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由于重力场精化、大气探测、海洋测高等科学研究的需要,低轨卫星得到了迅速发展。精密轨道确定是低轨卫星科学任务顺利完成的前提。本文系统分析了基于星载GPS接收机双频P码非差观测值的低轨卫星定轨方法的原理及数学模型,并用CHAMP卫星的实测观测值对各种定轨方法进行了验算,以分析研究各种不同定轨方法的定轨精度。结果表明简化的动力学定轨精度较高,定轨精度在2dm左右;动力学定轨结果最差,在几m左右;而几何法及简化几何法定轨精度相当,约1m左右,定轨精度介于动力学及简化动力学定轨精度之间。  相似文献   

定轨是地球探测卫星任务顺利执行的关键。星载GPS技术提供了大量、连续的高低卫星跟踪观测,为低轨卫星精密定轨提供了技术支撑。为了确定CHAMP卫星的轨道,并分析定轨精度,利用CHAMP卫星星载GPS数据,运用零差简动力法进行精密定轨,给出了精密定轨流程。利用实际数据进行了精密定轨实验,结果与德国地学研究中心(GFZ)公布的CHAMP卫星快速轨道(RSO)进行了对比,结果显示:求解轨道可以达到厘米量级。  相似文献   

分析了TDRS卫星的轨道特性及传统的地基测距跟踪技术定轨精度不高的现状,研究了基于空基的用户星精密轨道的TDRS卫星定轨,解决了基于空基的一般GEO卫星定轨问题。  相似文献   

针对区域跟踪网不能覆盖导航卫星全弧段从而导致卫星定轨精度低的问题,简述了导航卫星和低轨卫星联合定轨模型,然后利用星地跟踪网观测数据同时确定了低轨卫星和导航卫星精密轨道,并根据实验结果详细分析了低轨卫星在联合定轨中所起到的作用。计算结果表明,引入低轨卫星之后,全球网和区域网定轨精度分别平均提高了20.0%和44.3%,区域网6h和24h的轨道预报精度分别优于10cm、13cm,利用星地跟踪网观测数据联合定轨方案是一种提高定轨精度并削弱对地面站依赖性的有效方法。  相似文献   

为解决卫星精密定轨过程中的观测资料加权问题,本文在卫星精密定轨过程中引入方差分量估计。文章采用Lageos2卫星1996年1月至2000年12月的全球SLR实测数据进行了卫星精密定轨计算,计算结果表明这种加权方法能较好地平衡观测资料对定轨结果的贡献,卫星轨道精度可以得到明显的提高。  相似文献   

Swarm星座是ESA的首个用于测量来自地球核心、地幔、地壳、海洋、电离层等区域磁场信息的对地观测卫星星座。而高精度的轨道信息正是其有效利用卫星载荷完成上述任务的前提条件。目前国内关于Swarm卫星精密定轨的研究较少,为此建立并推导了Swarm卫星精密定轨的动力学模型、观测模型以及它们之间的数学关系,详细给出了Swarm卫星精密定轨模型与实现过程。针对Swarm卫星精密定轨中姿态数据的处理问题提出了相应的解决方案。利用Swarm卫星星载GPS实测数据,采用约化动力学定轨方法进行Swarm卫星精密定轨实验。通过轨道衔接点位置差异、与外部精密轨道比较以及SLR验证等精度评定方法分析表明:基于星载GPS的Swarm卫星约化动力学定轨各方向的精度都优于3 cm。  相似文献   

冯来平  毛悦  宋小勇  孙碧娇 《测绘学报》2016,45(Z2):109-115
为提升区域地面监测站条件下北斗卫星定轨精度,面向日益丰富的北斗星载数据和即将实现的星间链路技术,提出了联合运用地面监测站数据、低轨卫星星载数据与星间链路数据的北斗卫星精密定轨方法。讨论了低轨卫星星载数据与星间链路数据增强对于导航卫星精密定轨的影响,重点从低轨卫星数量、轨位分布及星间链路等方面进行了仿真分析。结果表明:加入少量低轨卫星与区域监测站联合定轨即可显著提高导航卫星定轨精度约73%,钟差解算精度略有改进但不明显;同等数量且均匀分布的低轨星座,其轨位分布对联合定轨精度影响不大;加入星间链路数据可大幅提升导航卫星定轨精度,且改进效率高于低轨卫星。  相似文献   

目前,BDS-3卫星上已全部搭载星间链路设备,可利用星间双向测量数据分离卫星相对钟差和相对几何距离解耦卫星轨道和钟差,再把星间距离作为观测量结合地面测量数据进行星地星间联合定轨。人卫激光测距(SLR)技术不受载波相位模糊度、钟差等因素的影响,数据处理过程相对于GNSS技术的数据处理更简单,可以作为一种独立于GNSS观测技术的测量手段。所有BDS卫星上已搭载激光角反射器,因此本文利用2020年1月北斗星间链路数据及少量SLR数据对11颗BDS-3卫星(MEO/IGSO/GEO)进行联合精密定轨试验。分析结果表明,基于SLR和星间链路的3类轨道类型的BDS-3卫星定轨精度相当,轨道精度径向为4.2 cm,三维精度为30.2 cm;卫星轨道预报12 h和24 h MEO卫星三维精度约40.0 cm,IGSO三维精度优于60.0 cm;GEO卫星三维精度约1.0 m。在精密定轨的同时解算地球自转参数(ERP),由于激光数据量少,极移精度约3.0 mas,日长变化精度为0.35 ms。利用少量SLR观测数据和星间链路测量数据联合可以实现导航卫星的高精度定轨,如果能够对BDS卫星加强激光观测,有助于提升轨道精度,为BDS自主可控空间基准参数解算提供参考。  相似文献   

