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天文学是一门观测学科, 其发展受观测技术及仪器进步所推动, 而天文科学发展同样不断对观测仪器提出新的要求. 天文学发展至今, 对观测仪器的要求逐渐走向极致和极端, 这在实现成本及难度两方面均带来极大挑战. 为应对上述挑战, 基于新原理、新技术的下一代天文光学技术及观测仪器已成为天文学发展的内在需要. 近年来, 集成光子学的发展为天文光学技术带来了新的变革性机遇, 在此基础上产生的新兴交叉学科天文光子学(Astrophotonics)可为天文观测提供低成本、高度集成化(芯片化)的新一代高性能光学终端仪器, 这类仪器将在空间天文观测、大规模光谱巡天、高分辨高精度光谱成像等应用中起到关键作用. 主要从仪器/器件功能出发介绍天文光子学主要研究内容及现状, 并简要讨论其发展所面临的主要问题, 最后对其发展趋势做出展望.  相似文献   

随着天文观测数据的爆炸式增长以及数据网格技术等新兴IT技术的日趋成熟,虚拟天文台应运而生。虚拟天文台成为基于数据网格技术的解决复杂海量天文数据的访问和管理的一种有效手段。我们对现有中国虚拟天文台体系结构底层进行设计与实现,并完成了其核心部分一天文数据结点。天文数据结点可发布和管理异构的数据资源,为用户提供统一的数据访问接口,进而为天文学家实现对各种天文数据的无缝透明访问和处理提供了方便。本文重点介绍了我们设计的天文数据结点的体系结构,以及结点各部分的功能,并讨论了其关键技术的实现。  相似文献   

结合中学生天文教育实际,设计了一套远程望远镜系统安装于新疆阿克苏市,能够用作天文教学中的准专业观测和业余天文观测及摄影.系统提供了实时操作的功能,同时也具有自动化功能,通过新设计的TABLET语言,能够以批处理方式执行观测任务.在安装调试时,利用此系统测量了系统所在地阿克苏三中的白光和Sloan g'r'i'通道下的天光背景.另外提供了一次自动化测光观测实践作为参考.  相似文献   

针对FAST的天文观测要求,对其天文观测软件进行了设计与开发。首先介绍了FAST天文观测的原理,对天文观测软件进行了需求分析。而后提出了馈源天文运动轨迹规划算法,并进行了仿真。针对其轨迹要求给出了控制方法,对天文观测控制软件进行了设计与实现。最后通过现场实地实验,验证了本文所提的算法与软件的可行性。  相似文献   

随着天文技术的不断发展,远程观测和自主观测逐渐成为天文观测的主流趋势,自动调焦技术也越来越受到重视.电动调焦器是天文望远镜不可或缺的附属设备,是实现自动调焦的关键设备.为实现云南天文台丽江观测站10英寸米德望远镜的自动调焦,自行研发了一套天文电动调焦器,设计相关控制电路,制定串口通信协议,并编写了一套开源天文公共对象模...  相似文献   

传统的大气湍流理论始于大约30年前。湍流理论的发展使得天文学家对大气湍流对天文观测的影响有了很好的认识,尤其是它为天文台选址和天文高分辨率技术提供了基础。近年来新的天文观测对已传统的大气湍流理论提出了挑战,并可能给地面天文观测带来一场革命。在回顾了大气湍流理论的发展历史后对传统大气湍流理论的基本特性及其应用作了系统的综述,并介绍了新的天文观测事实以及为此而提出的新的大气湍流理论模型。  相似文献   

现在的天文软件种类繁多,内容几乎涉及了天文学的各个领域。无论是对天文学家还是天文爱好者都提供了极大的方便。随着Skymap、Starry Night、RegiStar等各种天文软件的普及,天文爱好者在实际观测中越来越需要依赖于天文软件进行辅助观测,这些软件的使用对天文爱好者的各种实际观测可以起到事半功倍的作用。掩星观测也不例外,同样需要掩星软件OCCULT(或其它掩星辅助类软件,以后会逐步介绍)进行辅助观测。  相似文献   

在业余天文观测中,行星摄影是观测行星比较常用的方法。我们经常能看到天文爱好者在网络平台上展示自己的行星摄影作品。同时,还有-些国际上的天文组织定期发布天文爱好者拍摄的行星影像(例如日本的“月惑星研究会”),这些行星影像不仅为天文科普提供精美的素材,而且还能为专业的行星科学研究提供支持。然而,对于大众来说,这些影像似乎总有一种莫名的神秘感。即便是天文观测的初学者也存在着不少误解。下面就来谈谈这些精美的行星影像到底是怎么来的。  相似文献   

