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王辉  刘小宇  张佳琛  王亮 《地理科学》2016,36(4):540-547
海洋海岛生态环境脆弱,一旦遭受破坏难以修复。人类社会历经原始经济时代、农业经济时代、工业经济时代和知识经济时代,经济形态的演变影响着人类生存的生态环境。以美国海峡群岛为例,以时间和事件两个维度对海岛生态环境破坏、生态修复和环境保护进行梳理,侧重于知识经济时代在国家公园管理局管理下的生态修复和环境保护。其中信息知识、生态文明、高新技术是海峡群岛实现生态回归的重要因素。海峡群岛的发展历程和后期的生态修复与管理为其他国家海洋海岛经济发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

南沙岛礁及周边港口可达性评价模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
石伟  苏奋振  周成虎  吴文周 《地理学报》2014,69(10):1510-1520
中国的南沙群岛位于南海南部,岛礁星罗棋布,但受到岛礁自身面积及其他自然条件的限制,自持力和承载能力都较差,需要外界的持续补给才能维持大量人口的活动。南沙岛礁远离大陆,分布于被称为“危险地带”的珊瑚礁丛中,补给受到很大影响。目前,南沙群岛的岛礁部分被菲律宾、越南和马来西亚等国非法侵占,这些被其他国家非法控制的岛屿和沙洲的控制态势对其周边的海域产生一定的控制,并且将对通过的船舶产生较大的影响。针对南沙岛礁补给困难和控制态势复杂的现状,本文从南沙岛礁的自然条件和控制态势入手,提出了一种基于最小累积成本距离和加权Voronoi图的综合可达性指数,通过建立水深与航行成本的分级对应关系,构建了南沙岛礁及周边港口可达性评价模型,计算了南沙23个岛礁和周边国家9个重要港口之间的综合可达性指数,通过分析南沙主要岛礁和周边国家重要港口之间的综合可达性的优劣,可以为中国在南沙建设补给和中转基地选址提供决策参考。可以为中国开发和管理南沙群岛、制定海洋发展战略提供依据。  相似文献   

王辉  马婧  刘小宇  柯丽娜 《地理科学》2017,37(3):367-374
运用旅游空间相互作用理论,以旅游人数、旅游总收入为基础数据,利用旅游空间相互作用模型,测算辽宁省14市、长山群岛与辽宁省14市及长山诸岛3个层次的旅游空间相互作用强度、经济联系度及经济隶属度。得出结论:① 各层级间空间相互作用强度、经济联系度及经济隶属度与距离呈负相关,区域间的空间相互作用强度、经济联系度及经济隶属度随距离增大逐渐减小; 城市间经济联系度越强,旅游空间相互作用越大,与海岛旅游空间相互作用就越频繁;③ 通过对长山群岛旅游断裂点测算,得出其主要潜在客源地为大连、沈阳、丹东市。  相似文献   

There is considerable debate concerning the effects of the first humans on the environments of the Pacific Islands. Much disagreement has arisen because of the differing techniques used to fix the time when the first humans arrived on particular islands. There is also considerable discussion about how stable, at a variety of timescales, Pacific Island environments were in the absence (or presence) of humans. John Flenley has proposed that archaeological dates significantly underestimate the times of initial human arrival on many Pacific Islands, the most accurate estimates of which come from palynological analyses. This paper offers some support to this view, from consideration of reef‐growth hiatuses in Fiji, yet doubts that initial human arrivals were coincident with ecological crises. There is considerable evidence that natural climate changes, particularly short‐term ones, caused major ecological and environmental disruptions on Pacific Islands, during both their pre‐ and post‐settlement histories, and that human arrival was marked in most cases by only marginal disruptions.  相似文献   

Development assistance agencies have long urged developing countries to adopt environmental management techniques used in industrialized countries. They have ascribed shortcomings in the way developing states use those techniques to insufficient training, environmental matters being poorly integrated into economic decision making, other institutional weaknesses and lack of capacity. These reductionist explanations ignore the influence that socio-political and economic factors may have on state environmental management. They afford only a limited understanding of environmental practice in the Fiji Islands, a South Pacific archipelago and republic. The attempts of Fijian chiefly élite to maintain their power base – achieved through political participation in the state and economic development activities as much as through maintaining the communal system – shape the state's environmental management practices. Those practices have far less rational and democratic bases than one would expect either from the underlying logic of the techniques used (such as environmental impact assessment, environmental planning and protected areas), or from the way those techniques are applied in western, industrialized countries.  相似文献   

