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法律如何规定妇女的结婚年龄,是妇女社会地位变迁的重要标志。当妇女在社会劳动中发挥重要作用,社会地位提高时,她们的结婚年龄就规定得比较适当;当她们在社会劳动中作用被削弱.社会地位降低被当成生育的工具时,她们的结婚年龄也就规定得不适当。这种结婚年龄的变化,反映出了古代妇女社会地位的历史变迁。在注重妇女权益保护的现代社会,妇女法定婚龄的规定应当更加符合人性。  相似文献   

从女性主义视角分析赛珍珠的《大地》中的女主角阿兰的形象以及从文化的视角考虑了作者对中国传统女性的关注。赛珍珠在作品中探讨了中国妇女的命运、地位和自我价值的问题并对她们给予了深切的同情,热情地讴歌了女性顽强不屈的精神,有力地抨击了当时男性主义社会观念,推动了当时及后来的女权主义运动的发展。  相似文献   

<正>苗家妇女,多善妇工。挑花、刺绣、织锦、蜡染、编织等样样精通,这些都是她们从小就必须学会的技能,是她们的看家本领。在诸种手工中,苗家妇女最善蜡染,蜡染也是最出名的。蜡染,我国古籍中将之称作"斑布"或"点蜡蟃",其制作过程十分复杂,因而对技术的要求相  相似文献   

苗家妇女,多善妇工.挑花、刺绣、织锦、蜡染、编织等样样精通,这些都是她们从小就必须学会的技能,是她们的看家本领.在诸种手工中,苗家妇女最善蜡染,蜡染也是最出名的.蜡染,我国古籍中将之称作"斑布"或"点蜡蟃",其制作过程十分复杂,因而对技术的要求相当高.  相似文献   

从女性主义视角分析赛珍珠的《大地》中的女主角阿兰的形象以及从文化的视角考虑了作者对中国传统女性的关注。赛珍珠在作品中探讨了中国妇女的命运、地位和自我价值的问题并对她们给予了深切的同情,热情地讴歌了女性顽强不屈的精神,有力地抨击了当时男性主义社会观念,推动了当时及后来的女权主义运动的发展。  相似文献   

编辑同志: 前段时间村里的马女士与驻地一名现役军官登记结婚,婚后她继续留在娘家务农,户口并未改变.后来,该村村委调整责任田承包的相关规定,将出嫁妇女的原有承包地一律收回.马女士的承包地也被收回了,这样做合法吗? 问 法 问法同志: 农村每一位取得集体经济组织成员资格的公民,都有从这个集体经济组织承包责任田进行劳动生产的权利.《中华人民共和国农村土地承包法》第30条规定:"承包期内,妇女结婚,在新居住地未取得承包地的,发包方不得收可其原承包地;妇女离婚或者丧偶,仍在原居住地生活或者不在原居住地生活但在新居住地未取得承包地的,发包方不得收回其原承包地."马女士虽然已经出嫁,但并未转成非农业人员,不能取消她在集体经济组织进行劳动生产的权利,应当继续保留其原有的责任田.  相似文献   

自1999年以来,土地利用总体规划在经济社会发展中的重要作用日益显现,其重要地位逐步被各级领导和广大干部群众所认知。尤其是近几年来,中央利用土地政策参与到宏观调控中,把土地作为经济杠杆,严格控制新增建设用地规模,这就使土地利用总体规划的地位得到了进一步提升。但同时,也面临出现的各种新问题、新形势、新要求,土地利用总体规划也就面临着多方面的严俊挑战,面临着多方面的重重考验。  相似文献   

国土资源是社会发展的重要物质基础.随着社会经济的发展,它的地位和作用愈来愈明显,在国民经济发展中起着愈来愈重要的作用.  相似文献   

城市是人类密集居住的场所,是人类对地质环境施加重要作用的场所。其形态、用地、发展均与所在的地质环境质量密切相关。在地质环境制约着城市建设发展的同时,城市的建设发展也不断地改造和重塑地质环境。但是在城市建设中,若对地质环境质量认识不足,则极易造成工程建设的损失。当人类工程活动强度超过地质环境容量时,地质环境的自然平衡就会被破坏,  相似文献   

