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We provide a research agenda for the International Cartographic Association's Commission on Visualization and Virtual Environment Working Group on Cognitive and Usability Issues in Geovisualization. Developments in hardware and software have led to (and will continue to stimulate) numerous novel methods for visualizing geospatial data. It is our belief that these novel methods will be of little use if they are not developed within a theoretical cognitive framework and iteratively tested using usability engineering principles. We argue that cognitive and usability issues should be considered in the context of six major research themes: 1) geospatial virtual environments (GeoVEs); 2) dynamic representations (including animated and interactive maps); 3) metaphors and schemata in user interface design; 4) individual and group differences; 5) collaborative geovisualization; and 6) evaluating the effectiveness of geovisualization methods. A key point underlying our use of theoretical cognitive principles is that traditional cognitive theory for static two-dimensional maps may not be applicable to interactive three-dimensional immersive GeoVEs and dynamic representations—thus new cognitive theory may need to be developed. Usability engineering extends beyond the traditional cartographic practice of "user testing" by evaluating software effectiveness throughout a lifecycle (including design, development, and deployment). Applying usability engineering to geovisualization, however, may be problematic because of the novelty of geovisualization and the associated difficulty of defining the nature of users and their tasks. Tackling the research themes is likely to require an interdisciplinary effort involving geographic information scientists, cognitive scientists, usability engineers, computer scientists, and others.  相似文献   

The growth of web-based mapping is transforming geovisualization. Use of web mapping has become ubiquitous throughout much of the world and has sparked greater public interest in GIS and mapping. Despite the rapid growth of web mapping, there has been relatively little study of the design and usability of web maps. Moreover, the design and function of popular web mapping programs are sometimes at odds with standard GIS and cartographic practices for even the simplest of functions such as zooming into a feature of interest. This study advances understanding of web mapping design via web usability testing based on mouse metrics and eye tracking technology to assess the utility of four different web map navigation schemes: pan zoom; double clicking; zoom by rectangle; and wheel zoom. We found significant differences among the various interfaces, with marked preference for the standard GIS approach of rectangle zoom, followed closely by wheel zoom. Far fewer users preferred the web mapping standard of pan zoom or click zoom. In addition to finding significant differences in usability among these approaches, this work illustrates the broader utility of usability testing and eye tracking technology for creating a better web mapping experience for users.  相似文献   

Designing usable geovisualization tools is an emerging problem in GIScience software development. We are often satisfied that a new method provides an innovative window on our data, but functionality alone is insufficient assurance that a tool is applicable to a problem in situ. As extensions of the static methods they evolved from, geovisualization tools are bound to enable new knowledge creation. We have yet to learn how to adapt techniques from interaction designers and usability experts toward our tools in order to maximize this ability. This is especially challenging because there is limited existing guidance for the design of usable geovisualization tools. Their design requires knowledge about the context of work within which they will be used, and should involve user input at all stages, as is the practice in any human-centered design effort. Toward that goal, we have employed a wide range of techniques in the design of ESTAT, an exploratory geovisualization toolkit for epidemiology. These techniques include; verbal protocol analysis, card-sorting, focus groups, and an in-depth case study. This paper reports the design process and evaluation results from our experience with the ESTAT toolkit.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development and assessment of the EarthSystemsVisualizer (ESV), a geovisualization tool designed to facilitate learning about global weather. Our goals in designing ESV were to evaluate two exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) techniques, temporal brushing and temporal focusing,and to determine whether interactive geovisualization tools influence problem solving strategies, approaches to learning, and students' ability to generate hypotheses about earth-science processes. Focus group sessions were conducted with both expert and novice users to assess an initial design for the ESV interface prior to conducting a task-based assessment of ESV use. Changes were implemented in response to the focus group results, including the redesign of a temporal legend and improved speed and direction controls. Our task-based assessment considered student reactions to components of ESV, especially whether they could use it to answer questions about global-scale weather processes, and whether the system (particularly its focusing and brushing tools) had an impact on the hypotheses generated about relationships among weather variables. The assessment revealed that focusing and brushing had little impact on students' ability to answer questions about weather processes, and that performance suffered for students who were confused by the focusing and brushing tools. In fact, students who understood the tools performed the best, but students without the tools performed better than those who had the tools but were unsure how to use them. We also concluded that the level of the visualization system must be well matched to the knowledge users have about the application domain: students who already possessed an advanced understanding of meteorology or climatology benefited less and were more critical of the system than students with an intermediate or a novice level of understanding.  相似文献   