琉球群岛相关称谓的地理意义与政治属性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
历史上承载琉球王国的琉球群岛是一个独立的地理单元。"琉球群岛"这一传统称谓具有特殊的政治属性。但是长期以来,中国对琉球群岛的地缘战略意义认识不足,学术界,特别是以区域研究为特色的地理学界,对有关琉球群岛基础研究积累部分缺失,导致中国对于琉球群岛相关称谓的认识模糊混乱。运用历史文献研究法、定性分析法等区域地理学传统的研究方法和虚拟地球空间定位与GIS技术,从琉球群岛相关称谓的历史演变分析入手,对"西南群岛"、"萨南群岛"、"冲绳群岛"等相关称谓的地理学意义及其政治属性进行了考证。研究发现,近代日本吞并琉球群岛后,采用偷梁换柱的办法在岛屿命名上"去琉球化",推广使用"西南群岛"、"萨南群岛"、"冲绳群岛"等相关称谓,企图消除"琉球群岛"的政治属性,肢解琉球群岛,抹煞琉球群岛传统历史,在琉球群岛法律地位认识的问题上制造混乱,诱导国际社会承认日本对琉球群岛的"主权"。正确认识琉球群岛地理单元的特殊性,坚持使用"琉球群岛"这一传统称谓,对于中国维护钓鱼岛主权和东海海洋权益以及今后涉及琉球问题的对外交涉具有十分重要战略意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents an historical analysis (1974–97) of associations between land-cover change and socio-economic factors for three villages in a former bantustan region of South Africa. The notion of social–ecological systems is used as the conceptual framework for this analysis, in which the former bantustan region of Bushbuckridge is posited as a cultural landscape. The local landscape showed distinctive modifications over the study period, broad trends including the growth of human settlements and the decrease in woodland cover. However, changes were not uniform across sites, and the direction and magnitude of changes in land cover were often nonlinear and site-specific. Analysis of associations between biophysical and socio-economic changes at different scales revealed a range of important interacting forces such as population growth, drought, shortages of land, grazing and wood resources, weakening institutional governance of natural resources, and the diversification of livelihood strategies, including the sale of fuelwood, concurrent with declining employment security and cattle ownership. Evidence suggests a possible erosion of resilience in these social–ecological systems at various scales, with important implications for socio-economic development and sustainable resource management.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether fundamental differences exist between urban and rural vulnerability to climate-induced changes in the fire regime of interior Alaska. We further examine how communities and fire managers have responded to these changes and what additional adaptations could be put in place. We engage a variety of social science methods, including demographic analysis, semi-structured interviews, surveys, workshops and observations of public meetings. This work is part of an interdisciplinary study of feedback and interactions between climate, vegetation, fire and human components of the Boreal forest social–ecological system of interior Alaska. We have learned that although urban and rural communities in interior Alaska face similar increased exposure to wildfire as a result of climate change, important differences exist in their sensitivity to these biophysical, climate-induced changes. In particular, reliance on wild foods, delayed suppression response, financial resources and institutional connections vary between urban and rural communities. These differences depend largely on social, economic and institutional factors, and are not necessarily related to biophysical climate impacts per se. Fire management and suppression action motivated by political, economic or other pressures can serve as unintentional or indirect adaptation to climate change. However, this indirect response alone may not sufficiently reduce vulnerability to a changing fire regime. More deliberate and strategic responses may be required, given the magnitude of the expected climate change and the likelihood of an intensification of the fire regime in interior Alaska.  相似文献   

不同时空尺度下,生态承载力对区域经济、社会和环境变化会作出不同程度的响应。利用可持续发展指数测度模型和生态承载力响应模型,对洞庭湖区2001-2010 年经济、社会和环境变化及其生态承载力响应进行分析。结果表明:① 2001 年以来洞庭湖区经济发展度和社会协调度一直呈上升趋势;生态系统的安全性和可持续性向良性转变;环境可持续度则呈波动性下降态势。② 洞庭湖区17 个县域的经济发展度和社会协调度均呈上升态势,可持续性呈现差异性地向弱可持续转变;岳阳市区、常德市区和益阳市区的经济发展度和社会协调度高于其他14 个县域,环境可持续度则下降最明显。③ 洞庭湖区生态承载力的响应状态分为强超载、超载、弱低载和低载4 类,不同时段县域生态承载力的响应状态差异明显;岳阳市区、常德市区和益阳市区社会经济发展水平较高,而其生态承载力响应状态则处于强超载,在区域发展水平上反映出湖区县域经济发展、社会进步、资源利用和环境质量的协调性较差。④ 环境可持续度在一定程度上成为提高生态承载力的重要基础,现行的“掠夺式”县域经济发展模式成为提高生态承载力的阻碍因子,由于社会经济发展过于依赖资源开发以及生态环境干扰,使得环境可持续度对于生态承载力与可持续发展指数的影响相对较弱,其实质往往是以牺牲生态环境为代价。  相似文献   

