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We introduce a set of stellar models for massive stars whose evolution has been affected by mass transfer in a binary system, at a range of metallicities. As noted by other authors, the effect of such mass transfer is frequently more than just rejuvenation. We find that, whilst stars with convective cores which have accreted only H-rich matter rejuvenate as expected, those stars which have accreted He-rich matter (e.g. at the end stages of conservative mass transfer) evolve in a way that is qualitatively similar to rejuvenated stars of much higher metallicity. Thus, the effects of non-conservative evolution depend strongly on whether He-rich matter is amongst the portion accreted or ejected. This may lead to a significant divergence in binary evolution paths with only a small difference in initial assumptions. We compare our models to observed systems and find approximate formulae for the effect of mass accretion on the effective age and metallicity of the resulting star.  相似文献   

Using the heuristic arguments of quantum physics we describe a new mechanism of the creation of short-living particles from the virtual ones in a stationary gravitation field. The mass of these particles is a function of the intensity of gravitation field. We suppose that the particles created in the gravitation field form a part of the non-baryonic dark matter. Having the intensity of gravitation field in a galaxy we can calculate the density of dark matter created in it by the vacuum quantum fluctuation. We calculate the distribution of this dark matter in a model galaxy and show that its total mass is comparable with the visible mass of the galaxy.  相似文献   

The environment, such as an accretion disk, could modify the signal of the gravitational wave from astrophysical black hole binaries. In this article, we model the matter field around intermediatemass binary black holes by means of an axion-like scalar field and investigate their joint evolution. In detail, we consider equal mass binary black holes surrounded by a shell of axion-like scalar field both in spherically symmetric and non-spherically symmetric cases, and with different strengths of the scalar field. Our result shows that the environmental scalar field could essentially modify the dynamics. Firstly,in the spherically symmetric case, with increase of the scalar field strength, the number of circular orbits for the binary black hole is reduced. This means that the scalar field could significantly accelerate the merger process. Secondly, once the scalar field strength exceeds a certain critical value, the scalar field could collapse into a third black hole with its mass being larger than that of the binary. Consequently,the new black hole that collapses from the environmental scalar field could accrete the binary promptly and the binary collides head-on with each other. In this process, there is almost no quadrupole signal produced, and, consequently, the gravitational wave is greatly suppressed. Thirdly, when the scalar field strength is relatively smaller than the critical value, the black hole orbit could develop eccentricity through accretion of the scalar field. Fourthly, during the initial stage of the inspiral, the gravitational attractive force from the axion-like scalar field could induce a sudden turn in the binary orbits, hence resulting in a transient wiggle in the gravitational waveform. Finally, in the non-spherical case, the scalar field could gravitationally attract the binary moving toward the center of mass for the scalar field and slow down the merger process.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(12):791-799
The nature of the dark matter that binds galaxies remains an open question. It is usually assumed to consist in a gas of massive particles with evanescent interactions; however, such particles—which have never been observed directly—should have a clumpy distribution on scales ≤10−2 kpc, which may be in contradiction with observations. We focus here on an exotic dark matter candidate: a light non-interacting (or only self-interacting) complex scalar field. We investigate the distribution of the field in gravitational interaction with matter, assuming no singularities (like black holes) at the galaxy center. This simplistic model accounts quite well for the rotation curve of low-luminosity spirals. A chi-squared analysis points towards a preferred mass m∼0.4 to 1.6×10−23 eV in absence of self-interaction. A rough calculation shows that allowing for a quartic self-coupling may shift the upper bound to around 1 eV. We conclude that a scalar field is a promising candidate for galactic dark matter. Our comparison should be extended to other rotation curves in order to derive better constraints on the scalar potential. We finally give a hint of the issues that appear when one tries to implement this scenario on cosmological time scales.  相似文献   

