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绘画艺术具有基于情感体验唤起思想的能力,名画作为绘画艺术作品具有色调丰富、对比度高及色彩和谐的特点,尝试将其应用到地图设计中有一定新意。本文简单介绍了色彩学基本原理,提出了一种基于名画的地图色彩设计方法。通过提取名画的调色板,并分析其色彩模式;结合传统的地图制图规则从构图和色彩方面进行地图设计,并进行效果对比分析。结果表明:在地图设计中,基于用户需求选用与制图区域视觉结构相似的绘画,可以更好地在地图上表现出绘画的色彩及感情特征;参考绘画的色彩模式实现地图要素与真实地物的关联,能在地图上反映出制图区域的景观色彩特征和文化精神风貌。因此,该方法对于指导地图色彩方案设计、以"用户为中心"的地图设计有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

主要研究地图的艺术性 ,为使广大读者对地图的艺术性有一个全面的了解和认识 ,主要从以下三方面进行论述 :①地图的艺术性在现代地图发展中的重要意义 ;②地图艺术性的表现形式 ;③地图艺术性的形式及其发展趋势  相似文献   

In a recent study, benthic habitat maps were created of the Texas Gulf Coast from digital aerial imagery. The images were classified using an object-based image analysis (OBIA) approach and a classification and regression tree (CART) technique. The map was manually edited, changing 26% of the polygons' labels. Accuracy assessments of the unedited map and the edited map revealed the two were not significantly different. The research in this paper evaluates why these maps may have similar accuracies. Our analyses indicate that the small segmentation scale parameter used over-segmented the imagery, reducing the effectiveness of the CART technique and editing.  相似文献   

在现代到后现代社会的转变过程中, 人类的信息传播模式进入自媒体时代, 在地图上表现为制图用户向大众或地图爱好者转移, 地图的精确性不高、表达方式多样化。微地图是其中的一种, 旨在改善传统地图表达和大众地理空间认知的矛盾, 改进自媒体时代地图用户的主观信息表达, 突破传统地图仅从有限、规范化的角度和维度对地理事物和现象进行表达的局限。首先, 针对微地图的3个特点, 在后现代哲学的视角下分析其产生的原因并给予解释; 然后, 利用认知语言学的体验人本观、原型范畴论和去中心论等后现代哲学方法论, 对传统地图的空间认知、信息分类、制图表达等基础问题进行批判性分析和重构, 形成具有后现代哲学特点的微地图概念框架;最后, 通过实验验证了微地图存在的可能性及其后现代属性。  相似文献   

One of the problems which continues to trouble practical applications of GIS is the time and cost of capturing data from paper maps. Even where the data are required in raster form the complexity of most maps means that the data are first digitised in vector form, and then rasterised, a slow and error-prone process. This paper describes an alternative approach based upon readily available hardware and software in which the map is scanned using Spot Colour Scanning, and then processed using a specially designed majority filter and editing with a painting package. Tests on a small scale soil map produce results which are about 80% as accurate as digitising, but take far less time to produce. An analysis of the sources of error indicates that many of these are due to the difficulty of scanning such a complex document as a map, and suggests that more sophisticated image processing algorithms may be needed to classify the original scanned image before the application of the filter algorithm.  相似文献   

针对当前矢量地图导航缺乏真实环境信息,而视觉地理定位依赖海量图像标注数据的问题,提出了一种面向虚实融合的单体建筑物实时识别与定位方法。该方法以智能手机为载体,利用轻量级深度网络SSD(single shot detector)实时检测手机视频流中的建筑物对象类别,通过调用手机内置传感器获取当前定位信息与拍摄视角,并以矢量地图信息为辅助,在仅需识别出建筑物类别的情况中,准确获得单个建筑物的属性与定位信息,并与矢量地图进行叠加可视化,最终达到真实地理环境与矢量地图融合的增强导航。随机采集了550张建筑物图像,经过处理标注后作为训练标签,在计算机上训练SSD的建筑检测功能并且进行验证;将训练好的SSD网络模型迁移到移动端,结合地理围栏方法与手机传感器开发可识别建筑单体信息的增强导航系统,将系统部署在手机上进行测试。实验结果表明,该方法可充分利用矢量地图与实景图片的互补信息,在仅需少量建筑物标注样本的情况下,实现单体建筑物信息增强的手机端地图导航,有效缓解了矢量地图定位不够直观的问题。  相似文献   

地图内容是通过地图符号来表达的,随着地图所承载的内容不断丰富以及对地图精度的要求不断提高,地图符号也在不断地发展演变。基于此,通过研究从战国到清朝的有代表性的中国古地图,围绕中国古地图符号象形这一最大的特点,总结了中国古地图符号的山水画法、抽象画法和符号化3种表示方法,阐述了中国古地图符号表达方式的变化。  相似文献   