The avifauna of three oceanic islands of the Revillagigedo archipelago in the eastern Pacific Ocean consists of 14 endemic landbird taxa and 3 recent continental colonists. This study analyzes the origin, areography of continental relatives, ecological characteristics, and role of immigration and extinction factors as regulators of the islands' species. Only two natural extinctions have been detected on this archipelago in more than 130 years. The endemic nature of the pristine avifauna is interpreted as an indication of high stability over thousands of years. The MacArthur–Wilson (1967) “equilibrium theory of island biogeography” cannot explain or predict the persistence of this avifauna adapted to stable and unique island ecosystems. Lack's (1976) “theory of ecological poverty” regulating island avifaunas, however, predicts stability and a resource-limited bird community. The Revillagigedo avifauna can be understood as an interactive community of a few highly adapted and competitive ecological generalists that have effectively filled all niche spaces and closed off the islands to further colonization. Catastrophic change or anthropogenic landscape degradation may, however, create novel niche spaces and open affected islands to new colonists. This appraisal lends support to the call for a shift away from application of the equilibrium model of island biogeography in conservation science. [Key words: island biogeography, equilibrium theory, island stability, island avifauna, MacArthur-Wilson, Lack, Revillagigedo Islands, Socorro Island.]  相似文献   

我国西部地区生态地理区域系统与生态建设战略初步研究   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
生态地理区域系统是根据代表自然界的生物和非生物要素地理相关性的比较研究和综合分析,按照自然界的地域分异规律,划分或合并而形成不同等级的区域系统。其主要研究的对象是自然要素的空间格局,及其与自然资源的匹配。生态地理区域系统所体现的温度、水分等立地条件地域差异,是认识生态环境的宏观框架,可以也应该成为制定治理措施的基础,对植被的恢复和保护有重要的指导意义。我国西部在生态上受到西北地区的沙漠化和盐碱化,黄土高原、西南地区的土壤侵蚀,青藏高原的草场退化,西南地区的滑坡、泥石流等的胁迫。管理上也存在许多问题,如盲目的退耕还林,盲目强调植树造林等。因此,西部地区的生态建设在认识自然环境的基础上,解决管理上的问题,包括在指导思想上的误解,即“生态建设 =种树”,“退耕必定还林”;局面上避免开发的无序状态 ;工作措施上,则要防止“一刀切”的方式。本文综合西部地区的温带、水分、植被、土壤等因素,将西部地区生态地理区域系统划分 8个温度带,2 5个自然区。通过综合西部地区的环境胁迫特点,植被恢复和保护与自然环境和生态区域系统的关系,从西部地区的生态地理区域系统,合并构成西部地区的生态建设格局的 6个区域,并且提出各个区域生态建设的主要措施。  相似文献   

We have defined the goals and objectives of Shantar Islands National park that was established in 2013 in the western part of the Sea of Okhotsk in the Tuguro-Chumikanskii municipal district of Khabarovsk krai. An outline is given of the natural complexes and floral and faunal diversity of terrestrial and coastalmarine ecosystems of Shantar Islands. Their importance is determined for the solution of environmental issues, and the introduction of a differentiated regime for the protection and utilization in the structure of National Park. The primary purpose of the nature reserve zone and the specially protected zone is to ensure the conditions for the preservation of the unique natural complexes along the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. Within these territories, economic activity and recreational utilization are prohibited. The zones of educational and recreational tourism provide the conditions for spiritual, scientific and educational recreation and imply different modes of visitation. Natural sites are highlighted, which are of interest as touristic resources. The development of touristic activity in the islands of National Park involves creating on the territories of the recreational zone a number of economic facilities and service centers for visitors. Special emphasis is placed on the protection zone for historical sites that includes the chapel in commemoration of the discoverers of Shantar Islands, and the territory of the former plant for whale oil processing.  相似文献   