We model a compact relativistic body with anisotropic pressures in the presence of an electric field. The equation of state is barotropic, with a linear relationship between the radial pressure and the energy density. Simple exact models of the Einstein–Maxwell equations are generated. A graphical analysis indicates that the matter and electromagnetic variables are well behaved. In particular, the proper charge density is regular for certain parameter values at the stellar center unlike earlier anisotropic models in the presence of charge. We show that the electric field affects the mass of stellar objects and the observed mass for a particular binary pulsar is regained. Our models contain previous results of anisotropic charged matter with a linear equation of state for special parameter values.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of the correlation function of dark matter haloes in the CDM class of models. We show that the halo correlation function does not evolve in proportion with the correlation function of the underlying mass distribution. The earliest haloes to collapse, which correspond to rare peaks in the density field, cluster very strongly. The amplitude of the halo correlation function decreases from its initial, large, value. This decrease continues until the average peaks have collapsed, after which the amplitude grows slowly. This behaviour is shown to be generic and the epoch of minimum amplitude depends only on the rms  fluctuations in mass at the relevant scale and, to a much smaller extent, on the slope of the power spectrum at that scale. We discuss the relevance of this result for interpretation of observations of galaxy and quasar clustering.  相似文献   

Since the strength of weak gravitational lensing is proportional to the mass along the line of sight, it might be possible to use lensing data to find the masses of individual dark matter clusters. Unfortunately, the effect on the lensing field of other matter along the line of sight is substantial. We investigate to what extent we can correct for these projection effects if we have additional information about the most massive halos along the line of sight from deep optical data. We do this by calculating the contributions of these line-of-sight halos to the lensing field and then subtracting off this effect. Three different approaches are used to calculate these contributions: the first approach uses the exact mass distribution of the line-of-sight halos, the second assumes the masses are known and uses the NFW model and the third approach uses richness as an estimator for mass and then also assumes the NFW model. We find that, whichever approach we take, unless we know the masses and positions of line-of-sight halos down to a very low mass, we can only correct for a small part of the line-of-sight projection. We conclude that if we try to use lensing data to find individual cluster masses, there is an error of about 15–20% due to line-of-sight projection that cannot be corrected for.  相似文献   

In the standard model of cosmic structure formation, dark matter haloes form by gravitational instability. The process is hierarchical: smaller systems collapse earlier, and later merge to form larger haloes. The galaxy clusters, hosted by the largest dark matter haloes, are at the top of this hierarchy and representing the largest as well as the last structures formed in the Universe, while the smaller and first haloes are those Earth-sized dark subhaloes that have been both predicted by theoretical considerations and found in numerical simulations, though there do not exist any observational hints of their existence. The probability that a halo of mass m at redshift z will be part of a larger halo of mass M at the present time can be described in the frame of the extended Press & Schecter theory making use of the progenitor (conditional) mass function. Using the progenitor mass function, we calculate analytically, at redshift zero, the distribution of subhaloes in mass, formation epoch and rarity of the peak of the density field at the formation epoch. That is done for a Milky Way size system, assuming both a spherical and an ellipsoidal collapse model. Our calculation assumes that small progenitors do not lose mass due to dynamical processes after entering the parent halo, and that they do not interact with other subhaloes. For a Λ cold dark matter power spectrum, we obtain a subhalo mass function  d n /d m   proportional to   m −α  with a model-independent  α∼ 2  . Assuming that the dark matter is a weakly interacting massive particle, the inferred distributions are used to test the feasibility of an indirect detection in the γ-ray energy band of such a population of subhaloes with a Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope like satellite.  相似文献   