Our study has three objectives. We want to investigate (1) whether choropleth maps linked with parallel coordinates help people understand the locations of vulnerable places and the factors making these places vulnerable, (2) whether sparklines that imitate the polylines from a parallel coordinate plot support the understanding of the information provided in that plot, and (3) whether a multiple-view geovisualization approach might be intuitive and useful also for nonexperts. Although we base our work on the functionalities available in the tool called ‘ViewExposed,’ we intend to outline more general conclusions on whether multiple linked views facilitate the understanding of multivariate spatial characteristics. An empirical study with 53 individuals was conducted to obtain insights on these objectives. Our task-based assessment considered the ways in which participants understood the dynamic linking capabilities. Some of the key findings are as follows: (1) even nonexpert users are able to use parallel coordinates linked with choropleth maps; however, only those with extensive inference-making abilities will do so efficiently; (2) parallel coordinates sparklines work as an independent component facilitating the understanding of multivariate data; and (3) the intuitive nature of a multiple-view geovisualization tool is not enough to encourage people to use it.  相似文献   


It remains difficult to develop a clear understanding of geo-located events and their relationships to one another, particularly when it comes to identifying patterns of events in less-structured textual sources, such as news feeds and social media streams. Here we present a geovisualization tool that can leverage computational methods, such as T-pattern analysis, for extracting patterns of interest from event data streams. Our system, STempo, includes coordinated-view geovisualization components designed to support visual exploration and analysis of event data, and patterns extracted from those data, in terms of time, geography, and content. Through a user evaluation, we explore the usability and utility of STempo for understanding patterns of recent political, social, economic, and military events in Syria.  相似文献   

The GeoJabber concept, protocol, and working prototype software introduced here enable same-time, different-place collaborative geovisualization. The key problem this work addresses is how to turn geovisual software states into persistent textual representations that can be shared between users. In the current implementation, GeoJabber leverages three key Open Source technologies: the GeoViz Toolkit, the Jabber protocol, and XStream. GeoJabber is the first project to support same-time different-place geovisualization tool state sharing. As part of this effort, this paper presents a typology of sharable geovisualization software states, rooted in the concepts of data, display, and category.  相似文献   

Developing reliable methods for representing and managing information uncertainty remains a persistent and relevant challenge to GIScience. Information uncertainty is an intricate idea, and recent examinations of this concept have generated many perspectives on its representation and visualization, with perspectives emerging from a wide range of disciplines and application contexts. In this paper, we review and assess progress toward visual tools and methods to help analysts manage and understand information uncertainty. Specifically, we report on efforts to conceptualize uncertainty, decision making with uncertainty, frameworks for representing uncertainty, visual representation and user control of displays of information uncertainty, and evaluative efforts to assess the use and usability of visual displays of uncertainty. We conclude by identifying seven key research challenges in visualizing information uncertainty, particularly as it applies to decision making and analysis.  相似文献   

User interfaces for geospatial information are the tools by which users interact with and explore that information. The provision of appropriate interface tools for exploiting the potential of contemporary geospatial visualization products is essential if they are to be used efficiently and effectively. This paper addresses issues and challenges in interface development and usage that are identified as paramount within the geospatial visualization community.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the usability of the iD editor of OpenStreetMap (OSM). To this end a usability test with 18 participants has been conducted. The participants were given mapping tasks to complete using iD and observed with the thinking aloud method as well as screen recording and mouse/keyboard logging. Additionally, the test persons were interviewed after each test. The data gathered were analysed with regard to key usability criteria such as learnability, efficiency, error tolerance, and subjective user satisfaction. The outcome of this study is the identification of usability issues from which possible improvements of the tool have been derived. The study shows that iD is an overall usable tool for novice users, but still shows opportunities for improvement especially in terms of learnability and error handling.  相似文献   