叙述了1990年7月至1993年1月期间中国的星表和天文常数工作。它包括仪器的改进与研制,星表的观测和编算,天文常效、天球参考系的研究,以及其相应的方法与技术.  相似文献   

栗志  周卫红 《天文学进展》1996,14(3):259-261
概述了数字图像压缩技术在天文领域应用的必要性。针对天文观测的特点和研究的需要,经过研究,分析和比较,提出了天文图像压缩的可行方案。通过应用计算机编程及压缩实验给出相应的结果。  相似文献   

LAMOST(大型多天体分光望远镜)建成后将成为世界上视场最大、光谱观测效率最高的4m级口径以上的光学望远镜。它将要同时高效地观测4000颗星的光谱,这对网络控制系统的设计是巨大的挑战。该文主要从LAMOST网络控制系统构建的角度介绍了系统如何在大数据量、多任务的情况下实现各子系统控制、环境监测、授时和无线远程监控等功能,叙述了在该系统中运用的实时分布式操作系统、实时数据库,全球定位系统(GPS)和全球移动通讯系统(GSM)等多项技术.  相似文献   

CCD是天文望远镜中最常见的观测终端设备,也是望远镜自主控制系统中的重要组成部分。随着天文望远镜自主观测需求的不断出现以及技术的快速发展,开源的RTS2软件系统成为目前该领域研究中受到较多关注的系统之一。但RTS2支持的CCD设备较为有限,同时控制接口约定也相对固定。在针对部分特殊的CCD设备(如LAMOST中采用的32台CCD设备、选址用的部分CCD设备)时,仅实现原有类的方法是不够的。在深入分析RTS2源码的基础上,重点从参数、命令、协议扩展方面研究基于原有的Camera类,通过继承的方法构造新的CCD类型,实现对LAMOST项目的 CCD控制,取得了较好的效果,对在RTS2中集成望远镜系统其他类型设备也有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

空间时代地面光学天体测量的意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从基本天体测量的主要任务出发,介绍了绝对测定和相对测量之间的区别和不同用途,并针对河外射电源参考架和依巴谷参考架的高精度的不足之处,说明了地面光学天体测量的长期性和灵活性等优势正是克服这些不足之处所必须的,但这不应是传统的已有精度下的地面光学天体测量,而应是与空间测量精度可比的要求下的地面测量,两者配合起来,将能促进本学科和相关学科的发展。  相似文献   

Radio frequency interference(RFI) is an important challenge in radio astronomy. RFI comes from various sources and increasingly impacts astronomical observation as telescopes become more sensitive. In this study, we propose a fast and effective method for removing RFI in pulsar data. We use pseudo-inverse learning to train a single hidden layer auto-encoder(AE). We demonstrate that the AE can quickly learn the RFI signatures and then remove them from fast-sampled spectra, leaving real pulsar signals. This method has the advantage over traditional threshold-based filter method in that it does not completely remove contaminated channels, which could also contain useful astronomical information.  相似文献   

德令哈13.7 m望远镜是中国最重要的射电望远镜之一.望远镜自安装超导成像频谱仪以及采用飞行观测模式以来,运行近10 yr.在此期间,望远镜开展并完成大量的天文观测,累积了巨量的天文数据,取得了一系列重要的科研成果.介绍了超导成像频谱仪在天文观测中的运行状态,运行中疑难问题、故障现象及解决方案.详述了超导成像频谱仪各方面性能测试及多年来的性能分析,包含接收机噪声温度及望远镜系统噪声温度、镜像抑制比、接收机稳定性、波束性能等方面.列举了超导成像频谱仪更新发展方面的工作,包含本振功率自动化调整、边带分离型超导混频器预放大电路的更新、控制程序的优化等.总结经验和规律,承前启后,将过去的超导成像频谱仪的维护运行经验应用到之后新一代大规模接收机系统中.  相似文献   