In regions of very high dark matter density such as the Galactic Centre, the capture and annihilation of WIMP dark matter by stars has the potential to significantly alter their evolution. We describe the dark stellar evolution code D ark S tars , and present a series of detailed grids of WIMP-influenced stellar models for main-sequence stars. We describe the changes in stellar structure and main-sequence evolution which occur as a function of the rate of energy injection by WIMPs, for masses of  0.3–2.0 M  and metallicities   Z = 0.0003–0.02  . We show what rates of energy injection can be obtained using realistic orbital parameters for stars at the Galactic Centre, including detailed consideration of the velocity and density profiles of dark matter. Capture and annihilation rates are strongly boosted when stars follow elliptical rather than circular orbits. If there is a spike of dark matter induced by the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Centre, single solar mass stars following orbits with periods as long as 50 yr and eccentricities as low as 0.9 could be significantly affected. Binary systems with similar periods about the Galactic Centre could be affected on even less eccentric orbits. The most striking observational effect of this scenario would be the existence of a binary consisting of a low-mass protostar and a higher mass evolved star. The observation of low-mass stars and/or binaries on such orbits would either provide a detection of WIMP dark matter, or place stringent limits on the combination of the WIMP mass, spin-dependent nuclear-scattering cross-section, halo density and velocity distribution near the Galactic Centre. In some cases, the derived limits on the WIMP mass and spin-dependent nuclear-scattering cross-section would be of comparable sensitivity to current direct-detection experiments.  相似文献   

We present a semi-analytical model of star formation which explains simultaneously the observed ultraviolet (UV) luminosity function (LF) of high-redshift Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) and LFs of Lyman α emitters. We consider both models that use the Press–Schechter (PS) and Sheth–Tormen (ST) halo mass functions to calculate the abundances of dark matter haloes. The Lyman α LFs at   z ≲ 4  are well reproduced with only ≲10 per cent of the LBGs emitting Lyman α lines with rest equivalent width greater than the limiting equivalent width of the narrow band surveys. However, the observed LF at   z > 5  can be reproduced only when we assume that nearly all LBGs are Lyman α emitters. Thus, it appears that  4 < z < 5  marks the epoch when a clear change occurs in the physical properties of the high-redshift galaxies. As Lyman α escape depends on dust and gas kinematics of the interstellar medium (ISM), this could mean that on an average the ISM at   z > 5  could be less dusty, more clumpy and having more complex velocity field. All of these will enable easier escape of the Lyman α photons. At   z > 5  , the observed Lyman α LF are well reproduced with the evolution in the halo mass function along with very minor evolution in the physical properties of high-redshift galaxies. In particular, up to   z = 6.5  , we do not see the effect of evolving intergalactic medium opacity on the Lyman α escape from these galaxies.  相似文献   

Embryos of the Moon and the Earth may have formed as a result of contraction of a common parental rarefied condensation. The required angular momentum of this condensation could largely be acquired in a collision of two rarefied condensations producing the parental condensation. With the subsequent growth of embryos of the Moon and the Earth taken into account, the total mass of as-formed embryos needed to reach the current angular momentum of the Earth–Moon system could be below 0.01 of the Earth mass. For the low lunar iron abundance to be reproduced with the growth of originally iron-depleted embryos of the Moon and the Earth just by the accretion of planetesimals, the mass of the lunar embryo should have increased by a factor of 1.3 at the most. The maximum increase in the mass of the Earth embryo due to the accumulation of planetesimals in a gas-free medium is then threefold, and the current terrestrial iron abundance is not attained. If the embryos are assumed to have grown just by accumulating solid planetesimals (without the ejection of matter from the embryos), it is hard to reproduce the current lunar and terrestrial iron abundances at any initial abundance in the embryos. For the current lunar iron abundance to be reproduced, the amount of matter ejected from the Earth embryo and infalling onto the Moon embryo should have been an order of magnitude larger than the sum of the overall mass of planetesimals infalling directly on the Moon embryo and the initial mass of the Moon embryo, which had formed from the parental condensation, if the original embryo had the same iron abundance as the planetesimals. The greater part of matter incorporated into the Moon embryo could be ejected from the Earth in its multiple collisions with planetesimals (and smaller bodies).  相似文献   