Recently, the expertise accumulated in the field of geovisualization has found application in the visualization of abstract multidimensional data, on the basis of methods called spatialization methods. Spatialization methods aim at visualizing multidimensional data into low-dimensional representational spaces by making use of spatial metaphors and applying dimension reduction techniques. Spatial metaphors are able to provide a metaphoric framework for the visualization of information at different levels of granularity. The present paper makes an investigation on how the issue of granularity is handled in the context of representative examples of spatialization methods. Furthermore, this paper introduces the prototyping tool Geo-Scape, which provides an interactive spatialization environment for representing and exploring multidimensional data at different levels of granularity, by making use of a kernel density estimation technique and on the landscape “smoothness” metaphor. A demonstration scenario is presented next to show how Geo-Scape helps to discover knowledge into a large set of data, by grouping them into meaningful clusters on the basis of a similarity measure and organizing them at different levels of granularity.  相似文献   


The legend is a critical tool in reading and interpreting a thematic map. The goal of the study reported here is to understand how the legend works as a map is read. The methodology combined usability performance metrics with the thinking aloud method. Subjects were asked to perform two sets of tasks using two thematic maps with different legend layouts. While latency and accuracy of answers for the first set of tasks did not differ significantly between users of the different layouts, users clearly preferred legends that were simple or familiar. The thinking aloud protocols from the second part of the study revealed different patterns of legend comprehension for each legend design. In addition, the study identified four problem-solving strategies that were adopted by the subjects. Finally, some principles for designing legends were developed from the results of the study.  相似文献   

Geo‐SOM is a useful geovisualization technique for revealing patterns in spatial data, but is ineffective in supporting interactive exploration of patterns hidden in different Geo‐SOM sizes. Based on the divide and group principle in geovisualization, the article proposes a new methodology that combines Geo‐SOM and hierarchical clustering to tackle this problem. Geo‐SOM was used to “divide” the dataset into several homogeneous subsets; hierarchical clustering was then used to “group” neighboring homogeneous subsets for pattern exploration in different levels of granularity, thus permitting exploration of patterns at multiple scales. An artificial dataset was used for validating the method's effectiveness. As a case study, the rush hour motorcycle flow data in Taipei City, Taiwan were analyzed. Compared with the best result generated solely by Geo‐SOM, the proposed method performed better in capturing the homogeneous zones in the artificial dataset. For the case study, the proposed method discovered six clusters with unique data and spatial patterns at different levels of granularity, while the original Geo‐SOM only identified two. Among the four hierarchical clustering methods, Ward's clustering performed the best in pattern discovery. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the approach in visually and interactively exploring data and spatial patterns in geospatial data.  相似文献   

Geovisualization of Human Hybrid Activity-Travel Patterns   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
While GIS‐based geovisualization techniques have been fruitfully employed in a wide range of fields, they have not been applied to explore human hybrid activity‐travel patterns (i.e. the patterns of people's activities and/or travel in both the physical and virtual worlds). This study develops two geovisualization approaches using 3D and 2D GIS techniques to address the difficulties faced by past studies. First, the notions of information cube and hybrid 3D space‐time paths are developed to accommodate cyberspatial activities in exploratory data analysis. Second, a new representation of 2D space‐time paths that incorporates parallel coordinate plots is developed for exploring the multiple attributes of people's Internet and physical activities. These two methods were implemented using ArcObjects and the Visual Basic for Applications environment in ArcGIS. They were used to visualize a complex Internet‐activity diary dataset collected in Columbus (Ohio, USA). The study shows that the 3D and 2D geovisualization methods developed allow us to uncover important patterns in hybrid human activity‐travel behavior.  相似文献   