Tactual maps can be useful aids for blind mobility. Sighted visitors to an exhibit on maps for the blind at the August 1972 International Geographical Congress had an opportunity to try out tactual mobility maps for themselves. Blindfolded participants attempted to guide themselves through a maze with the help of such a map. Over half of those observed had some difficulty in finding their way. Evaluation of their performances suggests that unfamiliarity with methods for reading and using tactual maps was a major problem. The maze and tactual map exhibit also emphasized that tactual maps differ from visual maps in content, design, and reproduction. Special requirements in all these areas will have to be met before tactual mapping can fulfill its promise as a mobility tool for the blind.  相似文献   

Current standards for federal mapping call for use of the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) point layer for placement of United States populated place labels. However, this point layer contains limited classification information and hierarchy information, resulting in problems of map quality for database-driven, multi-scale, reference mapping, such as maps served by The National Map Viewer from USGS. Database-driven mapping often relies simply on what labels fit best in the map frame. Our research investigates alternative sources for labeling populated places, including polygons defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, such as incorporated place, census designated place (CDP), and economic place. Within each of these polygon layers we investigate relevant attributes from the decennial and economic censuses, such as population for incorporated places and CDPs, and the number of employees for economic places. The data selected are available for the entire country to serve national mapping requirements. This combination of data allows a more refined classification of populated places on maps that better represents relative importance. Visual importance on maps through scale should derive from more than simply residential population, but also economic importance, though comparison is made to this simpler case. We differentiate a fourth category of GNIS populated place points, essentially “neighborhoods” and related features—which are not incorporated places, CDPs, nor economic places. Populated places in this fourth class do not have federally defined boundaries, necessitating an alternative method for determining hierarchy in label presentation through scale.  相似文献   

回顾了北京市测绘设计研究院二十多年地理信息产业的发展历史,分析了所面临的机遇与挑战,认为空间数据的可视化输出-地图生产是地理信息产业的主要任务之一。搞好这项工作应建立GIS数据库到地图数据库的双向通道;扩展地图数据库的地图制图和桌面出版功能;编制好系列基础底图和社会公众普遍需要的普通地图、政区图、地名图、交通旅游图,逐步实现编制导航地图,争取导航电子地图资质;做好用户需求调查,编制若干专题地图产品;开发影像地图、三维地图、实景地图等地理信息新品种;跟踪国家开展的各类普查或调查项目,编制高科技含量的地图集。  相似文献   

在地图的色彩设计中,设计人员不仅要考虑色彩单独使用的效果,而且要考虑地图上各素的色彩配合,即各种色彩在图面上的整体感受效果。电子地图由于有极大的色彩选择空间,背景色不局限于白色,因而选色、配色比纸质地图更加复杂。用哪种简称颜色作为背景视觉效果较好?图面上各要素的色彩如何配合?针对这两个问题,作者设计了电子地图的一个色彩感受实验-色彩配合实验,利用自编的电子地图视觉感受测试构件(TEVP)进行了实验  相似文献   

遥感影像人机交互判读系统及其技术特点   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
在Windows NT支持下,采用C++和面向对象方法设计,自主开发的一个微机遥感影象人机交互判读系统。它在实现人工目视判读与数字影像处理、遥感和地理信息系统、高新技术与传统地学知识结合,协调遥感数据容量大与微机空间资源有限、快速作业要求与工业内容繁琐复杂,严格有序的计算机作业和判读人员作用自由发挥之间的矛盾方面,采取了一系列颇具新意的技术措施,形成了系统独具的一些技术特点,为广大判读人员提供了一个灵活、方便、高效地进行遥感影像人机交互判读工具。  相似文献   

多媒体文件在丰富地图集内容、增强交互性与表现力的同时往往影响了地图集对用户操作的响应速度,并且已经成为多媒体电子地图集开发中的瓶颈问题之一。本文首先分析了影响多媒体电子地图集操作速度的各种因素,然后以《福建省生态环境多媒体电子地图集》的数据组织方法、系统结构、操作功能、地图界面和多媒体要素设计为例,说明如何设计并实现对用户操作快速响应的多媒体电子地图集。  相似文献   


We explore visual map abstraction for the generation of stylized renderings of 2D map data. We employ techniques that are centred around the concept of shape simplification and graph layout and that allow iterative abstraction of 2D maps. We use data from publicly available sources and show how we can iteratively generate aesthetic renditions of these maps. These renditions do not have the goal to allow for navigation tasks, but instead show the map data in a distorted manner. The techniques used to create these images apply simplification, abstraction/generalisation, and displacement operations to the map elements in varying orders and add stylistic shading to produce aesthetic renditions for print or electronic displays. The degree of abstraction/generalisation can be individually chosen and determines the characteristics of the distorted map: whether components retain their shape, degenerate, or are processed in a manner that the abstraction becomes the focus of the image rather than the underlying map data. The renditions can be further personalized by choosing shading and colours for this shading. Together, the presented techniques allow for playful and creative exploration of aesthetic renditions of 2D map data.  相似文献   