固定模糊度的精密单点定位几何定轨方法及结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的基于PPP(precise point positioning)模式的定轨方法采用浮点解,导致其定轨精度及可靠性较双差固定解稍差。为了进一步提高PPP模式事后定轨的精度和可靠性,利用2012年1月2~7日全球IGS跟踪站数据计算出当天所有卫星的宽巷和窄巷FCB产品,实现了GRACE卫星固定PPP整数模糊度的精密定轨。并将定轨结果分别与GFZ事后精密轨道、K波段测距结果进行比较,分析其内外符合精度。实验结果表明:与GFZ提供的事后精密轨道相比,GRACE-A卫星单天轨道固定解的精度为R方向2~3cm,T方向大部分优于2cm,N方向优于2cm,较之浮点解的定轨结果3个方向分别改善了约19%、30%、50%;GRACE-B卫星3个方向精度分别为2~3cm、2cm左右、1~2cm,较之浮点解各方向也有同等程度的改善。与K波段测距结果相比,浮点解的KBR残差STD均值为22.6mm,固定解为16.4mm,比浮点解提高了约28%。可见,PPP模糊度固定解明显改善了低轨卫星的定轨精度,能提供更可靠的轨道服务。  相似文献   

厘米级精密卫星轨道是完成低轨卫星承担的科研、商业等任务的必须前提,其中事后轨道精度评定是低轨卫星精密定轨任务中重要一环。依据观测条件和卫星搭载设备等情况,选择合适的精度评定方法有利于客观准确的评估定轨结果。本文以GRACE卫星为例,讨论了内外精度评估方法,得到有益结论,为我国开展后续国产卫星精密定轨任务具有借鉴意义。   相似文献   

The SELENE mission, consisting of three separate satellites that use different terrestrial-based tracking systems, presents a unique opportunity to evaluate the contribution of these tracking systems to orbit determination precision. The tracking data consist of four-way Doppler between the main orbiter and one of the two sub-satellites while the former is over the far side, and of same-beam differential VLBI tracking between the two sub-satellites. Laser altimeter data are also used for orbit determination. The contribution to orbit precision of these different data types is investigated through orbit overlap analysis. It is shown that using four-way and VLBI data improves orbit consistency for all satellites involved by reducing peak values in orbit overlap differences that exist when only standard two-way Doppler and range data are used. Including laser altimeter data improves the orbit precision of the SELENE main satellite further, resulting in very smooth total orbit errors at an average level of 18 m. The multi-satellite data have also resulted in improved lunar gravity field models, which are assessed through orbit overlap analysis using Lunar Prospector tracking data. Improvements over a pre-SELENE model are shown to be mostly in the along-track and cross-track directions. Orbit overlap differences are at a level between 13 and 21 m with the SELENE models, depending on whether 1-day data overlaps or 1-day predictions are used.  相似文献   

USB-VLBI综合确定SMART-1环月探测器轨道   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王宏  董光亮  胡小工  黄勇 《测绘科学》2008,33(1):40-42,67
我国绕月探测工程中"嫦娥一号"(CE-1)卫星将综合使用统一S波段系统(USB)和甚长基线干涉仪(VLBI)完成测定轨任务。为了检验USB-VLBI综合测定轨精度,测控系统于2006年5月利用欧空局(ESA)的SMART-1环月探测器进行了USB-VLBI综合测定轨试验。本文对这次试验的测轨数据进行了分析,研究了不同观测弧长和不同类型观测数据组合情况下的定轨和预报精度,得出了一些结论。  相似文献   

VLBI在探月卫星定位中的应用分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国实施的"嫦娥"探月工程中,探月卫星的定轨测控系统由我国现有的S频段航天测控网(USB)和甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI)系统组成。系统中,VLBI技术主要为绕月卫星定轨提供卫星的角位置。本文分析了在探月项目中,VLBI单点定位的必要性。探讨了VLBI技术用于探月卫星单点定位的基本原理及其实现方法。通过算例对模拟数据进行处理,检验了方法的正确性。对结果进行分析,得出一些结论。  相似文献   

