no single best index of venue attractiveness applicable to all subpopulations. The calibrated Huff model represents a useful regulatory tool for predicting the extent and composition of gambling venue catchments. It may assist in decision-making with regard to new license applications and evaluating the impact of health interventions such as mandated reductions in EGM numbers. Our calibrated parameters may be used to improve model accuracy in other jurisdictions.  相似文献   

曹妃甸滨海湿地生态系统支持服务价值空间分异研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于条件价值法和随机效应logit模型对曹妃甸湿地生态系统支持服务价值进行了评估,并应用距离衰减模型对支持服务价值的空间演化和区域差异进行了研究。结果表明,在曹妃甸滨海湿地生态系统支持服务的构成要素中,湿地植被恢复对支持服务保护行为选择的影响效应最高,其次为湿地面积恢复影响效应,而生物多样性保护的影响效应最低;根据随机效应logit模型得到的2个滨海湿地生态系统支持服务保护方案每年可分别产生人均44.54元和46.57元的经济价值,该价值作为支持服务的“源价值”会随着与曹妃甸滨海湿地之间空间距离的增加而呈现出逐渐衰减的变化;不同空间范围下支持服务价值的衰减过程存在显著差异,空间范围越小,价值的衰减速率越快;支持服务价值依据衰减过程构建经济管辖范围,经济管辖范围与行政区边界不重合,同一行政区内的支持服务价值仍存在明显差异。  相似文献   

To provide guides for exploration of porphyry copper mineralization at a district scale, we examine the spatial association between known porphyry copper deposits and geologic features in Benguet, Philippines. The spatial associations between the porphyry copper deposits and strike-slip fault discontinuities, batholithic pluton margins and porphyry plutons are quantified using weights of evidence modeling. In the training and testing district, the porphyry copper occurrences are associated spatially with strike-slip fault discontinuities, batholithic pluton margins and contacts of porphyry plutons within distances of 3 km, 2.25 km, and 1 km, respectively. In addition, the porphyry plutons are associated spatially with strike-slip fault discontinuities and contacts of batholithic plutons within a distance of 2.25 km and 3 km, respectively. Based on these significant spatial associations, predictive maps are generated to delineate zones favorable for porphyry copper mineralization and zones favorable for emplacement of porphyry plutons in Benguet province, Philippines. Validations of the predictive models demonstrate their efficacy in pointing to zones for subsequent follow-up exploration work.  相似文献   

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