We combine eye tracking and a questionnaire-based approach to explore the influence of label density on the perceived visual complexity of maps. We design two experiments in which participants are asked to search for the names of point features on maps and to rate the map complexity and legibility for different label densities. Specifically, we conduct a highly controlled experiment in which all the map variables except the label density are held constant (the controlled experiment). Then, we conduct a second experiment following the same protocol but using real maps as visual stimuli (the real-map experiment) to verify if the results of the controlled experiment were applicable to real maps. The results of both experiments indicate a significantly positive correlation between perceived visual complexity and label density and between the response time in visual search tasks and label density. Surprisingly, we observe a significant inverse correlation between the label density and two eye movement parameters (fixation duration and fixation frequency) between the two experiments. We discuss how the variables of real maps might have affected these eye movement parameters and why the results of the two experiments are inconsistent. Our findings suggest that eye tracking parameters are not reliable indicators of map complexity. These empirical results can be helpful to future map design and map complexity investigation.  相似文献   

近年来,电子地图在人们的日常生活及旅游中发挥着越来越大的作用。城市特色电子地图作为一种新型电子地图,是公众获取城市地理空间信息、了解和认识城市的重要媒介,也是宣传、推广城市的有效工具,它能有效凸显城市结构和城市文化。然而,目前关于城市电子地图的研究主要集中在技术开发与功能实现方面,鲜有对其视觉设计及艺术性表现的探索,难以凸显城市特色。本文基于城市空间认知、地图视觉感受、色彩地理学等理论,从可视化表达的角度探讨了城市特色电子地图的设计方法,并在此基础上结合南京城市特色电子地图设计的实践案例,对分级内容选取、符号设计及色彩设计的具体方法与过程进行了阐述,旨在为城市特色电子地图设计提供参考。  相似文献   

我国国界线附近的地名标注涉及行政地名、自然地名、历史地名、国外地名、少数民族地名等,其标注形式多种多样。本文在研究当前我国关于公开地图上地名表示相关规定的基础上,提出了公开地图上边界线附近地名的标注不仅应考虑地图编制方面的要求,更应注重地名的政治导向、历史由来及少数民族语言翻译标准等多方面因素。  相似文献   

随着测绘制图与通讯技术的发展,公众能够借助各种平台和工具实时地自由创建、发布、编辑和共享地图图像大数据资源和产品,地图图像在地图内容、绘图标准等方面具有了显著的泛在性,导致难以创建大规模、高质量的地图图像标注数据。因此,尽管现有深度学习方法在识别标准地图的内容中取得了突破性的进展,但受制于地图图像标注数据的局限,依然无法有效应对地图图像的识别和理解。根据目前国内外的相关研究进展与挑战,结合地理空间人工智能技术,探讨支持泛源地图图像大数据识别的理论与技术框架。首先,提出既能够表达地图图像内容,又能够为模型或算法表征的地图特征;然后,探讨面向地图图像内容识别的地理空间人工智能技术,以及面向地图图像理解的语义分析方法;最后,总结和展望基于地图图像大数据的相关应用及潜在价值。需要进一步研究支持地图图像表征的理论与方法,且集成地图图像显式内容的识别(地图感知)和地图图像潜在语义的分析(地图认知)才可充分挖掘地图图像大数据的价值。希望能够从数据表征和地理空间人工智能的角度为地图图像的研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

Habitat analysis for sambar in terms of food, cover, water, space and extent of edge in Corbett National Park using remote sensing and GIS has been attempted. Other physical parameters include climate, topography, fire history, disturbance regimes, weeds etc. IRS-IB LISS II data (FCC, hardcopy) on 1:50.000 scale was interpreted to generate vegetation cover and density map. Other maps showing drainage, water bodies, roads, human habitations and contours were prepared using Survey of India topographical maps. During evaluation of sambar habitat information regarding habitat parameters and their tolerance was collected from existing literature as well as during field observations. Twenty-two transects of one km. length were laid down in all the strata randomly to collect information regarding the structure and composition of the forest and also habitat use (direct and indirect evidences) by sambar. This was then integrated using condition-based equations in the GIS domain to generate suitability maps. Actual sightings on the ground to a large extent supported the results.  相似文献   

阐述如何将GPS技术和卫星影像及艺术设计应用到专题地图生产中,为地图的准确性、实用性、艺术性发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

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