Delingha 13.7 m telescope is one of the most important radio telescopes in China. Since installing the superconducting spectroscopic array receiver (SSAR) and adopting the On The Fly (OTF) observation mode, the telescope has operated for nearly 10 years. During this period, a large number of astronomical observation projects have been carried out and completed, a large amount of astronomical data have been accumulated, and a series of important scientific results have been achieved. This paper introduces the operating status of SSAR in astronomical observations, the problems in operations, as well as the fault phenomena and solutions. The performance test and performance analysis of SSAR are described in detail, including the receiver noise temperature and telescope system noise temperature, image rejection ratio (IRR), receiver stability, beam performance and so on. The updating and development of SSAR are listed, including the automatic adjustment of LO (Local Oscillator) power, the updating of pre-amplification circuits of the sideband separation superconducting mixer, and the optimization of control program, etc. This paper summarizes the experiences and rules, and connects the past with the future, for applying the experiences of the maintenance and operation of SSAR to the next-generation large-scale receiver system.  相似文献   

自适应光学技术已经成为现代地基天文光学望远镜的重要部分。在世界各地的天文台中 ,许多大型光学望远镜的自适应光学系统正在建造 ,不少的系统已经投入使用。自适应光学技术经过二十多年的发展 ,取得了越来越多的令人激动的天文观测成果 ,自适应光学正在接近成熟并正向天文实际应用的阶段转化。本文根据近几年来自适应光学望远镜在天文中的应用 ,对其所取得的天文成果给予介绍 ,并讨论了自适应光学系统所能开展的天文研究课题。  相似文献   

ISLA will be an astronomical observatory, operating at the upper limit of our planet Earth atmosphere, offering space like observing conditions in most aspects. ISLA can be maintained easily, modified easily if necessary, always kept at the state of the art and operated for very extended periods without polluting the stratosphere. ISLA is ideally suited to become the first world space observatory as the observing conditions are very much space-like – diffraction limited angular resolution, very low ambient temperature, remote control – however ISLA is easily accessible, telescopes and instruments can be continuously improved and ISLA's costs corresponds only to those of ground-based modern astronomical installations like the ESO-VLT-, KECK- and GEMINI-observatories. The cost of observing and experimenting on ISLA will be orders of magnitudes lower than those of building and operating any space telescope, allowing the astronomers of developing nations to participate in the ISLA observatory within their limited financial possibilities as competent and full partners. ISLA's 4-m and 2-m telescopes will operate diffraction limited from 0.3 μm in the optical, over the infrared, far-infrared to the sub-mm spectral range. ISLA's individual telescopes will permit imaging with 20 milli-arcsec spatial resolution in the optical, 5 times better than the Hubble Space Telescope. ISLA's telescopes can be combined to form an interferometer with a maximum baseline of 250 m with nearly complete coverage of the u,v plane. Interferometric resolution will be of the order of 20 micro-arcsec for the optical. ISLA will thus offer spatial resolution comparable or better than the intercontinental VLBI radio interferometers. ISLA's telescope efficiency will be many orders of magnitude better than comparable ground-based telescopes. The light collecting power of ISLA's interferometric telescopes will be orders of magnitudes greater than the future space interferometers under discussion. ISLA, being an aviation project and not a space project, can be realised in the typical time scale for the development of aviation: about 5 years. ISLA's cost for the whole observatory, including its movable ground station etc. will be of the order of a typical medium size ESA space mission. ISLA's lifetime will be in excess of many decades, as it can easily be maintained, modernised, repaired and improved. ISLA will become the origin of a new astronomical international organisation with worldwide participation. ISLA's telescopes will be of the greatest importance to all astronomical fields, as it will permit to study much fainter, much more distant objects with microscopic spatial resolution in wavelength regions inaccessible from ground. ISLA's many telescopes permit easily simultaneous observations at many wavelengths for rapidly varying objects, from continuously monitoring the surfaces of the planets in our solar system, surfaces of close-by stars, nuclei of galaxies to QSO's. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Presented paper describes the basic principles and features of the implementation of a robotic network of optical telescopes MASTER, designed to study the prompt (simultaneous with gamma radiation) optical emission of gamma-ray bursts and to perform the sky survey to detect unknown objects and transient phenomena. With joint efforts of Sternberg astronomical institute, High altitude astronomical station of the Pulkovo observatory, Ural state university, Irkutsk state university, Blagoveshchensk pedagogical university, the robotic telescopes MASTER?II near Kislovodsk, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk and Blagoveshchensk were installed and tested. The network spread over the longitudes is greater than 6?h. A further expansion of the network is considered.  相似文献   

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