西沙群岛海岛旅游资源综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以旅游资源系统田野调查成果为基础,运用李悦铮等建立的海岛旅游资源综合评价体系,结合南海岛屿实际情况,对西沙群岛海岛旅游资源进行综合评价。在总目标层、评价综合层、评价项目层和评价因子层4个评价层次选取58项指标;采用李克特五级量表法对评价指标进行标准量化;用准主成分分析法为各指标赋予权重;并通过制定评分等级标准与确定评价指标权重以建立综合评价模型。结果显示,西沙群岛海岛旅游资源评价体系总目标层指标得分为3.088分,表明西沙群岛海岛旅游资源整体评价为中等。同时显示,西沙群岛海岛旅游资源之资源条件好、区域条件中等、区位特征条件差;其自然资源条件良好,热带海岛特征突出;其环境条件制约明显;西沙群岛旅游资源优势和劣势并存,且都很突出。  相似文献   

国内外海岛经济研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海岛是一个特殊的地域单元,拥有其特有的发展模式和路径,近年来随着海洋国土地位的提升,国内外学者对于海岛的研究也随之增多。本文从分析海岛经济的涵义入手,对海岛经济进行了尝试性定义;在查阅大量文献的基础上,从海岛经济的发展、演化、转型,海岛经济的发展模式,海岛经济发展中的人地协调及其优化,以及海岛经济发展的资源环境效应等4个方面进行综述。总的来看,国内外学者在海岛经济研究上进行了积极的探索,注重海岛经济可持续发展以及海岛经济各相关产业的研究,尤其在岛屿旅游业发展方面成果最多。国内学者在对海岛渔业、旅游等产业开展研究的基础上,也在海岛经济整体发展,以及海岛经济演化、发展模式、空间分异等研究方向进行了积极的探索,但仍存在成果不够丰富、系统性不足的问题,特别是对海岛经济形成、演化机理的阐释,以及海岛经济各组成要素之间的相互作用关系等方面成果较少,且不够深入。针对存在的问题,本文对海岛经济研究的未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

南海地区岛礁的争端博弈影响国家安全和地区发展,基于改进的鹰鸽模型,综合地理因素和国家的对抗偏好对南沙群岛岛礁争端的博弈情况进行分析。结果表明:①南沙群岛北部海域岛礁的平均地理价值和竞争激烈程度较高,中国、越南和菲律宾在此区域均有控制岛礁且国家之间地缘位势的非对称性接近,未来可能成为权益争端的热点区域;②中国和声索国选择合作的概率受岛礁地理价值、国家在岛礁的地缘位势、冲突成本以及对抗偏好共同影响,地理价值、对抗偏好与选择合作的概率呈负相关;冲突成本与选择合作的概率呈正相关;国家在岛礁的地缘位势接近时,选择合作的概率最小;随着地缘位势差距增大,非对称性增强,选择合作的概率上升;③在南沙岛礁争端中,中国与马来西亚合作概率较大,与越南合作不稳定,与菲律宾合作概率最小。  相似文献   

The Ria Formosa lies in southern Portugal, extending for about 55 km. It is a true barrier island system, comprising mainland, backbarrier lagoons, inlet deltas, barrier islands, barrier platforms and shoreface. Of the Ria Formosa system, which covers a total area of 163 km2, 20 km2 are occupied by salinas and aquaculture ponds. The main water reservoir of thesalinas and the extensive aquaculture ponds behave like small lagoons where there are one or more openings to a tidal channel. These small lagoons have the advantage of being easy to study and to model. An ecological model was developed to estimate the potential production of the gilthead seabream in the Ria Formosa, in an extensive aquaculture regime. This model was based on information concerning chemical and physical factors (forcing functions) and secondary production estimates from four sites in the Ria Formosa with different environmental conditions, where extensive aquaculture is practised. Published information on optimal growth parameters of the gilthead was used to build the model, which was based on some assumptions concerning the detrimental effect of an excessive increase of salinity and other environmental factors both on gilthead growth (one state variable) and on prey production (divided into two state variables), which is essentially benthic macrofauna. Reservoirs with low water renewal undergo large environmental fluctuations. The growth of gilthead or other fish can be difficult, not only because of the adverse environmental conditions but also because of the low secondary production. The maximum yield of fish is predicted to be less than 6 g m−2. In reservoirs where the water exchanges on almost every tide, the maximum yield of gilthead can be in excess of 22–25 g m−2. Nevertheless, the high productivity of these sites in terms of secondary production of benthos and fish, as well as primary production, can lead to oxygen depletion during the night or at day-break. An attempt to further improve fish production by fertilisation or by adding food could provoke a rapid deterioration of the water quality and endanger all production.  相似文献   