面向"人"地学可视化中的"人".主要从地学可视化系统的使用者(简称"应用人"),从地学可视化要表达的地球表层系统地理环境中的社会人(简称"社会人").以及从作为能地理认知与思维、能表达/传递地理知识及知识创新的"人"(简称"知识人")3个方面定义.从上述3个方面建立了面向"人"的地学可视化概念框架.在面向"应用人"方面,主要介绍了协同可视化以及自我参照可视化;在面向"社会人"方面,主要阐述个体日常行为时空路径可视化、群体行为模拟可视化,以及社会关系网络可视化;在面向"知识人"方面,主要讨论知识可视化.本文最后从本体框架、信息采集与获取技术、数据组织与表达模型、可视化表达方法、主体概念方面,对于面向"人"GIS以及可视化的关键问题与技术进行了探讨.  相似文献   

We describe the development of software that is intended to enable decision makers (and their scientific advisors) to visualize uncertainties associated with the future global water balance. This is an important task because the future water balance is a function of numerous factors that are not precisely known, including the historical climatology, the model of potential evapotranspiration, the soil water holding capacity, and the global circulation models (GCMs) used to predict the effect of increased CO2 in the atmosphere. In developing the software, we utilized the principles of usability engineering. In our case, we utilized six steps: prototype development, evaluation by domain experts, software revision, evaluation by usability experts, software revision, and evaluation by decision makers. Although this approach led to an improved piece of software, decision makers should have been involved earlier in the software design process, possibly at step two (instead of the domain experts). Decision makers found the notion of uncertainty discomforting, but their positive comments regarding the software suggest that it could prove beneficial, especially with improvements in spatial and temporal resolution. One interesting characteristic of our approach was the utilization of a wall-size display measuring 25 x 6 feet. The wall-size display engendered great interest, but determining whether it is truly effective will require a study that directly compares it with more traditional approaches.  相似文献   

Spatial decision-making in time-critical situations requires effective and usable two-dimensional and three-dimensional (3D) cartographic products. Holographic displays allow decision makers to work with auto-stereoscopic maps without the hassle of interacting with complex user interfaces or additional vision hardware. Holographic production processes have advanced greatly in a short period and now support timely and full integration of digital 3D models in geospatial holograms. George Mason University’s and Zebra Imaging’s research on interactive holographic motion displays showcases the leadership in moving cartography and geovisualization research in the US forward. In close cooperation with academic researchers, decision makers, and domain experts, the usability and usefulness of these cartographic products is tested and design guidelines for effective geospatial holograms are being developed.  相似文献   

The development and widespread use of statistical learning models have brought the need for tools that help analysts diagnose, build, and refine those models. In this work, in particular, we focus on interpolation models, which spatially predict the value of a variable based on the values of its neighborhood. Investigating these results spatially or comparing them with other models at different levels of granularity is still a challenge for the analysts trying to understand and refine their models. To deal with that, we propose a visual analytics model-agnostic tool for facilitating the comparison and refinement of spatial models at different levels of granularity using interactive visualization techniques. The tool was built in collaboration with specialists who used it to diagnose and improve a spatial model for predicting residential real estate prices.  相似文献   


The human–cyber–physical world produces a considerable volume of multi-modal spatio-temporal data, thus leading to information overload. Visual variables are used to transform information into visual forms that are perceived by the powerful human vision system. However, previous studies of visual variables focused on methods of ‘drawing information’ without considering ‘intelligence’ derived from balancing ‘importance’ and ‘unimportance’. This paper proposes semantic visual variables to support an augmented geovisualization that aims to avoid exposing users to unnecessary information by highlighting goal-oriented content over redundant details. In this work, we first give definitions of several concepts and then design a semiotic model for depicting the mechanisms of augmented geovisualization. We also provide an in-depth discussion of semantic visual variables based on a hierarchical organization of the original visual variables, and we analyse the critical influencing factors that affect the choice of visualization forms and visual variables. Finally, a typical application is used to illustrate the relevance of this study.  相似文献   

In this paper a concept for controlling the usage of geovirtual environments by means of constraints is developed. Constraints serve to improve the usability of geovirtual environments by guarding the navigation and interaction processes of users. In addition, they facilitate the implementation of Digital Rights Management for geovirtual environments. The presented approach distinguishes spatial constraints, structural constraints, and redistribution constraints. Several types of spatial constraints have been identified for navigation in geovirtual environments. To demonstrate their applications, this paper reports on using constraints in virtual 3D city models.  相似文献   

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