NGC 3379 is a well-studied nearby elliptical for which optical investigations have claimed a little dark matter content, or even no dark matter. Recently, its total mass profile M ( r ) has been derived by exploiting Chandra observations of its extended and X-ray emitting interstellar medium, based on the hypothesis of hydrostatic equilibrium for the hot gas. The resulting total mass within the effective radius R e has been claimed to be a few times larger than that found by optical studies. Here, we show that part of the discrepancy can be due to an underestimate of the optically derived mass, and the remaining discrepancy of a factor of ∼2 can be explained by deviations from hydrostatic equilibrium of the hot gas. By using hydrodynamical simulations tailored to reproduce the observed hot gas properties of NGC 3379, and by assuming as input for the simulations the total mass profile derived optically, we show that (i) the hot gas at the present time has X-ray properties consistent with those observed only if it is outflowing over most of the galactic body, and (ii) an overestimate of M of the same size found in the recent X-ray analysis is recovered when assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. We also show that the hot gas is outflowing even for a dark matter fraction within R e as large as derived with the standard X-ray procedure based on the hydrostatic equilibrium assumption, which shows the unapplicability of the method for this galaxy. Finally, we find that the whole range of dark mass amount and distribution allowed for by optical studies is compatible with a hot gas flow with the observed X-ray properties.  相似文献   

Observational evidence, and theoretical models of the magnetic field evolution of neutron stars is discussed. Observational data indicates that the magnetic field of a neutron star decays significantly only if it has been a member of a close interacting binary. Theoretically, the magnetic field evolution has been related to the processing of a neutron star in a binary system through the spin evolution of the neutron star, and also through the accretion of matter on the neutron star surface. I describe two specific models, one in which magnetic flux is expelled from the superconducting core during spin-down, via a copuling between Abrikosov fluxoids and Onsager-Feynman vortices; and another in which the compression and heating of the stellar crust by the accreted mass drastically reduces the ohmic decay time scale of a magnetic field configuration confined entirely to the crust. General remarks about the behaviour of the crustal field under ohmic diffusion are also made.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have explored the feasibility of C, N, and O isotopic measurements by NanoSIMS and of elemental abundance determinations by time‐of‐flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF‐SIMS) on residues of Allende projectiles that impacted Stardust‐type aluminum foils in the laboratory at 6 km/sec. These investigations are part of a consortium study aimed at providing the foundation for the characterization of matter associated with microcraters that were produced during the encounter of the Stardust space probe with comet 81P/Wild‐2. Eleven experimental impact craters were studied by NanoSIMS and eighteen by TOF‐SIMS. Crater sizes were between 3 and 190 μm. The NanoSIMS measurements have shown that the crater morphology has only a minor effect on spatial resolution and on instrumental mass fractionation. The achievable spatial resolution is always better than 200 nm, and C and O isotopic ratios can be measured with a precision of several percent at a scale of several 100 nm, which is the typical size of presolar grains. This clearly demonstrates that presolar matter, provided it survives the impact into the aluminum foil partly intact, is recognizable even if embedded in material of solar system origin. TOF‐SIMS studies are restricted to materials from the crater rim. The element ratios of the major rock‐forming elements in the Allende projectiles are well‐characterized by the TOF‐SIMS measurements, indicating that fractionation of those elements during impact can be expected to be negligible. This permits chemical information on the type of impactor material to be obtained. For any more detailed assignments to specific chondrite groups, however, information on the abundances of the light elements, especially C, is crucial. This information could not be obtained in the present study due to unavoidable contamination during impact experiments.  相似文献   