除夕,来到城市的大街上,看着栩栩如生的各种花灯,不由得想起了灯的变迁。听爷爷讲,他父亲的幼年时代,家里照明用的是蜡烛。那时的蜡烛仅有小指头那样长短和粗细,每到晚上,土窑洞里黑得像锅底一样时,家里才将蜡烛点燃。那时蜡烛价高又不好买,为了节约,每天晚上仅点燃一小会儿,当一支蜡烛燃到三分之一时,就赶忙吹灭。只有春节时,才会在家里供神牌位前点上一支蜡烛,奢侈地让它整支燃烧完。  相似文献   

Promoting women's employment is not only the need of social and economic development, but also the historical mission of liberating women. This paper uses data from the 1% Population Sample Survey, taken in Guangdong Province in 2015, to explore how women's marital status, education, and family environment affect the female non-agricultural employment rate(FNAER) on a county scale using a spatial-lag model. The results show that: 1) The female non-agricultural employment rate in counties of Guangdong Province is low, with more than three-quarters of counties having female non-agricultural employment rate less than 50%. Moreover, the spatial distribution of FNAER is uneven, with the high-value areas concentrated in the southeast and the low-value areas mainly distributed in the central and western parts of Guangdong Province. 2) From the perspective of industry, there are significant spatial differences among women. In the southeast, women are mainly engaged in the secondary industry, while in the central and western regions, women are mainly engaged in the tertiary industry. 3) Women having better skills and more effective support from the elderly can improve the FNAER. Women having lower skills, smaller-scale families, a higher fertility rate, and households with two or more elderly members have a negative effect on the FNAER. 4) Public policies suggest that improving women's education and their family environment, building social welfare facilities, and repairing the family environment will increase the FNAER.  相似文献   

Marriageisoneofthemostcommonestandoldestculturalphenomena,andalmostallmarriagesinvolvethemigrationofindividuals.Fromthispointofview,marriageisoneofthemostimportantfactorsthatresultinpopulationmigration.Afterreviewingallpreviousresearchesonpopulatio…  相似文献   


There are more women than men in Renhe Town, about 40% of women have jobs. Young women under 30 years old are mainly industrial workers. The average years of education for all women over 6 years old are 6.03, but for man they are 7.64. The Women’s Federation of Renhe Town is a vital organization. What it has done plays an active role in raising women/s social status and encouraging women to take part in the community life. In the past, women mainly participated in different collective agricultural labour assigned by their carders. Women had not much chance to show their intelligence and wisdom. Since the policy of ’ reform and open door to the outside world’ was carried out women have had more and more chance to bring their abilities into full play and many women become capable persons of different trades and professions. Now, in Renhe, women are the main force of factories and dispensable part of all kinds of production work done in units of families.  相似文献   

Rapid economic growth in China has brought about great economic-social changes in rural areas, having considerable impact on the society in economy and environment. With a per capita possession of about 0.08 ha of cropland, Chinese farmers in rural areas adopt various ways in response to these changes in a bit to maintain their livelihood, wherein the agricultural system is facing one more options possible. To understand how rural communities have used different mechanisms to adapt to the economic and natural changes, we joined a survey in dry valleys of the Min upriver area under Maoxian county of western Sichuan province, southwestern China and visited the local people. Changes in the main crop cultivation have shown up an important means to keep up their household income. Farm households start seeking economic growth through diversified cultivating of cereal and economic crops in five lines, namely cereal, apple monoculture, apple and vegetables, plum and vegetables, mixed fruits and vegetables. These new lines mirror farmers’ flexibility to cope with today’s economic-social and climatic changes. The farming operation has changed all the more from a subsistence on grain to special agricultural products. Economic reforms in the early 1980 s motivated theprogress first in conversion of production from grain to fruits, and the desire to increase family income turned out to be an impetus for the subsequent events. At present, more farmers moving out of the rural areas, uneasy availability of labor force, increased opportunity cost of labors and their wages, increased farm size, and the urgent demand for the agricultural labor force, all these combine into the trend of the agricultural system of China on facing further economic-social reforms and reconstruction of the countryside across China.  相似文献   