我国西南纵向岭谷区环境与发展问题初步研究   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
我国西南纵向岭谷区是我国西南与东南亚极为重要的生态走廊,生态变化直接影响我国跨境生态安全及资源保障。该区南北方向“通道”和东西方向“阻隔”作用的形成主要是由于大气环流、南北走向山脉对季风的阻挡作用和人为作用的影响。其生态效应主要表现为植被分布的三维地带性规律;干旱河谷发育,生态脆弱;生态系统类型多样,格局复杂。“通道-阻隔”作用的形成因素和生态效应亦作用到社会经济活动上。研究表明该区跨境生态安全研究中的重要科学问题:纵向岭谷区生态系统的变化趋势及主驱动力;纵向岭谷区重大工程建设的生态效应;纵向岭谷区的跨境生态安全及调控。为了适应该区跨境生态安全和社会经济发展的需要,必须有一个生态-经济综合区划作为研究基础。本文以生态地理地域系统为基础,引入社会经济指标,对研究区进行生态-经济分区,共划分为三个温度带,7个自然地带,19个自然区和55个经济小区。  相似文献   

生延超  徐珊  周垚 《干旱区地理》2023,46(1):139-148
黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展已上升为国家战略。作为经济高质量发展的微观基础,在环境约束下要素效能充分发挥就显得至关重要。根据马克思主义政治经济学,要素效能由要素质量与要素效率有机构成,前者是要素效能发挥的必然前提,后者是要素效能发挥的内在要求。基于环境规制影响要素质量与要素效率的作用机理,采用面板固定效应模型与中介效应模型实证分析了2008—2019年黄河流域环境规制对要素效能发挥的影响。结果表明:(1)环境规制通过人口集聚实现要素质量升级,通过产业结构优化促进要素效率提高,并在二者的共同作用下促进要素效能发挥。(2)环境规制与要素质量升级、要素效率提高、要素效能发挥均呈现先抑制后促进的“U型”关系。(3)环境规制对要素效能发挥的促进作用存在经济发展水平与城市规模异质性。在经济发展水平高的地区,环境规制显著促进要素效能发挥;经济发展水平较低或城市规模较小的地区,环境规制先抑制后促进要素效能发挥,二者呈“U”型关系;在城市规模较大的地区,二者关系不显著。研究结果为黄河流域从微观要素层面促进经济高质量发展指明方向,对落实黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展战略具有积极意义。  相似文献   

徐丽婷  姚士谋  陈爽  徐羽 《地理科学》2019,39(8):1228-1237
以长江三角洲城市群为案例区,运用熵值-TOPSIS模型评价城市生态化水平的变化及差异,运用障碍度模型探究影响城市生态化水平的主要障碍因子。结果表明:长三角城市群生态化水平在稳步提升,城市间生态化水平差异显著并呈扩大趋势;长三角城市群生态化水平在空间上呈现“中心-外围”结构,城市生态化水平与城市规模等级成正比,直辖市、省会城市和经济强市生态化水平要显著优于其他城市;城市在经济、生态环境和社会3个层面指标上的评价得分具有不平衡性,各城市优劣势有所差异,并且经济和社会层面的生态化水平差异大于生态环境层面的差异;对大多数城市而言,经济层面及基础设施、公共服务要素是主要障碍因子。未来生态城市建设应立足城市自身发展状况,因地制宜地提升城市生态化水平,建设高质量生态城市。  相似文献   

从生态经济位理论出发,提出了城市生态经济位概念及度量方法,并根据生态经济位计算模型,从社会、经济和环境因子三个层面归结了30个指标,建立了定量评价指标体系,依此测算了2002年、2003年西部干旱区6个省会城市的生态经济位,得出2002年和2003年在西部干旱区省会城市中,乌鲁木齐的生态经济位最大,西宁的生态经济位最小的结论。文章最后分析、解释了西部干旱区6省会城市生态经济位动态变化及其原因。  相似文献   

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