There can exist a hidden sector of the Universe in the form of parallel “mirror” world which has the same particle physics as the observable world and interacts with the latter only gravitationally. Big Bang nucleosynthesis bounds demand that the mirror sector should have a smaller temperature than the ordinary one. This implies that the mirror matter could play a role of dark matter, and in addition its chemical content should be dominated by helium. Here we study the evolutionary and structural properties of the mirror stars which essentially are similar to that of the ordinary stars but with higher helium contents. Being invisible in terms of photons, they could be observed only as MACHOs in the microlensing experiments. Using a numerical code, we compute evolution of stars with large helium abundances (Y = 0.30–0.80) and a wide range of masses, from 0.5 to 10 M. We found that helium dominated mirror star should have much faster evolutionary time (up to a factor 30) than the ordinary star with the same mass. In addition, we show the diagrams of luminosities, effective temperatures, central temperatures and densities, and compute the masses of the He-core at ignition and the minimum mass for carbon ignition, for different chemical compositions. The general conclusion is that mirror stars evolve faster as compared to ordinary ones, and explode earlier as type II supernovae, thus enriching the galactic halo of processed mirror gas with higher metallicity, with implications for MACHO observations and galaxy evolution.  相似文献   

Various compact dark matter objects (CDOs) were discussed in the literature. Typically parameters of CDOs, such as the mass and the distance, were evaluated by using the gravitational microlensing effect. However, this method has limitations. We propose an alternative method for detecting and measuring parameters of CDOs. It is based on the scenario where there is a star having one planet, such that the orbital plane of the planet does not contain the star. This indicates the presence of a gravitating object located far away at the axis directed from the star to the planetary orbital plane. If in this direction there is no visible star, this could mean that the distant gravitating object is a CDO. We derived analytical expressions for determining the unknown mass of the CDO and its unknown distance from the star based on the parameters of the planetary orbit. We believe that this method could help obtaining additional observational data on the CDOs in particular and therefore on dark matter in general.  相似文献   

A model of the gravitationally evolved dark matter distribution, in the Eulerian space, is developed. It is a simple extension of the excursion set model that is commonly used to estimate the mass function of collapsed dark matter haloes. In addition to describing the evolution of the Eulerian space distribution of the haloes, the model allows one to describe the evolution of the dark matter itself. It can also be used to describe density profiles, on scales larger than the virial radius of these haloes, and to quantify the way in which matter flows in and out of Eulerian cells. When the initial Lagrangian space distribution is white noise Gaussian, the model suggests that the Inverse Gaussian distribution should provide a reasonably good approximation to the evolved Eulerian density field, in agreement with numerical simulations. Application of this model to clustering from more general Gaussian initial conditions is discussed at the end.  相似文献   

The stability of strange quark matter in the presence of a strong magnetic field is investigated using a dynamical, density dependent, quark mass approach to confinement. Changes in both the single particle and bulk energies of a system which are due to the strong magnetic field are also calculated. It is shown that the presence of a magnetic field makes strange quark matter energetically more stable.  相似文献   

There are a number of theoretical and observational hints that large numbers of low-mass galaxies composed entirely of dark matter exist in the field. The theoretical considerations follow from the prediction of cold dark matter theory that there exist many low-mass galaxies for every massive one. The observational considerations follow from the observed paucity of these low-mass galaxies in the field but not in dense clusters of galaxies; this suggests that the lack of small galaxies in the field is due to the inhibition of star formation in the galaxies as opposed to the fact that their small dark matter haloes do not exist. In this work we outline the likely properties of low-mass dark galaxies, and describe observational strategies for finding them, and where in the sky to search. The results are presented as a function of the global properties of dark matter, in particular the presence or absence of a substantial baryonic dark matter component. If the dark matter is purely cold and has a Navarro, Frenk & White density profile, directly detecting dark galaxies will only be feasible with present technology if the galaxy has a maximum velocity dispersion in excess of 70 km s−1, in which case the dark galaxies could strongly lens background objects. This is much higher than the maximum velocity dispersions in most dwarf galaxies. If the dark matter in galaxy haloes has a baryonic component close to the cosmic ratio, the possibility of directly detecting dark galaxies is much more realistic; the optimal method of detection will depend on the nature of the dark matter. A number of more indirect methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

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