Although the factors affecting rural-to-urban migration have been discussed and analyzed in detail, few studies have examined the spatiotemporal dynamic characteristics of rural migrants' employment and working-cities in the post-immigrate era, which is essential for the citizenization and social integration of new-type urbanization in China. This study uses survey data from rural migration laborers across the eastern, central, and western China to construct a comprehensive labor migration stability index, and compares the determinants of the migration stability of rural labor among cities and industries using Geodetector. The results are as follows: 1) Compared with the midwestern cities, eastern cities have attracted younger and more skilled rural labor, and industries with higher technical content have higher migration stability among rural laborers. 2) Rural laborers more often adapt to changes by changing employment instead of changing working-cities. 3) The individual experiences of rural laborers and urban characteristics have significant impacts on the stability of migration, and family and societal guanxi(Chinese interpersonal relationships) enhance migration stability. 4) A unified labor market and convenient transportation have somewhat slowed industrial transfers and labor backflow. This study enhances our understanding of the roles of industrial transfer and new-type urbanization in shaping the labor geography landscape and provides policy implications for the promotion of people-oriented urbanization.  相似文献   

左传>在中国文学史上第一次塑造了众多走进国家政治生活、参与国家事务的女性形象,全面、真实地展现了她们在历史事件中的地位与作用.这一时期,女性能够走进国家政治生活、参与国家事务,主要有历史环境、政治联姻、自身因素等方面的原因.这些女性形象具有如下特点:多具杰出的政治才干、强烈的权力意识及鲜明的宗国观念.  相似文献   

通过对作为一种生活方式的长期海洋游轮航行体验及航行者的研究,探索男权文化对航行期间的旅行体验、性别角色特征和男女性责任分工的影响,指出女性长期海洋航行者的角色、责任分工和地位的改变可通过更公正的文化意识引导和更客观的两性社会地位教育等方面的发展进步来逐步实现。  相似文献   

当前我国人口形势面临老龄化与少子化风险,抓好“一老一小”、确保老有所养和幼有所育成为我国城乡发展中特别关注的方面。在这一背景下,如何营造有利于养老和生育的社会环境,如何针对老年人、育龄妇女和儿童等弱势人群提供更为合理的设施配置成为民生工程的重要内容。社区服务设施作为城市公共服务的空间载体,其配置模式的完善与提升是落实以人为本、集中体现社会公平的重要路径。当前,从网络地图规划路径API获取的出行时间成本矩阵能够为可达性研究提供接近真实的出行时间数据,此外个体化的人口数据如实有人口数据能够以其丰富的属性信息为识别各类弱势人群提供依据,同时精确刻画人口的空间分布。本文基于弱势人群的需求特征与相关规范,对老年人、育龄妇女和儿童三类弱势人群提出了明确定义,并构建了面向各类弱势人群个体使用需求的社区服务设施供给标准。在此基础上,利用实有人口数据、网络地图出行时间成本矩阵和POI数据,综合考虑社区服务设施的服务容量,提出了基于弱势人群个体可达性评价的社区服务设施供给评价与布局优化方法,并以广州市人民南社区为例进行了应用实践。研究表明,人民南社区的弱势人群服务设施供给存在不足,优化配置后设施的供需情况更加合理,服务人口覆盖率亦明显提升。本文提出的方法能够从独立个体尺度精确评价社区弱势人群服务设施的布局合理性,在拓展数据类型及应用方法方面为当前人口形势下精细化研究服务设施的空间分布和供需问题提供新的思路。  相似文献   

历史名人的行为轨迹反映了当时的历史文化背景,通过历史名人行为轨迹的空间化和可视化,可以对历史社会状态进行探索和分析。对历史名人的社交关系网络进行可视化研究,有利于剖析当时的政治背景与人物关系。目前,基于GIS的空间人文社会科学深层次分析方法和工具还很少,根据地理位置对历史人物的社交网络进行分时段的研究也很少。本文以玄奘和欧阳修为例,探索了基于WebGIS的历史人物轨迹空间可视化分析方法,基于核密度估计与标准差椭圆的空间分析方法,分析历史名人轨迹点的空间分布特征,统计迁徙指数、首都距、家乡距、成长地距以分析基于距离的轨迹点移动特点;分时段构建了历史名人的空间社交网络,并结合历史背景、名人事迹、名人作品和空间化结果进行了综合分析。分析结果表明: ① 历史名人的迁移轨迹与当时的历史人口迁移趋势基本是一致的,受社会变动影响较大;② 历史名人在事业上升期有更大的社交网络圈,而在人生没落阶段社交网络圈减小。本文对历史名人轨迹的空间可视化与分析方法进行了探索,可以为空间人文社会科学相关领域的分析研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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