2006-05-29~2006-06-02,有关单位利用欧空局(ESA)的SMART-1环月飞行器进行了USB-VLBI综合测定轨试验,其中一个重要目标就是考察环月飞行器的短弧快速轨道确定能力。这里对综合测轨数据的精度进行了评估,分析了不同类型测轨数据组合和定轨弧长对短弧定轨和预报的影响。利用5 d测量数据进行统计:VLBI时延的RMS约为1 m,时延率的RMS约为0.25 cm/s,USB测速的RMS约为3~6 cm/s,测距的RMS约为1~3 m。30 min定轨及预报一个环月轨道周期(5 h)位置的RMS约为250 m,速度的RMS约为15 cm/s。  相似文献   

执行各种低轨卫星任务的官方在公布定轨结果的同时并没有公布星载接收机的天线相位中心校正(PCV)信息,而PCV误差是星载GNSS精密定轨必须考虑的主要误差源之一。以GRACE卫星任务为例研究PCV误差对低轨卫星精密定轨的影响,利用GPS观测数据直接估计与相位误差有关的天线相位偏差(PCO)和PCV参数,然后利用K波段测距系统和卫星激光测距仪数据进行定轨评定。  相似文献   

选定月固坐标系为月球圈层空间网格的坐标基础,根据月球结构及其人造月球卫星轨道分布情况划分月球基准圈层面,采用剖分曲线l和b对月球圈层面进行层次细分,实现对圈层面层次细分。然后,结合圈层径等距细分对月球圈层体进行层次细分,实现对圈层体层次细分,建立月球圈层空间立体网格模型。采用Hilbert曲线填充算法,实现对月球圈层网格统一编码,编码效率较高,为网格数据组织奠定基础。  相似文献   

GOCE: precise orbit determination for the entire mission   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) was the first Earth explorer core mission of the European Space Agency. It was launched on March 17, 2009 into a Sun-synchronous dusk-dawn orbit and re-entered into the Earth’s atmosphere on November 11, 2013. The satellite altitude was between 255 and 225 km for the measurement phases. The European GOCE Gravity consortium is responsible for the Level 1b to Level 2 data processing in the frame of the GOCE High-level processing facility (HPF). The Precise Science Orbit (PSO) is one Level 2 product, which was produced under the responsibility of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern within the HPF. This PSO product has been continuously delivered during the entire mission. Regular checks guaranteed a high consistency and quality of the orbits. A correlation between solar activity, GPS data availability and quality of the orbits was found. The accuracy of the kinematic orbit primarily suffers from this. Improvements in modeling the range corrections at the retro-reflector array for the SLR measurements were made and implemented in the independent SLR validation for the GOCE PSO products. The satellite laser ranging (SLR) validation finally states an orbit accuracy of 2.42 cm for the kinematic and 1.84 cm for the reduced-dynamic orbits over the entire mission. The common-mode accelerations from the GOCE gradiometer were not used for the official PSO product, but in addition to the operational HPF work a study was performed to investigate to which extent common-mode accelerations improve the reduced-dynamic orbit determination results. The accelerometer data may be used to derive realistic constraints for the empirical accelerations estimated for the reduced-dynamic orbit determination, which already improves the orbit quality. On top of that the accelerometer data may further improve the orbit quality if realistic constraints and state-of-the-art background models such as gravity field and ocean tide models are used for the reduced-dynamic orbit determination.  相似文献   

A lunar gravity field model up to degree and order 100 in spherical harmonics, named SGM100i, has been determined from SELENE and historical tracking data, with an emphasis on using same-beam S-band differential VLBI data obtained in the SELENE mission between January 2008 and February 2009. Orbit consistency throughout the entire mission period of SELENE as determined from orbit overlaps for the two sub-satellites of SELENE involved in the VLBI tracking improved consistently from several hundreds of metres to several tens of metres by including differential VLBI data. Through orbits that are better determined, the gravity field model is also improved by including these data. Orbit determination performance for the new model shows improvements over earlier 100th degree and order models, especially for edge-on orbits over the deep far side. Lunar Prospector orbit determination shows an improvement of orbit consistency from 1-day predictions for 2-day arcs of 6 m in a total sense, with most improvement in the along and cross-track directions. Data fit for the types and satellites involved is also improved. Formal errors for the lower degrees are smaller, and the new model also shows increased correlations with topography over the far side. The estimated value for the lunar GM for this model equals 4902.80080±0.0009 km3/s2 (10 sigma). The lunar degree 2 potential Love number k 2 was also estimated, and has a value of 0.0255 ± 0.0016 (10 sigma as well).  相似文献   

由SGM100i质量分析看SELENE的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
月球重力场是研究月球演化和深部构造的基本物理量,也是低轨月球卫星精密定轨的关键。SELENE以高-低卫星跟踪卫星模式历史上首次获得了月球背面重力场直接观测数据。与GLGM-3相比,增加了SELENE跟踪数据的SGM100i在各方面表现出较高的精度:其位系数误差阶方差在15~30阶减小超过10倍,最大达到66倍(15阶);位系数与地形的相关性系数在50~70阶高达0.9,而GLGM-3只有0.6~0.7;基于SGM100i计算的重力异常和月球大地水准面起伏也更好地揭示了月球背面与环形地形相关的重力场特征,从而验证了SELENE 4程Doppler数据对于月球重力场解算的贡献。  相似文献   

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